79.15% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2198: 10

章節 2198: 10


Another update?? So soon?? I promise you are not imagining things, my friends! I started writing this chapter and it was really fun, so the creative juices kept on flowing. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did, I think it's one of my favorites so far.

Without further ado, I present to you: The Dinner

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A knock on the door signaled the start of the evening. Kushina took a few calming breaths, taking a couple of moments to smooth down both Naruto and Kakashi's outfits. Kakashi looked exceedingly uncomfortable in the semi-formal attire, which clashed horribly with the slanted forehead protector he refused to remove, but Kushina had insisted that he needed to change clothes. Kakashi looking combat ready for their peaceful dinner party would not set a very good tone for the evening. 


"Do I really need to wear this?" The teen complained, attempting to shift out of Kushina's grip as she adjusted his collar. It was a simple button up, one that had been Minato's at some point. She dragged it out of the depths of their closet and snapped at Kakashi until he put it on, along with a pair of plain black slacks. It wasn't much, but it was better than his jounin attire. 


"Yes," she insisted. 


"I feel ridiculous." Kakashi started fiddling with the collar that Kushina had just fixed. 


Kushina slapped the boy's hands away and fixed it again. "Well, if you'd let me buy you clothes like I wanted to you could have something fitted and tailored to you." 


"I don't have a use for things like that." 


"Clearly, you do," she countered. "What about formal events? Or undercover missions? Or dates?" 


As expected, Kakashi turned red at the final suggestion on her list. He coughed awkwardly. "I don't–" 


Minato cleared his throat expectantly, gesturing toward the door. "We probably shouldn't keep our guests waiting." 


Minato had scooped up Naruto, and Kushina almost forgot the entire purpose of the evening as she looked at them. They both looked so dapper together, even if Naruto was trying to gnaw on the sleeve of his fancy new sweater. Ugh, was she swooning? She felt like she might be swooning. 


Reality came back to her quickly, reminding her that this wasn't just a casual get together with their friends. They had roles to play, and even though Kushina was genuinely excited to see her best friend, it ultimately wasn't a social visit. The fate of the world could come down to how their little dinner party went, and wasn't that a stressful thought? 


With a final glare at Kakashi to make sure he didn't undo her work, Kushina steeled herself and went to answer the door. She did feel herself relax minutely when she saw her friend on the other side. Her smile was genuine as she ushered Mikoto and her family inside. 


"Welcome, welcome!" Kushina hugged her friend tightly, then greeted the rest of the family in turn. 


Fugaku offered a stern handshake and a nod, which was pretty much what Kushina expected from her friend's husband. As much as Mikoto insisted that her husband did have a soft side, Kushina had never seen it. She didn't dislike her best friend's husband, per say, she just never clicked with him. She'd always been a bit bitter on her friend's behalf, being forced into an arranged marriage. Even though Mikoto insisted that she loved her husband and her family, it had always been a bit hard for Kushina to see past the man's stoney demeanor. He was just so unlike her friend, who'd always been able to match Kushina's mischievous energy, even if she was rarely able to show that side of herself. When it came down to it, Mikoto was fun , and her husband…well not so much. Still, she always tried to be polite and cordial, for her friend's sake. 


Kushina moved on to greeting both of the kids, giving Sasuke an affectionate pinch on the cheek. The toddler clung shyly to his mother and looked overwhelmed by all the attention, but he did seem to perk up when he spotted Naruto across the room. Naruto was squealing in delight at the sight of so many visitors. Kushina didn't miss how when Fugaku went to give Minato another firm handshake, he couldn't help but crack a small smile at Naruto's cheerful babbling. Hm, maybe he did have a soft side after all. 


"And if it isn't my favorite babysitter!" Kushina didn't ruffle Itachi's hair or pinch his cheek, because she knew he hated it, but she wanted to. The boy didn't particularly care for physical affection from anyone outside of his immediate family, and Kushina was going to respect that. It was just difficult, sometimes, because he was a cute kid with an even cuter pout when he was offended. 


Itachi greeted her with far more poise than a child his age should possess, then presented her with a bouquet of flowers. "Thank you for having us." 


Kushina accepted the gift. "These are lovely, thank you. Come in, come in! I'm going to find a vase for these, please make yourselves comfortable." 


They all shuffled around each other in greeting. It was a warm enough welcome that Kushina could almost convince herself that it really was just a normal family dinner. Kakashi was still skulking in the corner, but that was the norm for him when company was over. Actually, the fact that he was visible was more than he normally allowed with visitors. Undoubtedly, he would be hidden away somewhere if Kushina hadn't forced him to be there. He was definitely avoiding the clan head's gaze, offering the bare minimum of polite greetings to their guests, but no one really expected anything different from Kakashi. No one was going to pretend that Fugaku carried more than casual indifference for Kakashi on a good day, but at least he didn't seem put off by the teenager's sullen attitude. 


With greetings out of the way, and the flowers safely out of reach of grabby toddler hands, the first part of the evening actually went well. It was nice catching up with Mikoto and her family. Even though there was an obvious tension because of who they all were, and why they were there, it wasn't too bad. Kushina would even dare say that it was pleasant. They all laughed at the antics of the two toddlers that were unintentionally providing the evening's entertainment. Naruto was showing off every single one of his toys, running back and forth from his room to present his friend with each of them individually. Sasuke looked completely overwhelmed by the offerings, but gladly accepted each of them and waited as patiently as a toddler could for the next. By the time they were ready to start eating, there was a pile of toys taller than both boys put together in the middle of the living room. Kakashi snickered something under his breath about Naruto being spoiled, and Kushina kicked him lightly in the shin in response. It was nice. It was fun. 


Would it be too good to last?


They all sat down at the table, and Minato served the food while Kushina helped get both toddlers settled. Naruto proceeded to make a huge mess of his plate, dropping bits of food on the floor and smearing it on his face. Conversely, Sasuke ate with surprising grace and accuracy, considering his age. 


As the meal started, Kushina continued to make polite small talk. "So, Itachi. How's the Academy? I hear that you're already in an advanced class." 


The boy nodded. "Yes. The instructors were kind enough to overlook my age and allow me access to classes with the older students." 


The kid was stoic, but he was still a kid. Kushina could see that there was something else on his mind that he was hesitant to bring up. "But…?" she pressed. 


Itachi hesitated, and glanced at his father. When he wasn't told not to continue, he explained, "It's too easy. I get bored." 


Both Minato and Kakashi looked at the kid sympathetically. Ah, those damn genius prodigies. Kushina liked to think that she was pretty smart, but nowhere near prodigy level. She'd certainly been bored in class at times, but not in the way the geniuses were complaining about. 


Fugaku added sharply, "The lessons are too basic for him. Respectfully, this is why I requested early graduation." Despite the assurance of respect, the man's tone was clearly annoyed. 


Based on the expression on Minato's face, this seemed to be a familiar argument. His smile was sharp, and didn't meet his eyes. "Respectfully," he repeated firmly, "we are not at war, there's no reason to push kids through the Academy so quickly. I'm standing firm on my decision to raise the minimum graduation age without any exceptions. Kids need the chance to be kids." 


"And what good does stifling them do?" Fugaku countered. 


Before the argument could escalate, Kushina caught Mikoto's eye. Her friend was sharing the same look of annoyance. "Please," Kushina pleaded irritably, "can we at least get through dessert before we start talking about politics?" 


Both men looked a little sheepish, and nodded in agreement. They mumbled apologies under their breath. Minato's expression softened, and he smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Itachi. I understand how you feel. Both Kakashi and I graduated early, you know." 


Itachi nodded. "I did know that." He hesitated, then added, "I did not mean to imply that the curriculum you set up was subpar, Lord Fourth." 


"Ah, you don't need to be so formal here. You're my guests," Minato insisted. His expression turned thoughtful. "Maybe we can figure something out for you. Your father isn't wrong; the current academy system isn't necessarily fair to our most gifted students." 


"You don't have to go out of the way just for our family," Mikoto responded politely. 


It was too late to stop Minato, he was already in problem solving mode. "No, no, it really is a good point. I don't want our kids to have to grow up as quickly as we did, but it's also not fair to completely deprive them of any opportunities to advance." He thought for a few moments. "I'll speak with the Academy teachers. Perhaps we could have you, and other advanced students, come by my office a few times per week. I'm sure we could come up with something if we all put our heads together." 


Itachi seemed genuinely excited about the idea, but he didn't reply until he glanced at his father and received a curt nod of confirmation. "Thank you for the offer, I think I would like that very much." 


Fugaku looked pleased by the idea, having his son and heir receive such personalized attention from the Hokage. Minato just looked proud of himself for coming up with a diplomatic solution. Kushina caught Mikoto's gaze and rolled her eyes, prompting her friend to hide a snort of laughter behind her hand. Kakashi caught the exchange and seemed to have to hold back a few of his own chuckles. So much for waiting until after dessert to talk politics. 


The rest of the meal was comfortable, with light small talk and fits of laughter from both toddlers. The tone of the evening shifted when the meal ended, and Kushina started clearing everyone's plates. They all felt it, far too well-trained and attuned to their surroundings to not notice. 


Kushina leaned back against the counter, looking over the two families at their table. She tried to smile reassuringly, but she doubted it was convincing. "Hey, Itachi, would you mind taking the boys into the other room for a while? We've got some boring adult stuff to talk about." 


Based on the look on the kid's face, he was definitely interested in whatever "boring adult stuff" they were going to discuss, but he didn't object. He was far too obedient to disobey a request from an authority figure. Kushina waited until Itachi had taken both toddlers out of the room before checking that their silencing seal was still in place. Genius or not, she was not going to involve an Academy kid in their plans to save the world. 


"And here I was hoping this was just a friendly dinner," Fugaku sighed, rubbing at his temples. "Do I want to know what kind of discussion we're going to have here in your kitchen, away from your advisors and ANBU guards?" 


Minato laughed wryly. "Would it help if I told you that the dinner portion of this evening was because we really did want to have you all over for a visit?" 


"I think that depends on what you're going to tell us," Fugaku replied dryly. 


"Fair enough." Minato glanced at Kakashi, who looked very uncomfortable, but nodded supportively. Then, he turned to Kushina. "Where do we even start?" 


Kushina saw Mikoto aim a supportive smile in her direction. "I'll start," she offered, keeping her position near the counter instead of at the table. "I don't know how to say this without sounding insane, but I swear it's all true." 


From there, Kushina started her explanation. She condensed all of the information as much as possible, starting on the day Kurama arrived in their time. Minato interjected occasionally to add details or context. Kakashi only spoke once, to give his version of the events that occurred on the day Naruto was almost kidnapped. Kushina purposefully avoided any discussion on what happened to the Uchiha in the other timeline, and she definitely didn't mention how angry and lonely Sasuke was in that version of the future. She stuck to details about the developing relationship between her and Kurama, and the horrific future that the fox was trying to prevent. She hadn't gotten to the particular tidbit about Obito yet, and she was definitely not looking forward to it. 


Throughout the entire explanation, Fugaku's expression never changed. Cold disbelief was written all over his face, along with a deep frown. Mikoto, more than anything, looked concerned about Kushina's sanity. She kept glancing between Kushina, Minato, and Kakashi, as if she was waiting for one of them to stop her from speaking any more nonsense. 


Before moving on to explaining exactly why the clan heads had been asked here, Kushina paused, giving everyone time to adjust. The kitchen was dead silent for at least five minutes, no one moving or speaking. Fugaku's expression still hadn't changed. He was frowning down at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone else. Mikoto was just as quiet, but she seemed more confused than upset for the moment. 


Finally, Kushina couldn't take the silence any longer. "Like I said; it sounds crazy, but it's all true." 


Both Uchiha turned their full attention to her. They stared for a few more moments, then turned to exchange an indiscernible look with each other. After what felt like an eternity, Mikoto responded, "I'm not sure either of us understand. You're saying that the Kyuubi…traveled through time?" 


"Yes," Kushina confirmed. 


The clan heads exchanged another look. "Erm," Mikoto continued awkwardly, "and you're saying that the Kyuubi…wants to save the world?" 


Once again, Kushina replied, "Yes." 


This time, when Mikoto turned toward her friend, her expression was full of concern, and definitely a touch of anger. "Kushina, you are my dearest friend, but this kind of joke is really inappropriate. I don't really understand what the punchline is, but you know how things have been for us since the Kyuubi attack. Joking about it is not funny." 


"It's not a joke," Kushina insisted. She looked at her husband for support. 


"It's true," Minato confirmed. "I know it sounds crazy, but it really happened. The Kyuubi asked me to seal him in Naruto, and he went willingly. Since then he's been…cooperative. Helpful, even." 


"He saved my life," Kakashi added quietly. "The Kyuubi, I mean. When he fought off Naruto's kidnappers, he could have just left me for dead, but he came back for me. It was for Naruto, because he knows I'm important to him, but it was still a risk he didn't have to take." 


What Kakashi didn't say was that Kurama returning to fight off the attackers may have saved Sasuke and Itachi too. Still, the implication was obvious. However, it still didn't convince their guests. In fact, both of their frowns seemed to deepen. They exchanged another silent look with each other. 


"Please tell me what you're thinking," Kushina begged her friend. 


"Honestly, I don't know," Mikoto admitted. "You know that I trust you, but this story is…" She didn't need to tell them how insane it was. 


Finally, Fugaku entered the conversation as well. "Why are you telling us this? Why now?" 


Kushina hesitated, but found her strength when her husband shot her a small, supportive smile. She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat, finding her courage. "We know the identity of the man that set the Kyuubi loose on the village." 


That definitely caught the interest of both Uchiha. They both leaned forward slightly in their chairs, clearly wanting to know more. However, Fugaku's expression started to close off. He looked suspiciously between the Hokage and his wife. 


"Are you trying to imply that we are somehow involved with this man? Is this an interrogation?" Fugaku's tone was accusatory, and definitely offended. 


Minato was the one to interject. "No, not at all, Fugaku. We're asking you for help." 


The suspicion didn't abate, but Fugaku seemed to calm down ever so slightly. He was clearly wary, but his pride must love the idea of the Hokage asking him specifically for help. He was at least placated enough to sit back and listen to the rest of the explanation. 


Minato took over the next part of the story. "He's my former student." The words were heavy, and seemed to drain Minato as he said them. "Obito Uchiha. Both Kakashi and Kushina saw his face, and he confirmed his identity himself." 


Fugaku looked stunned by the revelation. "That can't be right. Obito was always…" he grimaced, no doubt remembering his bumbling genin and chunin days. "Well, you know how he was. You must be mistaken." 


Of course, Fugaku was less concerned with how Obito cheated death, and more concerned about how the black sheep of the clan had managed to bring the Kyuubi to heel. He didn't even question how the Yondaime's former student was back from the dead, but he seemed terribly concerned about how such a supposedly unremarkable chunin had managed to go toe-to-toe with the Hokage himself. 


"It was him," Kakashi confirmed, his tone devoid of all emotion. 


The forlorn expression on the teen's face seemed to convince Fugaku that the information was factual. "What exactly do you want from us, then? The clan has already offered full cooperation on the matter. Of course we will gladly supply you with any documentation we have about Obito, but I would suspect that you as his former sensei would know more." He glanced over at Kakashi next, his expression cold. "If you are looking for information on Obito's Sharingan, then I'm afraid you are out of luck. Seeing as how he threw away our clan's blessing before it could be recorded in our archives–" 


"He didn't throw it away," Kakashi interrupted, looking genuinely furious about the implication. "It was a gift." 


It seemed like it should be impossible, but Fugaku's frown deepened. "A gift," he repeated distastefully, not breaking eye contact with Kakashi. 


Minato cleared his throat, trying to break the tension. "I know that this is not a subject you want to discuss, but we wouldn't be asking unless we had another choice. We're formulating a plan to capture Obito, and since we're going to be dealing with an advanced form of the Sharingan, we thought it was pertinent to involve you." 


Both Uchiha stiffened at the wording. They were both immediately on guard. Fugaku narrowed his eyes at Minato. "What do you mean, that you're dealing with an advanced form of the Sharingan?" 


Kushina was kicking herself for forgetting what the proper terminology was. She'd heard it plenty of times in Kurama's memories, but it didn't stick. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it was difficult to say, Kakashi didn't forget those kinds of details. She must have told him at some point, which meant that he'd probably remember forever. 


With a bout of courage that was both impressive and idiotic, Kakashi looked the Uchiha clan head dead in the face and said, "Mangekyou." 


Fugaku almost leapt up from his chair. "Where did you hear about that?" He looked absolutely enraged. His normal stoic demeanor was melting away, replaced by fury and suspicion. 


Kakashi didn't back down. "From Kurama." 


"Who the hell is Kurama?" Fugaku snapped. 


"Kurama is the Kyuubi. That's his name," Kushina said quickly, hoping to salvage the situation. Even Mikoto looked unsettled, which didn't bode well for their diplomatic approach. 


"From the Kyuubi," Fugaku parroted, his face set in a harsh scowl. 


Minato, sensing the rising tension, motioned at Kakashi to stand down. He kept his body language as neutral and non-threatening as possible. "That's why we are asking for help. I know that the Uchiha are very protective of the Sharingan and all of its secrets. I want to respect that, and work with you instead of behind your back." 


Fugaku considered Minato's explanation, looking completely unconvinced about his intentions. "What exactly are you asking for help with?" 


Kushina knew the response was not going to go over well. So did Minato. If Kushina, who was definitely not a politician and barely a people-person on a good day, could see it, then her genius Hokage husband could see it too. He knew that he was running head first into an impossible to win scenario, but of course he wasn't going to back down. He still tried to keep his posture non-threatening, and his expression open, but he had to know it wouldn't be enough. 


"Obito's Sharingan possesses an ability that allows him to turn intangible at will, and access some kind of pocket dimension," Minato explained. "It's how he escaped the night he set the Kyuubi free, and it is going to make him near impossible to capture. The most logical step is to neutralize his ability to escape," he continued. "To do that, we need to neutralize his Sharingan. Myself, Kushina, and Master Jiraiya are skilled enough with fuuinjutsu–" 


Fugaku didn't wait to hear the end of the explanation. He was out of his chair, looking more furious than Kushina had ever seen. The chair fell over as he rose swiftly to his feet, clanking loudly on the kitchen floor. "Are you saying you are going to create a seal that can suppress the Sharingan at will?" He did nothing to hide his accusatory tone. "Is this some kind of loyalty test? Have we not done enough to prove ourselves, time and time again?!" 


Minato held up his hands placatingly. "It's not like that. Please, sit down and let me finish my explanation and I will address any questions or concerns–" 


"You swore to me that you would work with us, Minato." The lack of any kind of title or honorific was a stunning display of blatant disrespect from the clan head. "You swore that you would not bend to the council's will and continue to let us be treated like pariahs in our own village." 


"And I will honor that promise," Minato replied. "That is why I'm coming to you for help. I want to be honest and upfront about my intentions." 


"Then why spin this insane tale about the Kyuubi and time travel?!" Fugaku countered furiously. "What more do we need to do to prove that the clan was not involved in the attack? We have publicly denounced the man that controlled the beast, and we have submitted to every investigation, every inquiry, and every violation of trust and privacy that the village has thrown our way!" 


Kushina couldn't help herself when she snapped, "We're telling the truth! Would you get your stubborn head out of your ass and listen to what we're trying to tell you?!"


"Kushina," Mikoto said sharply. "Don't." 




"No," she interjected, cold in a way that Kushina had never seen from her friend before. "That's enough." 


"Please everyone, just take a few moments to calm down," Minato said carefully, somewhere between his dad voice and his Hokage voice. "Fugaku, I swear to you that I am not trying to question the loyalty of you or your clan. I never believed for a second that the person who attacked us was anything more than a rogue entity." 


"Your actions say otherwise," Fugaku grumbled in response. "What else am I supposed to think about you threatening to create a seal that suppresses our doujutsu? I am not a fool, Minato. I know what the Council and the other clan heads whisper about us behind our backs. They fear us. They fear the power of our eyes." He scowled, his fists clenched at his side. "That kind of seal will be used to control us, and to muzzle us. To blind us." 


"You have my word that the seal will never be replicated. No one outside of those of us who create it, and yourselves, will have access to it," Minato promised, still trying for a diplomatic approach. "We will make only one, to let us subdue Obito. That's it. Any prototypes will be destroyed, and we won't keep any copies." 


Fugaku met the Hokage's eyes. "If you make that seal, it will be seen as an act of aggression against the Uchiha Clan, and we will act accordingly." 


Kushina inhaled sharply, and she heard both Minato and Kakashi do the same. The implications of the threat settled over them, and Kushina immediately felt ill. If they went through with making the seal, which was currently their best and only plan to capture Obito, the Uchiha would take it as a declaration of war against them. And in response, they would revolt. At worst, it would cause a civil war. The Hyuga might side with them, for fear of their own doujutsu being targeted. Or, the Uchiha would be alone, and it would be a bloodbath when they inevitably refused to back down. They would be–


It sounded too familiar. Was it their fate, to die one way or another? Was this the universe's way of trying to correct the changes they'd made to the timeline? 


Both Uchiha were on their feet now, looking solemn and betrayed. "We're done talking about this," Fugaku insisted, ignoring any and all protocols that would have demanded more respect toward their leader. 


They were leaving. They were going to leave, and then they would report what happened tonight to the rest of the clan. The clan was going to be furious. Had they just undone all of the work they'd put into preventing the Uchiha from being killed? Had she just signed off on her best friend's death? 


Kushina tried again to reach her friend. "Mikoto–" 


"We've heard enough," she replied angrily. The hurt and betrayal was evident all over her face. "We're leaving." 


In the face of the universe's plans, or cosmic balance, Kushina suddenly made up her mind that she didn't give a shit. She would not let her friend walk out that door. "You can't!" 


"Give me a reason why," Mikoto demanded, almost pleading. She too seemed to understand the implications of their departure. "One good reason, Kushina." 


There were many things she could say, but for some reason her mind settled on, "Because Kurama saved your lives!" 


Mikoto actually looked stunned, clearly not expecting that answer. "Kurama–is that the Kyuubi?" The anger started to return, overtaking surprise. "Are you serious–" 


"Mikoto," she tried more gently, walking up to her friend and grabbing her hands. The other woman didn't throw her off, which seemed like a win. "You know me. You know I would never, ever do or say anything that would put you or your family in danger. And you know I would never let Minato do something so stupid either." She squeezed her friend's hands. "Please, just trust me. I know it's crazy, and sounds impossible, but I swear to every deity that I don't believe in that everything you've heard tonight is the honest truth." 


For a few moments, Kushina thought her friend was going to pull away. Then, her shoulders slumped, and she murmured, "Ok." 


Testing the waters, Kushina added, "If I'm lying, I'll never eat ramen again." 


That did draw a tiny laugh from Mikoto, but she still looked incredibly conflicted. "Kushina, I–" she didn't quite seem to know what to say. "I want to trust you. I do trust you, but–" 


"I know." And she did. She understood the gravity of what she was asking, and the kind of blind, insane trust she was hoping for. 


Fugaku frowned at his wife. "Mikoto are you–" 


"I'm not quite ready to accept everything at face value, but I do trust Kushina," Mikoto insisted. "She would never hurt us like this. If she says the Kyuubi time traveled to save the world," she grimaced at her own statement, "then I guess I believe her." 


Fugaku was not convinced, but he was definitely calming down. Kushina would give him major brownie points for trusting his wife so thoroughly. Maybe he wasn't such an emotionless prick afterall. With a weary sigh, Fugaku reached down to pick up his fallen chair. He sat back down with a heavy thud, giving everyone around the table a considering glance. He didn't look happy about it, but he did look willing to listen. 


Mikoto returned the gesture that Kushina had done previously, squeezing her friend's hands supportively. She smiled sadly, then pulled away, so she could sit back down at her husband's side. Both of them shared another look with each other, this one far more subdued than any of the previous ones. They seemed to come to some kind of agreement. 


"I don't suppose," Fugaku asked, forcing his tone to stay calm and neutral, "that you could give us any proof of your claims?" 


Kushina looked back and forth between Minato and Kakashi, but neither of them seemed to have an obvious answer. Eventually, Minato rubbed at the back of his neck and replied, "Would the word of two Sannin mean anything?" 


Both Uchiha did seem surprised to hear about the other parties involved, and it may have calmed them a little more, but they clearly still weren't convinced. And Kushina understood, she really did! It had taken her almost two years to believe everything Kurama told her. She'd certainly been resistant to trusting him, and she'd been able to see him interact with Naruto and talk to him–




Every eye at the table fell on Kushina after her audible exclamation. They were all looking at her expectantly. She had an idea, but Kurama might hate her for it. Was it worth risking losing the fox's trust, after working so hard to gain it in the first place? Did she really have another option? 


"I was just thinking," she explained carefully, "we could give Kurama a chance to explain himself." 


Minato didn't look happy about the suggestion. "We've talked about this. There's no safe way for anyone else to talk to Kurama directly." 


"Except there is," she insisted. "Not for us, but maybe for a Sharingan user…" 


No one else seemed to be catching on, which made sense when Kushina really thought about it. She only knew that it might be an option because she'd seen an older Sasuke inadvertently enter Naruto's mindscape in one of Kurama's memories. Of course, the interaction had been much more antagonistic for everyone involved, but it stood to reason that if Sasuke could do it, then perhaps one of his parents could as well. 


"What are you saying, Kushina?" Mikoto asked, looking uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. 


"Ok, it's hard to explain, but there's this space where jinchuuriki can talk to their bijuu. In their mind, or the seal, I don't really know." Kushina caught the confused and unamused expressions being thrown in her direction. "Er, that part isn't important. The important part is that the space exists, and I think someone with a Sharingan can access it." 


It was clear that the explanation hadn't really cleared anything up. Kushina took a deep breath and kept trying. "Kurama–the Kyuubi–he shows me his memories sometimes. It's how we knew about certain, erm, events. And people. I remember one where Sasuke, teenage Sasuke, spoke with Kurama directly inside the mindscape." 


Mikoto frowned at the explanation. "Why is the Kyuubi showing you memories about Sasuke?" 


Ah, she hadn't really had a chance to get to that part of the story, had she? "Kurama could only see through Naruto's eyes, which meant that he and Naruto were functionally sharing the same memories. Sasuke was in a lot of them." She winced, and added, "He and Naruto had a, um, complex relationship." 


"I don't know if that makes me feel better, or worse," Mikoto admitted. 


Kushina pressed on. "I honestly don't know exactly how it worked," she admitted, "but I think in theory you could just turn on your Sharingan and…do it?" 


Another look exchanged between the two Uchiha before Fugaku responded, "We're trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but you have to realize what this sounds like." 


Kushina took her seat at the table, so she could be more on level with everyone. "What does it sound like to you?" 


Fugaku continued, "It sounds like you're trying to test what kind of influence our Sharingan has on the Kyuubi. It sounds like you're testing us . Like you don't trust us." 


"Has anyone ever told you you're incredibly paranoid?" Kushina retorted. "I'm not doing anything other than what I say I'm doing." 


Minato reached out to grab her arm, shaking his head in warning. "Take it easy," he murmured gently, sensing his wife's rising irritation. 


Right. Now was probably a bad time to get worked up. Everyone was barely keeping a level head as it was, so the last thing they needed would be for her to lose her temper. Kushina took a few calming breaths. 


"Sorry. I'm just frustrated that you're only seeing the worst in our intentions," Kushina explained as calmly as she could. 


"It's my job," Fugaku replied. "I have to look at every worst case scenario, every possible deception. My clan is relying on me to keep them safe." 


"Right…" Kushina sighed. So then were they at an impasse? "Talking to Kurama is the only idea I have. If you want proof, you need to talk to him." 


Everyone at the table was silent, processing the information. Eventually, Mikoto sighed, "Ok. I'll do it." 


Fugaku whipped around to look at his wife, surprised by the offer, and definitely concerned. "This is a bad idea." 


"Probably," she agreed dryly, "but think about it. Really think about what Kushina suggested." Mikoto gave her husband a reassuring shoulder squeeze. "To use the Sharingan to talk to the Kyuubi, that means using it on Naruto . Kushina is telling us she trusts us with her son's life." 


"I do. Completely." The thought had never even crossed her mind that her friend would hurt her son. For all her paranoia and over-protectiveness, she didn't have an ounce of fear for Naruto's safety. There were very few people Kushina would put her complete trust in, when it came to her son's life, and her best friend was one of them. 


It was obvious that no one else at the table, besides the two women, were quite as content with the idea. They were all in a very precarious situation with no good way out. Minato was obviously nervous about the idea, as was Fugaku. She understood their apprehension. This was a huge display of trust, and a dangerous political situation. If Minato expressed his concern, it wouldn't just be as a father, it would be as a Hokage too. Intentional or not, it would be telling the Uchiha clan head that he thought their presence was a danger to their village's jinchuuriki. And for Fugaku, his position wasn't much better. If he agreed, and something went wrong, it could fall back onto him and the clan, particularly if anyone caught wind of the Kyuubi's presence while the Uchiha clan head's family was at the Hokage's home. But if he didn't agree, it would look like he didn't trust Kushina, and Minato by extension. It would look like he didn't trust his Hokage, which could have serious backlash too. So overall not a great position for anyone to be in. And poor Kakashi was observing silently, looking tense and downright terrified to intervene and make the situation worse. Kushina almost wished he'd sent Kakashi off with the kids, even though it would have pissed him off to be excluded. 


Fugaku and Minato seemed to catch each other's eyes and share some sort of silent conversation. For the first time since the disastrous conversation started, they seemed to be on the same page. It was unfortunate that their common ground was fear for the plan their wives were suggesting. For a few moments, Kushina was afraid that Fugaku would demand that his wife needed to stand down. She knew that the Uchiha were still very traditional and patriarchal, and she didn't know how that translated to her friend's home life. She couldn't imagine her friend being "seen and not heard", but she knew it was still the norm for a few of the older clans in the village, even if the younger generations seemed less rigid in their gender roles nowadays. 


After a prolonged silence, Fugaku rubbed a hand over his face. "I don't think there's any response I can give that won't blow up in my face." He sighed. "I'll follow your lead on this, Mikoto." 


Kushina looked to her own partner, who was tense and had his lips drawn into a thin line. "Minato?" 


He relented as well. "I'll second that notion. I know better than to try to get in between the famous Uchiha-Uzumaki duo when they set their minds on something." 


The statement at least got a few amused huffs from the table. Kushina reached over to squeeze her husband's hand in a silent thank you. She knew she was asking a lot, and that she hadn't done anything to repair the trust she'd lost when she'd kept Obito's identity from everyone. If they weren't in the middle of something very serious and important, she would have taken a moment to wax poetically about how much she loved and appreciated her husband. 


Kakashi stood up from his chair, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but in the middle of this conversation. "I'll go and grab Naruto then." He fled the room as quickly as possible, and returned just as swiftly with a giggling toddler in his arms. 


Kushina immediately took her son into her own arms and gave him a few smooches on his forehead. He giggled happily, reaching out to grab at his mother. She met his gaze and smiled, prompting another round of happy squeals. Had a more perfect baby ever existed? Definitely not, in her completely unbiased opinion. 


"Naruto, I need to talk to Kurama," she told the toddler, even though he didn't understand. 


He did recognize the name, and happily cheered, "Ku-ra! Ku-ra!" 


Mikoto made a surprised noise, recognizing the previously nonsensical words that Naruto babbled all the time. She was understandably caught off guard to realize that Naruto had been happily shouting the name of the Kyuubi for all to hear. 


There was no recognition or confirmation that the fox was listening, but Kushina knew he was. "Kurama," she started, "I'm really sorry to spring this on you, but I need you to speak with Mikoto. I know you're not going to like it, but I asked her to use her Sharingan to speak with you. I think she can talk to you in the mindscape." Still no response, not even a flickering of the fox's chakra left within her. "Please talk to her. I trust Mikoto completely, she won't do anything to you, I swear. If you have any modicum of trust or respect for me, I'm begging you to please help me out here. Please, Kurama." 


Everyone was watching her curiously, as she begged the demon fox to play nice. Naruto of course didn't understand what was going on, but he did pick up on the tension around the table, and the strain in his mother's voice. "Mama?" he whined, grabbing at her hair and clothes as if he could do something to lighten her burden. 


"It's ok, baby." She gave Naruto another kiss on the forehead, which seemed to placate him for the moment. Then she turned him around to face the other occupants at the table. With a single nod, she told her friend, "Ok, do it. I've given Kurama all the warning I can." 


Mikoto was still immensely uncomfortable with the idea, but she tried not to let it show. She placed a gentle hand on Naruto's head and cooed something soothing at him. Of course, Naruto had no idea that anything was wrong, and was just happy to be the center of attention. He spent enough time with Mikoto and her family that he recognized her and readily looked into her eyes, even as they spun into the deep crimson of the Sharingan. 


The entire table seemed to hold their breath as Naruto went still and unblinking, caught up in the doujutsu's influence. Mikoto was just as still, and Kushina hoped that meant she had successfully reached Kurama in the mindscape. She should have planned this better. Maybe they could have knocked her out so she could join them in the mindscape as a buffer. Although, at this point, it was unlikely anyone would have waited that long to get answers, so this was the best they could do. They had to put their faith in Kurama and hope that he could convince the Uchiha that they were telling the truth. They also had to hope that telling Mikoto to use the Sharingan to speak to the fox without discussing it with him first wouldn't destroy his trust in them. 


The minutes ticked by without any change. Kushina knew time flowed differently in the mindscape, so it would have felt much longer for Mikoto and Kurama. Still, the few minutes of silence were agonizing. They were all getting antsy, and no one knew how long they should wait before intervening. What if Kurama attacked Mikoto? What if they were fighting? What if she didn't believe what the fox was telling her? 


Finally, after the most excruciatingly slow minutes of her life, Naruto blinked. Mikoto seemed to come back to herself as well, her hand finally slipping off the toddler's head. She didn't bother stopping her hand from dropping onto the table like it weighed a ton. Her expression was completely unreadable, and she was staring ahead blankly as her eyes faded from red to black. Conversely, Naruto was almost immediately back to babbling and gurgling cheerfully, clearly unphased by whatever had transpired between Mikoto and the fox. 


Without any warning, Mikoto burst into tears. She had her hand over her mouth, as if she was trying to hold back her desperate gasps and sobs. Fugaku immediately had both hands on his wife's back, looking shockingly soft and gentle as he tried to calm her. 


"What happened? What did you see?" he asked, looking more concerned about his wife's well-being than anything else at the moment. 


Mikoto shook her head, still sobbing brokenly. She was struggling to find her words but managed to gasp out, "Itachi–" 


Oh shit. Kushina immediately realized what Kurama must have told her, and she had no idea what to say in response. Really, what could she say? How was she supposed to comfort her friend about a future that may or may not exist, where her clan was dead and her son was responsible? 


Fugaku's concern only worsened. "What about him? Did the fox threaten–" 


"No," Mikoto managed between sobs. "No, he–I can't–" She was clearly struggling to form words. "Later. I'll explain–I can't–later. Please. Later," she promised. "I don't–" She shook her head, then buried her face in her hands as she continued to mourn for the future that hopefully would never come to pass. 


It took a few minutes for Mikoto to calm down enough to speak again. Kushina knew why, and so did Minato and Kakashi. They both knew exactly what Kurama must have told her, so they also understood how devastated she must be right now. None of them were going to push her into talking. Kushina wanted to reach out to comfort her friend, but she didn't know if the attention would be welcome. If Mikoto knew about the massacre, in the other timeline, she would have realized that Kushina knew and didn't say anything. She might be furious that Kushina didn't tell her. 


The sobs didn't completely stop, but they died down enough for Mikoto to catch her breath. Through tear-filled eyes she caught Kushina's gaze. "Has that future changed? Kushina, please, I need to know–" her voice broke at the end of her question. 


In reality, Kushina should probably say she didn't know. Afterall, how could she predict the future? They'd changed the timeline so much, and in ways they probably couldn't even fathom. And yet, when she looked at the broken, desperate expression on her friend's face, Kushina knew there was only one answer she could give. 


"Yes," she replied resolutely. "I swear, that future will never happen." Kushina reached out, leaning over the table so she could once again grab her friend's hands. She jostled Naruto in her lap, but the toddler didn't seem to mind. "I swear it on my life." 


For a few terrible moments, Mikoto just stared at her. She didn't react to the hands frantically gripping her own, and didn't respond beyond her sniffles and gasps that she still couldn't hold back. And then, her own hands linked with her friend's, and she nodded. Just one, single nod, but it meant everything to Kushina. 


Without pulling from her friend's hold, Mikoto turned next to her husband. "It's all true. Every word." 


"You spoke with the Kyuubi?" Fugaku asked cautiously. "And you believed what it said?" 


"Yes," she confirmed simply. 


Fugaku took a few of his own moments to gather his thoughts, still staring at his wife with unconcealed concern. Then, he too offered a single, solemn nod. "Alright, then." He closed his eyes, and inhaled shakily, then turned to face Minato. His expression was no longer hostile, even if the wariness didn't completely vanish. "This seal of yours," he started, "I want either myself or Mikoto involved in every part of its creation. I want no duplicates, no saved prototypes, and no recorded notes. Nothing that could lead to it being recreated. And," he added, "I want a second seal made to counteract the first, one that will remain in my possession for the foreseeable future." 


Minato didn't hesitate, having already offered half of those conditions himself. "Done." He held out his hand. 


Fugaku hesitated for a brief moment, eyeing the hand distrustfully, but he eventually reached out and took it. The two men sealed the deal with a handshake, and Kushina felt instant relief. She was still holding onto Mikoto's hands, and was in no hurry to let go. Her friend wasn't making any effort to pull away either. 


"Tell me about this insane plan," Fugaku requested, sounding exhausted. 


Minato relayed everything they knew about Obito's abilities, and their plans for the seal. Fugaku listened intently, nodding along and asking questions when appropriate. Otherwise, he remained silent, digesting the information. At the end of the explanation, he turned his calculating gaze onto Kakashi. 


"You're going to be the test subject?" he asked, his face not giving away any of his thoughts. 


Kakashi nodded, looking equally as wary about Fugaku's intentions as he was about their own. "Yes. That way we can make sure it will work." 


"Have you used the Mangekyou before?" 


Kakashi stiffened, then slowly shook his head. "No, but the other me did. In the future. If he figured it out, then I'm sure I can too." 


Fugaku grunted at that, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You'll 'figure it out', really?" He dropped his hand from his face, then stared Kakashi down, clearly thinking hard. "How is your current mastery of the Sharingan? Tell me honestly." 


The question surprised Kakashi a bit, but he answered promptly, "It's…ok. It's very draining and I've passed out from chakra exhaustion a few times." He briefly glanced at Minato, who frowned in disapproval. "Ok, more than a few." 


"I expected as much," Fugaku replied. He tapped his fingers on the table idly as he continued to think about his next words. "There are only a few recorded instances of successful Sharingan transplants to outsiders. Voluntary transplants, at least," he added distastefully. "And there are no records of any outsider ever receiving a Sharingan that has developed into the Mangekyou. Considering that most transplants end in the recipient dying from chakra exhaustion, I imagine that the success rate for the Mangekyou would be even lower."


"I'm not going to stop using it," Kakashi insisted. "Even now, knowing who Obito," he seemed to have to force the name out, "has become. When he gave me this eye, it meant everything." 


"I'm not suggesting that you stop using it," Fugaku explained, "I'm suggesting that you get some formal training." He crossed his arms, looking as surly as ever. "Normally, I would never even consider the idea of training an outsider, but in this case I think it may be necessary. If you are going to be our test subject, then you need to be able to use the Mangekyou without instantaneously passing out." 


"Are you offering?" Kakashi asked, clearly caught off guard, and definitely bitter. "Because last I heard, I was nothing but an eye thief and not welcome anywhere near the Uchiha Clan." 


"In case you've forgotten," Fugaku replied sharply, "I am the one who convinced the elders to let you keep that eye, to honor Obito's dying wish. But forgive me for not being enthused about an outsider having access to our sacred doujutsu." 


Before Kakashi could say something else potentially insulting, Minato cleared his throat expectantly. Kakashi instantly backed off, slumping back in his seat like the petulant teenager he was. He continued to glare at the Uchiha clan head, but kept his mouth shut. 


When Minato was convinced that his student wasn't going to say anything stupid, he offered Fugaku his most winning, diplomatic smile. "That is a very generous offer, one that Kakashi will graciously accept." He gave Kakashi a very purposeful look. "Graciously, Kakashi." 


Kakashi mumbled in response, but eventually his sense won out. He briefly stood, to offer a respectful bow to the clan head. As much as Kakashi must be uncomfortable with the idea, he knew it was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. To be trained by any of the Uchiha, let alone the clan head, was not only an honor, but a huge show of trust. With how closely the Uchiha guarded their secrets, training an outsider to use the Sharingan was incredibly taboo, probably borderline treasonous for the clan. If anyone found out that the clan head himself had offered, it could be a huge political nightmare for him. 


Minato understood the gravity of the offer as well. "We'll be discreet. With all of this," he promised. 


At least, as the Hokage, he had no shortage of secret meeting spots where they could work uninterrupted. Still, they needed to tread carefully. Not only would getting discovered potentially tip off Obito before they were ready, it could also lead to disaster for Minato. Working secretly with one of the clan heads, without oversight, would be iffy even if the clan head in question wasn't already under suspicion from the Council. They wouldn't be able to hide everything they were doing, or the fact that they were meeting, but it was imperative that they kept their plan as quiet as possible. 


Thankfully, the rest of their scheming and planning was more straightforward. Plans on when and where to meet next, contingencies for if anyone started sniffing around. Promises of secrecy. Throughout the rest of the discussion, Mikoto never pulled her hands back from Kushina's. She seemed to have the worst of her tears under control, but she was understandably distressed. She didn't offer any more of her own input, unless spoken to directly. Instead, she just stared blankly ahead, her eyes fixed on something none of them could see. 


When the evening ended, and Mikoto went to collect her children, she burst into tears again and hugged them for an almost uncomfortably long time. It definitely had Fugaku on edge, who hadn't been filled in yet on what was making his wife so upset. He seemed to be at a loss on how to comfort her, and hovered awkwardly as Mikoto cried and hugged their children. 


Itachi was looking between his parents with obvious concern. "Mother? Is everything ok?" 


The question only seemed to make Mikoto more upset. Kushina briefly wondered if Mikoto was going to treat her eldest son differently, now that she knew what he'd done in the other timeline. Would she hold him accountable for what his other self did? Based on how she was hugging him, practically squeezing the life out of the poor kid, Kushina guessed that the answer was no. Maybe she'd be more vigilant for his own protection, but she didn't think her friend would place the blame on her son, who hadn't done anything wrong in this timeline. Actually, knowing Mikoto, Kushina suspected she probably wouldn't blame the other Itachi either. They'd be ok, she was sure of it. 


It took a while for Mikoto to compose herself enough to leave the house. The goodbyes were far more awkward and significantly less enthusiastic than the greetings had been. Only the two youngest seemed to be ignorant of the change in attitudes, whining and complaining about being separated. Kakashi had to distract Naruto with one of his ninken to get the toddler to stop throwing a tantrum over Sasuke leaving. 


Once the Uchiha were gone, Kushina felt like all of her energy left her. She dropped down onto the couch, burying her face in her hands and trying to process everything that had just occurred. Minato plopped down beside her, likely doing the same. How would they know if they made the right choice? Was she too hasty, getting Kurama involved like that? 


Despite their recent argument, Minato was nothing if not supportive. He nudged her shin lightly with his foot to get her attention. "Tell me what you're thinking?" 


Kushina laughed bitterly, sitting up so she could properly face her husband. "I'm thinking that I have no idea if I just made everything worse. I didn't see another solution, and we had to tell them but," she inhaled shakily, "did I just break the timeline?" 


Minato actually considered the question very carefully before replying. "I think you made the right call. I know things didn't exactly go as planned, but the alternative would have been worse." 


Kushina nodded numbly, knowing that her husband was right, even if she was struggling to make herself believe him. Only time would tell whether or not they'd made the right choices tonight.


Next chapter you'll get to see how that conversation between Mikoto and Kurama went. I'm sure Kurama didn't say anything insulting, and that he was very gentle when he delivered the bad news. Definitely. Totally. Maybe.

Well, for better or worse, we've got two more on Team Time Travel! I know I'm making a lot of assumptions about Kushina and Mikoto's friendship, but there's not nearly enough strong female friendships in this series so I'm just kind of doing what I want with them and their relationships. I tried to make the reactions to the time travel stuff reasonable for two really close friends in that situation. Disbelief is reasonable and expected, but I thought about how if it was one of my best friends I would 100% go along with whatever crazy scheme they had. Get yourself a best friend that will face down a time traveling chakra demon for you.

I don't know exactly how many more chapters there will be, but we're getting near the end. I don't plan on drawing this out super long. As always, I appreciate you all and your lovely comments. They really motivate me to keep writing and it means a lot to see how invested you all are in this story.

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