16.34% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 454: 10

章節 454: 10


Winter's heels clicked loudly in her ears with each step, marching through the base with a tired grimace to give her report. She reported to General Ironwood directly, and that came with some… less than wonderful things, like reporting to him after a mission directly. No paper work, but if something went wrong she'd hear it immediately, and in force. Soldiers, technicians and mechs passed her in the hall, all on their way to their own tasks- seeing to the day-to-day combat against the Grimm, who as always, flung themselves at Vale's wall without hesitation. Or success, for that matter, not that the bestial creatures cared for their losses in any real way.

She paused for a moment at the large, dark wood door near the end of the hall directly beside the exit out onto a small, private, landing pad. The General's' own Bullhead and a squad of guards were out there, the machines mechanically marching while the men worked on the transport or talked amongst themselves, in the idle time between missions or assignments.

She reached up, knocked on the door three times, and waited until she heard the shout from inside, "Come in, Specialist."

She took a breath and pushed the door open, marching automatically to stand at attention across his desk, fully aware of the dirt and grime still marring her uniform's appearance, "Sir, reporting for post-mission debrief as ordered."

"Good. I have the reports from your Paladin pilot as well, "He said quietly, holding it up to show her before setting it down, "Do you question its legitimacy?"

"No, sir."

"Good. I will file it as validated then. Now, make your report." He said simply, opening a drawer and sliding it into the desk before reclining comfortably to listen, "And at ease, you are not to be reprimanded."

"Yes, sir." She said, relaxing slightly, "We made our patrol route, as ordered, and were set upon by several packs of Beowolves, being led by Alphas and supported by Creeps. We attempted to engage their forces, and held our ground as long as we were able. We were eventually forced to retreat, after receiving reports of the fleet being in combat as well and unable to render assistance."

"Yes, we were attacked by a moderate force of Nevermores- larger than was anticipated. They were easy enough to keep back, but diverting forces from the air to support you might have left Vale at risk." He sighed, shrugging lightly, "I ordered all patrolling units to withdrawal personally. This happens, on occasion, when the Grimm get out of hand nearby."

"I understand, sir." She paused for a moment before continuing, "However, the Beowolves' tactics didn't match up to our reports. They were much more tactical, keeping forces in reserve and sending the better fighters in only after the lighter ones had distracted our drones. Against humans, that wouldn't have worked."

"And you think that that may be something that was planned for?" He asked quietly, raising a thing eyebrow worriedly. She nodded, and he sighed, "Understood. You are dismissed, Specialist. Get some rest, and a shower, you appear to need both."

"Yes, sir. Thank you." She snapped a crisp enough salute, before turning and striding from the room. James waited until the door had shut before turning to his computer and pressing a button.

"Did you hear that?" He asked lowly, looking at the small chess icon turning on the screen, "Your hunch seems to be right. Do you want me to send you any reinforcements?"

"Nah, BLCK and I are pulling back for now, setting up a campsite in a cave system. It's clear enough for Beacon's security to handle, nothing high class. But we're staying in the area for a while, just in case." Qrow grumbled across the line, static crackling slightly from his being in the field. "A couple ships might help though, keep the fliers at bay. Don't really have people here who can take 'em too easily."

"I'll allocate one of my light carriers to the area, and give you their contact information, as well as order them to support you when requested." James said simply, flicking open his Scroll and typing out the commands, "Do you need anything else?"

"Provisions and basic camping gear suited to a cave system would be helpful, none of us much care for sleeping on rocks." Qrow said off-handedly, "Other than that? Just ammo. We're mostly scouting and eliminating smaller packs and lesser Grimm on their own now, so it isn't so bad."

"You'll get it, then. Good luck, and be sure to stay in touch. If you need anything else, at any time, just send word up and I will see to it." The other man nodded simply, and James shut off the connection, returning to his work diligently without another word.


Adam paced quietly through the ship, walking past sleeping soldiers with a thin smile. He always enjoyed traveling to Vacuo, even when he knew he was to be given a rather thorough dressing down. In Vacuo, the White Fang was more accepted than anywhere else in the world, aside from Menagerie, and they were able to walk openly in the streets in many places. This particular ship was mostly crewed by those same soldiers of the 'Fang, ones who could relax while travelling to the friendlier state.

But this was... different. Off. The men and women from Vacuo were relaxed, sure, but his men were tense, agitated and ready to snap. Two of them sat at the end of the hall, arms crossed and arguing quietly. They stopped as he approached and stood by them, the two men nodding respectfully, "What's the matter here?"

"Boss, that news article… It's got all of us from outside Vacuo pissed and wantin' some payback." One grumbled lowly, shaking his head in irritation.

"Respectfully, Boss, that's because they don't know Vacuo like we do. We got this, just need some time."

"What news? Did the White Fang do something and no one inform me?" He demanded angrily, inclining his head to show his horns (and irritation).

"No, some human did what they do best."


Mind Games Cont. (Copy and Paste Later)

"What do you mean, soldier?" Adam growled lowly, heart spiking in anxiety and anger over the potential news. "What has occurred, and why wasn't I informed?"

"A couple of humans raped and killed two rabbit Faunus in the outer city, one of the slums still left over from the Great War." The larger Faunus growled, spitting angrily, "Disgusting humans... As for you, sir, I… would think you'd been informed."

"Yeah, we figured you knew already. Hell, some here think that's why you're going to Vacuo in the first place."

"It's not." Adam grunted, turning to glare at a wall, "But I will add it to my list of things to do when I arrive, before I get to my orders."

"But… why wouldn't Sienna Khan tell you in the first place, if you were already coming?" The smaller, Valean Faunus spoke quietly, shaking his head, "It doesn't make sense not to inform a visiting commander of the situation. You could be killed in another attack!"

Adam paused for several seconds, thinking to himself further ahead than most would credit him as able to do, before smiling. "Sienna Khan summoned me personally, though he neglected to say why. I do know he disapproves of our actions in Vale however… and neglecting to warn me of such a situation as well, knowing the risk it might pose?"

"Yeah, that's…." He paused for a moment, looking at a wall before he murmured, "Could that be on purpose? Would Sienna do that, just over a difference of opinion?"

"He ousted the Belladonnas when they disagreed with the more violent policies, didn't he?" The other asked, looking at Adam with a start, "Not counting your… woman, of course, sir."

"Indeed." Adam said lowly, growling and jerking around, smiling thinly to himself, "Perhaps… perhaps I should be more wary."

"I would suggest it, sir. And if you need me-"

"I know I can count on you, you both are loyal to our cause." He turned and smiled warmly at them, resting a hand on the Valean's shoulder, "When we reach Vacuo, hunt down the murderers you mentioned, on my orders. Kill them both. Do not speak of what has been said here, not until I know what the next step is."

"Yes, sir." They both said, nodding eagerly. The larger Vacuan turned and walked away purposefully, steps light but firm. The Valean gave him a nod and followed, Adam smiled at their retreating backs.

"Plant the seeds, and watch the flowers bloom…" He turned and made his way back through the halls of the ship, relaxing slightly at his plan's ease of success, "then watch theirs wilt."


Penny reclined comfortably, smiling and casually watching television in her father's laboratory. She quite enjoyed X-Ray and Vav, and catalogued everything they did and said - minus the swearing, of which her father had informed her to be impolite - for her studies on normal human behavior. She needed to be prepared for their upcoming trip to Vale.

Or her trip, at least. "Dear, you really should be packing your extra pieces for the trip. I won't be there to run your maintenance for a couple of months, so you will be doing it yourself."

"I know, father. Don't worry, I can handle it for you." She smiled brightly, looking at the old man lovingly, "You programmed me to be able to maintain equipment, and downloaded my blueprints into my hardware. I am maintenance ready."

The old man sighed and shook his shaggy head, pulling at his long white beard anxiously, "I know, my dear, I'm merely… nervous, I suppose. You are very dear to me, and I wouldn't want harm coming to you because of something as simple as maintenance." He paused once again and looked around the clean, shiny laboratory, filled to the brim with his specialised mechanical braces and tools, for repairing the small android, "You won't be able to repair lost limbs or damage to your superficial characteristics, like your skin. And if you do lose an arm, it will take a week for me to manufacture another one and ship it to Vale for you."

"I could take a supply of superconductive fluids, aluminium, and steel, and use it to make limbs I can manipulate with my Aura via the conductive cables in my back." Penny said quietly, eyes blank while she ran through her onboard files and tried to come up with working solutions. "Transport would be difficult for me, but it would solve some combat efficiency losses in the event of a lost limb."

"Yes, but it wouldn't help with your camouflage. You'd be carrying several hundred pounds of wire, steel, and electrical cables with you at all times. Normal girls can't, and don't, do that, Penny." He smiled, watching the girl pout slightly, "However, I could have the General's ship supplied with it…. He has been wanting to have a squad assigned to support you in combat, after all."

"That would solve many of our problems, Father." She said, reaching up to touch the cable plugged into her neck gingerly, "May I remove this now? I... dislike the sensation of being hooked into the chair like this."

Penny always hated her update chair. The multiple chords required that she remove her shirt so they could be hooked into the seven ports along her spine, meaning all she could cover herself with - in spite of her programmed modesty - was a thin sheet he had in the lab, and it barely covered her breasts. "I know, dear, and you may. All of your updates are finished, just be sure to check your energy levels often." He sighed lightly, laying a hand on the chair, " I'll try and modify the chair design, or have a shirt made for you so you may charge yourself without compromising your… modesty."

"I appreciate that, Father. It would be wonderful to be able to stay covered while I charge myself!" She smiled brightly at him, and he felt the pang of pain in his heart that always came when she tilted her head and smiled like that.

"I know, my dear. Think of it as… a birthday present, for when you return. It would be around the proper time, after all." He smiled, patting her head gently and turning towards the door, "Get dressed, it's time to leave. We shouldn't keep the good General's people waiting, now should we? Unless you wish to, of course?"

"No, Father, that would be rude!" She squeaked at him, pouting slightly, "And besides, I wish to see what Vale is like and make some friends!"

"I want you to as well, Penny." He smiled, eyes twinkling at her brightly under his bushy brows, "Now then, shall we?"


Jaune sat in the library, eyes squeezed shut while he thought of his team, the girl whose pain haunted him, the Grimm's almost-voice, and the instinct he'd sensed directing them; all of it culminating in… he didn't know, but something. That much was for sure. Something involving the girl, Beacon, and the Grimm in ways that terrified him. It almost made him question his sanity, sitting alone in the library and thinking about the voices he heard.

It was enough to drive him mad, if he wasn't already, that was for damn sure.

He was sitting in a back corner where older versions of textbooks and manuals were kept. Dust and cobwebs assured him of his privacy, and he didn't sense anyone headed his way either. Reaching out with his hand, he ran a finger along the sheathed blade of Crocea Mors; reaching out in the same way with his mind to search for the girl.

Her pain was easy enough to sense, and he was becoming practiced at forming the connection that let them speak.

'J-Jaune? Is that-'

"Yes," he said quietly, almost mumbling under his breath, and opened his eyes to look around. "I want- No, I need to ask you a few things. Okay? Starting with where you are, so I can come and get you out of-"

'You can't. I'll die if I leave this… machine, I guess it is.' He winced as her pain washed over him in a fresh wave, hand tightening on Crocea Mors on instinct. 'I'm sorry… I know you feel it too, Jaune.'

"You can't help it." He argued easily, smiling in spite of himself, "I don't mind it, at least while I figure out a way to try to help you."

'The only way to to do that would be to speak to Ozpin about all of this, Jaune.' He felt a wave of grief and pain slam into him, and he winced at the pressure again, 'Please, Jaune… I just want him to let me die. I can't stand this… this hell anymore.'

"No!" He said loudly, eyes hardening and frown deepening, "I won't let you die, not if there's anything or anyone that can help you."

"Help who, Mister Arc?" He heard a concerned voice ask, turning and drawing Crocea Mrs on instinct. Headmaster Ozpin stood there, a book open in his hand and the other resting on his cane. Jaune could feel the man's cool eyes boring into him, appraising him critically, "Are you speaking to someone? Odd, as I know of no students whose Semblance allows invisibility." 'Nor anyone who would draw his sword on me in my own Academy.'


"I-I was… I was just talking to myself, sir." He lied, looking at the man and swearing at himself internally for not paying attention to his surroundings, "Sorry, sir. If I was being loud, or…"

"I dislike liars." The man said lowly, looking him up and down before nodding and smiling. He setting the book down on the table Jaune had been sitting at a moment before. "I marked my favorite story. Read it, and come see me when you feel ready to. I can almost guarantee we have a lot to talk about, and even more to do." 'And nothing will ever be the same when you do…. Fall needs you, as do I, I feel.'

"I… Yes, sir." he watched the man walk away before looking at the book in front of him. " 'Remnant's Oldest Myths?' What is this for?"

'It's important that you read it, Jaune. I read it too, once upon a time….' He felt a kind of sad nostalgia, and heard her groaning sigh, 'I… I'm going to rest now, Jaune… I don't wake up from these kinds of sleeps for days.'

He nodded, looking down and realizing that he'd drawn his sword from its sheath, before slamming it back and collapsing into the chair. Once again, Jaune flipped open the book to the marked section and glared down at it. "The Story of the Seasons?" He looked back up, in the direction the man had gone, before returning to the story and starting to read.


"Well?" Glynda asked quietly, leaning against the door frame with a grim look and hard eyes, "Did it go as you hoped it would? Or was I right in my suspicions, and you simply misunderstood something?"

"No, Glynda… I didn't ask him anything other than what he was doing in the library. He didn't even note my approach, and drew his sword in surprise." Ozpin nodded to his side, walking towards the elevator calmly, "I suspect he is somehow communicating with the Fall Maiden, and I aim to find out how. I… left him with her old book, the one from Vacuo."

"What?" Glynda asked sharply, giving him a surprised look, "Why?"

"Every step starts a journey, long or short. I helped him find one." Ozpin shrugged, smiling lightly, "If he isn't able to find out everything himself and make his way down to the Vault, then… then he isn't talented enough to be useful for us."

"And if he does do it?" She asked quietly, raising a prim eyebrow at him.

"Then our organization gains some much needed new blood." He said with a smile, waving at the direction of the dorms, "And our replacement Maiden will be decided for us as well."

"Just like that?" She asked quietly, shaking her head and pausing as they passed some chatting students, "I suppose it would be easier to motivate him to protect her, if she were his partner and a Maiden. Should we stall their deployment outside the walls until this is resolved, then?"

"No. He needs to face every challenge we can raise, so he can overcome them, or fail when it won't kill him to do so." Ozpin dismissed, smiling thinly, "We shall see what manner of protectors we have here at our Academy."


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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