Chapter 128
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Penny panted heavily despite her lack of lungs, grimacing as she held onto the stump of what had used to be her left arm- that arm, and the backup sword with it, had been lost somewhere nearly an hour ago. She hadn't received any reinforcements in the two hours she, Qrow, and Glynda had been fighting, and she'd sent the other two back to Vale because their Auras were so low from fighting the swarm of grimm around the Wyvern's feet that they were only a few hits from breaking . In return, Qrow had given her Harbinger II in return for a single one of Penny's swords to make up the difference.
She was running low on power, she couldn't even use Harbinger II anymore considering that she was starting to pant , which was a sure sign that her energy cores were just about depleted. And poor her, she'd lost her spare quick chargers in the explosion earlier.
The Wyvern before her was just as damaged, though. The scent of roses hung in the air, the signs of her wishing star, her guiding light still with her as they fought in what had once been a field of wild roses, now scorched to mere cinders from the intensity of the fire and lasers and impacts that rocked the area. She was one girl against a monster capable of destroying an entire Kingdom, and although the horde of grimm was slowly thinning… there weren't enough Huntsmen that could make it all the way out to where they were in order to assist. So she had to go it alone.
She planted the massive scythe into the ground, joints aching and creaking as they sent warning signals to her HUD- she was desperately low on power and… nothing was going to stop it. She couldn't stop the Wyvern.
"I'm sorry Ruby, but I do not know if I will make it through this fight," she murmured, sending another blast of power through her remaining swords and tearing another hole through the Wyvern's wings and limbs, sending it crashing back to the ground as its umpteenth attempt at flight was aborted- it did not progress past the imaginary line she'd created for herself, a point of no return where the environment around her would betray her and stop her from being able to catch up to the beast. She'd tried everything in her arsenal so far- her swords too weak to do much than cut shallow rents into its limbs and body through the toughened grimmstuff scales and armor, the Dust effects burning out too quickly and not penetrating enough. Her lasers could puncture the weaker armor in its limbs and wings, tearing through the membranes just as her swords could, but at this point she'd learned that it was better to keep Floating Array close- what little remained of the original almost forty swords now reduced to six at best- than to allow the wind pressure and the surprising amount of attacks the thing could levy at her to snap her cables and send her blades flying off into the distance.
Penny sighed, grimacing as she dodged around yet another earth shaking blow- closer now than it had been in the last hour before she'd fired her strongest attacks at the thing and barely managed to knock it down. Even with all of their advancements, even with every last bit of improvement Ruby could wring out of Floating Array… it wasn't enough, it seemed.
She might die here.
But then again… if Ruby was gone too… did Penny really have that much of a reason to go on?
Her father and her friends, maybe… but without the light of her life, without her wishing star…
Penny was so, so tired, and so, so low on power but she had to keep fighting, didn't she?
She sighed again, burning more power as she threw her swords out, the cables snapping taut as she flung herself onto the Wyvern again- the only place she could avoid its attacks for the most part, even though it would likely roll her off before she could do too much damage. As low power as she was…
Penny stumbled slightly, dodging around and decapitating a diving Griffon as she threw herself towards the centerline of the creature and anchored herself into its flesh with a blade, grimacing as she looked around for something, anything she could use to slow down, stop, or destroy the monster that was threatening to flatten all of Vale.
And then… she saw it.
She sensed it.
The scent of roses carried along in the breeze- not just the wishful thinking that the field of wild roses had brought, but the familiar scent of roses and grimm, of crackling bonfires beneath one's skin and a mix of springtime that made Penny think of faint flecks of gold lighting up the night time darkness like tiny stars, made her think of blood red crimson drifting in the wind.
A single rose petal drifted before her and fluttered down to the Wyvern's flesh, bearing with it the scent of the girl she loved so, so much.
Penny stared, kneeling down slightly as her hand came to brush against the petal as it clung there, wedged between scales almost impossibly- she dared not to hope that Ruby was alive but… if she could…
Her fingers made contact with the petal, systems slowly shutting down in the background as her core prioritized combat efficiency and…
The petal became a rose .
Crescent Rose, embedded into the Wyvern's flesh as though it had been there the whole time.
The world slowed around Penny as she grabbed ahold of the weapon that her wishing star had poured so, so much love into, had poured her very self into, had poured every ounce of her effort and knowledge into to the point that it was a weapon unlike any other. It was a monstrosity that couldn't be called a simple weapon anymore. Over the years that Ruby Rose had worked on the creation she called her baby, it had gone from a simple high caliber, high recoil, high impact sniper scythe to a cannon capable of vaporizing massive, ancient grimm in an instant. It had become a weapon already mythical in status- a thing that could not possibly be used without destroying any human user. It was a weapon that fired shells of truly abominable size, it was a weapon filled with grimmstuff to the point that it almost had its own sentience. It was a weapon that could link to a gravity system and float on its own.
And with Penny's inclusion into Ruby's life, with the sheer amount of technology and blueprints available in the Beacon forges, with the amount of budget that Professor Ozpin had allowed Ruby and Penny to set aside for their experimentation, her wishing star's ability to upgrade Crescent Rose had gotten to the point that the scythe itself utterly dwarfed its wielder in size- to the point that its original form before the second semester was almost entirely unrecognizable to its current form factor.
She grabbed hold of the handle, a cable whipping from her backpack and linking to the systems that she knew Ruby had built in just for her.
A crimson HUD flooded her senses in an instant, power surging through Crescent Rose's form as the auto-batteries integrated into the body triggered and filled her systems with life again. Black mass surged from the seams, reinforcing her grip on the massive weapon as she yanked it from the Wyvern's flesh and let the love of her life fill her body with her essence.
Black matter crawled along her body, reaching out with inky tendrils as rose petals filled the air. She knew what she had to do now, feeling Ruby's Aura bracing against her own as the weakened, still fluttering presence of her wishing star whispered in her ear, telling her what to do, how to do it, how to wield the weapon that she handled as though it was as light as a feather despite being so ungodly large it doubled as a kanabo.
Penny grit her teeth as her own body structure groaned , the damage she'd taken from the fight previous making it perilous to wield the beauty of Crescent Rose despite how she could normally lift and swing her Rose's baby with ease.
The smell of roses filled the air, and petals whipped around her as mass continued to generate from seemingly nowhere, covering her body and reinforcing the weakened joints, covering damaged cloth and brushing against her cheek as skeletal bone armor framed her face in the exact pattern that Ruby always wore.
"Her name… is Ruby Rose. My name… is Penny Polendina!" she started, walking along the Wyvern's back as her Aura flared to life again, full of determination as her previous weariness started to fade away, Ruby's soul bolstering her own as gold flecks poured from where their bodies touched, lighting up the area as the sun reached its zenith in the sky. Crescent Rose began to glow from within, grimm eyes appearing along the body as she raised the blade to the sky. "I WAS MADE TO BE A HUNTRESS! SHE WAS BORN TO BE A SAVIOR! MY BELOVED WISHING STAR GAVE HERSELF TO PROTECT ME, AND NOW AS WE FIGHT TOGETHER, I WILL PROTECT HER!"
She grinned, silver light flashing in her eyes from within as the urge to fight, to hunt, to protect the love of her life built up within herself in an overwhelming, unstoppable wave of power .
Every grimm in the area stilled, as if they had known what would happen for the last several moments, as if they knew they were helpless before the light that was now before them.
The scythe came down as she surged forward, a gleaming blade wreathed in crimson and wielded by a warrior of green and white and black and red swinging down with such force that it seemed to shake the world and halt the wind itself.
A thunderous gunshot rang out, so powerful that it all but wrenched her arms from their sockets, accelerating Crescent Rose down as grimm matter overwhelmed it, Ruby's presence causing it to Blacken and fall with every last ounce of her strength as the wicked thing of destruction erupted into the light of creation.
The blade slammed home into the Wyvern's forehead.
The world exploded with light.
Ruby's presence vanished from Penny's body as the matter that covered her dissolved into smoke.
The Black Rose bloomed silver.
And all went quiet.
Title drop, roll credits!
Not really, but still, I've been waiting a literal MONTH for that