48.54% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1348: 13

章節 1348: 13

"Alright ladies and Gentlemen this is the final match of the First years' Sports Festival. It's been quite a showing with upsets and over the top battles, but now it's come down to the final two. Who will win?! It's all in their hands now! So let's welcome Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugouuuuuu!" Present Mic announced as the two students walked out into the arena.

In the stands the rest of class 1-A was silent as the grave. They all knew what this match meant to Izuku and Katsuki, and were also ready for the fiercest battle of the festival. "The rematch between rivals. Bakugou's been waiting for this since the hero exercise. Each has something to prove and neither is willing to back down." Uraraka said clenching her fists as she watched Izuku and Bakugou face off."

"Who do you think is going to win?" Sero asked the class at large as each student voiced their best guess.

"It would have to be Bakugou." Kirishima stated crossing his arms. "Izuku's got power, but Bakugou's got the upper hand with his explosions and in an area this wide Izuku can't count on his ninja skills to get him out of this. This is a straight up fight between men." Kirishima finished before feeling a series of glares stab into his back as he looked at the girls of his class and swallowed.

"What, no way did you see Midoriya's fight with Todoroki? I'd say he's got more than power going for him, and just because he's trained as a ninja doesn't mean he can't go toe to toe in an all-out battle." Sato countered getting a thumbs up from the girls of the class.

"They're both guys so I don't care." Minoru said slumped in his seat.

"Then don't say anything!" Shouted Kaminari. "I'd have to agree with Kirishima Bakugou's a monster I don't know anybody who's as freakishly aggressive during a fight and he's a fast learner when it comes to his opponents. Sad to say Izuku can't compare." Denki stated before receiving a similar stare down as Kirishima to which he promptly hid behind Shoji.

"Don't worry girls Midori's got this." Mina said smiling at her friends. "And even if he doesn't win we can "console" him if you know what I mean." Mina said causing all the girls to blush at the thought. "Though even if he does win we can still "celebrate" together." Mina said kicking back ready for the show.

"Oh I remember that kid. Didn't you smack him around a little Raph?" Donnie said looking up from his latest support item as he saw who Midoriya was going to be facing.

"Yeah the explosion kid. He was just standing outside the dojo shouting about how Izuku should fight him or that Izuku was a loser. I couldn't concentrate so I told him to get lost and he blasted me in the face! Little shit I taught him a lesson." Raph growled smashing his fist into his hand. "Looks like Izuku's about to get some payback for all the crap that kid put him through."

"Raphael that is enough. Fighting for revenge is not the Hamato way." Master Splinter chastised Raphael who sat down.

"Sorry dad." Raph apologized going back to the TV.

I hope you remember that as well Izuku. You don't want to use your power to get back at people that only leads to selfish and destructive ends. Splinter thought to himself with an image of Saki in his mind .

Inko sat clenching her fists as she stared at the screen. "So it's Katsuki you're fighting. I know I shouldn't hold a grudge, but I'm still mad at him for trying to bully you Izuku, but I know that's not the reason you're going to beat him." Inko stated taking a deep breath. "Go for it Izuku I believe in you."

Izuku stood in front of Katsuki who wore a savage grin. "This is it you fucking nerd time to put you in your place once and for all. That thing in training was just a fluke and I'll show you now." Katsuki growled popping off explosions in both hands as Izuku smiled.

"We'll see Katsuki, but I don't feel like I'm going to lose." Izuku said taking his stance as both stared at one another.

"Begin!" Shouted Midnight. ( /O0M5D5OA-d4?list=RDO0M5D5OA-d4)

Katsuki exploded upward into the air and then shot downward towards Izuku his hand forward building an explosion that went off as soon as he made contact with Izuku. Katsuki smiled as the smoke cleared revealing Izuku in his Serpent Cowl his blackened fist having clashed with Katsuki's taking the brunt of the explosion. Katsuki dropped to the ground reaching forward with another explosion which Izuku parried setting the explosion of harmlessly to his side before punching forward to which Katsuki exploded himself up and over Izuku's punch landing behind him and turning on his heel with another explosion as Izuku did the same with a loaded Cobra Cannon both attacks collided setting off another explosion they blew both back.

Katsuki slid back on his feet dropping his arms as a hole appeared in the smoke cloud and Katsuki felt something smash into his stomach driving the air from him as he flew back towards the edge of the ring only managing to stop himself with an explosion to keep him in the ring. The smoke cleared revealing Izuku taking the stance he'd had when he faced Nomu. His left hand forward palm out and his right arm drawn back and his hand completely engulfed into his forearm.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes taking in everything about Izuku's stance before standing up straight and then rushing forward, but before he took even three steps he was struck again in his stomach driving him back. Katsuki hunched over gripping his abdomen. It felt like a cannonball had hit him. He looked up at Izuku who was rushing towards zigzagging across the ring closing the distance. Katsuki could hardly keep up with Izuku's movement as he looked around himself as Izuku dodged around him. One point he was on the ground the next he was in the air, and then behind him. Bakugou dodged to the side narrowly avoiding another Cobra Cannon and released an explosion blasting Izuku backwards, but instead of gaining distance Bakugou pressed his attack rushing after Izuku and blasting him repeatedly back further and further.

"OH man this has been nonstop from the start. Izuku and Bakugou are battering eachother back and forth the tables are turning like a spinning top it's hard to say which one has the upper hand here! What do you think Eraserhead?" Present Mic asked seeing Aizawa intently watching the match.

"I say things have yet to get serious." Was Aizawa's blunt response as he watched Izuku stand at the edge of the ring with Bakugou in front of him cutting off any forward movement from Izuku.

"It's over Izuku I've got you cornered give up, or don't so I can keep blasting you." Bakugou growled as Izuku wiped soot from his cheek and raised his hands in front of him and changed his stance. Bakugou took notice of this immediately and went in for the kill. I know he's got some stupid trick up his sleeve, but I won't let him psych me out! Bakugou thought as he advanced.

In the stands Ojiro nodded in understanding not unnoticed by Shoji. "What is it Ojiro you look like you know something?" Ojiro smiled as he began to explain.

"Izuku's gone on the defensive now, his best choice honestly. Bakugou has him boxed in but the stance he's taken is called the Tornado Stance. It emphasizes defense via avoidance and evasion letting your opponent work themselves raw while conserving your own momentum and stamina." Ojiro explained to Shoji who nodded in understanding.

"I would say that's the perfect thing against Bakugou's aggressive assault." Shoji agreed looking back at the match as Izuku danced on the edge of the ring avoiding or redirecting Bakugou's explosions much to the explosion user's annoyance. Bakugou pressed his palm forward only for Izuku to sidestep as Bakugou threw a kick only for it to be paried away.

"You bastard stop running!" Katsuki shouted reaching forward only for Izuku to knock his palm off course releasing a massive explosion that allowed Izuku to slip behind Katsuki who speedily turned around only to find Izuku gone having stayed with Bakugou keeping to his back to deliver another Cobra cannon to Bakugou's back throwing the blonde back to the center of the ring.

Bakugou got to his feet staring at Izuku both were breathing hard and Katsuki noticed something and smiled. "You're almost out of juice." He said noting how much of that dark stuff Izuku had lost since the match started. When they had begun it was up to his shoulders but now it was in the middle of his forearms.

Izuku panted but nodded. "Yeah this is pretty taxing on my body, but you're in no better shape." Izuku said as he threw his arms back as far as they'd go corkscrewing as they did so before rushing towards Bakguou the ring cracking under the speed of his footfalls. I haven't really tested this technique out, and I'm not sure I can control it, but it's my best shot at finishing this. Izuku thought to himself as Katsuki exploded into the air before coming down towards Izuku setting off explosions to throw him into spiral as he came down on Izuku who slammed his foot into the ground cracking it under his step as he pulled his arm towards him and feeling it heat up before igniting as he threw it up towards Bakugou. "TWIN SIDEWINDER SMASH!" Izuku yelled.

Bakugou looked at his opponents flaming fist as he smiled. So that's how it is, alright Izuku let's do this no holding back! "HOWITZER IMPACT!" The two attacks collided and for the second and last time that day the arena erupted in noise, wind and smoke. The ring shattered apart flinging large chunks of stone across the field as hot wind blasted into the stands burning lungs. Mineta who had hardly been paying attention was blown upward barely caught by Shoji in time before almost being thrown out of the arena as it shook with the force of the two attacks the walls shaking and cracking.

"Eraserhead what is going on with your students!? They've nearly destroyed this place twice now. Have mercy on poor Cementoss down there not to mention Midnight!" Present Mic spoke adjusting his glasses as he looked at Aizawa who simply sat there staring at the massive plume of smoke before the window of their commentator box shattered under the force of the explosion.

"They were worried about getting attacked by villains we're in more danger from the students than anything else." Kamui Woods stated shaking his head as he looked back at the smoke. It took a minute before the smoke cleared revealing what the outcome of the battle was and it surprised everyone as Bakugou stood in the middle of the ring with two long furrows leading from where Izuku had been standing all the way to the outer wall of the ring where Izuku stood knee deep in two deep troughs before falling forward unconscious. "And our winner is Katsuki Bakugouuuu!" In lieu of Midnight who had been blown into the stands to the utter joy of several male spectators.

It took a while before the arena was made presentable again for the award ceremony that would be presented by none other than All Might who dropped into the arena from the sky. "I AM HERE…to present the awards to our top students in this Festival!" All Might said flexing as Tokoyami, Midoriya, and Bakugou were presented.

"Technically Iida would be here as well sharing third place with Tokoyami, but he was called away due to a family emergency. Gotta love those familial bonds right folks?" Midnight stated giving a wink as All Might walked up to Tokoyami presenting him with the bronze medal and a hug. "You may have lost this time, but learn from this. Try not to lean on your quirk so much and strengthen your foundation to overcome unfavorable odds in the future." All Might said to Tokoyami who bowed.

"I will take your words to heart All Might." Tokoyami responded looking at the bronze medal knowing how much harder he had to work.

Walking over to Izuku All Might smiled awarding him the silver medal and giving him a hug. "Don't let this get you down kid you came out and showed everyone what you had and the world took notice. I'm proud of you." All Might said as he then walked to Katsuki who grabbed hold of the medal pulling it over his head and looked at Izuku.

"I told you, I'd beat you Izuku. Now we're even and I'm going to pull even farther ahead of you!" Katsuki shouted to which Izuku turned to Katsuki.

"Then I'll just work harder and move even further ahead of you. We're tied right now and I won't let you outpace me anymore!" Izuku shouted as Katsuki grinned glaring at Izuku.

"You don't stand a chance Izuku." Was Katsuki's only response. All Might thought about interrupting the two, but noticed how they were acting towards one another. It wasn't Katsuki's normal antagonism to Izuku. No this was a rivalry born anew.

"HAHAHA! You two are the essence of youth let that carry you forward to your dreams. Now everyone join me in praising the effort of all the students and staff here. "THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The crowd erupted in criticism of All Might's misleading words bringing the Sports Festival to a close.

"Aww man that sucks I thought Izuku would win it all! Oh well guess I'll have to get him an extra big pizza. I wonder if they make triple XL pizzas." Mikey said going to call in the order as Raph shook his head.

"Damn well he did his best I'll only give him one punch for losing." Raph said heading off to the dojo as Leo turned to Master Splinter who smiled at the screen.

"You seem pleased Master." Leo stated as Yoshi stood up popping his back.

"I am Leonardo. I've never asked for you boys to win every fight you're in just that you give your all, and that's what Izuku did. Whether he won or lost I'm still proud of him." Yoshi stated walking off.

Inko sat on the couch and pouted a little. She'd wanted her little boy to win, but soon dropped her bratty attitude and smiled. "You did a good job Izuku tonight is your night!" She shouted before coughing. All that cheering had really done a number on her throat. "I need a cough drop."

Izuku had come home to the biggest party he'd seen. His brothers were there as well as Splinter, and his mother. Everyone had come to celebrate him getting second place in the sports festival. It had been a crazy night before Splinter and his sons and daughter left. Izuku had crawled into bed immediately afterwards and didn't wake up until almost noon the next day. He sat up and noticed his phone blinking on his dresser. He opened seeing several texts from Mina, Ochaco, and Toru all of them were varied but for the most part they were all congratulating him on his placing in the tournament. He smiled brushing his hair back as he stood up and stretched.

It was then he read the last text from Mina she wanted him to come over to her house as soon as he could. Looking at the time he decided to shower and get his morning routine done before getting something to eat on the way to Mina's house. His mother was still asleep when he got up to leave but noticed the message light on the house phone. Feeling curious he pushed it to hear what it said and he was shocked to hear his dad's voice.

"Hey Izuku I'm sure you're probably asleep by now, but I just wanted to let you know I did see the Sports Festival and just wanted to say how proud I am of you. I wish I could be there to see the kind of man you're growing into or should I say what kind of hero you're becoming, but anyway I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you Izuku and I love you." The message ended there as Izuku steadily wiped new tears from his face.

"Thanks dad." He whispered as he left to go see Mina hoping he could compose himself before he got there. Izuku had been jogging to Mina's house when he was stopped by a group of people crowding around him.

"Wow it's you from the Sport's Festival, Midoriya right? That was amazing, you kid have potential!" One older gentleman said shaking his head as several kids grabbed hold of his legs.

"You were awesome mister!" One boy said.

"Yeah I want to be like you when I get to high school you were all like BAM, and WHOOSH, and ZING!" The boy excitedly shouted imitating Izuku's moves.

"Oh well uh th-thanks I just did what I could to win." He said rubbing the back of his head as he excused himself waving at the crowd as he jogged to Mina's house his face deep red in embarrassment as he came up to Mina's house knocking on the door before it was thrown open and he was pulled inside and a light shone in his face as he was surrounded by the six girls from his class. "W-what's going on?" He asked as they all looked at him.

"You know exactly what's going on Midori. I told you I'd make everything alright and now I have." Mina stated as she stood behind him massaging his shoulders as she looked at the girls in front of the two of them. "First off the girls have something to say to you, so could you just listen to them all before answering?" Mina asked petting Izuku's fluffy green head as he nodded.

"Sure thing Ashidooaah I-I mean Mina!" He said as Mina tugged his ear to correct him.

"Good so I suppose Ochaco should go first." Mina said stepping back as Uraraka stepped forward taking a deep breath.

"Izuku I-I know about what you and Mina did, and I'm not mad. Well I was, but that was because I was jealous of Mina having you first, and that envy made me doubt you and for that I'm sorry. I thought you couldn't love me after going so far with Mina, but it was because of Mina that I realized how big your heart is and I know you have room for Mina and myself, so if you're ok with it I would like to be your girlfriend alongside Mina." Izuku's mouth fell open about to respond to the outrageous statement Ochaco made, but his mouth was covered by Mina who when he looked back at her held a finger to her lips.

"You promised to listen until the end, remember?" Mina reminded him to which Izuku nodded as Ochaco stepped back making room for Toru who looked at Izuku.

"Izuku I-I love you, it started when you saved me that day, and grew the longer we were together until I couldn't contain it anymore. Even right now my heart's so full of love it feels like it might burst and I don't want to stop loving you even if that means you won't be mine alone, so will you let me be your girlfriend too?" Toru asked before stepping back being replaced by a blushing Tsuyu.

"Ribbit. I-I'm not very good at expressing my emotions so I just wind up saying things in a blunt manner, so I'll just come out and say it. Izuku I like you a lot. I didn't know how much until I saw you at the USJ. You placed your faith in me with no hesitation and then put your own life on the line to save me and Mineta without a second thought. Your courage to face insurmountable odds leaves me breathless and I want to stay by your side now and forever."

Tsuyu moved backwards as Jiro came forward twirling her earlobe as she blushed her eyes dancing back and forth to Izuku. Normally Jiro was the coolest person in any room, but seeing her in such a bashful state made Izuku truly appreciate how feminine she was and caused him to swallow trying to get some moisture back into his mouth. Behind him Mina smiled.

I knew Jiro would come through girl just doesn't know how cute she is when she lets herself be. Mina thought as Jiro spoke. "Well I uh like you alright. I didn't think much of you when we first met kind of struck me as a goody two shoes, not that that's a bad thing!" Jiro said backpedaling before exhaling. "Look I like you and this drive you have to make everyone around you a better person and I want to be a better person around you, so let me be with you alright." She said stepping back as the other girls looked at her one thought running through their minds.

That was a train wreck!

Momo was the final one to step forward and coughed straightening her posture as if she was giving a speech to the world embassy though the dusting of pink on her cheeks gave away her inner struggle. "Midoriya I, much like Jiro didn't think much of you. Someone who does things without thinking of the consequences and has romanticized the hero profession, but after working alongside you I can see that my perception of you was truly flawed and for that I'm sorry." Momo said bowing her large bust jiggling some as she did so. Izuku's eyes widening not going unnoticed by the other girls present.

"Seeing how hard you work every day for our class and to achieve your dream is something to marvel at. It inspires me to do more and be better and I know that together on a more personal level we will grow and mature even more. I want us to be better together." Izuku swallowed as he looked at the gathered girls as Mina walked in front of him.

"And there you have it Midori we all have deep feelings for you, but we wanted it to be your decision. I know this is a lot to take in and if you don't feel the same about any of us we'll understand." Mina said swallowing this was her gambit after all, if it didn't work it would all be her fault. "Whatever you decide we'll accept it no matter what." Mina said as the girls all held hands in front of the man they loved.

Izuku's head was swirling, in all his predictions this had never come into his head. He thought he'd be more spastic about this falling all over himself, but oddly enough he was calmer than ever. "You all came to this decision together putting the wellbeing of the group over personal preferences. I-I can't turn that down. I don't think I deserve this, but I'll do my best to be the man you deserve that all of you deserve." He said standing up and smiling that brilliant smile that lit up all their worlds.

"IZUKU!" Shouted the six girls as they tackled him each kissing him on the lips.

That Monday class A was gathered telling each other about their weekend and how they were constantly being recognized by people on the streets. Bakugou looked back at Izuku. "What's up first loser!?" Bakugou gleefully mocked Izuku who had been lost in thought until he heard Bakugou's rough voice. He had been staring at Iida who he had talked to prior to entering class.

Tenya had come into the school building as Izuku was putting his shoes on and seeing him Izuku went over to ask about his brother Ingenium. During the Sports Festival Ingenium had been attacked by a villain and put into the hospital. "Hey Iida is your brother doing ok?" Izuku asked as Tenya turned towards him with a smile.

"Thank you for asking Midoriya, and yes my brother will make a speedy recovery. I'm sorry to have worried you and for not being able to congratulate you on your second place win. I hear it was quite the battle." Izuku sighed it was obvious Iida was hiding his pain, but Izuku didn't feel right prodding into such a personal subject. But now he'd have to deal with Bakugou's gloating this was how it was going to be for a while Bakugou would not let him forget his recent loss.

"Nothing how about you Katsuki?" Izuku said being civil with Bakugou not showing how much his gloating was getting to him which only seemed to antagonize Bakugou who turned around quickly ignoring Izuku's question as Aizawa walked in fully healed. "Mr. Aizawa you're all better now." Toru said clapping as Aizawa waved his hand.

"Recovery Girl went overboard on her healing, but yes I'm fully recovered, but enough about my physical health time for Hero Informatics in which you will be picking out your codenames for hero work." The class exploded at this once in a lifetime opportunity. This was their chance to make their stamp on the world here and now. "Alright settle down." Aizawa stated as he began to explain. "Normally you'd be doing this much later, but due to the overwhelming number of offers from the Sport's Festival it has been decided each of you should pick out a Codename for your upcoming internships." Aizawa said before posting each students' number of recommendations. Everyone cast their eyes to the top student who was a shock to the entire classroom.

With the most recommendations was none other than Izuku which immediately angered Katsuki. "What the you came in second place and yet you got more offers than me! How'd you do it Izuku!?" Shouted Bakugou as Midoriya smiled and shrugged.

"Guess I just made a better showing of myself." He said with a smirk that grated Katsuki's bones.

"Must have been all those crazy battles Midoriya was in. After all he was part of both matches that nearly destroyed the stadium and kept first place through two events. It's only natural that he'd have more offers Bakugou." Kirishima explained only for it anger Katsuki more as he sat there fuming at his desk.

"Though having more offers is better even those who didn't get any will still gain workplace experience, but now that you understand what's going on I'll leave you in the hands of Midnight to help you create your names." Aizawa said as the door opened with none other than Midnight walking in her hips swaying back and forth as she waltzed in.

"Yes I wouldn't want any of you to be stuck with a name that is obscene!" Midnight said licking her lips as she stepped behind Aizawa's desk the owner of said desk having already crawled into a sleeping bag. "Now then students you have fifteen minutes to pick out a hero name which you will then come up and announce to the class. You can always change these names later before you graduate, but the name should be special to you and what you want to say to the world each time someone says or hears your name." Midnight explained as each student began writing.

Izuku wrote down and dismissed several options before thinking deeper. He not only wanted something for himself, but to honor the aspects of One for All that would help him in the future, and with that in mind he wrote down the name he wanted. Each student came up to present their names starting with Aoyama whose name was shortened from I Cannot Stop Twinkling to Can't Stop Twinkling, and then Mina's name was changed from Alien Queen to Pinky. After these first two hiccups things seemed to go more smoothly with Tsu being known as Froppy, Kirishima as Red Riot, Jiro taking the name of her Quirk Earphone Jack, Shoji taking the name Tentacole, and Sero as Cellophane.

Izuku couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed at Ojiro going with Tailman, but shrugged it was obvious and hard to forget. Sato went with Sugarman, Denki calling himself Chargebolt, Toru's name; Invisible Girl brought a smile to Izuku's face yet another on the nose name, but he found it cute. Momo would call herself Creati another cute name in Izuku's opinion. Todoroki chose to go by his first name Shoto, Tokoyami chose a really cool name Tsukuyomi, which Midnight seemed to agree with wholeheartedly. Mineta chose the name Grape Juice which was thankfully not perverse, and Koji going with Anima.

Things took a turn when of course Bakugou wanted to incorporate murder into his hero name, which was an immediate rejection, and then there was Uraraka who chose the name Uravity. Izuku thought to himself that it suited her, but remembering what everyone called Ochaco before they knew her name after the ball throw he felt it was a missed opportunity. Infinity Girl would be a great name for Uraraka. He thought to himself with a smile.

Izuku was surprised as Tenya came up using his first name like Shoto. I was sure Iida would call himself Ingenium, but I guess with his brother soon to make a full recovery he didn't want to take his name as if the old Ingenium was gone. Midoriya thought to himself worried about his friend, and then it was his turn. Izuku walked up to the desk and spoke.

"Our names are supposed to be our mark on the world telling people what kind of good we can do, so with that in mind. I wanted a name that showed people my Hero Way that I'm a force for good and a servant of Justice so my name will be J Force!" He said turning his board around to present his name and wondered why he said his Hero Way. For some reason it just seemed right.

"What a fantastic name Midoriya it makes my whole body shiver with passion!" Midnight announced wrapping her arms around herself and twisting back and forth as Izuku blushed and several eyes pinned him to the wall the most unexpected one being Mineta who glared at Izuku with jealousy following him all the way back to his seat. "All those names were marvelous choices well except one." Midnight said casting an eye at Bakugou who fumed in his seat over his rejected names. "Wear them proudly while doing your internships and with that I am out of here, wake up Shota!" Midnight shouted as she left causing Aizawa to sit up angrily just as the bell rang allowing him to fall back to sleep as the students headed out for lunch.

Izuku stood up from his desk and began walking towards the door with Ochaco in tow. "Hey Deku want to eat lunch with me and the girls?" Ochaco asked but before Izuku could answer a voice called out from a corner. Izuku looked seeing none other than the buff form of All Might with a comparatively small lunchbox waving him over.

"Wanna have lunch?" All Might asked causing Ochaco to sputter in laughter at the hero's question. Izuku looked back at the girls who waved him off as he left to talk with All Might who lead him back to the lounge where there was a large stack of papers and then one lone sheet next to it.

"What's going on All Might is there something wrong?" Izuku asked sitting down across from All Might as the hero returned to his true form and sat down.

"Stop worrying so much everything is fine in fact it's more than fine, which is why I called you in here. There's a decision I need you to make." All Might said as Izuku swallowed in preparation for some life altering decision. "It's about your internship offers. This stack of papers is all the heroes who want you to intern at their agencies." All Might said pushing the foot tall stack of papers towards Izuku. "You'll find offers from some of the top heroes in Japan. From Best Jeanist, Kamui Woods I think I even saw an offer from Endeavor in there." All Might said as Izuku stared at the stack of papers as if he'd found the Holy Grail.

"Y-y-you mean all these heroes want me?" Izuku asked as All Might nodded.

"Exactly any of these heroes could give you a clear shot at being the Symbol of Peace not to mention the experience of working alongside one of the top ten pros. Now this is the crux of our conversation. On this page is the internship I most think you should accept. I know it's not my place, but I believe that this internship will be the best in terms of training your new abilities. It's with my old friend David Shield on I-Island." Izuku's eyes nearly popped from his skull at All Might's admission.

"The David Shield the man who is responsible for making all your costumes and gear! He wants me to come to I-Island for training?!" Izuku gasped his heart pounding in his chest at this great opportunity.

"Yes I asked him to watch the sports festival and he found you interesting enough to put in an offer. The question is which will you take? On the one hand you can gain an early foothold in the hero world as the intern of a popular hero or you can travel to I-Island and gain more experience and training with your new power or even discover a new one. The choice is yours." All Might stated as Izuku lifted the first few pages of the list of offers letting each one fall back into place before taking the offer from I-Island.

"If you say this is better for my personal growth as the future Symbol of Peace All Might then I have no reason to doubt you. I will take the internship at I-Island." Izuku said pushing the tower of other offers back towards All Might who smiled before bowing.

"I know it was selfish of me to put forth my own opinion on something that affects your future, but I am grateful you went with my choice." All Might said sitting back up as Izuku smiled.

"Wasn't it you who told me that helping even where you're not wanted is the essence of being a hero?" Izuku said laughing a little as he stood up with All Might mirroring his action.

"I suppose I was. I'll take care of setting everything up. I'm sure Aizawa told you that the internship will last for a week starting next Monday so I'll be sure to get a flight for us that Sunday, until then don't go too crazy with your training ok?" All Might said wagging his finger at Izuku who nodded rubbing the back of his head.

"Sure thing All Might in fact I was planning on using the rest of this work to take it easy, get out and do something fun." All Might nodded.

"That's good Young Midoriya rest is just as important as proper exercise. It's good for both mind and body to relax I fully endorse this idea!" All Might said as he and Izuku shook hands before parting as Izuku smiled. "Oh and here have this it's not like I can do much with it." All Might said as he handed Izuku the lunchbox he'd been holding.

"Thanks All Might." Izuku said as he left and began thinking. I have six girls to show a good time to. OH boy where do I begin!?

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