When Hyejin realised there were no gossips or news about Rachel and Jeremy the very next day, she found herself quite restless. At that moment, her thoughts were focused on teaching Rachel a lesson—namely, to be more cautious in her actions.
And so, after a week had passed with no news surfacing about the dinner that had taken place between Rachel Lee of Ambrosia and Jeremy Yang of Nightshade, Hyejin felt the need to take action. To make her point and have Rachel be more careful from now on, she was hellbent on making up some news.
Hyejin had known Kwang Soo since their high school days, as they came from the same province. It just so happened that he now worked at ZAP, a media outlet known for providing breaking news, gossip, and other information about Korean celebrities. ZAP's speciality lay in reporting on numerous kinds of dating rumours involving idols and celebrities.
Anyone here pissed off with Hyejin?