"Well you two certainly went overboard. I hope this teaches you a lesson on being responsible." Iida said as Momo shook her head as she pulled the teapot she'd had going off the heat leaving it at a bare simmer while she was gone.
"Still that was pretty epic we could feel the shockwaves from here. You two must have been going nuts!" Kirishima said as he clapped Bakugou on the shoulder. "Don't worry bro just take your punishment like a man and you'll be fine." He said as Katsuki growled to himself.
"Guess I'll have to use one of the other gyms for my training. Maybe Kendo will train with me since Bakugou's been banned." Ochaco said hoping to find a new sparring partner quickly.
"I think you should take a break from the gym girlfriend. It's time to relax a little and enjoy some girl time!" Mina shouted as she leaned against Ochaco.
Ochaco smiled at that. "You might be rig-." Something shattered suddenly getting the attention of all the class. They looked back to see Momo holding the handle of a teacup that was now shattered on the floor. "Momo are you ok? It didn't burn you did it?" Ochaco said as she inspected the rich girl's hand.
"What happened?" Tsu asked as she gathered some paper towels to dry the spilled tea as Toru went to fetch the broom for the broken china.
"I don't know I just picked it up and the handle snapped." Momo said looking at the smooth surface of the break.
"In some circles something like that would be considered a bad omen." Tokoyami said staring at the broken handle as a cold chill ran through the girls. "Izuku!"
Izuku landed on the ground away from Gigantomachia as the beast roared. "That hardly did anything." He said thinking back to the previous damage he'd done with the Rasengan. His skin must be harder than steel." Izuku thought as Gigantomachia grew by a dozen feet gaining even more height on the green haired Hero. "Gigantification?" Izuku asked himself as Gigantomachia swung his fist down at the boy smashing it into the ground as wind and earth erupted from crater.
Izuku shot from the rising dust cloud as red lightning arced around him. He rose to and above Gigantomachia before stopping several dozen feet above the beast who looked around for his quarry. Izuku began to fall as gravity took hold of him. As he began to fall he slung his arms behind him corkscrewing them until they reached the limit feeling as if they would tear from his body.
Gigantomachia looked back and forth knowing he hadn't killed his target before he heard a whistling from above. He looked up as Izuku came down on him. The giant raised his arm to defend his face as Izuku's arms spun at high speed as they retracted. "Twin Sidewinder Smash!" Izuku shouted as his flaming fists slammed into Gigantomachia's forearm. There was a huge burst of fire as the air smelled of burning skin. Gigantomachia sunk into the ground under the force of the blow before roaring and backhanding Izuku with his other hand as he dropped his arm a dark burn mark on his forearm.
Izuku sailed through the woods feeling trees break around his body before coming to a stop in the side of a hill. He coughed as the wind was knocked from him. Thank god for the Full Armor or every bone in my body would be broken." He thought as he opened his eyes to see Gigantomachia coming at him fast ready to slam his shoulder into the young hero. Izuku jumped out of his hole spreading his dark wings, but he wasn't fast enough as Gigantomachia grabbed hold of the boy and slammed him to the ground.
Izuku looked up seeing Gigantomachia move his hand and ready his foot to crush the young hero. Izuku grunted as he summoned his Night Shroud and coiled it down his arm to form a blade that he sliced across Gigantomachia's incoming foot. He noticed his blade barely broke skin, but it was enough to knock it off course as Izuku leapt from his crater coming straight at Gigantomachia's face before unleashing his Hydra smash enhanced with his Full Cowl. Gigantomachia was driven back as Izuku's fist slammed into his face repeatedly snapping off one of his tusks.
The giant wailed as he clutched his jaw and stumbled back. Izuku fell to the ground and took this time to hide. He panted heavily looking around the trunk of the tree he was hiding behind. "I can't get past his hard skin. I need an attack to get through that." This situation was different than what happened with that Nomu. Gigantomachia didn't have shock absorption or so Izuku assumed. Instead his skin was just incredibly thick. Izuku ran through scenario after scenario until his new move came to mind and he groaned. "I've got no choice. Guess this will be a trial by fir-!" Izuku narrowly dodged the grasp of Gigantomachia's hand as it crushed the tree he'd been sitting in.
"You will die!" Shouted Gigantomachia as Izuku looked at him and took a deep breath before smiling.
"I won't die. I have too much to live for!" He shouted as he summoned his Full Cowl and jumped from tree to tree never staying in one place long and confusing Gigantomachia as to which direction his attack would come from until it actually hit. Izuku focused on the water in the air gathering it into his palm swirling it like he would do for the Rasengan until he launched himself at Gigantomachia's leg and slammed his palm into it. "Aqua Palm!" For the first time Izuku felt his attack truly connect and not be shrugged off by the monster's thick hide. The water he'd been swirling in his palm shot into Gigantomachia's leg disrupting the liquid in the limb as it bent backwards the sound of breaking bone sounded through the forest as the beast fell to his knee roaring in pain. Izuku smiled as he panted.
"The human body is seventy percent water. I can attack you with the water in your own body now!" Izuku said as Gigantomachia glared at him.
Gran Torino broke through the tree line with Kurogiri in hand and shortly before Tsukauchi and his fellow officers. On the rural road before the group stood a police convoy ready to take Kurogiri into custody. Gran Torino quickly handed off the villain to Tsukauchi and his officers. "Now that he's taken care of I need to get back to Izuku." Gran Torino said taking a deep breath ready to jet off.
"Gran Torino if you give us some time we can accompany you as backup." Sorahiko looked at Tsukauchi.
"If that's what you want to do that's fine, but I can't wait for you. Get there when you can Izuku needs me now." Gran Torino said as he blasted away before a roar could be heard in the distance. "I'm coming kid, just hold on!" He shouted as he blasted faster towards the sound of the roar.
Izuku dodged to the side as he punched Gigantomachia's arm forcing his water into it and watching the limb spiral around twisting itself as bones snapped. Izuku jumped back landing on a tree as Gigantomachia stood up. Izuku looked at the leg he broke and saw that it was still broken, but for whatever reason Gigantomachia was still fighting through the pain. Gigantomachia twisted his arm the sounds of crunching bones making Izuku's stomach turn. Finally the arm looked normal before Gigantomachia slammed his fists down on the tree Izuku had been on shattering it before swatting his arm to the side narrowly missing Izuku as he soared through the sky.
As the fight had gone on Izuku had started to see blue wisps across his vision. At first he thought he might be hallucinating or rapidly switching between his powers was starting to affect him, but he soon realized these blue wisps were the water in the air. He could see the way it moved and flowed and began using them to avoid Gigantomachia's attacks. He was like water flowing through the obstacle of Gigantomachia's attacks. Izuku came in close and slammed his fist into the giant's stomach. He could feel the water in his body shift before Gigantomachia went flying back his legs dragging the ground before coming to a stop.
The monster heaved emptying his guts onto the forest floor. Gigantomachia raised his head and wiped his chin of bile. "My master gave me the order to help Kurogiri and I will no matter what. I will always follow All for One's will!" He shouted before leaping as high into the air as he could.
Izuku watched Gigantomachia sail higher and higher into the air. "If he crashes from that height there's no telling the devastation he could cause. I can't let him come down like that he'll destroy everything if he does." Izuku said creating six wings of darkness on his back before channeling the full might of One for All through his body. Massive bolts of black energy arced off Izuku before he blasted from the tree shattering it as he soared into the sky as a black and green rocket.
Gran Torino leaped atop a tree just as Izuku took off into the sky. "No stop!" He shouted but knew his voice couldn't reach the boy. "Not again, not again, NOT AGAIN!" The old man shouted as he clenched his fists and did the only thing he could right now; watch.
Izuku held his hand out in front of him and gathered water in his palm. The water swirled into his palm and grew larger and larger until it spread out over his body. The water began to take shape as it wrapped around Izuku's body flowing out behind him to form a winding body and tail and around Izuku's body a head began to form serpentine at first before taking on the form of a dragon. Izuku had created a water dragon with himself as the center. "Sea Dragon Fist!" Izuku and Gigantomachia impacted in the sky dispersing all the clouds nearby as Izuku spiraled around Gigantomachia's arm as if the dragon was seizing the giant.
Izuku slammed into Gigantomachia's chest as he was pushed higher into the sky before being pushed back towards the ground. The beast roared as he felt the force of the boy's attack before being driven into the ground. There was a deep rumble in the countryside shaking everything nearly knocking Gran Torino from his perch. "No, no, no!" Gran Torino whispered repeatedly as he jetted towards the sight of the impact. He landed on the ground and slid forward nearly falling into a small lake. "What the?" Gran Torino said as he looked to the center of this manmade lake and saw Izuku kneeling atop Gigantomachia's chest before pulling his fist from the now much smaller villain's chest and stood tall. Gran Torino saw that Izuku's armor was shattered around his fist while deep cracks ran through the rest of it. Only half of his face mask was left as the boy swayed back and forth.
Gran Torino jumped across the water's surface and caught Izuku before he fell into the water. Izuku's drooping eyes looked up at Gran Torino as he smiled. "I did it Gran Torino, my new move did you see it?" Izuku asked as Gran Torino grinned.
"Damn right I did kid that was amazing. Noelle would be proud." The old man said as Izuku's eyes closed. "Take it easy kid you've earned it." Gran Torino said looking at the boy and the unconscious villain.
"Did you see that?! He was amazing!" Shouted a masculine voice.
"Gotta say the kid's got one hell of a pair on him to take on that big bastard. Color me impressed." Said another voice. Both sounded young, but the bigger point is that the voices were keeping Izuku from sleeping. Izuku opened his eyes and saw a two tone space. Half of the space was a blazing red and the other half was a silvery white. "Looks like he's coming around. Don't think too hard about us kid; just know you've got our attention now." One voice said as the other spoke up quickly.
"Stop trying to act so cool! We both can't wait to meet you. Keep burning bright!"
Izuku opened his eyes and saw a familiar sight; a hospital room ceiling. He sighed as he sat up some and looked around. "Mom is going to be so worried." Izuku said making a mental note to call his mother soon. The door to Izuku's room opened admitting Gran Torino with a pitcher. The old man and the young boy exchanged a look before Gran Torino shut the door and walked over.
"You're finally up. Keeping an old man waiting for three whole days you youngsters have no sense of time." He said as he sat in the chair near Izuku's bed and poured the boy a glass of water. "Before you say anything drink that. You damn near dried yourself out with that attack. You're still too reckless. What happened to "I'll keep him busy and then hide"?" Gran Torino asked as Izuku coughed.
"Sorry Gran Torino, but I couldn't hide from him. He somehow sensed everywhere I went, and then when he jumped into the sky I knew I couldn't let him come down at those speeds. He'd likely have destroyed a big portion of that forest." Gran Torino sighed and shook his head.
"You're like Toshi in some of the worst ways you know, but you accomplished your goal I'll give you that much. If it hadn't been for all that water that impact would have really did some damage. On the bright side now there's a new lake out there. I think I heard someone saying Midoriya Lake." Gran Torino said with a chuckle as Izuku blushed.
"I-I don't know about all that Gran Torino." Izuku said before popping his head up. "Umm what happened to that monster and Kurogiri" Izuku asked as Gran Torino rubbed his chin.
"They were both taken into Tartarus. Apparently that creature's name is Gigantomachia, and as we thought he was what Kurogiri was after, though neither of them are really talking." Gran Torino explained before hearing rushing footsteps and shouting in the hallway.
"What the hell is all that racket don't people know this is a hosp-!" Gran Torino was about to open the door and give these rude folks a piece of his mind, but as he was about to open the door he jetted out of the way as a hoard of kids stormed the room like a SWAT team.
"Midoriya what'd you get yourself into this time!?" Shouted Kirishima.
"Why are you in the hospital what happened Midori?" Ashido asked looking at the boy.
"Deku are you ok what happened?" Ochaco asked as Iida walked forward.
"Midoriya I must insist you stop getting into such dangerous situations I don't think my heart can take much more." Iida said as Gran Torino slammed the door.
"Quiet down you infants!" Shouted Gran Torino calming the room instantly. "This is a hospital mind your manners and be respectful to the other guests here and keep it to a dull roar." Gran Torino said slamming the butt of his cane against the floor. He's being louder than we were! Was the collective thought that ran through the students of 1-A. "Now then Izuku I'm leaving for the day and you can consider your training complete. You're free to go wherever you like once you're discharged from the hospital. Don't get yourself killed out there kid." Gran Torino said as he headed for the door.
"Gran Torino!" Izuku said looking at the old hero's back. "Thank you for everything." He said with a bow as Gran Torino opened the door and shut it behind him and began walking down the hall.
"Umm Midoriya who was that old man anyway? He's a hero right? You called him Gran Torino I've never heard that name before." Ojiro said as Iida and Yaoyorozu shook their heads both being from hero family they would be the authority on such things with Midoriya gone.
"I can't say the name has come up in any of my grandfather's talks either." Iida said cupping his chin.
"He's an old pro that I've been training under for a couple weeks now. I think he might have operated like Mr. Aizawa. Preferring to work in the shadows and under the radar, but now that I've completed his training I guess I'll have to find someone else to partner with now." Izuku said not sure where he should go with his training from here.
"Forget about that what I want to know is why you didn't tell us you were training with the Pussycats you bastard!" Mineta shouted jumping onto Izuku's bed. "Keeping all that goodness to yourself Midoriya is a crime against all men. You must be punished!" Mineta shouted before he was stabbed by Jiro's earphone jack right in his ear.
"Didn't you hear what that old man said? Be quiet!" Jiro admonished the small boy as he writhed on the floor. Izuku couldn't help, but laugh. It seems like it's been forever since he's been around people his own age. The Pussycats were older, and Kota was younger, and Gran Torino couldn't even factor into that equation. He was an old man when All Might was young.
"I've missed you guys." Izuku said looking around and seeing two people missing. "Hey where's Katsuki and Todoroki?" Izuku asked as several laughs and a couple of sighs rang out.
"Bakugou and Todoroki are on house arrest until school starts." Iida responded as Izuku's brows rose.
"What, why?" He asked as Tsu spoke up.
"The two got too into their training and blew the roof off of one of the gyms." She explained bluntly as Izuku became even more shocked. Bakugou he could understand, but Todoroki? That was so out of character for him.
"Oh well as long as they're ok I guess." He said scratching his head as he and his classmates began to catch up. He told them about his time with the Pussycats, minus some intimate details, and then recounted his training with Gran Torino and the subsequent fight with Gigantomachia.
"Wow Midoriya I think I'd die trying to live your life man." Kaminari said as several of the other guys agreed but not Kirishima.
"Dude you're a real man taking on that giant by yourself and winning! What a badass. I can't wait to tell Bakugou about this." Kirishima said as the class looked at him.
"Don't do that you idiot Bakugou will go nuclear if he hears about this. I don't want a hole in our roof next." Jiro said as Kirishima brushed off her concern.
"What no way Bakugou wouldn't do that." Kirishima said as one thought rang out. Is he in denial? Iida stood up and checked his watch.
"Everyone visiting hours will be ending in five minutes. I suggest we begin our departure in an orderly fashion." Iida said as he opened the door and ran into someone incredibly soft. "I'm so sorry you have my deepest apologies!" Iida said as he performed a perfect ninety degree bow.
"Don't worry about it kid." A husky voice said as they walked in garnering the attention of everyone in the room as they made their way to Izuku's bedside.
"You're Izuku Midoriya right?" The person asked as Izuku nodded before coming to his senses and speaking up.
"Yes that's me." He said as his new visitor leaned forward. Their red eyes staring into his.
"Good so how about you partner up with me JForce?" Rabbit Hero Miruko said with a cocky grin