87.23% Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey / Chapter 40: Chapter 40) – Know Your Worth

章節 40: Chapter 40) – Know Your Worth

A/N: Aloha, Banana again. This is the Lemon chapter. Like what I said in Chapter 36, I will put ------ to signify when the Lemon stuff starts, so if it's not your type of thing feel free to skip it.

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and especially so since this is my first attempt at a Lemon. Hope you enjoy ❤


Mara was fucked.

To be precise, she was steaming.

For the non-British, she was drunk out of her mind - couldn't walk straight, seeing double and best friends with people she'd known for less than a day.

Fortunately for her, she could still speak relatively coherently.

Unfortunately that also meant that she was able to perfectly articulate some things that she probably would have preferred not to shout aloud with everyone hearing, "Jane's got nothing on Sif! I can't believe you'd choose that beanpole over someone as strong, loyal and fucking sexy as Sif! Did losing Molly make you go blind on top of losing your powers? I don't even know how you can still lift Molly, part of the reason she was taken away was your stupidity and look at you still making the stupid choice!"

Needless to say, the person Mara was drunkenly shouting at was her new brother, Thor, regarding his poor choice of lover – in Mara's eyes anyway.

Although he had drank considerably more of the strongest Asgardian alcohol than Mara had, Thor was only equally as drunk as my host.

Therefore, he was not going to take her accusations without at least giving his reasoning for doing so, "Nonsense! You only say that because you do not know Jane like I do. She is kind and caring and- and considerate. She is also leagues smarter than I, and extremely passionate about her work."

Taking a big swig from the pitcher in her hand, and spilling some of it when she slammed it back onto the table they were sat around, Mara pointed at Thor as she retorted, "Kind, caring, considerate, does Sif not fit that bill as well? We're talking about someone who went against the orders of the temporary and previous kings of Asgard to visit Earth in order to return you home! And passionate? I've never seen a woman who more embodies what it means to be a warrior than Sif! Don't even get me started on how low the bar is for you to consider someone intelligent."

Mirroring Mara by also taking a big swig from his pitcher and slamming it back onto the table, Thor bit back, "I am intelligent enough to understand my own shortcomings, sister. Even with my lacking smarts I know that Jane is many times more intelligent than you! Besides, Sif is more like a sister to me. I cannot remember a time whence I did not know her, but our relationship has been closer to that of siblings rather than lovers."

Finishing her drink and throwing the empty pitcher onto the ground, as she had been taught when everyone first started drinking, Mara shouted, "Another!"

With a servant bringing over another pitcher, my host continued her argument with her new brother, "But she's not your sibling. If anything, she's the idea candidate for the future ruler of Asgard and you've gone and chosen the exact opposite of her. Plus, she's a human so unless there's some bullshit magic to extend her life you'll need a new partner in, at most, 100 years!"

Performing the same actions Mara had – throwing his pitcher onto the floor and requesting another drink – Thor countered my host's point, "You sound just like father when he first spoke to me about it, and I will tell you exactly what I told him. With Jane, I am not a warrior or a prince or a god, I am simply Thor. Her being the exact opposite is what attracted me to her in the first place. She makes up for the flaws I have with her own strengths just like our mother does for father. As far as her being human, there are an untold number of secrets in the universe and who is to say there is no way to extend her lifespan. You also forget that your point also extends to yourself! At least part of you is potentially human, so who is to say you will not have the same lifespan as her?!"

Throughout the conversation? Discussion? Argument? Whatever the dialogue counted as, I had been silent and mentally eating popcorn as I enjoyed the show.

At Thor's questioning accusation, however, I felt the need to mentally transmit clarification to my host just so that she was aware of our situation, <Once our bond has reached the last stage I'm not exactly sure how long you will live for, but it will be hundreds of times longer than normal humans. There will be no need for concern about dying at 100 years old.>

Rather than basically repeat what I had informed her of to Thor, Mara decided to summarise it in a… less than eloquent way, "I'm gonna live forever bitch!"

Said proclamation caused those listening-in on the, rather loud, dialogue to laugh or spit out their drink if they had some in their mouth.

Even Thor, who was called a bitch by Mara, couldn't stop himself from heartily laughing, "Hahaha, I hope that is indeed the case sister! And may your long life be filled to the brim with adventure and enjoyment!"

Punctuating his sentence, Thor stood up from his chair and raised his fresh pitcher into the air.

Mara, likewise, also stood up and stated, "Although I think you are making the wrong choice, I will respect your wishes brother! May your life with Jane as your partner be filled with love and support for each other! Skål!!"

With Mara's shout, she hit her full pitcher against Thor's raised 1 and the pair downed their drinks.

Finishing at the same time, both threw their empty pitchers onto the ground and shouted in sync, ""Another!""

When Mara's fresh drink did arrive shortly after, she drank a mouthful before feeling the need to relieve herself.

Leaving the dining hall, Mara made her way along the same path she had followed numerous times since the drinking began.

Apparently the British had a saying for the excessive urination that came with drinking alcohol – 'Breaking the seal'. It implied that there was an initial seal that a person had when they started drinking alcohol. Once a person had their first urination of the drinking session, the flood gates were open and bathroom breaks became increasingly more regular as the day/night went on.

There was no physical seal, so it was more of a myth than actual fact, but as with all myths there was some truth mixed into it. The human body produces a specific hormone called Vasopressin which alcohol actually supresses the release of. Vasopressin is the hormone that tells the kidneys to absorb the fluid being ingested.

Basically, the alcohol tells the kidneys not to absorb the fluid which means the alcohol takes a more direct route to the bladder. A human's bladder is only about the size of a pear, approximately 300 – 400ml of fluid depending on the human, so drinking a pitcher of alcohol larger than that explains why toilet breaks become increasingly frequent.

Don't say I never teach you anything.

Anyway, Mara entered the bathroom with as much grace as a new-born fawn, and did her business.

You might be wondering why I'm explaining the fact that my host went to use the toilet, well it's what happened after that was noteworthy.

Once my host was finished relieving herself, she exited the bathroom and who should she happen to meet in the hallway?

None other than Sif, the woman she was gushing over to Thor.

The warrior herself was leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom door, and Mara assumed that she was waiting for the bathroom that she used.

As such, Mara stepped to the side in order to clear the way and spoke, "Sorry Sif, if I had known you were waiting for the toilet I would have tried to be faster."

It quickly became apparent, however, that Sif wasn't waiting for the bathroom, "Did you mean what you said?"

Since the Asgardian wasn't particularly clear on what she meant, Mara asked for clarification, "About being faster in the bathroom? Yeah of course-"

Pushing off the wall and stepping towards my host, Sif interrupted her, "Not about the bathroom. About what you said to Thor."

Recalling back to what she had vehemently shouted about minutes before, Mara's cheeks slowly died red with embarrassment as she simply nodded in response.

The warrior didn't appear to be as drunk as my host due to how naturally she was walking and talking, but Asgardians had different tolerances compared with humans so it was to be expected.

Sif didn't stop stepping towards Mara and closed the distance between the 2 of them.

Mara backed up a little, but ended up with her back pressed against the wall behind her.

Leaning towards my host, close enough to where she could feel Sif's breath on her face, the Asgardian narrowed her eyes as she asked, "What is your intention? Why do you desire to see me, and Thor become partners? Do you have an ulterior motive?"

With how confrontational Sif was being, I got myself ready to incapacitate her if necessary.

Although Mara was drunk, my consciousness was unimpaired and thus I was still as capable as I always was.

Rather than immediately answer the questions that Sif posed to her, Mara stood there biting her lip like she was fighting with herself on what to say.

At first I thought she was debating with herself about telling the Asgardian about some of her future knowledge, but I should have learnt by then that with Mara, I needed to expect the unexpected.

Picking up on the emotions that were building in my host, I surprised myself with the fact that I was feeling the same underneath my protective instincts, <I know what you want, and I want it too. I do not know if it is your emotions or your personality moulding me through the bond, but I want a taste.>

Making up her mind, instead of replying to Sif, Mara swiftly wrapped her arms around the Asgardian's head and sealed her lips with her own.

Sif was caught completely off-guard, as the warrior went wide-eyed and froze like a deer in headlights.

Slowly coming to her senses, it was Sif's turn to surprise us.

The Asgardian didn't remove Mara from her lips, but rather began to reciprocate the kiss with building intimacy.

It wasn't long before Mara opened her mouth to send her tongue out in order to probe Sif's lips for entrance.

At the exact same time, however, Sif had the same idea, so their tongues met each other in the open and quickly intertwined as they advanced onto French kissing.

Changing the position of her arms, Mara moved them such that her elbows rested on the Asgardian's shoulders and placed her hands on the back of the warrior's head as she began massaging the head in rhythm with her tongue ministrations.

Moaning into my host's mouth, Sif made it clear how much she was thoroughly enjoying either the kissing or the scalp massage - or both.

Still not breaking for breath, Sif finally did something with her hands which had been limp by her sides the entire time.

Sliding her hands over my host's hips, she took a firm grasp of her buttocks and pulled my host's body even closer to herself to the point they fit together like jigsaw pieces.

Mirroring what Sif had done moments before, it was Mara's turn to moan into the Asgardian's mouth.

Unfortunately, Mara did still need to breathe. With how intoxicated and distracted she was, she didn't think to breathe through her nose in order to extend the lip lock.

As my host pulled herself from the intimate moment, she continued to massage Sif's head while she took a big breath and spoke, "Huaaa, I don't want you and Thor together. What I want, is for you to move on. Your affection is wasted on him, and I wanted him to make it clear what his feelings were, so that you know where you stand."

Still holding onto my host's firm backside, Sif replied, "So you intended to make me realise that Thor would never take me as a partner and then you could take me for yourself? It seems like you did indeed have an ulterior motive after all."

Giggling at the remark, Mara moved 1 of her hands to cup the side of Sif's face, and stroked her cheek with her thumb, as she clarified, "Hehe, as much as I wouldn't mind that outcome I know it's unrealistic. Expecting you to immediately get over Thor, after loving him for who knows how long, would be unreasonable. Besides, I've already got El, so if I wanted to add another to the relationship I would have to get their approval and the other person would have to be fine having El involved as well since there isn't really 1 without the other."

Giving a small nod, Sif agreed with my host, "You are correct. I do not think I will be able to forget or cast aside these feelings I have for some time, but I will make an effort to do so now that I know for definite they will not be reciprocated. This is not the first time I have kissed another woman, but I have never slept with another woman before. I do not feel any aversion about doing so, however. I appreciate you clarifying things for me and helping me to realise that I need to move on. Thank you, Mara."

Thinking that everything had ended, Sif began to remove her hands from my host's ass only to be pinched on the cheek, "Where do you think those hands are going? Put them back please, I was enjoying that."

Doing as my host politely demanded, Sif grasped a hold of Mara's cheeks again and gave them a squeeze which earned her another soft moan from my host's throat.

Looking into the Asgardian's eyes and chewing her lower lip again, Mara didn't contemplate for long on what she wanted to do next, but made sure to ask for my opinion again even though I had already expressed my desire, [El, would you be up for-]

Since I already knew what she wanted to ask, I interrupted her, <I want her.>

Receiving the greenlight, Mara immediately posed the question, "You know, just because we're friends doesn't mean we can't have a little fun. Experiencing the other side of things might also help you with your feelings when you realise how good the other options are. What do you think?"

Not picking up what my host was putting down, Sif questioned, "What type of fun? I do not know what humans do for fun and I doubt we could do much in our drunken states."

Giggling at the comment, Mara leaned in close to the Asgardian and whispered in her ear, "Sex, you silly goose. I want to hear you moan so loud that the rest of the palace can't sleep. I want to see your legs shake uncontrollably with pleasure. I want you to experience the ecstasy El and I can induce, because it'll blow your mind."

Pulling her head back so that she was face-to-face with the warrior again, Mara looked into her eyes and moved the hand that was cupping Sif's cheek to trace her fingers down the Asgardian's neck as she asked, "So? Do you want to play with us, beautiful~?"


Closing the door behind her, Mara locked it so that we wouldn't be interrupted.

After a few seconds of deliberation Sif decided that she did want to sleep with us, so we had returned to our room.

During the journey back to the bedroom, Mara had sobered up enough to be able to walk without stumbling which meant she would be able to somewhat perform in the bedroom.

With potential interruptions prevented, Mara turned away from the door to face Sif who had taken a seat on the edge of the bed.

Slowly walking towards the Asgardian, making sure to emphasise the swaying of her hips, Mara sent through a clear intention of which I naturally complied with.

Starting from my host's shoulders, I absorbed my clothed form back into her body to reveal her naked body, inch by inch.

When Mara completed her short walk to the bed, she was completely naked and Sif's eyes, which were at a lower height with her being sat down on the bed, were glued to Mara's impressively sized globes - by human standards.

Thoroughly enjoying the attention she was receiving from the Asgardian; Mara's nipples began to harden with arousal which seemed to entrance Sif even further.

Giggling at the warrior, which only served to cause her globes to jiggle due to them being unrestrained, Mara hooked a finger under Sif's chin and tilted her head up so that she was looking at my host's face, "Hehe, like what you see~?"

A slight nod was all Mara received in reply from Sif, which caused Mara to giggle again as she brought her face close to the Asgardian's - just like Sif herself did outside of the bathroom earlier, "Well don't you think it's a little unfair that I'm the only 1 exposing myself?"

Being given another nod of the head in response, Mara scanned over the bronze and silver coloured dress Sif was wearing.

My host wasn't exactly sure how to remove the dress, and my internal suggest of ripping it off was rejected, so she did the only thing she could think of.

Mara kneeled down and first removed Sif's high heels from her feet.

Once the footwear was removed, Mara, Trying to be as sensual as possible, slowly trailed her hands up Sif's legs to raise the dress.

Either Mara was correct in the way to remove the dress or Sif just wanted to accommodate my host, as the Asgardian stood up from the bed so that the dress could be removed without hinderance.

Finishing the clothing removal, Mara lifted the dress over Sif's head and let it drop to the floor.

Not expecting the very welcoming sight in front of her, Mara couldn't help comment, "Isn't that something. Is it your personal preference to not wear underwear, or is it an Asgardian thing?"

Indeed, underneath the dress, Sif was completely nude. It was worth mentioning that the dress she wore was a form-fitting, sleeveless, full body, so nothing could slip out and no-one could look up it.

As my host enjoyed the feast for her eyes, Sif answered her question, "When wearing a dress, it would be improper to wear undergarments. The designs of dresses take the lack of undergarments into consideration such that they are comfortable and cover everything necessary."

Reaching out a hand, Mara gently cupped 1 of Sif's breasts and began to rub the nipple on it which caused it to rapidly harden from to the action, "So it's an Asgardian thing, good to know. That's enough talking for now. All I want to hear for the rest of the night is moans."

Saying such, Mara grabbed Sif's arms and wrapped them around her own neck as she sealed the warrior's lips but went straight for a French kiss - which Sif reciprocated.

Moving her hands, and mirroring their previous position, it was Mara's turn to grasp hold of Sif's buttocks.

Only Mara didn't stop at simply grasping the buns.

She kneaded, pulled, and spread them which caused Sif to throatily moan as she increased the intensity of the kiss she was providing to get an equivalent reaction out of my host.

Not giving the Asgardian the response she wanted, Mara didn't hold onto Sif's ass for long.

Mara wasted no time in lowering her hands slightly underneath Sif's cheeks and lifted her into the air.

Initially surprised by the action, Sif broke the kiss to gasp, but almost immediately Mara sealed her lips again as the warrior quickly adjusted to the situation and wrapped her legs around Mara's waist.

Both women's erect nipples were pressed against each other and rubbed with the small motions created as they kissed. The act of which only further heightened their peaking arousal.

Lowering the Asgardian down into a sitting position onto the bed, Mara broke the lip lock.

She began to kiss Sif's cheek, then her jawline, and then her neck as she slowly made her way down her body.

When Mara got to Sif's torso, she gently pushed the Asgardian backwards so that she was lying flat on the bed.

Quickly resuming where she left off, Mara began planting kisses all over Sif's torso but purposefully avoided the bullets that were her nipples.

At that time, I also got involved with the intimate act.

Spreading out from my host's back, I created dozens of thin tendrils that made their way around Sif's limbs.

The initial contact of the tendrils caused the warrior to flinch, but Mara soon eased her by attacking the rock-hard nipples, that she had purposefully been leaving, with her mouth.

Unsurprisingly, the attack caused Sif to uncontrollably moan aloud, "Ohhh~"

With the tendrils loosely coiled around the Asgardian's limbs, I replicated the very first motions I ever performed on Mara, for sexual stimulation, by creating smaller branching tendrils and used them to caress Sif's arms and legs.

Even though my tendrils were coiled around her extremities loosely, I could feel Sif's body was gradually becoming more and more relaxed from the efforts of myself as well as my host.

Each time Mara would swap which nipple was in her mouth, she would use 1 of her hands to start playing with the freed bud so that both were receiving attention.

After a few minutes of the breast foreplay, Mara set about tackling the main dish, but not before whispering some sweet words into Sif's ears - while also trailing 1 of her fingers all over her stomach and nibbling on the ear she was talking into, "I'm gonna kiss and mark every inch of your perfect abs before I spread your legs and I'm not gonna stop licking until I drown or you crush me with those strong, thick, thighs of yours."

Giving 1 last pinch on Sif's ear, which caused the warrior to shiver in pleasure, Mara set about fulfilling her promise.

I also wasn't lax during that time.

Since Sif's nipples were left unattended, I took it upon myself to pick up where Mara had left off.

I sent a dozen small tendrils with various tasks. Some that cupped her breasts, others traced around her areola, and some that wrapped around the erect buds themselves, so that they weren't neglected, all with the goal of inducing continuous pleasure.

A goal that, "Mhmmmm~", judging from the throaty moans that reverberated from Sif's gullet, Mara and I were both succeeding at.

During the time I had attached myself to Sif's globes, Mara wasn't idle as she made her way down to the warrior's abs.

Scraping her teeth along the solid blocks of muscle that made up Sif's abdomen, Mara kissed and playfully nipped at the skin.

My host also occasionally bit and sucked on the skin to leave purple-red mouth marks, something called 'love bites', on the Asgardian's body.

Since Mara was already situated between Sif's legs, due to how she had picked her up and placed her onto the end of the bed before making her lie down, my host didn't need to spread the warrior's legs much to get clear access to her, already glistening, vagina.

Once Mara had ensured that basically every cell of Sif's stomach had been tended to, she moved onto the Asgardian's surprisingly clean-shaven pubic arch.

We had noticed it when the dress was first removed, but Mara was too caught up in the fact that Sif wasn't wearing any underwear to ask about her being cleanly shaven.

It could have been that Asgardian's didn't grow any pubic hair, or it could have been a cultural thing. We were both too pre-occupied to ask.

Leaving a trail of kisses down the pubic arch, Mara stopped just above the hood of Sif's clitoris which led the warrior to visibly shiver in anticipation of what was to come next.

Breaking out into a wide smile after witnessing the involuntary reaction, Mara's slightly sadistic streak kicked in as she decided to keep the woman below her on edge for a little longer.

Rather than get to work on the visibly damp slit in front of her, Mara changed her target to the inside of the thighs that she had complimented earlier.

Performing the same actions she did to Sif's abs, starting from the knee, my host kissed, nibbled, and left love bites along the inside of the warrior's right thigh.

When she inevitably made her way all along the length of the thigh and back to the needy pussy, she swapped leg and began work on the left 1.

Not unexpectedly, once Mara had finished the left thigh and Sif clearly assumed that Mara would finally go down on her, my host subverted her assumption and returned to the right thigh.

Instantly recognising that Mara was toying with her, Sif went to speak but her voice came out as a moan since I had pulled on her nipples when I noticed she was attempting to speak, "MarHaaah~"

Halting her ministrations, Mara acted oblivious to the obvious desire in Sif's voice, "Hmm? What is it, beautiful?"

Without hesitation, as soon as Mara had asked her question she stared into Sif's eyes as she resumed licking and nibbling on her inner thigh.

Catching her breath, considering she was already panting from the thorough foreplay she was being subjugated to, Sif managed to murmur out, "Please."

Still staring straight into the warrior's eyes, Mara sported a playful smile and spoke between kisses on the other thigh she had swapped over to, "You *mwah* have *mwah* to *mwah* tell *mwah* me *mwah* exactly *mwah* what *mwah* you *mwah* want~"

For the first time, we saw Sif visibly embarrassed at being told what she needed to do to get what she wanted. She turned red, broke eye contact with Mara by turning her head to the side and raised 1 of her arms to cover her eyes.

My tendrils were still wrapped around her arm, but as previously mentioned they were only coiled lightly so she still had full control over all her limbs.

Even though she was embarrassed at needing to ask for release, it didn't take long for the horniness to take control, "P-please l-l-lick me."

Leaning herself over Sif's body, like she had previously, Mara whispered into her ear again, "That's not very exact, is it?"

Still covering her eyes with her arm, Sif repeated what Mara had told her, "L-lick my v-v-vagina, and do not s-stop until you d-drown, or I crush you."

Nipping Sif's ear, again, Mara couldn't help an ear-to-ear smile from gracing her face as she praised the Asgardian, "Good girl~ And good girls get whatever they ask for~"

Not wasting any time, Mara immediately slid back between Sif's legs and pushed her already slightly parted legs even further apart.

Again, taking the initiative, I covered the rest of Sif's body - that Mara had finished tending to - in tendrils that caressed her in order to keep her arousal at its peak.

Enjoying the sight of the shining valley that was Sif's honeypot, Mara gave it a quick taste as she licked from the perineum – the skin between the anus and the vagina – all the way up to the clitoris.

When Mara's tongue flicked off the clitoris to finish her first lick, Sif gave a throaty moan, alongside her legs slightly shaking, which almost certainly signified a small orgasm caused by the excessive foreplay build-up finally getting some release.

Pleased at the sight of the strong Asgardian warrior shaking under her efforts, Mara also found something else that she liked, "You taste good, Sif. Mmm, somebody likes strawberries~"

Since she was just making a statement, and not asking a question, Mara didn't wait for a reply as she returned to Sif's expectant lips to give them her full attention.

And give them her full attention she did.

Spreading the warrior's lips, Mara licked up and down, pushed her tongue in and out, sucked and rolled the clit around her tongue.

Mara pulled out all the stops to ensure that when she stated that she would blow Sif's mind; she was serious.

"Mhm-Hahhh~ Right ther-Gghhh!~ OOH-AAAAAH!~❤"

With the increasingly loud moans freely coming from Sif's mouth with each movement of Mara's tongue, it was extremely evident to anyone even remotely close to the bedroom that it was working.

Once Sif had climaxed the first couple of times, Mara got her fingers involved. My host already knew that Sif was no virgin, but she made sure to check that there was no hymen before delving into the Asgardian's depths.

At the time we assumed Asgardian's were the same as humans and had hymens, but it was only later that we learned for definite that they did indeed have identical reproductive organs.

Easing her way in, Mara inserted 1 finger first. Instead of moving it in and out like 1 may expect, she pushed her finger down to apply pressure to the bottom of Sif's vagina.

From there, she inserted another finger and slowly rubbed around the sides of the inner walls with a bit of pressure. Mara said such a technique emulated the feeling of being fucked better than simply pushing her fingers in and out.

She had learnt it from a video in the Venom universe, and the few women she had used it on all praised her for it… By praised Mara actually meant ejaculated all over her.

Sif was no different as, shortly after, she proceeded to squirt on my host while her legs spasmed uncontrollably due to the intensity of the orgasm she had.

Unlike the time when Mara was licking her however, when Sif orgasmed from the fingering, Mara stopped applying pressure to her pussy as the technique only worked when the woman was relaxed.

Sometimes Mara would give me control over Sif's vagina and I would perform actions using my tendrils that were impossible for my host - while Mara herself would explore more of the Asgardian's body.

When it was my turn to play with our groaning goddess, I started off simple.

By combining what I had learnt of human anatomy and the sexual experience from my host, I created a tendril in the shape of a human penis.

Initially, the tendril was only 6 inches long, and 2 fingers thick, but that was only the start of my plan.

Using the average sized member, I scouted along Sif's inner walls paying close attention for any louder than usual moans or a more physical reaction like twitching.

When I was confident I had mapped out all of her most sensitive, and pleasurable, spots, I morphed the tendril into the perfect cock for her.

With all of the ribbing and bumps, it looked nothing like a human penis but it wasn't supposed to.

It was solely designed with the goal of bringing our Asgardian to the peak of pleasure.


And that it did.

Slowly scraping along her inner walls, I started off the fucking gently - to get the goddess used to the shaft impaling her.

When I felt that she had become acostomed to the tendril cock, I began to withdraw it before thrusting back in while ensuring that it was done in an consistent rhythm.

From then on, I spent the times I had free reign on Sif's juicy lips to discover the perfect ways to please the Asgardian.

Rather than my initial steady rhythm, I found Sif preferred sudden and deep thrusts.

When withdrawing the penis imitation, she preferred it to be as slow as possible to scrape along her sensitive spots for as long as possible.

I had considered vibrating the tendril during my testing, but with how much she enjoyed the penis on its own I was concerned she might pass out from overstimulation.

For the following hour, Mara and I brought Sif to climax nearly 30 times with various techniques.

Sometimes, Sif would need to take a short break to catch her breath and let her eyes return from the back of her head.

During that time I would stimulate Mara in every way I knew she liked.

My host also deserved to enjoy her fair share of climaxes since Sif was in no condition to reciprocate.

Unfortunately for Mara, her promise to only stop when she either drowned or was crushed was broken as Sif eventually had to call it quits, "Mahaahra, no haah more. I cannot haah take more."

Nodding to herself, Mara respected Sif's wishes, "Your wish is my command. Do you want to stay here for the night? I doubt you can walk back to your room in your state?"

Finishing absorbing all of the nutrients provided by both Sif and Mara, I separated myself from Sif and absorbing my form back into Mara's exposed body.

In response to Mara's question, the Asgardian slightly nodded her head, with closed eyes, as she answered, "That would be nice, thank you."

Scooping up the warrior in her arms, Mara lifted her from the bed as I created a tendril to peel back the bed's duvet.

Slowly and gently lowering Sif into the bed, as she was still very sensitive from the intense session, Mara asked, "Do you want me to cuddle you? Or should I give you some space?"

Already slipping off to sleep, most likely from a mixture of exhaustion and sobering up from the alcohol earlier in the night, Sif mumbled out, "Gentle… Cuddle."

I absorbed the tendril I had created back into Mara's body as she crawled into the large bed and laid right next to Sif.

Mara slid 1 of her arms under Sif's neck and used the other to wrap around her waist before she softly pulled the warrior towards her.

Rotating herself, Mara laid on her back and lifted Sif to place the Asgardian on her chest.

Whether intentional or not, Sif shifted herself so that she was more comfortable and ended up in a position whereby she was snuggled up to Mara while using 1 of her breasts as a pillow.

Happy at how much pleasure she got from the intercourse, as well as how cute Sif looked when she was sleeping and how the Asgardian snuggled closer to my host, Mara kissed the woman's head and whispered, "Sweet dreams."

Shortly after, Mara too drifted off to sleep while I spent my time digesting the bountiful nutrients both women had provided during our intimate session, and stored the excess for future use.

BananaPancke BananaPancke

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Stone -- 推薦票


