13.79% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 383: 45

章節 383: 45

Chapter XLV: Beneath.

Last Time.

"Easy Red. I just stopped by with Blackfire after telling her about Speedy. She's here to beat some sense into you." Cheshire answered pointing to Blackfire.

"Not you too."

Roy groaned as Blackfire snorted. "I'm still your wife, so I think that gives me the right to. You need to get over this hump with Speedy." She walked over holding on to straps over her shoulder. "For yourself, for me... and our daughter." She turned to show a sleeping baby girl with orange skin and black hair in a back baby carrier.

"... Daughter?" He asked as Blackfire handed their daughter to him.

"Jilliand'r. Or Jillian Harper. Roy, you need to get rid of this Speedy baggage. Or you can't be the father she needs you to be."

Washington, D.C. February 14, 01:33 EST.

Fury dropped down in her hangar that had multiple rooms built in it with a large area with multiple monitors and chairs at a large glass desk. Nyssa and Red Hood dropped down having him look around. "So... Just how many are on your... Team?" He asked as Fury put her lasso down.

"Just us three."

"I had to wait for the Light to focus elsewhere so they wouldn't get suspicious. Now, they're partnered with an Alien Race that wants to conquer Earth in retaliation for the Light making the League go on a rampage in another system." Red hood looked around before Nyssa spoke up.

"Take off your helmet. We'll need to know who you are if we're going to trust you."

Red Hood looked at them for a moment before pulling his hood down and pressed a button on the left side of the helmet. The helmet unlocked and expanded a little and he took it off having the women's eyes widen.

"Holy shit."


El Paso February 18, 23:56 MST.

A teenage boy was skateboarding down the empty streets. He's a Mescalero Apache with long black hair and brown eyes. His attire consists of an orange headband on his head, tags around his neck, black pants, and red sneakers.

He's also wearing an orange jumper covered by a brown hooded shirt, an orange handkerchief around his right leg, and a black wristband around his left wrist with metal studs on it.

He continued skating until coming to a bus stop and went to the back and picked up his cell phone. Pushing a contact, he waited for the person to answer. "Tye? It's almost midnight. What?" Tye heard Jaimie answer before he spoke.

"I've had enough Jaimie. I'm done letting Maurice push me around. I'm on the bus to Houston tonight. I'm at the deport now." Tye finished before hearing Jaimie move something around.

Tye turned to the phone, missing a shadowed person watching him. "Whoa, slow down hermano (brother). I'll meet you by the statue of Cochise. Promise you'll wait until I get there."

"No promises," Tye said hanging up before walking to a statue of a Native American holding a rifle.

And was grabbed into the shadows as his skateboard rolled to a bench.

A few hours later, Blue Beetle flew down behind the statue and transformed into Jaimie wearing a grey coat. He walked to the bus station before seeing a man come out. "Excuse me, the bus to Houston?" Jaime asked as the man looked up at him from his clipboard.

"Just left. Next one's in the morning." The man replied leaving.

Jaime turned to leave just as Kage dropped down. "Kage!" Jaime yelled as Naruto waved.


"What are you doing here?" Jaime asked as Naruto shrugged.

"Robbery a block over, I saw you flying and wanted to know what's up. Did boss send you?" He asked revealing he was a clone.

"No, a friend, Tye Longshadow was running away to Houston. His mother's... Boyfriend and he don't get along. I asked him to wait but he left already." Naruto looked to the bus station before seeing drag marks on the ground near the building.

He walked over before seeing shoe prints around skateboard wheel tracks. "Maybe not," Naruto said before scanning it with his pair of glasses. A hologram of a person came up moving like he was talking on a phone. "Your friend Tye was talking here." Naruto scanned the next tracks before two holograms came up. It played out a scenario of one coming up to another and grabbed him from behind and moved back before disappearing.

"He was taken," Naruto said before seeing wheel tracks beside them rolling off. Naruto scanned it showing a skateboard rolling off before the scene showed the person dragging the other way. Naruto walked to the bench and picked up a skateboard. Naruto sighed before putting a finger to his ear. "Boss. We've got another kidnapping. Tye Longshadow, a friend of Jaime's."

"Got it, I'll have Kurama send some chakra to you so you can investigate."

Quaric February 19, 19:06 UTC+2.

A camouflaged Bio-Ship flew over the desert as the Team, composed of Miss Martian, Bumblebee, Batgirl, Troia, Wonder Girl, and surprisingly Killer Frost looked at the holo-screen with Kage on it showing a satellite view of the explosion of Malina Island. "Investigating the origin of the alien bomb that took out Malina Island."

"Is still a high priority. We suspect the bomb to have been smuggled to Earth via Boom Tube. And Watchtower scans have shown a lot of Boom Tube radiation in Bialya. Alpha Squad, your miss-!" Naruto was interrupted by an excited Wonder Girl.

"Go behind enemy lines, comb known Boomtube spots. Find any Alien tech matching the bomb."

She then hit her 'W's' and activated her stealth costume of all black with her 'W's' turning grey.

"Oh! And don't get caught and create an International incident, right?" Naruto smiled as he nodded at her.

"Yeah, that about covers it," Naruto replied before Miss Martian spoke.


Naruto glanced at her before speaking. "We just got confirmation that he's still in the hospital in a catatonic state… After his last bout with you." Naruto finished as Miss Martian looked away. "But Queen Bee is another story. Her ability to control men is one reason why I kept the others off of this mission. And it's a school night for Mary." Naruto said before Batgirl smirked.

"I bet you don't need a reason for an all-male squad."

The others stared at Naruto who just blinked at that. "I-I, uh... Oh-(Static.) I-(Static.)-I'm losin-(Static.)" Naruto said as the screen flickered to a static screen and him before turning off.

"Queen Bee's not the only woman who can mess with a man's mind," Batgirl said getting the others to laugh.

"Well... You are going to be his wife like the rest of us, right?" Frost asked showing her tattoo ring. Batgirl stiffened at that.

"For someone who hasn't told the Team his secret identity, Nightwing can't keep a freaking secret!" Batgirl said red-faced before turning back to the windshield.

As they flew, Wonder Girl turned to Troia before speaking. "I can't tell you how excited I am at teaming with you!"

Troia smiled at that before speaking. "You've said it at least a hundred and twelve times now." Wonder Girl gained a sheepish expression at that.

"I was hoping we could team with Fury sometime. And form the greatest Wonder Team the world's ever seen!"

Troia sighed at that as she crossed her arms. "No, I don't think that's possible." Wonder Girl blinked at that.

"Why? I thought you two patched things up. Heck, you're even sharing Conner." Troia blushed a little at that before looking at her.

"She... Does her own thing. You know about us when she... First showed up. A few years later, we fought."


Gotham Naruto's Penthouse May 3, 2014, 07:24 EDT.

Donna woke up from her bed beside Conner in only black lace panties. She rubbed her eyes as an alarm on her Smartphone went off. Picking it up, she contemplated crushing it but decided on just tapping the 'Off' icon. She got out of bed and stretched before going to the bathroom across the hall.

"Damn it, Donna! Put some clothes on when you're walking out of the bedroom!" Naruto yelled as he walked past the hall from the kitchen.

"Sorry, Dad! I didn't know anyone was up."

Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at Artemis who was watching TV in the living room. "Could you fetch her some clothes and throw them in the bathroom, please?" He asked her politely.

Mount Justice May 3, 19:22 EDT.

It was a surprisingly slow evening at Mount Justice and Wonder Girl was checking the main screen for anything that would break her boredom. Then she receives an anonymous email that somehow made it past their security. Cautiously, she opens it and finds only a map with coordinates to an empty mountainous area and a message attached to it.

'We settle it tonight, sister.'

Knowing full well who sent it, she turns back to see the Team as well as her parents in the room before walking out with a determined look on her face. When Diana sees her daughter leave, she spoke up. "Donna? Where are you going?" Donna continued to leave as she spoke.

"I'm bringing her back."

This confuses Diana until she looks back at the message that was still up on the screen and walked over. Then Naruto walks in from the kitchen and saw Diana frozen stiff with a look of dread on her face. He sees the message and instantly attempts to call Donna back on his earpiece. "Donna!"

Smoky Mountains May 3, 20:01 EDT.

Wonder Girl was flying towards her destination. As the area comes into view, along with an oncoming storm, Naruto's voice comes up on her earpiece. "Donna! What the hell are you doing?" He asked before she spoke.

"I'm bringing her back."

Naruto sighed before he continued. "You don't need to do this. We'll figure out another way to bring Megaera-"

Wonder Girl interrupts him as she removes and crushes her earpiece. Donna flies over the canyon where they fought the Light and Riddler in '10 and sees Fury standing in wait for her. She lands as they stare each other down just as the storm begins.

As the rain is falling, the sisters begin to remove their armor and weapons. A thunderbolt strikes, just as Wonder Girl spoke. "We don't have to do this, sister."

Fury just crossed her arms at that. "Yes. We need to."

Just as she finishes she starts running toward Donna, who does the same until they crash into each other.

As they punched each other, they created a shockwave that created a dome of water around them before flying back from the punch. The Bio-Ship flew to them as just the sisters flew back towards each other.

The Team of Kage, Superboy, and Wonder Woman reach the edge of the canyon and saw the sisters' brawl. Superboy was about to intervene until Wonder Woman restrains him. This surprises Naruto who spoke. "Why are you stopping him?"

She looks at them both. "This may be the only way to bring both of them home."

"How do you figure?"

She sighed as she turned to her fighting daughters. "They're both Amazons. Hand-to-hand combat is the most honorable way for two Amazons to settle their differences, no matter how deep-rooted they might be. For now, all they can do is bear witness." She said as Naruto sighed.

"You should have saved me sooner!" Fury yelled at Wonder Girl. "If it were me! If I knew you were at Cadmus, to begin with, I would have come for you!"

Wonder Girl spat some blood out before speaking. "What are you talking about?! You left when I found out about you!"

"We share a mental link! I saw everything you saw! That includes all of your accomplishments, getting together with Conner, and every moment our parents told you that they were proud of you!" She punches Donna once more. Donna retaliates by kicking her in the face, sending her crashing into a rock wall.

Fury stands back up, a trail of blood falling from a cut on her forehead. As she wipes it away she looks back at her sister. "Do you know what that's like? Seeing your own parents and boyfriend telling you how much they love you and know that you're not the one they're speaking to?!" She yells, tears forming in her eyes as angrily tackles Donna and rams her into another rock wall.

After a couple of hours of reshaping the landscape, the twins are both exhausted, bruised, and bleeding. Both of their costumes are torn. They both make one last-ditch effort and rush each other. Both land a solid punch to the face and effectively knocks both of them out cold.

Both Naruto and Wonder Woman dropped down. Naruto picked up Megaera and Wonder Woman picked up Donna before walking back to the Bio-Ship.

Mount Justice May 3, 22:17 EDT.

Donna slowly began to wake up to see that she was in the med bay of Mount Justice. She looks to her left and sees Megaera starting to wake up as well. She starts getting up and sees that her parents and Conner were watching over them. "Hey, welcome back, you two," Naruto says to them.

(Flashback End.)

Troia was brought out of her story as they flew to their first hotspot.

El Paso February 19, 10:02 MST.

Kage and Jaimie knocked on the door of a one-story house with cracks in the concrete wall. After waiting a moment, a woman opened the door.

She's a Native American with black hair in a ponytail reaching just past her shoulders, and brown eyes. She's wearing a green button shirt over a white one and jeans with green shoes.

"Jaime? Kage? What are you two doing here?" She asked looking around nervously.

Naruto sighed before speaking. "I wish I had good news, Shelly. Tye's been kidnapped." Shelly looked horrified before pulling them inside and tidying up a few magazines. "I have evidence that he was taken at the bus station. Jaimie was there telling me Tye was going to Houston and didn't see him. The worker there told us no kid bought a ticket, nor did anyone go to Houston. I found signs of a struggle outside with a shoe size that fits Tye's." Naruto explained as Shelly sat on a couch.

"Have you noticed anyone that may have been following you? Or maybe watches the house?" Naruto asked as she shook her head.


Naruto sighed at that. He then turns to Jaime. "Did Tye mention anyone following him near school, to either of you?" He asked both of them.

"No, he didn't say anything in school," Jaime said as Shelly shook her head.

"Okay, anyone that you know in the tribe who would want to attack Tye? Maybe to get back at you, your deceased husband, or your current boyfriend?" Shelly shook her head again, causing Naruto to sigh. "Then this must be related to the abductions of runaways."

"Runaways?" Shelly asked as Jaimie almost opened his mouth.

"Kids are going missing around the States. All of them have run away from their families for one reason or another... There was one in Dakota that was waiting for his sister at a bus stop, but they could have thought he was running as well."

Before anything else could be said, the door opened showing a muscular Native American man. He's wearing a jean jacket over a black shirt grey cargo pants and black shoes.

"Maurice!" Naruto looked at Maurice who looked at Shelly.

"What about my lunch, Shelly?"

Naruto glared before walking to him. "Sit down, Maurice." Maurice just glared at him before Naruto's eyes glowed red. "I know all about your illegal D.V.D.s and video games that you're selling out of Shelly's backyard." Maurice tried to throw a punch, only for Naruto to grab it and flip him on his back. "And then there's the drugs. That should get you a good amount of time in prison."

Later, after the police took Maurice, Jaime looked at Naruto. "How do you know Tye's parents?" Naruto shrugged before answering.

"I've come here and talked with the Tribe on several occasions."

Quaric, February 20, 00:12 UTC+2.

Alpha Squad looked at a hangar as Queen Bee's soldiers guarded it. Batgirl looked through night vision binoculars and looked between three hangers. "The other Boom Tube hotspots have all been busts. But-" Batgirl said through the link but was interrupted by Wonder Girl.

"But with this much security, they must be guarding big-deal Alien stuff, right?" She asked as the others looked down, at Bumblebee in her small size.

"Our job is to find out. Batgirl, Troia, you take the North Hangar. I've got the South. Bumblebee, the middle." Miss Martian ordered before Wonder Girl spoke through the link.

"What about us?" Miss Martian looked at her before speaking.

"Hold position."

Wonder Girl looked shocked at that. "What?! Wait, why can't we go in?" She asked as Bumblebee flew up to her. "'Cuz you're Wonder Girl honey, not 'Stealther Girl'. Plus, Frost's power isn't any more subtle either."

Frost's eyebrow twitched at that before Wonder Girl spoke up. "I can do this."

Batgirl looked at her before speaking. "No one's knocking your enthusiasm, Cass. And if we were under fire, there's no one I'd rather have by my side-"

Killer Frost smirked as she interrupted Batgirl. "Except your hubby, Kage."

Batgirl glared at Frost before Miss Martian spoke. "But we're trying to avoid a firefight. And we need a lookout. Use the psychic link only, the Biaylians are scrambling our radios." She finished looking at the radio dish scrambler at the base. "Anything goes wrong, we scatter and meet at the rendezvous point, clear?"

After getting an affirmative from all but Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, Bumblebee, and Batgirl looked at her. "Clear-oops." Wonder Girl said out loud before bringing a hand up to her mouth. "I mean clear." She turned to see the other was gone before looking to see Frost laying on her stomach looking through a spotter's scope down at the hangers.

"Where did you get that?" Wonder Girl asked in a whisper so as not to distract the others.

"Naruto and a few of us had Hal get us sniping training. Comes in handy when you have to stake out. Helped Naruto with his aiming as well." She said before hearing an engine.

Looking to the left, they saw an Army truck pull up. Icicle Jr., Mammoth, Devastation, Copperhead, and Shimmer came out of the back as Psimon came out from the passenger side.

Copperhead hasn't changed except her metal gauntlet is black and her chest tattoo is more intricate than before.

"Shit! Wonder Girl, you can fly, warn the others now! I'll meet you at the rendezvous point." Frost said as Wonder Girl nodded before flying to Miss Martian's hanger.

When she got to it, she went in a vent before pulling a cover in the ceiling. Looking around Wonder Girl saw a shimmer over a stack of crates before flying down and grabbed Miss Martian by her shoulder. Miss Martian turned around and saw Cassie shush her and tapped her head.

She pointed to the entrance having Miss Martian look to see Psimon looking at a clipboard. "I've shut down our psychic link, but we'll need to warn the others. I'll warn Batgirl and Troia, you warn Bumblebee and we'll meet at the rendezvous point A.S.A.P." Wonder Girl nodded before turning around. And was stopped by Miss Martian. "Hey, you did good Cassie." She said before phasing through the wall.

Cassie went out the way she came in. She flew over the hangars only for Devastation to grab her and slam her to the ground. "Sound the alarm! Lockdown!" She yelled as guards came over.

Icicle walked over and looked at Wonder Girl. "Who the hell is that?" He asked as Wonder Girl struggled.

"She's less than forthcoming blue boy, but I'm guessing she's not alone."

Mist formed around Icicle's hand before Wonder Girl flew up and threw Devastation down as Icicle and several guards fired at her. "Stop her!"

Wonder Girl turned and blocked a bullet with her wrist protector having it hit in front of Psimon, Copperhead, and Mammoth. She flew off to meet with Killer Frost and Miss Martian as the group looked at her.


Bumblebee flew into an air vent underground after her hangar went on lockdown before coming up to Troia and Batgirl, surprising them. "This is your escape route?" She asked as the duo shook their heads.

"No, we were here by the time the alarms went off, and the link went down. What happened out there?"

"No idea, but it's locked down tight. We'll need to find another way out." Bumblebee replied before Batgirl brought out her holo-pad and brought a map of the duct system.

"Well, all three hangers are connected via air shafts, but they also lead to something big 20 meters down."

"That would be our best bet then," Troia said as they made their way down.

Once they made it underground, they saw a large temple with a large beetle on a wall with hieroglyphs writing.

And more guards at computers at cracked walls. "Can you say, 'Temple of Doom'?" Bumblebee asked as they saw a cargo plane.

"This place must be thousands of years old. What do you make of it Batgi-" Bumblebee was interrupted by Troia.

"She left... She needs to break that habit."

Troia said as Bumblebee looked to see Batgirl disappear. A few moments later, Troia was hiding behind stalagmites before Bumblebee flew in front of her face. "Batgirl's been captured." Troia cursed before looking at her.

"Let's get the others, we'll need the whole Squad to help her."


The duo flew down to the others and explained what happened. "Let's go then." Miss Martian said calling the Bio-Ship.

They went back to the Temple as Miss Martian flew inside and over to Shimmer. She transformed into her before mentally knocking her out and put her in a barrel. Troia and Killer Frost stayed in the shadows as Bumblebee flew inside the cargo plane. She found Batgirl's pod before opening it. "Batgirl! Batgirl, wake up!" She sighed before bringing her hands up. "They always make me do this." She said before zapping Batgirl awake.

"Ahh! Did you just-!" Batgirl woke up with a startle before Bee shrugged.

"Sorry girl, you left me no choice. But we've got a cargo plane full of abductees here and you're the only one qualified to fly them out. Ironic as you're one of the two on the Squad that doesn't fly herself."

"Yeah, ironic," Batgirl said walking out of the pod before going to the cockpit.

Suddenly, an alarm went off locking the men in the Temple. Miss Martian turned and her eyes glowed as Psimon glared at her before they fought mentally. Troia dropped down as Killer Frost froze several men, including Mammoth. She kept up the freezing as the ice cracked on Mammoth. "Hurry the hell up! I don't know how long I can keep him under!" She yelled as Troia plowed through soldiers before clashing with Devastation.

"Hey, fellow Hermana (Sister)."

Frost sighed as Copperhead grinned at her. "Not going to fight?" Frost asked as Copperhead kept her grin at that before dashing towards her.

"Alright then, I promise not to rough you up. After all, that's our lover's jo-oof!

Wonder Girl tackled Copperhead to some boxes before tossing her to a group of men.

Back with Troia and Devastation, they both threw punches that collided with each other. A shockwave came from their attacks before Troia used her lasso and threw Devastation to the ceiling before punching her as she fell.

Wonder Girl tore the hangar doors open just as Devastation got up and ran toward Killer Frost and tackled her. Troia flew over but was hit by Mammoth who broke free of his ice.

They flew to the open door to escape as Troia held on to Frost. Suddenly, Mammoth threw a forklift off the plane hitting an engine having the plane hit the wall tearing off the wings as it went out the door.

"Miss Martian!"

Troia threw Frost to Miss Martian as she and Wonder Girl flew to the front of the plane and caught it. "Little help!"

The Bio-Ship flew down and a large clamp came out and latched onto the plane helping fly off into the distance.

Mount Justice February 20, 03:24 EST.

"Psimon planted mental instructions into the minds of his doctors and nurses. They've been tending to an empty bed for months." Kage said with his hood down and glasses hanging off his vest. "So, no sign of any Alien tech?" He asked the group.

"No, anything it is long gone," Troia said arms crossed.

"It was clear in Shimmer's mind that Queen Bee was acting like a middleman delivering abducted humans to an unknown partner." Miss Martian said before Batgirl spoke up next.

"We questioned the abductees. Most were runaways and all were taken after the destruction of Malina Island."

"So, someone else is with the Light. Maybe even using the Krolotean problem to hide their plans. Now the question is, who is this partner?" Naruto asked as Wonder Girl sighed sadly at that.

"More questions." Naruto walked over to her and smiled.

"Which will be answered. You got the abductees and yourselves out of there safely. That's all I care about. I don't care if the mission succeeds or fails. As long as you all, and civilians live to see another day, that's what I care about. I didn't put you all on this team because you're women. I put you on this team because you were the right people for this mission. Good work, Alpha." Naruto said as Batgirl pulled Wonder Girl into a group hug.

Quaric February 20, 04:26 UTC+2.

Queen Bee, wrapping around her right arm looked at the others before turning to stare at the wall. "The loss of the abductees could have seriously undermined our credibility. Fortunately, we have already collected the second shipment. Our partner should still be quite satisfied."

She said as her men brought in several more pods. One containing Tye Longshadow.

Suddenly, Fury walks in and greets the group. "Sup? What I'd miss?"

Bee glances at her before scoffing. "Nothing just lost a shipment." Fury raised an eyebrow before looking behind Bee.

"Hey, Dad."

Queen Bee yelped in fear as she held her arm. She turned to look behind her and saw that no one was there. Fury laughed at that before speaking. "Never gets old. Besides, Dad did tell you he'll only come to you with that if you go after Marie, her son or daughter, Miss Martian, Troia, me, or the rest of our family."

Fury then walks to a room having Queen Bee glare at her, infuriated by her impetuousness. She looked to Psimon before giving him an order. "Follow her and make her more, 'compliant'."

He follows her into a room where she's on a computer looking at files about their partner. He creeps up behind her and whispers, "Psimon says, obey-GAK!".

He's interrupted by a backhand to the nose, which slams him into the wall. As he's trying to get up while holding his broken nose, he looks up to see Fury looking down at him, cracking her knuckles as a seal appeared taking up her entire right arm. "Fury says... Break."

Outside, Queen Bee and the others are waiting for Psimon to return with a more obedient Fury. Only to frown as Fury comes back, dragging a bruised, broken, and bleeding Psimon by the leg. She throws him at her feet. "Try a less cowardly approach next time, Bee."

As she turns to leave, Icicle Jr. comments. "That was kind of hot."

This makes Fury turn and headbutt him, effectively knocking him out. As she turns to leave once more, Devastation looks at her. "Where does that girl get the attitude from?"

Mount Justice February 25, 09:15 EST.

Kage, with his hood down, watched as Megaera in sweatpants and a tank top flew inside beside her twin wearing the same outfit.

"Why are we here, Dad?" Donna asked as Naruto smirked.

"The next step in your training. Should have been done a year ago, but with the Tiamat situation, we couldn't." The girls looked at their father in confusion.

"What more is there to learn? We mastered everything in the scrolls you have."

Megaera said as Naruto smirked and pulled two square pieces of paper out of his pocket. "Now, we're going to see what Element Affinity you have." He handed them each a paper. "Just add chakra to it." Doing that, their papers split in half. "Wind, like me," Naruto said looking away at a screen. Missing the joy on both of his daughter's faces at having something new connect them to their father. "Let's get started."

To Be Continued.

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