7.85% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 218: 48

章節 218: 48

Chapter forty eight: The essence of betrayal.

"Hell yeah!" – talks.

'Art is a blast!' – thoughts.

"Know your role!" – demon blades.

"Katsu!" – demonic/jutsu.


Konohagakure no sato. Council chamber…

"What the fuck is this?!" Orochimaru shouted, loosing his temper quickly.

Some nameless council member stood up. "We of the civilian council have decided that it is time for us to leave the village."

"Say what?!"

"You can't do that!" Hinata hissed. "You are an important part of the village's system! Without you…"

"No." The council member interrupted. "You ninjas made a mistake seventeen years ago. We told you to kill that demon right after the sealing, but no! You had to do everything your way! So it is you who should bear the consequences, not us!"

"But hold it!" Yamanaka Inoichi spoke. "You can't just leave. Besides, there is no guarantee that…"

"No, fuck it." Surprisingly it came from Orochimaru.

"W-What?" Even civilians themselves were shocked.

"I said fuck it." The snake sannin repeated. "You want to leave? Go ahead; you'll only be in the way when he comes. You're not worthy to save anyway…" With that he turned around and started to walk away.

"But Orochimaru…!" Hinata called.

"I said let them leave. We have enough problems as it is." Orochimaru spat. "I would've ordered to kill them, but right now we don't have this much time to spare…"

Sasuke's house…

"So… you're really going?" Sakura asked as she and Sasuke were lying on his bed, hugging each other.

"I must…" The last Uchiha replied. "If I won't stop Naruto then no one will. You heard what Athena said."

"I heard, yes, but…" Sakura frowned. "Do you really think he can become more powerful than gods themselves?"

Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. "This is Naruto we're talking about. The man who made the entire world believe that he is a loudmouthed idiot wearing orange."

Sakura held a pause. "Sasuke?"


"I wanted to ask you…"

"About what?"

"About your mother…"

Sasuke's eyes widened at this. "What do you want to know about her?"

Sakura bit her lower lip. "Do you… Do you believe what Naruto said?"

"I…" He hesitated. "Naruto said many things… Some of them were really hard to believe. But you know… I don't really care whether it was true or not. If I'll try to think about it, it will only play to Naruto's advantage."

"And that is correct." Athena said, appearing in the room. "Never believe that man's words."

"Damn!" Sasuke exclaimed, covering himself and Sakura with a blanket. "Do you have any shame?"

"You do not need to concern yourself, Uchiha Sasuke. Your personal affairs mean nothing to me."

"Yeah, but they mean something to me!" Sasuke snapped. "Can you show some more tact?!"

"You called me, tact is irrelevant right now. Time is what matters."

"Wait, I didn't call you."

"You did, you thought about me."

"But that's not…!"

"Athena-san?" Sakura interrupted.


"Can you tell me more about this weapon?" The pink haired girl asked. "What is it exactly?"

Athena paused. "It is… power. The greatest power a mortal can wield…"

"Yes, yes. I got that from the last time. But you actually brought an interesting point." Sakura said. "You mentioned that it's a power that mortals can wield… But me and Sasuke-kun are not mortal."

"Yes, you are." Athena stated. "Being a demon does not make you immortal. Inability to die from old age is not true immortality."

"Then what is?"

Athena's eyes narrowed. "You ask dangerous questions, Haruno Sakura. For what purpose?"

"Tch." The kunoichi scowled. "Fine then, tell me something else. If Sasuke-kun takes this power of yours, won't it make him a threat to you?"

"Hn." Athena smirked. "How insightful of you. Yes, it will. However we are giving you a choice, Uchiha Sasuke. Either you give up that power and return it to us after Uzumaki Naruto's defeat, or you will become our enemy."

"After Naruto's defeat?" Sasuke asked.


"…Very well. I won't need it anyway after that…"

"Excellent. Let us go then…"

Near main gates…

"I have voices in my head, they fuck with me…"

"No damn it! They talk to me! I repeated it thirty times just now, is it so hard to remember?!"

"Well sorry that I want to fuck this badly…"

"Badly enough to do it with voices?!"

"Almost. You only did Tsunade this morning after all. Why only her?"

"She came first and we didn't have much time."

"Really? Why is that? You tried to explain, but I didn't grasp it back then. Maybe you'll try again?"

"Nah, too much trouble. I'll do it once it's done…"

"By the way…"


"Why did you take only me? I mean I could understand you sending Tsunade and Kurenai there, but why Alucard as well?"

"Because we really shouldn't fight in the same place."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that… Hey look, it's Konoha! Are you glad to be home?"

"Sure, but I will like it way much better once I'm done with it."

"Can't argue with that… So, how do you want to do this?"

"Oh, I know a perfect way!"

Main gates…

"I can't believe they all left, Izumo…"

"Really? And I can't believe we stayed, Kotetsu."

Kotetsu turned to his long time friend with wide eyes. "What are you saying, Izumo?!"

"The truth, pal. Kumo is destroyed, Suna is destroyed, Iwa is probably as well." Izumo began. "And it was all done by one person, Kotetsu, one! Civilians have left, Hokage-sama escaped. I'm starting to wonder, what are we fighting for?!"

"Relax, buddy." Kotetsu put his hand on Izumo's shoulder. "We are fighting for this village as long as there is someone worth protecting. And we will continue to do that simply because there is nothing else for us."

"Yeah…" Izumo looked down smiling sadly. "I guess you're right." He said, turning back to his journal. "What's your name and reason for leaving?"

"Kozue Tokugawa. Me and my son are leaving the village because we are civilians."

Izumo took a deep breath. "Very well, you may leave. Next. What's your name and reason for entering?"

"Keiji Orimo. I'm a mercenary and I wish to fight for this village."

"Very well." Izumo nodded. "Be sure to check in with our forces commander Rock Lee. Next. What is your name and reason for entering?"

"Uzumaki Naruto. Came to kill everyone."

Izumo rolled his eyes. 'What a moron.' He thought.

"H-Hey… Izumo…"

"Not funny." Izumo said, ignoring his friend. "Either you tell me the truth, or I will have to ask you to leave."

"O-Oi, Izumo!"

"What?!" Izumo looked at his friend… who only pointed his finger. "What is… oh shit!"

"Nice said!" Naruto stated, pulling the trigger.


"Izumo! No!" Kotetsu screamed in horror.

"Aw, now look what you've done! You made him cry!" Hanabi said.

"Why do you care?" Naruto asked.

"I don't… I care that you spilled so much tasty blood!"

Naruto slapped his face. "Not you too… Actually hey, it's good that you don't like cola! I wouldn't want for my girl to drink all my cola while I was away."

"Oh, I'm your girl? You're so sweet!" Hanabi exclaimed, hugging Naruto from behind. "Let's fuck!"

Naruto shook his head. "Damn you're horny…"

"Uh-uh! You made me horny! Now take responsibility!"


"Huh?" Both Naruto and Hanabi turned their heads.

There stood Kotetsu with angry look on his face.

"You will die for this!"

Naruto and Hanabi simply glanced at each other, then took out their guns and kept firing until Kotetsu's body became nothing more than a bloody piece of meat.

"So…?" Hanabi asked, blowing the smoke that was coming out of her gun. "What now?"

Naruto thought for a moment. "Well, you go wreak some havoc…"

"Nice!" Hanabi grinned evilly. "What about you?"

Naruto grinned back. "I have a little… reunion in my schedule…"

Somewhere in Fire Country…


"Yes, dear?"

"Why are we leaving home?" The little girl asked her mother. "Why didn't dad come with us?"

The woman frowned. "Your father is a shinobi, Akira. He had to stay and protect the village from…"

"From a bad man?"

"Yes… Yes he is a really bad man. And there is no other person I wish dead so much…"

"You can't say that, mother!" The little girl stated. "Everyone has their good side! I'm sure that man…"

"No." Her mother interrupted sharply. "That man doesn't have a good side. And… Why did we stop?"

Multiple gasps were heard from ahead.

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to look, mummy!" The girl ran forward through the crowd of civilians.

"No, Akira! Wait!" The woman rushed after her daughter, but managed to catch up only after they both ended up ahead of everyone. "H-Hokage-s-sama?"

Indeed. There stood Tsunade in all her glory.

"Yay, Tsunade-sama!" Akira ran forward and stopped right in front of Tsunade, looking up at her. "You're gonna help us, Tsunade-sama? Are you going to stop the bad man?"

A sudden memory flashed in front of Tsunade's eyes…


"All these people are a part of me." Shodaime Hokage said as little Tsunade was sitting on his shoulder. "The people is what makes the village, so it is the most important to protect them. Even at the cost of our lives. Do you understand, Tsunade?"

"Hai, grandpa!"

End flashback…

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Yuhi Kurenai asked, appearing in a swirl of sakura petals with a sword on her shoulder.

"Y-You're…!" Civilians started to back down.

"Hmm…" Tsunade tilted her head to the side, looking down at the little girl. When their eyes locked, another memory flashed in former Hokage's mind…


"My necklace… I thought you sold it!"

"Hmhmhm…" Naruto chuckled, placing Shodaime's necklace around Tsunade's neck. "I did… But once I realized how important it was to you I kind of decided to take it back and return to you."

"I see…" Tsunade touched her necklace. "What happened to the owner?"

The Overlord grinned. "Which part?"

The woman grinned back. "As expected from you… Still, why go through all the trouble? I joined you already."

Naruto turned her around and removed his sunglasses, looking her straight in the eyes.

"What a stupid question. I did it because I respect and appreciate you. This is a sign that you are important to me." He stroked her face with the back of his palm gently. "Do you understand this, Tsunade?"

"Yes…" Tsunade closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. "Now I really do understand."

End flashback…

"Hokage-sama?" Akira asked with oblivious look on her face. "Are you going to help us?"

An evil smirk appeared on Tsunade's face. "Yes… Yes, I am." With that she brought her fist up and slammed it down mercilessly.


"AKIRA!" Girl's mother screamed in horror.

Meaningless to say that there were no traces of the girl remaining.

"Ouch, that was pretty cruel." Kurenai said with a smile on her face.

"I don't care." Tsunade replied. "As long as I have Naruto, I don't need anyone else."

"That's good." Kurenai pointed her sword at the crowd. "So, let's 'help' them, ne?"

"Yes, let's… You can come out now."

Suddenly everything became dark and then another figure appeared in a swarm of bats.

"Hello!" Alucard shouted happily, taking out his guns and starting to fire immediately.

"Hey! He's going to take all the fun!" Kurenai sulked.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for?!" Tsunade replied, grinning evilly. "Let's take it from him! Who kills most gets Naruto first!"

"You're on!"

"And what if I win?" Alucard asked. "I certainly don't want Naruto… especially first."

"If you win then we kick your ass!" Kurenai stated. "Now shut up and do your thing!"

Alucard's smile was about to rip his face in two. "If you say so…" He brought his hands up. "Approval of Cromwell confirmed…"

Sakura's house…

"Mother, I'm home!"

"Welcome home, Sakura dear!" Sakura's mother hugged her daughter. "I haven't seen you in a while…"

"Yeah, it's been a complete nightmare…" The pink haired kunoichi stated with a frown.

"Well, don't stand there, come in. Tell me what you've been up to while I'm making a dinner."

Sakura sighed. "It's Sasuke-kun…"

"Ah, that boy you've been chasing since you were a little girl? What about him?"

"Mom!" Sakura exclaimed with a blush.

"Oh come on, Sakura dear. Who can you speak about things like this with if not your own mother?"

Sakura smiled genuinely. "Yes, I guess you're right…" She paused. "Sasuke-kun went in search for power to save us all…"

"Oh…" Sakura's mother frowned. "Do you think he can do it?"

"I… I can only hope."

"Did he leave just now?"

"Yes, about half an hour ago…" Sakura looked at her mother. "Tell me, mom, why didn't you leave with everyone?"

Sakura's mother turned to her daughter and smiled sadly. "How could I leave with you still here? No mother could possibly do that…"

Tears appeared in Sakura's eyes as she rushed forward and hugged her mother. "I love you, mom!"

"I love you too, dear. More than anything." Her mother hugged her back. "But if you won't let me go then my pancakes will burn…"

"Oh, sorry…" Sakura released the hug and went to sit at the table while her mother returned to her cooking.

"Don't worry about it, dear. But I was wondering…"


"Why don't you quit your shinobi life?"

Sakura's eyebrows rose. "What do you mean quit? Leave the village, leave my comrades, leave Sasuke-kun?"

"Well yes… At least then you will be safe." Sakura's mother replied. "And maybe you'll finally learn to know your damn role…"

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. "W-What?"

Her mother turned to her with a questioning expression. "What do you mean, dear?"

"W-What d-d-did you j-just s-said-d?" Sakura stuttered.

"Well I…" Sakura's mother paused. "Did I say that last part out loud?"

Sakura nodded her head shakily.

(Starting song: "Slay me" – Sting's TNA theme 2011 edition)

"Oppa… Hahaha, well fuck." Sakura's mother suddenly took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. "At least I managed to last this far."

Sakura's fears were completely confirmed when her 'mother' took out a cola can.


"Damn, I swear my long tongue is going to kill me someday…" Sakura's 'mother' stated drinking from the can.


"Where? Oh…" Sakura's 'mother' looked down at herself. "Sorry, I forgot." And after a quick burst of flames there indeed stood Naruto, grinning happily. "Welcome home, Sakura dear! Wanna drink?" He offered her his cola can.

Instead of accepting though Sakura jumped off from her seat and took a battle stance.

"Oh, please stop that." Naruto waved his hands dismissively. "Besides, do you have any idea how hard it was to hug you and say that shit about loving you?! Give me some credit please."

"What did you do to my mother?"

Naruto shrugged and drank from his can again. "Specify."


Naruto rolled his eyes. "I meant what part of your mother were you referring to?"

"NO!" Sakura went for the punch, but Naruto disappeared in a flash of black just before it connected. So as a result Sakura punched through the wall.

"Ouch, that had to hurt!" The Overlord replied from behind, examining some picture on a shelf with his back to Sakura. "Konohamaru?"

Indeed, that was a picture of Sakura together with Konohamaru's team.

"I wondered what happened to them…"

"After the announcement of your death Konohamaru went on a rampage. He started to kill everything on his way. Udon and Moegi joined him later and they have killed many good people before they were taken down." Sakura explained. "They were executed in Kumo and died with a smile on their faces."

Naruto put the picture back. "Well that's a shame… Oh, by the way, your mother did not die with a smile on her face. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Sakura gritted her teeth in anger. "You are a fucking backstabbing bastard!"

"Thanks." The Overlord replied with a smirk. "But then again, who isn't?! Right, Sakura?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The kunoichi responded. The rage was still there, but it wavered just enough for Naruto to notice.

"Oh really?" Naruto exclaimed, leaning on a kitchen sink. "Remember that day many years ago? When you were bullied by other girls because of your enormous forehead… By the way, doesn't this thing get in the way of your walking? I mean come on; it has to ruin all coordination you had… Anyway, I got sidetracked. Remember that day, Sakura? Who came to your rescue? That's right, your good friend Ino. And how do you repay her?! Exactly, you take Sasuke away from her."

Sakura's eyes widened at this.

"Oh, I can't fucking believe this! You haven't even realized it yet?! So much for your smarts." Naruto said, clapping his hands mockingly. "Ino turned you from garbage to a person… And what you did? You broke your friendship because of some pretty boy."

"No…" Sakura whispered as her hands fell to her sides. "I did not…"

"Oh yes you did." Naruto walked behind her and whispered in her ear. "Do you know what that makes you?"


"Right… A traitor. Or how did you put it? Oh yes, a backstabbing bastard… well bitch in your case."

"No…" Sakura whispered once again… But then she remembered…

"Never believe that man's words."

"Gh!" Sakura clenched her fists in anger. "I won't fall to your tricks again!" She went for a punch in the face again, but…

"Oh, let's not." Naruto said, catching Sakura's fist. "We both know you're not an opponent for me. Though I am surprised with your ability to withstand my mental attack. Few people did that."

"Fuck you, Naruto!" Sakura spat. "Sasuke-kun will return! And he will have the power to destroy you once and for all!"

A malicious grin appeared on Naruto's face. "Is that so? You know, something's telling me that he's not going to succeed. And that something is my set of testicles. These guys never failed me before."

Sakura smirked back. "There is a first time for everything."

"Oh-ho! A sarcastic remark!" Naruto said in amusement. "I guess you're not completely hopeless… It's a shame though. Because when dear Uke-chan gets back… If he actually gets back, I don't think he will find anything to protect."

"Hahaha." Sakura laughed all of sudden. "You are a fool, Naruto. The entire village has been evacuated! The only ones who stayed are shinobi who will use everything they have to protect the village! All civilians have already left! You have lost this time!"

"HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed back. Louder and madder. "Do you really think I didn't know that?!"

Sakura's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Oh, come on pinky! I have lived in this village for thirteen years! I knew those fools like the back of my palm! Of course I figured out that they will run like rats they are at the first sight of danger. So… I kind of prepared a surprise for them."

Sakura gasped in fear. "What did you do to them?"

"Me? Absolutely nothing!" Naruto replied. "Your former master though… Yeah, I think she's tearing the last of them apart right as we speak."

"You son of a…"

"Eh-Eh!" Naruto squeezed Sakura's fist tighter.

"AAAAAH!" The kunoichi fell on her knees in pain.

"Do not insult me, pinky! I am the toughest son of a bitch there ever was! And you…" He looked down at her. "Well, I could ask for more information about dear Sasuke-kun, but I doubt you know anything… or that you will tell me anything for that matter. So… Hey, you know, there is one thing I wanted to do with you for a long, long time!" The Overlord stated, picking his former teammate by her hair.

"AAAH!" Sakura yelped again. "Go to hell, Naruto!" She shouted, spitting in his face.

"Right away, Sakura dear! I need to catch up with Uke-chan and get Pandora's Box after all!"

Sakura's eyes widened, but before she could say or do anything…

"Yep, surprise! I know where he went as well! So heads up!" Naruto exclaimed, jumping up, grabbing Sakura's head and giving her an RKO right through a kitchen table.

"Nice!" The Overlord exclaimed, looking down at his handy work. "Time to find it…" He added, disappearing in a burst of flames.

Center of the village…

"She's alone! Stop her god damn it!"

"Well, I might be alone…" Hanabi said, grinning maliciously. "But you all are just too slow."

"Wha…?" But before poor Konoha shinobi could finish his question his head fell on the ground.

"Fuck, I haven't even seen her move!"

"I'd be surprised if you did." Hanabi replied from behind.

"Shit!" Another ninja turned around, just in time to receive Sparda's former sword in his stomach.

"Damn." Hanabi removed the blade and ran a hand through her hair. "This is boring! Suna fight was more entertaining. At least there were those ROOT morons… and demons… and that big motherfucker…" She sighed, walking into a central square. "I feel like this village has been abandoned and…"

That moment a ridiculous amount of kunais flew at her from every direction.

"Wow!" Hanabi immediately froze time to dodge flying projectiles. "Whew! That was a close call. Is that how you guys asking a girl out?"

"Hyuga Hanabi!"

"Huh?" Hanabi turned around to see a very familiar person standing on the roof.

And that person was surrounded by a very large crowd of shinobi… Most of them had Byakugan as well.

"Oh-ho! If it isn't the great Hyuga Hinata and her titts! Looking good in that dress, sis! Did you miss me?"

Hinata's eyes narrowed. "Don't ever call me that again!" She spat in anger. "You stopped being my sister the moment you chose to join that monster."

Hanabi raised an eyebrow. "What monster? Oh, you're talking about Naruto-sama? Shame on you, sister! Naruto-sama is very sweet by the way… and he does these amazing things with his di…"

"Shut up!" Hinata shouted. "I don't want to hear about him!"

"Oh, that's a first! Didn't you use to worship the ground he walked on?!"

Hinata gritted her teeth. "That was a long time ago. He did things to me that can never ever be forgiven!"

"Sure, sure." Hanabi said mockingly. "But what was the worst thing? Was that him Stunning father? Or maybe betraying the village? Or…" She grinned evilly and did a sexy pose. "Or maybe choosing me over you?"

"I said shut up!"

"Oh, truth hurts, doesn't it? But do you know why he rejected you?!" Hanabi continued. "Simple, sis. That's because you never knew where to put it!"

"ENOUGH!" Hinata screamed. "Hyuga Hanabi! For betraying your village and for aiding Uzumaki Naruto's cause you are sentenced to death! The sentence will be carried out immediately!" With that she waved her hand and all shinobi surrounding her attacked at once.

"My, it's finally starting to get interesting!" Hanabi exclaimed, bringing her sword up. "Let's dance, boys!"

The Netherworld…

"Where are we?" Sasuke asked. "This does not look like a box, this is a sword."

"You are correct, Uchiha Sasuke." Athena replied. "This is the additional power you must receive in order to open the box and survive. Here, you will need this." She placed an amulet in his hands.

"What is this?"

"The key to unseal Overlord Sparda's power."

Sasuke's eyes widened. "Say what?!"

"Yes, Overlord Sparda has sealed his own power here by using this amulet. Join it with the sword and you will acquire his power."

"Wait, wait… You mean I will become an Overlord?"

"Yes." Athena nodded.

"Wait… but that means I will be able to fight on pair with Naruto! Why would I need the box?!" Sasuke wondered.

Athena shook her head. "Sparda was the weakest out of three. And Uzumaki Naruto has the power of two Overlords added to his own. No, even if you will be matched in rank, he will overpower you easily."

"Damn it… Alright then, I need to only bring the amulet to the sword?"


Sasuke nodded and without any other words walked towards the sword with determination in his eyes and held the amulet above it.

"Force Edge…" Rebellion suddenly spoke. "It's been a while since I last clashed with it."

'Well, this time you will be fighting side by side.' The last Uchiha thought.

"Hmhm, looking forward to it."

"What now?" Sasuke asked when the amulet sank into the sword and it started to emanate purple energy.

"Pick it up." Athena stated.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "That's it?"

"That's it."

"Well…" Sharingan user grabbed the hilt… "Here goes!" And pulled Force Edge out sharply.

"Be careful!" Rebellion warned. "It can…"

"WOAH!" Sasuke exclaimed falling on one knee after an overwhelming surge of power rushed through his entire body. "Damn… What was that? And why do I feel… weaker?"

"That's natural." Gods' messenger said. "Your power multiplied, but you had no time to regain it. So it's only appropriate that you feel weaker. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised you're not unconscious right now."

"Grrrrrah!" Sasuke grunted, getting back on his feet shakily. "I have no time to be unconscious!" He placed Force Edge behind his back alongside Rebellion. "People are depending on me! Sakura is depending on me…"

"Good." Athena nodded. "Let's continue then…"

Konohagakure no sato. Naruto's location…

"It's too many men, too many people making too many problems! Now where are those fucking… Oh, there they are!" Naruto exclaimed, coming face to face with a massive black stone, A.K.A. hell gates. "Way too predictable. After all, Uke can't travel between the worlds freely. So he will return through these… well, waiting is not an option, so…" He made a step forward, but…

"Stop right there, Naruto!"

The Overlord glanced over his shoulder. "You again?"

"Yes, me again." Sakura said dangerously. "And this time I'm not alone!"

Indeed, Ino, Lee and Tenten were with her.

"Oh, I see, you brought backup! Man, I'm terrified!" Naruto replied mockingly. "Three people?! Are you stupid or wha… Wait, why am I even asking?! Of course you are. So? Wanna try to stop me?"

"Yes, we will!" Lee jumped forward and took a battle stance. "You were the most youthful person I knew, Naruto-ku… no, Uzumaki Naruto. But you…"

"Stop." Naruto interrupted, raising his hand. "Don't try to make a fool out of yourself."


The demon rolled his eyes. "That bullshit about youthfulness and justice and passion… Stop it. It's ridiculous sounding from you."

Lee's eyes narrowed. "Gai-sensei always…"

"Gai had a reason to say all of this." Naruto interrupted again. "Your reason is that he said it."

"Even so… I will still honor his memory." Lee clenched his fists. "And I will avenge his death!"

Naruto smirked at this. "Oh? And you really think he would appreciate you submitting yourself to vengeance?"

Lee's eyes widened and his stance dropped. "What? But I…"

"No!" Sakura shouted, placing a hand on Lee's shoulder. "Don't listen to him, he will try to confuse you and lower your moral."

"I… I see." Lee said. "A dirty trick, Uzumaki Naruto."

"Sure… but not as dirty as this one." Naruto nodded his head and…

"AH!" Sakura yelped in sudden pain. "What is…" She looked at her shoulder to see a… syringe sticking out of it.

"Sakura-san!" Lee shouted worriedly and turned around to her fully… big mistake. "AAAAAAAAAAH!"

"LEE!" Tenten screamed in horror, seeing how a hand pierced right through Lee's chest from behind.

Sakura wanted to scream as well, but she couldn't find her voice. Why? Well, maybe because Naruto didn't even move a single bit. Instead…

"Ahh! I always wanted to do this!" Ino stated, removing her hand from Lee's chest. "That moron was freaking me off."

"You bitch!" Tenten shouted, summoning her projectiles. "DIE!"

"Che, how unaesthetic." Ino replied, blurring out of view several times just before Tenten's projectile could hit her.

"Stay still, bitch!" Tenten yelled, summoning more weapons to her aid.

"If you say so." Ino blured from view again and reappeared right in front of Tenten, picking the weapon girl by the throat with one hand like it was nothing. "But never ask anything of me again." And with that Ino rammed her free hand through Tenten's chest as well.

Sakura could not believe her eyes. She was just standing on her knees breathless and watched her 'friend' in shock and horror.

"Aww… I broke a nail." Ino stated, examining her hand.

"Ino… why…?" Sakura finally squeezed out of herself.

Instead of response though, Ino turned around with a smile and started to walk towards just as smiling Naruto.

"So, how was it?"

Naruto's smile widened. "Perfect as always."

"Naturally." Ino replied, wrapping her hands around his neck. "I do everything perfectly."

"That you do." With that Naruto grabbed the back of Ino's head and pulled her into a fierce kiss.

"We have a spy in our ranks…" Sakura remembered Sasuke's words from before. "He has been with Naruto since the beginning. It has to be someone we would never suspect…"

"Ino…" Sakura whispered under her breath.

"Ahh!" Naruto inhaled, breaking the kiss. "Did you miss me?"

"You don't believe how much! Asshole!" Ino slapped his shoulder.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"What for?! Do you have any idea what I went through after the announcement of your death?!"

"Hehe…" Naruto smiled sheepishly. "Well, it can't be helped. But it all turned out splendidly in the end, right? After all…"

"Cough! Cough!" They were suddenly interrupted by Sakura, who was in the middle of a coughing fit.

"Ah, you have finished it at last!" Naruto exclaimed with a grin.

"Yup!" Ino stated happily.

"So… cough… So you were the traitor, Ino." Sakura managed to say between coughs.

"Of course. Surprised?"

"Cough… I shouldn't be…"

"Oh yes you should! You have every right for that!" Ino stated. "You see, between Naruto, Neji and myself I was the one who gathered information. Neji was the one who struck from shadows, and Naruto-kun was always drawing attention towards himself and away from us. Actually my participation could be noticed as well. For example, who do you think controlled Mizuki in the Forbidden scroll incident? Who do you think stole Hyuga's secret techniques so Neji could learn them? Who do you think blew up storages and warehouses during the battle of Moon country?"

Sakura's eyes widened even more.

"Actually I can't believe no one noticed it! After all, I was sent along with my team and yet I'm the only one who survived! Strange, ne?"

"What… cough… what have you done to me?" Pink haired kunoichi asked.

"Oh that?" Ino asked back, picking up an empty syringe. "Just a little invention of mine."


"Sure, I love to create various things!" The blond girl stated. "Hell, I even created some of Naruto-kun's movements! Like RKO for one…"

"Hey, don't embarrass me like that." Naruto sulked.

"Cough… What about Soul Drain?"

"Eh?" Ino's eyebrows rose. "Well, well, looks like someone got to it after all. Yeah, in the foundation of Naruto-kun's greatest invention lie Yamanaka clan's mind techniques. Not that it'll help you in any way."

"Cough! Cough!"

"Ah, the effects are getting into the next stage I see…"

"What? What is this?" Sakura asked in fear.

"Well… To put it simply for your useless brain…" Ino explained. "It's an anti-demon serum, based on the work of our dear friend Orochimaru and his experiments in bio engineering."

"Bio engineering?"

"What, did you think I was just another dumb blonde?!" Ino asked in amusement. "Nah, sister. About a quarter of Naruto-kun's plans were actually started with my suggestions. Genjutsu, the Forbidden scroll, draining Kyuubi by using Sasuke… Well, I suggested Itachi, but it didn't work out. Actually, my biggest success was you."

"Wh… Cough… What?"

"Oh yes! Do you think I helped you out of sheer kindness?!" Ino mocked. "No, I blended you into a person you are to help Naruto-kun with his cover. Our entire rivalry over the Uchiha was a fake! I just wanted you to like him, it was necessary for our plan!"

"Yep. The old fool who people called Sandaime Hokage was monitoring my actions too well." Naruto added. "I needed to look like an idiot the entire time, and you… Haha, getting beaten by the weakest girl in our age group certainly proves to be idiotic. So I thank you, Haruno Sakura… for what it's worth."

"Cough! Cough!"

"Will she die?"

"Not right now." Ino answered. "I made a special serum just for her, so she could see everything around her die before dying herself."

Naruto grinned evilly and kissed her again. "You truly are a perfection, Ino."

"That I am… Can I finally take off those fucking lenses?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"At last!" Ino lowered her head and took off her lenses. "Ahh, that's much better!" She said, showing her red and golden eyes with slits instead of pupils. "Do you have a spare pair of sunglasses for me?"

Naruto placed a hand in his pocked and took out a pair of classic sunglasses. "I had a feeling in my gut that you will ask for them."

"Sure." Ino put her sunglasses on.

"How long until your next injection?" Naruto asked.

"Heh!" Ino smiled victoriously. "The eternity. I was finally able to bend the virus to my will, I don't need these injections anymore."

"Excellent!" Naruto stated. "Come with me then. I fell more comfortable with you at my side."

"Mmm…" Ino rubbed his chest with her hand. "And here I thought you were more comfortable with me on top of you."

"Haha…" Naruto chuckled. "Later, babe. First we have a date with destiny…"

"Eh? By destiny you mean that prick with Sharingan?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Don't ruin the phrase. Besides, 'We have a date with that prick with Sharingan' doesn't sound too classic…"

"Heh, I guess it doesn't. Well, lead on then!" Ino grabbed his hand and they both jumped through the hell gates.

"Kh… Cough… S-Sasuke-kun…" Sakura whispered, losing consciousness watching Naruto and Ino's retreating backs.


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