91.89% The Villainess Whom I Had Served For 13 Years Has Fallen / Chapter 33: The Butler's Inadequate Birthday Gift

章節 33: The Butler's Inadequate Birthday Gift

Today, Lady Olivia's room was calm as usual.

Having read an article about an unprecedented cold wave, I was getting ready to go out after a long time in order to spend the cold winter warmly.

I needed to buy some snacks for the lady, order firewood, and purchase cotton quilts and fur clothing.

Dressed in my black butler uniform, I looked up at the lady who was stretching out her white feet.

The lady had a sullen expression.

She was pouting her lips and glaring at the socks in my hand.

"I don't like it."

The lady turned her head away haughtily, like a teenage girl whom refuse to go to school if it wasn't in a North Face puffer jacket.

"I hate red socks. They're so unfashionable."

"Fashion has a way of coming full circle."

"You've got no taste in clothes, Ricardo."

"What's wrong with my fashion sense?"

The lady, who insists on me wearing the butler's uniform every single day of the year, gave me a once-over and sighed deeply.

"You always dress so drably."

"But today I'm wearing a different outfit."

"It's the same"

"How can you say it's the same? The pattern on this shirt is different from usual. I chose it with much effort, and it's disappointing that you can't see it."

"That's basically the same!"

Why, what's wrong with my butler's uniform?

When I first wore the butler's uniform, she praised me, saying I seemed like I would do a good job, but now I was facing a lady with far more complaints.

Was that praise not sincere?

Anyway, the lady showed no signs of giving in to the cold weather or to the butlers will to prevent her feet from getting cold by wearing warm fur socks.

"If they're not black socks, I'm not going outside," the lady declared. Her stubbornness only made me more eager to challenge her will.

It was the mentality of If I can't wear it, then I want to wear it even more.'

Traditionally, the color red has been a symbol of good fortune I had such high regard for the color red that people in my past life would buy red underwear with their first paycheck.

The lady shook her head.

"Aaaaah! I hate red socks. Give me black ones."

"Please don't be so capricious. Your too cute, making me want to switch to black."

"Waaah! Black socks!"

The lady was trying to win over me with cuteness, appealing in a pitiful way. I wanted to show that I could pull off a tantrum too, but I refrained, considering that the lady had just finished her breakfast and thinking of her stomach health.

I'll have to show her next time.'

While promising myself to lie on the floor tomorrow and throw a fit, I replied with a serious face.

"It's too bothersome to fetch them."

"What's so bothersome! Just get them from your wardrobe."

"That's what I find bothersome."


The lady threw a pillow at me.

*** ***

A brief clash of opinions ensued.

While we did have some friction over the rather trivial subject of socks, we managed to reach a settlement with the help of a single chocolate.

That small expense I was willing to tolerate.

The lady, sitting on the bed, looked at her feet now covered in red socks with a sullen expression. Even though we'd come to a smooth agreement, she did not seem pleased.

After straightening up, I pulled on the lady's cheeks, which were set in a pout.

"Eeeee it's tearing!"

Lady Olivia's cheeks were chewy today.

Perhaps because it was winter, they seemed a bit dry.

I need to buy moisturizer, too.'

The change of seasons was always a painful time for ones wallet. Monsters would be hiding from the cold, and there would be fewer chances for money to be spent.

Having received a purse full of money from Malik, I thought that some spending would be tolerable and began to carefully organize the list of things I needed to buy today in my head.

"Ugh You look like a rich miser, Ricardo."

"I am indeed a miser."

"...You admit it quickly."

I turned my back to the lady as I spoke.

"Let's go. Its been a while, let me treat you."

The lady replied with a serious expression.

"But you always buy things every day, Ricardo."


The lady was merely stating the obvious.

*** *** 

The streets of Hamel were chilly.


The lady on my back was blowing warm breaths, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

She was so reluctant earlier, but now that we were out, she was full of wonder, puffing warm breaths. I thought it was a good decision to have come out.

The lady was snugly wrapped in a blanket.

Wrapped up like a swaddled baby to fend off the cold, the lady attracted the attention of passersby. Yet even against the formidable adversary of the cold, the lady did not say much.

"It's because of the red socks."

But surely, there were other reasons.

Lady Olivia, who had been blowing on her cold breaths, widened her eyes when she saw a street vendor selling skewered chicken.

The sweet scent of meat had captivated her. Struggling to pull her hand from the tightly-rolled blanket, she pointed towards the vendor.

"Ricardo, skewers!"

"That's not okay. Impulsive spending just hurts the wallet."

"The wallet can handle a little pain."

"But then our mansion will get cold too."

"We can't have that."

The lady gulped down her saliva, looking at the vendor stand with a longing gaze.


"Ugh I really want it."

Responding to the lady's soft gesture and the sigh that uttered we cant just walk past them', I smiled softly and walked towards the vendor selling the skewers.

"One spicy and one mild flavor, please."

The lady wriggled with joy from within the blanket, bustling about.

As I was about to pay, the lady hurriedly spoke to me.

"Wait! I'll pay!"

She was fumbling in her chest pocket for a gold coin.

As the lady's treasure hunting took time, I softly smiled and placed a silver coin on the table.

"I will buy it. Please, you can buy next time."

"I found it now!"

As she said she found it, she pulled out a chocolate instead. The lady then tilted her head and focused again on searching.

"I will pay."

"I will pay next time, so, Ricardo, you shouldn't interfere."

I nodded in response to the ladys words. I should keep paying. I did not like giving away the ladys gold coins to others.

The vendor lady making the skewers watched the lady and me with curious eyes. It must have been the first time she saw a noble young lady using a quilt as a wrap.

I really hoped she wouldn't ask any odd questions

Even though the lady had become less sensitive to people's stares since her first outing, if she were to hear an awkward question like Is the lady heavy for you to carry?' she might become flustered.

As I surreptitiously glanced at the lady, who was puffing in anticipation of eating skewers, I gave an awkward smile.

"Could you please hurry? It's cold outside."

The vendor lady, with a bright smile, quickly moved her hands.

"Yes~ But how long have the two of you students been dating?"


"How long have you been dating?"

She seemed like a nice person.

In my heart, I decided to become a regular customer.

"We're not a couple."

From behind me, came the lady's voice, speaking informally to a stranger for the first time.

I gently nudged Olivia whom I was carrying on my back to point out her mistake. Using informal language when meeting someone for the first time was not polite.

Realizing her fault, Olivia shook her head vehemently and spoke with a hint of apology to the lady.

"We're not a couple so..."

"Is that so? Hehe"

The vendor lady had a pleasantly good-natured smile.

"A handsome and pretty student like you two seemed well-matched. I was going to give you a service if you were a couple."

Olivia's eyes spun at the mention of service.'

"What kind of service?"

"Why, would you start dating if I gave you a service?"

"No, that's not what I mean"

Olivia looked at me with eyes that said she was in a bind.

"Oh dear me, I'm being silly again. Forgive this old lady, huh?"

The vendor lady let out a hearty laugh and extended the skewers spicy, medium, and mild a three-flavor set.

"This is on the house!"


Olivia's eyes widened in surprise.

Taking hold of the skewers, Olivia gave a cheerful smile and thanked the vendor lady.

"Thank you."


"Thank you so much."

She was a lady with manners.

Before leaving the vendor stand,

"Excuse me, young man!"

The vendor lady called out to me, throwing back the silver coin I had placed on the table with a tinging sound.

"Do your best."

Vendors sure had quick wits. I bowed my head slightly to express my gratitude.

"I'll do my best."

My face felt flush.

*** ***

My hand was full of receipts.

Having shopped while carrying Olivia, I had no free hand, so we opted for a bit of an expense to have the purchases delivered.

Olivia looked at the crumpled receipts with dazed eyes.

"One Two Three, Eeeeek!"

She was more frightened of money than ghosts.

Before the family's support had been cut off, the amount spent would have been considered trivial, but now the weight of money felt heavy on Olivia's shoulders.

"Ricardo, the rich man."

"Yes, I am a rich man."



Olivia sighed and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry"

It felt soft and comforting.

I felt as though I had become wealthy.

A natural smile appeared on my lips.

"It's okay."

Strolling through the downtown area, we chatted about various things buying more chocolates, stocking up on insect repellent for the house, buying snacks for Gomtang.

During our discussion about opening our wallets for the first time in a while, Olivia stopped speaking abruptly as we passed a sparkling jewelry store.

"Wow that's beautiful."

Olivia admired a diamond bracelet.

It was not something that high nobility ladies would typically wear, but it was an extravagantly expensive bracelet beyond what we could afford.

Olivia, who was stuffing the receipts into her pocket, clenched her fists tightly upon seeing the radiant bracelet through the glass.

I silently bowed my head and started counting the number of 0's on the price tag in front of the bracelet.

"Three. Four. Five"

The outrageous price made me smirk.

I took a quick look at the purse that contained the gold coins, but the sense of loss hurt even more.

The thought that I would only receive the payment for the recipes after the year made me feel even more downhearted.

The lady's birthday is approaching too'

Looking over my shoulder at Olivia whom I was carrying, I cautiously asked.

"Do you want it?"

"No no!"

Startled, Olivia shook her head.

"No, uh no."

She was not good at acting.

Olivia murmured softly, tickling the butler's heart.

"Too expensive"

It was disheartening.

In so many ways.

With heavy steps that struggled to move forward, I turned my footsteps toward the mansion.

Plodding, plodding, the heavy steps led me back home as something cold and shaped touched my forehead, greeting me before melting away.

"Ricardo, look."

Olivia said, gazing at the sky.

White snow was falling gently.

The first snowfall of the year.

"It's winter."

"Yeah it's winter."

*** ***

The day after the first snowfall.

A heavy snow began to fall outside the window.

The snow that had fallen in a day covered the streets in white, and the mountain range that had been full of splendid autumn leaves was turning as white as shaved ice.


Olivia opened the window, reaching out to touch the snow.

Wrapped up in a blanket and grunting with effort, Olivia ignored the butler's advice about catching a cold and attempted to make contact with the snow.

"Ricardo, it's snowing a lot outside!"

Olivia, with gleaming eyes, looked out the window and said.

She glanced at me, then used her finger to pick up some snow accumulated on the windowsill and brought it to her mouth.

"Ewww, it tastes bad."

She was petulantly complaining about the tasteless gift from nature.

"Eating it is unsanitary."

"I know."

"Then why are you eating it?"

"It looked tasty."

It was a reason that made perfect sense. I nodded at Olivia's logical explanation and watched the snow falling outside.

A heavy snowfall in Hamel.

Why did yesterdays beautiful first snow seem like a disaster today? Just like the first snow I saw during my time at the training academy that first looked beautiful but turned into a nightmare the next day, the thought of having to clear the snow darkened my mood as a butler.

When will I ever finish shoveling it.'

I was a butler who found it all very bothersome.

Olivia, on the other hand, was fully enjoying winter, with the window wide open. She touched the snow that was being blown about by the wind and watched the snowflakes melt in her hand, a mischievous smile on her face.




A cold gust of wind blew in, and Olivia's face was suddenly hit with a blast of snow.

"Heek! It's cold"

Covered in a mound of snow, Olivia froze on the spot.

"Etchuk! So cold."

Her fondness for the snow dropped rapidly in real-time. I closed the open window and began to nag her.

"Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't open the window because you'll catch a cold?"

"The wind hates me."

"It's because the lady is too pretty."


Olivia clutched the blanket and nodded.

It was yet another day when working felt utterly repulsive.

I wanted to lie in bed all day and do nothing, but my thin wallet ruthlessly pushed me from behind.

I had spent a lot of money yesterday.

And Olivia's birthday was approaching.

Overcoming the overwhelming feeling of annoyance weighing on my shoulders, I picked up the coat that was hung on the chair.

A black wool coat. It was a coat with its own set of memories, a gift given by Olivia 3 years ago for my birthday.

And it was also the most expensive piece of clothing I owned.

With the coat draped over my arm, Olivia cocked her head in question.

"Where are you going?"

"To find treasure."

"Treasure hunting? I want to as well."

"It's outside, you know?"


Olivia, initially excited by the interesting proposition of treasure hunting, shivered when she saw the brutal wind outside.

"I'll freeze to death if I go outside."

She quickly gave up on the idea of treasure hunting. She looked out the window and told me that it was cold outside, suggesting that I stay home and walk the path of unemployment with her.

"You will struggle if you leave the house."

It was certainly a tempting offer, but I had to refuse since the treasure hidden in a cave could run away.

"I have something important to do. From tomorrow, I promise to be a passionate unemployed person."

"I'm not unemployed. I'm a security guard who protects the house."

Olivia was angered by my disregard for a job that she had passionately maintained without absence for two years.

She handed me warm Gomtang as if to appease her anger.

"Take him at least, he'll keep you warm."


Gomtang, who had gone from companion dog to hand warmer.

Gomtang, looking puzzled, licked Olivias hand.

"Etch it tickles."


"Stay still. Ricardo needs to take you."


Like Olivia, Gomtang also disliked the idea of going outside.

"Pha-ha its okay. Its just a quick errand. I wont be needing help."

After returning Gomtang to Olivia's embrace, I put on Tirbing, the black sword that glistened at my waist.

Before leaving the room.

I turned my head to look at Olivia who was hugging Gomtang.

"Is there anything you'd like me to bring back?"

"Hmm something warm."

"Then I will bring back green tea."

"That's not for eating."

Teasing Olivia was the most entertaining thing in the world.

Olivia waved her hand, cheering on the young butler to buy something delicious.

Her empty white wrist especially caught my eye.

I must buy her a gift.'

I felt I would regret it if I did not buy her something.

Gripping the doorknob tightly, I thought of the fate mentioned in the novel, and bowed to Olivia who was still waving.

"I'll be back soon."

"Okay. I'll be keeping the house safe."


The door closed with a creaking sound, and soon enough, I was seen walking outside, facing the snowstorm through the window.


Snow accumulating on my head.

"Heeek!!! Ricardo is becoming a snowman!!"

At Olivia's astonished voice, I smiled and proceeded towards my destination.

The destination was the hideout of an escape genius.

It was mentioned in the novel that whenever he managed to break out, he would hide in a retreat in the Hamel mountain range.

I silently hoped he had managed to escape.

Is he there, I wonder.'

It was about time for him to consider escaping.

After a long time, I felt a longing to see an insect.


In a dark and gloomy cave.

A man wearing prisoner's clothes shivered with cold, hugging his knees.

The mans name was Pascal'.

He was a villain who had slaughtered countless adventurers.

"Ugh its so cold"

Shivering with his gaunt body, Pascal looked like a prehistoric caveman as he tried to kindle a fire by striking stones together.

Clothes that were turned to rags during the escape. The hair, unable to be cut while in prison, was now clumped together, lacking any semblance of sheen.


The sound of striking flint reverberated loudly within the cave.

"If it weren't for that damn kid, I wouldn't have had to suffer this indignity."

He resented the red-haired swordsman who had disturbed him while he was concentrating on his art in the mountains of Hamel.

Pascal was filled with loathing for him.

The brat who had belittled his art.

And the same brat who had now made it impossible for him to look at himself in a mirror; Pascal despised him to the point of trembling.

After that day, Pascal could no longer face his own reflection.

-Praying mantis.

-Insect Expo.

-Wow how can a human face even look like that?

Whenever he saw a mirror, it reminded him of a praying mantis.

It was shocking to hear that he, someone who was afraid of even cockroaches, resembled an insect. But what Pascal feared the most was himself, accepting his resemblance to insects every time he saw a mirror.

When he saw his face reflected in a puddle within the cave, Pascal shook his head with firm denial.

"No, that's not true. I am handsome. The ugly one is that guy. Not me."

Pascal vowed revenge as he struck the flint.

Let's see. He repeated the action, intensively striking the flint with a promise to himself that he would have his revenge one day.

"I'll kill him."


"I'll have my revenge."

Pascal, filled with a desire to pay back twice the humiliation he had suffered due to that guy, hurled all kinds of curses inwardly.

Just as his boiling emotions reached their peak, with a pop,' dry branches began to catch fire.

Feeling the warmth on his hands, Pascal hurriedly added the kindling he had prepared to the embers.

"See, I can do it too."

It was a moment that uplifted Pascal's spirits.


A tear trickled down Pascal's eye. Overwhelmed with pathetic sobs, a powerful surge of emotions welled up within him.

"Yes I can just start all over again."

Because he possessed black magic.

Black magic that could control people.

Powerful black magic that was strong enough to get him scouted by a heretic cult.

He had initially turned down the offer all for the sake of freedom in his art, but now, he wasn't in a position to be choosey.

The moment he resolved to join the heretics and take his bloody revenge.


Footsteps came from the far end of the cave. Pascal quickly gripped a dagger in his hand.

"Damn it Could it be a pursuer, even though I meticulously erased my tracks?"

Despite his best efforts to erase his tracks and prevent a pursuer from following, Pascal swallowed hard, thinking that a capable tracker had managed to follow him.

He might be an adventurer.

Or a pursuer.

Probably the latter.

It could actually be fortunate.

It might be an opportunity to replenish his depleted dark magic.

The means of replenishing dark magic used in black magic was unique to each person.

Some replenished it through the consumption of emotions.

Some did it at the cost of memories.

A renowned black mage from the empire practiced his magic at the cost of body parts, which indeed came with many restrictions.

But the power of such spells was comparably explosive.

Pascal's method was murder.

The most widespread and common way to replenish dark magic.

Pascal, who saw danger as an opportunity, gazed longingly at the fire he had just ignited.

Should I put it out?'

Pascal was reluctant to part with the hard-won fire, but the approaching footsteps made him reach a decision.

"Damn it!"

Pascal clenched his eyes shut and snuffed out the fire with the soles of his bare feet.

A burning sensation spread rapidly across the soles, and he nearly groaned in pain.

Endure it Just endure'

With his mouth covered, he bore the pain with the spirit of art.

-Thud Thud

-He should be around here somewhere.

The intruder's voice echoed off the cave walls.

A young man's voice.

Maybe in his twenties.

If he does well, he could win.

He was confident in his ability to stage an ambush.

Having not just idled away in prison, Pascal began infusing his cherished dark magic into the dagger.

The dagger shimmered black.

-Should be right here.

As the mumbling man's voice drew closer, Pascal abruptly straightened his bent legs and hurled himself towards the dark shadow.

It's done.'

Pascal ambushed at the perfect, unsuspecting moment.

He felt a chill.

He had thought it to be the perfect ambush.

The situation had aligned, his desperation had shone brightly, and believing in the success of such a flawless surprise attack, Pascal grinned with a thrill unlike any other.

"Kehehe unlucky for you"

Pascal slowly raised his head.

Wanting to see eyes stricken with despair.

Eyes bleeding fear, Pascal sneered bitterly as he looked upon the face of the man before him.

Then fear drenched Pascal's features.

"Uh, what?"

The man with the red hair.

The man he had most wanted to encounter after escaping, but now was the last person he wanted to see, was holding the dagger filled with Pascal's all-out strike, expressionless.

With only two fingers.

The man checked his clothes for any scratches, then exhaled a sigh of relief and spoke.

"Wow~ Long time no see!"

The man who had sent him to prison was waving his hand with a bright smile.

"I thought you might have turned into a cocoon, but look at you, still alive and well?"

Pascal, staring at the man, exclaimed.


"Why does it always have to be me!!!"

The man laughed softly.

"It would be such a waste to go to an Insect Expo"

Pascal lunged.

Resolved to escape using every last bit of his dark magic, enduring the pain he felt in his heart, he threw a punch at Ricardo but.

"Mantis Fist!"

Pascal's eyes welled up with tears seeing the mocking visage.


Pascal vowed then and there, regardless of revenge or anything else, to avoid any further association with this man in the future

*** ***


Pascal, bound by the military police, looked at me with sheepish eyes. It seemed he wanted to discuss more with the insect expert he had met after so long.

His eyes, brimming with tears, looked at me, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling, resembling a female mantis as they did.

"Dont cry. It makes me want to spray insecticide on your face."

"You bastard"

If NIVEA were in this world, it would have surely moisturized Pascal's face. Sadly, NIVEA did not exist in this world.

Such a shame.'

I licked my lips and offered a few kind words to Pascal, who looked utterly dejected.

Told him not to be so glum.

He's going to a better place.

Said it with the hope that he shouldn't worry.

"Dont feel too down. The breeding facility you're headed back to has improved since you were last there."

"They increased the staff managing it, and there're also more spectators."

"You son of a-!"

"Seeing how happy you are makes me feel proud."

Pascal ducked his head, overflowing with gratitude. As an insect collector, it was a touching moment for me.

I hugged Pascal's gaunt body tightly.

"You'll be missed."

Pascal bit his lip hard as a sob escaped him.

"I dont want to miss you!"

For a mantis, he was quite sentimental.

Held in my arms, Pascal spoke with a timid voice, a voice I never thought Id hear from him.

"Can't you just leave me alone?"

As if that would happen. I politely declined Pascal's request to quit my side job as an insect collector.

"What if you're caught by another insect collector? I at least spare you, but others might pin you into a display."

"Even pinning is fine, please I'm begging you, Ill give up on art and live honestly from now on, just leave my life. Okay? I'm begging like this."

"Ah, come now! An artist shouldn't speak so weakly."

A person who holds the title of artist should not lack such determination, especially one who lives off his art.

I couldn't forgive Pascal's spirit as an artist for having been crushed by me, an insect collector. At the same time, I couldn't trust someone who said they wanted to live righteously.

"Try to live honestly. Then, you wont catch my eye."

Pascal shed tears of emotion as I patted his shoulder with affectionate care.

"Why always me-"

I received a purse from the hands of the guards, bidding my farewell.

"Then, Mr. Mantis, take care of the parasites, and lets meet again next time."

Pascal cried out.

"Fuck you!"

Sobbing profusely.

*** ***

On my way to the jewelry shop with the purse, I couldn't stop smiling.

Relieved I could buy the bracelet Olivia had wanted, and excited to see her happy face upon receiving the gift.

I couldn't hide the grin leaping across my face.

"Maybe I'll buy the bracelet and some chocolate."

One must be careful with luxuries, but the reward for donating Pascal, a rare species of mantis, to the jail as an exhibit was quite generous, so perhaps this luxury was forgivable.

I nodded to myself as I looked at the heavy purse.

Lets properly prepare for this birthday.'

Since I couldn't do so last year.

Olivia's birthday, which I had carefully observed every day for 13 years. When I first came to her house, I had given her a scarf I had knit by hand.


I had quickly realized I couldn't satisfy the tastes Olivia had acquired for high-end capitalism.

It was only natural to prefer money filled with earnest effort over mere sincerity, so I spent a day sulking in a corner of the mansion. But I felt fortunate to have realized this early and wanted to prepare lavishly for this birthday.

Because of my status as a commoner, I could never attend Olivia's birthday parties, and last year there had been an unfortunate incident.

This birthday, I wanted to prepare everything with my own efforts.

I always wanted to give Olivia the best gifts.

Even if what I got her ended up as trinkets stuck in a corner, I wanted to give it my best shot.

She had so much and had experienced plenty, and even if Olivia didn't fancy it, I wanted to give her a gift I had done my utmost to prepare.

Though I was a lacking butler with nothing in hand, not bending my own stubborn resolve was my one principle. It was also the only way I, a man usually shy, could express my heart.


Holding the purse in my hand, I straightened my clothes.

Wanting to appear like a reputable customer before entering the shop, as it made haggling easier and allowed me to pretend to be a regular.

As I was about to enter the store, brushing back my hair, I furrowed my brows at the spot where the bracelet had been displayed behind the glass until yesterday.


-Sold Item.

Where the bracelet stood guard until yesterday, there was now a small sign indicating it was gone.

The bracelet had ventured into someone else's hands.

Pressing my face against the glass, I looked once more at the place where the bracelet had been.

-Sold Item.

The empty showcase greeted me, leaving behind only a black display where Olivia's gift had been sold.

With a feeling of emptiness, I placed the purse back down.

"This is an emergency."

Sold? I hadn't considered this.

I never thought it would sell so quickly in Hamel, not the capital. There were few nobles in Hamel, and not many customers who consumed precious metals.

At best, friends from the forest coming in for a meal were all I could think of useless excuses.

It seemed my thinking had been too shallow.

I should've at least made a reservation. I regretted it, but yesterday's wallet situation wasn't generous enough for a booking fee.

And I berated myself, thinking if only I had the money then, maybe I could've bought it.

Dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything, but the regret of having missed the bracelet right before my eyes seemed destined to linger.

Just as I was about to leave the jewelry store with a heavy heart, I noticed a familiar-shaped bracelet in the hands of a shop assistant across the glass wall.

The bracelet Olivia wanted.

The assistant was heading towards the counter with the bracelet in hand.

I quickly opened the door and entered the store.

Willing to pay double, I wanted to ask if the bracelet wasn't already spoken for.


I called out as I opened the door and stepped in, taking a deep breath and shouting to the assistant tallying up the bracelet.

"That-that bracelet!"


"I was going to buy that!"

The assistant, startled, looked at me.


The man who intended to purchase the bracelet was also looking at me.

It was a familiar man.

A man with the color of faded green tea in his hair. Ruin. Intending to be the owner of the bracelet, Ruin looked at me and said,

"What? Isn't that Ricardo?"

"Pleasure to see you, Mr. Algae."

"Pleasure? What's there to be pleased about? I'm not happy at all."

Ruin, his hand in his pocket, smirked at me as I gazed blankly at the bracelet in the clerks hand.


Ruin was wearing an arrogant smile.

"Are you buying this?"

Looking down at me with contempt, Ruin mocked,

"What to do? It was intended as a gift for Yuria."

With a shrug and an air of it cant be helped,' Ruin spoke.

"You should've come a bit earlier, I already bought it. Ah but even if you'd come earlier, you might not have afforded it anyway. This is more expensive than you think."


"Live within your means."

My fists clenched automatically.

Ruin, having gotten the upper hand, was provocatively suggesting I had nowhere else to turn.

Should I steal it?'

I'd save money, sure. But I didn't want to do such a thing for the gift I intended for Olivia.

I wanted to pay properly for it, and give her something I could be proud of.

So, I decided to swallow my pride.

Thinking that maybe Ruin would agree to it if I asked just once, I bowed my head and spoke to Ruin politely.

"If you don't want to part with this world, just put it down and leave."


"Leave it. That bracelet."

It was the highest courtesy I could offer to the snotty Mr. Algae-head. If that didn't work, I'd knock him out and steal it.

Even if I didn't gift it to Olivia, battering the insolent Ruin's head and achieving some creative economics seemed not a bad idea either.

As I made my polite request, Ruin's expression hardened in real-time. Puzzled by what he had heard, he asked the clerk to confirm.

"What did this beggar just say to me?"

Ruin, only in his early twenties, seemed to have a hearing problem.

I realized my die was cast, and at that moment, as I was about to walk towards Ruin with the intention of purchasing a different bracelet,

"What's all this noise about."

The door marked [Workshop] opened, accompanied by the sound of steps. A dust-covered jeweler began to stride towards us.

The man, clad in a black apron, approached us with determination.

The clerk bowed at the sight of the man.

"Ma-Master! That's"

The master waved off the clerk's apology with a shake of his head, took a deep sigh, and then turned to look at me.

"You should calm down a bit, Ricardo."

A man with brown hair.

Taken aback by the unforeseen arrival of the man, I asked with a flustered voice,

"What, how many jobs do you have exactly?"

"It's just a hobby I do when I'm bored."

Malik Histania.

He was the owner of the shop.

Malik, who exhaled a sigh, looked at the bracelet in the clerk's hand and said,

"Is it because of that?"

He then simply settled our dispute.

"That there, Algae-head."


"Isn't it Algae? Anyway."

Malik spoke dispassionately.

"I won't sell it to you, so leave that and go."

The master's tyranny was absolute.


Three days later.

Morning came to Olivia's mansion.

Olivia woke up earlier than usual. Maybe because today was her birthday, she left the land of dreams early.

"Hmm, Birthday...Today is my birthday."

Deciding to start her birthday with solemnity, Olivia chose not to declare an air raid alert as she typically might.

Birthdays should be peaceful, after all.

"Haah Ricardo."

Olivia rubbed her sleepy eyes and called the familiar name of her butler.

"Today is my birthday"

Alone in her room.

It was lonely.

"Doesn't he know?"

There was no sight of the butler who, on every birthday morning, greeted her with a bright smile and gave a gift.

Olivia, starting her birthday morning in the dark room with the curtains drawn, had a gloomy expression.

"He must be asleep"

Olivia sighed as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

With a bitter expression, she nodded her head.

"He could have forgotten."

After all, there had been a time when she'd been late in celebrating Ricardo's birthday. She was upset, but it couldn't be helped.

With a heavy heart, Olivia opened the curtains that covered the window.


A brilliantly decorated tree came into view.

Green. Red. Yellow.

A tree full of colorful ornaments. And hanging from the tree was Ricardo.

Dressed in red, with an ill-fitting fake beard, was Ricardo.

The flustered Ricardo, hanging from the tree, stammered as he spoke to her.

"Why have you woken up so early, Milady!"

The butler hung on the tree, adorned with odd ornaments.

He put a star at the top of the tree.

Wrapped glistening strands around it.

Olivia chuckled at the comical sight of her butler hanging delightfully decorated above the tree.


Ricardo shouted towards her as he peeked through the window.

"I wasn't quite ready yet! oh no!"

The tree swayed as the wind blew.

The image of Ricardo, hanging from the tree, started to drift away. Watching him, Olivia whispered shyly,

"That's dangerous"

Telling her it's okay and to go back to bed, was Ricardo.

Olivia smiled and pulled her blanket up.

"Okay. I'm going back to sleep."

Her face, covered all the way to the top of her head with the blanket, was flushed.

*** ***

Darkness had fallen in Olivia's room.

Having dined out at the Forest Friends for the first time in a while, Olivia patted her full stomach and looked towards the door.

"Phew I'm stuffed."

Wearing a party hat and a pleasant smile, Olivia felt as though the world was shining from her full belly. She was waiting for the last event of her birthday, the gift-giving ceremony.


Olivia didn't have high expectations for the gift.

Knowing all too well the state of their strained finances, she guessed that the only gifts Ricardo could afford on his own were likely to be a scarf or gloves.

Yet, Olivia was more than satisfied with how the day had unfolded.

She had eaten at Forest Friends, and Ricardo had bought her everything she wanted.

Rather than receiving expensive gifts, she had resolved not to linger on or expect them, having spent a day indulging in all the food she desired.

Olivia was ready to be happy with even a small gift.

"Why isn't he coming"

The butler, who had gone to fetch the gift, hadn't returned even after 10 minutes.

You're going to be so surprised, just wait.'

The butler had gone downstairs with those meaningful words. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but her heart couldn't help but flutter.

After all, Ricardo was the only one left to celebrate her birthday.

As her fortune waned, her friends who used to lavish her with expensive gifts had left her side, and the nobles who had once fawned over her for the prestige of her house stopped sending even a single letter as soon as the connection was severed.

She no longer had any family left, and no friends either. Ricardo was the only one who cared to celebrate her birthday.

Ricardo, who always celebrated her birthday.

On every birthday morning, Ricardo, who would greet her with a "Happy Birthday" along with a gift he had wrapped himself, remained by her side as time passed.

I treated him so badly'

Ricardo had consistently remembered her birthday.

He had remembered the birthday of the wicked lady who had unceremoniously stuffed his hand-knitted scarves, unwrapped, into the back of her wardrobe.

Despite her harsh rejection of the scarf he had made, Ricardo hadn't been saddened; instead, he reappeared the following year with another present.

-Happy Birthday.

-It's cheap.

-I spent a bit more this time.

-What money

-Then, maybe you should raise my salary.


She knew her past self too well.

How sincere Ricardo had been about her birthdays.

Despite earning a salary, he had given her expensive gifts like gold bracelets.

Jewel-encrusted hairpins.

Handmade scarves.

Rings made of pure gold.

Ricardo, who gave her gifts that were beyond her means.

He'd spent a month's salary, no, three months' salary on gifts, yet she had never worn them.

They were too embarrassing to show others.

It was shameful for a noble like Desmond to wear them, and they weren't flashy enough. Olivia had always shoved Ricardo's gifts into the back of her closet.


Perhaps it was the sixth year that Ricardo had remembered her birthday; his gifts began to change.

Instead of more expensive or lavish jewelry, they transitioned to things like perfume and sweets, gifts that weren't visible to others. She must have broken his heart by never wearing any of the previous gifts, even though she never said they were embarrassing.

Olivia knew that her past self was at fault.

Although she couldn't say she was good-natured even now, she recognized that she had been much harsher when she proudly bore the name of Desmond, and Ricardo knew this too.

She had grown up coddled in a greenhouse, with people around her always affirming her rather than offering criticism.

Her personality had become twisted.

It wasn't that those people were bad.

It's just it left a bit of regret. If there had been even one person like Ricardo to offer her harsh truths, she wouldn't have been so cruel to him.

"Bad girl."

Olivia allowed herself a time of reflection, a bittersweet smile on her face as she thought about her past mistakes.

Resolved not to discard things carelessly anymore.

If she was given chocolates, she would eat them with joy, but if she received a lasting gift, she was determined to keep it.

-Thump Thump Thump!

The sound of Ricardo climbing the stairs traveled through the door.

The noisy footsteps, as if carrying something heavy, were followed by a thump' noise as Ricardo placed something down in front of the door.

He went up and down the stairs without stopping, hustling' with busy footsteps as he climbed again.

"What is he doing?"

The bustling sound of Ricardo's footsteps made Olivia tilt her head in curiosity and clutch the hem of her skirt tightly.

How can I not expect something?' she thought with a shy smile as she bowed her head.

Olivia couldn't help but let out giggles.

-Phew That's it.

Ricardo's murmuring voice came from beyond the door, indicating he had finished preparing.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Ricardo opened the door.

"Milady, I'm coming in."

"Pffft! What on earth!"

Ricardo's face, with the same makeup he had donned that morning, came into her view.

Olivia clutched her stomach, laughing.

Dressed in a baggy red outfit.

The ridiculous white beard and a red ball stuck on Gomtang's nose made Ricardo look so funny.

"Ahahahaha! What is that!"

Olivia pointed at Ricardo, smiling with joy.

"Oh! Santa Claus."

Ricardo said to himself in a solemn voice.

Santa Claus.

Olivia didn't quite know what a Santa was, but she imagined it to be a very funny being.

With a sigh, Ricardo put down the red sack he was carrying on his back and said,

"Ho ho ho! Merry no- Happy Birthday!"

Ricardo, in his silly attire, was congratulating her on her birthday. He glanced at Olivia, who was full of anticipation, and gulped.

Olivia, feeling the pressure from her eager gaze, cleared her throat uncomfortably.

"Hem! That is"

Even Ricardo seemed to find the situation amusing as he struggled to contain his laughter.

Olivia addressed Ricardo, who was awkwardly acting, with frankness.

"Ricardo, you forgot your lines."

"Don't laugh. It's hard to maintain the concept."

Ricardo was committed to his concept.

Pushing away Gomtang, who was trying to jump up and lick his face, Ricardo opened the sack.

He drew out chocolate shaped like gold coins.


He pulled out a scarf to conquer the cold winter.


And Ricardo took out a thick fur coat.

With a serious expression, Ricardo began to speak to Olivia.

"Miss Olivia."


"You should use formal speech with Santa Claus."

Olivia looked at Ricardo with deliberate innocence.


"Then, there's nothing I can do."

Ricardo found it hard to maintain his concept.

He looked at the gifts he had put on the floor. Ricardo began a year-end summary, recounting what wrongs she had done and the disappointments of the year.

"Do you remember stealing the chocolates in March?"

It was a silly jest.

Olivia played along with Ricardo's rhythm and nodded.

"Yes. I stole one piece."

"That's a lie. You stole three pieces. I'm confiscating 10% of your gifts."

As he said confiscation,' Ricardo put the chocolate gold coins he had dropped on the floor back into the sack.

Olivia argued with Ricardo, who was cutting down her birthday gifts, but his effort to stick to the concept was surprisingly stubborn.

"Hmm in June, you stole the gold coins on my desk, so 50% confiscation."

"Eek! That's character assassination! Resign!"

"I refuse."

The gifts were dwindling under Ricardo's keen memory. All that remained were three chocolate gold coins.

Olivia looked at Ricardo with an annoyed expression.

"You're mean!"

"It's the fault of Miss, who lived as a naughty adult."

Ricardo was doling out moral lessons. He put the remaining three chocolates into the sack and said,

"Overall this year"


"Milady, you cried too much."

"No..! That's because Ricardo made me sad"

"Shush. I won't listen to excuses."

Upon seeing Ricardo put all the gifts into the sack, Olivia extended her hand with a dumbfounded expression.

"Give it."

"I refuse."

"Give it to me!"

"Our company policy doesn't give gifts to crying adults"

As Ricardo returned to his concept, he looked at the outstretched hand and said,


Ricardo grabbed her slender wrist with a small smile.

"The butler has another gift prepared for you."

Holding Olivia's wrist, Ricardo began rummaging in his pocket with a small smile.



He began to slip something sparkling onto her wrist. A familiarly designed bracelet began to appear with a cool sensation on her skin.

A bracelet studded with diamonds.

"Ah what this"

Confused, Olivia stuttered like an idiot. She was overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the bracelet and could not muster the words to ask how or where he got it.

Ricardo, releasing Olivia's hand, said,

"It suits you very well. Truly."

Ricardo, removing his white beard and smiling happily, looked at the bracelet now adorning Olivia's white wrist and said,

"Happy Birthday."

"This this is really expensive"

Tears welled up in Olivia's eyes as she looked at the bracelet.

Olivia spoke with a choked voice.

Ricardo shook his head nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal, and lightly replied,

"I tried a little harder."

Ricardo had always gifted her with moving surprises.

Olivia cried out with a sob,

"It's expensive!"

"Because it's expensive, please wear it well."


Olivia, inhaling her runny nose, said to Ricardo,

"It's really expensive!"

"So you dont like it?"

"No! I this really I'll wear it well"

Ricardo once again looked at Olivia's white wrist, now adorned with the bracelet, and said, relieved that it suited her and glad that she liked it,

"I'll give you a better gift next time."

"This one is really amazing!"

Olivia hugged the bracelet and cried.

She thought this birthday would be unforgettable.


Ricardo smiled awkwardly as he gazed at a wooden box he had hidden behind the door.

[Ferrari Unit 1]

Let's give it to her in a little while.'

Ricardo smiled with happiness.

StorieExporter StorieExporter

Sorry for the late chapter, school has been kicking my ass.

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