49.26% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1368: 33

章節 1368: 33

Himiko was walking down the sidewalk to stretch her legs after being cooped up in that warehouse for so long and the death of big sis Magne still weighed heavy on her. She had her earphones in as background noise playing her own playlist. It wasn't just Magne's death, but the fact Tomura had prevented her from getting revenge on that masked bastard! Her eyes darkened at the thought of Overhaul. At times like this, the only thing that could cheer her up would be blood.

Himiko loved blood its brilliant color soothed her. Most people thought blood was simply red, but that was an incredible understatement! It wasn't just red it possessed so many hues of that single color like a kaleidoscope of life itself. She liked the smell of that harsh metallic scent that permeated everything. It was a true bounty for all her senses especially taste each person had such a unique flavor and like an impassioned sommelier Himiko made it her job to sample every unique blend that was her expression of love.

As Himiko fantasized about blood a tone sounded in her ear alerting her to a recently added news story. She pulled out her phone and turned it on coming face to face with Izuku her newest crush. Himiko nearly felt her knees give out as she looked at his face and then read the caption above the thumbnail. "Izuku Midoriya Returns!" Toga tapped on the video as she did a one-eighty heading back to the hideout. She had to share this with everyone, but that wouldn't stop her from watching this for herself a couple of times first.

Tomura looked around their new hideout and sighed. This used to be so much easier when his master was around, but now he had to do this kind of stuff for himself and that was yet another reason to hate-. "Guys guess what my Izuku's on the news!" Himiko shouted causing Tomura to whip his head around angrily as he rushed to Himiko snatching her phone from her hand and tearing it free of her headphones as he turned the volume up as loud as it would go as the other members of the League of Villains crowded around Tomura.

"-Right ladies and gentleman the young man who took on the killer of All Might and avenged the former symbol of peace has resurfaced in one of the most unlikely of places. After his expulsion, Izuku Midoriya still determined to be a hero was taken under the wing of the now number one hero Endeavor and it is thanks to the two of them that all these people are going home to their families." The reporter said as he tried to make his way towards Izuku who sat in the back of an ambulance being looked over by doctors.

"Midoriya how did you take UA expelling you is this your way of getting back at the school?" One reporter asked.

"Do you intend to stay on as Endeavor's sidekick or will you be pursuing opening your own agency sometime in the future?" One reporter asked

"What's your hero name and is it safe to say that you are aiming to be the new symbol of peace!?" Another reporter shouted out as Endeavor walked into the frame blocking them from Izuku.

"Have you no respect?! This boy put his life on the line and deserves a moment to collect himself!" Endeavor shouted before Izuku hopped down from the Ambulance.

"It's ok Endeavor like you said I can't hide after this. First of all, I don't blame UA for expelling me I did break the law and acted recklessly. I was just lucky enough that Endeavor here was willing to take a chance on me, and I hope I can repay him for his generosity someday." Izuku said smiling as Endeavor crossed his arms coughing.

"For the time being yes, I plan to study under and learn all I can from Endeavor in hopes that when it's time for me to step out on my own I can be a great hero as well." Izuku said standing proudly at his next words and smiling as wide as he could. "My hero name is JForce and I intend to work as hard as I can to be as great a hero as All Might was." The crowd cheered around the young man as they started chanting his name.


"So this is the Prince of Light. The boy who took down All for One and has been a thorn in the League of Villains' side. I'll have to be careful of you Izuku Midoriya." Overhaul said as next to him sat a young girl with silver hair and red eyes stared at the screen an idea forming in her fragile mind. Maybe he can… save me.

"Wow Sir can you believe that he saved those people and he doesn't even have a license! That's amazing isn't it?" Mirio Togata said looking back at Sir Nighteye who stared at the screen. So he was your choice All Might. I can see why he has the same values as you did. Saving everyone no matter the price, but I still disagree with your choice. This boy might just suffer the same fate as you. Nighteye thought to himself as Mirio turned to him. "Maybe we should ask Endeavor to join our operation, what do you think Sir?" Mirio asked as Nighteye raised his head.

"You might have a point Mirio." Nighteye said looking at his apprentice.

Tomura stared at the screen of Toga's phone as the smiling face of Izuku Midoriya looked back at him mocking him! Tomura pulled his pinkie finger forward to place it on the phone but was stopped as he felt a sharp prick to the pad of his finger. "Remember Tomura that's my phone, go break your own stuff." Toga said slipping her phone from Tomura's fingers before stashing it in her pocket. "I just wanted to show all of you my new crush isn't he just amazing. I can't wait to cover him in his own blood." Himiko said licking her lips as she imagined a bloody Izuku and giggled madly as Tomura frowned deeply.

Katsuki stared at the television screen with Izuku's face on it as he answered questions from the reporters. He clenched his fist as he stormed towards the door. "Woah Bakugou where are you going?" Kirishima asked as Katsuki whirled on him.

"Where do you think?! I'm going back to the gym I'm not going to let Izuku leave me behind! I need to work harder, harder than he ever fucking could!" Shouted the blonde and his words resonated throughout the class. While they were sitting here in school resting on their day off Izuku was out there on the front lines getting further and further ahead.

"You know, Bakugou has a point. Izuku is doing his best we can't afford to sit back anymore. We have all learned a lot from Midoriya, we need to show him that we are capable of standing at his side as his comrades." Iida said as the rest of class 1-A got up.

"Iida's right we need to start giving this our all too." Kirishima said as he clapped Bakugou on the shoulder. "Right bro?" He asked only for Bakugou to swat his hand off his shoulder.

"I don't give a damn about standing at Izuku's side I'm going to show him that I'm the only one who will be the top hero." He said leaving the dorm followed by the rest of his class.

Present Mic collapsed at his desk in the teacher's lounge with a heavy sigh. "What is it Mic why so glum? You're starting to act like Eraser over there." Midnight asked drawing the Erasure hero's eye.

"Well if I am it's his fault!" Mic said raising his head as he rubbed his hair. "His students are driving me to early retirement! Every spare second I have is taken over by Jiro from his class. She's asking for pointers and tips on how to better use her quirk near constantly. There's only so much I can give, but she's hell-bent on squeezing the information from me." Hizashi complained as Midnight leaned forward.

"In other words, you might say she's pumping you for information?" Midnight said pumping her hand up and down much to Aizawa's and Hizashi's displeasure.

"More like a Texan drilling for oil. Seriously Eraser what has gotten into your students? I'm not the only one they've been running ragged. Ectoplasm is being worked over by Ojiro looking for pointers on how to not rely so much on his tail. Cementoss is being made to form obstacle courses for Iida to run through while creating pillars to be destroyed by Bakugou and Kirishima. Snipe is giving lessons on accuracy to Aoyama and Kaminari even Class B has got the fever and are even working Vlad to the bone! What did you do?!" Present Mic demanded as Eraserhead leaned back.

"I haven't done anything maybe you should stop complaining and do your job as a teacher." Eraserhead replied though he had noticed a step up in his students' intensity and passion for their hero course work. Even Shinso had approached him more frequently for training with his capture cloth.

"Isn't it obvious? They're inspired by Midoriya's little stunt earlier last week. Don't tell me you two haven't heard about that. He's a regular little superstar." Midnight said pulling out her phone to show the headlines from last week's news. "He's all over the place some people are even calling him the next All Might. Bet you regret letting him get expelled now don't you Shota?" Midnight said teasing Eraserhead as a knock sounded at the door admitting Kyoka Jiro.

"Oh, Present Mic I'm glad I could find you. I was wondering if you could watch my new super moves and give me some feedback." Jiro asked as Hizashi slowly got up from his chair giving a weak smile.

"Sure thing kiddo let's go!" He said following after Jiro before shooting a pleading look to Midnight and Aizawa finding no help there as Midnight winked at him and to his complete and utter shock Eraserhead actually smiled at him. You're the devil Shota! Present Mic thought as he left the teacher's lounge.

"To answer your question no I don't regret my decision. Midoriya broke the rules and suffered the consequences, though I am concerned that he found his way to Endeavor's side." Eraserhead said leaning back as Midnight pouted.

"Geez do you have a grudge against the kid or something Shota. He was expelled and found someplace else to study isn't that a good thing? Or maybe you're just jealous like an ex mad that his girlfriend got a new man after he dumped her. Green isn't your color Shota." Midnight said as Aizawa sighed.

"No I'm not jealous and to be honest I'm happy he found a way to chase his dream, I just don't think Endeavor was the best choice for someone like Midoriya. Midoriya is the type of person to just rush in consequences be damned. His heart is in the right place, but he needs to think more about his actions, and I don't think Endeavor will be the best person to teach him that. I can't say much because I haven't worked with him before, but from what I've seen Endeavor is also the kind of man who rushes in headfirst. Izuku might be getting the wrong instruction or maybe getting the right instruction too soon." He said before standing up and working his neck.

"Anyway, I need to meet Shinso for his training. Despite what I said Mic has a point these kids and their renewed passion might just run us all ragged." Midnight bobbed her head from side to side.

"Why not let them run each other ragged then? Mic did say that class B was also firing on all cylinders why not put two and two together and let them work each other raw and give you old men a break?" Midnight said as Shota looked back at her with a shocked expression.

"I tend to forget that behind that over the top personality and your perverse nature there's an actual brain in your head. Good idea Midnight." Aizawa said leaving as Midnight smiled proudly before thinking over what Aizawa said.

"What do you mean perverse!?" She shouted.

Katsuki walked into the gym ready for another round of training, but he walked in to find all of class 1-B inside the gym instead. "What the hell are you doing in our gym!?" Katsuki shouted as Tetsutetsu looked at him.

"Your gym, we were brought here for training! The better question is what is class A doing intruding on our time!?" Shouted Tetsutetsu.

"Everyone settle down, there has to be a good explanation for this." Momo said corralling class A with the help of Iida.

"Tetsutetsu stop your shouting and get over here. The teachers will be here to explain everything soon." Kendo said bringing her class under control as well as Vlad King and Aizawa walked into the gym.

"Good you're all here, so I'll just jump into explaining things." Eraserhead said. "Recently you've all been…eager to get stronger for your Provisional License exams, but at the expense of what little sanity some of our staff has left." Aizawa said picturing Present Mic in a straightjacket. "So to curb a mental breakdown Vlad and I decided to have you train with each other to hone your skills."

"What could we learn from class A, how to cause trouble and get expelled?" Monoma said before coming face to face with the demonic visage of Katsuki.

"What the fuck did you just sa-!" Katsuki was interrupted by the hand of Class A's representative.

"Calm down Katsuki. Listening to the trash-talking of someone who has no real capacity to even understand what it takes to be a hero is not worth getting angry about wouldn't you say." Momo said glaring down at Monoma before he was slapped in the back of the head.

"That was low even for you Monoma apologize!" Kendo said forcing Monoma's head down. "I'm sorry for our resident asshole." She said before dragging Monoma away.

Aizawa coughed to get things back on track. "As I was saying you will each be pairing up to train one another. First up Kirishima you've wanted to increase your hardening and to do that you've been partnering with Ojiro, Sato, and Bakugou, but until the exam, you will be partnered with Togaru Kamakiri. Up until now, you've been dealing with blunt force trauma and Bakugou's explosion, but now you will have to defend against piercing and slashing damage. As for you Togaru you've been breaking your blades on Tetsutetsu's skin to make them stronger and sharper, but unlike Tetsutetsu Kirishima can continually harden growing stronger each time which will be a whole new aspect to contend with."

Kirishima turned to Togaru a tall, slender guy with pale yellow-green skin and a bright green Mohawk. Togaru's dark green eyes looked over Kirishima before the two shook hands and walked off to begin training. "Bakugou you will be practicing with Tetsutetsu trying to get through his steel skin should prove quite the obstacle." Bakugou looked at Tetsutetsu.

"Yeah right I'll blow him apart in seconds, there's no way he's harder than Kirishima." Bakugou said crossing his arms as Tetsutetsu gritted his teeth and turning on his steel skin.

"Just try you arrogant prick!" Tetsutetsu shouted as Bakugou growled.

"What'd you just call me you walking trashcan!?" The two retreated into the training field as they hurled obscenities at one another.

"Iida you will be with Juzo his softening quirk will make it difficult for you to get anywhere near him. You'll have to think on the fly and make split seconds adjustments to avoid getting caught." The two boys nodded as they left.

"A pleasure to work with you Juzo I hope to learn a lot from our collaboration." Iida said shaking hands with Juzo who just smiled.

"Uh yeah looking forward to working with you too."

Vlad King took over the next pairing. "Kosei you will be with Sato. He will be trying to break through your solid air and you will be continually making new and thicker barriers. Pony you and Aoyama both have long-range quirks so it will be a battle between who's the better and quicker shot." The four students paired off and started to train. "Reiko you will be partnered with Asui. She'll be avoiding your poltergeist while you will be defending against her own attacks." Aizawa turned to Momo and Kendo.

"You two have some history having gone to the same mentor so you two will be training with each other." Momo and Kendo each smiled at each other before heading in. "Monoma you will be up against Shoto he's a two for one special for someone like you. If you can get close to him that is." Aizawa said as Monoma turned to Shoto who gave him a cold look before walking away. "Mineta though I hate to do this, you will be paired with Shiozaki your pop off is the perfect counter to her vines and I'm sure she'll be fighting tooth and nail to keep you from getting near her." Mineta turned to look at Shiozaki before giving a smile and a thumbs up that sent the girl shivering.

"Shoji you will be with Kinoko who will be planting mushrooms all around. It's your job to use your quirk to quickly find and pluck the mushrooms before they are fully grown. Shinso you will be partnered with Tokage and the object is for you to capture all her parts with your capture cloth before her time runs out and she comes back together. This will also benefit Tokage to practice controlling her parts. Jurota you will be trying to locate Toru using your enhanced senses."

Vlad began speaking again. "Shihai you will be partnered with Tokoyami. Your two quirks gain strength from darkness so it's an even matchup. Cementoss created a cave near the back of the gym to give you a place to use your quirks. Kojiro you and Ashido are perfect opposites so the two of you will be training together. Kojiro will make tougher and stickier glue and Mina will continue to burn through it with her acid. Manga you will be partnered with Jiro since you both use sound as weapons you'll be good training partners."

Taking over for Vlad Aizawa pointed at Ojiro. "Ojiro you will be practicing with Sen you both specialize in close combat and with Sen's gyrate quirk it will be quite the training session. Kaminari will be practicing with Hiryu. Both of you can't be touched recklessly and you both have long-range attacks that could prove troublesome. Uraraka you will be practicing with Yui, both of your quirks alter aspects of things you touch such as changing its size and altering its gravity. Nirengeki you will be partnered with Sero your twin impact or Sero's tape which will give to the other I wonder. Finally will be Koji and Yosetsu." Aizawa said as the students split up.

"This was a good idea Eraserhead having the students practice with each other gives us some breathing room for the time being." Vlad said releasing a pent breath as Aizawa scratched his chin.

"I don't know if I'd say that just yet. This is the calm before the storm the exams are going to take everything these kids have and more." Aizawa said as he watched the students practice.

The first of the month came faster than anyone had expected, but the students arrived eager to take their first big step into the hero community as they arrived at Takoba National Stadium class 1-A walked into the venue seeing the judges and the other participants, but all of class A was on the lookout for one person. "Where the hell is he, that loser better not have fucking flaked on us!" Shouted Bakugou as the instructor for the exam began to speak.

"Yes hello everyone my name is Yokumira Mera from the public safety Commission-." At that moment the instructor gave a powerful yawn. "Sorry about that I haven't been able to sleep having to prepare for this exam, so if you would all be so kind as to get this exam over with as soon as possible I'd be extremely grateful. On that note the exam will be broken into three portions in each of these we will be grading you and at the end of this exam your scores along with other criteria will be judged and if you are deemed worthy you will be given your license to perform heroic duties when needed." Yokumira explained before continuing.

"In years past the pass rate for this test was fifty percent, but with the recent passing of All Might there's been an overhaul of the hero system making it more difficult so only the best of the best may pass. The success rate of this exam is expected to be ten percent or less." The students in the hall balked at this.

"Only ten percent will pass this test, what the hell is going on here?" Denki shouted looking at all the people there.

"At that percentage out of all the people here only over one hundred fifty are expected to pass. That's incredibly steep." Iida said feeling the sweat build on his forehead.

"The first test will be held right here." The instructor explained getting looks of confusion from the participants.

"He can't be serious we can all barely fit in this room let alone display our quirks to their fullest." Momo said before the ceiling began to open up and the walls fell outward to reveal a massive rocky area and in the distance could be seen a cityscape, but the most striking thing was the figure of Izuku Midoriya in his Full Armor standing in the middle of the landscape looking just as shocked as his fellow participants.

"Umm, I arrived late and didn't know where to stand." He said rubbing the back of his head as everyone stared at him.

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