
章節 16: Ch16

Even Lisa hesitated for a moment, just at that moment Dvalin lunged forward and it is sweeping bite attack along the platform. Lisa was unfamiliar with any of Dvalin's attack patterns, and she and Everleigh took some damage from this attack. Fortunately, the damage wasn't too high her health bar only dropped by one third, as a result of this action Dvalin's claws rested on the platform, Lisa's eyes lit up and now she could finally attack him.

She immediately used her characters charged elemental skill, the lightning strike hit Dvalin's shield value dropped by about one fourth. Then wants her to use Venti's elemental skill, but Dvalin had already gotten back up, it seems that this was just a moment of vulnerability.

According to the previous attack pattern, Dvalin would stay up in the air for while and then launch another attack. So when Dvalin Seamlessly propped himself up at the edge of the platform, Lisa was caught off guard.

She immediately switched to Venti and used his elemental skill, immediately she doubts damaged to one of Dvalin's claws, reducing his shield value by another fourth. But just then an Azure sphere appeared in Dvalin's mouth, And before she could react, Dvalin's blasted out continuously.

Lisa attempted to invade this attack, but her stamina bar had already been heavily depleted, and this breath attack seems extremely powerful leaving her Characters in a state of continuous anemo damage bombardment.

" let me sleep a while…" Venti's Health bar zeroed out from this continuous attack. Fortunately, Lisa had plenty of Mondstadt grilled fish, and sweet madame for healing, Venti was back in the fight!

Lisa also believed she understood Dvalin's attack pattern by now, The key point was to evade the dragons attacks while taking the opportunity to empty it shield gauge. But just then Dvalin swung its wings and let out a mighty roar into the sky. Long beams of light fell like raindrops, then the platform had lots of cracks and Lisa started to continuously receive prompts of taking anemo elemental damage.

Lisa immediately went to the nearby wind seeds, which she had noticed earlier after passing through them, a wind current immediately formed, stank suspended in the wind current meant not suffering continuous damage from the platform however this was not a viable long-term solution. Dvalin quickly launched his second breath attack.

This time, Lisa predicted his move and while riding on the wind, current she avoided the breath attack. When she came back down she kept switching to her character and launched attacks on Dvalin's claw. Finally, the shield gauge was zeroed out, and Dvalin how old in pain and fell onto the platform.

" now is our chance! Aim for the tainted blood clot on his neck!" Venti said.

But how do I attack it? There's still the height difference. While Lisa was trying to think of a strategy The damage that came from the ground beneath her feet Increased. As time pasted, the damage multiplier got higher and higher.

Before the damage was only a little over 100, but now it was already over 500.

" it seems I was too careless…"

Before she could even attack the blood clot on Dvalin's neck, her in-game character had already fallen, And then when it switched back to Traveler, she was already on low health from the aerial battle, They also immediately fell, of the team only Bennett and Sucrose remained. Both characters lacking in offensive capabilities, in this situation, they fell in quick succession.

They returned to the domains entrance. Lisa let out a sigh, this battle was unlike any other she had done before, even she couldn't immediately work out the best strategy to succeeded. The most powerful monsters they had face before were the abyss mages and Mitachurls. Now when facing Dvalin their previous battle experiences seemed somewhat inadequate.

"Even you failed Lisa?!" a nearby player saw Lisa's team getting teleported back to the entrance and the entire team was on low HP, feeling very surprised. In the hearts of the players Lisa was considered a top-most player, and her failure indicated the difficulty of this battle.

Lisa slightly narrowed her eyes, The player suddenly felt to chill and hardly returned to their seats afraid of annoying Lisa. As they teleported their team to the statue of the seven to heal up, Lisa pondered whether there was any details she overlooked in the previous battle.

She put her clenched fist to her forehead. Any case, she had to clear this battle today as she really hated the word, " failure."


" oh my Archon, this battle is way too difficult!"

" I finally managed to complete the aerial combats, but then there was a second phase on a platform, i'm stupefied."

"Sir, can you please lower the difficulty a bit? It's driving me insane as is!"

"I heard even Lisa failed this battle and is currently working on a strategy."

"I'd like to call this battle, ' The players torment'!"

Hearing the players various complaints throughout the whole Taylor's inner mind palace remained undisturbed, and he even felt like laughing. Back in the early days of playing which player wasn't tormented by the stormterror battle? The time Taylor with Razor, Noelle, Diluc and the Traveler, Only after his second play through, did he manage to clear it. Although later on as more powerful characters came out and Dvalin's Battle mechanics were thoroughly understood, He became a weekly boss that could be cleared and only 30 seconds. But the experiences from the early days of playing were still a joy to recall. Therefore Taylor wanted the players and team to experience this kind of "fun".

" Taylor isn't the difficulty for the battle a bit too high?" Eula asked.

"Ha, this is the first world boss in the early stages of the game, if it's not designed to have a bit of a challenge, how will I ever leave a deep impression on my dear players?"

" but even Lisa failed."

"So what? This level seems difficult at first glance but it's really simple once you find the right methods and strategies."


Eula nodded thoughtfully, feeling that Taylor's words were indeed logical.

Afterwards, Taylor immediately made an announcement for the game.

The first three players to defeat Dvalin would receive a reward of 1600 primogems.

Once this announcements came out the players who had previously been complaining stopped and became very excited as though there was fire burning in their veins.

1600 premogems!

That's 10 wishes!

In terms of mora, It's equal to 160,000 mora or with the first recharge bonus, it's 80,000 mora.

For the average player, this was not chump change.

"Mr. McCall is generous!"

"Mr. McCall has gone to great lengths for us to be tormented by Dvalin."

" Say less, i'm going right back to challenge stormterror, I will get those 1600 primogems."

" I saw Lisa's gameplay earlier. I think I should be able to do it!"

Players who originally planned to set aside the main story and complete some world quest immediately join the faction aiming to beat Dvalin.

Thanks to Taylor's decision players enthusiastically entered the domain, battled, got killed and returned to the statue of the seven to replenish their teams health.

There where even quite a few players who drained the statues healing pool completely.

Today was destined to be a day of grinding for the players.

At around dinner time, the first player to complete the boss fight appeared.

To no one's surprise it was none other than Lisa!

This result was within the expectations of every player.

And Lisa received her reward of 1600 primogems.

Many players wanted to consult Lisa for some tips on completing the battle against stormterror, but Lisa immediately deployed an electro curtain around her seat.

The meaning was clear: don't bother me!

At this time, new player Derek disturb so so they continued to strategise on their own.

Since Lisa could do it, they should be able to as well.

As for Lisa, she was enjoying the sense of achievement from this victory.

By her third Play through, she found the unique mechanisms for this battle.

First at the beginning of the battle, she could use Venti's charged basic attack, firing three arrows at once if she hits Dvalin with them, it significantly sped up the process of depleting the shield bar.

Second, when Dvalin's shield bar was depleted and he fell onto the platform. She need to climb up Dvalin's neck to attack the blood clot.

Lastly, after Dvalin released his "Caelestinum Finale Termini" she needed to use the wind currents on the platform to move to an adjacent safe platform.

As long as these three unique mechanisms were mastered, this challenge became much easier.

After successfully clearing the battle, Lisa had even greater admiration for Taylor.

This battle was completely different from any previous one, but after defeating Dvalin using these unique mechanisms brought a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

She took a sip of the juice that was on her table and prepared to see the upcoming storyline.

After successfully destroying the last blood clot, Dvalin Fell from the platform. At the same time the winds around the platforms start to make them crumple. There was no time for any of them to react as they fell from the crumbling platform into the extreme storm.

During the fall Dvalin's figure flashed by then the screen went to black. Opening their eyes once again, Venti, Jean, Paimon, the Traveler and Diluc were all lying on the back of Dvalin, appearing to be safe and sound clearly at the critical moment, Dvalin had regained his self-awareness and caught the falling group.

Carrying everyone away from the storm, they were under the vast blue sky once more. Venti lay on the dragons back displaying a peaceful expression.

"It's been awhile since we flew like this together, huh, Dvalin?"

"Just now… why… why did you not ask me to protect you like the last time?" Dvalin voiced his confusion.

" Me not wanting you to listen to the abyss order, doesn't mean you have to listen to me."

"Freedom if demanded of you by an Archon, is really no freedom at all."

As Venti said this, he held up his hands and a ball of swirling anemo elemental power appeared and entered Dvalin's body.

" is this… the power of the Anemo Archon?"

" but I am no longer part of the Four Winds"

Venti smiled. " Even if that so you still protected us regardless."

" so spread your wings of freedom and go with my blessing."


" this ending is really quite nice," Lisa felt a surge of warmth in her heart, even though she wouldn't consider herself a sentimental person.

The curse blood on the violin (TN: Dvalin, but this is a funny mistake so I might leave it)was removed and regained his self awareness. Although he was no longer part of the four winds, he had become a truly free dragon soaring in the sky. Thanks to everyone's efforts this epic journey had finally come to a satisfactory conclusion.

In the game storyline, just like before the start of this quest, came from Jean's perspective.

The scene shifted to the Knights of Favonius, into Jean's office where she is seen working at her desk.

Jeans voice sounded off screen. " And so the stormterror threat was quelled."

" I clarified the misunderstanding to the citizens of Mondstadt, and let them know that they are safe."

" to them, it seems stormed her attacked Mondstadt out of nowhere and then vanished just as quickly, they must be finding the whole ordeal very confusing."

The Seen had been transitioning to Dvalin flying freely in the sky with the traveller and Paimon moved by the sight. Diluc was leaning against the wall, and Venti sitting on the palms of the open hands of the Anemo Archon statue gazing into the sky.

" however the winds change their course."

" Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future."

Beneath the white clouds in the center of cider Lake, Mondstadt city was like a pearl appearing tranquil and beautiful. Perhaps the days of care freedom had been forgotten during this prolonged 'Stormterror crisis' the people had forgotten how wonderful those days were.

After completing the third act of the prologue, Lisa subconsciously displayed a satisfied smile. The reason she had left the Sumeru academia and came to Mondstadt because she had grown tired of the sages and their oppressive rule of the academia in Sumeru. Mondstadt's freedom allowed her to choose to reside here and now she seemed to feel that same attraction to the city as she felt when she first decided to stay here.

As a game developer, Taylor had managed to express Mondstadt's concept of freedom so deeply and profoundly throughout the games storyline that it invoked a subtle emotion within Lisa. At this moment when she felt she had found a kindred soul, it was the first time she ever had such a feeling of excitement.

She removed her curtain and went to the front desk, Lisa saw Taylor sitting there looking into the air seemingly simulating and planning something.

Quietly approaching Taylor, she said, " I really love the final chapter conclusion." Lisa left a kiss on Taylor's cheek.

This scene happened to be witnessed by Eula he just returned with empty glasses. Eula Felt a pain of jealousy, 'Damn I haven't kissed Taylor yet! Lisa got one up on me just like that! Well at least it was on the lips his first kiss should still be safe, I must be the one who gets it!'.

" how did it feel Taylor?" Eula walked over to Taylor and asked, feigning nonchalance.

" well, it felt a bit, tingly." Taylor replied.

"Taylor, you…!"

" Though it's probably cause Lisa used her elemental power."

"Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!" Eula said, striking a pose with her hands on her hips. She was determined to make Taylor experience the full range of her vengeance when the time came it would be even more than what Lisa had given him.

(TN: I couldn't resist)

… as it approached dawn the second and third players to defeat Dvalin Appeared one after another. They were a member of the adventurer's guild and Charles the bartender. They both received their 1600 primogems she is as deals, but they didn't rush to make their wishes instead they continued with the subsequent storyline.

With the first three clears now completed the remaining players temporarily give up on challenging Dvalin. After a day of grinding their current concern was not the primogem reward but the storyline that wouldn't fold after defeating Dvalin.

As a crime gathered around the two players among them with Amber who had finished her outrider work and come to join in on the game. Although she had only progressed the game to the point of reclaiming the holy lyre she was curious about what would happen next.

Is Dvalin alive or dead? Can the main characters escape unscathed? What lies in the future for Mondstadt? These questions could only be answered from the unfolding storyline.

When they saw Venti was doing freedom upon Dvalin The lockers couldn't hold back their emotions.

"Oh, venti is so gentle!"

" even though Lord Barbatos Isn't very reliable most of the time, impressively tender at this moment."

"Dvalin has also recovered and everyone has returned safely. It's truly wonderful!" Amber was moved by this beautiful ending and there were hints of glistening tears in her eyes.

" I won't say anymore; I must pull Barbatos… I mean Venti for my team!" Now many players had fully accepted the present identity of Barbatos. They recognised his transformation into the barred Venti, was all because in the mobile game storyline they come to understand the ideology of the Anemo Archon.

" I remember you saying something like whoever pulls Venti is going to suffer, right?"

" Well, I say this night if pulling him makes me suffer than I will be the greatest sufferer. Even if Venti heals the enemies, I'll still pull him!"

" Based on the trial gameplay, his damage seems to be great, I must pull him!"

"For Lord Barbatos, I am willing to sacrifice my wallet!"


The Storyline wasn't completely over at this point while the Traveler and party were battling Dvalin, Mondstadt also face attack from a horde of Hilichurls. Fortunately, The Knights of Favonius Defended against the Hilichurl's Full scale assault, these Hilichurls were most likely manipulated by the abyss order.

Kaeya remained within the city dealing with infiltrators from the abyss order and obtaining vital information, the abyss order is United under a single leader referred to as "[the prince/princess]." he shared this information with the Traveler.

Subsequently, as per the initial agreement they joined Amber at the good hunter to enjoy their specialty sticky honey roast.

Seeing the scene, something stirred with Amber's heart, The game developer Taylor seem to understand her greatly… but she knew nothing about Taylor. I threw many concepts presented through the storylines Amber believe that Taylor must be a gentle hearted person. She should find an opportunity to get to know him better.

"Amber, You're really playing your part here!" One of the players teased her.

" don't get distracted, don't get distracted, let's see what happens in the next part of the storyline!"

After bidding farewell to Amber, the Traveler went to the cathedral to meet with Jean. Upon entering the cathedral, besides Jean and Venti, There was another familiar figure, sister Barbara.

" I am not really in a position to speak compared to our acting grandmaster…"


( sorry, this one is so late. I have no idea why this chapter took it as long as it did. Hope you can forgive me for being late.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C16
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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