24.07% Winter's Promise / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Shock Me

章節 13: Chapter 13: Shock Me

2nd Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell


The words his uncle had said in the cave echoed in his head. The words that had changed some of what he knew, and confirmed the rest. It was something, truly it was. For years he had had dreams about a woman who looked like Arya, and a man, a man who looked like him but was not him. And now it made sense. The dreams, the eggs, all of it, it made sense, and yet, and yet there was something about it all that made him wonder. Why had it been this way, why had it taken till now for his uncles to tell him, and why, why had they done it now, with the Baratheon king here? He did not understand, he had asked them, and they had not been able to give him a proper answer, other than it felt right to do it now. It seemed there was much and more on their mind and whilst Jon knew they were doing their best to keep him informed, he could not help the sense of betrayal he felt. They had kept this from him for years, had allowed him to believe that he was nothing more than a bastard, and that he was a motherless one, and yet he knew that had not been true. He had had a father and a mother, Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn had been his father and mother, but still there was a part of him that had always wanted to know the truth, even if he had not known what that truth was. He had walked out of the cave, the sword in his hand, and Ghost at his side, he had walked as if in a daze from the cave, not seeing anyone and well gods above it was strange.

The truth had changed things as well. His father was no longer Brandon Stark, his father was Rhaegar Targaryen, the crown prince of Westeros during the rebellion, his mother was Lyanna Stark, and their marriage had caused the war, his birth had been the reason the kingdoms had gone to hell. His sister had died because his father was so damned willing to find his son. It was something he could not yet wrap his head around, he had an aunt and uncle out there somewhere, and he knew he needed to find them, but he did not know how. And then there were the Baratheons knowing what he knew now, he was finding it increasingly difficult not to lash out at them. Robert Baratheon was sitting where he should rightfully be sitting, and he was squandering his role as king. Instead of doing something to reform the kingdoms he was spending money he did not have to throw tourneys and do all kinds of other things. And his queen, well she was a member of the family who had seen his sister killed, gods that was something he did not understand. All of these emotions were running through him, threatening to overwhelm him. Once more he found himself wondering why his uncles had chosen to tell him the truth now of all times. And then he remembered Ser Jaime's words that day of the first feast, and the confusion only increased. He walked away from the cave into the keep and to the only place he knew to go.

Taking a deep breath, he knocks on his cousin's door. The door opens and Robb is standing there. Jon looks at his cousin and asks. "Might I come in?"

His cousin nods. "Of course."

Jon enters the room and sees his cousin's wife and Bran present within the room. He takes a moment to consider whether or not he should say what he knows in front of them. As if sensing his hesitation, Robb says. "Bran, go and have a look at the thing we were talking about, see if you can gather more information." Bran does not grumble, he merely rises and walks out of the room, Summer following him. The door closes behind him, and then Robb looks at Jon and asks. "Is that what I think it is?"

Jon looks at the sword he holds in his hand. The sword is a hand and a half longsword of Valyrian steel, it glimmers within the light of the candles in his cousin's room. Black as its name suggests. He looks at the sword and then at his cousin and nods. "Aye, it is."

"And how did you come to acquire it?" Robb asks.

Jon keeps the sword in his hand and looks at his cousin. "It was in the cave we used to go exploring in as children, in the place where we could never go. Lord Eddard took me there today."

"Whilst I was giving the crown prince a tour of Wintertown?" Robb asks.

That word grates on Jon's ears now, but he nods all the same. "Aye, during that time. How was the tour?"

His cousin shrugs. "It was interesting to say the least. Joffrey seems to have a deep interest in the north, and he suggested a few things. Whether or not he means them or not I do not know, but it is certainly worth considering."

"Do you trust him?" Jon asks, suddenly whether or not his cousin trusts the man is important, deadly important.

Robb looks thoughtful. "I do not know. I do not know him well enough to truly make a judgement on him. There is something about him that seems appealing, and yet there is something there that makes me uneasy."

"Do you think he is genuine?" Jon asks.

"I do not know. That is such a strange question, why are you asking me these questions Jon? What did you and father discuss in the cave?" Robb asks.

"I finally know why I have a knight shadowing me day and night." Jon responds, nodding to the shadow knight lurking behind him.

"And what is the reason for that?" Robb asks.

Jon takes a deep breath, trying to think on whether or not he can say the words that are forming. He thinks on it, and then eventually says. "I finally know who my parents are. And my father is not Brandon Stark."

His cousin nods. "We always thought that much. So who is your father?"

A pause, and then Jon goes on. "Rhaegar Targaryen, and my mother is Lyanna Stark."

Silence greets this, Jon sees his cousin's stunned look, and he also sees Wynafryd's shocked look as well. Eventually, it is Wynafryd who breaks the silence asking. "Are you sure of this?"

"Yes, Lord Eddard, Ser Arthur and Uncle Benjen confirmed it." Jon responds.

"Wait, Ser Arthur? Ser Arthur Dayne? I thought he was dead?" Robb says.

"You thought wrong, we all did." Jon responds. He turns to Ser Arthur then and says. "Ser Arthur tell them what you told me."

Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, the greatest knight to ever exist comes forward then and speaks, his voice low. "My death was faked, it was done to protect His Grace King Aegon, and to make sure that none thought to look more into what happened at Dorne."

"You mean King Jon, do you not Ser Arthur?" Wynafryd asks.

"No, King Aegon was named Aegon by his father before he marched for the trident. The prince Aegon who died at King's Landing was a fake, brought there by the master of whispers for some reason or the other. Princess Elia's son died before he was a day old." the knight replies.

Jon- it is quite hard to refer to himself as Aegon- looks at his cousin and his cousin's wife then and sees their minds whirring into action then, trying to process all that they have just heard. Silence falls between them for a long time, and in that time Jon-or should he say Aegon?- goes through a whirlwind of emotions, he is not sure what to feel, should he be happy that the truth is out there now, or should he feel fear that his cousin will turn on him. He does not think Robb will, but that fear that has been present since he was a child is there now, and eventually when the silence does break his heart is hammering. Robb is looking at him and his voice is soft when he speaks. "Well that most certainly explains why you look the way you do….Your Grace."

"Aye, but it changes nothing between us. You are still my blood." Jon-or is he Aegon? Says.

"Well, I mean now that we know the truth, what is there stopping us from acting on it? The usurper and his family are here in Winterfell, gods alone know what we could do." Robb says.

Jon-Aegon- laughs then. "You are joking right cousin? You know that we can't do anything like that right now. Lord Eddard would most likely not be happy, and Lady Catelyn most definitely would not."

His cousin looks thoughtful at this and then says. "Well, I think I might know one way we can use what we know against the royal family." Robb pauses, takes a breath and then continues. "For one thing, Prince Joffrey seems determined to get me into an alliance with him. He wants to increase trade between the north and the west, and even the iron throne. I think there might be something more to it, but I am not sure. I can find out more and see what the boy wants."

Jon, no Aegon, no Jon- gods he does not know how to refer to himself now looks at his cousin and asks. "Do you think you can do that without him becoming aware of what it is you are doing exactly?"

"Oh most definitely. The boy knows how to talk, but he has never met a man who can spin a tale quite like I can. I am sure he will fall victim to the same things that brought down others within the north." his cousin responds.

"Good, good." he responds, and then looking at his cousin's wife he asks. "Are you okay Wynafryd, you look slightly pale."

Wynafryd Manderly laughs then. "Well, considering I have just found out the truth about my husband's cousin's parentage, and knowing that you are the rightful king, I think that calls for a moment of reflection would you not agree Your Grace?"

He laughs then. "Aye, I can see where you are coming from. And now of course there is the issue of the fact that the usurper and his family are within Winterfell. I do not know why I was told when I was, but now that I know, I do not know quite how to act."

His cousin looks thoughtful then. "Act the same, do not do anything to draw unwanted attention to yourself. You know what will happen if something is done to make the king or even the queen look at you. And, I know this might be tough for you Jon… Aegon… but please don't pull that face you normally pull whenever you seen Sansa with Prince Joffrey."

"What face?" he asks.

"That face where it looks obvious to anyone who sees you just what you feel for her. That is only going to draw attention to you." Robb says bluntly. Jon-no Aegon- merely nods, and his cousin speaks once more. "There was something else. Bran saw Domeric and Jojen talking again. And they mentioned you."

He looks at his cousin horrified then, memories flashing through his mind of a girl, a girl with fiery red hair and fierce personality, and the things that happened. Her name is playing on his mind, but he cannot think it, he cannot say it. He looks at his cousin, and he sees the same fear he feels reflected on his cousin's face. He looks at him and asks. "Do you think they mean to speak of it?"

His cousins sighs. "I do not know."

He looks at his cousin and then merely nods. "Very well then, I shall see you at the feast tonight." With that he turns and opens the door and then walks out of the room. Ser Arthur is behind him, his ever present shadow, his mind is whir with activity, he does not know what to do, or what to think, and all he knows is that from now on things will be very different, very, very different. He enters his room and places the sword against the wall and the falls down on his bed, his sleep is a restless one. He tosses and turns frequently, and there are times when he swears he hears a woman's voice calling out to him, and something about the crypts, there is always something about the crypts and a book, he does not understand it. He awakes with a start, and realises it is close to time for the feast. He dresses quickly and then hurries out of his room, Ghost and Ser Arthur following behind. He sits down in his seat near the high table- an insult the Baratheons will pay for- and watches as his uncle and family and the Baratheons walk in. Sansa looks beautiful, truly beautiful, a fiery beauty, and he feels something stir within him.

The hall goes silent, as if in anticipation of some great news. The king stands- or rather the usurper stands- surprisingly sober for once. His voice is like salt in the wound that is Jon-Aegon's- person. "My lords and ladies, people of Winterfell and the north, it is with great pleasure that I announce the betrothal between my son Prince Joffrey and the eldest daughter of Winterfell, Lady Sansa Stark." As the hall erupts into cheers, he feels only sadness and anger. How dare the usurper steal Sansa from him, how dare he take that which is not his to take! He looks up at the high table, where Sansa seems to be shining with happiness, another dagger in his heart, the bastard prince smiling as well, the two stand and bow before the room, amidst cheers.

He feels as if he is going to be sick, so very sick, and yet he knows to leave now would be to cause a scene, and he will not cause a scene, he just will not do that. And so he remains seated, knowing how much it hurts him to see Sansa looking so happy with anyone but him, an anger is growing within him, it is growing the more he looks at Sansa. He joins in the toasting, and takes a deep gulp of wine, and then moves onto the ale. The feast passes in a blur of drinking and little food, eventually when he feels as though he cannot bear the thought of looking up at the high table anymore, he stands and walks out of the hall. He walks and walks, and only stops when his head begins spinning. He stops then, and takes a deep shuddering breath.

"Had a bit too much to drink, did you?" he hears someone ask. Dreading a confrontation with one of his uncles he does not respond, but then the voice is there again. "Or was it something else?"

He looks up then and is surprised to see Ser Jaime standing there before him, only Ser Arthur stands between them. "What do you want Ser Jaime? Have you come to scold me once more?"

The knight looks somewhat affronted then. "Nothing of the sort my prince, I have come to see if you need assistance. Now if you would just simply ask your shadow to remove himself from my way, maybe I can speak with you?"

He considers this request, and then merely says. "Arthur, let Ser Jaime through." the white knight does as asked, and Ser Jaime seems shocked, but not as shocked as Robb had done before.

"So that is what became of the great Ser Arthur. I never did believe the truth or lie I suppose that he died in Dorne. No truth to it whatsoever." Ser Jaime says, more to himself than to the boy before him.

Jon- oh who is he kidding? He is Aegon, has always been Aegon- looks at the knight and asks. "What do you want from me?"

The Kingsguard knight looks at him a moment and then bowing his head says. "I want nothing from you my prince, I wish merely to serve."

"How?" He asks. "How might you serve me?"

"Well for one thing, I know my sister and her family better than anyone else alive. And I can tell you just what they are planning. Or rather what she is planning." Ser Jaime says.

"And what is it exactly that they are planning?" he asks.

"Cersei wants to create more ties between the north and the Westerlands. She is desperate to ensure that the north does not create its own sphere of influence within the kingdoms. And as such she has set her dogs to get toward speaking with some of the key people within Wintertown. And she has set Myrcella to speak with your cousins about this as well." Ser Jaime says.

"But not her son?" he asks.

"No, Joffrey is acting of his own accord." Ser Jaime responds.

"Why? Why is he doing that?" he asks.

"Because he wants to be like his father, and he wants to create a bond with Robb Stark." Ser Jaime says.

He looks at the knight then, and responds. "Then you will stop it. I do not want such a bond forming, or even having the chance of forming. You will stop it that will be your first act in service to me. If of course you wish to serve me?" the last is said somewhat uncertainly.

The knight looks at him then and his expression serious replies. "That is all I want, to serve and to see you on what is rightfully yours."

DravenShadefall DravenShadefall

If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com

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