10.44% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 290: 17

章節 290: 17

Chapter 17 – Handing Over Power

The Red Keep, Kings Landing...Six Years Later…

136 AC...

The summer was now in full effect with an invigorating sun bathing the area in a fresh warm temperature. The people of the city were glad that the summer looked to be a long and prosperous one after such a winter as the last one.

Another reason for the city's good mood was that a festival was being planned, one that would last for at least a week with a tourney, parade and more filling out the time. There was more food and wine in the city than was heard of and people were looking for their best clothes whatever they were to just enjoy themselves. The merchants, brothels and inn keepers were all keen for it to start so they could make themselves rich on the events to come.

The reason for this celebration?

The king had finally come of age and was going to assume his throne.

The city was abuzz with expectation, after years of watching this young boy grow into man they were at last going to see him as a king...their king.

Inside the Red Keep it was no different, servants cleaned and decorated the Red Keep to within an inch of its life and it was quickly filling up as nobles from across Westeros arrived to witness the event and pledge allegiance to their new king.

Harry, older and now sporting a trimmed beard stood at the gates of the Red Keep with his men waiting to see a pair of old friends. Two parties of men both led by men older than him dismounted from their horses when they reached the castle gates and walked over to meet him.

"Cregan...Tyland." Harry greeted them both, like him they were older but thankfully like him it was gracefully so. Cregan looked much the same as he had the last time they had met with the exception of a somewhat shorter beard and Tyland was smirking wide with a few more creases around the eyes than he had before.

Both men smiled and gave him a manly hug with a slap on the back each.

"Its good to see you." Cregan said with his rough northern accent.

"You too, both of you." Harry said with a genuine smile, happy that after six years the burden of ruling this country was soon to be off his shoulders. He looked up to see Baela and Rhaena had both arrived on the backs of their dragons.

Elsewhere with Rani Visenya smiled as she saw her cousins arrive, while Baela had visited court with her son she had not seen Rhaena in most of a decade. The sight of her in Northern style leathers and her hair in many small braids was strange but welcome, especially as they leapt off the backs of their dragons and hugged each other tightly, talking to each other as sisters like they had never truly been apart.


Elsewhere in the Red Keep a young man was painting a picture of a Blackwater Bay but with a sigh of frustration put his brush down, not sure if he was going to get anything done today with how nervous he was feeling.

"Its not going to be so bad you know." His brother Viserys said with a small smile, he had been sitting in the corner reading one of the many scrolls on Valyrian lore they had been allowed to read by the Peverells. They had an amazing library on things like politics, engineering, diplomacy, economics and nearly every other subject you could think of containing different ideas from not only the Freehold but also many other civilisations from across the world that had given him so much knowledge and inspiration to draw on. Hopefully he reasoned that would be enough to help his brother now. "You are going to be a good king."

"I hope so." Aegon said with tension in his voice. Viserys wished he could get his brother to see himself the way others saw him, while he was quiet and doubted himself more than he should Aegon was still able to enjoy jokes, be decisive in his judgement and more than that… be responsible. He saw it as his duty to rule and protect this realm for the sake of his people and be just, wise and strong. He had the makings of a good if not great king but seemed unable to realise that himself.

"Of course you will. You're going to be the best king ever!" A young voice said from the side and the two young men turned to see their little sister Alysanne beaming from the doorway with her little kitten in her arms. Her smile was a like a blast of pure sunlight, never failing to bring a smile to their faces. She was already in their biased view an incredibly beautiful, she had the most incredible silver mane and features like a doll with hypnotic violet eyes. She was going to be the most sought after and beautiful woman in the world and they were keen to see no man ever took advantage of her.

It was bad enough that House Lannister, House Baratheon and House Tyrell were already doing their best to gain a betrothal but many other houses were also now seeking her hand. This was expected as not only was she beautiful and the King's sister which were great enticements on their own but also she had just been given a dragon egg by House Peverell as a nameday present.

Everyone wanted to be the next family to have dragons, no longer did House Targaryen hold sole dominance in that regard. House Peverell, House Velaryon and House Stark had dragons of their own and as his brother had now started looking into a betrothal in Braavos as a political move to aid him a cadet branch of their family was sure to gain them too. Margari Orterys was the daughter of a very prominent Merchant Prince in the city with a great deal of power and influence, while some in the city were nervous of dragons coming especially when the city had been founded by slaves fleeing the Freehold they had been quieted by assurances that they would remain in Westeros.

They had decided against giving dragons to Daeron's son Jaehaerys since that would potentially cause some of the old Green loyalists to rally but still there were in the years to come going to be far more dragon riders than in the past, even before the Dance.

His nephews and niece Aenar, Lucerys, Sirius and Lily Peverell and cousins from House Stark, not to mention Baela and Addam's two sons were also to be given dragon eggs or had already received them. The dragons around Dragonstone were mating and breeding more all the time. Within a generation there would be even more dragons than before the Dance and more people to ride them. Something that was sure to increase as the family lines expanded. A few large cattle farms had been set up to produce food for them and as a benefit much more milk, cheese and butter.

A sign some said that the Freehold was going to be reborn but for now that was mere speculation.

Bringing his thoughts back to the present Viserys smiled again and patted his brother on the back before saying.

"How about you and I go for a flight on Stormcloud and Jaceys? Just a short one but it will help clear your head." He said knowing that one activity was something that always brought a smile to his brother's face.

He knew he'd made the right move when Aegon's face relaxed and they eagerly left the room, Alysanne pouting as she could not join them but contented herself by playing her kitten under the watchful eye of her swornshield Lady Evelyn, a Stormlander from Tarth.

Daenaera Velaryon was glad to be back in the Red Keep, as much as she loved her family's home High Tide she preferred to be here in the capital. The preparations for Aegon's coronation were rushing at great speed around her and she felt a rush of excitement, not just because it was going to be the biggest and most spectacular event of the year but because it was a step closer towards her own personal goal...becoming Aegon's Queen.

She did love Aegon, she wasn't faking that but in this case it was a bonus as she didn't have to create her feelings or act to fool him. She was glad of that though as it meant their upcoming marriage when she came of age would hopefully be a happy one. It was a shame that they would have to wait three years but that was not so long to wait. She would be in the sept taking her vows with him soon enough she consoled herself with.

She walked proudly through the corridors of the castle with a bundle under her arm and her companion and friend Falena Stokeworth at her side, coming to the throne room where she was glad to see Viserys and Aegon standing there with the ever loyal Ser Daeron the Daring on guard. He was a gallant knight she admitted; he had brought down the bandits and criminals that ran rampant after the Dance, he had carried medicine to all the settlements afflicted with the Winter Fever, had driven off pirates from across the Narrow Sea when they threatened the Stormlands coast and defeated the champion of Lys when he had come demanding for revenge after the destruction of the Triarchy Fleet during the Dance and then war with the rest of the Free Cities which apparently hurt them the most.

To be his squire was now becoming one the most sought after positions in the country especially as he was the Commander of the Kingsguard.

Daenaera however was well acquainted with both him and Viserys, her future goodbrother. A new face however was Margari Ortherys from Braavos, the future bride of Viserys. She was pretty she supposed with with chestnut coloured hair and pale skin but she still turned heads a lot. Allowing Falena to go off to talk with other courtiers and emissaries to see what information she could gleam Daenaera spoke to her future good-brother.

"Good day your graces." Daenaera said turning her attention to Viserys who greeted her with a quiet nod which was his permission to continue talking. "My family has sent this as a gift for House Targaryen, this tome collected by our greatest lord Corlys during his expeditions around the world. It details all the know God-Emperors of Yi Ti." She told him and had certainly chose the gift wisely as Viserys without hesitation and looked with an almost hunger at it. Aegon gave her a grateful smile knowing how much his brother loved new knowledge.

"Thank you Lady Velaryon." Viserys said with a smile. "This will find pride of place in our library I assure you, now if you will excuse me I must attend to my betrothed." He said excusing himself so he could speak more to the girl that would one day be his wife.

It was strange that a Targaryen would take a bride from Braavos, certainly as far as anyone knew it had never been done before but it was a political alliance between the Iron Throne and Braavos as well. A good one too given how much Westeros and Braavos had to offer each other and it would certainly be an aid to getting the now broken former Triarchy members to end their long tirade of threats.


Daeron meanwhile was keeping his vigil on the Prince Viserys while he met his new betrothed and the rest of his sworn-brothers kept watch on the king, the prince's cunning and political attitude was almost frightening and Daeron knew full well to keep his guard up around the prince. Aegon may well be king but he would not rule this land alone, Viserys would rule it with him.

That sort of thing might have troubled him if the two brothers did not have such a strong bond, one far stronger than Daeron had ever shared with his own siblings. There was at least to his own mind no danger of Viserys trying to usurper Aegon. Many were the hours the two spent together debating matters of politics, religion, trade, diplomacy, history and more. Subjects that often went well above his head but regardless the time they spent together and now with their older and younger sisters was full of laughter and lacked avarice. They often flew their dragons around the local area together and the king often used his family or favourite courtiers and even Daeron and the Kingsguard as subjects in his paintings which were some of the most detailed and striking images that Daeron had ever seen put to canvas.

The fact that the one family that he had once fought against was responsible for this by large was a strange but welcome irony.

House Peverell Daeron thought with strange feelings, a house that broke all the expectations anyone had of them and struck down their enemies just as quickly. The decimation of House Arryn and the crushing of the Eyrie were proof of that he thought, of their potentially vicious and harsh nature but also they had saved countless lives with their decisions in the war and in finding a cure for the Winter Fever saved thousands if not tens of thousands.

The realm was at peace with prosperity and coin filling up the treasury, not to mention dragons filled the skies once more.

He even had a son.


The little lad by him and Cassandra Baratheon had been something of an error in judgement on his part, especially as it had to his everlasting shame ruined Lady Cassandra and even now she was disgraced in the eyes of other nobility. Something that he deeply regretted to this day and that he knew made House Baratheon despise him. Still House Peverell had allowed her to stay at the Red Keep with him and raise their child together.

But he would not trade his son for anything he thought proudly, little Jaehaerys had worried many including his niece that much he knew. But he had been allowed to raise him here in the Red Keep, his son was being educated by maesters, clothes made especially for him, fed well and was being trained by the men of the castle to wield a sword and lance.

Even been given a new name, Goldenheart.

The name was strange as no one seemed to know what it really signified but Daeron with some assumption on his part took it to mean;

Pure of Heart...Loyal...True.

They would be a knightly house at least but one that would become known he was sure with pride to produce the finest knights in all of Westeros, his chest slightly puffing out with his feelings. Still he reigned himself in from that as he remembered that they were to serve the crown not usurp it, something he would impress on his son.

Still as he watched the young prince and his bride Daeron could not wonder what all these things would mean for the future? How far would the ripples of their actions spread and what would their legacy be? These questions often kept him up at night and when he looked at the young king and prince, to say nothing of the princess and his own son wondered deeply on what they would bring about in the future.

Daeron however shook himself from those thoughts as he brought himself back to the present and to his duty, especially he thought with all the envoys from different parts of Westeros and the wider world around. Who knows what they might be planning he thought with suspicion.

Later that evening Harry was sitting at his desk in the Tower of the Hand getting used to the idea of leaving it, he sorted through all the documents that had built up with the large amount of work that came with this office and was glad that soon he would be departing. He had never wanted power and would be glad to be free of the responsibility. Aegon wanted Viserys as his hand and Viserys in turn wanted the job, they were both young but certain of what they wanted and Harry was glad to see them take control of their own destiny. It would do no good for people to assume that the pair were nothing more than Peverell puppets.

Seeing the message from Dorne that congratulated Aegon on his accession and confirmation that they would continue to honour the trade agreements that he and Visenya had arranged during the new regime. Keeping peace with Dorne was a tedious job but worth it if it kept them from losing men in the desert or heavily fortify the Reach's southern border not to mention the Dornish Marshes.

He was interrupted from going any further by the arrival of Aegon and Viserys at his door.

"Your Graces, if you wanted to see me you only had to send word and I would have come." Harry said rising to his feet, remembering to be appropriate regardless of the role he had played in shaping these two young men. They were royalty and he had to ensure they did not lose face by being too informal even in private.

"It is not that Harry." Aegon said with a smile, allowing his facade of propriety which Harry hoped he remembered to avoid doing around anyone else than direct family or his most trustworthy friends. "We have had an idea and would like to hear your thoughts on it."

Harry nodded, while Viserys had one of the keenest intellects that he had ever encountered sharpened by the learnings of Valyria and Aegon was certainly no fool himself they would like he had taught them seek the counsel of others on big decisions. They all took a seat and he waited patiently while they explained their idea to him.

"We have thought of a way to bring Dorne into the fold...make it properly part of the realm." Aegon said proudly. Harry was immediately sceptical given how fiercely independent the Dornish were but stayed silent so Viserys could explain in more detail.

"We offer than Aegon's eldest son to one of House Martell's daughters and a daughter of Aegon's to one of their sons. That way one of their family becomes the next queen of Westeros while one of ours is a consort to their next ruler. They keep their royal titles to avoid losing face and maintain the monotony that all of our lords do and would gain our aid in defending their coast from raids by pirates in the Stepstones not to mention greater trade with less tariffs. What do you think?"

Harry was struck by the boldness of the plan, it was to say the least unexpected and to his mind at least somewhat dangerous. To spurn all the houses by choosing a Dornish bride for their future king and then to add to that by giving a princess's hand to a Dornish Prince. Allowing them to keep their royal titles would likewise not go over well with the houses that had been stripped of theirs in the Conquest like the Lannisters. However he was not blind to the fact that this could actually work depending on how it was presented to the Dornish.

"It is a daring and interesting plan, one that could well bare much fruit but be aware that you will have to make a good effort to appease the rest of Westeros so they go along with this plan. Also there is the issue with ensuring that you have the children to make such an arrangement work." Harry said but Aegon interjected something.

"But don't the Peverells have potions that ensure the sex of a child is what they want? If you would provide me and Daenaera have them when needed that should deal with the issue." Aegon said and Harry frowned. It seemed that Viserys had learned of all the potions they had at their disposal while he had lived under their roof and while he and his parents had never used them his grandparents had and a few other generations before them. Taken early on in the pregnancy they could control whether the child would be a boy or girl.

Now it seemed that House Targaryen wanted them. Something that he was not particularly keen on as the last thing he wanted was for rest of Westeros to figure out that they had magic.

"If we did then it would be in the strictest secrecy." He said with a hard glare that made both boys nod quickly in agreement. "That still does not overcome the fact that House Martell might not have children to meet the other end of this bargain." He reminded them but Viserys had an answer for that too.

"If they have two or more daughters then we could offer them a second son as a consort if needed. As long as we have a balance of children then this should ensure the plan is viable."

Harry nodded seeing the point but realised that they were still discounting the fact that if the personalities of the various persons that were expected to marry clashed then it might be a very difficult situation but said nothing. As sad as it was maybe it would do the boys better he realised with more wisdom than he thought he possessed if he left them to discover that for themselves. If he held their hands on all decisions like this then they would become dependant on him and that was something that he and Visenya had been trying hard to avoid.

Like Viserys' plans to reform the tax system and introduce a four year crop rotation cycle. Instead of the current three cycle system used by many, two years when a field was in use and then a year when it wasn't to allow the soil to become fertile again. The Four cycle system differed in that it used turnips to restore the soil and created a crop at the same time so now every field could be in use all the time. House Peverell had been using this system for quite some time and Viserys hoped to use it all over Westeros to increase food production.

He would still have to convince farmers to try it though and go against what they had been doing for centuries, or the lords to embrace his new system of taxation.

But those would be their challenges to face, Harry thought with certainty that if they were intent on it then they would find a way to make it happen.

Visenya then entered and smiled at the sight of her younger brothers who got up and gave her a hug.

"Sister." They said in turn while she smiled at them.

"Nearly the big day then. Go on, I'd like some time alone with my husband." She said with a warm look in her eyes that she reserved for family alone. They nodded and left without argument having said what they wanted to say.

That left Harry and Visenya alone for what felt like the first time in days, at all hours of the day and evening they were pestered by details of the coronation, the festival and the tourney that had been arranged after to celebrate it. They both sighed with relief and went to get a much deserved drink and stood around the desk with a small smile each.

"Nearly there, just a few more days then we can retire to Godric's Hollow." Harry said exhausted with the political games and scheming that they had put up with and play the last few years. The reunification of the country, making sure as many as possible survived winter, restoring the crown's finances...it had been a long struggle but soon the burden would be off their shoulders. Visenya just shook her head slightly.

"You know as well as I do that we will probably get pulled back in eventually."

"A man can dream can't he?" Harry asked her with a shrug. "Besides you and I have to try and see if we can get Aenar to calm down." He added on a more serious subject.

She nodded grimly, while their first born son was still young and hopefully in time his blood would cool, he was exceptionally wild and headstrong...sometimes to a dangerous point. His magic likewise was very strong and temperamental so much so that they had been forced to send him back to Godric's Hollow after a few incidents with people seeing things. Harry had managed to erase their memory but Aenar didn't seem to even care about what he did.

It was a worrying development, while both of them hoped they were merely being overly concerned they weren't sure it wasn't a sign of more trouble ahead. At least they could however ease their worries with the fact that their little girl Lily and their younger boys Sirius and Lucerys were more calm.

Desperate to lighten the mood Harry took his wife in his arms, she smiled again and wrapped hers around his shoulders. They stayed like that for a moment before Harry leaned down and kissed her, she responded eagerly and a strong passion that had not dimmed even slightly through years and four children flared into life.

Harry's arms slid down and gripped her hips, lifting her off her feet and sitting her on the desk, kissing passionately the entire time. Just as well no servants or anyone else came as they would have seen the sight of Harry making love to his wife on the desk of the Hand.

The Throne Room the next day was the most packed with people that it had been in years as nobles stood shoulder to shoulder in an effort to be there for this moment, Septon Harkness raised the simple gold band that had crowned Jacaerys so many years ago now causing a lump to come to the throats of all those that had been there. Visenya couldn't help a tear rolling down her face at the sight of her little brother being crowned with the same band, not least because it was her little brother. She smiled sadly, knowing that Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey would all have been very proud of Aegon had they been here to witness this moment.

She was proud too, not just of Aegon but Viserys as well. They had both come so far and had such great plans she thought with admiration, they were going to be talked about for centuries to come, she was sure of that.

She did wonder briefly if their mother would have been pleased but pushed that thought aside, it would do her no good to think of that now. She would never really know how true her mother's words of reconciliation were now and thinking about it would only anger her. Best to focus on the present rather than the past Visenya thought to herself.

So she looked on as Septon Harkness, one of Aegon's proudest teachers said with pride and confidence.

"In the Light of the Seven, I now proclaim Aegon of the House Targaryen, Third of his name King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may he reign." Harkness said proudly and the hall echoed loudly.


The loudest in the room were his family; Viserys, Alysanne, Visenya and Daeron who all stood close by. Smiling widely as Harkness put the band of gold on his head and Aegon sat looking resplendent on the Iron Throne, dressed in his best with Darkfyre and Blackfyre at his waist, not to mention the Chain and Staff of the Praetor around his neck and in his hand respectively.

Aegon stood as they all cheered and waited patiently for them to stop before making his own speech.

"Thank you all for your presence here today and for faith. Many of you fought for my crown when I was just a boy and for that I am truly grateful. Your efforts and the sacrifice of those that did not survive will not be in vain. A king's duty is to rule well, to protect his people and ensure the safety of his subjects and this I pledge myself to do, in my first act as king I name my brother and greatest friend Viserys Targaryen to act as my Hand while I am glad that the rest of the Small Council are willing to stay at their posts. I look forward to discussing the plans that myself and my brother have made regarding the future with them soon." He said with confidence and poise, addressing the room well and holding their attention perfectly. Harry and Visenya smiled proud of the boy that they had shaped into a king and were sure he would be remembered well in the future. However what came next surprised them deeply as Aegon turned to them.

"As for my dear sister and goodbrother who watched over me and my siblings and devised my and my brother's education. They have ruled well and given us all a fresh new start to this era, my thanks seem insignificant with all that they have done so I bestow to House Peverell the lands of Port Maril, High Heart and the towns Saltpans and Fairmarket to their holding. May they rule well and justly." Aegon said with a smile.

A gasp went around the room as the hill High Heart, the small port/fishing village Port Maril and two small towns were a significant pieces of land that were not officially held by any house after the recent death of Ser Cox (who had been left unable to sire an heir due to Harry's own father) so the crown was free to give them but it would no doubt increase the power House Peverell to well above any other in the area. The Tullys might rule over the Riverlands but the Peverells would be on their own stronger than any two or even four vassals combined depending on the houses in question.

Many whispered quietly to themselves or merely thought about it in their own minds if this would only increase the ambition of House Peverell. Harry and Visenya were likewise not blind to the fact that people would believe that about them. So they ignored it, why cater to others? Show a need to be liked? Dare to show weakness?

In the great game as they both now knew, that was fatal. Like Aenys the 1st they would be destroyed.

Still it was relief to at last be able to give the reins of power to someone else and focus on their family alone for the first time in what seemed like forever they thought with a smile. They would be there if Aegon and Viserys needed their help as after all they were family but thankfully they could leave Kings Landing.

As they watched the grand tourney arranged for the coronation later that afternoon, especially when Ser Daeron the Daring dominated the joust leading to cheers he was the greatest knight to ever live both of them wondered what the future might hold but were sure it was going to be interesting.

The Bone Mountains, Essos…

Nettles was flying on her dragon Sheepstealer well above the mountains that many referred to as the Bones, she was enjoying her chance to explore somewhere new and make some coin at the same time. There were many pathways across the mountains that were known but just as many that weren't. Many traders wanted to know which ways were best to carry their loads across the difficult terrain and even the locals didn't know them all so a bunch of them had hired her to fly above the awe inspiring peaks and look for what ways to cross it by cart and horse.

She looked with the attention of a hawk at the land below and saw a particularly steady and wide path that would be good for a number of carts moving in line. She fixed it in her mind and smiled, turning around and heading for the plateau where she had made camp while she worked. There were also a kind of deer around there which Sheepstealer could eat so it was a great place to feed her dragon and safely sleep.

However when she landed and returned to her tent she saw that her son wasn't there.

She looked around, wondering where in blazes Maegor had wandered off too when she saw him standing right next to a sheer drop and peering over without a care in the world. Panic stabbed at her heart and she shouted out with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Maegor get back from there this moment!"

He didn't even blink as he wandered back over to her, he actually had a small smile on his face but this only unsettled her further. Maegor was a strange child, even for a Valyrian she thought. He had incredible charm and intelligence for one so young and a tendency to lie so convincingly that even she had been fooled more than once. He also didn't play like other children or indulge in his imagination as far as she could see, he rarely ever did as she told him and he had no guilt about any action he took regardless of how bad.

"Hello mother, I was just exploring like you, its so beautiful up here I just had to see it." He told her with that strange empty smile on his face. For a moment as she looked him in the eye she could actually feel herself starting to believe it but remembered how deceitful he was and how little shame he had so she forced herself to be stern.

"Where did you go?!" She asked glaring at him with her arms folded but he just kept smiling before telling her.

"I just went around the plateau to see the rest of it and that is all mother I promise." He said and she looked doubtful, not believing him but since he was still alive he couldn't she assured herself have got himself in too much trouble.


Later that night while his mother slept with her dragon, Maegor slipped out of the camp and smirked as he slipped through an opening the rocks that he had found in the nearby cliff. His smile only grew wider as he saw the secret it held, one he was keeping from his mother however much he despised her but for now she was useful.

A large red beast, lean and vicious looking with a row of sharp and nasty looking teeth and what looked like a rotted saddle and a pile of dry bones with a head nearby. It was larger than his mother's beast, much larger and as he placed his hand on the beast's snout but was not attacked knew that this dragon was all his.

His own dragon he thought with pride.

And the key to his own future, Maegor thought as the first of House Redfyre.

Red for their words he thought with glee, that blood will stain the ground.

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