48.32% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1342: 7

章節 1342: 7

A/N: The first Aspect has appeared the Pirate King Luffy! I had always planned for Luffy to be the first aspect to appear because One Piece is my favorite Anime and well nobody throws down like Luffy.

Giltlawyer9000: As for Haki and the gears this chapter should answer your question, but I will go into more detail in an author's note at the end.

Now let's begin! E for Extinction belongs to Thousand Foot Krutch.

All Might leaned against the back of the couch in his true form he'd been resting on since he'd gotten to UA that morning. He'd foolishly gone past his limit this morning and couldn't make it to class, but worst of all he's being held captive by Principal Nezu and his long winded speeches. Now All Might had immense respect for the principal, but this was bordering on torture. "All Might are you listening?" Nezu asked having climbed onto the back of couch to stare Toshi in the eye.

All Might Jumped having been roused from his inner turmoil coughing up a bit of blood moving so suddenly. "Of course Principal Nezu, I was just thinking maybe it's time I head out to the USJ you know make an appearance at least." All Might said transforming into his buff form as he opened the lounge door.

"Oh very well All Might I'm surprised I was able to hold you here this long, but go ahead." Principal Nezu said sipping his tea as All Might gave a wave and dashed out of the room before the Principal changed his mind.

If I hurry I can maybe even give a few tips on rescue operations! All Might thought to himself as he put on even more speed.

Izuku looked at the man called Luffy before him and cocked an eyebrow. King of the pirates what's that mea?. Pirates are evil aren't they, why would someone entrust One for All to a pirate? He thought to himself as Luffy stood up throwing a few punches completely unaware of Izuku's quandary and because Izuku's body wasn't completely formed in this world he couldn't say anything.

Luffy looked at the boy and smiled again. "Don't worry kid I'm going to help you out my quirk is totally the best to beat that guy to a pulp. My body's rubber see." He said pulling his cheek nearly a foot from his face before letting it snap back into place. Izuku's eyes nearly shot from his skull at the ridiculousness of Luffy's quirk. "So blunt force doesn't work on me, but I'm not sure what exactly it'll be like for you. One for All has been boosting all our quirks while storing them so my quirk might be a little unwieldy at first, but that's why I'm here. I'll guide you with it giving you all my knowledge and together we'll send that guy flying!"

Luffy held out his hand to Izuku who looked at it for a moment. He didn't really understand what was going on, but all he needed to know was that this guy was going to help him protect his friends from villains, and that was good enough for him. For the first time since discovering this place Izuku was able to move and gripped Luffy's hand firmly.

Tomura Shigaraki was clapping his hands as Nomu moved towards him his fists coated in the blood of that boy. "Hahahah well done Nomu!" Tomura said clapping like an excited child having watched some amazing stunt be performed. "That'll teach these kids to respect their elders!" Tomura was interrupted from his gloating as an explosion of steam could be seen from the hole Izuku had been pounded into. A tall pillar of red energy wafted from it like steam as a figure stood in the middle. The steam was so thick it could even be seen from the entrance.

"What is that?" Mina asked squinting her eyes as she looked on with the others. Mineta and Tsu who had climbed out of the water and had been trying to sneak close enough for Tsu to grab Midoriya's body from the hole until that powerful red steam had erupted from the crater.

"What is tha-!" Tomura couldn't see what happened but suddenly Nomu's hand was in front of him and he was splattered with the creature's blood. "Nomu what are you doing?!" He shouted angrily trying to clean the blood from his face only to see Nomu's hand having been completely destroyed and was in the process of regeneration. It was then that Tomura got a good look at Izuku. His suit was destroyed leaving him topless with shredded pants. Izuku's arms and legs were coated in a reddish black sheen that terminated right before his shoulders. Izuku's green hair was wafting above his head like fire.

Izuku released a breath steam ejecting from his mouth as he looked at Nomu whose fist had just regenerated with the creature giving a bird like screech. Tomura had no idea what had happened to this boy, but Nomu was meant to kill All Might this kid didn't have a chance. "Give it up brat nothing you do will work. Nomu has regeneration, and shock absorption not to mention ungodly strength not even All Might can beat him!" Tomura laughed before pointing at Izuku. "KILL HIM NOMU!" The creature bounded toward Izuku as if struck by a whip.

"Midoriya get out of the way!" Tsu shouted not wanting her friend to be hurt anymore, but Izuku either couldn't hear her or chose to ignore her advice as he raised his left hand up palm out as if telling Nomu to stop before he pulled his right hand back folding the first two joints of his fingers inward. In his head Izuku heard Luffy speak. "Just wait for him line him up with the tip of your left index finger keep him there and then fire!"

Izuku waited a moment right as Nomu got within striking distance of him there was a sound like a whip crack and Nomu went flying backwards the ground around Izuku and Nomu cracking under the force of the attack.

(Play this /h9GEPqBssVk)

"Mamba Smash." Izuku said right as he seemingly disappeared from sight. Nomu thrust it's hands into the ground to slow it's flying body leaving two furrows in the ground before coming to a stop and standing up. Izuku appeared above Nomu placing the soles of his feet together and kicked downward towards Nomu who punched upward the two attacks clashing as wind swirled around the impact. "Spear Smash!" Izuku shouted as Nomu reached forward with his other hand looking to grab Izuku's legs only for the boy to kick off the giant's fist and land a few yards away from the beast the two staring at one another.

Izuku stretched his leg back before whipping it forward and kicking Nomu in the knee shattering his skull kneepad and bending the joint backward, but it seemed Nomu didn't even feel the pain as he fell to the ground and grabbed hold of Izuku's leg and began swinging the boy around in a circle slamming him into the trees of the small forest they were in before pulling Izuku toward himself. "Block now!" Izuku heard as he brought his arms in front of him in an X watching as Nomu's fist impacted his arms. Izuku expected to hear his bones break once again, but instead Nomu's fist sunk into his arms before he was thrown upward towards the ceiling.

"Shishishishi One for All really is amazing it's somehow made my rubber quirk tougher than it was before." Luffy spoke in Izuku's mind. "So it's more like the Volcanized rubber on tires then." Izuku spoke getting a better grasp of his power now. "Yeah like that now, turn around and dig your hands into the ceiling!" Izuku spun midair on Luffy's command and slammed into the ceiling his arms sinking into themselves to cushion the impact as Izuku hung there for a moment before jumping to the side to avoid Nomu who had launched himself into the ceiling after him. "Now you've got him throw your fist back as far as you can and then let him have it! Izuku nodded throwing his right arm back and then yanked it forward as Nomu started climbing over to him leaving himself completely open as Izuku went to slam his fist into his face Nomu dodged to the side.

"Oh no he dodged it!" Luffy shouted, but Izuku felt like he could still hit Nomu with his attack. "No I believe in you One for All there's nothing we can't hit! Python Smash!" He shouted as red electricity crackled along Izuku's arm turning it at two angles to slam into Nomu's back driving him from the ceiling the massive creature began to fall. "That was amazing now finish him with this. Drop from the ceiling and throw your arm out behind you and twist it like a corkscrew. This was my trusty Rifle Smash!" Luffy said in Izuku's mind as the green haired boy followed his lead. In his mind Izuku had felt that the form he'd taken was best suited for the Snake Style he'd learned from Master Splinter being able to stretch and strike quickly from unexpected directions was the epitome of the style and as such he'd named all his attacks after snakes and this one would be no different.

Izuku's arm stretched to the limit as he spun it around before pulling it back towards him his fist unwinding at blistering speeds his arm beginning to glow with the friction of the air before bursting into flame. All of USJ looked up at the glowing figure that was Izuku as he fell from the ceiling like a meteor on reentry.

(Stop Music)

Katsuki and Kirishima looked up from the villains they'd trounced at the bright figure in the sky. "Is that Midoriya?" Kirishima asked covering his eyes to get a better look as Katsuki stood next to him his fists clenched an angry smile on his face.

"Izuku!" He growled. Staring at his once victim moving ahead of him even more.

Todoroki looked up from his position in the landslide zone staring up at the figure in the air. "Midoriya, you're full of surprises aren't you?" He stated as unknown to him Toru who had been hiding behind a rock as not to get frozen stared at Izuku and shook in awe.

Just how awesome are you Izuku!?" She asked herself.

Momo and Jiro who were being threatened by one of the villains looked up at the false star in the sky as did the electrical villain who was holding Kaminari hostage. Taking this moment Jiro connected her Jack to the speaker on her leg and blasted a soundwave into the guy knocking the him out and letting the stupefied Kaminari free. Jiro smiled as she helped the electrical user up. "That's our class rep for ya, helping us out whenever he can." Jiro said with a blush on her face much like Momo who clutched her chest.

A guy like that is depending on me?! Oh what am I going to do?!" Momo thought as she bit her lip.

At the entrance all the students looked at Izuku taking on the creature that had savaged their teacher so badly and cheered. "Go Midoriya you've got this hun!" Mina shouted as Ochaco smiled tears in her face.

"You never stop moving forward Izuku, how's a girl supposed to keep up?" She asked amidst the cheering.

(Resume Music)

Izuku stared down at Nomu as he closed in his fist rocketing forward. "SIDEWINDER SMASH!" He shouted as his fist connected with Nomu's gut exploding in flame as the monster was dropped to the ground in a massive plume of smoke with Izuku landing next to him his springy legs absorbing the shock completely. Tomura and Kurogiri stared at the boy as he stood there seemingly victorious only for the rubble of Nomu's crash to be thrown away as the burnt creature stood up beginning to heal the damage. "What he's still standing?!" Izuku said as his body began steaming more. His muscles felt as if they were on fire.

"We've almost reached our limit, but we can't stop now! We're so close!" Luffy said in his head as Midoriya raised his fists hearing Tomura laughing not too far away.

"Didn't I tell you fool. Whatever you do Nomu will heal no matter how hard you hit him he'll absorb it! He's the ultimate creation of my master made to kill All Might!" Tomura shouted out gleefully.

"I-I can't beat hi-." Izuku was cut off by Luffy shouting in his head.

"Yes you can! Nobody is invincible. If he can heal we'll beat him until he can't. If he can absorb hits then we'll hit him more than he can take. We don't stop, never give in!" Luffy shouted his unbending will infecting Izuku as he smiled clenching his fists energy crackled around the boy's fists forming into the heads of two snakes before throwing them forward again and again each faster than before until it looked as if Izuku's arms began multiplying. Nomu held up its arms to block the blows as it continued to advance on Izuku, but there were just too many getting through. For every one Nomu blocked ten more got through until his encroachment was halted and then began pushing him back each fist hitting like a missile.

"HYDRAAAAAA…." Izuku pulled both his hands back as far as they'd go before hurling them forward with the two large snake heads slamming into Nomu's chest. "SMASH!" Nomu was slammed hard the ground shattering underneath him as he was lifted up and flew backwards slamming into the wall of the USJ before rocketing through it outside and far away.

Izuku watched the receding figure of Nomu as the world slowly faded to black around him. He could hear Luffy's voice in his head fading with each passing moment. "Shishishi nice one kid I'm glad I was able to fight with you, don't stop here we're all waiting to see how far you go." Izuku's body fell to the ground the steam from his body finally stopped. Shigaraki and Kurogiri looked at the unconscious boy in front of them.

"No it can't be that's impossible!" Shigaraki shouted scratching at his neck blood flowing from the numerous scrapes. "H-he couldn't have beat Nomu!" Shigaraki's hands fell from his neck as he started to move forward slowly at first before going into a dead run as he advanced on Izuku's body his hands outstretched before feeling a massive impact on his side throwing him far to the left. He rolled on the ground before being caught by Kurogiri and looking at the frowning face of the number one hero.

"I appreciate you boys' help, but I'll take it from here." All Might spoke alerting the two villains to the two boys that were standing on either side of the unconscious Midoriya; Bakugou and Todoroki.

"I would be ashamed of myself if I allowed our Class Rep to be killed before my eyes." Said Todoroki a small ice wall protecting the unconscious form of Izuku as Bakugou growled.

"I wasn't here for shitty Izuku I just wanted another chance to blow their asses up!" Shouted Bakugou casting a glance at Izuku's unconscious form.

All Might wanted nothing more than to smile right now Izuku had went above and beyond the call of his station, but All Might had expected nothing less. "Nevertheless I'd appreciate it if you two got Aizawa and Midoriya far from here while I deal with these two!" All Might growled turning to Shigaraki and Kurogiri only to see the two of them retreating into a portal.

"We've lost Tomura we should leave." Kurogiri cautioned as Tomura glared at All Might and then at the shielded form of Izuku as the portal closed behind him. All Might rose from his fighting stance. He'd wanted nothing more than to chase after those two, but Aizawa and the rest of the class were his priority.

"I'll be back students." All Might said before disappearing only to start reappearing in the other zones of the USJ proceeding to incapacitate every villain there. By the time the other teachers arrived with Iida All Might was tossing the last of the villains onto an already massive pile.

"Aw man looks like the party's over." Present Mic said as he and the other teachers began to look over the students for injuries. Luckily it seemed that the only injuries were Aizawa, Thirteen and Midoriya all of whom were rushed to Recovery Girl.

"This is terrible All Might. To think that UA was invaded by Villains, if not for you getting here when you did this could have been much worse." Principal Nezu said looking over the students. "But it seems that this experience has given them much knowledge in what it means to be a hero." All Might shook his head kneeling down to the principal and whispering.

"That's not the case Nezu sir. I only arrived here moments before you did, the students did the heavy lifting none more so than Izuku Midoriya from what I'm told. He fought the creature called Nomu and defeated him." Nezu's face didn't change all that much, but for All Might who had known the mysterious creature for so long he could tell he was shocked.

"I see so that's what happened. We called the police on the way over and they just informed me they found a large creature far from here; I'm guessing that creature is the Nomu. I think we should pay Midoriya a visit." Nezu said climbing onto All Might's shoulder, but before the number one hero could leave he was stopped by the fellow students of class 1-A.

"How is Midoriya, and Mr. Aizawa doing?!" Asked Yaoyorozu stepping into her role as Vice Rep.

"Yeah Midoriya went all in like a man we gotta see him." Kirishima spoke pounding his chest.

"S'il vous plait I must wish him well, seeing my twinkling visage will no doubt ensure a speedy recovery." Aoyama said swishing his cape back and forth.

Principal Nezu raised a paw to quell the anxious student body. "Children please there will be time to see Midoriya after Recovery Girl gives the ok, and we've spoken with him. For now please follow Ectoplasm back to class." Disappointedly the students followed Nezu's orders and were lead back to the school building by said teacher as All Might and Nezu went to the nurse's office finding Recovery girl there administering the final touches to a groggy Izuku.

"All Might you're ok." Izuku said trying to stand only to fall back on the bed.

"Easy there young Midoriya you've pushed yourself really hard today." All Might said helping Izuku lay properly in the bed.

"That's an understatement he's completely exhausted so whatever questions you have for him will have to wait, and I need to speak with you most of all Mr. Symbol of Peace! I've called a cab for the boy and one of the teachers will make sure he gets home safe." Recovery Girl said whacking All Might in the back of the knee.

"Y-yes ma'am!" All Might said rubbing his leg as he began to follow Chiyo before Izuku called out to him.

"All Might before you go I-I have to tell you something." All Might turned around at the boy while his eyes drooped. "I-I saw one of them All Might, the p-previous users of One for All. I saw the Pirate King." He said before nodding off. All Might looked at Izuku unsure what he meant.

"The Pirate King, who's that?" Nezu asked All Might who shook his head.

"I have no idea sir, but I do believe Izuku when he said he met a former user of One for All." All Might crossed his arms in thought before Chiyo coughed gaining his attention.

"First things first gentlemen. Izuku is in a state of complete exhaustion after my healing, his muscles are the biggest priority. Before I healed them it was as if they'd been torn apart, but I managed to heal them, from what I was told from the teachers by the students he should be more injured. Broken bones, ruptured organs, but nothing. I have no idea how to explain it." She said sitting down and tapping her cane as the two males took this new information in and looked at the boy in the table even more amazed.

Shigaraki walked into the Mahjong bar and grabbed the nearest chair reducing it to dust before kicking over a table as Kurogiri sighed watching the tantrum before their master spoke ending the childish tirade. "Tomura what's wrong?" All for One asked as Tomura looked at the screen in the back of the room.

"Nomu failed master! Not only did he never see All Might he was taken out by some kid with more than one quirk!" All for One frowned from where he was as his doctor questioned Shigaraki.

"My Nomu defeated by a child!? Impossible he was perfect!"

"Well perfection lost you quack!" Tomura shouted before All for One spoke again.

"What quirks did he have Tomura?" All for One asked as Tomura sat at the bar tapping his fingers against the surface.

"Strength for one, and he could stretch really far." All for One frowned deeply as Memories of a man in a straw hat ran through his mind. He rubbed his stomach as the memory of numerous fists impacting him was dredged from the depths of his mind.

Izuku slowly opened his eyes as he looked towards the ceiling of his own room and not the nurse's office. He turned his head to the side noticing a plate with a sandwich on it and a glass of water. He smiled as his stomach growled. He sat up to satisfy his hunger when he noticed he was still in his school uniform and there was something in his pants pocket. He remembered that his hero costume had been completely destroyed so obviously someone had dressed him in his school uniform before sending him home. He reached in feeling a bundle of cloth and pulled it out as he turned on the lamp next to his bed unfurling the bundle only to come face to face with a pair of purple and black panties.

"W-wh-w-what!" He shouted before covering his mouth hoping he hadn't woke his mother as he looked at the underwear in his hands. There was a note inside the underwear that he fished out noticing how moist the paper was in his hands and blushing furiously as he peeled the folded note apart and looked at the words on it.

Give these back when you're ready. I won't wear any others until you do. Don't make me wait or do if that's what you're into. Izuku swallowed hard as he stared at the note and the panties in his hands. There was an address on the note, and he knew it wasn't from Toru who's house he'd been to several times, so who's were they?

A/N: So more in depth of Luffy's quirk. In the canon when Izuku received Black Whip it was vastly overpowered from when it belonged to it's original user, so keeping that in mind I gave Izuku Luffy's Snake Man form. The basis being Luffy's rubber Quirk, and the Armament Haki aspect coming from One for All. I think Snake Man fits Izuku's style best and out of all Luffy's Gear fourth modes it changes him the least.

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