31.42% New Valyria / Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Arc 2, Gifts

章節 11: Chapter 10: Arc 2, Gifts

Jon Snow

When Jon got back from his ride with his father, he wanted to grab the gifts he brought with him and give them to his siblings but then remembered his promise to Gendry about a fight. So he went to find him.

With his luck, he might be able to find him first, but it will take half the day, so he just went to his room, and just like that, he found Gendry walking around the castle with his sister, Lyarra. Jon saw them at the feast, he saw that Lyarra had feelings for his best friend.

Jon went down another corridor and found another way to get to his room. When he got to his room, he found the door opened, so he just looked in and found that Arya was lying on his bed. Jon smiled, "Why are you in my room, not looking for stuff, little wolf?"

Arya jumped off of Jon's bed and looked to him, "When will I start my training?"

Jon shrugged his shoulders, and went to the bow in the corner of his room, "I don't know little wolf." He grabbed the wrapped gifts, and turned to his little sister, "Can you go find your siblings, minus the tiny ones and tell them to go to the Godswood?"

Arya looked to the wrapped presents, and nodded and ran out of the room, to find her siblings. Jon left the room shortly after, and started his walk towards the Godswood, but was stopped by seeing Gendry standing there, with his new Warhammer in hand. When Gendry saw him he grinned, and spoke, "What about the promise, Jon."

Jon smiled, "I thought you were busy with my sister, Lyarra. You both looked like you want to fuck and be done with it. So I chose to not get into the way." Jon saw that Gendry lost his grin instantly, he started laughing, "Just wait a bit I have something to hand give to my siblings."

Gendry nodded, and saw the many presents, "You plan on giving them that steel."

Jon nodded, "Yes, I will warn them before they open them."

Gendry nodded, "I want that fight, you better be there."

"I will, but like I said I need to get these to my siblings first." Jon walked past him and patted his shoulder and whispered, "I approve of the relationship, of you and my sister. Go fuck her, she looked bored when I saw her earlier, she might need some good, fucking." Jon laughed and ducked as Gendry sent a punch towards his face, he looked up to see that Gendry was bright red, "Well I will see you later in the training yard." Jon waved and walked into the Godswood to see that his siblings were there.

He looked at them and saw that they heard what he said to Gendry. Robb was grinning like a maniac, Sansa was blushing, Arya was looking at him, Bran was bright red, Rickon was confused, and Lyarra by far was the worst she was bright red with a little bit of blood coming from her nose.

Robb was the first to speak, "Before you give us out gifts, we have one for you as well."

Jon nodded, "Lead the way."

Robb walked further into the Godswood, everyone followed him. When he came to a stop, Jon heard the padding of paws. Jon got a better look when Robb move out of his line of sight.

What Jon saw were nine baby pups. He walked forward and saw that they were all different, and were moving around. When the pups noticed that they were there they looked back, and with their little furry feet, each of them ran to the person.

Jon saw that there was one for each Stark child, plus one extra. Jon looked around but stopped when he saw blood-red eyes, looking up at him. Jon looked down on the little guy to notice that it was sitting in front of him. Jon bent down and patted the pup, "Where did you find these guys?"

Robb answered, "Father had to behead a deserter. On the way back Theon and I found a dead stag, so Theon followed the blood trail, and oyster leads us to a hurt mother dire wolf. We took her back with us, during that night she gave birth to these guys."

Jon nodded, but when he heard bigger paws walking towards him, he looked up to see a sight, he thought he might never see again. In front of him was the She-Wolf from when he was beyond the Wall. In front of him was Winter.

Arya Stark

Arya watched as Winter stood in front of Jon. Arya watched as the She-Wolf stood behind the White Wolf, watching Jon. Arya watched as for the second time, Winter didn't bare her teeth to anyone but Father.

"Winter?" Arya heard Jon whispers.

Arya looked between the two and noticed that they had a diameter of that they know each other. Arya watched as Winter took a few more steps towards Jon, and when she got right in front of him, she started attacking his face with licks.

Everyone looked to the two with wide eyes, knowing how dire wolf reacted to other people that are not there Father. Arya heard Jon laughing, "I know, Winter."

After a few minutes, Winter stopped locking Jon's face and just shoved her head into his chest. Jon patted her. He bent down kissed her big furry head, "I missed you girl."

Robb was the first to ask, "How do you know Winter?"

Jon looked back to them, and answered, "Robb remember when I was at Karhold, and asking the lords to take some of the FreeFolk into their lands?" Robb nodded, "While I was up there, I found myself in the territory of a She-Wolf. She tried to scare me off, but I think she smelt the Stark blood in me and accepted me. She left and I was attacked by a group of FreeFolks. She returned and I named her Winter, I also promised to come back for her, but it seems it was the other way around."

Robb nodded, "Father did say he got the feeling that she already had a name."

Arya saw Jon nod. Arya looked down at Nymeria, who was biting at the bottom of her dress. Arya bent down and picked her up, and walked towards Jon, and introduced her to him, "This is Nymeria."

Jon looked to her and smiled, "Named a wolf after a queen." He shook his head, "Why didn't I saw that coming."

Everyone followed after her and introduced there wolf to Jon. Rickon was last, and asked, "What are you going to name yours?"

Arya looked down at the white wolf, who was trying to get Jon's attention. Jon looked down at him, "Ghost, he's as silent as one, and has the colours of a ghost."

Arya saw Ghost's tail wagged faster, "I think he likes the name." She spoke.

Jon looked back at them, "Now it's my time to give you, your presents. But before I give them to you, I'm warning you they are very sharp."

Everyone nodded. Jon walked over to the tree he put the wrapped presents.

Robb Stark

Robb watched as Jon walked to the presents, he brought with him. They all looked different, but all of them looked to be in the shapes of swords, daggers, and a weapon he has never seen before. Jon grabbed the longest of the presents and walked towards him.

When Jon got to him he held out his hands and presented the sword to him. Robb grabbed the sword and unwrapped it. He looked to the hilt and saw that the hilt was made of pure silver, with three wolf heads, one as the pommel, and the two on the ends of the guard, in the center of the guard was a sapphire.

Robb was looking at the hilt, when Jon spoke, "The Snowstorm. A sword I asked Gendry to make. It's hilt a pure silver. The blade is pure Valyrian Steel. I know house Stark already has a Valyrian Steel sword, but Ice is for the Head of the House. This is for the heir."

Robb drew the sword from the sheath and saw it was indeed made out of Valyrian Steel. Robb sheathed the sword and hugged Jon, "Thank you." Jon nodded and walked to Sansa.

Sansa Stark

Sansa watched as Robb hugged Jon and thanked him for the gift. Sansa watched as Jon walked over to her, and reached into his pocket and took out a box. Jon opened it and pulled out a long chain. One end had a cycle, and the other had a blade.

"Sansa, I know you don't pull the northern way with women and three of them carrying swords, and maces. But I do know you have cunning, and smarts, and because of that, you would be targeted. So I gift you a chain and blade. A weapon you can find all over Myr. The high born women of Myr wear the same weapon, for protecting themselves from people who want to do them wrong." He took out the blade part of the chain, "The blade is made out of fine steel, which was not known to the world, I found a journal of a blacksmith in Valyria who wrote everything down. He also tested some metals, he made the steel mithril but wasn't able to complete the making of it. But Gendry was able to and is the only one that knows how to make it." Jon grabbed the blade and shoved it into his palm, showing how sharp it is.

Jon wrapped the chain and blade into the box and gave it to Sansa. Sansa grabbed the box, and nodded, "Thank you, Jon." And hugged him.

"Your welcome, Sansa." He backed up and walked back to the tree.

Lyarra Stark

Lyarra watched as his step-brother walked to the tree and grabbed the odd-shaped weapon, and walked towards her, he spoke on his way there.

"I have been all over the world, from the mysterious continent of Ulthos to the Free City of Braavos. But the one that I'm most proud of is Yi-Ti. An empire that speaks differently from us and wear different clothing than us. But their history is long and has been changed. But from the beginning of time, they had a warrior, that carried a weapon called a Dao."

When Jon stopped in front of Lyarra he held out the weapon, "I don't know you as well as I wished but you are still my sister, so I gift you this day, made out of another steel the world never knew, dragon steel. Steel of complete darkness, I have tested all these new steels, and this is the strongest. It cuts through steel like butter. Aye Valyrian Steel is strong, but it takes out a chunk of steel out of the sword."

Lyarra grabbed the sword, and to her complete surprise, it was light. She looked at Jon and smiled, "Thank you."

"You're Welcome." He walked back to the tree.

Brandon Stark

Bran watched as Jon gave presents to his siblings. Knowing that it might be his turn, he got ready for a present, that will blow his mind. So when Jon walked over with a dagger, he was really disappointed. Bran looked back to the tree and saw that there was a skinny sword still there. He also saw that there were two other daggers.

Bran looked to Jon, who was standing in front of him with a smile, he held out the dagger, and Bran grabbed it and opened it.

The hilt was amazing, with it being made out of gold, with sapphires, and onyx's in the hilt, the pommel of the dagger was a wolf's head, with sapphire eyes. The blade was thin and looked to be the same metal Sansa's chain and blade.

Jon spoke, "This dagger has no name. I planned on it to be mine but as you can see." Jon reached to his belt and drew his dagger. Bran's looked to the blade and saw that it was the opposite of his, with smokey steel, with rubies decorating it, it also had dragons instead of wolves, "I already have one."

Bran nodded, and hugged Jon, "Thank you."

Jon ruffled his hair, "You Welcome, Bran."

Rickon Stark

Rickon watched as Jon ruffles Bran's hair, with a smile. Rickon doesn't remember much of Jon, except that he was his oldest brother, and he was very dear to his siblings. But when Jon returned, and he laid his eyes on his brother, all his memories came back.

Rickon heard Jon walking back to the tree, Jon grabbed the dagger and walked towards him, with the dagger in hand. When Jon stopped and looked down at him. Rickon smiled up at him. Jon smiled back and held out the dagger for him to take.

Rickon has been trained in the arts of weapons but he prefers the bow over the sword, spears, or hammers. But he grabbed the dagger anyway, and unwrapped it, to show a weapon like a sword Jon gave Lyarra. The blade was of the same quality, dragon steel. Bran looked to the guard of the weapon and saw that it was in the shape of a cloud.

Jon spoke, "'Cloudy Dreams', the sword name is. I don't really understand the meaning of the name, but the person told me it had a long background. But in the blade you should see writing," Rickon drew the blade, and saw that there was writing in the blade, "I haven't been able to translate it completely but what I did get from my research was that it said, 'Brave Boys grow into Brave Men, when they follow the clouds.' Like I said I haven't been able to completely translate it."

Rickon nodded, and smiled up to Jon, "Thank you, Big Brother."

Jon ruffled his hair, "It was nothing, Rickon."

Jon stood back and looked to everyone else, "I would like to give Arya's gifts, to her alone."

Rickon looked to his older siblings, and saw some of them looked confused, but nodded anyway, and slowly they left. Rickon looked to Arya, to whom has sparkles in her eyes. Rickon turned to follow his siblings back to the castle and out of the Godswood.

Arya Stark

Arya looked to Jon with a grin, "So, why did you want to give me my presents alone?" Jon looked at her and smiled.

"Because your presents have three parts. The first is the sword and dagger. The second is a ride through the Wolf's Woods. But that can't wait until later. The last is I want you to see something." Jon turned to the tree and walked behind it to where he puts his swords. He grabbed all three and walked back to her.

He then unsheathes them all, and one at a time sticks the tips into the ground. Arya looked at each sword. The one in the middle, was a bastard-sword, the hilt was black steel, with a ruby in the center of the guard, on the opposite ends of the guard, had two dragon heads, the pommel was also a dragon head. The blade made of pure Valyrian Steel.

Arya's eyes widened, know what sword this is from her books, "That's Blackfyre. How did you get it?" She looked at Jon.

Jon looked to the blade, "The story is long and complex. I will tell you the story later. Can you take a guess at the other swords?" Jon smiled at the end.

Arya looked to the one on Blackfyre's left. This sword was slender, made for a woman's hand. But the hilt was what gave it away, the pommel being a flame, and in the center of the guard was a smaller ruby, then the one on Blackfyre. The blade was of pure Valyrian Steel.

"Dark Sister." She looked to Jon, to see he was smiling and waving to the last word.

Arya looked to the sword, and she instantly felt a flame going threw her, she didn't like the feeling one bet. The blade was a blood crimson but was made of Valyrian Steel. The hilt was red, with a flame pommel, and a shining ruby in the center of the guard.

Arya looked up, "I don't know the last one. I also don't like the feeling it gives me."

Jon nodded and looked to the blade, "I get the same feeling, but I found out the identity of the blade by a red priest from Volantis. The name is the Red God's sword, Lightbringer." Jon looked to her, "But the confusing part of this is that Father gave it to me."

Arya looked to Jon with a confused look, "Why would Father have the sword, when he worships the Old Gods?"

Jon shrugged, "No clue." He then smiled, "Do you want your other presents?"

Arya nodded, and quickly said, "Yes."

Jon laughed, and walked to the tree, and grabbed the last wrapped sword and dagger. He walked over to her and held out the dagger. Arya took the dagger and unwrapped it. She looked at the hilt, the hilt was smokey grey steel, the pommel was a wolf with topaz eyes, the center of the guard had a running wolf, and on both sides of the guard was another two wolf heads, with the same topaz eyes. She drew the dagger out of its sheath and saw it was a smokey black Valyrian Steel.

Arya looked up to Jon, "It's beautiful."

Jon nodded, "It has a name, but I don't think you will like it." Jon turned around and walked to the other side of the tree and grabbed the last sword.

When Arya saw it, she thought she was holding a smaller from that sword, but there were differences. The hilt was smokey white steel, with the pommel being a white wolf with rudies for eyes, Arya looked to the guard and saw that it didn't have a running wolf, it had a snarling wolf looking out to you, on each end of the guard was a wolf with rubies for eyes. Jon unsheathes the blade to show that it was a smokey white Valyrian Steel.

She was brought out of her looking, by Jon asking, "Can you take a guess at what the names of these swords? I will be honest and say I was heavy on my drinking when I named these two."

Arya looked to her dagger and took a closer look at the blade it was indeed beautiful. She ran her fingers down on the flat side of the blade, she stopped when she felt indents. She looked at the indents and saw that it was in the same language as the one that was all over the Winter Throne.

Arya didn't know she was speaking until the last moment, "Little Sister."

She looked to Jon and saw him nod, "Can you take a guess at this blade?"

She looked to the blade and nodded, "Let me guess and saw, Big Brother?"

Jon looked to his feet, "Yes." Arya saw him blushing.

Arya looked to the dagger she had in hand, "Can I have the other present?"

Arya saw Jon holding his hands out, she looked up to see that he was holding the last word, towards her. Arya took the sword and unwrapped it, to see a hilt with a curried guard, like it was protecting the owner's hand. Arya drew the blade and saw that it was skinnier than Needles, and much longer. The blade was smokey white and made out of Valyrian Steel.

She looked up to Jon, "Does this one have a name?"

Jon shook his head, "No, it doesn't."

Arya looked to the blade, and spoke, "Then Snow would be its name."

Arya looked up to Jon and saw that he was looking at her, with sparkling eyes. She sheathed the sword and ran to Jon and hugged him, "Thank you Big Brother."

"It was nothing, little sister." Jon hugged her back.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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