Countless Military Truck drove out from the base, numbering up to 15. They drove through the flat landscape in front of the base and into New RIA city.
Supreme and Blood-Arrow sat in the first Truck, with Miles and Jack. As it drove into the city's half destroyed border.
"How did your world get so... destroyed?" Supreme asked out of curiosity.
Miles sighed hearing his question.
"One year ago, Alice, Doctor Zenon and two more scientists were working on a classified project to give Military soldiers an advantage in battle--"
"--Project? She's a scientist?" He turned to Miles.
"Yes." Miles nodded. "The best, and also the head scientist of the project, after the project went out of control; she searched for anyway she could to save the world. She turned their second Facility into the base, which is now humanity's last chance of survival."
"So you are saying she caused this?" Blood-Arrow asked.
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