76.91% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2136: 4

章節 2136: 4

Chapter 4: Daisy, Porcupine of AngstNotes:

I miss Agents of SHIELD so much. Just fuck Disney for canceling all their shows on any platform that isn't Disney+. I mean I liked Daredevil, and I adored AoS. Obviously lots of other Marvel shows but those were my favorites. I mean I couldn't watch Jessica Jones or Luke Cage without being horrifically depressed after a single episode so I just kinda....appreciated them from afar. But they seemed incredibly excellent. But it's the day the roomy and I would usually Watch AoS episodes and we're both like 'so uh....should we start a new show?'

Chapter Text

Daisy stilled in the doorway. She took in the ease May and Peter moved around each other with as they got ready for the day. They were family. She was surprised by the ache she felt watching them. Biting at her lip she wavered. It would be so dangerous to stay. Dangerous for this small family she was bound to by blood and gratitude.

She continued forward before either of the Parker's noticed her lingering. "Morning."

"Daisy, have you seen my purple sweatshirt?" Peter asked while stuffing his notebook into his bag.

Daisy grabbed her leather jacket and chucked it at him. "You left it at the warehouse yesterday."

"I can wear your jacket?" He looked at her, wide eyed.

Aunt May dropped Peter's lunch into his arms. "You're going to be late!"

"Right going, going." He stuffed the lunch in his bag and took off, jacket safely hugged under one arm.

Daisy laughed while claiming a mug with Grumpy Cat on it. It was enough to know that the Parkers and Darcy could exist like this. "Need a ride to work Aunt May?"

"Please." Aunt May grabbed her purse and paused. "If that's still alright? I hate to ask it, but with the honda in the shop it's just-"

"Hard." Daisy finished for her. "It's fine, I need to pick up some stuff for the van anyways. It's not a problem."

Aunt May smiled. "Well thank you. And don't even think about trying to pay for the honda's work. I can more than afford it thanks to the mystery money."

"Wonder how that happened." Daisy made a note to put the equivalent of the repair costs in the Parker account, instead of just paying for the thing. Aunt May's expression when she realized would be hilarious. The joys of misusing her hacking skills. It was excellent fun.

Aunt May gave her 'the' look while locking the door. "Yes, I wonder how that happened."

"Maybe one of the tellers is in love?" Daisy pulled her black knit beanie down over her head. "Half the neighborhood is."

Aunt May huffed. "Half the neighborhood is not in love with me."

"You get free potstickers when you order take out, and I know you had a number on your starbucks cup yesterday." Daisy raised her brow.

Aunt May didn't blush or brush it off, she just...was. "I'm not interested so I guess I don't notice it."

"I understand that." Daisy shoved her hands into her pockets as they walked down the block to the van.

Aunt May stopped them with a hand on Daisy's upper arm. "Daisy?"

"I still say you should work it. The free food and drinks, own it." Daisy cocked her head to the side, her face turning playful. She was not going to talk about Lincoln.

Aunt May was quiet for a long second. She squeezed Daisy's arm before walking again. "It is nice to get free stuff."

"You know you look good when you don't pay for your drinks." Daisy pulled out the keys as they approached her eyesore of a van.

Aunt May laughed. "I wouldn't know. Ben and I were dating by senior year of high school."

"We have got to get you to a club at some point." Daisy unlocked her clunker. "I mean you legit work to help people while raising Peter. You need a night on the town occasionally."

"Oh I don't know about that." Aunt May waved off while climbing in. She looked into the back and then back to Daisy. "Do I want to know why there's that many screens in the back?"

Daisy perked up, she was proud of the van. "Since you've got Darcy, I'm setting up a computer rig. There's a cabin rental I paid up for the next ten years. If you guys need to get out you grab your bags, get to the van and I have alternate routes pre-loaded. Or well I'm working on that. Also installing police scanners and setting the computer rig to help you track any type of threat."

"The guns?" Aunt May asked in resignation.

She started up the beast and pulled into traffic. "They're all non-lethal. You might want to join a gun club. Maybe meet some ladies to go clubbing with."

"You're not going to teach me to shoot?" Aunt May asked.

Daisy grinned. "Well I'd be happy to teach you how to shoot while Peter works on the new forms. Just assumed you'd want to practice, and it's great stress relief."

"Sign me up for a self defence class. All three of us can go together once a week." Aunt May's face was serious.

Daisy looked over meeting Aunt May's eyes. "Gotcha, maybe make sure Darcy sees sunlight too."

"Both of you girls need more sunlight." Aunt May huffed in amusement.

She laughed while cutting off a taxi. "You should have seen me when I spent a year in an underground bunker. I only left for missions. The vitamin D supplements Simmons made us all take still haunt me."

"She's the one you call occasionally?" Aunt May asked.

Daisy softened at the reminder of her best friend. "Yeah, Doctor Jemma Simmons. She's my best friend. Which is wild because she's brilliant and all proper and English. But I can't imagine a world without her." She sighed. "I'm going to have to just buy her and Fitz an apartment, they'll never get their dream on with their current budget."

"I worry about the money funneling." Aunt May sighed. "But nice to know it's not just me."

Daisy felt properly smug. "Darcy hasn't realized her college is paid off." She pulled up in front of May's work. Eyeing the people around the homeless shelter, she leaned back in her seat. "I'll set up those self defense classes. First shooting lesson is this evening."



Daisy frowned as she followed the online chatter surrounding the Accords. Stark's army of lawyers had stalled it. But the public was turning against the Avengers. It would take one mistake for someone to try and force the Accords, or something like it through. And it would be open season on people like Peter if that happened. The wording was freaking her out. "They're targeting anyone capable of harm. It won't just be enhanced, it's going to be doctors, scientists, hell maybe even professional athletes. Anyone who deviates from average."

"If there's too much collateral on a mission the Avengers won't be able to stop something like the Accords from passing." Darcy agreed. "It doesn't help that they don't take responsibility for their fallout and no one asks them to. They're too unapproachable."

She sent out a request to some of her Rising Tide contacts. "I'm going to drop some messages around but...Stark is too far removed from normal people."

"Not mentioning the irony there." Darcy looked up. "But look, people with powers are separate from 'normal' society." Darcy used finger quotes for 'normal'. "The world needs powered next door neighbors so ya'll aren't so...separate. And the Avengers' PR team sucks, actually I don't even know if they have one. There's no accountability, no nothing. So as long as the threats aren't alien invasion big why should people trust hero sorts? I mean I know you, and Peter and Thor. But the average citizen doesn't. Don't get me wrong the Accords are bullshit, but something has to be done."

Daisy's frown deepened. "We need to be relatable." She ran a hand through her hair. "And accountable."

"You my badass hacker haven't left any bodies in your cross continent hunt for international crime. But you should probably funnel some cash into the rebuilding projects. Accountability hun." Darcy pulled a fist sized piece of...something sciency and slapped it in front of Daisy. "Alright I need you to try and crack that with your powers."

She raised a brow while picking it up. "So just...channel vibrations into it?"

"Till it cracks please." Darcy pushed her safety goggles up. "I've got a sensor built in that should tell me how much it takes to break. Just no shattering."

Daisy shrugged, and then started to vibrate the thing. "So you're saying I should steal money and donate it to rebuilding efforts for the property damage I've caused?"

"It'll do more good than torturing Stark's PR department. Though keep it up with legal. If he can slow the legislation, maybe something not completely horrific will probably make it through and make the Accords obsolete."

Daisy nodded, not being SHIELD meant channeling money from criminals into charity was far easier. And less judgement. "What government oversight do you think we should have?"

"They shouldn't be able to cross borders willy nilly." Darcy slurped from her slushy while pulling up readouts on her junky old laptop. "Some sort of definition of a good samaritan laws. A sort of board who investigate whether actions taken in the public interest are legal or not. It would have to be non-partisan, not connected to the military in any way. Could be a terrible idea but might work. Just a way to separate people who are trying to help from those doing harm really. It's going to be messy though."

She hummed as she forced more and more power into the device in her hand. "No registration."

"No, definitely something to deal with the collateral damage though. Maybe an agreement of priorities and values and willingness to comply to some loose standards for you vigilante and hero sorts to sign? More oversight in labs working on highly dangerous projects. But again it would have to be carefully worded so that it doesn't hamper you idiots too much or turn into a witch hunt." Darcy leaned forward. "Hold that amount of force right there!"

Daisy winced, but held it. It made her fractures ache, but it wasn't breaking anything further. And then there was a metal crack. She cut off the vibrations and held it back out towards her sister. "Did you get what you needed?"

"I did! We're off to a great start." Darcy snagged the device back. "I know I don't have the equipment or budget to recreate your gauntlets. But I can help earthquake proof buildings and give it a year and better funding and I might make something better than those gauntlets of yours. In the meantime, Peter and I fixed something for you."

Daisy looked up. "What? Did one of the suits get damaged when you were stress testing them?"

"Nope." Darcy reached under the couch and pulled out a familiar case and dropped it across Daisy's lap. "We fixed 'em for you. No roughshod shitty protection anymore."

Her hands shook slightly as she opened the case and looked at her gauntlets. They weren't damaged from the gps being ripped out. In fact they were shiny and looked like new. No more fractures and breaks despite wearing them. It was… they'd fixed them for her. Her voice was thick and wet. "Thank you."

"Totes dude. It's what family does." Darcy side hugged her, unaware of the deep pain that caused. But good. The type of good pain that seared and throbbed but also healed.


Peter watched with some trepidation as Aunt May shot with a sort of...disturbing dedication. She was a machine following Daisy's instructions. Darcy meanwhile was looking at her handgun with deep distrust. He cleared his throat. "So uh...do I get to try?"

"No." Aunt May loaded a new clip into her handgun. "Not till you're eighteen." She eyed the target. "Should I try dropping my shoulders some?"

Daisy stepped forward checking May's stance. "No, but keep your aim after you fire. It's all about the follow through. And see there, good you're bracing too much, stay loose."

"I like tasers." Darcy whined. "Do I have to learn how to use a gun? I mean I'm kinda against the whole gun thing? Down with the NRA, yay to gun control."

Daisy grabbed Darcy's shoulder and dragged her over and started guiding her into a shooting stance. "I agree with you, but high chance of Hydra or AIM or terrorists or evil military goons coming for you cause we're Stark's kids and because of the hero thing. So you're going to learn to shoot."

"The things we do to avoid jack booted thugs." Darcy raised her gun and fired.

Peter whistled. Well that was terrifying, the women of his family were scary. Like really awesome, but so scary. "I'm gonna go...jump though some shipping crates."



Peter chewed on the eraser of his pencil. "Girls are so weird."

"Well they're girls." Ned replied with a shrug. "But your sisters seem cool. For girls ya know."

He hummed. "It's just...girls are scary man. I mean how do douches survive mistreating them? That should be the end of them. Aunt May and Darcy joined this gun range. And Daisy signed us all up for self defence classes. I'm the only boy in there. Which is normal apparently?"

"I don't know." Ned looked up at her. "You're taking self defence classes?"

He nodded. "Yeah, well I mean Daisy has been teaching me. But she's got to go for work and didn't want to leave it all."

"Any moves you can show me?" Ned asked excitedly.

Peter perked up. "Totes! And did you know the water benders in Avatar are based off tai chi? So like I'm learning how to be a water bender. We should dress up as water tribe for halloween."

"I thought I was gonna be Thor and you were going to go as Ironman?" Ned's face scrunched up in confusion.

He shook his head. "I don't know I'm feeling a bit like not being him this year. Just with everything and the weapons development ya know?"

"I guess?" Ned hummed. "I mean Avatar costumes sound cool too."

Peter bumped their shoulders together. "Sorry I haven't had a lot of time for you recently."

"You've had a lot of family drama. And I mean Daisy took us to that R rated film last weekend so it's not like you've been ditching me. Your sisters are pretty awesome."

Peter beamed. "They really are! And Darcy says we can help with her project this weekend. She needs someone to like whack it with sledgehammers as a stress test!"

"I'm so in." Ned bounced slightly. "That is so much better than just doing homework at home and playing video games!"



Peter was going to be so grounded. He'd said he was just picking up some eggs, but then he'd heard the sirens and well it was an apartment fire and getting people out was important! It was still hero-ing, but without Daisy as backup and past his new curfew though. He landed against the side of a building and looked at the person who'd pulled his attention from his moping. That was a lady who was stumbling.

She was really drunk, and no one was walking with her. Oh a few other pedestrians had noticed her but she shouldn't be out there on her own. He dropped down onto the sidewalk in front of her. "Hi."

The woman let out a yelp. "Wha?"

"I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, and I just thought you looked like you could use some help." He tried to be as cheerful as possible. "Do you have anyone you can call? Or like an Uber app?"

She blinked. "Betty. And my apartment is like four blocks from here." She waved her arm to the side, but it over balanced her.

Peter reached out catching her shoulder. "Hey, you're ok. So uh can I walk you home or something?"

"Gonna seduce me Casanova?" She giggled high, her whole body shaking with it.

He blanched. "No, that is not what I'm doing. Nope. Not a creep. Just can I help? Please?"

Betty slapped at his shoulder. "You're so squishy!"

"Oh no...you are very drunk." He flapped his arms. What was he supposed to do?!

"Yup!" She unrepentantly hiccuped. Betty smiled at him. "You gonna walk me home handsome?"

Thank god for masks because he had to be gaping and blushing. His face felt hot. "Yes, yes that's what I'm going to do. Where do you live? We should go there."


Peter was going to combust. Touchy feely drunk was how he was gonna go. Four blocks of giggles, one break for puking, his butt got touched...too much, a lot of nonsense from Betty, but he'd gotten her to her apartment. It was an exhausting and fairly traumatizing forty minutes. He sighed in relief as the door of her building closed behind her.

"Fun night."

He yelped, jumping and spinning around. "Daisy?!"

"You thought missing curfew by two hours wasn't gonna be noticed?" She cocked her head to the side with the slightest of smug smirks.

Peter lunged forward hugging her. "Oh thank god. I didn't know what to do and she just.. I'm not ready for that."

"Handsy drunk girls too much for the epic Spiderman?" Daisy teased lightly, her hands stuffed into her pockets.

He hung his head. "I didn't know what to do…"

"Come on Spiderkid, up up and away." She stepped forward, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

Peter shot a web up and sent them flying up onto the roof. They both rolled to their feet separately. He turned. "So am I in a ton of trouble?"

"No, I'm proud of you. You did good today." Daisy elbowed him fondly. "That fire would have killed people if you hadn't been there. And that woman would be sleeping it off in an alley if she was lucky. It was awkward, kinda gross, and uncomfortable for you but you still finished what you set out to do. I'm proud of you. Although if a girl is that handsy with you, you can just web her hands and cart her home like a sack of potatoes."

"Oh." He blinked, and then pulled his mask and goggles off, staring at her in surprise. "I just thought... "

Daisy laughed. "You did good. Nights like this? They're what being a hero is. A real one. It's doing what needs to be done even if it's not glamorous or high stakes, just necessary. This way of life is weirdly boring a lot of the time."

He smiled. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." She kicked at the roof slightly. "You owe me an extra mile and hour of thai chi tomorrow though."

Peter winced, but it was better than he was expecting. "Ok, but like you can teach me how to shoot on the sly right? Like all of you are doing it except for me."

"Nope." Daisy slung her arm around his shoulders and fluffed up his hair with her other hand. "I will get you your very own tranq gun for your eighteenth birthday." She snickered at his half hearted protests. "So I was thinking, if I set you up a secure account and untraceable phone, how'd you feel about Spiderman snapchat?"

He looked at her in disbelief. "But what about my secret identity?"

"We'd have to make a protocol for it, but you're doing good with all the spy bug out codes and stuff. But some good PR couldn't hurt, especially if we don't want anyone thinking you're a threat." Her face was oddly serious. "And let people take selfies with you if they ask. You're a good kid. People liking you is...it'll help keep you safe."

Peter looked at her in disbelief. "Darcy's idea?"

"Darcy's idea." Daisy agreed. "Now come on and swing us home bug boy."

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