On the path to the Base.
A truck and three vans speed on the road hitting countless Feeders who tried to stop them as they head towards the Base.
"It has been two and a half hours now, are you sure he can do it?" Anna asked with tears on her face, She couldn't bring herself to believe two people and a Dragon could save the Base.
"All those People, C-Children... (Sobs)" she cried even more.
"Calm down, Love. Nothing will happen to the Base." Miles said in a comforting tone, slowly caressing her back.
"But... You don't know that." She said, looking up at him.
"They all believe the Base will be saved, So let's think of only good things."
"He is right, Anna." Jack who was driving the truck said.
The three were sitting in the front seats, while the 15 survivors were in the trailer of the truck. The 48 players were inside the three Vans following behind them.
In The First Van
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