15.78% Journey of the Last Saiyan / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - The Connection - Part 2

章節 15: Chapter 15 - The Connection - Part 2

Diana, the Amazonian princess, turned to Orach, an alien of great power and stature, and said in a voice that was an even blend of resolute firmness and enduring patience, "Orach, could you please release Superman?" She had chosen her words carefully as she continued, "I understand that to you, his actions were unacceptable. But, have you considered our perspective? Despite your intentions not to harm, our dear friend and comrade Hal was injured by your actions. It's difficult to restrain from reacting when a close friend is hurt right before your eyes. Try to empathize with our situation. If it were your comrade, wouldn't you strive to save them, or even seek revenge?"

Her words echoed in the air, creating a heavy silence that was interrupted only by the occasional sound of distant explosions. The tension around them was palpable, almost as if it were a physical entity. For a moment that seemed to stretch into an eternity, Orach remained silent, his deep-set eyes flicking between Diana and the man lying at his feet, Superman. With a deep, thoughtful sigh that echoed his internal deliberation, he finally lifted his foot from Superman's head.

Upon his release, Superman quickly scrambled to his feet, his eyes, filled with a defiant spark of anger and unyielding determination, locked onto Orach. Despite the evident disparity in their strength, he seemed unfazed and prepared for another round.

Choosing not to engage further with the defiant man in blue, Orach shifted his attention back to Diana. Her smile of appreciation did not go unnoticed, and it seemed to soften his stern demeanor, hinting at a potential for future cooperation.

"Thank you, Orach," Diana said, her voice laced with heartfelt gratitude.

"No problem. Like I said, I prefer to make friends rather than enemies," Orach responded, his words accompanied by a genuine smile that momentarily disarmed his fierce exterior.

This unexpected development, a peaceful dialogue between their champion and the alien invader, coupled with Superman's release, eased the tension around the battlefield. A collective sigh of relief rippled through the crowd as they witnessed this beacon of hope. Their faces, previously marked by anxiety and fear, now mirrored relief and a newfound sense of calm. This momentous turn of events had given the onlookers a reason to hope for a peaceful resolution.

However, the trials of this fateful day were far from over, and the weary people of Earth were yet to find the respite they so desperately yearned for. The brief moment of peace, as fleeting as it was precious, was on the brink of being cruelly shattered.

Orach, the imposing alien visitor who had descended upon Earth, was in the midst of shifting gears. From the high-stakes battlefield, he was now aiming to engage the champions of Earth in a peaceful dialogue, striving to find common ground amidst the chaos. However, his scouter, a technological marvel that provided him with critical information, detected an ominous energy surge nearby. It was a warning, a foreboding signal that an attack was imminent. With swift precision, Orach scanned his immediate surroundings, tracing the origin of the energy build-up. His gaze landed on Cyborg, who was caught in a visible struggle to control his mechanical half from launching an unbridled attack.

Orach's sudden shift in demeanor did not go unnoticed. Diana, Superman, and Batman, who had been quietly observing the conversation, keenly aware of every nuance, followed Orach's line of sight to Cyborg. The sight that met their eyes was deeply unsettling. Cyborg, a friend and comrade, was in distress, wrestling against his own mechanical half in a battle of wills. The reality of the situation struck them like a bolt of lightning, and a chill of dread wound its way down their spines. The fused relic within Cyborg, a volatile piece of advanced technology, was in a state of upheaval, likely reacting to Orach's alien presence.

"Cyborg, what's happening?" Diana's voice cut through the tense silence, sharp and urgent. Her heart hammered against her ribcage, a cacophony of concern and fear echoing in her chest.

"The Mother Box... Its alarm bells have been ringing incessantly ever since this alien entity made its unexpected appearance on the battlefield. It's as if it's in a heightened state of alert, ceaselessly and relentlessly sending me urgent signals of danger. It's a clear and undeniable warning that it's time for us to flee," Cyborg shared, raising his voice above the cacophony of the surrounding battle. The monumental struggle of trying to keep his mechanical half in check was taking its toll on him, evident in the desperation and fear that seeped into his every word.

"When we were hit by that intense pressure wave, it was as though a switch had been flipped in the Mother Box. It started acting out, becoming more restless, like a wild beast that has sensed a threat and is preparing to pounce," he continued, his voice trembling slightly under the strain of the situation. His eyes, usually so calm and composed, were now wide with fear and uncertainty, reflecting the internal turmoil he was going through amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

"And now, now that the choking pressure of the battlefield has finally been lifted, it's reacting, retaliating with a vengeance. It's launching an all-out assault against him, harnessing every ounce of power at its disposal in a desperate bid to neutralize the threat. It is reacting like a cornered animal, lashing out with all its might to protect itself," he added, his voice barely more than a whisper now.

"I can't hold back this powerful, wild energy anymore; it's beyond my control now.," Cyborg confessed, his voice choked with a potent mix of fear, desperation and a hint of defeat. The battle he was waging against his own mechanical side, a part of him he had always struggled to fully control, was quickly spiraling out of his grasp. "It's like trying to stop a huge wave with just one weak hand, or trying to put out a big fire with a bucket of lukewarm water. I can't keep up this pointless fight anymore."

His words, heavy with a dread so palpable it was almost tangible, reverberated through the air, sending a chill down the spines of those who heard it. The bustling battlefield, once filled with the cacophony of war, was rendered eerily silent for a moment, save for the quiet, ominous hum of the Mother Box. The gravity of the situation was swiftly sinking into every heart present on the battlefield, and everyone could only watch in stunned, silent horror as Cyborg wrestled against the relentless, merciless onslaught of the Mother Box's power. It was as if time had paused, holding its breath as it watched a hero's struggle against forces beyond his control.

As if responding to some unseen, unheard cue, Cyborg's mechanical half suddenly surged with power, rapidly transforming his arm into a massive cannon. The change was swift and brutal, a testament to the ruthless efficiency of the machine. Then, in a blinding, terrifying flash of light that seemed to consume the battlefield in its glow, a massive energy blast was released. It tore through the air, leaving a trail of distortion in its wake, headed straight for Orach with an unerring, deadly accuracy.

However, Diana, ever the warrior, did not miss a beat. Swiftly pulling out her shield, spurred by her innate sense of duty, courage, and an unwavering determination to protect those around her, she leaped in front of Orach. Her stance was solid, her resolve unwavering, ready to defend him with every last bit of her strength. What she didn't know was that Orach's scouter had already calculated the power of this blast. It was equivalent to a power level of 1 Million, a high and formidable figure, but one that Orach, with his unique abilities, could handle. Orach calmly awaited the blast to make contact, every muscle in his body tensed, his mind sharp and focused.

But what happened next took him by surprise. Diana, in an act of sheer bravery and selflessness that was emblematic of her character, had flung herself in front of him, ready to take the brunt of the blast. A power level of 1 Million was far beyond what Diana, even with all her strength and training, could handle at her current level. Despite this, she had chosen to protect Orach, putting her own life at risk in the process. This selfless act, this willingness to sacrifice herself for another, left Orach stunned, and as the energy blast was about to make contact with her shield, he snapped out of his stunned stupor, making his move.

With a swift, calculated movement, almost a blur to those watching, he used his tail to move Diana out of the blast's trajectory, while simultaneously raising his hand to meet the incoming energy beam. The energy, vibrant and crackling with intensity, made contact with his open palm, but instead of causing harm, he skillfully redirected it upwards, away from them, a testament to his control over his own powers. He then released his own energy blast, a powerful eruption of energy that collided with Cyborg's energy and neutralized it. However, Orach was far from done.

The sight of Diana in such imminent danger had triggered a rage within him, a rage so potent that it transformed him both physically and mentally. It was a profound and terrifying transformation that had everyone present taking a step back, witnessing a sight both bizarre and awe-inspiring - the alien's hair had momentarily stood up and turned a brilliant, shining golden. The sudden, dramatic spike in his power brought with it a pressure so intense that it was almost suffocating. The air around him seemed to crackle with raw, untamed energy, and the palpable sense of power emanating from him was a testament to his formidable strength and the depths of his anger. It was a sight that would be forever etched into the minds of those present, a stark reminder of the alien's might.

Diana, initially outraged at being forcibly moved away from the line of fire, found herself stunned as she bore witness to the ease with which Orach neutralized the powerful energy blast. The fact that Orach had not only effortlessly deflected the energy blast but had also produced an energy blast of his own left Diana in awe of his capabilities. However, her astonishment soon gave way to a measure of relief as she felt something furry and strong coiling around her waist, holding her a foot off the ground with a firm yet gentle grip.

Glancing downwards, she noted Orach's tail tightly wound around her waist. Realization dawned on her - it was Orach who had intervened, pushing her out of harm's way. The effortless manner in which he had handled the attack made it clear that he didn't require any protection. Yet, a niggling irritation pricked at her. This man, this alien being who had, in some strange way, begun to stir feelings within her, had used his tail to move her aside. A small, unreasonable part of her wished he had used his hands instead. The human touch, the warmth of a hand, felt more comforting, more personal.

As Diana mulled over her feelings, internally grumbling about Orach's unconventional methods, she was jolted out of her thoughts by a sudden, immense surge of pressure. Immediately, her eyes snapped upwards, and she was met with a sight that took her breath away. For a fleeting moment, Orach's hair had turned a brilliant golden, shimmering under the harsh battlefield lights. The pressure that had radiated from him in that instant was overwhelming, almost suffocating. However, it receded as quickly as it had swelled, leaving Diana gasping for breath.

Once free from the oppressive pressure, she looked up again and saw a new expression etched on Orach's face – pure, unadulterated anger. Her gaze followed his to its source, landing on Cyborg, who was a picture of abject fear, kneeling on the ground, utterly defenseless. A shiver of dread ran down Diana's spine. She had a sinking feeling that Orach, in his current state of wrath, would not hesitate to destroy Cyborg if left unchecked.

With this in mind, she decided to attempt to distract him. Her gaze fell upon the tail still wrapped securely around her waist, and she decided to address it. She needed to reach out to Orach, to somehow penetrate the veil of anger that had descended upon him, for the sake of their comrade, and perhaps, for the sake of their future relations with this powerful, unpredictable alien being.

"I wonder…" Diana muttered under her breath, her mind swirling with a myriad of thoughts and ideas. A sudden, wild notion had popped into her head, a thought so outlandish that it was almost laughable. Yet, it was the only idea she had at the moment, the only potential solution to the predicament they were in.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to act on this crazy idea. She reached out, her fingers trembling slightly, and pinched Orach's tail. The act was as impulsive as it was surprising, a desperate gamble in a game of high stakes.

"Aaaaaarrrgggghh!" Orach's scream of surprise echoed around the battlefield, his anger momentarily forgotten as he jumped in shock. He spun around quickly, confusion etched on his face, only to see Diana standing there, a look of embarrassed guilt on her face. She couldn't help but feel as if she had just bullied a child, especially after seeing the distinct look of grievance on Orach's face. She had honestly not thought her impulsive action would have such an effect, and she certainly hadn't anticipated his tail being that sensitive.

"Ahem! I apologize for that but, you also deserved it," Diana said, her voice firm yet holding a hint of amusement. She was attempting to regain her composure, trying to maintain a semblance of authority in the situation.

"Why? What did I do wrong?" Orach retorted, his voice echoing across the battlefield, filled with confusion and indignation. "That blast was nothing more than a minor inconvenience to me, yet it could have been fatal for you. You risked your life, and for what?" His voice rose in intensity, his frustration evident. "I didn't want to see you die. The very thought of losing you... I don't know why, but it hurt." His voice was thick with raw emotion, his typically composed demeanor crumbling into profound vulnerability. "It hurt more than anything I've ever experienced," he added, his voice barely audible. He shook his head, as though attempting to dispel the painful thoughts.

His gaze hardened, a steely determination replacing the vulnerability in his eyes. "So, yes, I have every right to be angry at him," he concluded, pointing a defiant finger at the trembling Cyborg on his knees. "He put you in danger, he caused you pain. And for that, he deserves to be punished."

Silence fell upon the battlefield, his words hanging heavy in the air. His raw, unfiltered emotions had left everyone stunned, their gazes locked on him, their minds trying to process his passionate outburst. It was a side of Orach they had never seen before, a side that revealed a depth of emotions they never thought he was capable of.

His words, for once devoid of any pretense and laced with a sincerity that was hard to dismiss, took Diana by surprise. She had been steeling herself, mentally bracing for the confrontation she intended to initiate - a reprimand for him for the audacity of using his tail on her. Yet, in the face of his passionate outburst, she found herself shaken, her rigid resolve crumbling. It was in his fervor, his seeming desperation that she began to see Orach in a new light.

His emotions were strong, potent and raw, yet he seemed to grapple with their identification. Orach didn't know how to label his feelings, his strong emotions that were clearly more profound than a simple, protective concern. Diana, seeing his emotional struggle, felt her heart soften towards him. He was so different from the others she had known, his emotions raw and unfiltered, his heart exposed for her to see.

As she realized what was happening, her stern gaze softened. The harshness in her eyes gave way to a gentler light, hinting at a shared connection. The attraction she felt wasn't a solitary experience, but a mutual pull that drew them closer.

Yet, she was unprepared to fully surrender to this newfound attraction. It was intense and slightly terrifying. This bond required time to develop and shared experiences to fully understand what was unfolding. They needed to navigate this newly discovered emotional territory before making any commitments. She felt both eager and uncertain about exploring this bond. Could she let go of the past and open her heart to new possibilities?

She also understood that while their attraction was mutual, he was struggling with his own feelings. This was probably his first encounter with such intense emotions. This added another layer of patience and understanding to their situation as they navigated these new feelings together.

Their journey wasn't simple; it was a path filled with joy and uncertainty that they had to traverse together, providing support and celebrating accomplishments. However, as she locked eyes with him, she felt a sense of tranquility and certainty she hadn't experienced in a long time. His gaze held a promise of a potential shared future, instilling in her hope and anticipation.

Switching her focus, she said, "Its not like he did it on purpose. The relic isn't something under his full control, it's sentient and ancient, so ancient that none on this world know how to help him. So, it falls on us, his friends, to help him prevent any disaster and not judge him. So, thank you for being angry for me but, please forgive him, okay?" Diana spoke these words in a calm, soothing manner, hoping to diffuse the situation and steer the conversation away from their shared feelings.

"Fine," Orach grumbled, his voice softening in resignation. He then turned to look at Cyborg and said, "Listen, I'll forgive you, but you need to let me have a look at that relic. My ship came with a copy of one of the most powerful AIs in our galactic empire. It may be able to help you."

"Thank you! If it can help then yes, please help me!" Cyborg eagerly requested, his voice laced with hope and desperation. He was more than ready to welcome any form of assistance that could help him control the unpredictable relic within him.

With a nod from Orach, the battlefield finally quieted down, and the long, eventful day began to draw to a close. The tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of respite and a sense of anticipation for what the future may hold for them. The atmosphere was charged with an unspoken understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the bond forming between them.

"How long do you intend to carry me like this, Orach?" enquired Diana, raising an eyebrow at the alien, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"Huh? Oh! Just stay there!" Orach replied, a hint of amusement echoing in his voice, his earlier anger seemingly forgotten.

"Oh! Really now!" Diana retorted, her expression turning playful as she reached out to pinch Orach's tail again.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh!" Orach screamed, jumping about in surprise.

"Hmph! Will you let me go now?" Diana asked, her tone teasing.

Grudgingly, Orach released his hold on her and retracted his tail, nursing it gently. Their surprising jovial interaction painted a strange, yet endearing picture on the battlefield, giving the others a moment of respite from the tension of the day. It was a glimpse into their budding relationship, a testament to the journey they were about to embark upon.

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