Cui Dong's cry of "Master" came from his soul, burst from his heart, carried in his voice, visible in the sound waves, and thundered to everyone present.
Indeed, everyone inside and outside the lounge had been immersed in shock at Xu Fan's astonishing actions when they were suddenly jolted back into reality by Cui Dong's exclamation.
However, Cui Dong, who had already thrown away his pride, didn't care at all. Years later, he would even often feel proud and fortunate for his quick-witted decision.
Because it completely changed his destiny, Xu Fan became the VIP who played a crucial role in his life.
Xu Fan was so startled that he took several steps back. He had been posing with the aura of a grandmaster, a demeanor that should have been etched into the souls of everyone present, but Cui Dong's move had left him confused.
Xu Fan looked earnestly at Xu Fan, his whole being engulfed in fervor, "Master, I want to take you as my master!"