75.9% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2108: 38

章節 2108: 38

Chapter Text

Aizawa watched as Nezu actually grimaced as he read over Hawk's message. Once he was done reading it over, Nezu said. "Apparently, Himiko Toga has been ensnared by a UHD handler called Psion. She possesses a sort of brainwashing. Looking into her eyes as she speaks will cause you to fall under her influence. Once she has you captured, you'll feel more and more of an urge and drive to do whatever she asks. Supposedly, though Hawks says he hasn't seen many reports for it, she can adjust and, given enough time, outright change your memories. It will revert after the quirk is broken."


"And I suppose we don't have info on how to break it?" Aizawa asked as he felt a headache coming on.


"Hawks was unable to gather that information. He is working on finding out where Psion is and what she is planning to do with Ms.Toga. For now, so we do not draw unnecessary suspicion, we will simply wait until we hear from Hawks again." Nezu said as he poured a fresh cup of tea. He didn't like this turn of events, but it would be alright. No plan goes off perfectly, and Nezu is nothing if not patient and dedicated. He will rescue those being exploited by the UHD, and he will make sure the proper people pay for their crimes.


Aizawa took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. "Midoriya, Ashido and Hagakure. Are you sure we shouldn't tell them about this?"


Nezu hummed. "Yes, I believe it would be best to leave them in the dark. I'm sure they're worried about her whereabouts, but they're managing to live their lives. It would negatively affect their mental states and their school work if they knew how much danger she was in."


"I guess you're right." Aizawa stood. "If there's nothing else, sir, I need to go work with Vlad and get the final exam matchups put together."


Nezu smiled. "Best of luck, Aizawa. I hope you put together some informative matches."




Everything felt fuzzy. Himiko followed the two men in front of her as she thought about Psion and when she'd get to see her again. Himiko giggled and swayed slightly as she thought about her pretty handler. 'Maybe if I do good on this mission, I can ask her to go on a date with me as a reward for my hard work.'  Himiko giggled again, feeling giddy about the thought.


The patchwork guy in front of her scoffed. He was obviously disgusted by her happy mood and occasional giggles, but that was fine. Himiko would put up with a grouchy guy like him if meant she could make Psion happy.


The other guy, who Himiko was pretty sure was called Giran, smiled and opened the door he had stopped in front of. "Hey Shigaraki, I got a couple new recruits for you."


Himiko skipped in wearing a school uniform like she used to and a boring black eyepatch. "Heya, you guys are friends with Mr.Stainy, right?"


Tomura Shigaraki did not look impressed as she and the patchwork guy entered. "You brought me a kid and a man who looks like he's more corpse than living person."


Himiko pouted. Sure she was younger than anyone in here, but she definitely wasn't a kid; she would be in college if it wasn't for the whole UHD thing. She hoped Psion didn't think of her as a kid. That would really put a damper on Himiko's plans to woo the older woman.


"Well? What the fuck are your names?" Tomura said, his temper quickly reaching its limit.


Himiko blinked, realizing he was talking to her and patchwork. "Oh, I'm Himiko Toga. Super nice to meet you, Handsy. I'm a big fan of Stain." 'I used to be, right? But then he took my eye-.'  Himiko giggled. "I love Mr.Stainy. I wanna be just like him."


The patchwork guy introduced himself as Dabi and insulted her, but Himiko was too busy trying to think about why she thought Stain took her eye. That wasn't right, was it? She lost it some other way. 'Maybe Psion can remind me how it happened. I hope I can see her again soon. These guys aren't as beautiful as her.'


Himiko felt murderous intent coming from Shigiraki and Dabi, so she quickly pulled her blades out and got ready to fight, only for the misty barkeep to step in and use his quirk to keep everyone from hitting each other.


Himiko pouted as she put her knives away, and Tomura shoved past her and walked off. The Misty boy introduced himself as Kurogiri, apologized for Tomura's rudeness, and offered them a drink.




Minoru stared at Izuku, who held out a stack of papers. Izuku sighed. "You've been doing a good job, man, but... you should apologize for what you've done before. It might not change their opinions of you, but it's better than not apologizing."


Minoru sighed and took the papers before turning his chair around, so he was facing his desk. The end of the semester was coming up, and Minoru had been doing great keeping his pervy stuff to himself and not making the girls uncomfortable. Izuku had been helping him learn how to interact with and treat girls right so they wouldn't hate him and would be willing to work with him in class and in the field.


Izuku patted his shoulder and smiled. "Toru and Mina both said the girls haven't complained about you in a while and based on All Might's class earlier today, you improved a good bit thanks to your internship."


Minoru chuckled a bit as he started writing his apology letters. "Thanks for keeping me from going with Mt.Lady. I learned a lot over the internships, even if that old fart hit me over the head whenever I so much as looked at a girl for too long."


"Good. Now I gotta go. I've got a date in half an hour. I'll read over your letters whenever you finish them."


Minoru huffed. "You didn't have to tell me what you were going to do."


Izuku grinned. "I know, but it's a good way to help with your jealousy thing. sometimes when you get jealous of me or someone else, you revert to your old way of acting."


Izuku left as the shorter boy grumbled and wrote his letters.




Mina hummed happily as she held her bag. She was dressed in jean shorts, her favorite pink Converse, and a black t-shirt with the word acid across the chest. She and her partners were at the mall after watching a movie. They had walked around and tried on clothes. Mina found a few cute outfits she liked and got them. Now she and Izuku were standing by the restrooms waiting for their invisible girlfriend.


Mina looked at her boyfriend, who was decked out in a pair of gray jeans, his signature red shoes, and a plain green button-up shirt. She bumped shoulders with him as she said. "Toru really likes the stuff from the store over there, right? We should head over there once she gets back."


Izuku hummed as he looked at the clothing store. "Yeah... that dress in the window looks nice."


Mina nodded. "Would look real cute on Toru."


"Oh, hey, you guys are from the Sports Festival, right?" Mina and Izuku sighed a bit at being recognized but tensed as the guy who spoke suddenly threw his arms around them and inserted himself between them.


As the duo looked at the stranger, their blood ran cold as he wrapped his hands around their necks while making sure his middle fingers weren't touching them. Tomura grinned at Izuku before looking at Mina and saying. "It's great to see you guys again. How have you been?"


Mina sucked in a breath, and her back itched fiercely as she stared into the red eyes of the villain that scarred her back. Tomura looked back at Izuku as he said. "Don't even think about releasing your AOE. I can still dust your necks before your gas knocks me out. The same goes for you, acid girl. You melt my hand, I reduce your boyfriend to dust."


Izuku swallowed and asked. "What do you want?"


Tomura motioned his head back. "Let's have a seat and chat."




Toru sighed as she exited the restroom. Today had been going great, that was until she looked around for her partners, and her heart clenched as she saw the pale hair and red eyes of Tomura Shigaraki as he wrapped his hands around her partner's necks and guided them to a bench. Toru activated her quirk and disappeared entirely as she moved to a less-trafficked area where she could still see Tomura and her partners. While she moved, she pulled her phone out and started to call the police.


Toru couldn't hear what Tomura and they were talking about, but she could see the fear in her partner's eyes as Tomura spoke. Toru gave the officer on the line as much info as she could, and upon hearing that it was Tomura Shigaraki, the officer quickly picked up the pace and told her that officers and nearby heroes were on their way.


Toru moved quickly but quietly as she positioned herself behind Tomura while hanging up. She wasn't going to let him hurt her partners. If he tried anything, she'd blast him. Her partners weren't going to get hurt again while she was around.


Toru gritted her teeth as she saw Tomura tighten his grasp on Mina and Izuku's necks. Toru felt her hand lightning up as she held it a few inches from Tomura's head. "Let them go, or I will melt your head."


Tomura looked over his shoulder and grinned, sending a shiver down Toru's back. "Oh, it's the hacker with the laser weapons. I wasn't expecting to see you here. Don't you think melting my head is a little unheroic?"


"D-don't care. You hurt them; I'll end you." Toru said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.


Tomura's smile widened as his fingers itched to move. He wanted to test her limits and see if she'd do it. She took out the nomu so easily, but he hadn't seen her do anything else. This would be fun, but a flash of color caught his attention, and he saw several heroes moving around.


Tomura sighed. "Chase me, and I'll dust as many people as I can."


Toru kept her hand pointed at him as he let go of her partners and disappeared into the crowd. Toru immediately flagged down the heroes and told them what direction Tomura went in, but they weren't able to find him. The police arrived shortly after the heroes and took the trio to the station to get their statements about the incident. The whole process took a couple hours, and once it was done, they stood outside the police station waiting for a car from UA to show up and collect them.


As they sat outside and waited, Toru let out a shuddering breath and fell to her knees. Mina and Izuku were at her side instantly, as Mina said. "Hey, it's ok. We're all ok."


Toru sniffled as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I-I was gone for a few minutes a-and when I came out. You two were in danger. I was s-so scared that he was going to kill you two."


Izuku cupped Toru's cheeks and whipped her tears away with his thumbs. It used to be hard to find her face, but after so long together, he and Mina could always find their invisible girlfriend's face. "You saved us, Toru. Calling the heroes and police like you did and then getting Shigaraki to back off like that. Thank you for saving us."


Mina held Toru's hands and smiled. "Thank you so much, Toru."


Toru cried and let the stress of the evening out as her partners hugged her tight. The trio stayed that way until a black SUV pulled up, and Nemuri hopped out, followed by Hirooki. The former of the two immediately ran over and hugged the three students tightly. "Oh, you're all ok, right?"


Izuku patted his mom's arm and nodded. "Yeah, we're fine."


Nemuri hugged them again and spoke to them as Hirooki collected the police report. Once they were ready to go, they headed back to UA, where Nezu and Aizawa were waiting. Their homeroom teacher chewed out the trio for being trouble magnets before telling them he was glad they were ok and sending them off to the dorms.




Izuku stretched and yawned as he decided to take a break from some solo studying when his phone rang. Izuku raised an eyebrow as he saw Hitoshi's name. It was odd to get a phone call from his friend; usually, they just texted in their free time. "Hey, Hitoshi, what's up?"


"I apologize for anything I've done to you, Izuku."


Izuku blinked and stared at his phone for a moment before saying. "Um, what? Why are you apologizing? You haven't done anything to me. At least I don't think you have."


Hitoshi sighed on the other end before saying. "I'm just making sure there's no bad karma that's gonna kick my ass before I bring up the issue I've got."


"Oh... well then, I'm sure you're in the clear. What's the issue, and how can I help?"


"There's an upperclassman here... she's. I don't know, taken an interest in me, I guess."


Izuku hummed. "Are you not interested in her? What's she like?"


Hitoshi sighed and, after a moment of silence, said. "She's a walking meme sometimes. She says things like lit and fam unironically."


"So I guess you're not interested then? You never did like that stuff-"


"I never said that," Hitoshi said, cutting him off.


"Oh, so you are interested in her then?"


Another sigh came from Hitoshi before he said. "I think so. At first, I was annoyed with how she would just track me down and barge into whatever I was doing, but now it's kinda nice having her around. She brings some levity to Shinketsu. The biggest issue is the rule against dating. We're both hero students, so I don't know if she'd be willing to break the rules."


Izuku hummed before smiling. "Just tell her how you feel. It seems like she enjoys your company well enough since she keeps tracking you down to spend time with you. I've read some posts before from Shinketsu graduates that said it wasn't that hard to keep their relationship a secret."


His friend chuckled. "I'm glad I helped make sure you and the girls got together. It's paying off in my favor."


Izuku chuckled. "Yeah... thanks for that."


There was a short pause before Hitoshi asked. "What's up? You sound like something's on your mind."


Izuku rubbed his eyes as he said. "Not me personally, but... Toru's been beating herself up for some stuff that's happened."


Izuku explained how the USJ, Hosu, and the Mall incident had all compounded and worn down on Toru, who felt like if she was better, she could have prevented Izuku and Mina from getting hurt or put in danger at all.


Hitoshi sighed. "I never really pegged her for the kind who'd feel that much responsibility for her friends."


"Yeah... ever since we got into the hero course, she's been feeling like she needs to do more or be better since she has all this power," Izuku said. They had agreed not to tell Hitoshi about One for All to keep their friend safe.


"Well, I'm sure you and Mina can manage to get her out of that mindset. Best of luck to you."


Izuku chuckled. "Best of luck to you in getting a girlfriend."


His friend thanked him and hung up. After a moment, Izuku stood and decided to go check on his girlfriends.


so because this has happened once here and in Watching Over You and I'm annoyed about it. please don't comment on how you skimmed my fic and then ask a question or make some statement about the fic. while I would appreciate it if everyone read every word I wrote I know some people won't for whatever reason that's fine but don't tell me that you skimmed and then ask questions that if you had read it properly you would know the answer to.

on a better note or sad note? I'm not sure. I have this idea for a sad fic. Izumi is alone because her dad is under contract to work in America while her mom is in the countryside taking care of her grandparents. she's ostracized by her classmates because her quirk is a transformation quirk that turns her into a scary monster. she's very sad and has no real drive to do anything and she's given up on her dream.

That's when she meets Nemuri (aged down so they're the same age.) Nemuri is on the run from quirk traffickers that her parents sold her to. after going to the police Nemuri decides to crash at Izumi's place and become friends with the sad girl and help her get to a point where she can be happy again. some good stuff is one Izumi will be a tall girl and two Izumi skates on a longboard for fun though she hasn't for a while because she has the big sad.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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