50.12% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1392: 57

章節 1392: 57

Izuku opened the door to Eri's room finding the little girl just now starting to rise. He'd gone out early this morning to get something special for Eri. They'd been at the hospital for a couple days now and she'd started to calm down some. She didn't go into completely panic the moment she saw he wasn't around, but she wasn't exactly great with strangers. She would only speak to the doctors or nurses when he was around otherwise she refused to do anything.

Eri rubbed her eyes as she saw Izuku standing there with something behind his back. "Izuku?" She asked as Izuku walked forward.

"Good morning Eri did you sleep well?" Izuku asked as Eri nodded her head.

"I did." She said as Izuku smiled.

"That's good now then let's get your teeth brushed and your face washed." He said as Eri crawled out of bed to do just that. Izuku stood beside her doing the same. He wiped his face down and then turned to help Eri do the same. "There we go, now I bet you're wondering what I had back there aren't you?" He asked as Eri nodded. Izuku smiled. "Come on I'll show you." He said as he led her back to her bed and helped her get in it as he turned around and pulled a plate of multi shaped cookies ranging from stars, to hearts, and squares. "My mom made these for you. They're my favorite." He said pulling out a heart shaped cookie and dropping it into Eri's palm.

The little girl looked at it for a moment and then looked at Izuku. "Can I eat it?" She asked as Izuku nodded.

"Of course go ahead." He said as Eri took a small bite of the cookie and he saw her eyes shine with the deliciousness of it. He smiled as Eri ate the cookie whole even going so far as to lick her fingers for crumbs. Izuku laughed. "Was it that good?" He asked as Eri nodded excitedly.

"Yes so good. C-can I-I have an-another?" She asked as Izuku set the tin in between her legs. "As many as you like." He said before holding a finger to his lips. "Just don't tell the nurses they wouldn't be happy with me." He said with a smile as Eri bit into another cookie and nodded. At that moment the door to Eri's room was pulled open quickly. Izuku reacted in an instant appearing at the door with his fist inches from a girl's face. She was dressed in a skin tight blue and white outfit with coiled wristbands around her forearms. She had blue hair and matching eyes. Even with him standing there so threateningly she had a bit of a nervous grin on her face.

"I-Izuku?" A familiar voice said as Izuku cut his eyes to see Ochaco and Tsu standing next to this stranger.

"Ochaco? Oh I'm so sorry I thought you were…someone else." He said looking from Ochaco to the strange girl as he apologized before turning back to see Eri had thrown the blanket over her head and curled into a ball. "Eri no it's ok." He said walking over to her and slowly pulling the blanket down so he could see her. "It's alright they're all heroes like me." He said trying to soothe the frightened girl.

From the door Nejire yelped as she felt a swat to the top of her head. "Ow!" She said looking up into the disappointed face of Ryukyu.

"You should have known better than to do that Nejire. This girl has been through a lot what made you think throwing open her door without knocking would be a good idea?" She said as Nejire rubbed her head.

"Sorry Ryukyu that was foolish of me." She said taking a deep as she shook off the fear she'd felt. When she'd opened the door and saw Midoriya there she was sure he was going to take her head off.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Ryukyu said as she entered the room accompanied by Uraraka, Tsu, and Nejire. Ryukyu hid it well but she was getting over her own shock at what she'd seen and felt when Izuku came to the door.. Everyone walked into the room seeing that Eri had now calmed down.

"I'm really sorry for that Izuku I didn't mean to scare either of you two." Nejire said with a small bow.

"It's ok Nejire I overreacted." He said going with what everyone else was calling her, but now that he heard her name. He remembered that Mirio said he was friends with a girl called Nejire. Izuku looked to Eri before introducing his friends. "Eri these are my friends. These two girls are Uraraka Ochaco, and Tsuyu Asui." Each one gave their own greeting after Midoriya's introduction.

"It's nice to meet you Eri." Ochaco said and gave a smile.

"Same here." Tsu said. Izuku looked at Eri and gave a nod.

"And I'm Nejire sorry about barging into your room Eri." Nejire said as Ryukyu nodded.

"I'm Pro Hero Ryukyu. I'm glad to see you're safe and I apologize for my sidekick." She said bowing her head.

"See everyone here is nice." He said placing a hand on Eri's. He could feel her relax some as she looked at all of them.

"Hi." She said simply. Izuku smiled.

"That's good Eri." He said before looking at them. "So did you guys come by just to visit?" He asked as Ryukyu stepped forward.

"Not exactly. All of us here have partnered with Nighteye to take down the Shie Hassaikai. In that sense we wanted to let you know we will be stationed here to guard Eri while Nighteye and the others will capture Overhaul." Ryukyu said as Izuku nodded.

"That's good I hope everything goes as planned, and thank you for the extra support." He said as Ryukyu looked at Izuku.

"You understand that Overhaul might come here for Eri. Even though we will be here our main force will be storming the Shie Hassaikai mansion. If worse comes to worse you might be the only defense Eri has." Ryukyu said before Izuku looked up. His pupils had turned vertical as he looked into Ryukyu's eyes.

"If Overhaul comes here I will stop him no matter what." He said and as he did so Ryukyu saw something around Izuku. She was no longer facing a boy with the feel of his determination she could see a towering dragon standing behind him ready to incinerate any and all threats. She hadn't felt such raw ferocity in a very long time especially not from someone other than her own family members. She swallowed and nodded.

"I see your resolve is set that's good. Let's hope everything goes according to plan." She said as the lights of the hospital all went out.

Several days earlier.

Nighteye looked at the gathered heroes as he took a breath before speaking. "Now that we are all in agreement of what needs to be done this is the plan I put forth. Chisaki will put all his efforts into finding Eri so he can resume his business He'll be frantically hunting her which will buy us time but not much. In that time we need to assault Chisaki's mansion. The objective is to take him down before he ever has a chance to move on Eri. As you all know Eri is in a hospital with Midoriya. If a battle were to occur there would be no telling the amount of damage it might cause." Nighteye explained as all the heroes agreed.

"So we're going in full force to stop a fight before it ever starts right." Fatgum said as Nighteye shook his head.

"Not entirely I would like to leave some guards at the hospital. There's a slim chance that Chisaki might send someone to recover Eri and is simply waiting on them to return with her. As such Ryukyu I would like you and your sidekicks to support Izuku in guarding Eri." Ryukyu nodded.

"Of course, we can handle that." She said with confidence. Nighteye gave a nod of gratitude.

"With that settled the rest of us will storm the base. If all goes according to plan this should be over within hours." Nighteye said as the other heroes stood up to leave. Gran Torino approached Nighteye as everyone left. "Is there something you need Gran Torino?" Nighteye asked as Gran Torino rubbed his chin.

"Cut the act Nighteye it's just us." Gran Torino said as Nighteye sighed.

"You always cut to the chase Torino. I assume you want to talk about Izuku?" Nighteye questioned as Gran Torino nodded.

"You knew Toshi almost as long as I did, and knowing what you know can you still say that Izuku Midoriya isn't the perfect person to succeed him?" Nighteye rubbed his forehead and looked at Gran Torino.

"Is it really necessary to rub it in to this degree Gran Torino? I'll admit my judgement was wrong. I thought that All Might choosing someone like himself would be dooming that person to his fate. A bloody death because they were too stubborn to know when to quit, but I'm now sure that, that path may have ended that way for All Might, but Izuku is far more stubborn. He won't stop no matter what path he treads. He will go farther than All Might and I want to be there to see it." Nighteye said as Gran Torino laughed.

"That's better. Remember to apologize properly when all this is done." Gran Torino said as he left.

Nighteye smiled for a moment at the memory playing through his head as he and the other heroes approached the Shie Hassaikai base. He looked at the gathered heroes and officers before hearing the lead detective knock on the front gate. "This is the police we have a warrant for the arrest of Kai Chisa-!" Suddenly the door of the base was hurled open slamming into the officers and sending them flying as a large masked villain burst out silhouetted by gunfire that bore into the unsuspecting officers and heroes.

"Get off our turf we don't want any!" Shouted the large villain as he slammed his arms into the ground.

"What the hell right off the bat like this!" Shouted Kirishima hardening himself and standing in front of a few officers as they returned fire from behind him.

"Damn I kind of wish Ryukyu was still here she could have handled this guy." Rocklock said as Gran Torino arced around the giant landing hard blows across the villain's body.

"Yeah well too bad get it in gear boy!" Shouted Gran Torino as he narrowly avoided a blow.

"Come on we can't be stopped here!" Nighteye shouted as he Lemillion, and Fatgum's party followed after him. Inside the courtyard Eraserhead and Shinso could be seen working in tandem with their capture cloths. Eraserhead erased one man's quirk as Shinso wrapped his cloth around his legs to trip him before slamming the heel of his foot onto the man's chest and knocking him out.

"Hey stupid!" He shouted to the crowd as one man turned to him.

"What'd you sa-!" The man's eyes suddenly glazed over as he stood there.

"Stop the others from attacking us." Shinso instructed as the man turned and dove into the nearest group of guys. Eraserhead nodded.

"Let's go." He said as they followed after Nighteye into the mansion proper. Nighteye looked around finding hardly any resistance.

Something's off. He thought to himself as he moved to the secret entrance he'd learned about from seeing the future of one of Chisaki's henchmen he'd run into as the man was scoping out a hospital. No doubt on the hunt for Eri. As he opened the door a knife rushed towards him which he expertly dodged and slammed his foot down on the man's back. "Where's Chisaki?" Nighteye asked pressing on the man's back. The Yakuza squirmed like a bug for a moment before giving in.

"He's escaping down below. You'll never catch him." The man said as Nighteye twitched. "You're so willing to give up your boss just like that?" He asked. From what Nighteye had learned Chisaki held this gang together mostly by fear. No underling would be willing to betray him like this.

"He's not my boss. I only respect the real boss." The man said simply as Bubble Girl clapped handcuffs on him.

"I and the others will stay on this level Nighteye and make sure it's clear." Bubble Girl said as Nighteye nodded.

"Very well stay safe." Nightye said as Lemillion began to make his way down the staircase.

"We should continue forward. We can't let Chisaki escape sir, or Eri will never be safe." Lemillion said as Nighteye pushed down his unease and continued into the hidden passage. They ran for a few minutes coming into a large open room and were all hit with a sudden bout of nausea.

"W-what is this?" Nighteye said as he leaned against the wall. Eraserhead began looking around and spotted a man on the ceiling guzzling a bottle of alcohol.

"Uh oh *hic* looks like I've been spotted." The man slurred before smiling. "Don't worry I'll get you sloshed as bad as I am in a second." He said before taking a few more gulps.

"This is your doing!" Aizawa shouted about to use his Erasure only to have Fatgum jump in front of him. "What!?" He shouted only to see Fatgum slammed into and through a wall as a large man with a hood and red hair rolled his shoulder.

"Damn I was hoping to take out Eraserhead, but whatever you'll do fatty!" He shouted as lights were turned on revealing a make shift arena of sorts with tiered walls that were lined with Yakuza. They were all multiples of individuals. Nighteye grit his teeth as he realized too late that they had all stepped into Chisaki's trap.

"Dammit Chisaki isn't here." Nighteye said as the group of heroes gathered in a circle facing the duplicated force of Yakuza.

"Seems we were right about the Yakuza teaming up with the League of Villains. This is Twice's quirk at work no doubt about it." Eraserhead said as Nighteye nodded.

"Chisaki drew us in with a large force at the gate to split our forces and distract those above to keep the fighting from spilling out into the streets. Those of us who made our way into the stronghold would be allowed to progress far into it before hitting this massive ambush. All of this was to ensure that Chisaki and others could attack the hospital. This is my fault. I'm sorry Izuku I miscalculated." Nighteye explained before looking at Mirio. "Mirio I want you to use your quirk to get out of here." Nighteye ordered.

Lemillion looked to Nighteye as the Yakuza began to rush the group of heroes. "But Sir what about you?" Mirio asked before Nighteye shoved him.

"Lemillion! Do you remember how you felt when you realized what was happening to that little girl? Do you want to make the same mistake? Right now Izuku is protecting her with his life most like against a hoard of Yakuza. He needs your help!" Mirio looked at Sir Nighteye and realized he spoke the truth. Mirio turned and fell into the ground dropping his helmet as he did so. Nighteye smiled before throwing one of his stamps and slamming it into the drunkard on the ceiling breaking his bottle and shattering his mask as he fell to the ground unconscious releasing all the heroes from the nauseous affects.

"Now then shall we get started gentlemen?" Nighteye asked as both Shinso and Aizawa grabbed their capture cloths. From behind them they heard Fatgum pull himself free of the wall and from his abdomen popped Red Riot.

"Don't start without us!" Fatgum shouted.

As Mirio appeared in the hallway he could hear the sounds of battle, but ignored his desire to run back and help his teacher and fellow heroes. "I have to get out of here and get to Izuku. I won't let him down again." He said rushing up the halls to the surface. He just had to be in time.

Outside the hospital Eri was in Overhaul approached the building from behind. At his sides were Mimic, Shin, Chrono, as well as Toga and Twice. "Right about now the heroes should be making a move on the hideout. I hope the boss doesn't mind." He said as he disassembled the back gate and walked into the darkened parking area reserved for ambulances. A Paramedic who was just ending his shift noticed the group. "Hey you're not supposed to be her-!" he was silenced by a knife in the throat dropping him to the ground.

Overhaul looked over his shoulder and smiled behind his mask. "Thank you Toga." He said as the blonde approached the slowly dying man and yanked her knife from her throat and licked the blood from it.

"Don't read too much into it. I'm just in a good mood is all. Good enough to even deal with you." She said as she climbed into the ambulance and shut the door. "I need to change go on ahead." She said as Twice leaned against the ambulance door.

"You pervs aren't peeking on Toga. Just kidding if you pay me I'll let you have a look." He said as the four Yakuza shook their heads.

"Whatever just get in here when you're done. Mimic leave a dedicated way in and out of the hospital when you do your thing. Your first objective is to find Eri once you've done that use your quirk." Overhaul said as Mimic nodded pulling out a syringe and jabbing it into his neck. Almost instantaneously Mimic grew larger revealing his business casual attire and spiky red hair. The Yakuza then slipped into the wall of the hospital and disappeared.

"I won't fail you boss." He said as Overhaul nodded and walked into the hospital with Chrono and Nemoto.

Once they were gone Twice gave two slow knocks. The ambulance door opened slightly. "They're gone?" Toga asked as Twice nodded.

"The bird has left its perch." He replied as Toga smiled before transforming and hopped out the ambulance.

"Nothing is going to go according to your plan." Toga and Twice said menacingly.

Once inside the hospital Overhaul sent Chrono to disable the power in the hospital as he and Nemoto walked to the reception area finding it mostly deserted besides four nurses and a doctor at the reception desk. Shin took the opportunity to fire his gun into the ceiling. "Don't move!" He shouted as the five individuals cowered at the gunshot. "Get against the wall." Nemoto instructed as they followed his instructions. It was at that moment when the power went out only for the backup power to kick on.

"Sorry for the interruption of your duties, but I'm here to pick up my daughter." Chisaki said as Nemoto asked the question.

"Where is Eri?" He asked to them only to get an unsatisfactory answer.

"We don't know." Chisaki raised an eyebrow before looking at Nemoto.

"I'm sorry boss they don't know." Was all he could say as Overhaul walked over to the phone and used the PA system.

"Can you hear me JForce? I know you can and I have something to tell you. If you don't bring Eri to me on the ground floor reception in ten minutes I'll kill the nurses here. After that I'll start looking for you and every person I come across before I find you I will kill. Do you understand JForce? Every nurse, doctor, and patient I will kill them all without mercy. You have ten minutes." Overhaul said before hearing Mimic's voice shout out to him.


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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