62.66% Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer / Chapter 41: Chapter 39: Fall of the Guard

章節 41: Chapter 39: Fall of the Guard

After departing from the conversation outside of the opera house, Livre led the group on a series of errands to collect extra parts to use in rebuilding the commissioned dragonfly toy. They had to place a new order with a blacksmith as it had to be custom made.

After learning, at least on the surface, who the toy was for, Carman made a few adjustments. Adding two loops where chains or string could be hooked/clipped into place to drag banners or carry things.

By working together with Livre when they got back to the workshop, they managed to get the new power core assembled and fix it into place in the new chassis. Wanting to ensure it's durability, Carman fixed the loops to the metal frame.

As Livre stepped out to get supper, Carman took spare parts out of his inventory and assembled a few annihilation bombs and stored them in his inventory after filling them up with the necessary energies.

After Livre came back and they ate dinner together, Carman bid Livre goodnight and reminded him not to experiment with new reacors while he was gone. Livre laughed sheepishly and waved him off.

"Goodnight kiddo"

Carman and Ryuzu left and back to the apartment. Having gotten some better quality parts whilst out shopping, Carman opened up Ryuzu and continued repairing her. By the time he was done he still had not fully restored her to her previous capabilities. But instead of the 40% she was previously at, she could now draw on 70% of her original power.

He removed the broken scythes from her spider like subarms, and spent the better part of an hour realigning them, having to use a saw in order to slowly cut out the bent bolts so he could replace them. He made sure to pocket all of the metal shavings and scraps he could collect and store them in his storage for later.

Finally, he sent Ryuzu out to purchase a few weapons from blacksmiths. She came back with a few 2 star weapons, and she came back with two Silver swords and an Old Merc's Pal. The first two were fresh-ish from the forge and hadn't seen battle yet, but the Old Merc's Pal had been purchased from a second hand equipment shop. There were numerous scratches all over its side, it was well used, but well maintained, the edge had had any dents or chips faithfully delt with by the previous owner.

There was something else about it too. Something that Carman couldn't place. It looked old, the Old Merc's Pals that he remembered were silver and black in color, this one's back was a rusty brown. It wasn't until he ran a finger along the back that he realized.

That's not rust... That's the design change it goes through after it's second ascension! Those guys on r#$$it weren't lying.

Tossing it into his inventory, it was Lv.61 and had 220 in its atk. Unfortunately as a 2* it didn't have any special abilities, but it would do for now.

With some macgyvering, Carman was able to attach the Old Merc's Pal to one of Ryuzu's newly realigned subarms. He did the same with one of the silver swords on her other. Ryuzu kept the last one in a sheath strapped around her waist. After that he went to bed, as he had school in the morning.

[The next Day.]

Carman got up, did his daily routine, changed into his school uniform, and walked with Ryuzu to the academy. It was more of the same, sit behind a desk, exercise, eat lunch, sit back down.

When he got back, he asked Ryuzu to take him back to the ruins where they had been beaten by the Ruin Guard.

Ryuzu was reluctant, but Carman promised that they would quickly retreat if the experiment failed.

With a sigh, Ryuzu agreed but only if Carman agreed to keep a distance from the machine, which he did.

After packing a few things to go, they set out. After an hour of Ryuzu running while carrying him, Carman spotted the cave.

As they drew closer, they could see the Ruin Guard was still walking around scanning for intruders. Hiding at the top of a cliff in the Cavern, Carman activated his elemental skill and aimed his Hydro crossbow at the eye of the Field Tiller. He held his stance, waiting patiently, carefully drawing more of the hydro energy in the surrounding area and compressing it into the bolt made of Hydro energy. Eventually he reached a point where he could no longer press any more energy into the bolt, it was glowing a deep blue color.

Carman watched as the machine turned towards them again and fired.

The bolt soared through the air, widening and lengthening as it couldn't contain all the energy Carman has stuffed into it, when it penetrated the eye of the machine it was the size of the average spear. After it pierced the eye, the bolt exploded causing significant damage and causing it to temporarily short circuit.

As it fell onto the ground Carman dropped the Dragonfly that was about to explode from us inventory and said, "Ryuzu, take that and chuck it at the thing."

Ryuzu quickly picked up the toy mine and did as Carman asked. It soared somewhat gracefully through the air, it's wings fluttering in the wind.

And then it hit.


As soon as it made impact with the Ruin Guard, the internal components lost their stability and the core went critical, causing a large amount of energy to be created from the annihilation reaction. If he hadn't been shielded by his elemental skill, Carman would have had to duck to avoid being hit by shrapnel.

As the shield generator lowered it's output, Carman was able to see what was going on with the Ruin Guard. As the dust cleared, the guard was standing back up, though it looked like it had been hit by a truck.

"Damn they really wanted to make sure Livre was gone." Said Carman. As he started to compress another bolt of hydro energy.

The Ruin Guard had managed to locate their position from the angle of the attacks and was slowly walking towards them.

Carman fired another bolt, which hit the Guard in the eye again causing it to fall to the ground once more.

Then he pulled out another annihilation bomb and handed it to Ryuzu. Who promptly chucked it at the Guard, and watched as another explosion occurred.

In all they had to use three bombs to take down the Ruin Guard, each one compounding on the damage and weakening it's armor. Sometimes though, Carman and Ryuzu would have to hide behind a wall as the Guard tried to shoot missiles at them.

Finally, it was Carman who made the final blow, as his Hydro Bold smashed into the partially caved in eye and caused something vital to explode from within the Guard.

As it toppled over, the shimmering blue light blocking their path disappeared and a large chest with golden trim appeared.

Carman rubbed his eyes. "Ryuzu, pinch me, I think I might be dreaming. Ow."

Ryuzu had in fact pinched him, which assured him that he was in fact, not dreaming.

As Ryuzu hopped down to the level with the now open archway, she put Carman down. Carman and Ryuzu worked together to open the lid.

Inside there was a Bow, a Spear, and a Skyrider Greatsword. There were also many chunks of purple crystals and a few small goblets and an hourglass. There was also a large amount of Mora, but the biggest surprise were the star shaped crystals buried at the bottom, 10 Primogems.

Carman just sent everything, including the chest into his inventory for later sorting.

He and Ryuzu walked towards the large double doors and after looking at one another, they pushed the doors inward, showing a large swirling darkness.

-to be continued.

章節 42: Chapter 40: God Remnant and System Reboot

Carman and Ryuzu stared at the swirling black substance behind the double doors. Bright ribbons of color swirled out of the portal and into the air before disappearing. Tiny white star like spots danced in the dark substance.

Ryuzu turned towards Carman, "are you sure we want to go in that?" Asked Ryuzu.

"It should be fine after all, the characters in the game did it all the time, but if you are worried about it let's do this." Said Carman as he pulled out some rope, a copper ingot, and an apple from his storage space. He tied one side of the rope around the apple, and the other around the copper, he tossed the apple through the portal and used the rope to pull it out, the apple came out perfectly fine, he repeated the process with the side tied to the copper ingot. The ingot was also fine after going through the substance.

Carman then stuck his hand into the portal, the substance didn't have any mass to it, there was no weight or resistance from it that Carman could feel as his arm passed through it. The only sensation he could feel was a odd mixture of both warm and cold until his hand reached the other side of it and he could feel air flowing around his fingers and palm.

Carman pulled his hand out and looked at it, there were no signs of damage to the appendage, showing it to Ryuzu, she confirmed that there was nothing that she could see wrong with the arm, Ryuzu tested her own limb in the portal and had the same results. The looked at one another one last time and stepped into the portal.

As he walked into the room Carman felt something shift. It wasn't until he focused on his elemental sense that he realized. The distribution of elements in the area was much different than the world outside.

Outside the region of Chenyu Vale, the dominion of the Hydro and Geo Archons intermingled, with their respective elements dominating the rest.

Looking around with his elemental sight, Carman could see the area was filled with particles colored a light cyan, and some that were a neon green.

Carman could identify the former, it was Anemo energy, but the other was harder to identify. While he initially suspected it was Dendro, it just didn't match the shade he associated with Dendro energy.

As he looked around, it seems like the elements were pulsing. There was something further into the domain that was causing ripples in the elements.

Switching back to normal sight, Carman looked at the cleanly designed hallway. It was obviously designed by people from Khaenri'ah. Their architecture was hard to mistake for other cultures. And the fact it had elements that reminded him of the interior of the collosal ruin machines removed any doubts he had, he followed the ripples as they occured, his curiosity overwhelming his caution given how quiet the domain was.

He walked down the hallway, Ryuzu by his side. He came across a door, on the frame around it was a small device that was going red. Using his elemental sense for a few minutes, he could feel that the source of the ripples was coming from this room.

Looking at the device fixed to the was quite obviously a scanning device of some sort, but it did not seem to read biometric information as he tried putting his hand and eye in front of the device and only ended up with spots imparing his vision for a few seconds from staring at the light emitted by the device.

Deciding he would try to find another way in, he and Ryuzu walked around, almost all of the doors were locked with the same device. It wasn't unitl they looked back around to the front that Carman noticed a small alcove with an open door that has been counseled behind a slope in the wall.

As he entered the lights turned on illuminating a messy office. There were papers strewn around the floor, what appeared to be legal documents to scrawled notes, to research reports all these papers covered a large section of the floor as though they were spilled from the previous occupant throwing them aside looking for something in a hurry.

Ryuzu bent down and picked up one of the papers that appeared to be a research report and tried to read it. "Carman, these are written in Khaenri'ahn, but they must be written in a cypher, since direct translation is only giving me gibberish."

"Whoever was in here last, was leaving in a hurry, must have been the person working here too, since anyone who was raiding this place would have taken the treasurer chest at the front, and would have moved the paper into one area rather than spreading it around." Said Carman. "Then again why wouldn't they take the chest at the front? Why would there be a chest there?.... This world makes no sense sometimes."

Thinking back on the treasurer chest that had appeared out of nowhere Carman started to get a headache so he tossed the thought into the back of his mind and started moving the papers on the floor into his Item Storage for later. To save space, he stacked similar looking documents into stacks before storing them. Carman kept going until he and Ryuzu had stored every paper scattered around the room, it wasn't until something strange was picked up in his storage that they stopped. In his storage, Carman found a small rectangular device.

[Item: Research Facility Administrator's Access Card

Type: Khaenri'ahn device.


A device made using technology from a lost civilization, due to lack of knowledge, you are unable to discern how it works.]

Pulling it out Carman looked at the small slate, it was made of a smooth white material with visible circuitry visible in places where the white material didn't cover. Various words in Khaenri'ahn were glowing slightly with a dim orange light. It seemed like this is what they needed, Carman briefly considered looking through the rest of the office, but finding what was causing the ripples in the elemental energy was still drawing most of his curiosity.

He and Ryuzu walked out of the office, after they closed the door, the device on the frame glowed the same red color as the others. Waving the device over it, the device glowed a light blue before turning off and causing the door to swing open.

Carman closed the door and left once the device glowed red again. Heading back to the door containing whatever was causing the ripples, Carman held the device up to the scanner and when it unlocked, Carman pushed the door open and stepped into the room. As the lights powered on, carman's gaze swepted around shifting his elemental sense to elemental sight. There were a few things gs that glowed, but there was only one that was glowing in the same Anemo and strange element that filled the domain.

Walking over to it, Carman found a glass cylinder sealed with metal on either end. The cylinder seemed to be attracting the elements but then lost its control over them causing the building power to burst, making the elements ripples in a small shockwave. The amount of power behind the blast wasn't very strong and didn't cause any damage to Carman, it was as though he was being hit by a few dozen of the little party snaps children would tape to toilet seats or doors back in his previous world.

The inside of the cylinder was obscured by a dark grey colored smoke, changing back to his regular sight, Carman could no longer see the elemental particles, or the smoke, instead he saw a feather, it's quill a bone white color, and it's bristles transparent.

Curious he tossed the cylinder into his System storage a d looked at the description.

[Item Khaenri'ahn Sample Canister

Type: Khaenri'ahn Technology


A device designed by Khaenri'ahns to store samples of various materials and substances for research purposes.

This unit holds a feather taken from the corpse of Gale du' Temps, a wind sprite that was once part of Istaroth, the god of a thousand winds. The power of the feather was siphoned out and stored elsewhere, the only other thing left in the device is a miniscule amount of Karma emanated by this feather, caused by the fragment of the divine sprite's will feeling enraged by its power being stolen and kept out of its grasp.


Carman's face blanched slightly as he read the word "Karma" accounted with a dead divine being.

As he was about to say something to Ryuzu, a familiar noise made itself known


[System Rebooting...


...88%....97%.... Complete.]

[Welcome back to the Engineering System, new and improved, with many Quality of Life improvements, including protection from mind jacking.]


[You have mail]

[Title: Heya Kiddo


Heya, it's me again. Sorry for the wait, had to do a bit more reprogramming than I initially expected. I have upped the processing and intelligence of the system, so hopefully you won't have to wait for my attention when some god effs with one of your skills. Sent Truth packing to his own dimension, course the bigger was butthurt about not being allowed get his grubby mitts on your world, and tore apart the skull you were going to get in his way out. Had to build a new one by Frankensteining it. It will be included in the patch package.

I have also added the ability to gain exp via methods other than building stuff, such as through battle. You will know gain exp from things like battles, I have already added the exp from the battles and other encounters you experienced while the system was offline.

You'll notice that you now have a Mail function. That was something requested by a few of the gods that have found out about your situation. So you might get mail from time to time. I have also added a few other functions to the system, originally, there were upgrades you could get in the store, but now I unlocked a few of them.


[ System Patch Pack]


[Would you like to open [System Patch Pack]?


Selecting yes, Carman watched a new window popup.

-To be continued

Blasopher Blasopher

Had enough chapters to post these earlier than expected.

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