18.72% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 520: 30

章節 520: 30

Chapter 30 - Rebirth.

With capital and most far eastern provinces denouncing him, Barbo and his supporters had gathered in the throne room of Marquis Boullope's castle in E-Asenaru, the Boullope's houses' largest controlled city.

To even keep a neutral face was a monumental task for him at this moment. The situation was catastrophic, to say the least. Baron Liev, a man about forty years old, was reading the report out loud. As one of the minor nobles who didn't take part in the battle of Katze plains, his family remained intact. Until now, they did not consider him important enough to even attend most noble meetings.

In this current situation, two decades of political experience, even as someone who mostly watched from the sides, has made him an almost irreplaceable asset for the young Marquis Boullope and even King Barbo himself. Almost single-handedly, he managed the enormous task of calculating remaining reserves of resources and managing the diplomatic correspondence.

"In conclusion, the current food reserves will last no longer than three months."

"Do we have a response from neighboring countries?"

"The Roble Holy Kingdom could sell about a month's worth of supplies and are demanding extortionate prices as their own economy is strained with increasing hostility from the neighboring beastmen territories. As predicted, there was no response from Slane Theocracy and Argland Council state. The Baharuth Empire officially recognizes your brother Zanac as King of Re-Estize and only keeps diplomatic relations with him."

"So we have no means of even buying food?" Barbo asks with a strained voice.

Baron Liev clears his throat and looks around. The suggestion he wants to make may end his career on spot but he knew there was no other route left.

"Your highness, there is another nation we have not tried to contact yet."

The nervous murmurs and shifting around make it clear he didn't even have to say it aloud. The hint of deep fear in the king's face sends a shiver downs his spine. No one knew what kind of torture king Barbo went through as there was not a single bit of information. As far as everyone knew, Barbo hasn't told even his wife, Queen Ellga, what he went through.

In the next moment, his features harden into resolve as he speaks.

"Baron Liev, I assume you suggested we try to contact Nazarick out of absolute necessity?"

"Yes, your highness, I don't have any other suggestions left."

"Does anyone object we swallow our pride as nobles and talk to the very empire that defeated us?"

Again there are silent murmurs but no open objection. Barbo glances over the youthful faces for any disagreement or dissidence, but there is none. Most of them had assumed their roles less than a month ago. He himself was ready to grovel at the feet of Nazarick's representative to beg for food needed to feed his people. Knowing how real starvation felt like he would not wish it upon even the lowliest of peasants. But politics forced to keep this appearance of cold calculation.

The weight of the crown. How heavy it felt at this moment. But even if he would denounce his claim for throne and give his full support to his brother, there already was an irreparable division between his supporters and those who stood by Zanac. All he could hope was to avoid open conflict.

"How do we go about contacting Nazarick?"

"Unfortunately, a simple letter may be blocked by your brother as he may attempt to hinder your position for his own gains."

His brother. Another mistake from his past. Instead of building the relationship with the much smarter Zanac, he just brushed him aside and planned to get rid of him. The mistakes of the past haunted him constantly.

"Then prepare escort for me. I will travel to capital personally and resolve this whole situation one way or another."

"Husband, you can't. They might assassinate you."

"I have to go. That is the only option we have left."

"Your highness if I may suggest something?" Baron Liev speaks up again.

"Go on."

"As officially you are still the crowned king of the Entire Re-Estize, a personal army would not consider an invasion. If you warn your brother beforehand and make the intention of nonhostility clear, he has no grounds to deny such an approach."

"An army! That is a high risk."

"A risk you must take, Husband, please you remember what happened in the capital, I… we cannot lose you. Without you, there will be no one to lead us." Ellga says.

Barbo could see the worry in his wife's eyes. It wasn't for political gain, nor some clever manipulation. She worried about him out of love. Love, he didn't feel deserving.

"Then it is decided. Send letters to my brother, Nazarick's Representative, and eastern nobles, and inform them about my arrival and desire to resolve the situation peacefully. We cannot afford any kind of conflict anymore."


The dark descent reminded Rigrit of the forgotten city. How deep the enormous cave went was hard to guess, but even Tsar was losing his spirit. No matter the size, the deep cave gave this cramped, claustrophobic feeling. The damp old air felt dead and rotten.

"How deep does he live?" Rigrit asks.

"Hmm, he always liked geomancy. Who knows how deep this goes. But the air is changing so I think we are close."

Right on the point about a twenty-minute walk alter Rigrit sees a faint green glow, and the air feels fresh and rejuvenating once again. Both walk forward with the green light getting brighter.

A large cavern filled with brightly glowing green plants giving a scent of forest is a surreal sight, so deep underground.

"What are those?"

"Dark always had a particular set of interests. Alchemy was one of them."

"If he made those, where is he?"

"My guess in either his laboratory or sleeping on his collection. Tread lightly, I already sense his wards. He knows we are here."

"Sure, sure. I bet he will not like me that much."

"Just don't provoke him. He is known for his patience and lax attitude but same as most of my kind is not fond of Yggdrasil."

"I let you do the talking then."

With only a large tunnel leading towards what Tsar smelled as treasury, he changes into a human form and walks in the direction where he senses his friend resides. Rigrit walks beside him curiously, looking around and silently casting defensive buffs, just in case. Even with Tsar beside her, a surprise attack from someone like Deep Darkness Dragon Lord might be lethal.

Not two minutes later, an alchemical lab comes into view. Same glowing plants are found on every surface, even the ceiling. A man in a pitch-black robe is hunched over an enormous book, seemingly not paying attention to his surroundings, but the moment they come in, he speaks without turning around.

"Tsar, long time no see… that companion of yours reeks of Yggdrasil!"

"Saz, good to see you again. Please be at ease. Rigrit has been a trusted friend of mine for a long time."

Man turns around to look at his guests. The pitch-back hair and beard with wide streaks of white give a mature and intelligent look. He glances at Rigrit and then does a quick bow.

"Sazrasas Mlatarni at your service. For my friend's sake, I will put aside my personal feelings on your kind."

"Rigrit Bers Caurau. A pleasure to meet you. Your feelings towards my kind are understandable."

"So for what do I owe a pleasure Tsar. Don't tell me you just visited me to catch up. I will have to bore you to death once again."

"My friend, the world is in turmoil once again. Graladansa visited and informed that the children of the Great Old one are stirring and will awake soon."

"Hmm, could you elaborate? What is the reason for coming here then? I don't imagine you being a pawn for the Deep Water Empress all of the sudden. Nor I believe you would wish for old times to come back."

"You are correct. I came with an offer to join those who plan to stand against the Great Old One."

Saz eyes his old friend for a moment and then looks over to his companion as his expression darkens.

"You side with that… them. Out of all my brethren, I would believe you have at least some standards."

"Things change, my old friend. The upcoming conflict is like none before, we cannot sit this one out."

"I can. But I am curious how did so-called 'players' make you their lapdog and errand boy?"

Tsar let out a silent growl. Saz's ability to assess situations was sharp as ever. His father's old advisor was as cunning back then as he was now. The only survivor of the Dragon Emperor's court. The only one who fled the old capital before the ritual took place.

"I witnessed a display of power none of our kind can stand against."

"That tier magic is not as powerful as you make it out to be. They have powerful artifacts, but even that doesn't make them invincible. Just because a lot of our kind died at the hands of the Greed Kings hands doesn't mean they were unstoppable. It was our kind's arrogance that ensured the loss, not the opponents might."

"Eighty thousand strong undead army with a single spell."

Saz just blinks in surprise and says.

"Could you repeat that?"

"The Emperor of the empire I joined summoned eighty thousand undead with a single spell."

"I assume you came to ask me to join them as well?"

"Yes, but it is an offer, not a demand."

The dark scaled dragon walks silently back and forth in his human form, seemingly lost in thought.

"Did you offer them those frost dragon worms as well?"

"Yes, they agreed to join, but I had to kill the White Dragon Lord when he challenged me."

"Don't trust the frost dragons. They know nothing of honor or loyalty. If I agree to ally myself with your new masters, what they would demand of me?"

"Nothing you are already not doing on your own, but I assume they would be interested in your knowledge."

"Ah yes, my knowledge. Will they give me theirs?"

"I will just contact them and explain the situation so you can reach an agreement with them directly," Rigrit says.

"Fine, contact them, not that I have a choice with you two present," Saz says with a frown.

Tsar could easily guess his friend was not thrilled about working with players and likely had already ten schemes and precautions in mind to get away with his skin intact.

The wait wasn't particularly long as the gate opened after just ten minutes. Already familiar angelic bodyguards were first to come through, followed by Emperor Ainz and Lord Tabula. Tsar already knew that they will just introduce themselves and formally invite the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord to join and then likely leave him alone.

He had not interacted with Lord Tabula, but the way he curiously inspected each and every part of the laboratory, he clearly shared the same passion for alchemy.

"A glowing plant that produces a high amount of oxygen mixed with a tiny amount of ozone. How interesting. Are the green light intentional or just as a byproduct of basic light magic?" Tabula asks while rubbing the plants' leaves between his fingers.

"The light reflects the color of the plant," Saz says observing Tabula with curiosity.

"Have you tried to feed it a ruby mixture and change its color to red? It should give change the light to red wave spectrum and produce the infrared light."

"No, I did not need to use them as a heat source, but the prospect has my curiosity."

Tsar could barely hold attention to the increasingly technical conversation. Emperor Ainz just gives what Tsar assumes is a knowing look and says, "That will not end any time soon. I think Tabula found himself a new friend."

With Emperor leaving and both Tabula and Saz might as well speak a different language, Tsar could safely assume his part was done, and it was time to return to the surface and plan next steps.


The crowd had gathered in front of a large restored building in the capital of Re-Estize. This was the fourth orphanage the Golden Princess had opened with a help of Nazarick's ambassador Nigredo. During the last few weeks, they had worked on so many new avenues to help those who needed it the most. Orphanages, food kitchens, and flophouses, so even the poorest could get a warm meal and a spot to sleep inside.

With the winter just around the corner, the charity work boosted Princesses' popularity to new heights and lessen the negative image the monster empire of Nazarick had.

The anticipation Renner felt was intoxicating. Just a few minutes and her rebirth into something more will begin. The pain would be a small price to pay for immortality. Everything was set precisely how she wanted and, thanks to the chattiness of Zalarta, she knew how to.

The young succubus was no match for her in terms of wits and gleefully explained how to do astral projection and how magic worked without second-guessing her. How easy it was to play the role of a naïve younger sister who just wanted to expand her horizons on knowledge.

With her obsessive persistence, it took Renner less than a week to use the astral projection and find the information on how to perform the empowering ritual. Every single place she had helped to open was in a precise location to make a city-wide sigil that would be activated once she consumes the demon seed.

And she technically had included it in her reports to lord Demiurge. Of course, so deeply hidden that unless one knows what to look for, it would just disappear into the lengthy texts, she was writing daily. But one small extra reward would not hurt and besides, not that she would do a lot of damage. Just siphon a little energy from every citizen of the capital. Even if her god found out afterward, he would know Renner did it to become a better servant.

The time was ticking. Nigredo stands just beside her, giving sweets to the poor little orphans in front of people. Renner could clearly see why Emperor had chosen her to represent Nazarick. The stunningly beautiful woman that could melt hearts with her smile loved children and easily earned the trust of the masses. Climb was just a distance away from with rest of the guard. Just far enough away to not react in time.

And blue roses were in public perfect distance away to not stop the incoming brainwashed assassins. The men who once worked for King Barbo but now were just husks carrying out the orders of attacking her and Nigredo. The timing could not be better. Barbo had arrived with his forces and stationed them outside the city, unwittingly making things even better than planned.

It will be easy to convince the public that Barco came to assassinate her and take back capital by force. His former assassins were such a useful tool to use.

And there it was with loud shouts,

"Death to monsters and their sympathizers. Long live king Barbo!" Two assassins shoot crossbows towards her and Nigredo from the crowd. At first, there was no pain. Renner looks down and sees a black bolt piercing her heart and then looks and sees Nigredo had caught the bolt and holds it in her hand.

There are panicked shouts from the public as she collapses to the ground. The pain, like no other, spreads through her body. The play for her reward had to be believable after all.

"Princess!" Climb shouts in panic. Within a blink of an eye, she was hit with a bolt and now was lying on the ground with some kind of curse spreads out from the spot she was hit.

Two assassins try to flee but are struck down by Nigredo's guards. He could hear the voices of blue roses shouting in the crowd making the way towards his mistress. Lakyus will help. She has to. She can heal his mistress. Tears stubbornly tried to push their way out from the corner of his eyes. Lakyus will help!

Lakyus made her way to Renner. Barbo had crossed the line this time. She was willing to rush outside the city alone into the army and slay the mad king herself. How could he target Renner out of all people? Climb was holding the princess's hand as the Nazarick's ambassador stood with over them showing concern.

Seeing Lakyus Nigredo also knelt beside the princess and says,

"Step back, boy, that bolt is cursed. I will take it out before she can be healed."

Lakyus had not personally interacted with ambassador Nigredo, but she knew the beautiful woman was not human. Frm Renner's description of her Lakyus' guess was that Nigredo was some form of undead.

"Wait, don't touch it! I will remove the curse it first!" Lakyus shouts and rushes to them.

"Ah miss Aindra, your timing could not be better. Do not worry, I am immune to this curse. The bolt aimed at me had no effect on me." Nigredo says showing the other bolt in her hand.

"I will take it out so you can heal princess Renner."

Lakyus nods and breathlessly observes. Renner lets out a quiet wail as the bolt is pulled out. The crowd is looking with the same breathless worry. If there was one person who was universally loved by everyone, it was the Golden Princess. The shining hope of the common folk.

Renner coughs up black bile and turns to look at Lakyus with a pleading expression. There was no time to hesitate. With a swift motion, she kneels beside the princess and puts her hand over the wound, casting the strongest heal she knows. For a moment seems that the healing work but after a momentary stop the black veins spread from the half-healed wound again.

She casts another heal, same results. Heal after heal, 'remove curse' after 'remove curse'. Renner is slipping away.

"I know that curse. Humans should not have access to it. I am sorry, but it cannot be healed or removed that easily." Nigredo says.

Lakyus looks up, seeing the remorseful expression of the ambassador.

"No, I will heal her. I have to." Lakyus says.

Anther heal, another remove curse. Her mana reserves starts to get low. Not Renner. She has to help; she has to heal her friend. Renner grabs her hand with fear on her face.

"Please… it's…" a cough "not your fault, please… don't blame…" another cough, "yourself."

"Renner, hold on, you can't die."

She feels light-headed. The mana was almost gone, another cast of remove curse. Tears blur her vision. What good was she as a cleric if she can't even save her friend? Renner was not strong enough to withstand resurrection. If she dies, that is the end of it.

"There might be a way to save her, but it will come at a heavy price." Nigredo suddenly says.

Lakyus looks up. If there was a chance, she was willing to try it.

"What price?"

A small dark fruit appears in the ambassador's hands as she speaks.

"Human cannot withstand the curse she is inflicted with, but a demon can. It will change her but not for the worse."

"Demon! You can't be serious. I will not let you…" Lakyus shouts.

Another cough from Renner. Her eyes start to glaze over.

"That is the only option I can provide. I am sorry."

Climb is holding the princess's hands weeping. The scene is heartbreaking. Lakyus knew how much Climb loved his mistress. Demons were monsters, creatures of pure evil. They had to be. She couldn't let her friend's soul be condemned to such a horrible existence.

They were just heartless evil monster's right? Lakyus looks up at Nigredo. She was a monster, too. A monster that helped those who needed the most. Ever since Nazarick announced its existence, there were next to no monster attacks from the forests. Every single instance they harmed anyone was because of provocation. Even the war.

Princess was fading away. Minute, maybe less, and she will be gone. Lakyus couldn't make that decision for her.

"Renner, can you hear me!"

A weak nod from the princess.

"I can't make a decision for you. If you want…" Lakyus gulps "If you want to take ambassador's offer… "

A weak nod and whisper,

"Please, I… I don't want to die."

"Do it!" Lakyus says, turning to Nigredo.

"Unfortunately, she is too weak to consume it. Someone will have to chew it for her. I cannot do it as it will wither away in my mouth."

"I will do it!" Climb jumps up, grabs the small fruit from Nigredo's hand, and shoves it in his mouth without hesitation.

Normally it would be considered a great offense for a commoner to lock lips with a princess, but the stunned crowd just watches in silence as Climb slowly transfers the fruits juice into the princess's mouth. The effect of the fruit was noticeable in him right away. His rather short frame grew larger and two small horns sprout out of his forehead.

A sudden wave of dizziness overtakes the crowd. Climb stagers back and looks at Renner. Her glassy eyes suddenly regain all their color as dark, vertical pupils now decorate them. A thin, almost unnoticeable line spreads sideways from the corners of her mouth. Her small delicate fingernails elongate and large leathery wings suddenly sprout out underneath her as she lies on her back.

Lakyus watches her friend's transformation with horror, feeling increasingly dizzy. Something was off, but she couldn't tell what. If it was just her, she could write it off on almost empty mana reserves, but even Gagaran was staggering a bit. What was most worrisome was the surprised look on Nigredo's face. Seemingly, even she was unsure what was going on.

Suddenly Renner stands up in an instant, using her wings as leverage. She smiles and the thin lines at the sides of her lips widen, making a snake-like impression. Her human teeth are replaced with rows of sharp needle-like teeth. A monster.

Renner turns to the public and speaks.

"Please do not worry. I am still the same^. Rejoice the plot of the mad king failed^."

The crowd erupts in a loud cheer. Lakyus feels this sudden sense of wanting to cheer with them. Renner's voice. There was something in that now soothing, hypnotic voice.

"I will vow to help my brother Zanac to lead our kingdom into a new and better future. Cheer for our friends and allies, Nazarick^."

Another loud cheer. People shouting her name. People cheering for Nazarick. That voice. Lakyus stops resisting and shots with the crowd.

"Long live princess Renner. Long live king Zanac. Long live the Empire of Nazarick."

How long the cheers went on, she couldn't tell. Her mind was in frenzy. Her exhaustion creeps in. It was only when the crowd dispersed Renner approaches her. Lakyus snaps out of it.

"Lakyus, you look exhausted. Are you ok?"

The same warm, loving smile on the princess's face. It was the same Renner she knew.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"So you are a demon now. Does it feel different?" Evileye asks Renner.

"I don't know. I still think it's just me. The wound doesn't hurt anymore. Oh, there are colorful outlines around all of you." Renner says innocently.

Lakyus could feel Evileye's gaze, even though the mask covered her face. If there was someone who would know the difference between being a human and something else, it would be her vampire friend.

"Your highness, if there is ever an urge to do something you would not normally do. Resist it."

"Thank you for the advice, Evileye. I will try my best to still be just me."

As much as Lakyus wanted to ask a million different questions to her friend, her eyelids felt heavier with each passing moment and she had to say goodbye and walk towards the Inn supported up by Gagaran. She could only pray to gods Renner doesn't lose her humanity in her new form.


The moment Renner returned to the royal castle followed by Climb, her knees almost gave in. She felt her master's presence in the castle. Zanac and Raeven awaited her with worried expressions.

"Let's not make the god wait for us," Renner says, trying to sound calm. Lord Ulbert must have come to congratulate her. At least she hoped that was the case. Of course, he already knew about the ritual she performed, but she made sure it wouldn't impede any other plans, just give her extra power.

The slumped-over bodies of the sleeping castle staff only increased her unease. One glance told her both Zanac and Raeven felt the same. Climb just looked confused, but it was understandable. Her little puppy was the only one unaware of her allegiances. Although calling him little was unfair now. If before he was just barely taller than her now, there was almost a full heads difference.

She would have preferred his previous build more, but since he was given the same gift as she and what Renner guessed was a much stronger and bulkier guardian demon form compared to his old human one. At least his eyes still have that innocent, wide-eyed gaze and didn't have the predatory-looking vertical pupils.

"I will explain everything, Climb," Renner says as they all approach the throne room.

Demiurge waits for them outside with a neutral, unreadable face. There wasn't his usual self-satisfied grin, making Renner's heart drop. Her master was not happy.

"Ah, you are finally here. Reaven, Lord Ulbert wants to speak with you first." Demiurge says, gesturing towards the door.

The demon's demeanor showed contempt and light anger. Was this end of the line? Maybe he could beg for his wife and son to be spared. With shaky hands, he opens the trone door and walks in. On the throne sits a goat-like demon with Zalarta kneeling at the side of it. Hair covered her face, but the clenched fists and the light shaking told more than enough.

Both sides of the room were filled with orderly rows of demons. Likely the guards of the Lord Ulbert.

Raeven approaches and quickly drops on one knee, lowering his head in silence.

"I called you first, Elias, I hope you don't mind me addressing you by the first name, to express my satisfaction with your work. From now on you will work more with Emperor's administration and start implementing the laws of our empire. You already received a token gift for your efforts and I wish to give you a parting gift as from now on you are not working under me anymore."

Ulbert shifts on the throne.

"At any point, you have a chance to be upgraded from human to something more, but since I suspect you would decline such a gift as a family man instead, I will give you a family servant. A mid-tier demon that will be tasked to keep you and closest to you safe."

One of the demons steps forward and bows silently. It took Raeven a few moments to gather himself again.

"Thank you, Lord Ulbert."

"Off you go, and call in Zanac next."

The young king regent was just as scared to be in the god's presence and dropped on one knee instantly. Zanac's gaze falls upon Zalarta. For a moment, their eyes met and he could see a deep fear in her expression.

"King Regent Zanac, rise. A ruler of a region can stand before me."

Zanac slowly rises to meet the gaze of Lord Ulbert. Never in his life, he had felt so insignificant than in the moment the God of Trickery looked at him like he was a curiously looking bug.

"As I already told Reaven, from now on you will work with Nazarick's administration and start implementing the new laws and regulations. As for your reward, you can request a succubus for your specific preferences and desires."

For a moment Zanac stands silent. Zalarta had done something wrong, but he did not know what exactly. Should he just let her to her fate and pick a new one? During their time together, they had grown closer, and the thought of losing her was unnerving.

"Lord Ulbert, I was satisfied with Zalarta's company… and…"

"Oh, so you want to keep her?"

"If it's possible, yes."

Ulbert shifts in throne again and turns to look at Zalarta.

"This little one seems too unable to hold her mouth shut. But if she is the one you desire, I can gift her to you."

Zanac could clearly hear in Lord Ulbert's voice that there was light anger with his companion. Bravery was not a virtue he could claim to possess, but he felt Zalarta's fate was in his hands now. After a moment of contemplation, he says.

"Yes, Lord Ulbert, if it is not too much of a trouble I would like her to remain by my side."

"Then she is bound to you now. Her fate is in your hands now. I am willing to give you a new one if you ever grow tired of her." Ulbert then turns to Zalarta and says.

"You can go with your new master. And for your own sake, keep your damn mouth shut."

"Yes Lord Ulbert, thank you."

The young succubus stands up and walks to stand beside Zanac, who saw a soundless "thank you," escape her lips as she faced him. Ulbert motions for them to leave.

Finally came Renner's turn to talk with her god. Her feet feel like made of lead as she slowly walks up to the throne. Lord Ulbert was not looking happy one bit. She kneels before the god silently.

There is a prolonged silence as the usual command to stand up does not come.

"Do you think I would not notice? That you can outsmart me?"

"L-lord Ulbert I didn't…"

"Don't lie to me! Demiurge and I saw how much you tried to hide this little stunt of yours!"

"But if you knew…"

"Why did I let you do it? The same reason you wanted to use Barbo instead of doppelganger. Let them rise first for a greater fall."

Anger, pure burning anger fills her heart. She was about to lose everything and, for what, her own hubris. Her desire to be stronger, to be worthy of standing beside her god. Renner stands up with a rage-filled face and hisses.

"Lord Ulbert, I did this to be a better servant. To show I am worthy of being YOUR apostle. To show what…"

Her words trail off as Ulbert stands up from the throne and approaches her. He grabs the side of her face with his sharp nails digging into her delicate skin, drawing blood.

"You think you can use that tone with me?"

"N-no." She whimpers with the anger on her face replaced by a deep fear.

"Make no mistake, you are not powerful enough to pose any kind of threat and you will never be allowed to grow to such a level. But your new abilities can cause enough trouble to be wary of them."

Ulbert clenches his hand tighter with dark blood trickles down Renner's cheeks.

"Please, Lord Ulbert, I wish to serve you. I want to be your servant above all else."

"Is that so? Then you will have no problem giving up that little toy of yours."

Climb. Was that the price she will have to pay for her hubris? Renner felt her imagined future, her dreams crumbling down.

"If that is my punishment, then yes."

"How amusing. How about we give that decision to him?"

"My Lord…" Renner's eyes go wide, "If that is your will, I tell him everything."

"I would have let you perform the ritual if you were open and honest about it. The punishment is not for gaining power but for trying to go around my back. Call in the boy. I think we both know how it will pan out, anyway."

Ulbert says as he lets Renner go and returns to sitting on the throne.

Renner walks to the door and invites Climb in. The moment he saw Renner's bloodied face boy grabbed his sword and steps in front of his mistress, ready to face the room full of demons for her.

"Climb, put the sword away and kneel before my god."


"Kneel before my god."

Renner resumes a kneeling position again. For a moment, Climb is unsure what to do. Was the gift that saved his mistress's life now forced her to do this? He needed to know more.


Climb drops on one knee instantly with a fearful shudder.

"Climb, it is time you know the truth about me," Renner says slowly. "Everything that has happened was planned by me."

Climb could only stare in disbelief at how his mistress described everything she had done. Even turning him and herself into demons. All was planned by her beforehand. The golden princess nothing more than a mask an illusion. His mind refused to accept it. This must be some trick, some cruel trick done by the monstrous God sitting on the throne. Why else would his beloved princess do such heinous things?

"Why?" Escape his lips when Renner ends her confession.

"For you, of course. Don't you get it? We can finally be together. You are the only thing I care about. You are mine and will be for eternity."

He was the reason? That sounded absurd. This must be some cruel trick. He, yes, he has to find a way to bring the Golden Princess back from the clutches of these monsters.

"Princess, I know deep down that old self is still there together we can…"

Laughter, Lord Ulbert was laughing loudly.

"My boy, you are so hopeless. Renner, to think your brainwashing runs so deep that it doesn't waver even in face of the truth. Don't think you are off the hook, though. If you ever as much as think of repeating such stunt, a long and productive career in farming will wait for you."

"I will never try to go against your will, Lord Ulbert, never!"

"Good, off you go both. Demiurge will inform you when you can take a look at your living space."

"Thank you, Lord Ulbert. I wow to never break your trust again." Renner says with a deep bow pushing Climb into the same position.

Her new form lets her sense people's emotions and Climb's were in turmoil, like never before. She knew he was in love with her, but that crushing reality of knowing the truth started to take first roots in his heart. Roots that needed to be torn out by any means necessary.

The moment there was nowhere around, she pushes him against the wall and looks into his surprised eyes. She grabs the back of his head and pushes his lips against hers.

"You are mine! Mine!"

Renners says and locks lips with him again. The roots of free will and discontent will never take place in Climb's heart. She will make sure it never happens. Lord Ulbert, of course, knew even knowing the truth will not make Climb hate his mistress. The decade of grooming made sure he was not capable of abandoning Renner, no matter what she did. But it served as a warning that he would crush her entire world if she stepped out of line again.

The dreamy smile was all that Renner needed to see. Her little puppy was hers. No matter what he finds out, no matter what happens, she will keep a leash of him and make him a happy little pet. To suppress the desire of dragging him to the bedroom right away required all her willpower, but her transformation was still ongoing and her control over her abilities incomplete.

The risk of losing control was too high for them to share the bed right away. Just a few more days. Few long and tedious days of wait.

Bonus Story - Mother.

Another boring day with not much going on. The only duty Mariposa had was to deliver a report of her husband's daily activities, which now included doing a test on a strange plant he got from some dragon. At best, maybe someone of importance would visit for a task or two, but it wasn't even a daily occurrence.

With her and her husband's breakfast out of the way, she could just laze on the sofa and read a book. Luckily Nazarick's library was stacked to the brim with novels and she would not run out of reading material in the next few decades.

Today, the quiet morning was interrupted by a knock. Not wanting for guest to wait, she puts the book away and rushes to open the door.

Empress Albedo was not a person she expected this morning. Ever since her pregnancy announcement, Albedo rarely left Ainz's quarters, and those few times she was seen outside, her tiredness was noticeable. Today was no exception. As perfectly taken care the appearance of Empress was, the tired expression seemed permanent.

"Lady Albedo, what a pleasant surprise. I will get your father right away." Mariposa says with a bow.

"Actually, I came to speak with you."

Surprised, she lets Albedo in and sits down with her husband's daughter in the guest area.

"How can I be of service, my lady?"

"Just call me Albedo. You are married to my father, after all. I came to speak with you about this." Albedo says as she slides her hand over the already noticeable baby bump with a loving smile.

"Of course I will help however I can."

"Why does my child take so much energy? I can't get enough energy from Ainz to not feel tired all the time."

"I don't have personal experience of giving birth in physical reality, but our kind takes a lot of energy from both father and mother to gain the form," Mariposa says and sits down next to Albedo. If there was even a slight chance of bonding with one of her 'daughters,' she will not pass it.

"Child takes only what mother can afford to give. In your case, it is a lot."

"So this is normal?"

"Yes. Please do not worry, it will be fine." Mariposa gently puts her hand on Albedo's baby bump and then takes her hand away in a hurry.

"By the great mother, that is not a succubus. It's… it's something much greater."

"Of course she is. She is a daughter of a supreme being." Albedo says with pride.

"A natural birth of a new god!" Mariposa mumbles. "Albedo, yours and Ainz's daughter will be a naturally born goddess. That is a very rare occurrence. As much as I would wish to help you ease it, you will have to give up a lot more of your and emperor's energy."

Albedo's face twists in a gentle smile,

"She will get everything she needs. I will make sure of it." She gets up, adding, "Thank you for putting my mind at ease, mother. Visit me when you and father have time."

With a light stagger, Albedo walks out of Tabula's quarters, leaving Mariposa alone again.

'She called me mother!'

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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