57.27% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 126: Chapter 126

章節 126: Chapter 126

"So, if I am to understand, the World Government is not willing to intervene in this matter and help Dressrosa, is that correct?" King Riku's tone sharpened, his frustration and desperation breaking through his earlier restraint. The elders in the room did not appreciate the shift in his demeanor.

"Riku, weigh your next words carefully. You should know the consequences of defying the World Government," Elder JuPeter warned, his eyes glaring dangerously at Riku.

"Elders! To hell with you, elders! My country is suffering, and you are playing your politics here. If Dressrosa is no longer affiliated with the World Government, why should I bother showing any respect to you people?" King Riku bellowed, his grief and rage overriding his common sense.

He had forgotten that he was in the presence of the highest authority in the world. Doflamingo's words echoed in his mind, the chilling prophecy that seemed to unfold exactly as predicted.


"King Riku," Doflamingo said, a sinister smile playing on his lips, "do you really think the World Government cares about Dressrosa? They're only interested in power and control. When you go to the Holy Land, you'll see it for yourself. The elders won't lift a finger to help you. They'll leave you to fend for yourself while they play their political games."

"But why?" Riku had asked, his voice filled with despair.

"Because, KIng Riku," Doflamingo had replied, leaning in close, "they're afraid. Afraid of losing control, afraid of what exactly I might disclose to the world. And they know that if they intervene, they'll have to deal with the consequences. They'll let your kingdom suffer just to maintain their so called balance. You're just a pawn in their game."


The memory of Doflamingo's words fueled King Riku's anger. He had hoped they were mere taunts, but now, standing before the Elders, he realized the painful truth. The World Government had abandoned Dressrosa, and his pleas for help were falling on deaf ears.

Elder Nusjuro's expression hardened. "You are treading on dangerous ground, King Riku. Your defiance will not be tolerated."

"Defiance?" Riku spat. "I am fighting for my people! For my kingdom! And you sit here, indifferent to our suffering. You have shown your true colors. The World Government is nothing but a facade of justice, hiding corruption and cowardice."

Elder Warcury's eyes narrowed. "King Riku, you are making a grave mistake. This will not end well for you."

King Riku straightened, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him. "I may have lost my kingdom to pirates, but I will not lose my integrity to cowards. Dressrosa deserves better than this mockery of justice."

The room fell silent, the Elders staring at Riku with a mix of anger and contempt. Elder JuPeter finally spoke, his voice cold and final. "You have sealed your fate, King Riku. You and Dressrosa are on your own."

King Riku turned and walked out of the Room of Authority, the heavy doors closing behind him with a sense of finality. As he made his way through the corridors of the Holy Land, he felt a heavy burden lift from his shoulders. He had spoken the truth, no matter the cost. Now, he had to return to his people and find a way to save Dressrosa from the clutches of the Donquixote family, even if it meant standing against the world alone.

"Was it wise to let him go like that? We should have just eliminated him for talking to us like that," Elder Warcury remarked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Elder Saturn. The other Elders shifted uncomfortably, some nodding in agreement with Warcury's sentiment.

Elder Saturn, who had earlier gestured for the others to let King Riku leave, leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Killing him here would serve no purpose. If anything, it would only create a martyr for the people of Dressrosa. Let him return. He may cause problems for the Donquixote brats. His presence might destabilize their control, making them more vulnerable."

The other Elders fell silent, considering Saturn's words. He continued, his tone measured and calculating. "We can use Riku in the future. His desperation might drive him to take actions that will weaken the Donquixote family's grip on Dressrosa. And when the time is right, we can offer our 'help' once more, bringing Dressrosa back under our control."

Elder Nusjuro nodded slowly, the logic of Saturn's plan becoming clear. "You're right. A living, desperate King Riku is more valuable to us than a dead one. He could be the key to regaining our influence in Dressrosa."

As King Riku made his way back to Dressrosa, unaware of the machinations of the Elders, the World Government's plans moved forward. They would bide their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, to reclaim control over Dressrosa and crush the Donquixote family once and for all.


Marine HQ

"Where the hell is Garp? We're about to host some of the most notorious pirates in the world, and he's nowhere to be found!" Fleet Admiral Kong barked, his voice echoing through the corridor as he marched towards the meeting hall. His frustration was palpable, each step he took reverberating with his irritation.

Walking beside him was Vice Admiral Tensei, who tried to keep pace. "Well, sir, you did approve his leave after Garp-san threw that tantrum. The last report we received mentioned he was back in his hometown in East Blue," Tensei responded, attempting to soothe the irate Fleet Admiral.

Kong let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples as if to ward off an impending headache. "I'm getting too old for this. Just when I thought I could peacefully retire, that bastard Roger goes and opens the gates to hell."

Tensei couldn't help but nod sympathetically. The chaos left in the wake of Gol D. Roger's final actions had thrown the world into turmoil. "Should I have Admiral Sengoku reach out to Garp and convince him to return to duty as soon as possible?" he suggested.

"Yes, do that," Kong replied, his tone weary. "And what about Admiral Agana? Has she reported back to Marineford in recent months?" This was another persistent thorn in his side. Admiral Agana, with her formidable reputation, was supposed to be a key figure in their operations, yet she had been conspicuously absent.

"Fleet Admiral Kong, the World Government assigned Admiral Agana to directly oversee the integration of the Shichibukai into the system. She is scheduled for a meeting with the newly appointed warlords," Tensei explained, his voice steady despite the chaos swirling around them.

Kong's expression hardened. "Good. We need her to handle that. But she still needs to check in. Make sure she understands the importance of her presence here." They quickened their pace towards the meeting hall. Kong knew he had to make a strong impression on the newly appointed Shichibukai, asserting the authority of the Marines in no uncertain terms.

"Have the summons been sent to Sengoku and Zephyr? We need to demonstrate that the Marines are not to be trifled with. Even if these pirates receive privileges, they need to know who is ultimately in control," Kong ordered, his voice brooking no argument.

Tensei nodded, immediately relaying the command to a subordinate who hurried off to ensure that both Sengoku and Zephyr would be present. Kong's mind raced with the implications of this meeting. The Shichibukai system was a double-edged sword, and he needed to ensure the Marines wielded it effectively without getting cut themselves.

Inside a grand hall within Marine HQ, the tension was palpable. Seated around an oval-shaped table were two distinct parties. On one side sat the seven newly appointed Shichibukai, each exuding an oppressive aura that made the Marine guards standing by sweat nervously. Opposite them were some of the most powerful Marines, their stern faces betraying no emotion. The room was charged with an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of clothing or the shifting of feet.

It had been a week since the end of the Reverie, and the Marines dispatched to sea had returned. Only four seats remained unoccupied on the Marine side, reserved for the Admirals and Fleet Admiral.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, a seasoned and highly respected figure, broke the silence. "I hope you understand what's required of you in the future. As of now, your bounties will be frozen until you hold the title of Shichibukai. The moment you cross the line, we will hunt you down. The privileges we provide are in exchange for your services." She tossed a folder onto the table, scattering the latest bounty posters, each marked with an official seal indicating their status as frozen.

Anne Bonney, a kingdom-toppling beauty with a voluptuous hourglass figure standing close to four meters tall, leaned forward and picked up the folder. Despite her alluring appearance, she was a savage pirate, rumored to be a cannibal. She wore a tight white outfit that revealed ample cleavage and carried a broadsword on her back. Flicking through the bounty posters, she saw the familiar faces of the Shichibukai.





645,200,000 Belly




381,000,000 Belly




789,900,000 Belly




888,000,000 Belly


She couldn't help but scoff and tossed the folder aside in disdain. Anne only respected strength, and out of the seven present, she gave Shakuyaku, the former Kuja Empress known for her fearsome reputation during the Rocks Era, a second look. There was also one other who mildly interested her—the young man with hawk-like eyes carrying a sword on his back. As a fellow swordswoman, she could recognize strength when she saw it.

"Tch, why are these good-for-nothings part of the Seven Warlords? I could squeeze any of them even in my sleep," growled Hector Barbarossa. He was a burly, rugged pirate with countless scars, standing a towering six meters tall and built like a tank. A massive war axe was slung across his back, adding to his intimidating presence.

Tsuru's eyes narrowed at Hector's comment, but she maintained her composure. "Strength alone does not determine the value of an ally. Each of you was chosen for specific reasons. Remember, you are here to serve a purpose, and that purpose is to help stabilize the seas. Fail to do so, and you will find the Marines are not as lenient as you might hope."

Dracule Mihawk, the man with the hawk-like eyes, remained silent, his gaze shifting briefly to Anne Bonney before returning to Tsuru. Sir Crocodile, with a smirk on his face, seemed to enjoy the tension in the room, while Shakuyaku maintained an air of quiet confidence, her presence alone commanding respect.

"That's a nice scar you got there, kid," Hector mocked Crocodile, his voice dripping with disdain as he eyed the fresh wound on Crocodile's face, still seeping blood. "Did you get that as a souvenir from trying to challenge Whitebeard?" The recent clash between Crocodile and Whitebeard spread like wildfire.

The humiliating defeat and the rumors of Crocodile's recklessness had tarnished his reputation. Some called him an idiot; others called him a reckless fool. But Crocodile had survived the ordeal, coming face-to-face with the stark reality of the immense power difference between himself and the man known as the strongest in the world, the only one currently holding the title of Emperor of the New World.

Crocodile's expression darkened, and the cigar clamped between his teeth, emitting a steady stream of smoke. He glared at Hector, his anger barely contained.

"What, kid? Wasn't the lesson taught to you by Whitebeard enough? He might have been merciful, but I will chop you into a thousand pieces and feed you to the sharks," Hector taunted, his tone challenging. The tension in the room grew palpable, and the air was thick with the potential for violence.

Tsuru's face darkened as she observed the escalating hostility between the two pirates. She had seen many such confrontations and knew that allowing this to continue unchecked could lead to chaos. She cleared her throat, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

"This is not the place for personal vendettas," Tsuru stated firmly, her gaze moving between Crocodile and Hector. "You are here to serve a purpose—to bring stability to the seas, not to settle scores. If you cannot abide by the terms of the Shichibukai, then you are free to leave and face the consequences."

Crocodile took a long drag from his cigar, the embers glowing brightly, before he exhaled a thick cloud of smoke. "I don't need a lecture," he muttered, his eyes never leaving Hector. "But you should know, Hector, that I'm not the same as I was before. Next time, it won't be Whitebeard teaching the lesson."

Hector merely grinned, his scarred face twisting into a sneer. "We'll see about that, kid."

Tsuru's gaze hardened. "Enough," she commanded. "The Shichibukai system is an experiment, one that the World Government has put its weight behind. You are all given this position because you have something to offer. Do not let petty rivalries undermine what we aim to achieve."

The room fell silent, the tension slowly dissipating as the pirates settled back into their seats. Dracule Mihawk observed the exchange with mild interest, while Anne Bonney seemed amused by the confrontation. Sir Crocodile, though still seething, forced himself to remain composed. Shakuyaku, continued to watch with an unreadable expression.


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