30.57% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 849: 26

章節 849: 26

Chapter 25: Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck



As if having demonic chakra flooding your coils for hours in the middle of a battle with two S-ranked missing ninja, having a sentient sword with superpowers suck out all of your regular chakra, getting run clean through by a steel cable, and flying on a bumpy bird while your new 'servant' that apparently wouldn't take no for an answer valiantly attempted to patch your belly wound wasn't enough excitement/torment for one day, Naruto found himself caught in the shake-out from hell by Tayuya upon being spotted at the front door. Now normally he would have either tried reasoning with her and explaining himself after listening to what was bothering her, or he would have Kawarimied with the nearest hapless fool, i.e. Shikamaru Nara, who had just entered the vicinity to see what all of the fuss was about, but today after all of the things that had transpired over the last 3-to-5 day period, upon being snatched up and shaken like a rag-doll by the girl for approximately thirty seconds he blacked out.

"Master!" Hamako yelled as she showed surprising speed and strength by yanking Naruto away from Tayuya as soon as his eyes rolled back in his head and he started foaming at the mouth, "Why would you do that to him? Do you have any idea what he did to himself today? He was barely able to stand even with my help!"

"Master?" Was the questioning statement that went up unanimously after Hamako spoke, one tone was in curiosity, one tone was in annoyance and anger, and the last was in raw unbridled amusement… accompanied by a short perverted giggle.

Hamako looked at the unresponsive Naruto in her arms before sighing and looking towards Tsunami, "Do you have anywhere I can keep him for the night. I'm afraid with the grievous injuries he had inflicted on his person he will need a few days before he can move safely."

Tsunami nodded, "Yes, we have extra rooms upstairs, it was where we were planning to place everyone else for the night."

Hamako gave a short bow before dragging Naruto up the steps, "Thank you very much."

Kakashi gave her an eye-smile, "He'll be up and about, running amok by tomorrow. Don't worry."

Hamako looked over at him while she was dragging Naruto up the stairs and almost dropped him when she saw him, "White Fang?" She shook her head and continued lugging Naruto up the stairs.

Kakashi raised his one visible eyebrow in surprise, 'What did she call me? How would a girl like that even know that name, let alone had an inkling of how to associate me with it? By the way, where did he even find her, and why would she call him master? And why the hell is he so hurt? Just what have you been doing while you were gone Naruto?'

Shikamaru had musings of his own as he watched Naruto get dragged up the stairs but decided to save that for later, "Alright. The troublesome blonde is back, so can we go home soon?"

Tayuya just stared at them going upstairs, "Who the hell is this? And master? What the fuck is going on here?"

Kakashi sighed and put a hand on her shoulder, "There's not much you're going to be getting out of Naruto tonight so you might as well wait for him to wake up before asking anything, however if he refuses to answer that's his business." 'To you all. There are things that I simply have to know about, that wasn't the same sword that he left with either.'


(The Next Day)

Getting to him however, proved very difficult when Tayuya decided to forego Kakashi's advice to just let the matter sit until the next morning, deciding to wake him up and talk to him right then. As when she reached for the shut door leading to the room that Hamako had taken Naruto into, she found herself unable to make contact without taking a significant jolt before seeing the seal slapped on the front of the door.

Tayuya growled to herself and yelled at Kakashi to get 'Shithead's stupid seal' off of the door. However when Kakashi walked upstairs and looked at the seal on the door all he could say was that Naruto was getting really good with his fuuinjutsu and walked away without even attempting to touch it. This didn't however stop him from walking away and giggling at the thought of what exactly that girl was doing in the room all alone with Naruto.

Inari was absolutely ecstatic at the news of Naruto being in the house and ended up forgoing any warning towards staying away from his room, giving him a nasty little shock when he tried to barge in and see his hero. Needless to say, after that one, no one else tried getting into that room for the rest of the night.

Naruto awoke to the feeling of being snuggly placed in a futon, a good sign of everything being cool. He then remembered what had transpired last night. Maybe he should have said that his body was more brittle than a piece of chalk the second he walked in the door, actually no, that wouldn't have stopped what had happened to him.

Feeling it hard to move, he sighed, "Hamako-chan?"

"*yawn* Yes Naruto-sama?"

"Why are you in the futon with me?" He asked blankly, looking down at the mop of white hair with her arms wrapped around him.

Hamako looked up at him, opening one amber eye, "You were going into shock due to your injuries and exhaustion again master, and I assumed that without your shirt and with you just in those bandages you were cold. I simply decided to comfort you using my body heat."

Naruto nodded, "I see. However, is there any particular reason that you're naked?"

Hamako shrugged, "I felt it would be better if there were no articles of clothing to divert my heat master." Thinking that he somehow took offense to this she frowned at him, "Are you angry with me? I'm sorry if you don't find me attractive enough."

Naruto made to sit up as Hamako allowed him up and covered her chest, "What? No. Hell no, are you kidding me? By the way, what cup size are you for references sake? You can't be anything under a C... nevermind. But you don't have to do this stuff for me. You don't owe me anything, I'm taking you with me because I want you with me. I was never going to just leave you there by yourself, you deserve better after everything that has happened, and seeing as how you're all that's left of my ancestral village and you seem to have a connection with my family I decided on bringing you to Konoha."

Hamako smiled at him as she stood still covering herself, "And that is why I am willing to do these things for you so easily Naruto-sama. I feel that at some point I must tell you about myself in order for you to understand why I feel this way on the subject."

Naruto shook his head at the sound of someone coming towards the door as he smiled at Hamako, "I think that's something that needs to happen at some point. I'd be glad to listen to you when you decide to do so."

"Naruto. Whenever you feel like taking your seal off of the door, breakfast is ready for you and your… friend. *giggles*"

Naruto turned his head from the door where he saw the seal Kakashi was talking about, "You put a seal on the door?"

Hamako shrugged in response, "I didn't want anyone trying to disturb you last night so I put it up."

"Well I guess that's our cue to head on down and grab some chow Hamako-chan." He then raised an eyebrow as he noticed that she was still covering her modesty with not the least bit of embarrassment or anxiety, "We need to get you some damn clothes to wear." He then had another thought, "Why are you not the least bit concerned with the fact that you're sitting in front of me naked?"

Hamako looked at him in a cute clueless manner, "Well I assumed that upon awakening you would feel tempted to take advantage of me in this state, so considering what I had initially anticipated to happen I'm not really bothered in the least if you just look."

Naruto gave her a deadpan look, "So you fully expected me to see you all snuggled up on my chest, both of us in a less than fully clothed state to say the least, and decide to more or less ravage you?" He got a nod in response, "Do I really give off that kind of vibe?"

Hamako smiled, "Not at all master, but you are a teenager that is growing up, and you are my age. It would only be natural of you to see a reason to take advantage of that."

"Oh yeah. This girl is going to be a lot of fun I can just sense it boy. Good luck with that." Quipped the Kyuubi amusedly from within Naruto's head.

Naruto kept up his look, "And you seem to be just A-ok with that. I would ask you why, but I'm kind of afraid to know the answer." Naruto groaned as he stood up, not exactly throbbing in pain like he had been not an entire 24 hours prior, but still very stiff, "Okay, change into what I gave you to wear and I'll see if I can't get you any clothes of your own today." Naruto rolled his eyes as Hamako immediately stood up, shedding her only shield to her modesty to acquiesce to his request with not a second thought.

"Yeah kit I can see it already." Kyuubi spoke up as Hamako moved to change, "That little girl is going to have you wrapped around her finger without even knowing she has it, mark my words."

Naruto felt like disputing, but just could not find it in himself to do so as he found himself staring at Hamako squeeze one of his muscle shirts over her chest, "You know… The part of me that enjoys the fact that I'm watching this right now has to agree with you. Kami, Ero-kyofu and Kakashi-sensei messed me up good didn't they?" Naruto smirked as he watched Hamako attempt to smooth out the shirt, making her assets move in a very noticeable manner, "And I simply just don't care."


After amusing himself by watching Hamako get dressed, Naruto decided to forgo a shirt and simply walk down stairs in just his bandages and a dark red pair of pants. Hamako had re-bandaged him despite his insistence that he was fine, and the end result ended up with his upper body up to his neck and even his arms looking like he had escaped an attempt at living mummification.

Naruto sat at the table and gave everyone a big, healthy grin as they watched Hamako grab a seat next to him, "Hey there everybody. I can see you all have something to say, so go ahead and say it."

Inari quickly jumped in before anyone could speak or question what he had been doing for the better part of a week, "It's good to see you again Naruto! How have you been?"

Naruto smiled at the ecstatic young boy, "Well I'm glad someone here wants to know how I've been doing just because they missed me!"

Inari grinned at the praise from the scar-faced blonde as everyone else currently in possession of a Konoha headband sweatdropped. Kakashi cleared his throat, "Well be that as it may Naruto, you said you wouldn't be gone any longer than two days."

Naruto gave him a dry stare, "I severely underestimated the lengths that creepy people were willing to go to in order to find me."

Kakashi immediately knew what he meant, "So how did it go?"

Naruto gestured to himself, "I'm still in one piece so that's always good. And I will say that the trip was extremely productive."

Kakashi eye-smiled to him, "I noticed. Now who is this mysterious girl you came here with?"

Naruto looked over at Hamako who bowed to Kakashi, "I'm sorry Hatake-san. My name is Hamako Kiyomizu, I was unaware that Naruto-sama knew Konoha's White Fang. It certainly is a pleasure to meet you."

Kakashi laughed uncomfortably, "Sorry, you've got the wrong guy. I'm his son actually, Kakashi Hatake at your service."

Hamako blushed at the mistake, "I'm so sorry, but you look so much like him even with your face covered the way it is. I couldn't believe that I was in the presence of such a legendary ninja for a moment."

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "Did you just call Naruto, –sama?"

Hamako looked over at the pineapple haired boy, "That's right. I did. How else am I supposed to show respect for master?"

Naruto face-faulted out of his chair. How did he not remember to tell Hamako to keep all of that –sama stuff and master talk under wraps for the time being? Oh, that's right he was dealing with chakra exhaustion and wounds brought about from battle.

"Master?" Tayuya let out, "Shithead what did you do to get this girl to call you master? Actually, why the hell do you even have a girl following you anyway? You sure didn't leave Kiri with her."

Naruto pulled himself off of the floor and returned to his seat next to Hamako, "It is a long story filled with lots and lots of personal things that are inconsequential to all of you with the exception of Kakashi, and that's because he was the one to let me go in the first place, therefore he's the only one getting the scoop on that. I'll tell you later Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi nodded in acceptance, there were just some things that most people didn't need to know, he understood that much. Shikamaru groaned, "So you disappear at the random for a week, show back up in Nami no Kuni for Kami knows what reason, you come back all bandaged like it's normal, and you're not even going to tell us why?"

"Yep." Naruto said without a trace of guilt or shame in the matter, "It's not like you guys lost a pound of flesh following me or something. The only one I owe an explanation to is Kakashi, because he was the one that put himself on the firing line and let me go. If I hadn't come back do you realize how screwed he would be? That walk back to Konoha would be like him heading to the gallows." Kakashi flinched and nodded, he might as well have gone missing-nin if he didn't come back with Naruto, especially after explaining to Tsunade and Jiraiya when he disappeared and how... suicidal to say the very least.

"Why?" Shikamaru asked. It was strange that Kakashi would flinch like that at the thought of him losing Naruto. Naruto was strong, very strong, but he was just a chunin. Kakashi was a jounin of perhaps the highest feasible caliber with the most vaunted doujutsu kekkei genkai in Konoha's history.

For Naruto to say something like that and for Kakashi to actually make a motion that supported his words was something that registered looking into, but he wasn't going to be getting anything from Naruto since the boy wasn't very vocal on a lot of the things he was doing professionally these days. Hell, these days no one other than the Hokage herself even knew how to find him other than leaving him messages at home for the longest time until it was discovered that he trained by tearing the Forest of Death asunder.

Naruto leveled his gaze coolly at Shikamaru, "You really don't want to know that right now Shikamaru, I can guarantee that you would find it troublesome to say the very least."

Tayuya scoffed, "Well fine then Mr. Secret. At least tell us where you got her." She said, pointing at Hamako, "Why did you bring her here? Does she live around here or something?"

Naruto looked at Hamako who nodded, "Well, no. I found here while I was off doing what it was that Kakashi let me leave to go do." He gave a meaningful look to Kakashi, "I found her, she was the only one left Kakashi-sensei and if not for my certain bad luck with a few red clouds I wouldn't have even found her, or anything, so that's a good thing at least." He locked his eyes with Tayuya, "And she's coming back to Konoha. With me." He said in a low growl, as if daring anyone to even attempt to call him on it.

Kakashi nodded, "Of course Naruto, but how are you going to support yourself and her on a chunin's regular salary for missions?"

Naruto smirked, "You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the bingo book on you would you?" Kakashi nodded and passed it to Naruto who had his eyes widen to a comical margin when he found what he was looking for, "Yeah… I'm absolutely sure that I can support myself and Hamako-chan on my current wages. Don't worry about that."

"Why?" Kakashi asked. He knew that Naruto was well aware of what it took to feed himself and keep himself comfortable, now he had to multiply that by at least two now.

Naruto passed the book back to Kakashi, "You'll find out that later too." He looked at his commander, "So when do you think we'll be heading back to Konoha, since I'm positive that I've pretty much missed the entire mission in Kiri."

Kakashi placed the book back into one of his vest pockets, "Well since you're back to full, or as full as you need to be, health we can head back today if you want."

Naruto nodded, "That sounds alright. I need to go get Hamako-chan some clothes first, because she cannot keep wearing my clothes up and down the road." 'No matter how good she makes them look.' He added mentally.

Tayuya stared at Naruto and spoke far too calmly for his tastes, "And why on earth would she be needing to wear your clothes in the first place?"

Before Naruto could think of a brilliant and believable way out of this situation, Hamako chose to answer, "Because when master found me I had no clothing of my own."

Naruto's eyes bulged in horror as he saw the calm expression on Tayuya's face as an ill omen. It didn't help that he could see tick marks starting to form. Looking at Shikamaru he was trying to avert his gaze from Hamako, who was still wearing Naruto's much too tight shirt. Kakashi simply gave Naruto a thumbs up complete with an eye-smile, "You work fast Naruto."

Naruto simply turned and looked at Hamako before grabbing her and disappearing in a shunshin behind Inari, snatching him up also, "Well it looks like Inari needs to help me find somewhere to get stuff for Hamako-chan! Later you guys!" He then vanished in another shunshin, leaving all of the others sitting there in silence.

Tazuna, who had stumbled downstairs sometime during Naruto's explanation looked at everyone else in confusion, "Why is everyone just sitting there?"

Kakashi shrugged and pulled out his Icha-Icha, "He's already going to tell me everything I want to know later. I'm good as far as that's concerned." He felt the glare of Tsunami on him and sighed, "Inari's not here right now, can I at least read it until Naruto brings him back?"

Shikamaru stood up and walked off, "Chasing him now would be too much work to deal with. I'll worry about things later." He headed out the front door, "I'll be on the roof getting some sleep."

All eyes panned over to Tayuya who still had her uncharacteristically calm face on, getting even Kakashi to look at her in concern. She simply stood up and walked upstairs, "There's no reason for me to try chasing him now just to yell at him when I live right next door to him in the first place. I've already waited a week, I'm sure I can wait another day or two to tear him apart. And the more time that passes until then, the more ammunition he's building up for me."


(Two Days Later – Konohagakure no Sato)

The group had set out from Nami no Kuni and moved at an incredibly brisk pace even by shinobi standards to reach Konoha, mostly because they were being headed by a jounin in Kakashi and the everlasting stamina lunatic that answered to the name of Naruto. Naruto carried Hamako the entire way due to the fact that she wasn't nearly as fast as the rest of them were, with her not being a ninja and all, and was still cutting a pace that kept him in step with Kakashi.

Speaking of Hamako, Naruto had enlisted the services of Inari to find a suitable clothing store for his new female attachment. She still had her hair up in her twin pig-tails that went down her back past her shoulders with the bangs that shaded part of her eyes from clear view, but she now wore tight black shorts that came to her thigh, a white, long-sleeved kimono top that stopped at her waistline, the belt of which was white as well, and a white pair of high-heeled sandals. The kimono top had light blue ornate designs of waves all over it. Naruto had instructed her to pick out whatever she liked, as he assured her that he would have absolutely no problem footing the bill… he then rubbed his hands together and chuckled conspiratorially, making Inari back away slightly.

Hamako had mostly spoken only to Naruto throughout the entire trip, with him trying to get her used to what to expect upon arrival in Konoha, and asking her about what he could do to make her comfortable once she started living with him, since letting a girl that had never lived alone live in a foreign village at least twenty years after her time by herself was an absolutely horrible idea. That and Hamako insisted on staying close to him anyway.

Upon reaching the village they all headed straight to the Hokage Tower to debrief. They all stood at attention while Kakashi gave the 'official' mission parameters, and upon being excused by Tsunade the two other chunin walked out of the office while Naruto left in a shunshin. After a few moments to make sure that Shikamaru and Tayuya had left the building, Tsunade slid the window open where she found quite an amusing sight; Naruto and Jiraiya standing on the same ledge under the window glaring at each other.

Both were crouched with Jiraiya still towering over him, "What do you think you're doing gaki at my entrance?"

Naruto glared up at him, "About to head back inside of Tsunade-baachan's office the fun way. What does it matter to you Ero-sennin?"

Jiraiya humphed and turned his nose up, "Tsunade-hime would only let me enter her office this way. Why would she let a brat like you do it?" He looked back at Naruto to see he was no longer standing there, "Where did he go?"

"She lets me do it because she loves me. That and the fact that I hit Gamabunta up on a regular basis to get sake for her." Naruto said, standing in front of Tsunade as they both looked down at Jiraiya from inside the office.

Tsunade ruffled Naruto's hair, "Such a good little chunin aren't you?"

"Yes Tsunade-sama!" Naruto chirped happily, "You still got the shipment when I was gone didn't you?" Tsunade nodded, "And Shizune-neechan didn't take it from you?" Another nod, "Excellent."

Jiraiya stared with his mouth agape while Tsunade and Naruto both had looks of amusement on their faces, "And since you have such a problem with the brat using what you like to call 'your entrance' you can take the long way around." She said happily before slamming the window shut as he leapt for it in an attempt to enter the way he had gotten accustomed to doing.

Jiraiya pawed at the window like a puppy before frowning and jumping off the ledge. Roughly one minute later he entered the office through the door, glaring at Naruto and Tsunade who were both grinning next to one another. He took his usual spot, leaning on the wall by Tsunade's desk as he noticed the extra person in the room, sitting patiently with a small, pleasant smile on her face, "Hey, who's the girl?"

Tsunade looked to Naruto, as did Kakashi as Naruto hadn't really told him anything yet, asking to wait until they all got home so that he didn't have to repeat himself. Naruto motioned for her to come over to him, which she did and he showed her off to everyone in the room, "This is Hamako Kiyomizu… and seal the room off and get your Anbu out of here before I go any further."

Tsunade looked at Hamako curiously, "Is this that big of a deal?"

Naruto shrugged, "It could be, it's all a matter of your personal opinion, but do you really want to risk it?"

Tsunade frowned, but nodded and made a motion as the aura of the room changed, signifying that her guards had left. Naruto felt comfortable with continuing at this point, "I found her in Uzushiogakure."

Jiraiya gave him an odd look, "Why did you go there? How did you even know about that place? How did you even get there?"

Naruto gave Jiraiya a straightforward look, "I know a lot of things I shouldn't. You should know this by now Ero-kyofu. By the way, speaking of knowing things, I think Kakashi-sensei should know everything at this point, but that's neither here nor there. Kakashi-sensei let me go once we got to Kiri seeing as how it was just a reconnaissance mission and I had asked to go to Uzu to see if there was anything there for me. And there was… there was a lot of stuff there actually."

Naruto pulled a scroll from his pocket and placed it on the table, "I found quite a few things there. Mostly things about fuuinjutsu that I hope to put into practice soon, as well as the sword strapped to my back. It's a good thing I found it too, since my other one was broken during my fight with Akatsuki."

Jiraiya's eyes widened, "You fought Akatsuki? Was it Itachi and Kisame again?" Naruto shook his head no, "Thank Kami then… because I was about to ask you how the hell you survived that on your own if that were the case."

Naruto sighed, feeling some phantom pains thinking of the entire situation again, "It wasn't them, but damn if it wasn't still a violent fight." Naruto wanted to give Sai some credit since he was the one that chased off Deidara, but he couldn't really do so without blowing both of their cover, "I ended up getting beaten the first time they found me after a day of dealing with the traps and other obstacles left all over the place. I was forced into a whirlpool that thankfully led to a series of underground passages where I found her." He ended pointing to Hamako, "She was frozen in some kind of sealed off room in the vault I found."

"How long was she frozen?" Kakashi asked as he was interested in the story at hand, "She doesn't look any older than you Naruto."

Naruto nodded, "I know, she was frozen when she was 14. That was during the fall of Uzushiogakure, she's the only one left. It's been at least 20 years since she was placed there. Apparently she's a level nine seal master… better than you Ero-kyofu."

"Actually." Hamako cut in, "I was ranked level nine, but I was never able to take my promotional test so I don't know what level I'm really at now."

Jiraiya looked at Hamako in disbelief, "You're seriously saying that this little girl is better than me at fuuinjutsu? You need to come up with better stories for your girlfriend gaki."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "First of all, she's not my girlfriend you ass. Second of all, She is that good. She made a seal that animated a statue and made it a chakra-blocking killing machine that almost took me out twice. In addition to that she basically ran down my seal making skills to the letter, pointed out every flaw in one of my best creations, and did other things that Ero-kyofu could have never come up with on the spot. She doesn't even need any guide points, she can just scratch something up just like that, she's faster than he is as making them too."

Hamako blushed when all eyes turned to her, "You don't have to put me over like that Naruto-sama…" She then straightened up and regained her composure, "But master is right. I did say that I would work with him on his fuuinjutsu. I cannot allow a known Uzumaki to exist that is any less than my equal at the art."

Kakashi interjected, "So enlighten me Naruto, because I seem to have missed the reason that she calls you –sama and master with no trouble whatsoever."

Hamako shrugged, "Because Naruto-sama is my master." She said as if that answered his question.

Tsunade sighed, "Brat, there had better be a damn good reason that you've got this girl calling you master as if she were obligated to do so."

Naruto backed up a few steps as he saw her hand twitch as if it were going to creep towards the bane of Naruto's office existence, the paperweight, "I tried to get her to stop ever since she first started doing it, I tried telling her that she didn't need to call me that stuff, but she insists on it, and all she ever says is that how else is she to show her respect to me. I just got tired of trying to get her to stop and decided to flow with it."

Hamako frowned, "Naruto-sama is the only Uzumaki left alive apparently. I pledged my life to the service of the Uzumaki Clan after they rescued me and gave me a purpose, therefore he is my master and I will do whatever he commands of me."

Jiraiya's eyes widened and he slowly pulled out a pad and pen, "Go on…" He clicked his pen open.

Hamako was oblivious to Jiraiya's current actions, therefore she did as asked, "I am there for whatever master requires of me. Anything that he desires that is in my power to provide for him he should consider done. I am his to command for his every whim." While she spoke, Jiraiya was scribbling rapidly in his pad.

Jiraiya was perusing over his notes with a lecherous grin on his face, "Well I see absolutely no problems with this set up as long as the gaki knows what he's doing."

A roll of the eyes from his apprentice was the reaction received, "You wouldn't would you? I'm not going to make Hamako-chan do anything she doesn't want to do, but she will be living with me. I think I can get her assimilated quicker to the way things are if she was with me."

Tsunade agreed with him, "Very well. I'll have her entered as a citizen of Konoha when I get the chance. Does she wish to be a ninja?"

Naruto shook his head, "Hamako-chan isn't a ninja, she's just damnably good at fuuinjutsu."

Hamako nodded in agreement, "Naruto-sama is correct. I was instructed from the earliest time I was able in fuuinjutsu. I was unable to become a shinobi of Uzushiogakure, but I still found ways to be useful, I hope for the same here as well."

Tsunade gave the girl a smile before turning her attention to the scroll Naruto dropped on her desk, "So I assume that this is full of the other things that you found on your excursion."

Naruto smirked, "Not really, I still have those things with me since no one but an Uzumaki can even open or read them. This is something else though. You might really like what it is, it might make one of our treaties even stronger after all of the tumultuous stuff that it went through over the last year."

Tsunade opened the scroll only to widen her eyes as a pile of broken pieces of… something fell out. She saw a head and turned it towards her before hearing Jiraiya gasp. He had a discarded piece with the emblem of a scorpion on it, "This is the insignia of Akasuna no Sasori. Kid are you telling me you were able to capture one of his puppets?"

Naruto shook his head, "No, this is Sasori himself, or what's left of Sasori. He turned his body into a puppet. I think I destroyed his heart or something when I finished him off because that was the only time he bled during the entire fight and man did he bleed when I hit it." His eyes turned to Tsunade with a shine, "So when can I expect my money for the kill?"

Tsunade smiled at Naruto, "I'll dispatch a hawk to Suna when we're done here telling them that you've defeated Sasori. Good going brat, how did you pull it off?"

Kakashi walked up to Naruto and planted a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah I'm actually very interested in that too."

Naruto shrugged, "Well most of the things he had were intended to poison me. I'm immune to pretty much everything ever conceived in that department so he couldn't finish me. He only had one thing with the potential to really finish me off and when I disabled that it turned into a battle of attrition, and I never lose when it factors down to that." He adjusted the sword on his back, "Another member of Akatsuki is some guy named Deidara. I wasn't able to finish him, he got away, but at least you know another one of them now, so you have four confirmed members and one of them is dead."

Jiraiya planted a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "That's some good work Naruto. You're really coming along these days aren't you?"

Naruto grinned up at the man, "Yep, and after what Kakashi told me I know what I'm doing next."

Kakashi blinked, "What would that be Naruto?"

Naruto channeled some wind chakra into his hand, "I'm going to learn how to mix elemental chakra with the Rasengan and see what I can do from there, and the best part is…" He lifted his other hand as lightning began to crackle around it, "I have two to work with now."

Kakashi's eyes widened, "How did you get another affinity Naruto?"

Naruto let the chakra around his hands drop, "I use a lot of lightning ninjutsu to go along with my wind. You would think that I would suck at lightning stuff because it's weak against my main affinity, but I use it so much I developed a second affinity. That's always fun isn't it? Now I have to do the exercises for this too, I hope nothing as serious splitting a waterfall is necessary for it."

"Naruto-sama may not be very good at fuuinjutsu but he is very strong." Hamako mumbled with a smile on her face, "I have a question that I hope I am permitted to ask you master."

Naruto gave the white-haired girl a smile, "Sure thing Hamako-chan, you can ask me anything that you want."

Hamako nodded and walked over to Naruto, placing her hands on his belly and pulling up his shirt, "I was under the impression that you weren't very adept at sealing, so why is there such a powerful one on you? How did you come up with it, and why is it there? It looks like it was meant to hold something back, does it hold back a bulk of your chakra or something." She said as she forced Naruto's seal to appear by channeling her own chakra around it.

All of the adults in the room had their faces darken at the thought of Hamako finding out about the Kyuubi, but Naruto just kept smiling, "Tell me. If you found out what was inside me wasn't exactly normal would you think any lesser of me Hamako-chan?"

Hamako looked up at him inquisitively, "No I can't say that I would master. I know full well what fuuinjutsu is capable of holding back and the power of seals, if there is something this strong on you there is no way that what it holds back is 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination."

Naruto nodded and looked at Jiraiya, "I told you she was good." He looked back down at Hamako who was poking at his stomach and staring intently at the seal, "When did you find out about it, because you seem like you wanted to ask about it for a while."

Hamako looked up at him and stood back up, "I saw it when I was bandaging you up on the way to your meeting place with Kakashi-san. There was some kind of red glow coming from it, but you were slipping in and out of consciousness so I couldn't ask you about it."

Naruto kept smiling to her, "So Hamako-chan I just have to say, what do you know about the word 'jinchuuriki'?"

Hamako blinked, "You mean like Mito-sama."

Naruto sighed, "Again with that name. Mito-sama, and you say that I'm related to her or something, and what does she have to do with being a jinchuuriki?"

"You don't know this either? Do you know anything about your clan master?"

Naruto shook his head, "Nope, no one ever told me anything about them, I just figured it was a simple family name or something that I was stuck with in the orphanage at first, I didn't even know I had a clan."

"Mito was my grandmother." Tsunade said while looking at Naruto, "She was the wife of the Shodaime Hokage."

Hamako looked around the room and realized that Jiraiya and Tsunade were there, "You sure do know some powerful people master."

"Tell me about it…" He said, "But what about Mito? How does she fit in with the term jinchuuriki?"

Hamako lifted Naruto's shirt once more to look at his seal, "That's easy. She was one. The container of the Kyuubi no Yoko."

Naruto palmed his face, "So I not only am related to the Yondaime Hokage, had a clan of my own that more or less ran an entire hidden village, and am the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, I'm related to the first Kyuubi jinchuuriki who just so happened to be the Shodaime's wife. And I'm sure at least one of you knew it too…" 'Man, Danzo-jiji has no idea how right his idea was to make me go after Hokage… This pedigree of mine is ridiculous.' Naruto then looked at Tsunade and pointed at her, "Wait… so that technically does make you my actual baa-chan on some level doesn't it? So I can really call you Tsunade-baachan now and you can't say jack about it!"

Tsunade looked at Naruto with a tick mark on her head, "You're so lucky we're supposed to be family brat."

"Love you too Tsunade-baachan!" Naruto ducked a paperweight, "Ha! You've got to do something better than that!" Naruto got drilled in the side of the head with one of Tsunade's heels, "Gah! Who throws a shoe? Honestly!"

He rubbed his head and looked back at Hamako, "Well I asked you all of this because I'm the Kyuubi jinchuuriki now." His eyes met hers as she looked at him in shock, "I know it's a lot to take in, but if you have any problems with it you don't have to live with me." Naruto then blinked in surprise, "Um, Hamako-chan?"

Hamako's eyes shined as she prodded and poked at the seal on Naruto's belly, "You're a walking example of the most powerful fuuinjutsu known to man! That is so amazing master!"

Jiraiya looked at the girl in amazement, "So you're not concerned by this in any way?"

Hamako didn't even look up, "Of course not. Master is just master, he just has a demon sealed inside of him, and pretty well too if this is any indicator. It makes sense though, that power that you were supposed to be using when you fought those ninja that attacked us felt malevolent."

Naruto smiled at how easily his new guest was taking his secret. He looked up at everyone else, "Anyway I've been thinking. Maybe you should just come out with it and tell everyone about the Kyuubi."

Tsunade gave him a strange look, "Why on earth would you want that?"

Naruto smirked and let out a small laugh as Hamako kept poking at him, "Because it's getting obnoxious to keep a secret, and it's a bad secret at that. Everybody knows except for the kids, and if there's one thing I hate it's badly kept secrets. You might as well just let people talk about it at this point."

Jiraiya looked at Naruto somewhat proudly, he was taking his burden head-on and just pressing the issue on it instead of trying to sweep it away. It was common knowledge that for those that didn't know Naruto but knew of him that the Kyuubi would always be the proverbial elephant in the room, "What about the haters kid?"

Naruto scoffed, "If anyone has any problems with it I can keep myself safe at this point. If any of the people my age have a problem with it they obviously don't care or know me enough to tell the difference between me and a demon, and anyone that has enough of a problem to actually try something should have done it when I could barely fight back, I just killed an S-ranked missing ninja by myself, let that little bit of info fly when you tell the village and see if anyone is still stupid enough to try anything on me. They couldn't get into my house anyway after Hamako-chan helps me set up the security seals."

Kakashi looked over the blonde who had a confident look on his face and a white-haired girl still messing around with his abdomen, "Well it's your secret to tell I guess. It would make at least one less secret the village has to keep anyway."

Naruto nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and when Akatsuki tries something on me the village will at least know why I'm tearing it apart fighting in the middle of it instead of just being confused about it."

Tsunade smirked, "Well that's all I need from you right now then Naruto. Take your friend here and get her settled in, I'll get you later if I need either of you for anything."

Naruto nodded, "Come on Hamako-chan." He said, pulling her up from poking at his stomach, "You can gawk at the seal later, it's time to show you around before I show you where I live." Hamako blushed at being caught at so unabashedly perusing Naruto's seal… in public. Naruto picked her up piggyback, ignoring her 'eep' in surprise and walked over to the window, tossing a salute over his shoulder before opening it and jumping out of it.


After a few hours of showing Hamako around he finally decided to take her home so that he could figure out how all of this was going to work until he got his money for Sasori's bounty. Naruto opened the door to his apartment, thankful that he hadn't gotten into the habit of trashing the place as he never really spent too much time there anyway as he clicked the light on.

Hamako walked in behind him, "Master why is it that there were so many people looking at us strangely?"

Naruto shrugged as he made his way around his apartment, "Oh, well most people don't really like jinchuuriki much at all and a lot of people think I'm the demon reincarnated or something stupid like that."

Hamako sat down on Naruto's couch, "Well that's dumb. No one ever thought of Mito-sama like that."

Naruto made a noise of affirmation as he walked back towards his room and started picking stuff up, "Well she was the wife of the Hokage. If I were him I wouldn't have tolerated any crap like that and would have lopped off a few heads if they tried anything against my wife." He sighed and made his way back towards the main room, "Well I only have the one bed Hamako-chan, you can have that until I get paid for the mission and my bounty and can go get something for you too. I'm thinking of moving out too, and since I have you too that might be the best course of action in this case."


"*sigh* Come in Tayuya-chan." Naruto said as he headed into his kitchen to see if he had any food that was still good to eat for him and Hamako.

Tayuya walked inside and saw Hamako sitting in one of the couches before turning her head at the sound of Naruto digging through his cabinets. She simply leaned against the door and waited a few moments before speaking, "So where did you go?"

Naruto didn't turn around, "Uzushiogakure? Ever heard of it?"

Tayuya kept looking at him, "No I haven't. Why did you go?"

"Family stuff. As in actually wanting to find out something about them." Naruto went through his refridgerator, cursing to himself about having nothing for Hamako, "Hamako-chan you don't seem to be much of a fan of ramen so I guess that the rest of my money will have to be on 'real food' until I get paid. What do you like?"

Hamako sat and thought about it while Tayuya was in disbelief over how easily he was telling her these things, "Why are you telling me this now when you didn't say anything when you left?"

Naruto grunted as he grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and shut it, "Because you didn't need to know. You actually still don't need to know, I'm just telling you this because Hamako-chan is going to live with me and you at least need to know where she came from."

"She's going to live with you?" Tayuya asked incredulously, "Why?"

Naruto walked back into the main room and sat down next to Hamako on the couch, "Because she's from twenty years in the past and she has no idea how this world will operate. Not only that, but she insists on serving my clan and I'm not going to sit here and tell her she can't do the only thing she's ever wanted to do. I can't get her off of that kick so I'm going to help her with it anyway I can. Maybe I can help her find something else she wants to do."

She looked at Hamako who looked back at her with amber eyes, "She's from twenty years in the past?"

Hamako nodded, "I was frozen and preserved. Sealing is a very powerful art."

Tayuya sighed, "Alright I'll try and get used to it." She then sharpened her eyes at Naruto, "But you'd better not do anything perverted with her and take advantage of her."

Naruto smirked and pulled Hamako into a hug, "Why Tayuya-chan? Would you like me all to yourself?" Tayuya sputtered indignantly, "I'll give Hamako-chan whatever she wants, and if what she wants just so happens to be me, who am I to turn her down? If you want me instead all you have to do is ask, I can make Kage Bunshin you know. There's certainly more than enough of me to go around!"

Tayuya blushed at the thought before Naruto reappeared at her side and whispered into her ear, "I warm up at making 100 you know." And that was all it took for Tayuya to black out with a nosebleed. Naruto caught Tayuya bridal style and looked up at Hamako, "Well that was certainly easy enough wasn't it? And I didn't even get beat up or bitched out or anything. I'm going to put her in her apartment and then we're going to get some food Hamako-chan because what I've got in here will just piss you off."

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