41.62% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1156: 6

章節 1156: 6

Well it was official.

She was a D-cup.

Guess Izuku's quirk was right that she had been in denial about being a B before.

Itsuka ran a hand over the plain black bra that she was trying on, feeling the smooth curve of her breasts into the bra. It wasn't really a push up bra - that was still sitting on the hanger, it was red, had a cute design and just felt way too mature for her to even dare putting on - rather it was just an everyday bra. Which was still a bit much considering she all but lived in a sports bra.

She missed not having to wear a bra.

It wasn't that she was a tomboy. Okay, so she was, but she also liked girly things, like long baths, having long hair, and stuffed animals. It was just... bras really sucked! And she had been a B-cup for years! And there was no way her parents were going to find out that she grew again. Her father cried when she bought her first bra and her mother was excessively nosy about things like that.

Still, this casual black bra was actually pretty comfortable. Probably because for once it was the right size. How long had she been ever so slightly too large for her bras? It should have been okay, sports bras were stretchy for a reason. And probably not meant to be what she always wore.

Itsuka bounced. Just once. Everything stayed in place. It didn't hurt a lot. But. They did look bigger. And nicer than she remembered. She blamed Izuku's quirk both for the size and general improvements to them.

"How's it feel?" Momo's soft, reserved voice came from the other side of the curtain. After revealing the details of what the charisma score did, Momo had been filled with questions, and when the topic of needing to go bra and cloth shopping had come up, Momo had gotten really excited. Like really, really excited. Which was why they were here now. Momo asked, and she had looked so happy, it was impossible to say no.

That and Momo did offer to pay for a lot of it.

It was just a shame that Izuku couldn't come. Not for the bra shopping! She didn't need his opinion on the bras or anything. She looked at the red one. Nope! Not at all!

"It feels pretty good actually, I feel like I can actually breath." She smiled and rolled her shoulders. No pinching, that was good. The cups were soft enough. But if she wore something like this to school, especially during the summer, someone might notice.

"That's good. I found a few more in your size. Would you like me to, uhh, come see?" She could practically hear the blush in Momo's voice. Itsuka still hadn't let her live down that cute cat girl comment. It wasn't the first time someone had called her cute, but the pure surprise of it had her walking slightly prouder ever since. It was almost as good as when Izuku called her cute!

Not that she was keeping track or anything.

"Are you sure you just don't want to call me cute again?" Itsuka smile and opened the curtain just enough to pull the blushing Momo into the changing room with her. Momo was dressed in a cute early spring outfit that had a long sleeved black shirt, red skirt, black leggings, and brown boots that just looked like a really cute and comfortable outfit, her hair was tied into a ponytail that spiraled out at the back.

Momo stumbled in and huffed, her cheeks pink. "Those were private thoughts; I wish you'd forget about them."

Itsuka stuck tongue out and looked at the two new bras Momo had brought her. One was just a plain brown version of what she was wearing, and the other was, "What is that?"

"Oh, well when I was, uhh, browsing, I found these." Momo sat the brown one on the hook and held out the small black top. It covered more area than a normal bra did and looked a bit like a sports bra but with smaller straps. However, there was an cat-head shaped hole in the middle. "I believe it's called Nyangerie?"

"It's also called: I'm not wearing it." Itsuka smiled and looked at the outfit. What would Izuku think if- No! Bad thoughts! "But you might look good in it."

Momo went red. "I think they'd look better on you. Especially since you actually had cat ears." Momo pushed the garment into Itsuka's hands. "Besides, look, it's for you."


Itsuka looked at the bra and panties.


Equippable by Itsuka Kendo]

"I umm, don't recall ever seeing anything equipable before, so I thought you'd like to, uhh, experiment with it? I tried to look for others but it was the only one. Well, besides a different bra that gave +2 to charisma. Which, uhh," Momo let her shoulders slump. "How would that work?"

"I have no idea. And I really don't want to find out." Itsuka looked down at her chest trying to imagine what two extra points of charisma would do. If it only worked on her cup size, a plus two would be huge! "What if it was permanent?"

Momo shuddered and nodded. "But about the cat hole?"

Itsuka thumbed the material. It did feel soft. Really soft. And it did look cute. But why was it equipable when nothing else was? Did Izuku unlock something new? Or was this something else. "Alright fine, I'll put it on."

[Achievement Unlocked: The Purrfect Meowtfit.

Putting that on will make some nerd really happy.

Reward: Sexy Cat Girl skin]

Itsuka blinked. She didn't even put it on and she got an achievement for it? And a skin? Not a new system or something cool, but a skin? She blinked and looked up at Momo. "I unlocked a sexy cat girl skin-eep!"

[Skin changed. Under-Skin Sexy Cat Girl enabled.]

The bra she was wearing changed suddenly into the cat bra she had been holding, her breasts jiggling far more than they should have at suddenly changing homes. Likewise, her underwear changed into the panties that came with the bra. At least she thought so as her skirt was still covering them.

But that wasn't all. She dropped the clothing and her hands flew to the top of her head where she felt something furry pop up. They were back. "Why do I have cat ears again?"

"So cute," Momo muttered, stars in her eyes for a moment.

"Not helping."

Momo shook her head and looked at her, then looked at the floor where the original nyangerie set rested. "So what happened?"

"I don't know, I got an achievement, it said I unlocked a skin, and now I have cat ears and-" yep the tail was back too. She let out a whine. It wasn't as embarrassing as before, but she would like to have some control over when she turned into a cat girl! Like for Halloween! "Why does this happen to me?"

"It's a good look on you." Momo laughed, smiling slightly. "Umm, do you think I could touch your cat ears?"

Itsuka let out a sigh, "Fine, but you're helping me hide this afterwards."

Momo bit her lip, hand extending towards Itsuka's head. She touched one ear. And. Oh. Oh. That felt. That felt really good. Like a good back massage, only twice as good and it just made her want too-

"Nyan~" Itsuka let out a mewl. She took a step back from Momo and slapped both hands over her mouth. Her face felt hot- really hot. She stared at Momo who had a stunned look on her quickly reddening face. How much could they possibly blush? Slowly she lowered her hands and glared at Momo. "Never say a word of that to anyone."

"Even to Izuku?"

"Especially to Izuku!"

"Fine, but I think I know how to change you out of that mode." Momo picked up the lingerie that started this all.

"You do?" Itsuka asked, her cat ears were still tingling. She couldn't hear out of them, so why were they so sensitive!? It was almost like she was touching herself. How would that feel if she tried played with her cat ears while masturbating? That was so not a good thought to have!

Momo nodded. "Yes, I believe that it activated when you said the skin name. So many try saying the skin name again?"

"Sexy Cat Girl skin."

[Sexy Cat Girl skin already enabled.]

"Disable Sexy Cat Girl skin?" She tried again.

[Sexy Cat Girl skin disabled.]

The bra returned to normal, as did her panties, and the cat features went away. The realization that as comfortable as her new bra was, the cat girl skin had been even more so was a mixed blessing. "Oh thank fuck that worked. Thanks, Momo."

"Think nothing of it. It's partially my fault for bringing them to you. Guess I still need to learn what not to trust about this quirk." Momo smiled, "Though, I would like to experiment with it just a bit."

"Oh, god, what's your idea?" She had a bad feeling about this.

"Well, it'd be useful to know if you can enable it while nude. Just in case you ever lose your clothes." Momo rattled off turning to look away from Itsuka. "Which given the nature of Izuku's quirk, I fear might be more than likely."

She hated that Momo was right.

With a sigh, Itsuka took off the new bra and stuck it back onto the hanger. "Sexy Cat Girl Skin."

She jumped again at the sudden change, but she was no longer topless. Well she was in that she didn't have a shirt on but she was no longer free boobing it. "Well, your idea worked. Looks like I'll always have a clean change of underwear. At the cost of cat ears."

"Oh excellent." Momo turned and smiled at her. "Now then, just one last test. I'm starting to understand why you're so interested in Izuku's quirk. Especially since it works when he's not around." Momo coughed into her hand and stood straight. "Sexy Cat Girl skin."

Nothing happened.

"It appears as though the skins are per person. I'll have to keep my eye out for other such items." Momo let out a breath and grabbed all the bras save for the red one. "I'll go purchase these and you should try that one on."

"Wait, why are you buying the cat one?"

"For the economy. Just because Izuku's quirk allows you to wear it without buying it does not mean we shouldn't purchase it."

"I am not taking that home with me. My parents would tease me to death if they found something like that in my room."

Momo looked at it and then smiled. "Fair enough I suppose. But don't worry; I'll purchase it for myself then. We're pretty close in size so it should fit."

Itsuka watched as Momo exited the changing room. She wasn't certain if the girl just wanted a pair for herself or if she was actually worried about the economy. Though with a quirk that allowed her to make anything, it did make sense.

Itsuka deactivated her new skin and looked at the red push up bra. Time to become a grown up.

The bra went on easy enough, and once clasping it it did feel a bit uncomfortable. Not as uncomfortable as a bra that was two sizes too small, but rather, just how it made her boobs pressed together.

When she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt her mouth drop.

"Woah, my boobs look awesome."


"Itsuka! I found another one." Momo all but skipped over to her as they were looking for new clothes for the spring and summer. She was holding a frilly apron? "What exactly did you do to get the unlock?"

Itsuka put the cute blouse she had been eyeballing down and smiled at Momo. "Well I just said that I would wear it and then-"

"I will wear it." Momo said firmly looking at the apron. She gasped a moment later eyes going wide. Itsuka could swear her new best friend - besides Izuku - was sparkling. "I got an unlock."

"Well, are you going to try it?" Itsuka asked. It was just an apron, so there was a good chance that was all that Momo was going to be wearing in just a second. Which, while embarrassing, would be absolutely hilarious because it wasn't going to happen to her. Was it mean she was going to let it happen? Yes. Was she a mean person? Not really.


"Momo, I think-"

"Commando Maid Skin."

Too late.

In a blink of an eye, Momo's entire outfit changed, going from a pleasant spring get up, to, well, something that looked more in line with the maid cafe they passed by a few stores back. A short black dress with white trim ended just above her knees, thin black stockings, white half-apron with ruffled lace, and some black heels that looked sharp enough to stab someone with.

A ruffled white head piece was now in Momo's hair and her hair had changed from her spiral ponytail to a long straight ponytail that was held in place by a white scrunchy.

Honestly, Itsuka felt cheated that there wasn't a giant boob hole in the outfit.

"Huh, that actually looks normal." Itsuka scratched her head. It wasn't that Momo didn't look good in it, she did, it was just that she didn't know how an outfit like that could possibly be used outside of an emergency. "Why was it called commando though?"

"I umm," Momo squirmed and held the front of her skirt down. "I think I know why."

"Huh?" Itsuka blinked. Why was she - Oh. "Oh!"

"Disable Commando Maid skin." Momo mumbled.

Her regular outfit and hair style returned. "Please don't tell anyone about that."

"Does Izuku count as anyone?"

"Especially Izuku."

"Fine, fine."


They were the same size, technically speaking, but Itsuka's were… nicer. Not only were they more symmetrical, and just nicer looking in general, but Itsuka's were also perkier. It was strange. Was it a side effect of Izuku's quirk increasing her charisma? Was that worth going up a cup size if her breasts just got that extra little boost in terms of everything?

"Hey, Itsuka," Momo asked scooting closer to the girl that was quickly becoming her breast - best - friend. A trip to the baths was exactly what they both needed after a long day of shopping. And the artificial hot spring they had chosen was simply amazing, even better than the one her family owned. But that might just be because of her company.

"Hmm?" Itsuka hummed, her long orange hair was tied up with a small towel to prevent it from getting wet while the soaked, Momo's hair was like wise done up. The girl turned to her, her green eyes sparkling and her smile was filled with relaxation. She turned to look at Momo, eyes flashing downward for just a moment. "Sup?"

Momo glanced around the hot spring and scooted closer again. Was it too close? Their hands were almost touching. It was just that this was a bit of a sensitive subject. "I was hoping to ask you about something."

Itsuka tilted her head slightly to the side, one eyebrow raised.

"When you, umm, put that, err, well before you put that point in charisma, did your breasts always look so nice? And you mentioned that it also doesn't really hurt your back, do you think that maybe the increase helped with that?" Oh god, she managed to say it! She buried her face in her hands to try and hide her growing blush.

She knew this would happen if they went into the bath together! Really was this bi-panic? It felt like bi-panic!

"Hmm." Itsuka grabbed her own breasts and jiggled them in the water a bit. "I never really had back problems but I haven't really been this big for this long. But no, my shoulders don't really hurt. And I, uhh, they used to be, uhh, a bit droopier. I just thought this was how big boobs looked."

"Ahh, I see." Momo sat back and leaned against the wall. "Thank you for sharing. I think I might ask Izuku to put my last point in Charisma."

"What? Why? Do you really want to-" Itsuka looked around the bath and leaned in close to whisper. "Do you really want to be bigger."

Kinda. "Not directly, but if it makes them look better, and helps with back problems, it'd be worth it. Besides, it could just be that it increases your bust size once. Charisma can mean many things."

"Yes, but none of those things have been directly related to bigger boobs. I looked it up right after." Itsuka huffed her face red. "But fine, I won't stop you. And I am pretty curious too. It's the only stat we can actually see change right now anyways."

Momo nodded and steeled herself. "Here goes nothing."

"There goes every bra you own."

[Momo Yaoyorozu: Izuku, hello?

Izuku Midoriya: I can't feel my legs. Hi. Everything hurts.

Itsuka Kendo: Welcome to physical activity! How's the training going?

Izuku Midoriya: I dragged an entire kitchen through the sandy beach today. I'm starting to hate sand.

Itsuka Kendo: That's great! You're making progress! Keep up the good work! I know you can do it! Any Exp?

Izuku Midoriya: Yep, still not even level 1 yet though. I'm still not going to give up though. You and All Might believe in me.

Momo Yaoyorozu: That's the spirit Izuku!

Izuku Midoriya: Thanks Momo, but what's up, did you need something?

Momo Yaoyorozu: Yes. I was hoping you could put one point into my charisma?

Izuku Midoriya: Huh… uh okay.]

A moment passed. Both herself and Itsuka had her eyes glued to her chest. There was a slight tingle, kind of like when her arm or leg fell asleep directed around her breasts. They surged outward, just a bit, moved on her chest, became that smallest bit fuller and perkier.

But most importantly. "Huh," Momo rolled her shoulders and smiled. "That's amazing, it even gets rid of the soreness. I haven't felt that good in a while."

"Wow." Itsuka mumbled eyes now locked onto Momo's breasts. "Seeing that on someone else was something else. They look so soft now. Can I touch them? To compare?"

A girl? Touching her breasts? Okay, Momo calm down. This was probably normal! "Only if I can do the same."

Itsuka nodded.

They faced each other. One had extended towards Itsuka's breast while Itsuka grabbed her own breast. They really were soft.

[Achievement Unlocked: Boobyful Skinship

What you did could kill a man due to bloodloss.

Reward: Private Hot Springs skin.]

"Did you get that too?" Itsuka asked redrawing her hand.

"The skinship achievement?" Momo asked her face now red. She couldn't look Itsuka in the eyes right now.

"Yep, why do I have the feeling that skin will just make us naked?"

"I had the same thought."

[Shopping Date with Itsuka Kendo has been complete. +50 reputation with Itsuka Kendo.]


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