The worker carefully counted and inspected the stones before handing Lassim a slip confirming the completion of his task. "Well done. You're ahead of schedule again it seems. Keep up the good work!"
Lassim nodded, accepting the slip with a sense of satisfaction. He had four full days ahead of him to focus on developing his new technique and he was ready to get back to it, at least after a quick shower.
He returned to the servant quarters, his body crying out for a shower and sleep after several days of nonstop usage of [Tempest Steps] and digging.
The hot water washed away the grime and tension of the past three days, leaving him feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
After a quick meal to replenish his energy, Lassim sat down on his bunk bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Lassim awoke the next morning to the mouth-watering smell of meat cooking in the kitchen area.
Big thank you to Ryugin for the Golden Ticket!
Also, thank you to Ryugin and Amine_G for the power stones! I greatly appreciate them a lot!
What do you think about the new technique? :)