78.43% Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story / Chapter 80: Arc 6 - Ch 13: Power Testing

章節 80: Arc 6 - Ch 13: Power Testing

Chapter 80

Arc 6 - Ch 13: Power Testing

Date: Monday, June 27, 2011.

Location: House of M, Manhattan, New York

Several hours after Jubilee had awakened, she and Tyson had satisfied their hunger, moving past the primal urges. Tyson took out his phone and texted Felicia, letting her know that he and Jubilee would be ready to leave by morning. He was capable of slicing his way out, but why ruin the vault needlessly? With the night still young, Tyson and Jubilee settled in to pass the remaining hours until dawn. They sat facing each other, cross-legged on the cold concrete floor of the vault. The air was thick with the musky scent of their recent intimacy.

"So I haven't been completely honest about what I saw and know," Tyson began, his voice low and hesitant.

"You're talking about what you saw? You did say that it was more than you let on."

Tyson took a deep breath, steeling himself for the revelation. "I didn't just get a glimpse of the future or a flash of insight that the soldiers were coming to invade the institute. I got an extensive view of the future. People, events, there was so much."

Jubilee leaned forward, her dark eyes intense and searching. "Like what?"

Tyson ran a hand through his hair, "There's so much, I don't even know where to start."

A small smile quirked Jubilee's lips in a flash of her usual playful spirit. "We have all night, so why don't you start at the beginning."

Tyson frowned, but he nodded, accepting the invitation. "Alright. Back in the 1940s, there was a Nazi villain named the Red Skull..."

As the hours ticked by, Jubilee listened with rapt attention. Tyson wove a tale of heroism and sacrifice, of gods and monsters, of impossible victories and heart-wrenching losses. He spoke of the rise of HYDRA, the formation of the Avengers, and the fall of SHIELD. Of Ultron and Sokovia, the Sokovia Accords, and the fracturing of the team. The Black Order and the Infinity Stones, Thanos' terrible purpose, and the Snap that erased half of all life. Tyson's voice grew hoarse as he recounted the desperate fight to undo what Thanos had wrought. The time heist and the final battle.

"... then Tony snapped his fingers, and Thanos and his army were dusted. However, using all six infinity stones was too much and killed him. Captain America returned the Infinity Stones to their proper realities," Tyson concluded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jubilee sat stunned, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly agape. She'd stopped breathing at some point, her new vampiric nature rendering the reflex unnecessary.

"No way," she breathed, shaking her head in disbelief. "That was so much more than I expected or imagined."

Tyson huffed a laugh devoid of humor. "Tell me about it. I've been carrying this around, trying to figure out what to do with it. How to use this knowledge to make things better, to save lives."

Jubilee reached out, taking Tyson's hand in her own. "That's a heavy burden to bear alone, Ty. I can't even begin to imagine."

He squeezed her hand, grateful for the comfort. "I didn't want to lay it on anyone else."

"You didn't tell anyone else?" Jubilee asked.

Tyson replied, "Just Nat."

Jubilee laughed, "The hot teacher who is actually a super-spy and sacrifices herself to get the soul stone… No wonder you had a crush on her. After meeting her, I can't blame you." She continued, "Well, now you've got me to help you too."

"Thanks, Jubes," he said, "I'm damn glad you're still you and that you're here."

Jubilee grinned, flashing her fangs. "Well, you did let me snack on you and rock your world, so I think we're even."

Tyson laughed then, a real laugh, and the tension that had been coiled within him began to ease.

Jubilee leaned forward, resting her hand on Tyson's knee. "But what does that mean for us?"

Tyson grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "I was thinking of asking you to be my girlfriend since no one else around here seems to want that title officially..."

Jubilee smacked his arm playfully, interrupting him. "That's not what I meant, you dork. What about you, me, Logan, the X-Men? None of us were in the story you told."

Tyson's smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "It's true, none of us were. No mutants at all, except the Maximoff twins."

Jubilee's eyes widened as the pieces fell into place. "Wait, wait. So that's how you knew who to go after in Cerebro with Jean. The targets you picked out were from what you saw."

Tyson nodded, a hint of guilt in his expression. "Mostly, yeah."

Jubilee's shoulders slumped, a wave of remorse washing over her. "Tyson, I'm sorry."

He looked at her in confusion. "For what?"

"I think we've made things worse," Jubilee admitted, her voice small and uncertain.

Tyson frowned, still not comprehending. "What do you mean?"

Jubilee took a deep breath, organizing her thoughts. "When you went after Mystique, we had the Professor warn her. You said you looked for Magneto but found John was in Sokovia. From your vision, Sokovia is where the Maximoff twins, the only mutants in the vision, are from. What are the odds that's a coincidence?" Her voice grew more urgent, tinged with fear. "Magneto will come for you, and he'll have more mutants with him. And it's my fault. He's going to have a better idea of where you are."

He quickly schooled his features into a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Jubes. Magneto is dangerous, but I've known there was a chance he'd be coming for me. I've been taking steps to try to make a difference, and I'm preparing for him."

Jubilee looked at him skeptically. "Like what? I listened to your whole story. It doesn't seem like you changed that much."

"And you dodged my question. What about mutants? Are we just irrelevant to this grand cosmic drama?" she asked.

Tyson covered her hand with his own, his thumb stroking her knuckles reassuringly. "I don't think it's that simple, Jubes. Just because we weren't part of the vision doesn't mean we don't have a role to play. It could be that mutants had their own issues that kept them from being active in larger affairs. Or maybe if I hadn't interfered at Alkali Lake, Stryker would've killed all the mutants." He continued, "Nat thinks that I might have only seen the events beyond my presence, almost like I could see everything but myself. Either way, my actions have already started to ripple out, changing things in small but potentially significant ways."

Tyson's gaze went distant as he recalled the events that had changed. "The Stark Expo went about as expected. With Thor's arrival, things generally went the same. Except for Amora the Enchantress, who is on Earth now. Just like Omega Red wasn't supposed to be with Stryker when he attacked the institute, she wasn't supposed to arrive with the other Asgardians."

"With the Hulk, I fought the Abomination in his place. I hoped it would take some heat off Banner and lead to him gaining a measure of control. Ultimately, I've met almost all the original Avengers. I worked with Natasha and Clint during SHIELD operations, and I've helped both Iron Man and Thor; all that's left is for them to find Captain America on the ice. They all know my true identity, and I've built the foundations for good relationships with each of them. "

"As for mutants, I started House of M," Tyson mentioned with a hint of pride in his voice.

Jubilee's brow furrowed in confusion. "How does an illusion show help against Magneto? Or help mutants in general?"

Tyson grinned, leaning back against the wall. "It was the first step." He paused, letting the suspense build for a moment. "How much do you think I pull in for an illusion show?"

Jubilee shrugged, hazarding a guess. "A couple thousand dollars?"

Tyson made a negative buzzer sound, shaking his head. "Even after paying everyone and taxes, etc., it's over a hundred thousand dollars."

Jubilee's jaw dropped, her eyes wide with shock. "Per show?!"

"Yup," Tyson confirmed smugly. "Plus, I had several hundred million dollars socked up beforehand."

"So you're like, rich, rich? Okay. What about it?" Jubilee stared at him, trying to process this new information.

Tyson's expression grew serious as he regarded Jubilee. "I invested the money using some of the knowledge from my vision," he said. "I'm nearly a billionaire now." Jubilee waited, wondering what point he was driving at. Tyson continued, "So I bought a technology company... one that focused on identifying and hunting mutants."

Jubilee's eyes widened in horror, "You bought an anti-mutant company? Tyson, why would you do that?" then understanding dawned. "To hunt Magneto?" she asked.

His expression grew serious. "That's part of it. The technology company I acquired created these automated drones called Sentinels. In the darkest future from my vision, the Sentinels became unstoppable hunter-killer robots, unleashed to wipe out all mutantkind." He paused, his eyes darkening at the memory of the beginning of Days of Futures Past. "They didn't just target mutants already born. Their programming sought out any humans who might unlock the mutant gene, even generations into the future. It was a systematic genocide. They left the Earth a barren wasteland, with almost no humans or mutants left alive."

Jubilee's eyes widened in horror. "That's awful! So by taking over the company..."

"I've prevented that future from coming to pass," Tyson finished with a grim smile. "The Sentinels will never serve that genocidal purpose now."

Jubilee let out a breath. "Wow. So you've already saved all mutants and most of humanity from extinction?"

"Hopefully," Tyson said. "Don't worry too much about Magneto being on my trail. Now, I don't need to hunt him down. With Mystique aware of me, he has all the incentives and clues he needs to come for me. It's become a race to see if I can finish my preparations and acquire the technology from the Trask acquisition before he arrives." He added, "Plus, not all bad came from this. I know Magneto might be bringing Wanda and Pietro, which I wouldn't have realized if you hadn't been bitten. They're powerful, but during this whole mess, I secured allies that could counter them."

"Who?" Jubilee asked.

"The magic tutor I hired to get Amora's blood. Her name is Agatha Harkness. She's a witch and could serve as a counter to Wanda. And you told Jean not to join us yet, but she said she'd be coming once we were sure it was safe to be around you. Her telekinesis should be a hard counter to Pietro's super speed. You can't run if you're not on the ground. That leaves Magneto, and I should have the Sentinels to deal with him shortly. If not, with Jean here, at least there's a chance that she or I, with her power, could go toe-to-toe with Magneto. I've done it before, and I could do it again."

Jubilee took in his words, processing the web of plans and contingencies Tyson had put into motion. She hoped his preparations for Magneto's inevitable arrival would be enough when the time came. But she couldn't resist teasing Tyson a bit, even as she was impressed by the extent of his scheming. "Well, look at you, Mr. Mastermind," she said, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I thought you were just bumming around the city with Spider-Man this past year, chasing after any pretty girl that caught your eye." She gave him a playful nudge. "Good to know you were using more than just your little head to make plans."

Tyson scoffed, though his eyes held a glint of amusement. "Hypocrite!" he declared, pointing an accusatory finger her way. "If I recall correctly, earlier, you were the one trying to get me thinking with my little head, not my big one."

Jubilee flushed slightly, caught in her own teasing words. "Alright, alright, point taken," she conceded, holding her hands up in mock surrender. Giving him a wry smile, she quipped, "You don't really have a little head anyway. They're both big."

— Rogue Replacement —

Felicia arrived at the armory as the first rays of dawn crept through the high windows. She'd come prepared, wearing the form-fitting enhanced suit that granted her super strength without compromising her agility.

Tyson held Jubilee firmly as Felicia approached the vault door. They all braced themselves as Felicia turned the heavy lock, unsure how Jubilee might react upon encountering a normal human for the first time since turning.

To their relief, when the door swung open, Jubilee remained calm. There was no immediate attack, no uncontrollable bloodlust or aggression. She took a deep breath, noting, "Felicia smells good, but I don't feel the urge to feed." She tilted her head, considering, "Tyson's blood still holds more appeal."

Felicia's face was relieved that she didn't have to fight off the vampire. "I'm so glad you're okay, Jubilee," she said, her voice warm and sincere.

Tyson released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, his grip on Jubilee's arm relaxing slightly. They shared a look of cautious optimism.

"What now?" Felicia asked, her gaze flicking between Tyson and Jubilee.

Tyson's expression turned thoughtful. "Now, we see what she can do."

One advantage of House of M being a former armory was the abundance of space for large equipment. In the main arena, Tyson had enlisted Vanko to arrange an array of weights and obstacles for testing utilizing the Whiplash armor.

Jubilee approached the weights. The cold metal of the barbell rubbed against her palms as she wrapped her slender fingers around it. With a grunt of effort, she lifted the reinforced, forged steel up and over her head. The weight plates clanged and clattered against each other in protest at the abrupt motion. She held the pose, then lowered the barbell and let it rest with a muffled thump against the padding on the floor. They steadily increased the weight with each repetition. It was incredible watching her petite frame display such power. She eventually topped out at a thoroughly impressive two tons.

As Jubilee stepped back, Tyson took his turn at the makeshift strength testing station. His muscles flexed and corded beneath his shirt as he wrapped his large hands around an even heavier set of plates. With a look of intense concentration, he gritted his teeth and hoisted the tremendous weight off the floor. The barbell creaked alarmingly under the immense load, but Tyson held it aloft. His testing took longer, requiring more and more reps as the weight increments increased. The assembled group watched as he systematically pushed his altered physiology to its limits, the markers steadily climbing until the barbell held a staggering eight tons aloft. With a thunderous crash that shook the floor, he finally lowered the weight and stepped back, nodding in satisfaction at the results.

Felicia watched in awe, her eyes wide as she witnessed the true extent of their abilities. "Incredible," she breathed, shaking her head in disbelief.

Tyson and Jubilee moved on to the next challenge with the strength tests complete.


The outside of the arena provided a perfect track for them to push their limits.

Tyson took his position at the starting line, his muscles coiled and ready. He knew from experience that he could move at highway speeds, and his enhanced physiology allowed him to reach around 60 miles per hour.

Jubilee lined up beside him. "Ready to eat my dust?" she taunted, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"We'll see about that, Jubes. Don't count me out just yet."

Felicia stood off to the side, a stopwatch in hand. "On your marks," she called out, her voice echoing in the vast space. "Get set... Go!"

At her signal, both mutants exploded into motion. Tyson pushed himself to his limits and accelerated to his top speed. But even as he reached his peak velocity, he saw Jubilee pulling ahead. She moved like lightning, her form little more than a streak of motion as she tore around the track. Her vampiric speed was unmatched, leaving Tyson in the dust.

In a matter of seconds, Jubilee completed a full lap, skidding to a stop beside Felicia. Tyson followed moments later.

"Impressive," Felicia remarked, glancing down at the tablet. "Jubilee, you clocked in at over 150 miles per hour. Tyson, you hit your usual 60."

"Guess being a vampire has its advantages. Super speed, super strength. I could get used to this. What's next?" she asked eagerly, her gaze darting between Tyson and Felicia.

Tyson's expression grew thoughtful, his brow furrowing as he considered their options. "Vampires are supposed to be able to enthrall others," he mused, his voice low and contemplative. "Particularly those they've bitten."

Jubilee's face lit up, a mischievous grin spreading across her features. "Ooh, I can make you do what I want?" she purred, her eyes glinting with a hint of playful malice. "Sounds good. Let's test it."

She fixed her gaze on Tyson, her dark eyes boring into his with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. They stared at each other, seconds ticking by in a silent battle of wills. Tyson could feel the pull of her influence, a subtle pressure at the edges of his mind, but he fought against it, his mental fortitude pushing back against the intrusion.

After what felt like an eternity, but was in reality only a few moments, Jubilee spoke, her voice laced with a commanding tone. "Hop on one leg," she ordered, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Tyson's face scrunched up, the compulsion to obey her command warring with his sense of self-control. He could feel the urge to comply, to surrender to her will, but he shook it off, his mind clearing as he reasserted his autonomy.

"I felt it," he admitted, his voice strained with the effort of resistance. "The compulsion to do as you said. But I was able to fight it off."

"Now bite him and try again," Felicia suggested. Jubilee raised an eyebrow. Felicia elaborated, "Just to be thorough. If the legends say they can control those they've bitten, we need to see what happens if you bite him and immediately try to command him."

"No harm in trying," Tyson agreed, tilting his head to expose his neck.

Jubilee leaned in, her fangs extended, and she sank them into Tyson's jugular, drawing deeply.

He let out an involuntary moan, his eyes fluttering closed.

Felicia's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't realized he would seem so affected by the bite. The sight stirred something unexpected within her. Curiosity, a hint of arousal at how he seemed to enjoy it, and a twinge of jealousy she hadn't anticipated.

Jubilee pulled back, licking her lips. Her gaze shifted to Felicia. "You smell good too, kitty cat. Like vanilla and jasmine. I wouldn't mind a taste."

Felicia felt a flush creep up her neck, caught off guard by Jubilee's words. Quickly holding her hands up placatingly, she said, "Down, girl," chuckling and shaking her head. Clearing her throat, she instructed, "Try and control him now," her voice slightly huskier than before.

Jubilee turned back to Tyson, who seemed to be shaking off the effects of the bite. She fixed him with an intense stare, her voice taking on a commanding tone. "Tyson, do a handstand."

To everyone's surprise, Tyson moved almost immediately. He bent forward, placed his hands on the ground, and kicked his legs into a perfect handstand.

"Incredible," Felicia breathed, watching in fascination. "It worked this time."

Jubilee's eyes widened, excitement and concern flashing across her face. "I can feel it," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "It's like there's a connection between us now, a thread I can tug on to make him do what I want."

Tyson remained in the handstand position. After about a minute, he suddenly dropped back to his feet, shaking his head as if to clear it. "Whoa," he muttered, blinking rapidly. "That was... intense. I could feel your command, Jubes. It was like my body was moving on its own."

"That was about a minute, I'd say," Jubilee replied, still surprised by her newfound power. "After that, I could feel the connection start to weaken."

Tyson nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was like a fog lifting from my mind. I suddenly realized what I was doing and was able to break free of it."

Felicia tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Interesting. So, the compulsion is strong but short-lived. That could be useful in certain situations, but knowing it has limits is good."

Jubilee nodded thoughtfully, her brow furrowing as she considered the implications of her new vampiric abilities. "And Tyson has resistance to psionics," she mused. "He was braced for me, guarded against any mental intrusion. If I had caught him off guard, or if he had willingly opened his mind to me and my suggestion..."

She trailed off, her eyes distant as she imagined the scenario. "I think it would last much longer. If Tyson consciously lowered his defenses and allowed me access, perhaps indefinitely."

Tyson announced. "My turn."

The bustling streets of New York City suddenly replaced the arena around them. Towering skyscrapers loomed overhead while honking cars and chattering pedestrians filled the air. It was a perfect replica, down to the smallest detail.

Felicia blinked, momentarily disoriented by the sudden shift in scenery. She looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the illusionary cityscape, before refocusing her attention on Tyson and Jubilee.

Jubilee, for her part, seemed utterly unaffected by the change. She glanced around, a bored expression on her face, before turning back to Tyson with a raised eyebrow. "Are you doing anything?" she asked, her voice flat and unimpressed.

Tyson chuckled, shaking his head. "Yes," he confirmed, "My illusions don't affect you in the slightest."

Jubilee sighed, a hint of disappointment creeping into her tone. "No more Naruto then," she lamented, referring to the times Tyson had used his illusions to mimic the anime.

Tyson's expression grew serious, the playful atmosphere evaporating as he considered their next steps. "I think that's it as far as strengths go," he said, "Now it's time to test your weaknesses."

Jubilee winced, a flicker of apprehension crossing her features. She knew that this was a necessary step, that they needed to understand the limitations of her new form just as much as they needed to explore its potential. But the thought of confronting her vulnerabilities made her uneasy.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "Okay," she said, "Let's do it."

They knew this would be a potentially dangerous part of their testing process. But they also knew that it was essential that understanding Jubilee's weaknesses was the best way to protect her.

Tyson, Felicia, and Jubilee left the arena behind. They headed to the executive lounge, a plush and well-appointed space. Vanko and his Whiplash suit would handle the cleanup, leaving the trio free to focus on the next phase of their investigation. As they entered the lounge, Felicia stepped forward with a small collection of items cradled in her arms. She handed the first one to Tyson, a simple necklace with a cross pendant dangling from its delicate chain.

Tyson held it up. "Religious symbol first," he said.

Jubilee raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Wait, I know the myths around that. Don't you have to be a believer for religious symbols to work on vampires?"

Tyson shrugged, "Yeah, but last month, I met Thor. So, I know gods exist. If Thor is real, who's to say that the Christian god isn't?"

He stepped forward, the necklace held aloft, its pendant swaying gently with each step. Jubilee instinctively stepped back, her body reacting before her mind could fully process the situation. Tyson halted, a look of concern crossing his features.

She sighed, a mixture of embarrassment and unease in her voice. "It works. I don't like the way it feels. At all. I know it's stupid, but I want to get away when you come near me with that."

Tyson nodded, handing the necklace back to Felicia. "Okay, we'll move on."

Felicia approached next, a string of garlic dangling from her fingertips. Jubilee recoiled, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "That smells horrible," she complained, her voice muffled as she held her breath.

Despite her aversion, Jubilee held her hands out, allowing Felicia to tie the garlic string around her wrists. She pulled her hands apart, testing the strength of the bonds, but to her surprise, she could not tear the string. It was unusual, given the remarkable feats of strength she had demonstrated earlier.

Tyson watched with fascination. "Garlic saps a vampire's strength," he mused, "That one's true too."

Felicia untied the string from Jubilee's wrists and carried the garlic behind the lounge's bar. Tyson turned to Jubilee with a serious expression.

"Okay, we'll move on to the last test. I'm sure you know what it is."

Jubilee nodded, her voice hesitant and small. "Sunlight."

They all knew the stories of vampires bursting into flames at the first touch of the sun's rays. She was a vampire now, a creature of the night, and the sun was the ultimate enemy of her kind. Would the sun truly reduce her to ash and cinders at the first touch of its light? Or was there some way to protect her, to shield her from its deadly rays? But first, they needed to know for sure. They needed to test the limits of her vulnerability, push the boundaries of her newfound nature, and see where they led.

With a sense of trepidation, Tyson turned to Jubilee, his voice low and serious. "Are you ready for this?"

Jubilee swallowed hard, her eyes wide and fearful. But beneath the fear was the spark of her indomitable spirit. "As ready as I'll ever be," she said, "Let's do this."

Tyson, Jubilee, and Felicia approached one of the building's east-facing windows. Felicia raised the shade a bit, allowing a clear sunbeam to cut through the dimness and cast a golden glow across the floor.

Jubilee held her breath, bracing herself for the searing pain she expected to follow. But as the radiating light brightened the room, she felt... Nothing. No burning, no steam rose from her flesh, no agony coursing through her veins.

Cautiously, she approached the window, extending a trembling finger towards the sunlight. She let the barest tip of her pinky touch the beam, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for the inevitable.

But still, nothing happened. Emboldened, Jubilee eased more of her hand into the light, watching in amazement as her skin remained unblemished and whole. She glanced at Felicia, who nodded and raised the blinds higher, flooding the room with the sun's warm glow.

Jubilee stepped fully into the light, her eyes wide with wonder as she basked in its radiance. "I'm fine," she said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "It doesn't hurt at all."

Tyson stared at her, his brow furrowed in confusion. "How?" he asked.

Jubilee proposed with budding understanding in her eyes, "It must be you."

"Huh? Me?" Tyson asked, his confusion only deepening.

"Think about it, Ty," Jubilee explained, her voice growing more excited with each word. "You smell so good to vampires. But you smell like sunlight and life. It can't be a coincidence."

"Fuck," he muttered, the implications of Jubilee's words sinking in. He forced a smile, trying to focus on the positive. "This is great for us. For you."

"Damn, I'm like immortal, immortal. If sunlight can't kill me, what does that leave? Silver and decapitation?" Jubilee's expression sobered as she processed the implications of his words. "This isn't so great for you?" she finished, her voice tinged with concern.

"I'm happy that you won't have to live your life in the darkness," he said, "But if the vampires ever found out my blood would let them walk in the daylight, they'd string me up and turn me into a never-ending blood bank."

Felicia nodded, her expression grim. "That would be bad for humanity," she agreed.

Tyson turned to Felicia, a thought occurring to him. "Did Blade, that vampire hunter, ever come back or call?" he asked hopefully.

Felicia shook her head. "No, he didn't."

Tyson frowned, his mind already racing with possibilities. "I don't have a way to get in touch with him. I don't know where he's working out of, and I was more concerned with keeping him away from Jubilee than finding out." he paused, considering their options. "Actually, I don't know if telling him about this would be a good idea. He would probably try to kill me again to keep the vamps from getting to me." Turning to Jubilee, he searched her face. "If it's my blood that makes you able to walk in the sunlight, that means you're stuck with me. Are you okay with this?"

"Tyson, are you asking if I'm okay spending the rest of my life with you?" She took a step closer, wrapping her arms around him. "When I was bitten, I asked if you'd want to get married, and we sorta did. Now it sounds like we've bound ourselves for life."

Tyson's lips puckered at her statement. Jubilee laughed, the sound light and carefree despite the weight of their situation. She leaped into his arms, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm okay with this," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "I'll stay with you until the end of my second life."

Felicia watched the exchange with a smile, her heart warmed by their genuine affection. "I'm happy for you two," she said, her voice tinged with wistfulness.

Jubilee glanced at Felicia, a flicker of awkwardness crossing her features. She knew Tyson and Felicia had an interesting, simple, yet complicated relationship. But Felicia had been supportive throughout this ordeal, accepting everything with grace and understanding. But as she thought about it, her expression shifted into a frown.

Noticing the change in her demeanor, Tyson tilted his head in concern. "What's wrong?" he probed.

"What are we going to tell Illyana?"

Tyson's expression sobered at the question. It wasn't just Jubilee's death and resurrection as a vampire that they had to contend with. Now, she was bound to him by his blood. And then there was the matter of his secrets, the knowledge of the future that he had shared with Jubilee in the quiet moments of their confinement. She knew everything, the full extent of the coming events. Events that Illyana was still blissfully unaware of. Tyson mulled over the possibilities and potential consequences. He trusted Illyana with his secrets and didn't want to jeopardize her trust. But at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling that some truths were better left unspoken, at least for now. Illyana was far away, and they wouldn't reunite for another year. Adding the weight of his future knowledge seemed wrong since she'd be unable to help in the upcoming fight.

He glanced at Jubilee, seeing the same conflicted emotions across her features. "We'll figure it out," Tyson said at last. Felicia, too, was unaware of his future knowledge, so he said, somewhat cryptically, "We'll find a way to tell her what she needs to know when the time is right. But for now, we focus on the present."

Jubilee nodded, a flicker of relief crossing her features. She leaned into Tyson's embrace, drawing strength from his presence and unwavering support.

Tyson suggested, "Why don't you call Illyana and Jean? You guys can talk. I've got a call to make myself. Our conversation last night made me realize that there are some moves I need to make."

Jubilee climbed out of Tyson's arms, pulled out her phone, and stepped into the hallway. She stared at the phone in her hand, her finger hovering over Illyana's number. She took a deep breath, trying to steady the nerves fluttering in her stomach. She dreaded this conversation, but putting it off longer would only make things worse. Illyana was her friend and deserved to know the truth. Her hand trembled as she hit the call button. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she raised the phone to her ear. It rang once, twice, three times before Illyana's familiar voice came on the line, filled with warmth and concern.

"Jubes! I've been so worried. Are you okay? Is Tyson okay?"

Jubilee swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry. "Hey, Illy. I have something I need to tell you. Something important."

There was a pause, a beat of silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. "What is it? What did he do?" Illyana asked, her tone shifting from warm to wary.

Jubilee closed her eyes, steeling herself. "It's not Tyson, he's fine. We stopped him before he did anything bad. But Illy, I died."

Another pause, longer than the first. Then Illyana sighed, "So, Tyson was going to kill someone for you. I presume you stopped him, or he failed. You said you died, which means now you're a vampire. There are some texts here on vampires. I read through them all when you told me what happened. It doesn't sound so bad, but it's manageable minus the burning in sunlight."

Jubilee choked out a laugh, her voice cracking with emotion. "That's the thing I need to tell you about." She took another shaky breath. "It's a long story, but the short version is that Tyson's blood is special. When I turned, I drank from him. His blood, we think, changes things. Made me different."

"Different, how?" Illyana asked bluntly.

"I can walk in the sunlight. We're kind of stuck together now. Without him, I won't be able to go out during the day."

Silence hung heavy on the line, broken only by Illyana's soft breathing. "I don't understand," she said at last.

Tears prickled at the corners of Jubilee's eyes. "I'm so sorry. I was afraid to call you because I was scared of what you would think, of how you would react. I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Illyana echoed with a bitter laugh. "Jubes, you died. How could anything hurt more than that?"

Jubilee winced, Illyana's pain cutting her to the core. "I'm sorry, Illy. I'm so, so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"I don't understand why you were afraid of how I'd react," Illyana said softly.

Jubilee hesitated, struggling to find the words. "Tyson... he tried so hard to save me. I care about him. And now, with this bond between us. I just don't know."

Illyana was quiet for a long moment, the weight of Jubilee's words sinking in. "I asked him to take care of you, and he promised he would," she said.

"I know," Jubilee whispered, "And I'm sorry for dumping it all on you like this. But I needed you to know the truth, Illy. I needed you to understand."

"I do," Illyana said, "Or at least, I'm trying to. I need you to promise me something."

"Anything," Jubilee said without hesitation.

"Promise me that you won't shut me out," Illyana said fiercely. "Promise me that you'll talk to me. Let me be there for you no matter what happens. And the same with Tyson. Don't let him shut me out again. I love him, but I love you too, you know. You were there when I needed you, and I'm here for you. Chicks before dicks, right?"

A sob caught in Jubilee's throat, overwhelmed by the depth of Illyana's loyalty. "I promise, Illy. I promise. And sisters before misters sounds so much better."

Illyana scoffed, and Jubilee felt a weight lift from her shoulders. There was still the burden of Tyson's secret knowledge, but that was his to share. She had Illyana's understanding and support for now, which was enough.

"I love you, Illy," Jubilee said, pouring all her heart into the words.

"I love you too, Jubes," Illyana replied. No matter what happens, no matter what you've become, that will never change. We'll get through this together, all of us—you, me, and Tyson. We're family, and family sticks together."

Jubilee smiled through her tears, grateful beyond words for the fierce, loyal, loving friend she had in Illyana Rasputin.

As the call ended, Jubilee felt a sense of peace wash over her, the knots of tension and fear slowly unwinding. She had Illyana's love and support, Tyson's strength, and now she needed to call another member of her chosen family. The emotionally draining conversation with Illyana was behind her, so she pulled up the next number, hit the call button, and raised the phone to her ear.

It only rang once before Jean's warm, familiar voice filled the line. "Jubilee! I've been so worried about you. Is everything okay?"

Jubilee couldn't help but smile at the genuine concern in Jean's tone. "Hey, Jean. I'm fine. Well, mostly."

"Mostly?" Jean echoed, a hint of worry creeping into her voice. "Tell me everything that happened."

Jubilee felt a rush of gratitude for Jean's calm, compassionate reaction. "It's a long story, but the short version is that I died and rose as a vampire. Tyson's illusions no longer work on me, and now we can touch. And his blood, it's special. It lets me walk in the sunlight, even as a vampire."

"Tyson's blood?" Jean asked, curiosity and fascination lacing her tone. "That's incredible. I never knew he had that kind of power."

"Neither did I," Jubilee admitted with a small laugh. "But it means I'm not all broody and angsty like I expected to be. I can still go out during the day."

"That's wonderful, Jubes," Jean said, and Jubilee could hear the smile in her voice. "I'm so glad you have that, at least. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you."

Jubilee felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, touched by Jean's empathy. "It's not easy," she confessed, her voice wavering slightly. "But having friends like you, knowing you've got my back... makes it easier."

"Always," Jean promised. "We're all here for you, no matter what."

Jubilee sniffed, wiping away a stray tear. "Thanks, Jean. That means more than you know."

"Of course. I'll let everyone know that you're doing well." Jean said warmly. "Now, when can I come visit you? I need to see for myself that you're okay and give you a big hug."

Jubilee laughed, the sound watery but genuine. "I'd love that. I'll talk to Tyson and see when would be a good time. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Sounds perfect," Jean agreed. "And Jubes? I'm proud of you. You're handling this with so much grace and strength. You're amazing."

Jubilee felt a blush heating her cheeks at the praise. "I don't know about that," she mumbled, embarrassed but pleased.

"I mean it, Jubes. You're one of the strongest, most resilient people I know. You're going to get through this, and you're going to thrive. I believe in you." Jean said sagely.

Jubilee's heart swelled with affection for her friend, her sister in all but blood. "Thank you, Jean. I love you, you know that?"

"I love you too, Jubilee," Jean replied, her voice warm and sincere. "Always and forever. Now, get some rest, okay? I'll be waiting for that text."

"You got it," Jubilee promised. "Talk to you soon."

As the call ended, Jubilee felt a sense of peace settle over her. Talking to Jean and feeling her unwavering support and love had been a balm to her soul. She'd already faced her 'death,' and it revealed beyond certainty to Jubilee that she had an incredible network of friends and chosen family who would be with her every step of the way. With Jean's compassion, Illyana's fierce loyalty, and Tyson's steadfast presence, Jubilee felt like she could face anything.

She slipped her phone back into her pocket. Now, where had Tyson gotten off to?

— Rogue Replacement —

As Tyson strode towards the lab, he pulled out his phone. The line clicked, and a deep, smooth voice filled Tyson's ear. "Mirage. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

Tyson couldn't help but smirk at the cordial tone. Wilson Fisk was ever the businessman.

"Fisk. I need your help."

"Of course," Fisk replied, "What can I do for you, my friend?"

"I need to get in touch with someone. An arms dealer or smuggler named Ulysses Klaue."

There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line, and Tyson could almost hear the gears turning in Fisk's mind. "Ulysses Klaue," Fisk repeated, his voice thoughtful. "The name is familiar, but I can't say I've had any direct dealings with the man."

"I didn't expect you would have. He's not exactly your usual type of business associate."

Fisk chuckled, the sound deep and rich. "No, I suppose not. But I'm curious, Mirage. What do you want with this man?"

"He is an arms dealer and has a particular, rare resource that I'm looking to purchase," Tyson said.

"I see, of course," Fisk agreed, his voice smooth as silk. "I understand completely. And I'm happy to help, Mirage."

Tyson added, "Great. When you find Klaue, tell him I'm willing to pay his asking price for the metal. It's called vibranium. Oh, and Fisk, make finding him your priority, please."

"Consider it done," Fisk promised. "I'll be in touch, Mirage. And do give my regards to your lovely assistant."

With that, the line went dead. Tyson slipped the phone back into his pocket and then pushed open the door to the lab. Jubilee and Felicia caught up, and he held the door open for them. As they entered Dr. Connors' lab, they found the brilliant scientist hunched over his workbench, with his eyes focused on the array of samples and data spread before him.

Connors looked up at the sound of their footsteps, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Tyson, Ms. Hardy, Ms. Lee, good to see you all. What can I do for you?"

Jubilee stepped forward, her posture relaxed but her eyes betraying a hint of nervousness. "Here for my checkup, Doc," she said, her voice carefully casual.

Connors's gaze flicked between the three of them. "Were you able to stop the transformation... or?" He trailed off, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air. The scientist's expression softened, sympathy and understanding etched into the lines of his face. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said gently. "But it's good that you're still up and about. I assume you're here for some answers."

Tyson nodded, his eyes meeting Connors with a fierce intensity. "We need to know what we're dealing with, Doc."

Connors nodded, his mind already working. "Of course. Let's get another sample and see what we can see." He gestured towards a chair, and Jubilee sat down, rolling up her sleeve for the blood draw.

As Connors prepared the needle, Tyson's gaze wandered around the lab, taking in the samples and chemicals that lined the shelves and filled the refrigerators. It was a veritable goldmine of superpowers, a collection he had carefully curated over the months. There were samples of his blood. Bags of Bruce Banner's blood that had been taken from Dr. Sterns. Cindy Moon's samples, which Tyson stole from the clutches of HYDRA. Plus, Peter Parker's blood was collected during his hospital stay after the imposter attack.

But it wasn't just blood samples. The lab also held an array of serums and formulas, each with great potential. There were the Goblin and Lizard formulas from Oscorp, which Tyson and Felicia had stolen on their date. Then there were the early iterations of the super-soldier serum, which Felicia picked up from the vaults of Camp Lehigh after graduation.

Tyson considered all the possibilities, the potential for good and for ill, that lay within these walls. In the right hands, these samples and serums could change the world and give rise to a new generation of heroes. But the thought of it falling into the wrong hands made his blood run cold.

"What do you need from us, Doc?" Tyson asked.

Connors' eyes glinted at the thrill of the scientific challenge mingling with the weight of responsibility. "A little bit of time," he said simply. "I'll do everything in my power to find answers, but I need you to trust me, to let me do my work."

Tyson nodded, his hand finding Jubilee's and reassuringly squeezing it. "You have it, Doc. Whatever you need."

"Then let's get started."

Connors turned to his newest samples, pulled out an eyedropper, and placed drops on various slides and papers for examination. He hunched over his workbench, focusing intently on the blood samples before him. Tyson, Jubilee, and Felicia stood nearby, watching the brilliant scientist as he worked.

"Felicia replayed for me that conversation between you and Blade," Connors said, his voice distant as he peered through the microscope. "Looking at Jubilee's first blood sample, there are traces of 'green stuff' throughout. I apologize for lacking proper scientific terminology, but I've never seen anything like this. It appears to be the ichor that Blade mentioned."

He straightened up, his brow furrowed in thought. "Interestingly, a portion of her blood cells are biconvex."

Tyson leaned forward, his eyes sharp with interest. "What does that mean in a physiological context?"

"Human red blood cells should be biconcave disks. Think of them like donuts with the hole in the middle dipping in but not going all the way through. As I saw in Jubilee's sample, Biconvex is shaped more like a stereotypical flying saucer. It shouldn't be possible in blood samples." He paused, his gaze flicking back to the microscope. "Also, the red blood cells are hypochromic. They lack the red color, likely because they lack hemoglobin. To simplify, if this ichor causes the body to produce these unusual red blood cells, it explains why vampires need to drink blood. Since their blood can't transport oxygen, they'd need regular injections of blood that contain hemoglobin. At least that's my current theory."

Tyson's brow furrowed, his mind racing with the implications. "Wouldn't the blood just be digested like anything else a person eats? How would it get directly into the bloodstream?"

"A great question. My best guess? Maybe ichor adjusts the digestive process. Perhaps the digestive juices somehow get altered to avoid breaking down red blood cells, allowing them to be absorbed in the small intestine. I couldn't be sure without extensive testing on a live vampire." He waved a hand as if dismissing the thought. "Though interesting, I don't think that's particularly relevant."

"One relevant thing. Jubilee drank my blood, and now she isn't vulnerable to sunlight anymore. Any theories on that?"

Connors was silent momentarily, his eyes distant as he considered the question. "Perhaps..." he said, at last, his voice hesitant. "Looking at Jubilee's current sample was confusing until you added that tidbit. In the body, heme is an essential constituent of hemoglobin. To produce heme, the body requires porphyrins. Because, presumably, Jubilee's and vampires' bodies aren't producing heme, there's a buildup of these porphyrins, which is toxic to the body."

"But here's the kicker… The main symptoms of porphyrin buildup are light sensitivity and a rash when exposed. I'm not sure how in vampires this reaction jumps from having a rash to rapid burning in sunlight…"

Connors turned his gaze to Tyson, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "But that leads me to your blood. Something I've known for a while is that you have an abnormal blood type. Typical blood typing is A, B, AB, or O. Your blood is Type-E. Something only ever clinically observed one time, by a researcher in Canada working with the military."

He began to pace, his mind whirring with possibilities. "Different blood type antigens can have a relative effect on hormone receptors. It was documented that Type-E blood increased a-melanocyte stimulating hormone, which in turn drives melanogenesis, causing skin darkening."

Tyson's eyes widened, a flash of realization crossing his features. "After she drank my blood, Jubilee's skin returned to its normal color."

Dr. Connors clapped once, a grin spreading across his face. "There's our answer. Melanin. It functionally serves as protection against UV radiation. Thereby protecting Jubilee from the vampire's daylight weakness."

"So, what does this mean, Doc? Do you know how to cure me?"

Connors' expression softened, sympathy etched into the lines of his face. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. But since Tyson's blood can mitigate the effects, I may be able to discover other methods that may give you a chance at a more normal life."

Tyson's hand found Jubilee's, his fingers lacing with hers in a gesture of silent support. "We'll figure this out, Jubes," he promised.

Jubilee said. "I want you all to know I'm okay with this. I don't want to change, so do all the research you want, Doc, but even if you had a cure, I wouldn't take it."

Dr. Connors smiled, "I have no doubt we'll find answers. I'll keep working, keep searching. I already have some ideas, perhaps stimulating the liver to help remove the porphyrins. Regardless, I won't give up until we've found a way to help you, Jubilee."

"What other projects are you working on, Doc?"

Dr. Connors leaned back in his chair, steepling his long, slender fingers together as he regarded Tyson thoughtfully. "Well, I have quite a few irons in the fire, as they say," Dr. Connors replied. His voice was warm, almost fatherly, as he addressed the young man. "I compared the samples of goblin serum and the incomplete version of the super soldier serum," Connors said, his voice filled with excitement. "Even though they were created decades apart, their chemical composition is remarkably similar."

"Both serums are quite different in structure from the Lizard serum I created, however. I did notice some compositions that were similar throughout all three. One compound was shared between the earlier versions of the Lizard serum and the other two serums. I believe now that it's this compound that causes the mental instability leading to insanity."

Tyson had seen firsthand the devastating effects of the goblin serum, the way it had twisted Norman Osborn into a monster.

Connors continued, his voice taking on a note of pride. "With the Lizard formula, after months of fine-tuning, I was able to fix this deficit by substitutions from lizard DNA I used in my serum. Part of the problem, I think, is that the incomplete super soldier and goblin serums have no mechanism for fixing this deficit."

He turned to the screen displaying Dr. Banner's blood analysis. "In the case of Dr. Banner's blood, we see a different story. While I don't have the serum he was injected with to compare, my best guess is that Dr. Banner's team used gamma rays to stabilize theirs, like how I used lizard DNA to stabilize my serum. The outcome was a far greater effect of the serum. While Dr. Banner wasn't driven insane, the serum-induced transformation had its mental toll along with its physical change."

Dr. Connors leaned forward, his eyes blazing with the fire of discovery. "I hypothesize that some other catalyst was missing from the super soldier that stabilized it. Whatever that catalyst was, without it, the serum is doomed to drive any that take it into insanity."

Tyson's eyes widened, a flash of realization crossing his features. "Vita Rays," he mumbled, almost to himself.

Dr. Connors heard him and, assuming he was asking a question, launched into an explanation. "Vita Rays or Vita Radiation is an exotic energy type not found commonly on Earth. The only way I know of to create Vita Radiation is through Nitramene, a chemical created by Howard Stark."

Tyson spoke up. "Dr. Banner used gamma radiation in his experiment, but I know that the original super soldier serum used Vita Radiation."

Connors paused, his eyes narrowing as he considered Tyson's words. "Not sure how you could know that, but theoretically, it could work. Gamma radiation shares some similarities with Vita Radiation. Using it as a substitute would be within reason."

Tyson pressed on, his mind already racing ahead. "Two questions. If I got you Nitramene, could you create enough Vita Radiation to stabilize the serum?"

"Almost certainly... that or blow up the building."

Tyson raised an eyebrow, thinking Connors was joking. The scientist's expression remained deadpan.

He wasn't.

Swallowing hard, Tyson asked his second question. "Could you substitute another creature's DNA with the lizard's DNA and create an alternate 'lizard formula'? Like, say, a spider formula?"

Connors leaned back, his mind whirring with possibilities. "Probably. If you're thinking about the other blood sample you brought me, I can't do it with something like that, nothing too human-like. A monstrous mutant's blood might be the closest thing to a human that would work. A spider might as well, but no guarantee the subject would end up like Spider-Man. It's more likely they'd end up a man-spider if you get what I'm saying," Connors finished, chuckling at his little joke.

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Behind the Scenes

- Type-E blood comes from comics. In Wolverine #5, we learn that Wolverine has Type E blood, which allows vampires who consume it to walk during the day. In the story, I tried to reference Wolverine by saying the only reported case was in Canada.

- During power testing, we see Jubilee mind-control Tyson. This is not the first time someone has been coerced in this story, but what you might not have realized is that there are over half a dozen subtle instances of people being coerced. Stuff like this has been happening since Arc 1.

During the basketball game, Jean does it to Illyana, but I made it glaringly clear that it happened; likewise, when Xavier locks Tyson out of the white room, it's obvious. But more Subtle is in Arc 1, in Limbo, after Azazel retreats and Tyson still has Azazel's power:

"She kissed a devil, and the hellfire no longer burned." His tone shifted, taking on a sly, inviting quality. "Come closer and get a better look. Tell me you like what you see. Desire me." - Arc 1, Chapter 8. Tyson to Illyana

The obvious compulsion is when Illyana approaches Tyson and appreciates his demonic appearance. The more subtle compulsion is the first line.

It's why Illyana is the only person who can kiss Tyson without feeling pain.

And that's not even that subtle.

In Arc 2, many readers commented that they thought Tyson was trying to defend the institute because Xavier planted some kind of suggestion. Nope. That was just Tyson being Tyson, trying to be the hero. There weren't any moments where Xavier, subtly or not, said anything about Tyson trying to help the institute. He did try to manipulate Tyson into staying, but he didn't use psionics to do it.

You might be thinking… Amora, definitely Amora. While Amora did openly manipulate Tyson in the bar/strip club, even when she was in his head, she didn't really manipulate him using magic. Sure, she used guile, but outside their first meeting and their fight, Amora has actually been reasonably forthright with her intentions toward Tyson.

Support Plug

For those of you interested in supporting my writing.


For Arc 5&6, every chapter had its own cover image.

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