17.14% New Valyria / Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Arc 1, The Old versus the New

章節 6: Chapter 5: Arc 1, The Old versus the New

Jon's Company(Beginning) Harry's Company(Beginning)

Footmen: 15500 Footmen: 15250

Knights: 1000 Knights: 1400

Spearmen: 1500 Spearmen: 1550

Elephants: 250 Elephants: 300

Archers: 1900 Archers: 2000

Total: 20150 Total: 20500

Two Years Later: Harry Strickland

Harry looked across the sandy hills of the Disputed Lands, to see the banners of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods. The company no less than two years ago was a small and not a very well known company. But now it was as well known as the Golden Company. With there honor and word above all else. A brotherhood knew to the world. A brotherhood that has a home base in Yi-Ti. A brotherhood that travels all three continents, minus Westeros.

He looked to see war elephants ready to fight, the Golden Company's war elephants, in front of the elephants, was a man who loves ladies and his ale, Tormund Giantsbane(*1).

He saw rows upon rows of archers lead, commanding them was a tall man with long hair going down to his shoulders, Mance Rayder. A man who wasn't known for anything, but now has one of the biggest spy systems in the world. A man who has commanded the brotherhood whenever the Head Commander was gone.

Behind the archers were the knights, the second most feared thing from that company. Harry saw Dothrakis, Free Folk, and Knights, riding these horses. The breeder of those fine horses, and trainer of them, Ko Rakharo. The Head Commander's only Ko. The Knights trained and taught by Ser Malon Manderly, the Merman Knight.

Behind the knights, were the spearmen and unsullieds, with spears ten-feet long, with shields the size of a man. Commanding them was Black Snake and Joeanna (Reyne) Hill. Both well known for the use of spears, and shields.

Behind the spearmen were the footmen. Beings trained and taught by both, Ser Alliser Thorne and Ser Arthur (Reyne) Hills.

Harry heard a roar and looked up to see what the company was feared for, and known for. He saw the Three Dragons of the Old Gods. The biggest was the black one, then green and last, it was the blue one. He remembered seeing these beasts two years ago, they were the size of grown dogs, but now they were the size of the war elephants.

Harry saw five battalions behind the archers, each was commanded by one person. The battalion on the very left was standing behind a man, wearing simple steel plates and chainmail, but over it was a surcoat of black, and a yellow stag, the man had a helmet with two horns coming out each side, the man was also carrying a warhammer. Harry knew this person, a man who has brought back what people thought forgotten, Valyrian Steel. The man was Gendry Waters, the Bull, the Smith, and The Commander and Master of Smiths of the Brotherhood.

Beside the battalion being lead by the Bull, was a battalion being lead by a man wearing a fine chainmail hauberk and breastplate embossed with twin golden lion, steel pauldrons resembling the heads of lions snarling and articulated steel gauntlets, full grieves and a sword belt studded with fine topaz, and rubies, attached to it was a sword people call 'Brightstar', the man was wearing a golden cape. This man was none other than Gerion Lannister, youngest brother of Tywin Lannister, the third in Command, and Master of Coins.

The battalion on the right was standing behind a man wearing the armour of smokey steel and chainmail, the surcoat was red, with a white lion in the center. Arthur Reyne, the Sword of the Old Gods, the Commander, and Master at Arms, for the Brotherhood. A man who has raised to one of the best swordsman alive.

Beside that battalion was a battalion being lead by a man wearing a fine chainmail hauberk and breastplate embossed with weirwood trees, steel pauldrons resembling frowning weirwood trees and articulated steel gauntlets, full grieves and a sword belt studded with fine onyxes, attached to it was a sword, the man was wearing a white cape. The man was Ser Alliser Thorne, Oathbreaker, the Sworn Shield, the Graying Man, and Protector of the Old Gods.

The central battalion was being lead by none other then the Head Commander himself, Jon Snow. Snow was wearing a fine chainmail hauberk and breastplate embossed with twin wolves and above them twin dragons over a tabard, steel pauldrons resembling the head of wolves snarling and articulated steel gauntlets, full grieves and a sword belt studded with fine onyxes and sapphires, which had Blackfyre attached to it, he was also wearing a black satin cloak.

Harry looked to Snow. Remembered a boy coming into his tent, and wanting to make a name for himself, 'You have done what you wished for Jon Snow.' Harry thought to himself.

Across the field was no boy. Across the field was the Bright Star of Essos, Bittersteel Come Again, Bringer of Dragons, Protector of Norvos, Beater of Khals, and Head Commander of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods.

Harry was taken from his staring by Princess Rhaenys, "The man in the center is Jon Snow… right?"

Harry looked to his left and nodded at his Princess, "Yes that is Jon Snow."

Harry saw the awe in the Princess's eyes. He smiled. But the smile was quickly lost by the next person that spoke, "Rhaenys get back to the tent. The battlefield is no place for a girl."

Harry looked to his right, to see Aegon (Blackfyre) Targaryen. The boy who believes himself the king of the world, the sick little shit who gets of at women -mainly his twin sister- in pain. Harry saw Jon Connington smile.

But before Rhaenys left Harry, lightly grabbed her arm, "Go to my tent, there you will find a warm bath, waiting for you." He looked forward, "I believe I won't survive this, and if I don't I will ask Jon to protect you, and to keep you safe." He whispered to her.

She smiled, and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, Ser Harry." She left with a limp. Harry looked at her with sadness. Harry sees Rhaenys as a daughter to him. On some days she would come to him and ask to bathe her, and he did, and everytime she came with more bruising each time. He always had the feeling to slit the throats of both Jon Connington and Aegon (Blackfyre) Targaryen. But now wasn't the time for that.

Harry looked forward, "We should prepare the men, for the fight to come."

Harry saw Jon Connington, and Aegon nod. But before they could leave, they saw a man coming towards them with no weapon, coming from the opposite direction, form the Brotherhood of the Old Gods.

Harry stopped the man from walking any closer, "What is it that your Commanders want?" Harry knew what it was they want.

"Head Commander Jon Snow, has asked for a parlay, he has an offer for Aegon, Jon Connington, and Harry Strickland." The man said.

Harry nodded, and spoke before both of the cunts beside him could, "We agree to meet him for this parley."

The man nodded, "Then please follow me."

Harry nodded and followed him to Snow. Harry saw Snow, walking towards them with Ser Gerion, and Ser Alliser. Harry looked back to see Jon and Aegon were following him.

The man stopped in the middle of both companies. Harry was in the centre with Aegon to his left, and Jon to his right. When Snow got to the parley, he was in the centre with Ser Alliser to his left, and Ser Gerion to his right.

Snow spoke first, "I see you have accepted the parley, Commander Strickland."

Harry nodded, "Aye I have, Commander Snow. So let's hear the offer."

Snow nodded, "Your men don't have to die, and nether to mine. So I have come to offer a fight in the old ways. You versus Me."

Harry went to speak, but Jon Connington got to it first, "Why should we? You are a bastard boy, who allowed a Oathbreaker to live." He said the last part looking at Ser Alliser.

Snow nodded, "But isn't that's what sellsword Companies for. Allowing those who want to be free form Oaths. Also exiles, Lord Connington."

Harry saw Jon, take a deep breath in. Harry went to speak, but Aegon beat him to it, and what he said made Harry want to snap his neck even more, "We have more men than you, Bastard. Are you trying to get yourself killed, before the fight." Aegon started to laugh, but stopped out fear.

The dragons have landed, all three have landed behind Snow, Snow spoke, "You really are stupid. I have three dragons, who could possibly burn your company to the ground if I want them to."

Harry stepped in before anything else could happen, "We accept, your offer on a one versus one."

Harry saw Snow nod, "Good, who wants to go first." Snow got off his horse and handed the reins to Ser Gerion, and motioned them to move back. Snow looked impatient, "Come on, I have a daughter to see."

Aegon got off his horse, "I will go first."

Jon looked at him, "Are you sure Aegon?"

Aegon nodded, "Yes. He is a bastard, whose only skill is a strategy." Aegon walked forward and drew his sword. Harry was worried, Aegon might be a dumbass, but he is a master at the sword, "Come on Bastard. Let's fight."

Snow nodded, and drew Blackfyre… wait that is not Blackfyre, 'What sword is that?' Harry noticed that he wasn't the only one to be looking at the sword.

Aegon spoke with a grin, "Lost Blackfyre, Bastard? You seem to be carrying a different sword."

Snow looked at the sword, "No, I haven't lost Blackfyre, the sword is in my tent back at camp." Jon stabbed the tip into the sand, "But this sword is… actually I want you to guess the word. Take as long as you want."

Harry stared at the blade, it was a slender blade, it looked like it was made for women to use, Harry's eyes widened, "It can't be!" Harry shouted.

Snow grinned, "What sword is it, Commander Strickland?"

"That is Dark Sister. But how it was lost with Bloodraven?" Harry looked to Snow.

Snow looked to both Aegon and Jon, "The sword is indeed Dark Sister." Jon took the sword out of the sand and got into a fighting position, "Bur that is not important right now."

With that Snow struck Aegon. Aegon was barely dodging the strike, Aegon counter-attacked, with a hit to the neck. Snow ducked under the attack, and with his free hand punched Aegon's elbow in the opposite direction. Aegon dropped the sword and yelled in pain.

Snow looked at Aegon with boredom, "That all you can do? I thought you had more in you."

Aegon picked the sword up with his other hand and stood. Harry saw the rage in his eyes. Aegon tried an attack on Snow's shoulder. Snow backstepped, but what happened next surprised Snow. Aegon stepped into Snow reaching circle, and brought his leg under Snow's, and kicked back. Snow fell backward, but rolled to his feet, with a grin, "That's more like it! Show me what you can do."

So the fight continued, Harry saw Aegon getting tired, but Snow on the other hand barely broke a sweat. Harry looked back to his camp to see his men, getting ready.

Harry turned to face his men but regretted it instantly. Harry felt a stab of pain coming from his guts. Harry looked back to see that Jon Connington stabbed him. Jon stepped back. Harry turned around and brought his hand to the stab wound, "You Bastard."

Harry grabbed his sword and drew it. He aimed it at Jon, and got into the best fighting position he could, "You did this because you knew I could win in a fight against you."

Jon nodded, with dropping the dagger, drew his sword, "You are too good, and if we're to fight I knew I would have lost within a few minutes. So I just gave myself a handicap." Jon struck, aiming for Harry's arm.

Harry tried to dodge the attack and succeeded, but the attack was still able to his shoulder, Harry counter-attack but failed, Jon was able to dodge the attack. Harry backed up, to see how the fight between Aegon and Snow.

Snow was able to cut Aegon, at his leg, and Aegon was able to get a cut on Snow's left eye, 'That's going to leave a scar.' Harry looked back at Jon Connington. The old man was breathing heavily, Harry smiled, "Even with your handicap, you can't win against me."

Jon started to laugh, "The stab wound wasn't the handicapped boy, the poison I put on the blade is."

Harry started to lose his sense of smell. Harry looked to Jon, "You really are scum, aren't you?" Harry side-eyed the fight between Snow and Aegon and saw that Snow was able to cup Aegon behind the legs, which brought Aegon to his knees. Snow went behind Aegon and slowly slit his throat.

Harry was losing his sense of hearing, he looked to Jon to see he was walking towards him, Harry tried to bring his sword up, but his arm wouldn't move. But before Jon could get to him, he got a sword through his back. Jon quickly fell forward, to show it was Snow.

Harry watched as Jon quickly ran towards him. Harry watched as Jon commanded his dragons to get to the air. Harry turned to see his company Men was running towards the center, with drawn swords. Harry then saw the black, green, and blue fire was shot out in front of his men.

Harry knew he was losing too much blood. With a stab wound through the gut was a promised death. Harry felt a hand grab his head turned it towards the person. Harry saw Jon looking down at him. And with the last of the strength in his body, he spoke.

Jon Snow

Jon saw Harry trying to say something and brought his ear towards his mouth, Jon heard "Protect… Princess Rhaenys… Blackfyre… Please." Harry said nothing else.

Jon brought his ear away from Harry to see there was no light in his eyes. Jon brought his hands to Harry's legs, and closed his eyes, and looked down in respect. After a few minutes, Jon stood. He walked towards the dragon fire, he didn't stop when Gerion and Alliser called him. He just walked through the fire, and to the other side.

Jon walked through the fire, he felt the weight of his armour losing around him. Jon's felt the straps for his armor slowly being burnt away and finally, his armor fell from him, and into the fire.

The men of the Golden Company saw this. The men looked to him in shock and fear. Jon yelled, "I give you two choices, join me and you will be rewarded handsomely, or leave! The choice is yours!" Jon slowly watched as everyone slowly went to their knees.

Jon felt the fire dying, Jon felt something going around him. A cloak. Jon looked to his left to see that Ser Alliser was covering him. Jon looked down at himself noticing he was topless.

Jon continued his walk towards the Golden Company's camp. He passed men, and they kneeled instantly. Jon stopped one, "Where is Rhaenys Blackfyre?" The man nodded, and lead him towards, the biggest tent.

The man stopped, "She should be in there, Commander." Jon nodded and entered.

When he entered he saw a bed, desks, chairs, and a bath. But sitting on the bed was a silver-haired girl. When the girl saw him she stood, she walked towards him, "Where's Harry? Did you kill him?"

Jon shook his head, "No, I didn't kill him… he was betrayed by Jon Connington. Lord Connington stabbed him in the back with a poisoned blade." He stopped, to see her reaction, she started to cry.

"Did you kill him?" She asked with a shaky breath.

Jon nodded, "Aye I did… I also killed Aegon Blackfyre." She nodded and hugged him, "Before Harry died he asked me of something, and I plan on keeping that promise." She nodded into his chest, "He asked me to protect Rhaenys Blackfyre. Are you Princess Rhaenys?" She nodded again, Jon pushed her back, and went to his knee, and said, "Then I promise that I, King Daeron III Targaryen, promise to keep you safe." He looked up at her, and saw she was wide eyes, "I swear it by the oath of King."

Jon stood, "Now let's go mourn for Harry's death."

She nodded and followed after him


Jon was in his tent, watching as his daughter, Aerea Targaryen, and his son, Jacaerys Targaryen, play around with their little knights and dragons. When he started to cry.

Aerea saw this, "Papa, why are you crying?" She walked over to him, and gave him a hug, "Don't cry, Papa."

Jon picked Aerea up, and gave her a hug back, "I am crying because I just watched a man I looked up to, just died in front of me. He was betrayed."

Jon saw Jacaerys walking towards him, "Ups." He said.

Jon kneeled and picked up Jaca, he walked to the chair and sat down. He then hummed a tone, Bloodraven gave him. His children quickly fell asleep. Jon looked down at them and admire their looks.

Aerea was a female version of Jon. Why dark raven black hair, and angry a mix of purple and velvet eyes. The only things she got from Val, was her cheekbones. But where Aerea was all Jon, Jacaerys was a male version of Val. Honey-blonde hair, with grey-blue eyes. The only thing he got from Jon, was his nose.

Jon loved both of his children dearly, and he will also love the children both Arianne and Joanna are carrying.

Jon's eyes slowly closed. He dreamed of a brown-haired, and grey eyes, a girl running with a skinny sword. Jon slept amazingly.

And when Val found him in a chair, with his children she smiled and called for an artist, to draw this scene.

Jon's Company(Ending)

Footmen: 30750

Knights: 2400

Spearmen: 3050

Elephants: 550

Archers: 3900


Total: 40650

Ages from the first chapter:














Ages to this chapter:














Cregan(Son of Ned and Ash.):2

Clarisse(daughter of Ned and Ash):2



Ari's bump:7months

Joanna's bump: 5 months

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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