80.12% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2225: 20

章節 2225: 20

Chapter Text

The Lord of Winterfell


Ned Stark led his party south towards Harrenhal. He had decided to take his wife, Robb, Theon and several of the Northern Lords with him to the council. Lord Manderly had sent his son, Ser Wylis in his place along with Lord Bolton, Lady Mormont and Lord Glover who had been selected by him to attend the council. Ned had decided against taking all of his bannermen, some needed to remain behind in the North to protect it and muster their forces if the talks failed. He had also brought 2,000 men with him as per Robert's request. Ned was unsure of how this meeting would go, so having some men of his own was a precaution that he knew he had to take. Ser Rodrick would remain behind in Winterfell to help Bran rule the North in his and Robb's absence.

 They had been travelling for several weeks and their progress was not helped by the frequent autumn rains. These rains meant that the Kingsroad had been reduced to a bog in places which slowed their progress. Ned had expected this to change once they got further south past Moat Cailin but even the weather in the south was starting to grow colder. Ned looked up at the sky and saw that there were some clouds spotted here and there but the rest of the sky was clear.

 They had passed the Crossroads Inn a few days prior where they had found a message awaiting them from Hoster Tully, he said that he would be unable to attend the council as he was ill. As a result of that, he would be sending his son Edmure and his brother Ser Brynden in his stead, Edmure was his heir and he would have the power to act in Hoster's name. However, Edmure was not waiting for them at the inn, he must have continued on towards Harrenhal. Ned thought that this turn of events was fortuitous. Catelyn would have an easier time convincing her younger brother to fight with the North, on whichever side they chose.

 They had set out early in the morning in order to arrive at Harrenhal that day. Ned knew that the castle wasn't far from the Crossroads Inn and he was eager to finally get there. He wondered which Lords would attend, he knew that the King certainly would be there along with Tywin Lannister. The Reach lords would also be likely to attend. He had received a raven from Mace Tyrell conveying interest in forging an alliance between their houses. Catelyn and Robb were quite intrigued by this offer, it would be a great boon to have the Reach allied with the North especially if they were headed for war. Ned was unsure of whether the Greyjoys or the Dornish would attend. The Dornish never usually involved themselves with the affairs of the other kingdoms since the rebellion so Ned would not be surprised if they remained absent from this meeting.

 He was also eager but slightly nervous to see Jon again. So much had changed since the last time they had spoken. Ned knew that Jon was not the same man anymore. His experiences had certainly changed him but were these changes for the better? Would it be a change that Ned could live with? He was unsure about that and that was what made him nervous. He remembered the stories they had heard about the burning of Volantis, it had been a truly horrible act, one that Ned would need to understand before deciding on which side to back. Perhaps, he could convince Jon to return to the east as that would be the best way to avoid a war and maintain peace. Robert could stay the King of Westeros while Jon would be able to rule his new eastern kingdom.

 They crested a hill and finally saw Harrenhal looming in front of them. He turned to Robb who was riding alongside him. His direwolf, Greywind had run off ahead of their group. Robb had a look of amazement on his face at the sheer size of the castle. Ned found that the castle still looked as daunting as ever. 

 "Aye, I know that feeling," Ned said to him. "I was also amazed the first time I saw it. Harren the Black thought that this castle would be his legacy, he thought it would be the greatest fortress ever built. I suppose he got his wish, it's still the largest castle in Westeros but it is impossible to maintain,"

 "And now it is half a ruin," Robb said quietly and Ned nodded. "Aegon the Conqueror did this with one dragon,"

 "Yes, he did,"

 "And Jon has three," Robb said as he looked out at the castle. Ned remembered that it had five towers, the largest was the Kingspyre tower. It had been given that name because that was where Harren and his sons had perished from the fire of Aegon's dragon.

 "How big is it compared to Winterfell?" Robb asked.

 "I heard that it takes up three times as much the land area but I can't remember exactly," Ned said as they continued to ride towards the castle. As he got closer he could see that the royal banner had been raised from the tallest tower and it was fluttering proudly in the wind, confirming that at the least the royal party was here. Ned also saw lines of tents on the western side of the castle, these would likely belong to King Robert's forces.

 They rode closer to the castle and they even passed over the grounds where the tourney was held all those years ago. Special stands had been constructed to hold all the people that had been invited to the tourney. He still remembered that day vividly. Robert had been joking with Jon Arryn as Prince Rhaegar had circled the field after unhorsing Ser Barristan in the final tilt. The crown prince had worn the same armor that he died in, gleaming black plate with the three headed dragon made of rubies wrought in its chest. Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died. It was the moment that Prince Rhaegar had urged his horse past his wife, Princess Elia Martell to lay the crown of the Queen of love and beauty in Lyanna's lap. Ned could still remember it, it was a crown of winter roses, as blue as frost. Winter roses had been Lyanna's favorite flower and a symbol of the North.

 If only Rhaegar did not crown Lyanna. If only he had done his duty then all of this could have been avoided. Lyanna would have married Robert and the rebellion would never have broken out. He could have easily crowned his wife but instead he had done something foolish and as a result, the realm had bled. Thousands of people died because Rhaegar Targaryen did not do his duty.

 Had Rhaegar done his duty, Robert would have married Lyanna and he would have changed for her. During their time together in Kings Landing, Ned had observed Robert and he saw traces of that young man that he became best friends with in the Vale. When they left for war in the Vale, Robert became more and more like his old self. He was laughing and making jokes like he used to and it was a sight that warmed his heart. Ned came to the conclusion that it was his marriage to Cersei that was causing Robert the most trouble. If he had been married to Lyanna this would not have been the case, it all would have been fine.

 As they got closer to the castle, Ned gave orders for the majority of his men to start making up their camp near the northern banks of the God's Eye close to the troops from the Stormlands. Whilst his host of men broke off to make their camp, he and the lords continued to ride on towards the castle. As they rode in, he could see the Golden Rose of House Tyrell on a few banners, he saw the Golden Lion of House Lannister on others. Surprisingly, the Golden Kraken of House Greyjoy was also present which confirmed that at least someone from the Iron Isles was in attendance. He also saw plenty of other banners, confirming that even some of the minor lords were in attendance. Ned saw the sigils of Houses Hightower and Tarly amongst those in the Reach camp.

 "Catelyn, which Riverlords have attended?"

 "I see the banners of House Bracken, Blackwood, Darry, Mooton, Mallister and Piper," she said. "Oh and House Frey as well," she added pointing to an awkward looking set of tents. Ned stored this information away for later, it would be important to know which Lords were attending and which weren't.

 They approached the castle gatehouse, which itself was as large as Winterfell's Great Keep and then they entered one of the castle's numerous courtyards. Ned looked around and eventually they were greeted by the Castellan.

 "Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North and Hand of the King," Ned introduced himself to the man.

 "Of course, my Lord. Rooms have been prepared for you and your wife. Will your vassal lords be staying with you in the castle?" he asked as he offered them all some bread and a cup of wine which Ned gratefully accepted. At least, guest right was being observed.

 "Yes. They will also need separate rooms," Ned replied and the Castellan nodded. Ned hoped that their room would be as far away from the King as possible, he would have to tell him the truth today and he was not sure how Robert would handle it.

 "I will send word to the King, letting him know of your arrival," the castellan said and Ned forced a smile onto his face.

"Thank you that would be most kind. Which other lords have arrived as well?" Ned asked as he dismounted his horse, Robb Catelyn and the other lords followed him. A few stable boys came forward and then led the horses away to the stables.

 "Lord Lannister, Tyrell, Baratheon, Tully and some of their bannermen are already here, my Lord," the Castellan said which confirmed what Ned had seen earlier.

 "What of the Vale?" Ned asked,

 "A few noble houses from the Vale have arrived. Notably Houses Egen, Royce and Corbray," the Castellan said. Ned thanked him for his help and then the castellan walked away into the castle, likely to find the King.

 "Ned. Will you tell the King now?" Catelyn whispered. Ned looked at her face and saw that she looked very worried.

 "I don't have any choice. Jon will arrive soon and the Lords will ask him where he has been for the last 18 years. He will tell them the truth,"

 "You don't know that Ned, he could lie. He's changed,"

 "I do know," he said with a sigh. "All the Lords think that he is Viserys. The only way to prove them wrong is if he tells them the truth," Ned told her, he realised that his words did little to calm her down but he had no choice, he simply could not lie anymore.

 He had debated telling the Northern Lords before he travelled south but in the end he had decided against it. There was always the chance that someone could send a raven south to the King and then Ned would not be able to tell him in person which would only make the situation worse.

 "Perhaps, we should not stay in the same part of the castle as him. We don't know what could happen in the middle of the night," Cat suggested.

 "No, don't be silly Catelyn. Robert is a good man, he is not a butcher. He will sort out any issues that we have the proper way," Ned said firmly. Still, Catelyn did not look assured.

 "Go and find Edmure and take Robb with you. War will be upon us whatever happens, we will need him on our side. I will meet with the King alone," he told her. She gave him a quick kiss before dutifully heading off to leave. Ned noticed that Lord Bolton was watching him but he didn't have time to worry about the Lord of the Dreadfort. Truthfully, Ned had not wanted to bring him to the council, but the Bolton's provided a lot of troops and he was one of his most powerful bannermen. It also would have been safer to have Lord Bolton here where he could watch him, there was no telling what trouble he would cause if he left him back in Winterfell with his family.

 He had spent the journey south debating the best way to tell Robert the truth. He decided that the best way to go about it, would be to ease Robert into it, like he was explaining something to Rickon.

 "Lord Stark," he heard a voice call. He turned and saw that the voice came from Lord Mace Tyrell.

 "Lord Tyrell," he said with a smile

 "It is nice to see you at this council. I have not seen you in years. I hope you received my message," Mace said and Ned smiled. He was clearly eager for this alliance but over the years Ned had learned that sometimes it was better to be quiet and wait for the other person to speak in order to truly gauge the situation.

 "I was hoping we could have a private conversation at some point. I hear you have an unmarried son and daughter," he said and Ned smiled, and this one was genuine. It seemed that the Tyrell's were indeed willing to enter negotiations for a marriage alliance. Before he could respond, he heard the King call out to him.

 "Ned!" Ned turned and saw Robert quickly walking across the courtyard towards him. He noticed that he was flanked by his squire and Ser Barristan. Lord Tyrell bowed and walked away, realising that he was not wanted in this conversation.

 "Your grace," he said. He felt his mouth going dry so he decided to take a drink of water from his skin. Robert had changed in the past few months, he had continued to lose weight and was starting to regain his old fighting form.

 "How many men did you bring? I brought over 5,000" he said gleefully.

 "2,000 as per your request,"

 "Where is your daughter?" he asked.

 "Sansa?" he asked and the King nodded. "Why would she be here?"

 "To marry my son of course," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "War is coming and we need to secure the line of succession. I brought him here specifically for that purpose. You did the same thing with Cat at the start of my war,"

 Ned looked at him and he realised that there would be no way to ease into it.

 "There is something I need to tell you," Ned said and Robert eyed him warily.

 "What is it?"

 Ned looked around the courtyard and saw that Roose was still watching him, he wanted to move someplace more private but then he realised that perhaps having witnesses would be a good thing. Robert would not try to kill him as that would automatically lose him the support of the North.

 Ned spied an empty area on the opposite side of the courtyard that would suit his intentions.

 "Your grace, how about somewhere more quiet," he said as he gestured to the corner. Robert looked at him warily before nodding and letting Ned lead him over to the spot. Ned turned and saw that Ser Barristan was walking a few steps behind. Once they reached the corner Robert looked at him impatiently. Ned swallowed nervously before he spoke,

 "Do you remember after the war, I left the capital to find my sister," he began and Robert nodded.

 "I found her in a tower in Dorne. She was guarded by three knights of the Kingsguard, Ser Oswell Whent, Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Gerold Hightower," Ned said slowly and again Robert nodded. He was staring at him intensely and his eyes were a deep, striking blue. 

 "I found Lyanna in that tower, dying of a fever,"

 "Ned. why are you telling me this?" he said and Ned could see that the intensity from his gaze was gone, he was now looking at him nervously.

 "Riders approaching!" He heard a loud voice shout and Ned cursed his luck.

 "The Dragonspawn might be here," Robert said and he saw his face grow hard and determined. "Whatever this is, it can wait," he said as he stomped away. Ned shook his head, this really couldn't wait. He had kept this secret for over 18 years, it could not wait any longer.

He sighed in frustration and then went to follow the King. Robb and Catelyn had returned to the courtyard and they quickly fell into line behind him. They all filled out of the gatehouse and turned towards the east where they saw riders approaching.

 "Those are Targaryen banners!" someone shouted. Ned looked closely and saw that this was true, the three headed red dragon on a black field was slowly becoming more and more visible. Catelyn grabbed his hand nervously and Ned gave hers a reassuring squeeze. Jon was finally here, after all these months he would see him again and this caused his nervousness to return.

 Ned turned his head from side to side and saw that nearly everyone in the castle had come out to see their arrival. Some in the back were being lifted onto others shoulders to get a better view, Ned even saw people in the towers and on the battlements.

 "Where are the dragons?" Robb asked, barely able to hide the excitement in his voice.

 "Let's hope they left those monsters behind," Catelyn whispered.

 The Targaryen host was slowly coming towards them, seemingly in no particular hurry. Ned noticed that they did not bring a large host, perhaps only 1,500 men in total. Ned knew from their copper skin and the spears and the shields that they carried that these must be their Unsullied. They were flanked by a cavalry force that could only be their Dothraki horselords. Even from this distance he could see their weapons dangling by their sides. Robert seemed to grow impatient and he started to stomp towards them. He led the royal forces down towards them so that they would meet with Harrenhal behind them and the Godseye to their right. Ned felt a cold breeze on him as they made their approach. He pulled his cloak tightly around him as he followed the King.

 The man in the lead of the host was on a large midnight black horse and he wore a hood on his head to hide his face. That must be Jon, Ned thought. Although, he was not sure why he would need to hide his appearance. Ned saw a familiar face in their party. The man was riding a brown horse and he looked like Ser Jorah Mormont. Ned scowled, why was Jon keeping company with a criminal like him?

 Robert stepped forward and Ned moved to follow him. He was still his Hand so he had to appear at his side. Several of the Kingsguard also walk forward, he saw Ser Barristan, Ser Jaime, Ser Arys and Ser Meryn all begin to form a protective guard around their King. Prince Joffrey stood near Lord Tywin and they too started to walk forward. Everyone else stood behind, it seemed like everyone was collectively holding their breath.

 The Targaryen host was finally here. The man in the lead slowly dismounted his horse and walked slowly towards them. The man wore leathers and a red and black doublet but he would not remove his hood. Ned looked at the man, he was tall and possessed Jon's lithe build, could it truly be Jon? Ned also saw the sword strapped to his waist, the handle was encrusted with jewels that sparkled brightly in the sunlight.

 "You stand in the presence of Robert of House Baratheon. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm," the herald called out,

 "Impressive titles though you have no true right to them," the man said in a low voice. The hood covered his face so you could only see his lips and a part of his nose.

 "Viserys fucking Targaryen," Robert spat once they were a few feet apart. "Where is your whore of a sister? I don't see her,"

 "Cousin Robert," the man said, Ned could faintly remember the voice. " Queen Daenerys will be along shortly,"

 "Did the bitch not travel with you?" Robert asked and the man just gave out a loud sigh.

 "The Queen has other means of travel. She will be along with the King shortly,"

 "The King? Then who the hell are you?" Robert asked angrily

 "I'm offended," the man said and it sounded like he was barely able to contain his laugh. "Do you not remember my voice cousin? It seems not. Perhaps you will remember my face," and then the man pulled back his hood and Ned gasped loudly.

 It was Rhaegar Targaryen.

 Standing the in the flesh only a few feet in front of him, Ned wanted to reach out and touch him. To see if he was real and not merely a ghost or something that he imagined. Ned studied his face, the man looked exactly like him. He had the classic Valyrian silver-gold hair, his eyes were a dark shade of indigo. His face bore the few wrinkles of his age but even they could not eclipse his ethereal beauty. He tore his eyes away from Rhaegar to look around, to see if anyone else saw what he did.

 Ser Barristan had fallen to his knees in front of him. Lord Tywin had his mouth open in shock and all the other older lords had similar looks of surprise on their face. Only Lady Olenna Tyrell and some of the Reach lords did not look surprised to see Prince Rhaegar. He turned and saw Robb and Catelyn. Catelyn was ghostly white but Robb looked confused and Ned realised that he had no idea who he was. Ned heard plenty of whispering from the crowd and he saw some of the Lords and knights pointing towards Rhaegar.

 "I fucking killed you," Robert said into the silence and Rhaegar only cocked his head to the side and simply smiled.

 "I don't think you did cousin. I am very much alive," Rhaegar said with a smirk.

 "Who the hell is he?" Prince Joffrey asked loudly into the silence.

 "I am Rhaegar of House Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone, Son of Aerys Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen," he called loudly and Ned heard several loud gasps whisper through the crowd. Those that didn't know already, now knew. Rhaegar even held his hand up, waved and smiled at the crowd.

 His eyes met Ned's and he smiled. Ned scowled at him, he caused this entire mess when he ran away his sister. He survived and she died and he comes back and just smiles ? Did he think that this was some sort of joke?

 Rhaegar noticed this and his smile disappeared, he instead looked at him curiously before turning back to Robert. As Ned was behind Robert, he could not see his face but he saw his hand. His hand was on the pommel of his sword.

 "I would not do that if I were you. We are here for a peaceful talk after all," Rhaegar said to Robert.

 "I killed you. I swear I killed you," Robert repeated but Ned could tell that he didn't even believe those words.

 "You were close. So very close. Did you ever find my body?" and Robert shook his head. "Then how did you know I was dead?" he asked in a mocking voice.

 "So you have been hiding for the past 18 years? I always knew you were a coward," Robert sneered. "You hid from Brandon Stark and you have been hiding from me,"

 "I was not hiding. I was waiting for the right time to make my return and that time is now,"

 "You said that you are not the King. Where is he?" Lord Tywin asked as he stepped forward.

 "The man that ordered the rape and murder of my wife and children finally steps forward," Rhaegar said with a frown. "My father trusted you, and you betrayed him,"

 "Your father was a madman," Robert sneered. "He deserved what he got,"

 "He did not deserve to be stabbed in the back by those sworn to protect him," Rhaegar said with a glare at Ser Jaime. "I trusted you with my family, you were supposed to protect them. Instead you let your father's dogs into the castle to butcher them,"

Ned looked at Ser Jaime and he saw that his usual arrogant look had been replaced by something else, Jaime Lannister looked almost apologetic and Ned was shocked.

 "Where is Viserys?" Robert demanded.

 "Viserys is dead and the true King and Queen will be here shortly," Rhaegar said with a small smile.

 "I swear if this is some trick. I swear if they are attacking my city, I will kill you and have your head on a spike," Robert said angrily as he stepped towards Rhaegar. Immediately, the Unsullied stepped forward in unison and lowered their spears. The Kingsguard stepped forward in response and drew their swords in response. Well, at least Ser Meryn and Ser Arys did. Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime did not move, their hands were limp by their sides.

 Ned was rooted to the spot like everyone else, one hand on his sword ready to draw it if necessary. They were at a stalemate and Ned was sure that within the next few seconds, the air would be filled with the sound of steel on steel.

 He watched as Rhaegar slowly raised his hand and motioned for the Unsullied to stand down. Rhaegar looked at them and gave them a wide cocky smile. Ned looked at him warily.

 Then, he heard a loud screech coming from above. Ned immediately looked upwards into the clear blue sky and then he saw them. Two massive dragons were flying above over the castle. One midnight black the other a dark mossy green. Ned was in awe to see the beasts of legends appear in the flesh. He had heard about them but seeing them was something else entirely. He watched as they circled lower and lower and Ned could not believe he did not hear them earlier. The sound of their wings beating was deafening. The dragons landed on a small hill to their left with a loud thud that shook the ground. 

 Once the dragons landed he was able to see their riders, a man and a woman with silver hair. Jon must have dyed his hair silver as Ned had guessed. They dismounted the dragons and stood on top of the hill, looking down on the crowd below. The dragons were at their back and the wind was blowing lightly. Ned was unable to tear his eyes away from the breathtaking sight in front of him.

 They looked down on them all before slowly making their way down towards them. Their dragons made a low snarling noise before taking off again into the sky. The girl wore a black outfit with a black fur cloak that was lined with red. Her silver hair was styled in a single braid that she had tucked away. Ned could not deny that they looked the part of a King and a Queen. The boy, Jon, was dressed very similarly to Rhaegar. Both of them wore beautiful crowns which sparkled brightly in the sunlight.

 Then, Ned suddenly understood all the events that happened in the east. He understood why Jon had performed such horrible and brutal acts in Essos such as the burning of Volantis and the sacking of the slaver cities. It was Rhaegar who had been influencing him, poisoning his mind. Jon held her hand as they approached. They looked united and then Ned looked at Rhaegar who had a proud look on his face.

 Ned realised that Rhaegar was probably the one who was whispering in his ear providing him with advice. He let Jon be King but he was the true power behind the throne. Jon was just a puppet and Rhaegar was the evil puppet master pulling the strings. It was Rhaegar's fault again. His actions had started the rebellion and now he was here guiding Jon into another war. He would have to speak to Jon alone that would be his best chance to get through to him.

 "You stand in the presence of King Aegon and Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen. Emperor and Empress of the Bay of dragons and the Dragon cities of the east. Khal and Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Breakers of Chains and the rightful King and Queen of Westeros," a young woman who appeared to be a Summer Islander, called out and Ned could see Robert's fist clench in anger. He was about to move for his sword but the dragons gave a loud roar, seemingly to remind him of their presence.

 Jon stopped in front of Robert and looked up at him. Robert was a huge man and he was easily taller than Jon yet Jon held his ground.

 "Robert Baratheon," he said and his voice carried the slightest hint of disgust. "I have heard many things about you,"

 "Viserys fucking Targaryen," Robert spat. "And your whore of a sister. I should have sent more assassins after you. I should have doubled the reward,"

 "The King of Westeros sending assassins after mere children?" Jon asked. "Is the King too craven to wield his own blade? I wish I could say that I was surprised" and Ned saw Robert reach for his sword.

 "Careful. I will kill you right here. Fuck your peace talk," Robert said angrily. Ned saw Jon look Robert up and down, almost as if he was nothing more than a disobedient child. Robert still had his hand on his sword and Jon was not even wearing any armor. All he had was his sword yet he seemed to be completely unfazed by the King. Ned was worried, where did he get this arrogant and reckless attitude from? He was worried that Robert might take this the wrong way and start a fight that would ruin any chance of these talks going ahead peacefully.

"I don't think you could kill me," he said simply with a dismissive shake of his head. "But I am here for a peaceful talk. Let's head inside the castle, it's rather cold outside. I have never been to Harrenhal but I hear that you have, would you please show me the way?"

 Ned was sure that Robert would draw his sword. Jon stood there with an arrogant smile on his face almost daring him to do it. Ned realised that he had to step in now before the situation got out of hand.

 "Come on your grace, let's head inside," he said as he reached out to touch Robert on his arm. His touch seemed to break Robert out of his daze because he turned around and began to stomp back towards the castle. Ned walked next to him and turned to look at Jon angrily. If this was truly a peace talk, why was he trying to antagonize the King?

 Jon looked at him and gave him a confused look then he shook his head, Ned was unsure of what he meant but he would speak to him later. Now, he needed to take the King away and calm him down so these talks could actually go ahead properly.


The Dragon Reborn


Jon stared at him as he walked away, side by side with the Usurper. He couldn't believe it. He still could not separate himself from him, he even had the nerve to look at him angrily.

 "Was that Lord Stark, with the King?" Daenerys asked as they watched them walk away.

 "Yes. That was him," Jon said unhappily.

 "Where is the rest of his family? Is Arya here?"

 "No. It doesn't seem so. I saw Lady Catelyn and Robb, but not her,"

 "Perhaps she's just in the castle," she said hopefully but Jon didn't answer her. He knew if Arya were here she would be right there at the front of the crowd, just like he would be if the roles were reversed.

 Whilst they waited for everyone to enter the castle he turned to his father.

 "What happened before our arrival?" he asked. They had planned their entrance and they had been pleased to see all the Lords and Ladies were in awe of them and their dragons. All of the eyes had been on them and not the usurper. 

 "Well, everyone was very surprised to see me as you would imagine," Rhaegar said with a hint of a smile. "I spoke briefly with Tywin Lannister and Robert, it was tense as you can imagine. Robert was about to draw for his sword like the brute that he is but it seems that you showed up at the right time. What took you so long?"

 "I landed earlier so that Ghost could head off to hunt somewhere. With all the Dothraki and Unsullied, he probably doesn't get a lot to hunt on Dragonstone," Jon said. The topic of food was something else that was weighing on his mind. Whilst they had the Iron Banks gold to buy more food and they had ships to import more from Pentos, it was still a slow process. They would have to secure either the Reach or the Riverlands today.

 "Jon, I want to speak to the Tyrell's today," Dany said to him. He looked at her curiously before he nodded, he trusted her to carry out their plan.

 "Come on, let's go," Jon said as he began to lead their host towards the castle. His father had not been exaggerating, Harrenhall was huge. There were 5 towers and they were all crooked, likely from the heat from the dragonflame.

 "Jon, who is Ser Loras with?" Dany asked as they walked towards the castle. Jon turned towards where she was looking and she saw Ser Loras was walking with a man with black hair. The man wore enameled green armor and he had Jon thought that he saw a stag on the breastplate.

 "I think he is a Baratheon,"

 "Perhaps, it is Renly, Ser Loras mentioned that he was the one who knighted him. I'm not from Westeros but they look very friendly, is that the custom for knights and their squires?" she asked

 "It might be although I can't say for certain. I have never been a squire and Knights are not common in the north. They are more of a southern thing," Jon said and Dany nodded slowly.

 As they walked, they saw the lines of tents surrounding the castle. He saw the banners of nearly all the great houses flying. The only banner that was missing was that of House Martell.

 "I don't see any banners belonging to House Martell or any other Dornish houses," Dany said to him, reaching the conclusion at the same time.

 "Perhaps, they're on the other side of the castle," Jon said even though he knew this wasn't likely.

 "Or, they're not here because they're with Illyrio's son," she whispered to him as she held onto his hand.

 "Most likely but we can't worry about them today. We can only focus on this council," Jon said to her as they finally reached the castle gatehouse. The gatehouse was huge and the stone was discolored and cracked in places. They were greeted by an old lady who looked very happy to see them.

 "It is an honor to have the Targaryens in my halls once again," the woman said to them with a wide smile. "I am Lady Shella Whent and welcome to Harrenhal," his father had mentioned that she was the good sister of the Kingsguard knight, Ser Oswell Whent.

 "Thank you for agreeing to host this council for us and we thank you for your family's service to House Targaryen," Jon said politely.

 "It is no trouble. House Whent fought alongside yours before and they will do so again. Harrenhall is yours, my King and Queen," she said with a bow. She straightened up and then offered them some bread and some wine which Jon took and ate quickly. He had made sure to stress the importance of this tradition to everyone who would be travelling with them. He also made sure that some bread and wine was sent back to their Unsullied and Dothraki who would remain outside camping.

 They walked through the gatehouse and into the main courtyard. Everyone was staring at them. He saw Knights and their squires, Lords and Ladies all stopped what they were doing to stare at them. The yard was silent as everyone took a good look at them. Then after deciding enough was enough, he closed his eyes, searched for Vedros who answered him. He heard her screech loudly and at that sound, everyone was snapped out of their daze and they went back to what they were doing.

 "Forgive me. We have rooms prepared for you in the eastern tower. They are the most comfortable rooms in the castle," Lady Whent said and she began to lead them away from the courtyard. Jon turned around and motioned for some of their Unsullied to come with them. It would be important to have men that they could trust guarding their rooms in case anything went wrong.

 "You can hold your council in the great hall, it can fit all the Lords present. I thought it would be best if you ate in a separate hall,"

 "Thank you. You are a kind host," Dany said politely. As they walked, Jon saw Robb standing in a corner of the courtyard looking at them.

 "Lady Whent, if you would be kind enough to lead the way for our Unsullied so that they can assume their positions guarding our rooms. We will make our own way to them shortly after we have spoken to some of the lords in the courtyard," he said with a polite smile. Lady Whent bowed and continued to lead Grey Worm and a small group of the Unsullied into the castle.

 He quickly grabbed Dany and began to walk towards him.

 "Father, we will see you in the great hall soon. I would like to speak to Robb first," Rhaegar nodded. Robb stared at them as they approached. He looked nervous and Jon was unsure why that was.

 "Robb?" he said once he reached him,

 "Jon?" Robb said in an unsure voice and then Jon understood. They were in a quiet corner of the courtyard and people seemed to be looking elsewhere. He closed his eyes and quickly turned his hair dark and his eyes grey and then looked at Robb. Robb had a shocked look on his face and Jon quickly turned his features back. He was being presented to these people as a Targaryen King and he had to look the part.

 "It's really you," he whispered as Jon pulled him into an embrace that Robb returned. "I've missed you brother,"


 The word warmed his heart. Robb was his family, he was still his brother.

 He pulled apart but still held him at arm's length. He looked at his face, he was clearly older, he could see the beginnings of a beard growing, but he still looked like Robb and he gave him a warm smile.

 "What the hell happened? We've heard so much. How did you do that with your hair and eyes?" Robb asked as he stared at him.

 "It's a long story brother. Let's just say I learned some magic along the way," he said with a smile.

"Wait. This is Dany. Daenerys. She's my wife," he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and Robb just looked at her with a blank expression on his face. Jon couldn't help but laugh. Robb had always been better with girls when they were growing up around Winterfell. He was always talkative and he always knew the right thing to say and now he was completely stunned.

 "Hello Lord Robb?" Dany greeted flawlessly.

 "Hello. Your grace. I mean Daenerys. Can I call you Daenerys?"

 "Of course you can. You're Jon's brother, you can even call me Dany if that's easier," she said with a smile.

 "It's nice to meet you Daenerys," Robb said with a smile.

 "Where's Arya?" Jon asked and Robb's smile faltered.

 "She's at home in Winterfell. She begged father to come but he said no and he wouldn't hear another word from her,"

 Jon scowled. Lord Stark knew how close he and Arya were and he did not even bring her with him. He denied both of them this reunion.

 "Does he really not trust me? Does he really not trust my word when I said this would be a peaceful meeting?" Jon asked and he saw Robb's smile fade.

 "Jon, it's been difficult at home. We thought you were dead then,"

 "Dead? Why would I be dead?" Jon interrupted.

 "Father said that he received a report saying that you died in a storm on the way to a place. I think it was Astapor?"

 Jon nodded, the pieces were beginning to come together.

 "It doesn't matter anyway. You're alive, that's all that matters," Robb said with a smile. "I think we have some time now, tell me what you've been up to? I can't believe you got married already,"

 "Already? I haven't been gone that long," Jon said with a laugh.

 "Jon. You've been gone for over a year. Probably closer to a year and a half," Robb said with a smile.

 "The time has gone by quickly. I've been very busy,"

 "I can imagine. You even managed to pick up a dragon or two along the way. How did you manage that? Where's Ghost by the way?"

 "Ghost is hunting. Where's Greywind?"

 "Hunting somewhere close by. I haven't seen him since the morning," Jon nodded and smiled, perhaps Ghost and Greywind were out hunting together.

 "Right, the dragons," Jon began and then he looked towards Dany "It's a long story,"

 "Well, we were in Valyria. We walked into a fire with some dragon eggs and we came out with three dragons. That's the short version," Dany said quickly which only served to confuse Robb further.

 "I think I need to hear the full story," Robb said after a moment and Jon laughed at the confused look on his face.

 "Here look at this," Jon said as he pulled out his sword. "This is Valyrian Steel,"

 "I can see that. It looks like Ice, where did you get it?"

 "Valyria. We have more of them," Jon said with a proud smile.

 "So, it's really true," Robb said as he held the sword.

 "I've named it Darkfyre,"

 "It's impressive. It feels so light, much lighter than my sword,"

 "So what have you been up to? Married yet?" Jon asked but he felt Daenerys hit him lightly on the arm.

 "Jon you're forgetting someone," she said to him as she gave him a pointed glare. Jon looked at her curiously before he understood.

 "We also have a child, a little boy named Daeron,"

 "He's lovely, we love him so much. He's such a sweet little boy. He has my hair and his eyes," Dany gushed.

 "I'm happy for you. I take it you left him home?" and Jon nodded. "So I'm an uncle and Arya's an aunt. I could never have imagined that," he said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Gods, I hadn't even thought of that. The trouble they would get up to would be unimaginable," Jon said with a laugh.

 "She'd be teaching him to fight before he can even walk," Robb said chuckling "Can he walk?"

 "No," Dany said quickly with a smile at Jon. "He's only crawling. Do you have any children Robb?"

 "No. Not married, although father said he was looking at betrothals for me. Probably, a Northern girl although he did say that an alliance with the Tyrells is also possible. The Tyrell's have a daughter around my age, he said that they wanted to meet with him today. He might even be with them now," Robb said and Jon tried hard to maintain a neutral face. It seemed that Olenna Tyrell was willing to move on without them. Although now that he thought about it more, he realised that this was not necessarily a bad thing. He would not have to marry Margaery and the Starks and the Tyrell's would be allied. If he could convince Lord Stark to join them then this alliance would be nearly unbeatable.

 "I'm sure she's lovely Robb," Dany said with a smile and Jon could tell she was thinking similar thoughts to him.

 "How are Sansa, Bran, Arya and Rickon?" Jon asked

 "Sansa is the same perfect little lady that you would remember. Although she has been over the moon since her betrothal with Joffrey she is eager to return to Kings Landing. Arya is still as wild as ever. Father allowed her to learn water-dancing sword style from a Braavosi instructor while they were in the capital and since her return to Winterfell, she has started to train with some boys in the yard under Ser Rodrick as well and she is good for her age. Much better than I expected she would be, she takes her training very seriously. Rickon is still young, he doesn't understand that you left. Bran had a fall whilst he was climbing, he's lost the use of his legs," Robb said and Jon gasped.

"When did this happen?" he asked immediately.

 "It was during the King's visit to Winterfell," Robb said sadly and Jon nodded. He knew that Bran wanted to be a knight and losing the ability to walk would have put an end to his dream.

 "Is that really Rhaegar Targaryen?" Robb asked and Jon nodded.

 "Yes, that's my father,"

 "How did he survive?"

 "When the Usurper hit him with his hammer, the force of the blow knocked him into the river but it did not kill him. He washed up further downstream and was nursed back to health by a red priest. Then, he went to Essos to find me and Viserys," Dany explained to Robb.

 "Oh. Where is Viserys? Is he with the third dragon?"

"No. Viserys is dead. He died in Valyria,"

 "Oh I'm sorry," Robb said sincerely.

 "Viserys was a cruel man and a poor excuse of a brother. I am better off without him. I have Jon now," she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

 "You two look really happy together," Robb said with a smile. "I am happy for you both. Especially you Jon. You're actually smiling for a change," and Jon just rolled his eyes.

 "What was he like growing up? Did he spend all of his time brooding? Because he does that all the time,"

 "I do not do that all of the time,"

 "Yes you do," they both said at the same time and Jon looked at them both in disbelief. They had only just met but they were already uniting against him.

 "Why do you even do it?" Robb asked.

 "I only do it because I have a lot on my mind. I haven't done it much recently."

 "Oh my goodness Jon. Just the other day you woke up early to have an early morning brood on the cliffs. You even told me," she said with a smile. Jon didn't answer her instead he looked at Robb who was laughing to himself.

 "How long have you two been married?"

 "A few months really. Probably just over half a year,"

 "And yet you two argue like you've been married your entire lives," Robb said with a chuckle, He suddenly stopped laughing and was looking at something behind Jon. Jon turned and then he saw Lord Stark. He had not changed much in the time that he was away, and to his left was his wife, Lady Catelyn, who had wrinkled her nose and was looking at him unpleasantly.

 "Queen Daenerys," he said in greeting. His voice was stiff.

 "Lord Stark," she said in return, all the happiness and playfulness gone. Her face was now serious. He gave her a small imperceptible bow before he turned to him.

 "King Aegon," he said. King Aegon not Jon. The good, friendly feeling that he had while speaking with Robb was gone. Instead it felt as if the air had gotten colder, he pulled his cloak tightly around himself and pulled himself up to his full height.

 "Lord Stark,"


The Dragon's Hand


Tyrion Lannister walked through the huge castle of Harrenhal. He had stayed out of sight during the encounter outside Harrenhall. Seeing one dead man was shocking enough for the lords but two would have been a bit too much. But now, as he made his way through the castle, he knew that knowledge of his resurrection would become common as well. The King and Queen were talking to the Stark boy. Tyrion observed their reunion and was pleased with what he saw. It seemed that they still shared a brotherly bond. That would be important, perhaps if all else failed, the son would be able to convince the father to join their cause.

 What he was not pleased with, was the interaction he saw between King Robert and his Hand earlier. Lord Stark led Robert Baratheon away like a brother would. The two of them still looked like they had a close relationship and this was not what the King would have wanted to see. Hopefully, Lord Stark would have called off the betrothal between Prince Joffrey and Sansa Stark at the least, that action would be very important in making sure their talks got off on the right foot.

 He had debated telling the King and Queen the truth about Joffrey's parentage but that was a risky endeavor. Firstly, he had no proof to convince people. Secondly, if Robert believed these rumors there was always the possibility that he would have Tommen and Myrcella killed along with Cersei, Jaime and Joffrey. Tyrion realised that until he could ensure the safety of Tommen and Myrcella, it would be best to keep this secret to himself. The only advantage of revealing this secret now would be that it would destroy the Baratheon and Lannister alliance, but Tyrion did not think that these advantages were worth the potential risk to the children.

 Tyrion watched their interaction for a few minutes before heading away. He too had several people that he needed to meet.

 Tyrion walked through the castle and he saw a few people look at him with curiosity and shock as he passed them. Tyrion had expected this reaction since he had faked his own death. He also remembered that Varys had helped him with this and he would know where the false prince is, perhaps the Spider would be here today. That would be a very interesting reunion.

 Tyrion walked aimlessly through the castle for a while before he realised that Harrenhal was simply too big for him to find the people he was looking for. His best bet would be to head to the great hall where the Lords would begin to congregate. He began to head down the stairs onto a lower floor and then he saw him.

 His brother was standing in front of him, dressed in his white Kingsguard garb. Jamie just looked at him with a shocked look on his face.

 "Tyrion. You're alive," he said with a smile after he had gotten over the shock.

 "I'm surprised you noticed that I was even gone," he said bitterly. Jaime was his brother and yet he had chosen to save himself instead of helping him.

"Of course I noticed you were gone. How could you ever think that I wouldn't? I'm your brother,"

 "You're my brother yet you decided to save yourself instead of trying to help me," Tyrion spat and Jamie's eyes widened in understanding.

 "How did you know?" he asked not even denying it. That was good, Tyrion would have hit him if he had denied it.

 "Varys," Tyrion answered.

 "Of course," Jaime muttered as he ran his hand through his hair. "He probably set this whole thing up,"

 "He set that up?" Tyrion gave a cruel laugh. "Even the Spider can't manipulate the Lions,"

 "No, he can't but he can use them. He told you this for a reason,"

 "I know that. I'm not stupid," Tyrion sneered. "I know exactly why he did it. He did it to further his own goals as usual. Is he here?"

 "No, he's not," Jamie said "Cersei isn't either. It's only me and father,"

 "Where is he? I want to speak to him," Tyrion demanded.

 "He's in his chambers. They're on the second floor in the western wing,"

 "Take me to him,"

 "Wait. Not now you're angry and I want to talk to you," Jamie said.

 "Why do you want to talk to me? We have nothing left to say to each other," Tyrion said as he began to walk away. He angrily pushed past Jamie and was halfway down the corridor when he heard Jamie speak again,

 "I'm sorry,"

 Tyrion froze. He had not expected to hear those words from his brother. "I am sorry Tyrion. I am sorry for not doing more to save you. I should have fought against our father and our sister to try and save you. I should have snuck you out of the city in the middle of the night if it came to it but I did nothing. I am your brother, I am supposed to protect you but I chose to save myself and I am sorry," Jaime's voice broke and began to crack at the end and Tyrion immediately turned to look at him.

 Tyrion was stunned, he had never seen his brother like this. His brother was the brave gallant knight who loved to fight, not the type to break down and get emotional. Tyrion quickly walked over to him and tried to pull him down for a hug which Jaime gladly returned. He held onto Jaime tightly and he felt what could only be Jaime's tears fall onto his clothes.

 "Tyrion. I need to tell you about Tysha," he began but Tyrion made a shushing noise.

 "I know Jaime. I know the truth," Tyrion said softly. The pain of Tysha still wore heavily on him. He could still remember her face, the shape of her nose and her lovely, musical laugh. Thinking about his wife was still so painful but deep down he knew that Jaime was not to blame.

 Jaime had always thirsted for battle and had always shied away from politics. It was perhaps one of the reasons they got along so well. His father and sister only saw him as a dwarf, and a stain on their family legacy. Jaime had always been their father's favorite and he had never known hardship and this is what made Jaime's apology so shocking to him. He had not expected Jaime to actually own up to his mistakes, he had expected Jaime to ignore it and to feign ignorance of Cersei and their father's plans.

 "How could you know?" he said as he broke apart.

 "Varys and I overheard your conversation. We were in a secret passageway behind the room and we heard everything,"

 "I'm sorry Tyrion. I should have told you earlier. I should have done more,"

 Tyrion nodded. He didn't have it in him to be angry at Jamie at the moment, hearing his apology caused that anger to fade. He was not sure that if he could trust him, but he wanted to try.

 "Let's head somewhere else," Tyrion said, painfully aware that they were still in the middle of a hallway where anyone can see them or overhear their conversation. Jaime stood up and then led him into an empty room.

 The room was lightly furnished. There was a double bed in the room and several chairs positioned by a table. There was a bowl of fruit and some wine sitting on the table. There was a small fire crackling in the hearth which provided the room with some warmth.

 "Whose room is this?" Tyrion asked

 "I don't know. It doesn't matter," Jaime said as he pulled the chairs closer to the fire and sat on one. Tyrion moved to the table and poured them both a cup of wine.

 "The men that had been hire to kill you said that you had fallen over the edge and we found a body on the rocks below on the battlements,"

 "Varys told me about that spot. There is a hidden alcove that can't be seen from above. I did fall off the balcony but I rolled into that spot where Varys was waiting for me,"

 "Then where did you go? How did you meet the Targaryens?"

 "Varys smuggled me across the narrow sea to Pentos where I met some of his 'friends' or rather fellow conspirators. We then travelled from Pentos, to Norvos and then to Volantis and that it where I met the true Targaryens. Varys has been plotting this for years,"

 "Plotting what? This invasion? Is he working for the Targaryens? That doesn't make any sense,"

 "Not quite Jaime. Tell me, is Varys still in the capital?"

 "Yes," he said. Tyrion was surprised at this, he would have thought that Varys would have left the capital as soon as he found out that his plans had failed.

 "Varys is not working for the Targaryens although he was plotting to use them," Tyrion said and Jamie looked at him curiously. "Varys is or was, plotting to put another boy on the Iron Throne. This boy was pretending to be a Targaryen but we have found out that he really is a Blackfyre,"

 "A Blackfyre?" Jamie said with disbelief "Tyrion, the Blackfyre's died out years ago, Ser Barristan killed Maelys the Monstrous on the Stepstones and that was the last of them. Even I know that,"

 "Only the male line," Tyrion insisted and Jamie had a questioning look on his face. "Think about it Jamie. Let's look at Catelyn Stark as an example. She is a Tully but all her children have the surname Stark even though they are half Tully by blood. Now, if the all the Tully heirs perished, then one of her children could not only lay claim to Riverrun by citing their Tully mother as a basis for their claim but also potentially take the name to ensure that the house lives on. It is the same thing here. Varys's Blackfyre pretender is a descendant born of a female line of black dragons but is claiming to be a Targaryen since everyone thinks that the Blackfyres are extinct,"

 Tyrion saw his green eyes widen in understanding. "Why would Varys want to sit this boy on the throne?"

 "To be his puppet probably, having a King of his choosing would make him the most powerful man in the entire realm,"

 "So where is this false prince now?"

 "I don't know. The last time I saw him was in Volantis,"

 "Do you think he could have burned in the fires?"

 "No. He left with the Golden Company the day before, we checked and they were gone,"

 "He has the Golden Company?"

 "Yes. 20,000 men and their elephants,"

 "And you have no idea where they are?" He asked and Tyrion could tell that Jaime didn't believe him

 "We think that they might be with the Dornish but we have no way to know for certain. I know you don't believe me Jaime but I am telling the truth,"

 "I believe you Tyrion. If you say that Varys is plotting this, then I believe you," Jamie said and Tyrion was surprised but relieved. His brother had changed.

 "What happened to you since I left? You're not usually like this," Tyrion asked suspiciously.

 "Like what?"

 "Like this. First you apologized to me then you believe my crazy tale. Next you're going to tell me you've broke things off with Cersei," Tyrion said with a laugh and to his surprise Jaime had a reluctant smile on his face.

 "You have, haven't you? Jaime, are you well?" he asked as he reached out to touch his face. Jaime quickly batted his hand away.

 "What happened between you two?" Tyrion asked.

 "I heard the rumors that this King Aegon is Rhaegar's son with Lyanna Stark. I wasn't sure if it was true, but it reminded me of Rhaegar nevertheless. He trusted me to protect his family whilst he was gone and I failed. Worse still, it was my family who killed them and it reminded me of my failure to protect you. I asked Cersei if she missed you and she said no. She showed no remorse."

 Tyrion knew that his sister did not like him and had planned to kill him, but the words still stung. Tyrion nodded slowly and he felt some of his anger return.

 "Hearing about Rhaegar's son made me feel guilty about my failings. My failings to protect his family and my failure to protect you," he said sadly.

 "Where is Cersei?" he asked

 "Robert sent her back to Casterly Rock along with Tommen and Myrcella to wait out this war," Jaime said and Tyrion nodded slowly an idea beginning to form in his mind.

 "Is that really Prince Rhaegar?" Jaime asked and Tyrion nodded "How is it possible?"

 "I didn't believe it either but he survived. When Robert hit him with his hammer, the force knocked him into the river. He washed up further downstream where he was found by a red priest who nursed him back to health. Once he was strong enough to travel, he went across the narrow sea to find his family again,"

 Jaime nodded slowly. "I would never have believed it if I had not seen him today. What does he think of me?"

 "You'll have to meet him today and find out,"

 "He probably hates me because of what I did to his father and for not protecting his family," Jaime said as he ran his hands through his hair.

 "I told him why you killed Aerys," Tyrion said quietly.

 "How did he take it?" he asked quietly,

 "He looked horrified. I don't think he realised the extent of his father's madness,"

 They were quiet for a few moments and Tyrion watched the flames flicker in the hearth.

 "How are the children?" Tyrion asked after a moment.

 "Tommen and Myrcella are fine, they're headed back to Casterly Rock. Joffrey will stay with the King and fight despite Cersei's protests,"

 "Have they changed much?" Tyrion asked and Jaime just shrugged.

 "You know I can't be too close to them," Jaime said and Tyrion sighed, he was their 'uncle' not a stranger.

 "What did Cersei tell them about me?"

 "Nothing. She didn't even take them to your funeral," Jaime said and Tyrion scowled. Cersei was unbelievably cruel. "They missed you Tyrion. Don't doubt that,"

 "I have also missed them dearly," Tyrion said.

 "Tyrion, you've only told me bits and pieces and I'm still a little confused. Tell me the full story please,"

 "After faking my death, Varys smuggled me to Pentos where I met his co-conspirator, a magister named Illyrio Mopatis. I later learned that he had been harboring the Targaryen children, Viserys and Daenerys for months earlier before they departed for Astapor and were presumed to have died at sea. Later, he introduced me to a sellsword named Griff and his son Young Griff. I eventually learned that Griff was Jon Connington and young Griff was the false prince who I told you about. He believes himself to be Aegon Targaryen, son of Elia and Rhaegar," Tyrion saw Jaime open his mouth to object but Tyrion quickly carried on. "His story is that Princess Elia knew that the war was lost so she agreed to let Varys smuggle the boy out of Kings Landing across the narrow sea by swapping him with a babe from Flea bottom. That is obviously a lie, but it is the story that Varys has created. We travelled together to Norvos where they met with the Martells in secret to discuss a potential alliance. While in Norvos, we learned about King Aegon and Queen Daenerys from the Dornish. Everyone assumed that King Aegon was actually Viserys who was styling himself after the original conqueror. We then decided to head to Volantis to meet with the Targaryens who were headed towards the city. Whilst the Dornish returned to Westeros to prepare for their arrival. The plan was for Young Griff to marry Daenerys and for Viserys to marry Arianne and then they would invade together,"


"Now that plan fell apart in Volantis. I was in the city itself along with a member of Connington's group when King Aegon and Queen Daenerys arrived on dragonback. It turned out that Viserys was already dead and that Aegon was actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and he was already married to Daenerys. The Targaryens then started a slave revolt in city which caused me to get separated from my companion. Then, I was captured by the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont who took me to the dragons with the hope of gaining their favor. Surprisingly, they did not execute me on sight and gave me a chance to prove my loyalty to them after I explained my turbulent family history. I assume when Connington and the false prince heard this piece of information, they departed from Volantis in a hurry,"

 Jaime nodded slowly.

 "It sounds like quite the adventure little brother. Pentos, Norvos and Volantis all within a year?"

 "I also went to Braavos briefly. Only for a day or two. Oh, they appointed me as their Hand as well," he said with a small smile and pointed towards the Hand's pin on his vest.

 Jaime had an incredulous look on his face but calmed down soon enough.

 "Is he really the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark?" and Tyrion nodded "Where has he been for all these years?"

 "I was also very surprised to hear that Rhaegar had another child. I know who was hiding him but I'm afraid I can't tell you. It is not my secret to tell. I believe the King will tell everyone the truth today at the council,"

 "How can you work with them?" Jaime asked and Tyrion must have looked confused "The Targaryens. I've heard rumors about what happened in Volantis and Slaver's Bay. How could you work with them especially after what I told you about the Mad King?"

 "Jaime, it's not like that,"

 "Tyrion everyone has heard it. Are you saying the city did not burn?"

 "Not the entire city. It's more complicated than that. The King and Queen led an anti-slavery campaign in the East and they have helped improved millions of lives. The slave trade was financed by the nobility in Volantis who lived behind the black walls of Volantis. The King and Queen asked them to stop financing the slave trade and offered them a peaceful solution but the Volantene lords not only refused their offer but mocked them by stating that they would re-enslave all the freed slaves once they left for Westeros, so the dragons destroyed them." Tyrion finished unconvincingly and Jaime looked at him suspiciously.

 "I have also heard the rumors about them working to abolish slavery in the east but it does not excuse their actions, Tyrion. How many innocents have died because of them?"

 "Jaime, I understand your reservations but they are a good people. Tell me which great feat was achieved without violence or bloodshed. Aegon the Conqueror performed a similar act at this very castle and he went on to unite all of Westeros and establish the greatest dynasty that the world ever knew. I have worked with them for the past half a year and they have good intentions. They will be good rulers for Westeros, I am confident in that,"

 "You don't know what type of rulers they would be,"

 "I know that they'll be better than Robert Baratheon, or the Mad King and you know that is the truth,"

 "I don't know if they'll be any better because I don't know them. What I do know is that they know nothing about Westeros, how do they plan on ruling it?"

 "I will help them since I am their Hand," Tyrion said defiantly and Jaime just looked at him.

 "Tyrion. They want to kill our family," he said quietly.

 "I know that Jaime but they are not my family. They tried to kill me. They did not even feel any remorse or guilt for killing me,"

 "I am still your family,"

 Tyrion was quiet for a moment. He had come to this council expecting to see that his family had not changed at all but Jaime had changed and it caused a small seed of doubt to form in his mind.

 "I know you are my family, Jaime. Join us, fight for the right side this time. Don't fight to keep someone like Robert Baratheon on the throne, fight for rulers who are just and good. I assure that they will show mercy to the innocent. Our father's crimes are too great to pardon but you can still save all the remaining members of our House."

 "Tyrion you're asking me to fight against my father,"

 "The same father who threatened to send you to the wall if you tried to save me," Tyrion said quickly.

 "He's still our father," Jaime said quietly.

 "Perhaps, there is another way. Speak to Rhaegar, speak to the King and Queen, we could come up with a way to resolve this without bloodshed. We could convince them to send father to the wall instead of killing him. They are not monsters, I'm sure they will treat the rest of the family fairly if they peacefully submit to them. You need to explain your side to them."

Jaime still looked at him uncertainty.

 "Tyrion. They won't trust me," Jaime began,

 "Jaime, you have to try. This is the same thing that you did at the end of the rebellion. You killed Aerys to save a city but you didn't tell anyone why and you were given the title as Kingslayer as a result,"

"They can call me Kingslayer if they want. I don't care what people think of me," he said as he looked at the floor but Tyrion laughed loudly. 

 "Dear brother. Are you seriously going to tell me that when you hear the name Kingslayer it doesn't bother you?"

 Jaime looked at him for a while before he dropped his head.

 "Of course, it bothers me," Jaime muttered.

 "Then do some good. Try and clear your name. Fight for the right side this time," Tyrion urged and he could see his brother was considering the offer.

 "Jaime. If you take me to father, then I will take you to Rhaegar and then to the King and Queen, I will vouch for you. You have to trust me," Tyrion said as he held out his hand. Jaime stared at it for a few seconds before he took it and shook it firmly.

 "Come on then. I'll take you to see father," he said as he led Tyrion away. Tyrion took several deep breaths to calm himself as he walked through the castle. In a few moments, he would meet his father, and Tyrion had been dreaming of this meeting for months.


Chapter 21 is called "The Dragons and the Wolves" and it should be out next week some time. Let's say in 6 days

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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