54.28% New Valyria / Chapter 19: Chapter 18: Arc 2, Ancestors and the Old Gods

章節 19: Chapter 18: Arc 2, Ancestors and the Old Gods


Jon Snow


Jon felt a gust of wind hit his face, as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around not understanding what was currently happening. He was supposed to be dead, not standing around in a forest of trees. He walked as he looked at the beautiful landscape in front of him.

"Daeron!" He heard a female voice yell at him. He quickly turned around to see who was calling his birth name. But when he turned he felt a body run into his, and arms going around him.

He looked down and saw a head of brown hair, like Arya's. The person looked up at him, and he immediately realized who was hugging him. She was so much like his sister, with her grey eyes and long face. He immediately threw his arms around the person, and whispered something he thought he would never say, "Mother." He collapsed to his knees, when he called her that. He felt tears going down his cheeks.

He felt a hand going threw his hair, "It's okay, my sweet child. Your mother is here." She said as he placed his head at the crotch of her neck. They stayed like this until Jon leaned back, to take a proper look at his mother. He also noticed that he wasn't the only one that was analyzing the person in front of them. His mother smiled, "I remember the first time I saw you, my Daeron. With your uncles, and my face, long and full of baby fat, and with your father's eyes." She ran a hand along his cheek, "But look at you now, you have changed so much. Fighting battles, commanding and army, and flying dragons. But nothing will take away the looks you have from your father and I."

Jon smiled, but it quickly left when he remembered where he was, "Where am I Mother? I'm supposed to be de-."

"I know, my sweet." His mother cut him off, with a sad look, "But the Old, and Dragon Gods have not chosen this time for you to join us." His mother stood, "Follow me, my son. We don't have a lot of time." Jon stood, and followed his mother, "There are some people who want to meet you." She turned around with a smile, "Including your father."

He looked ahead of his mother and saw five men standing there. Three wearing armour of red, and black, all three holding Blackfyre in their hands. One was wearing robes of red, and black, in his hand was a quail and book. And the last was a man of extreme old age, wearing dark steel armour that had dents all over, with a crown atop his head, and in his hand was a sword that he would recognize from anywhere, in his hand was the greatsword, Ice.




"What do you think the dragons are doing? They haven't moved for hours." Ari said beside her, holding the sleeping body of her daughter.

Val shrugged, and said, "No idea." All three wives of Daeron Targaryen were sitting a safe distance away from the door, looking out said door, at the destroyed city of Volantis. But what they were paying the most attention to were the three dragons. Val stood, "But what I can say is that, they are most likely watching over the body of Jon."

She turned around to go talk to someone, and before she could leave hearing rang, she heard Joanna speak, who was doing the same as Arianne, holding the body of her son, "Agreed."

Val walked further into the only staying building in Volantis, the Temple of the Red God. She didn't like the place, but it was the only thing that was keeping them safe from the hit outside of its walls. Val looked around and saw red priestesses, and priests praying to their pagan god, and with them the people of Volantis.

Val walked further into the building looking for on person. The person who stopped Gendry from going outside. The High Priestess of R'hllor, Kinvara. Something the priestess said to Gendry caught her interest, and now she wanted to find out about what she meant.

But then three faces popped into her mind, faces that made her heart twist in want and pain. She missed Aerea and Jacaerys, it has been months since she saw her twins, and she wanted to hold them in her arms again. But the face that made her feel more pain was the love of her life. She remembered what Gendry said, and she won't ever forget it.

Val stopped when she got to the large doors, which has giants flames beside it. Val thought of what she will ask when she meets the high priestess. When she made up her mind she knocked.

"Enter, Val of the Freefolk." The priestess answered. Val slowly opened the door, to find the high priestess was bathing in a tub of water. The priestess looked to her, "What can I do for you, Freefolk Priestess?"

Val cringed at the title, she hated it. She hated every title she had, "I was wondering if there is away for you to bring back Jon. I have heard stories of the 'Red God', have the ability to bring back the dead."

Kinvara nod as she stood from the tub, "There has been stories of bringing people back from the dead." The priestess stepped out of the tub, "But we need him near for that to happen. With the heat outside these walls, it would be impossible to bring him here. But I ask you Lord for help."

Val nodded, knowing that if this happened Jon would be in an outrage. He hates this Lord, but it was the only way for Jon to come back to her, "Thank you, Priestess." She turned around to leave, hating being in the presence of this priestess.


Aegon the Conqueror


Aegon waited for Lady Lyanna to return with her son. The son that has gained the titles of him come again. With him stood more of his descendant, Jaehaerys the Old, Daeron the Young Dragon, and Rhaegar the Silver Prince. But also with them stood a man of extreme power.

Aegon was taken from his thoughts when she saw two people coming towards them. Aegon watched as Lady Lyanna lead a man of dark raven hair, which goes down to his shoulders, straight face, and dark angry velvet/purple eyes. The man stood tall above the men with him.

He watched as his descendant interacted with his father. And soon it was him. They both looked into each others eyes, and Aegon saw the power those I had, power that he himself never had. Aegon smiled, as he bowed to the man in front of him. This man will be a better ruler then he or any other king before him.

He was soon followed but all the other Targaryens. Be noticed Daeron starting to blush. Maybe he wasn't ready yet, but when he is done with him here, he was sure that he will be ready to rule the whole world.

Aegon stood, and was followed by his other descendants, he held his hand out and introduced himself, "Daeron Targaryen, it's about time we finally met. Even though it's with both of us dead. I am Aegon I Targaryen." Daeron's eyes flew open. "But right now isn't the time for this. I do or wish your mother did tell you that we don't have a lot of time."

Daeron nodded, "She mentioned something like that."

Aegon nodded, "Good." He sat down, "Now let me tell you about the dragon known as Cannibal. And how became who he is."

-300 and something years ago-

Aegon entered the Dragon's Pitt, on Dragonstone. Inside held dragons of small, medium, and large, and non the same as the other. Today was the day he will find his dragon, his equal. Aegon walked further into the Pitt, waiting for his bond to find it's bonded.

It took hours for him to find his bonded, but it soon came. And in front of him was a dragon of his head height, darkness for scales, and blood for eyes. This dragon looked at Aegon like Aegon looked at him, with curiosity. Soon Aegon held out his hand, waiting for the dragon to accept the bond, and it happened. The dragon placed its head in his hand.

Aegon quickly made a friend out of this dragon, and within days the naming will happen. Aegon thought long and hard, for a name perfect for his dragon. When it came he smiled. And when the ceremony came, he stood in front of this dragon, with it being a head taller than he, and spoke clearly, "Your name shall be Ancalagon, for the speed you carry, and the snapping of your jaws."

-Days Later-

Balerion the Dread has awoken from its four decade long slumber. When it awoke, Aegon heard roars of the mighty dragon. Roars that shook the core of Dragonstone, and made the waves crash into the rocks of the island. For four decades Dragonstone heard no roar like it.

There must be a reason for Balerion to awake from his long slumber. For the days come and go, the dragon flew high above the clouds, circling the seat of House Targaryen. And one day Aegon exited the castle, wanting to train. But mostly to see the Black Dread, in its true glory, and sized.

Aegon looked to the sky, looking for the black shadow of the Dread. He waited five minutes until he gave up and started walking towards the training yard. But before he could, his vision darkened, and shadows swept over his world. Aegon looked up with eyes wide, and mouth agape. Above him was the greatest dragon the Targaryen still have.

Then 'that' happened, something that only happened once. Aegon felt the twist of his bond with Ancalagon break, and a new one grew. Aegon watched as Balerion landed in front of him, making him look up to see the eyes of the dragon. Balerion leaned his head forward allowing Aegon to place his hand on the snot of the giant dragon, and a new bond was made.

In the distance two blood red eyes, looked on at the scene with rage growing in the blood red eyes, rage at the Black Dread, rage at his fellow species, but where most of his rage was at himself. For he believed himself weak, and small. And from that day Ancalagon, promised to be better than the Dread, stronger than he was, and bigger than him.


"And since then Ancalagon, has stayed quiet in the Dragon Pitt, eating his fellow dragons, picking fights with them, and winning each one, and eating the ones that lost." Aegon explained, to Daeron.

Daeron stayed still as he kept his angry velvet/purple eyes, on him. Not speaking and not moving, staying perfectly still. But that stopped when Daeron stood up, offering a hand to help him up, and Aegon accepted the help up. When they were both up, Daeron asked, "So you want me to fix the mistake you made back then?"

Aegon nodded, "If you could make that happen, that would make me feel better." Aegon looked into his descendant in the eyes, looking for something, and he found what he was looking for. Aegon gave a small smile, "You see I wasn't worthy of having a dragon named after the All Father of all Dragons. He needed someone more worthy. Someone blessed by the gods. Someone like you, Daeron Targaryen."


Eddard Stark


Ned placed the palm of his hand on his forehead, 'What was this feeling i'm getting? This feeling of broken and hurt.' Ned asked himself. This feeling came a few days ago, and since it hasn't left. Ned also notice the change in Arya. She hasn't been the same, when he saw her she was quiet, lonely, and miserable. Normally Jacaerys and Aerea would be with their aunt, playing sword, or telling stories. But for the pass say or so, they have been with Bran.

He wanted to find out what was making his daughter this way, but first he had a council meeting to get to. Lord Stark stood, grabbing what he will need and left his room. Behind him were Jory, and Ser Arthur. The closer Ned got to the room, the feeling grew.

Ned entered the Council Room, ready for this meeting, and like always, the King wasn't present. In the room were Lords Baelish, Varys, Renly, Lord Commander Barristan, and the Grand Maester.

Ned sat down in his chair, looked around at the other council members, and nodded. Lord Baelish was the first to start it off. And what he said made Ned shiver.

"I have news about Volantis." He said, waiting for a few seconds until he continued, "The city was burned down, and the only thing left was the Red Temple. And from what I have heard is that before this happened three dragons flew above the city." Ned listened to the other counsel members started speaking.

'Now the news of dragons living have finally reached Westeros.' But then he remembered who those dragons belonged to, 'Jon, what happened. How could this happen, my son.' Then he was back in the tower, remembering the last words his sister told him, 'Promise me Ned.' Ned's eyes widened, and he felt them moisture slowly grow. It made sense now. Arya acting differently, and the feeling he was getting.

He was taken from his thoughts by Lord Varys looking at him, "My Lord?" Ned looked up at the Spider, "Is something bothering you? You look pale, and not looking well."

Ned wanted to say he was fine, but he couldn't speak, and when he did it was quiet, "I-I need to go see my daughter. She hasn't been feeling well." He slowly stood, "This meeting is over for the day." He grabbed what he brought and left the room, knowing that all eyes were on him, as he left the room.

Ned practically ran to his second daughter's room, and when he entered he looked to see Arya was rolled up in a ball, and even from this distance he could hear the light sobbing coming from his daughter. Ned slowly walked towards Arya, placing the things he brought with him on a table as he walked by it.

He sat down on the bed and he instantly noticed as Arya's body tensed. He placed his hand on her back, and robbed, "It's okay Arya. Jon's okay." He stopped to think over what he was going to say next, "Soon. Soon Jon will come back and he will call you little sister, and ruffle your hair."

Arya finally moved, and when she did, it was for her to throw her arms around his neck. Ned knew who Arya loved most in this world, and those two would be Jon and himself. Ned hugged Arya back, one hand in her messy hair, and the other on her back.


Jon Snow


It felt like hours, when he talked to his ancestors. For hours his ancestors taught him things that he never thought would work, or things that would make him a just, and king King-Emperor. Jon listened to them, he listened as they argued over tiny things, and such. But they stopped when all of them felt a twist, and Jon knew what it meant. His time was almost up, and there was one more person that he hasn't talked to yet.

Behind his ancestors and parents, was a throne of Weirwood tree, with carving of the Old Tongue, and on this throne was a man. A man so old that he looked to be in his thousands or ten thousands. The man was of 6' 2" with broad shoulders. The man was wearing black steel armour, which had dents all over, and on his back was a black furred cloak, which had a fur of weirwood white around his neck. The man had a straight, narrow face, with sharp molten silver eyes, that looked like it saw many centuries go by. Jon instantly knew that this man was as cold as the wall, and the Lands of Always Winter, and that he wouldn't take a joke. Atop the man's head was a crown that Jon has seen before, and in the man's left hand was a greatsword he recognized.

Jon took a step back as the man's eyes shot to his and with a voice that echoed with a thousand different voices, "Daeron Targaryen, Trueborn Son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Raised bastard of his uncle, Eddard Stark." The man stopped and stood taller than the ones around him, "Come we have much to talk and with little time." He walked past them, and continued.

Jon slowly looked to his parents and watched as both nodded, and walked toward the man. When he caught up with him, he watched as things around him to change from a scene to another. He watched as the world he knew burned to the ground. Then it changed again but this time he was standing miles away from the gray walls of his home. He watched as the place blew up in flames, he heard screams coming from inside the castle.

Then it changed to a man who was sitting atop a throne of shadows, and blood. The man was six feet in height. He wore garments of red and orange, which had flaming hearts all over it. The man had a round face, with burning red eyes, that held something he remembered from the visions that Bloodraven showed him of some of his mad ancestors. In the man's lap was a spear that had red wood for the shaft, and a flaming tip, which was in the shape of a heart. In the man's right hand was a sword that he currently had in a chest in Winterfell. But what scared Jon the most was the mad, crazy, and insane grin on the man's face. Jon knew that this man was the complete opposite of the man he was walking with.

"That is R'hllor, the God of Fire, the Red God." The man he was following spoke with a thousand voices, "He will be the reason this world will burn." Jon watched as everything turned back to normal, and they walked towards the throne. Jon looked around and found no one. The only person he could see was this man who was sitting on the Throne of Winter. The man looked down at Jon, "For the man wants everything to burn. He will smile as the innocents are burned alive, and as his followers rape every women they see." The man's voices seemed to triple as he continued, "For the future he wants is one of destruction, and fire." Jon watched as the man grew to be seven feet, and still continued, "But I will not have it." The man continued to grow and the voices continued to double until he was as tall as half of the Wall, "For that I am the only true god. For that I am the Old Gods."

Jon's eyes grew wide, he was standing in front of the Gods he worshipped. Jon dropped to his knees, with his head bowed. Inwardly he cursed himself.

"Raise you head, Daeron Targaryen, for that I have to tell you what you have to do to prevent such a future." Jon slowly raises his head to look up at the god of the North, "But first I have to tell you a story. A story that has the Red God wanting you to be his, and why it won't happen." Jon looked confused, 'What does he mean.' "You saw what I showed you. But that won't be all." The god leaned forward, "For he will use your body to do this. He will make you kill those that you love, and you will have no way to stop this." He leaned back, "But this won't happen if you become who you are truly meant to be." A long silence before the god spoke, "My champion."

X30 Minutes LaterX

Jon listened as he was told the true story of R'hllor, and what he was meant to do. The Old Gods embodiment into one, looked down at him, waiting for the answer he asked Jon. After a few seconds Jon looked up to his Gods, and answered the question, "I will be your champion."

The Old Gods nodded, and lifted Ice from the ground and took the tip of the blade and tapped Jon on the forehead, and Jon threw his head back. Feeling something being thrown out of his body, and in its place was something that felt like it belonged. Jon leaned forward breathing heavily. When Jon got it under control He looked up and felt his vision fading.

But before he could leave, he heard his Gods speak, "When you return to Winterfell, go to the black pond. When there put the palm of your hand on the water, and wait. For that pond holds something that will help with the fight against the others. But be careful, for that my friend is protecting it."

When his vision faded, he heard mighty roars coming from both ends.




She shot straight up from his sleep, when she heard the three roars of the dragons. She was quickly followed by everyone else. Val stood from where she slept, and ran to the doors, and looked out as all three dragons stood, and released another loud roar.

Val looked on at the scene ahead of her. Her eyes flew open as she spotted something moving out there. And before she knew it she was walking outside of the fire temple, and was followed by everyone else that she knew. Gendry, Joanna, Arianne, Aliandra, and Jason. They walked towards the dragons, and all of their eyes widened when they saw the heavy breathing of her Lover. Val looked at the impossible sight in front of her.

Jon's chest was covered in stab wounds, and he was completely covered in soot, and ashes, and was completely naked.

Val watched as the two kids, jumped towards their father with tears falling from their eyes. They were followed by both Arianne and Joanna. She watched as they all embraced in a family hug.

She watched Jon backed away from them and checked them over for wounds, when he saw them he ran a finger along them. Val watched as Jon back away and looked around, until his eyes fell on her, and he started walking towards her. But before he could get to her, Val felt the tears falling from her eyes, and she collided into him.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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