(Volnos Ryo POV)
Shikaakwa was a planet that was located within the Tython system of the galaxy's Deep Core region. The planet had a breathable atmosphere and was covered by landmasses and expanses of ocean. Shikaakwa was colonized more than a millennium after the year 36,453 BBY by the Non-force-sensitive settlers of the planet of Tython. Eventually, Shikaakwa came to be ruled by feudal gangster clans known as the Nine Houses.
My father was the ruler of the Ryo Syndicate, which was one of those Nine Houses that ruled Shikaakwa. I was the second of three brothers, so I never expected to lead. Wealthy as I was, I travelled and studied on the settled worlds in the Tython system. I gained the nickname "Ox" and became a champion of the Ryo Syndicate, strength has a strange way of earning respect, but so does intelligence. Eventually, my younger brother, Hawk Ryo, introduced me to a fellow Je'daii named Kora. Kora and I eventually married and had a daughter, Tasha, who has also become a Je'daii.
I was content with my life until the Despot Queen arrived. My father and elder brother were killed by Hadiya, making me the new Baron of Clan Ryo, a role I feel unprepared for. One of the first things I did as the new Baron of my clan was to pledge allegiance to the Despot Queen in order to avoid my father and brother's fate, who had refused to do so. However, my apparent loyalty to Hadiya served to hide my true agenda: revenge for the death of my relatives.
That is the reason, I am here now. Here in this tavern, hiding my features and making sure that no one will recognise me. The time has come for someone to do what I will never be able to and I have found just the one who will. As much as I don't care about the Je'daii, they have their uses.
I sit down and order something to drink and blend in somewhat. People don't ask questions here on Shikaakwa, especially not in this bar. I count the time until the door opens again and another hooded figure walks in. I can tell that this is the one, as he has one of those ... sabres or whatever they are called at his hips. Despite trying to hide it, I married a Je'daii, so I know where to look. Their arrogance is truly becoming more apparent. Not in all of them, but some are more arrogant than others. Having powerful space magic does that, I suppose.
He sits down in front of me and looks me in the eyes.
"So ... what is it you wanted to talk about? I am in a hurry, there's a war about to start and the Supreme Grandmaster has called those available back," the man says in annoyance.
Interesting. The supposed, infamous Supreme Grandmaster has finally revealed itself. Then my chances of getting my revenge surge to greater heights ... possibly. No one has seen the Supreme Grandmaster according to Kora and Tasha, but I don't trust the words of Kora and Tasha doesn't know how to lie.
"And what would the Supreme Grandmaster of your Order want from you?"
"Some show of authority, I guess. He hasn't done that in a while and most if not all have forgotten his face, I assume. So, back to business. Why did you call me here? I came because you are Hawk's brother, but I sure hope this is worth it."
"Oh it is worth it, trust me. I called you because I have a way for you to infiltrate and kill the Despot Queen."
"Would that interest you?"
"You want revenge. Look, I get it, you are angry and I am angry as well, but-"
"You know nothing! She killed my father and brother! You're absolutely right that I want revenge. You were friends with Hawk, don't you feel the same?"
I can see that my words make him think. My brother told me that he was good friends with Daegen Lok, so I set my hopes on him. There is no chance for him to defeat her on his own, but if I help him infiltrate her ranks things should look much better.
(Daegen Lok POV)
I was born in the Tython system and trained as a member of the Je'daii Order by Quan-Jang, the Temple Master of Anil Kesh - the Je'daii Temple of Science on the planet Tython. During my time as a Je'daii, I had an adventure on the planet Sunspot, the closest planet and became friends with Hawk Ryo, a Twi'lek Je'daii from the planet Shikaakwa. The two of us had become Je'daii Rangers at the same time and shared a deep bond. Ever since the day he died, I felt angry for some reason and bitter. The war that will arrive at Typhon's doorstep, was supposed to be the ticket I was happy about to get revenge on the despicable Queen who slayed my friend.
And now, I sit here. In a dirty inn, amongst some criminals talking to one of the leaders of the Nine clans and discussing whether or not, I should go undercover and kill that Twi'lek Queen.
That's what my mind shouts to me. Accept it and go through with it. But assassination is supposed to be forbidden amongst the Je'daii. Not really forbidden, but heavily frowned upon. I know that it is not actually a rule, but since the Supreme Grandmaster doesn't show his face all that often anymore, the leading Masters thought it reasonable to add some rules. Much good it did us.
Some don't accept those rules as the few who voted for them, didn't get council from the Supreme Grandmaster. And anything that isn't from the Supreme Grandmaster, is not really a rule for them to follow. Those 'loyalists' are mostly the older members of the Order. I haven't seen the Supreme Grandmaster yet and am interested to see what he is all about. Some claim him to have achieved the pinnacle of Force understanding which is why he is still alive.
"So what do you say?" Volnos Ryo asks me.
There is not really a choice here. I feel like I owe it to Hawk, who was my brother in all but genetics.
"I'll do it."
"Good. I'll introduce you two. The backstory is already arranged and you will be able to get it across ... I hope at least."
"Wait, what is my cover?"
"A Je'daii Ranger, wishing to defect?" the sweet voice of Queen Hadiya is heard as Volnos Ryo introduces me. He is bowing his head to her as she sits on her throne. I can feel his anger and the wounded pride. But that dog introduced me as a Je'daii Ranger who wishes to defect. If anyone finds out about this ... well if I manage to go through with it, then that might be a reason to grant me the position of Master.
"Interesting. Tell me more about yourself." Hadiya says and looks me over. I can feel her interest and her rather ... interested thoughts. I don't blame her, I had the same ones seeing her.
"I am unhappy with the way things are going in the Je'daii Order and wish to see things changed. They want to limit my freedom, but that just won't go for me. That's why I want out. But there is no way to get out, without them doing something about it. Being a Je'daii is something of a life-long commitment."
"Hmm ... very well, Daegen Lok. We shall see how genuine you are ... and how strong. There is a system I have plans for and after that, we will fly for Typhon. The Je'daii's days are numbered."
"I will not disappoint you, Queen Hadiya."
(Primus POV)
I walk through the halls of the main temple halls on Typhon. The halls are for grand ceremonies and a training hall. There is also a place for me to teach or to address large numbers of members of the Je'daii Order. I never wanted any of this, but the members felt like it was appropriate for someone of my station. You have to give the people a bit of what they want.
I can tell that the fact that I don't rule like a despot or some other form of ruler, unnerves some of the members of the Je'daii. Especially the younger ones. They haven't really seen me perform in action yet and if you don't see someone for a long time, you forget them ... at least for anyone else that isn't me.
But this time, the time is right to get my bones working again. The times have changed since the creation of the Je'daii Order on Typhon. The Infinite Empire of the Rakata species is at its height and they are searching for planets which are strong in the Force. I smile thinking back to our last meeting. I was much weaker back then and driven by righteousness. And while that hasn't really changed, I don't go around helping every planet.
I have my Force Saber on my hip. It is the first one ever created in the Je'daii Order and even though some of the others are already looking for alternative ways to gain a Force Saber, I won't change mine. Unlike the Lightsabers from the future, a Force Saber really takes time and dedication to create. I liked the fact that you are basically becoming one during the process, with the metal, the crystal and the Force ... at least somewhat. It is very hard work, but the end result is very satisfying.
What most don't understand, is that while it might be easier to use some form of crystal to power their Sabers and the use of a Froce Saber takes a lot more concentration and strength to use, it is nowhere near as powerful after a certain threshold. You need a lot of mental strength to concentrate on using your Force Saber and the task of creating it is also hard, but the gains are much bigger than what you have to do for them. The amount of Force power you can channel with a Force Saber supersedes anything a Lightsaber or a sabre using a full crystal could ever hope to. But I'm getting off track here.
[His sabre]
I walk into the grand hall, where many Je'daii members have already gathered. Many haven't seen me in years and are eager to hear me speak or to witness my power ... sigh, the young ones really need more discipline and to understand what is important. But there's time for that later.
"Welcome everyone. Thank you for attending this meeting, I so surprisingly called. As you know, there are several things going on in the galaxy that might or might not concern us. And while some don't concern us now, they certainly will soon.
I know that many of you have questions and we will go over all of those in due time. But right now, we shall prepare. The army of the Twi'lek called the Despot Queen Hadiya is currently about to get rid of the last opposition she has in the Typhon system. This gives us just enough time to prepare for her eventual arrival."
A murmur went through the hall as I said those words. This was the first time in the history of the Je'daii that something like this happened. But with the advancement of technology and the increased population in the Typhon system things were bound to change. The Force users weren't the only powerful individuals anymore. The Rakata were bothering everyone and I would use this chance to prepare the Je'daii for the wars bound to come in the future.
"Lord Primus, will this 'despot Queen' truly attack the Je'daii Order? Surely she won't be so foolish."
"I believe the Masters will tell you that there is nothing guaranteed in this galaxy, but the foolishness and greed of its inhabitants, and the Force of course."
"What shall we do, then?"
"We prepare for war, for a fight and for the inevitable death that follows."
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