11.92% COTE : Everything about power (R-18) / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : How to enjoy your vacation

章節 11: Chapter 11 : How to enjoy your vacation

The discussion that started at 8:00 p.m. ended with no progress, and the current time is 11:50 p.m. I went to the room where Ayanokouji, Hirata, Yukimura, and Koenji are staying to discuss the progress of the exam.

Hirata: "Thanks for coming, Horagasaki-kun."

Jin: "I didn't mind, I was bored anyway."

Next to such conversation, Koenji, with his upper body bare, was doing push-ups while doing a handstand. What on earth is he trying to do?

Hirata: "It would be nice if Koenji-kun could join us too."

Koenji: "Sorry, Hirata boy. I'm currently busy pursuing physical beauty."

Koenji said with a laugh. He probably doesn't have a single ounce of remorse.

To be honest, I think it would be incredible if Koenji were to join us, but it feels impossible for him to cooperate with us even if a meteorite were to fall on Earth.

Hirata: "Actually, two VIPs came forward to me."

Yukimura: "What?... Who are they?"

Yukimura was intrigued by Hirata's shocking confession.

Hirata: "I can't say. I've been told in confidence."

Yukimura: "Are you saying you can't trust us? We should have the right to know as much as you do. And by sharing information about the VIPs, we might be able to figure something out."

Hirata: "...You're right. I also wanted to discuss this. Actually..."

Jin: "...Shouldn't you write it down on your phone or something?"

Just before Hirata could mention the names of the people, I stopped him. Hirata seemed to agree, as he took out his phone and started typing.

[Hirata: "Kushida-san from Ryu Group and Minami-kun from Uma Group."]

Jin: "Hey, Hirata, who are the members of those two groups?"

I asked Hirata, and he quickly typed the names.

The members are:

Class A: Kohei Katsuragi, Nishikawa Ryoko, Matoba Shinji, and Yano Koharu

Class B: Ando Sayo, Kanzaki Ryuji, Tsube Hitomi

Class C: Oda Takumi, Suzuki Hidetoshi, Sonoda Masashi, and Ryuen Kakeru

Class D: Kushida Kikyo, Hirata Yosuke, Horikita Suzune

Class A: Kito Hayato, Sakayanagi Arisu, Muranishi Takaya

Class B: Shibata Hayato, Meguro Hana, Watanabe Yuta

Class C: Komiya Kanogo, Nishino Takako, Yamashiro Yuna, Yoshida Daisei

Class D: Matsushita Chiaki, Minami Setsuya, Yamauchi Haruki

As it was written. While we continued the discussion, humming started echoing in the room. Apparently, it was coming from Koenji. Wow, this guy is amazing.

Yukimura, whose concentration was disturbed, said to Koenji with irritation.

Yukimura: "Hey, Koenji! Stop humming, it's distracting! Also, make sure to participate in the exam properly until the end. Don't do anything like what happened on the deserted island."

Koenji: "Even if you say that, I really did get sick that time. I can't overdo it."

Yukimura: "You... faking illness...!"

When we returned to the ship, it was clear that Koenji's body had been thoroughly tanned for a week. No one believes that he got sick, and Koenji probably doesn't care.

Koenji: "Hmm, it's a hassle that this troublesome exam will continue for another two days."

Indeed, it's a hassle. If I could find a rule, I'd want to finish it right away.

Jin: "It's a hassle, but what's the point of saying that when you haven't even thought about it properly?"

Koenji: "There's no point in seriously thinking about meaningless things, right? It's just a simple quiz to find a liar."

As he said that, he picked up the phone from the bed, typed something, and then put it back on the bed.

Yukimura: "Hey, hey, what did you do!?"

Yukimura shouted, but it was too late. At almost the same time Koenji finished his operation, an email arrived for all five of us in the room.

Announcer: "The exam for the Monkey Group has ended. Members of the Monkey Group do not need to participate in further exams. Please be careful not to disturb other students."

Yukimura: "Hey, Koenji! Your group is the Monkey Group, right!"

Koenji: "That's right. I am now officially free. Well then, See ya."

Saying that, Koenji disappeared into the bathroom. We were stunned and couldn't say anything.

Yukimura: "Damn, what the hell did he do...! While we were trying our best to think!"

Hirata: "I still don't understand. Maybe he had his own reasons..."

Yukimura: "He's so careless! He only cares if it's good for him! This is the worst!"

Yukimura shouted. But he himself understands his personality well. In April, Koenji clearly introduced himself as having that kind of personality in class.

But maybe Koenji actually found the "liar."

Because of his actions, all the students were in chaos.

Hirata: "Sorry, it seems like everyone is confused."

Yukimura: "Damn it, because of him, we can't even have a proper discussion."

Yukimura seems to have reached his limit. If there's no discussion going on, then I guess I don't need to be here anymore.

Jin: "Well, I'm going back then."

Saying that, I left the room.

When I entered my room, Miyake approached me with a surprised expression.

Miyake: "Hey, Horagasaki, did you... by any chance, end the Monkey Group?"

You're correct, Miyake-san. Koenji ended the Monkey Group. I want to finish this exam as soon as possible. In that case, is option 3 appropriate?

At that point, I took out the roster that Hirata had given me and decided to look at it together with Miyake.

Class A: Kohei Katsuragi, Nishikawa Ryoko, Matoba Shinji, and Yano Koharu

Class B: Ando Sayo, Kanzaki Ryuji, Tsube Hitomi

Class C: Oda Takumi, Suzuki Hidetoshi, Sonoda Masashi, and Ryuen Kakeru

Class D: Kushida Kikyo, Hirata Yosuke, Horikita Suzune

Class A: Kito Hayato, Sakayanagi Arisu, Muranishi Takaya

Class B: Shibata Hayate, Meguro Hana, Watanabe Yuta

Class C: Komiya Kanago, Nishino Takako, Yamashiro Yuna, Yoshida Daiki

Class D: Matsushita Chiaki, Minami Setsuya, Yamauchi Haruki

The school sent a mail stating that they had strictly determined the VIPs, and Chabashira-sensei said to ignore the relationships from Class A to D once for the sake of clearing the exam. According to Hirata, Kushida and Minami are the VIPs.

Jin: "...It's no good, I don't get it."

Miyake: "Indeed, but isn't there some kind of rule?"

That's true, I don't trust Kushida, but, to put it bluntly, weak-minded students like Minami would rely on Hirata. So let's start by looking at the Uma Group.

When I did, I saw the team names and the number of participants. I remembered that when I received the explanation earlier, the furigana was missing for some reason.


Jin: "Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes!"

With a flash of inspiration, the answer came to me, and I waved my hand excitedly.

Seeing that, Miyake asked me.

Miyake: "Did you figure it out by any chance?"

Jin: "Well, yeah... Chabashira-sensei said to ignore the relationships, but it doesn't mean to cooperate, it means to ignore the classes written on the list."

As a result of investigating how Minami could become a VIP, the answer came out. When you rearrange the members in alphabetical order, it becomes:

Kito Hayato, Komiya Kanago, Sakayanagi Arisu, Shibata Hayate

Nishino Takako, Matsushita Chiaki, Minami Setsuya, Muranishi Takaya

Meguro Hana, Yamauchi Haruki, Yamashiro Yuna, Yoshida Daiki, Watanabe Yuta

Jin: "If you replace this with the Chinese zodiac sign 'Horse', it's the seventh. So, what does that mean?"

Miyake: "I see, that's what it means!"

Miyake was surprised and said it was such a simple mechanism. Then I checked the Ryu Group led by Kushida, and it matched perfectly.

Jin: "Well, Miyake, I'm going to finish it too."

And I used my phone to send a mail to the school written "Chihiro Shiranami."


Announcer: "The exam for the Snake Group has ended. Members of the Snake Group do not need to participate in further exams. Please be careful not to disturb other students."

At the moment this email arrived, Miyake raised his voice.

Miyake: "Did you seriously do it!?"

Jin: "Well, yeah, I did it! After all, I wanted to finish it quickly, you know? Now I've earned 50 class points~"

Miyake: "Sigh, you're hopeless."

Miyake smiled wryly. If I were asked who my good friends in class were, I'd answer Ayanokouji or Miyake. 

But outside, there's chaos and pandemonium. And it's no wonder. Since two exam completion emails arrived on the first day, each class was in turmoil. Fortunately, since we, the Snake Group, haven't figured out who the VIPs are, no one knows that I did it, so it's not clear.

Hashimoto: "Oh, my group is already over. Then it must be Horagasaki for sure."

Hashimoto muttered to himself and headed to the deck of the ship.

??: "Who the hell ended the exam!"

??: "What if it was our class... What are you going to do if our class points decrease!"

And so on, it's very chaotic. 

Then I received a message from Kamuro via chat.

[Kamuro: Did you do it?]

I thought there would be no harm in telling her, so I replied honestly.

[Horagasaki: Yeah, why?]

[ Kamuro: Because of what you did, Totsuka in our class is going wild.]

It seems that Totsuka is going wild because I ended this exam.

Well, it's not my problem, so please get angry on your own.

It was already midnight, so I decided to go to bed.


It was the morning of the second day of the special exam when I headed to the restaurant to have breakfast.

Koenji: "Oh? Even Rich Boy is having breakfast?"

Rokusuke Koenji, the free spirit of Class D1, asked as he shook his blond hair. Since Koenji was the one who ended the Monkey Group's exam, he was freely active like this.

Jin: "Yeah, I just felt like eating something. Mind if I sit next to you?"

Koenji:"Hahaha! Welcome, welcome. And there's something I want to ask you."

Jin: "What is it?"

Koenji: "It seems your group's exam has ended. Did you by any chance end it, Rich Boy?"

With a smirk on his face, Koenji stared at me with confident eyes. He's truly unpredictable and quite troublesome.

Especially since he seems to have figured out what I did.

Koenji: "I can't believe you ended it on the first day. Well then, let's compare our answers, shall we?"

Since there was no reason to refuse, I decided to explain.

Jin: "Alright, first take a look at this."

Koenji: "Hmm."

I said so and showed Koenji the list I received from Hirata last night.

Snake Group:

Class A: Masumi Kamuro, Yahiko Totsuka, Masayoshi Hashimoto

Class B: Asako Amikura, Chihiro Shiranami, Susumu Tsuzuki, Teppei Yokoi

Class C: Daichi Ishizaki, Hiyori Shiina, Albert Yamada

Class D: Jin Horagasaki, Akito Miyake, Mei Wang

Dragon Group:

Class A: Kohei Katsuragi, Ryoko Nishikawa, Shinji Ichiba, Koharu Yano

Class B: Sayo Ando, Ryuji Kanzaki, Hidemi Tsune

Class C: Takumi Oda, Hidetoshi Suzuki, Masashi Sonoda, Kakeru Ryen

Class D: Kikyo Kushida, Yosuke Hirata, Suzune Horikita

Horse Group:

Class A: Hayato Kito, Arisu Sakayanagi, Takaya Muranishi

Class B: Hayate Shibata, Hana Meguro, Yuta Watanabe

Class C: Kanago Komiya, Takako Nishino, Yuna Yamashiro, Daiki Yoshida

Class D: Chiaki Matsushita, Setsuya Minami, Haruki Yamauchi

Applying my analysis...

Jin: "Normally, the teacher would say to overcome this exam by cooperating within the group, but do you remember the words the teacher emphasized? 'Ignore the relationships between classes,' right?"

Koenji:"Yes, that's what she said. Please continue."

Jin: "When we received the explanation initially, did you see the class roster? And the furigana wasn't there, right?"

Koenji: "Hmm."

Jin: "Yeah, so when you erase the class part like this and arrange it in alphabetical order..."

①Asako Amikura ②Daichi Ishizaki ③Jin Dougasaki ④Masumi Kamuro ⑤Hiyori Shiina ⑥Chihiro Shiranami ⑦Susumu Tsuzuki ⑧Yahiko Totsuka ⑨Masayoshi Hashimoto ⑩Akito Miyake ⑪Albert Yamada ⑫Teppei Yokoi ⑬Mei Wang

① Sayo Ando ② Takumi Oda ③ Kohei Katsuragi ④ Ryuji Kanzaki ⑤ Kikyo Kushida ⑥ Hidetoshi Suzuki ⑦ Masashi Sonoda ⑧ Hitomi Tsube ⑨ Ryoko Nishikawa ⑩ Yosuke Hirata ⑪ Suzune Horikita ⑫ Shinji Matoba ⑬ Koharu Yano ⑭ Kakeru Ryuen

①Hayato Kito ②Kanago Komiyakogoro ③Arisu Sakayanagi ④Hayate Shibata ⑤Takako Nishino ⑥Chiaki Matsushita ⑦Setsuya Minami ⑧Takaya Muranishi ⑨Hana Meguro ⑩Haruki Yamauchi ⑪Yuna Yamashiro ⑫Daiki Yoshida ⑬Yuta Watanabe

Jin: "So the question is why go through the trouble of arranging it by zodiac signs? When you think about it, there's a high possibility that the order of the zodiac animals is related."

Koenji: "I see."

Jin: "So, the Snake group, to which I belong, is the 6th in the zodiac order. Therefore, the VIP is this 'Chihiro Shiranami.'"

Yesterday, I explained to Koenji about the students who claimed to be VIPs to Hirata, and I explained the Dragon Group and Horse Group, as well as the Monkey Group to which Koenji belonged, in the same way.

Jin: "That's how it is."

Upon hearing this, Koenji fell silent for a moment, then burst into laughter and applause.

Koenji: "Hahaha! Bravo, bravo! Just as I suspected. Rich Boy, you're very capable. How about working under me?"

It seems I've been invited to work for the Koenji Concern.

I'm genuinely happy, but I'm not confident I can keep up.

Jin: "Oh, I lack the skills... I'll think about it."

After some hesitation, I said with a wry smile, and Koenji handed me a piece of paper with a smile.

Koenji:"Hehehe, you're quite lucky. This is my contact information. Feel free to rely on me if you need anything. Well then, See ya!"

Koenji gave me his contact information and then ran off from his seat.

Wait, am I the only one in the class who has Koenji's contact information? That's pretty rare.

While idling away, the exam entered its third day, and the Snake Group and Monkey Group were free to act since their exams had ended.

Since there wasn't much to do, I received a notification from Kamuro while idling.

[ Kamuro: Hey, are you free?]

[Jin: Don't know.]

[ Kamuro: What's with that?]

[Jin : Let's go get a massage. I've decided on the destination for now, so let's go.]

[ Kamuro: ….]

Man, I'm weak. But it's nice, having the privilege to intimidate girls like that.

I joined Kamuro and headed to the massage corner. Initially, I thought to separate men and women, but Kamuro said it's okay to be together, so we ended up getting massages together. But...

Kamuro: "Ah... mmm..."

Kamuro, who was receiving a massage next to me, was making really erotic sounds, and I couldn't focus on my own massage at all.

And she's wearing a swimsuit, a bikini type, and she even loosened the back strap.

This is bad, instead of feeling good, I feel like my reason is about to fly away.

Jin: "Kamuro, stop making such erotic sounds... whoa!"

Thanks to the masseur pressing on my pressure point, I was able to regain my composure.

Kamuro: "Unexpectedly, it feels really good... mmm"

Then the beautiful masseuse asked me a question.

?? : "How does it feel here?"

Jin: "Ah, that hurts... a lot."

The woman squeezed my leg.

Why is she smiling like that?

As I writhed in pain, Kamuro asked me with a piercing look.

Kamuro: "Did it hurt?"

Jin: "...Yes, it did."

Kamuro: "Then let's do more."

Jin: "What are you saying!"

It seems Kamuro didn't like how I was acting all lovey-dovey and is a little annoyed.

Jin: "Ah! That hurts!"

??: "Kehehe."

Jin: "Don't 'kehehe' me, it hurts!"

Every time I said it hurt, the woman laughed and pushed harder on me.

She's definitely an S. There's no doubt about it.


After the massage was over, since I've pretty much enjoyed all the entertainment facilities on the ship, I'm honestly feeling bored.

Kamuro: "Hey, why don't we go to the observation deck?"

I've never been to the observation deck before...

I agreed, and together with Kamuro, we headed to the elevator.


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