79.41% LOTM ?? / Chapter 54: chapter 49

章節 54: chapter 49

Chapter 12 The real first practice

Chapter 202 The real first practice

The bright crystal chandelier emits a soft yellow light, rendering the not-so-spacious hall magnificent. Gold and red outline the carpet with complex patterns. A long wooden table is neatly placed in the middle of the hall, replacing the usual dining display. The round dining tables are filled with fine wine and delicacies that complement each other. From time to time, a few well-dressed waiters shuttle back and forth, increasing or decreasing.

Gentlemen in suits and ladies in fine clothes, even during the long journey, on the vast and lonely sea, these guests from the upper class still brought their culture to the crown jewels of Russell Guth. The isolated island on the sea named after Emperor Tafu made this already luxurious iron box more civilized.

It's night, their social gathering has begun, and laughter will be the next theme tonight.

In the corner of the hall, a man stood silently under the shadow. His brown eyes lacked empathy for the surrounding environment. The coldness in them and the joy and tranquility expressed by the dance music were just like the long trench coat on him and the tuxedos of other male guests. Not fitting in at this party.

Indeed, I am not mature enough... Klein rolled his stiff neck, looking away from Minerva Artois who was enjoying herself among the boat passengers, and continued to observe the various things in front of him.

Compared to Jerry Zaratul and the "faceless man" who is tentatively called Minerva Artois, Klein's short life experience in this world has made him ignorant of the upper levels and has no understanding of the hardships at the bottom. The people were superficial, confined to the cramped environment where Benson protected them in the small town of Tingen.

Excluding abnormal digestion speed, he is not a qualified "faceless man" at all.

After the tarot session in the afternoon, he and Minerva Artois had a simple meeting in the unique way of the "Puppet Master" and roughly agreed on the details of tonight's operation.

Fortunately, from the beginning, this colleague who presented herself as a noble lady of Intis did not think of letting Klein show up. Otherwise, according to Klein's own deduction, the success rate of tonight's operation may plummet to freezing point.

During the observation and learning process, the periodic self-criticism summary came to an end. Klein casually picked up a glass of freshly sobered red wine from the nearby table, and while paying attention to the most eye-catching woman in the crowd, he walked towards the edge.

Well, last night Minerva Artois tried to get in touch with the husband of the Colombo couple. It is said that the two of them developed a friendship that went beyond the first acquaintance, and their relationship developed well.

Giorgia Colombo, the witch who plays the role of wife, if the information is correct, she is more like the supervisor and bodyguard assigned by the witch sect to the transaction partners than a wife and mistress. Although Ricardo Colombo lives in the same room with her room, but not sharing the same bed, or even in the same room. He would rather sleep in the servant's room at night than share the same room with his so-called "wife".

I really didn't expect that Minerva Artois's breakthrough point would be this. Haha, she is indeed an Intis... Looking at a man and a woman coming out of another side door, Klein couldn't help but sigh softly. The corner of his mouth curled up.

Putting down the empty wine glass, he turned lightly and his slender figure dragging the hem of his windbreaker disappeared behind the side door.

"You're very interesting. I always thought the people of Feneport were all boring Puritans."

On the second floor of the deck, the warm sea breeze slowly passed through the hair of the observers, causing the candlelight to flicker and the sails to clank.

Minerva Artois snuggled into the arms of Ricardo Colombo, whom she had just hooked up with for more than a day, and looked dreamily at the red moon blending with the sea level, watching the incomplete crimson sinking into the deep blue, dreamy. and mysterious colors transform reality into a canvas.

"Haha, the world says that the Intis people are frivolous and lack self-cultivation, but Trier has always been the cradle of art and literature. In this regard, even Lundborg and Maxi, which were occupied by heretics who believe in wisdom, cannot compare. "

"People always like to exaggerate the facts." Ricardo, who had a strong bookish air and many wrinkles on his face, said with a smile, "Compared with other countries, we just advocate simplicity and virtue more, and we don't have too many fickle thoughts."

During the chat, the young "sheriff" carefully pointed two fingers, and carefully took off the silver ring on his ring finger with his left hand behind his back.

Immediately afterwards, his behavior became even more explicit. He hugged the waist of the noble lady in his arms intimately, and rubbed his soft blond hair with his cheek. Seeing that the lady in his arms did not resist, he mustered up his courage, like a poisonous snake that finally waited for the opportunity to prey, and exposed its fangs. .

"Minerva, it seems the wind is too strong."


Under the crimson moonlight, the lady raised her head slightly, her eyes blurred by the moonlight were not clear, as if they were covered with a layer of fog.

She seemed to have thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and spoke in a lower voice.

"Although I don't mind, your wife may not accept it. I don't want to cause trouble with others."

"We can go to my room."

"your room?"

Ricardo suddenly remembered the male waiter who had been following Minerva before, and subconsciously frowned and his expression changed several times.

"Oh, Minerva, I listen to you."

The unfocused eyes facing him seemed to be emotionally moved.

Hearing her "lover's" reply, Minerva couldn't help but move her body, squeezing the gentleman holding her with her shoulders and walking towards the entrance of the cabin.

On the way, she noticed Ricardo's missing wedding ring and asked curiously, still lowering her voice.

"Ricardo, you don't seem to have a good relationship with your wife?"

"There is a big age difference between us." Ricardo, who was walking eagerly to the room, suddenly paused and answered the question inappropriately. "A large part of the reason why I married her was the family's wish, not the result of emotions."

As if mocking himself, the corners of his mouth were slightly bitter.

"Of course, there is also the element of greed on my part."

"If I hadn't been greedy for more material things, I wouldn't have accepted this ridiculous marriage and married a wife who is almost as old as my children..."


Ricardo, who was full of scholarly temperament, turned his head in astonishment and looked at the female companion who was covering her mouth and laughing faintly, with some doubts.

"Minerva, what's wrong?"

"No, no, it's nothing."

Getting closer to the room, Minerva Artois hugged the still strong arm in her arms and explained with a smile.

"That's why I say that you Feneport people are as rigid as the ancient Puritans."

She continued while knocking on the door.

"How many men want to have a beautiful, young wife. Your wife is young and beautiful, and can also bring you real benefits. You actually hate your marriage... Ricardo, you Do you know how many men would scold you for being pretentious if you had said what you just said in Trier?"

Ricardo's face turned red after being teased by his female companion. Ricardo's eyes wandered a little, and he coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment. He prayed to the waiter behind the door to open it quickly and skip the embarrassing topic in front of him.

Fortunately, the Mother Earth Goddess far away in the star realm seemed to have heard his prayer.

Just before Ricardo's face turned red when he faced Minerva's smiling gaze, the locked door of the room finally opened.

A man with an ordinary appearance and a much simpler waiter uniform than other service staff on the ship stood in front of the door. He was not surprised when he saw a strange man next to the hostess who looked close to him. He just glanced at Ricardo. He bowed and bowed, and took the initiative to move out of the way.

"Don't disturb us tonight."

Minerva seemed to be unable to bear the desire in her heart. She pulled Ricardo's clothes and quickly passed through the two-meter-long doorway.

Facing the hostess's highly suggestive order, the waiter didn't say anything, but bowed again, then skillfully took off the coat hanging in the narrow entrance, closed the door and left the room.

Finally no one was disturbing... Ricardo, who had been in an embarrassing situation just now, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His face with heavy nasolabial folds tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and turned towards the bed with expectation.


Suddenly, the smile stopped.

The cold platinum color occupied Ricardo Colombo's pupils, and a pair of sharp vertical pupils like pine needles slowly dilated in his eyes. The lady, whose maturity and plumpness were ruined by the strange beauty of dragon scales, looked at it with a slight smile. He followed his prey and began the planned "hypnosis".

Outside the room, behind the waiter who was supposed to leave was the closed door.

In the quiet environment, he listened carefully to the noise coming from behind, nodded, and took steps.

While pacing, this ordinary waiter stared at the empty corridor, his eyes wandering in the air, and suddenly locked in one direction.

Colombo couple's guest room.


A mouse with light gray fur shuttled between the legs of furniture that was filled with the smell of heating and perfume. Its big brown-black eyes glanced over the exquisitely decorated objects. With its head turning crazily, it looked up. His mind searched for that invisible thing that made him feel uneasy.

The relatively sparse spiritual threads floated loosely over the room, sometimes moving uniformly to the left, and sometimes a few threads were moved by an invisible hand, pulling the panicked mouse at the roots for a moment, then quickly returned to normal.


The closed door of the bedroom was opened, and a graceful figure wearing a conservative dark dress but becoming more and more beautiful walked into the darkness.

The relatively spacious room lacked the lighting of candles and was completely dark. Only the dim light of the searchlight that occasionally passed through the window illuminated the bottles and cans on the table.

Giorgia Colombo, who had just returned from the dinner party and resisted the great temptation to reject naked or implicit invitations, was a little irritable.

Her nominal husband didn't come back tonight.

She is obviously the "happy witch", but her husband has not taken care of his lower body for almost a day after they got married. He either stayed in the office on the pretext of being busy with social activities or fooled around with his mistresses.

In the two months since they got married, Ricardo has always deliberately avoided being alone with her, let alone going to bed... Her "Pleasure Witch" potion has basically never been digested since she was with Ricardo!

Damn bitch!

Georgia's chest rose and fell violently. He threw his coat onto the boat and walked towards the switch of the gas wall lamp in the dark.

If it hadn't been for the sect that told me to be optimistic about him and not be too public in Feneport City, how could such a thing have happened...

His fingertips touched the cold pipe switch. With his good night vision, Georgia accurately found the opening direction and twisted the valve hard.


A weak spark trembled and struggled in the wall lamp, but failed to ignite.

Georgia tried again.


The bedroom was still dark, and even the residual light of the searchlight that had passed by the window from time to time no longer appeared. What suddenly sounded was a spiritual warning that had been silent for a long time.

Almost instantly, Giorgia, who was originally relaxed and looking hazy, quickly distanced himself from the gas pipe.

The outlines of nearly transparent and slightly invisible filaments appear in the air. These have no spiritual brilliance, and are like the sharp lines of diseased human hair that overlap together, like a tightly constructed spider web, driven by airflow out of thin air. He moved and stood in front of Giorgia Colombo.

She squinted her eyes and carefully paid attention to the direction of each thread passing through. Her body was almost integrated with the "spider web". As long as there was any movement in this room full of spider threads, it would not be hidden from her perception.

who is it?

Georgia guessed the identity of the enemy lurking in the darkness.

Is that the lackey of the Sauron family?

Or is it a female aristocrat who was born in Intis and has no connection with the Intis government?

Or was he recognized by Ricardo as an old man who once belonged to the Loen Navy?

For a moment, she suddenly realized that she couldn't even accurately identify possible enemies.


Suddenly, a sneer with obvious contempt reached the witch's ears from all directions in the room.

This voice belonged to a man, and his voice seemed to blend into the ubiquitous darkness, wrapping the witch tightly in his palm.

As if playing, the man uttered an extremely profane word.


The filthy and sticky texture spread rapidly, and the stagnant illusion covered every living creature in the room except the witch, except the caster.

Is it...a "demon"?

With a desperate mentality and knowing that he was at a disadvantage, Giorgia lit up the cobwebs decisively.

Compared with the sense of security that the spider silk brings to her, the unknown coming from the enemy scares her even more!

The illusory black flames burst out from the "Happy Witch" and spread along the spider thread, instantly turning the entire dense and delicate network into a red cross-section.

There was a crackling sound of burning, and the black flames that were enough to burn the soul swept through every corner of the room. Georgia stared at it all intently, for fear that a small detail would be overlooked by her.

However, until the entire luxurious interior of the bedroom was burned down by the silent burning of black flames, not even a single extra shadow emerged and was forced out of the darkness.

Faced with such a result, Georgia Colombo not only did not relax, UU read books www.uukanshu. net is even more frightened.

She found that the struggle just now not only failed to find the "demon" who released the blasphemous words, but also the "slow" curse that acted on her did not weaken, and the delusion of stagnation in her mind and body continued!

In the end, where... Under the great fear from the unknown, she couldn't help but touch her arms, and her fingers grasped a flat object the size of a palm.


The graceful figure of the "Witch of Joy" shattered, and the fragments scattered all over the floor. The fine gauze where the skirt originally hung disappeared, and was replaced by a mirror with only the outer frame left.

Georgia's figure in evening dress reappeared in the corner of the room, but before she could take a breath, she saw that the bedroom that was supposed to be burned in the black flames was strangely intact, and the position where she stood was not a "mirror" Substitute method" predetermined coordinates.

Before she could figure out what exactly happened, the familiar feeling of sluggishness in her mind and body struck again.

His sight moved extremely slowly, and in the middle of the room, Georgia finally saw the "invisible" enemy.

It was a gentleman sitting in an armchair.

The glove on his left hand seemed to contain the night, and the brooch on his collar glowed with ominous blood red. The fingers of his other hand on the armrest of the chair jumped rhythmically, as if they were hooking invisible threads.

After about another minute, Giorgia Colombo, who maintained a strange posture and remained as still as a statue, stood calmly.

A smile similar to that of a gentleman appeared on her lips, and she nodded slightly.

I am Benbi. I was washing the pot while making dinner and my hands were burned...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 13 Master Luo, long time no see

Chapter 203 Master Luo, long time no see

Illusive black threads extended from Giorgia Colombo's body to the space between Klein's ten fingers, reacting differently with each spiritual jump.

In fact, manipulating the "Spirit Thread" does not necessarily require hands, but Klein is used to doing so, which makes him feel like he is actually controlling the marionette.

Just like he would subconsciously tap on the table when he was in the gray fog, Klein suspected that his sudden "habits" on weekdays were more influenced by the top of the extraordinary path, that is, the former "god of mystery".

"My intuition tells me that by following the habit left behind by 'Secret', my already rapid digestion speed of potions will only become more exaggerated... But the problem is, as Russell said in his diary, when extraordinary The person is too similar to a certain demigod that existed in the past, so when he is promoted using the extraordinary characteristics left by that demigod and merges with the remaining spirit in the potion, is he still himself?"

"So far, the characteristics I have used for promotion, except for the initial 'Magician', are not directly from the followers of 'Mystery'. Although it is not promoted using the legacy of 'Mystery', as long as Gray Fog and I are still Maintaining close contact, His shadow will still revive in me little by little. This is the inevitable future..."

Sigh... Klein sighed slightly, restrained himself and closed his fingers, no longer using the movements of his fingertips to manipulate the threads of the spirit body.

Just slow down the digestion of the magic potion. Anyway, it was already very fast.

With a complicated mentality, he cast his gaze into the dark bedroom.

With a graceful figure and beautiful appearance, a well-tailored black evening dress closely fits the curves of the body. The elf-like woman stands quietly in the darkness, with a faint smile dotted on her deep and slightly pale face, as if there are waves of water. Just a glance at her light-colored eyes can touch the heartstrings of both men and women around her.

It's a pity that "her" owner at this time has no interest in "her" appearance.

Black magic aimed at spiritual bodies can create black flames that can burn spirituality, control ice and spider silk, and the strength of spider silk is much stronger than steel wire of the same volume, as well as sequence six levels of "instruction" and "stealth"...

Well, compared with these, the witch's charm and appearance are nothing to mention... Of course, at high sequences, the witch's charm will probably turn into a conceptual radiation effect, just like when I faced "Desperate Nightingale" and "Desperate Nightingale" Just like other high-level members of the Witch Cult felt...

Klein nodded, lowered his crossed legs, and stood up from his seat.

He glanced at the luggage scattered in the bedroom and ordered the newly acquired marionette.

"Cover your face."

The overall quality of witches as marionettes is certainly good, but as Jerry Zaratul said, their outstanding and even amazing looks are enough to attract most of the attention on any occasion, and they can easily be noticed.


Georgia responded in a calm tone, and walked very naturally towards a suitcase near the corner of the bedroom. After rummaging for a while, she took out a fine and soft veil, matched with matching earrings, from left to The right part is connected, covering the part below the eyes.

After doing all this, coupled with the deliberate restraint, except that her figure is still stunning, her overall impression is much lighter than before.

When the follow-up matters are over, she must be sent to the "grey mist" for disinfection and find a way to cut off the remaining occult connections on her body... Without giving any more orders, Klein asked Georgia to follow him and hold it himself. The doorknob.

In fact, he already had an idea on how to disinfect the marionette.

He had previously used the personality of the "Black Emperor" card and the power of gray mist to eliminate the curse placed on Miss Sharon by Gostars. The principle of that attempt was to directly cut off the connection between the curse and Gostars. The connection can naturally also be used on marionettes.


Klein opened the door and saw the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the corridor.

It was a man wearing a simple version of a waiter's uniform. However, compared to his ordinary appearance before, he had changed his hair color and his overall temperament.

He has black hair, dark blue eyes, a handsome face and a hint of beard, giving him a mature and deep look.

"Minerva Artois isn't here?"

Klein's eyes flicked on the man's face and said calmly.

"Unlike your new female companion, our Mr. Colombo is a noble from Feneport after all. Problems with his personal safety are likely to trigger an unnecessary international dispute." The man looked at Qiao, who was hiding all his beauty. Gia smiled and said, "Before getting off the boat, I had to keep him quiet enough so as not to cause trouble for us."

Quiet enough... His Secret Puppet is indeed the "audience" channel... Klein nodded slightly, approving his colleague's handling method.

"Okay, let's distribute the spoils while there's no one around now. We agreed."

As he spoke, the man's eyes jumped over Klein's shoulder, trying to see the specific situation in the room.

"I just checked and they didn't carry anything of value," Klein said.

"What about the information?"

Looking at the man who was repulsed by his cold attitude, his brows furrowed, and he was already a little unhappy, Klein suddenly showed a warm smile.

"I can channel the spirit of Giorgia Colombo, but you, did you find anything on Ricardo's body?"


The man said in surprise, unable to understand what Gehrman Sparrow meant for the moment.

This young man was fine just now, but why did he fall out as soon as the cooperation ended and he got a new marionette?

Isn't he afraid that he will report what happened today to his superiors and have him punished?

Seeing that the man still didn't move, Klein's mouth curved even more.

Under the slightly hostile gaze of the other "Secret Puppet Master", he slowly adjusted the glove on his left hand.


It was shuddering, like the panting of a beast breaking the tranquility of the night, causing the man's expression to collapse bit by bit, sliding from sullen to dull.

The "creeping hunger", which had been hungry for a long time and had not had a full meal in more than a month, snorted reluctantly, clung to the palm of its owner, and stretched its body lazily.

Its illusory tongue stretched out from its mouth and gently licked the other palm of its owner's body that was being groomed. It only dared to express its dissatisfaction in this way.

"Creeping, 'creeping hunger'?"

Finally, the man came to his senses, but still couldn't accept the facts he saw with his own eyes.

"Are you the new envoy, the one in charge of the affairs of the islands?"

Every time a new envoy is appointed, a standard announcement will be issued from the Holy City and distributed to the entire empire, as well as to various branches wandering abroad.

Except for members who accept special tasks, lurk in sparsely populated areas, or temporarily remain silent and cut off contact with their companions, basically all members of the Intelligence Bureau can learn about their appointment within a week of the announcement, usually within two to three days.

"Get acquainted again, V."

After appeasing the sealed object that suppressed hunger for a few times, Klein slowly turned his head and said casually.

"Ha..." Upon hearing Klein's code name, the man let out a bitter smile, "Rosago, you can call me Rosago."

He looked at the Witch Marionette and then at Klein, seemingly unable to connect the rookie "Marijutsu Master" without a marionette with the powerful and mysterious envoy.

"Mr. V, you could have revealed your identity to me from the beginning and concealed it for so long. Can I regard your behavior as a test of my loyalty to my beliefs?"

Klein realized that as a divine envoy, he needed to eliminate misunderstandings and respond to Rosago's resentment.

"No, I have already seen your loyalty to...the Lord." He explained, "Unlike other divine envoys, I am not from the Aurora Order, the Secret Order, or the Red Red of War, and I don't know enough about the Intelligence Bureau. Previously, Concealing my identity from you is just out of the most basic vigilance."

"I am considered a newcomer in the work of the Intelligence Bureau."

Newcomer... The incident happened suddenly. Rosago could not quickly accept the series of changes that happened in front of him. Still at Klein's suggestion, the two of them walked back to the room that nominally belonged to Minerva Artois.

Seeing the lady sitting by the bed waiting and Ricardo Colombo who was tied up and sleeping, Rosago breathed a sigh of relief after a while and basically accepted the reality.

After repeated observations and judgments along the way, he basically determined the identity of the divine envoy shown by Klein.

Not to mention that the new divine envoy has only been appointed for a few days, and his resume is indeed blank. The possibility of being known by people outside the church is zero. It is just a sealed artifact of "Creeping Hunger" and what it shows. His obedient look was enough to confirm that the young man working with him was Mr. V.

With a slight inspiration, Minerva Artois, who was sitting by the bed and waiting, suddenly made a move.

She stood up and walked to the side, pulled out a few documents from a hidden compartment in the suitcase, then walked straight to Klein and handed them over.

"Ricardo Colombo's destination was the terminus of the Queen Matilda, Fenerport's colony in West Balam."

"He reached some cooperation with the witch sect in exchange for the witch's support and the opportunity to compete for seats in the next year's parliamentary election. He provided the witches with routes controlled by his grain import and export company for illegal slave trade. "

No need to be reminded by Klein, Rosago reported on his own initiative.

"During their cooperation, Ricardo was responsible for bribing customs and colonial officials, mainly officers stationed in Feneport's sporadic colonies in the Pas and Highlands, to collect indigenous residents who had lost their homes."

"Through hypnosis, he revealed enough information, which is enough for subsequent investigation to be precise enough to identify the military officers and local colonial officials specifically involved in the slave trade. However, I am afraid that he is not the only one who cooperates with the Witch Sect, because the freighters under his banner carry indigenous slaves to After reaching the northern continent, it will be subcontracted to other freight companies, including carriages and railways, and the final destination is the Kingdom of Loen."

After roughly scanning the documents in his hand twice, Klein's eyes hidden behind his gold-rimmed glasses seemed to be hidden in shadow.

Another part of the Augustus family's attempt to seize the throne of the "Black Emperor".

There was a fight between Mr. Azik and the angels of Augustus in the mausoleum. There was also information from the Aurora Society that there were suspected fights in other mausoleums...

Angel-level conflicts will definitely cause a certain degree of damage to the mausoleum. If the Augustus were more cautious, they might simply abandon the mausoleum whose coordinates have been exposed and re-select a new site for construction, which would definitely require more slaves...

The witches caused so much trouble in Backlund, directly triggering the advent of the True Creator, the Lord of Storms, and the Goddess of Night, and ruined the lives of 400,000 residents. Augustus still cooperated with them... Gram Ryan breathed a subtle sigh of relief, suppressing all his emotions deep in his heart and not showing them to Rosago, who was waiting for his answers and instructions.

Sure enough, after God came to the church, the church did not take measures against the royal family. Instead, the church was beaten down by the royal family and admitted its serious negligence in the great smog. This already shows the tacit attitude of God.

Acquiescence does not mean support. Augustus has no more suitable allies, so he can only admit that he is at a disadvantage and continue to cooperate with the witches...

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly raised his head. Georgia, who had been quiet for a long time, also took the initiative to arrange a spiritual ritual and stood at the pointing point of the ritual.

He wanted to channel Georgia's spirit body and ask for more details about the slave trade.

"There are other extraordinary beings on the ship. As time goes by, the Colombo couple's anomalies will be discovered by them sooner or later. Let's get off the ship as soon as possible and change the route."

While instructing Rosago, Klein cooperated with the effectiveness of the ritual, put his palm on the head of Giorgia, and pulled the dead spirit body out of the Marionette's body.

His eyes were stained with darkness, and the palm of his left hand was completely wrapped in the color of night. The dream came to reality silently, pulling the living and dead souls into the illusion.

With the help of the "Nightmare" ability, UU reads www. uukanshu.netKlein accelerated the entire process of channeling, and completed the work that took more than three minutes in the dream in only a dozen seconds at the speed of real time.

...Georgia's companion, Murat Zemo, who is also the "Witch of Pleasure"... Their boss, the "White Saint"... is responsible for another slave trade route at sea, but is often unable to work, and has gradually become more and more popular recently. "Lieutenant General of Disease" Tracy Pellet, who has alienated herself from the activities of the Witch Cult...

The "White Saint" is a dangerous demigod. Georgia's companions are far away in the Southern Continent. The only one who can contact him at the moment is Lieutenant General Disease... Klein pressed the spirit body back into the marionette's body and ended the ceremony.

He looked at Rosago, who had witnessed the entire process, intending to continue the topic.

Feeling Gehrman Sparrow's somewhat cold gaze, Rosago hurriedly pulled his thoughts back from his distraction.

"If we leave the ship now, there are only two choices for where to stay."

"One is via Bansi Island, which is the closest and fastest, but it is a dangerous area named by the church. The other is from Olavi Island, which is the island closest to Sunia Island and has a large navy stationed there. The maritime border between Loen and Feysac is not very peaceful either."

The Intelligence Agency's archipelago headquarters is in the Rhoside Islands, close to Byam... Klein pondered for a few seconds.

He decided to avoid areas specially marked by the Church of the True Creator.

Gehrman Sparrow glanced at the reluctant Rosago, and his tone did not spare any room.

"When we stop at the port tomorrow to replenish fresh water, we will disembark, take the route that passes through Oravi, and go directly to the branch."

Didn't you expect it, it turned out to be Master Luo.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 14 Damir Port

Chapter 204 Damir Port

Olavi Island is located northeast of the Rhoside Islands. The straight-line distance is not far, but the safe channel is winding and winding, adding hundreds of nautical miles to the distance in vain.

It was originally a primitive island with many extraordinary creatures and no human habitation. After the beginning of the colonial era, the Kingdom of Loen used it as a place of exile for certain prisoners, and moved many natives from other places, allowing Aura to Victoria Island gradually developed villages and towns.

When the islands farther east were discovered one by one, Lun's maritime neighbor Fusac was not only satisfied with the limited colony in West Balam, but began to look for other places at sea. The conflicts between the two countries around the Oravi Island continued, and the war continued. While bringing this originally remote place, it also accelerated the development process of surrounding islands. More and more natural resources were put into production, attracting many new immigrants. The port became more and more prosperous, and finally Olawi Island It got rid of the simple meaning of exile and became another Loen maritime military town after the Rhoad Islands.

The light of the lighthouse was soaked by the heavy fog, giving it a sticky texture. The weak orange light was mixed with the brilliance of the sun, and it was surrounded by milky white. It could only barely support the task of guiding.

The passenger ship was moored. Apart from the effort carrying fresh water and food up and down, few ship passengers were willing to walk around in the humid, cold and foggy weather. They all stayed in the cabins, waiting for the passenger ship to set sail again. It also seemed that they were traveling along the river at this time. The figures walking down the gangway from the "Queen Matilda" were particularly eye-catching.

The black gentleman walked at the front holding a glass lantern, walking slowly, as if he was careful about the steps under his feet that could not be clearly seen, and as if he was waiting for something behind.

Finally, when he was still ten or twenty centimeters from the ground, the gentleman pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses stained by the heavy fog on the bridge of his nose and tilted his head.

His actions aroused the curiosity of the female companion who was traveling with him. The girl, whose face was covered by black gauze, leaving only a pair of green eyes, quickly took a few steps and leaned against his ear.

Unfortunately, the fog not only blocked the view, but also blocked the transmission of sound.

In the corner of the deck, the military doctor, who was locating the positions of several people by the fuzzy light from the lantern, moved his nose slightly, a little unbearably.

He leaned forward subconsciously.

Closer, closer still.

John Bode squinted his eyes and stared at the spot where the light stopped for a long time, until his eyes couldn't stand the dryness due to lack of moisture, and he blinked...

Looking again, there was no one on the side of the ship, and everything seemed to be an illusion.

"Why don't you kill Sauron's hounds?"

Rosago, who had changed his face, was also dressed in black, but because of the complicated patterns on his sleeves, he looked a little less ominous than Gehrman Sparrow, who looked like a "mourning bird."

"I'm not familiar with the political situation in Intis." Klein responded coldly, "Would killing him not alarm the Sauron family?"

Rather than letting the Sauron family in Trier misunderstand, he actually cared more about John Bode not dying in vain.

Ever since he was forced to resurrect, he had been deviating from his original self step by step under the guidance of "destiny". Now, he has lost a lot of his past persistence, leaving only a little bottom line.

Pirates and cultists are rampant on the sea, and there are also many wild Beyonders who are guilty of crimes. Unlike Backlund, there are not so many restrictions here. This may be an opportunity to replace the innocent souls in the "Crawling Hunger"... Klein suddenly thought.

"After the democratically elected coup, the Sauron family almost lost their political influence. Later, Emperor Russell died. Even though they had the support of the Eternal Sun Church, they were unable to control a complete faction in the army."

Compared to Klein's caution, Rosago did not hide his disdain and said "ha".

"As the main route is the 'Hunter' family, there is no army... John Bode saw us disembarking. As long as he checked a little, he would find that the Colombo couple also left the Queen..."

Speaking of this, Rosago suddenly stopped.

He paused, observed Klein's face for a while, and then continued after thinking that Gehrman Sparrow was the envoy and the main person in charge and initiator of this temporary operation.

"The department has set the highest priority task of monitoring the large number of slave trades exported to Loen. As long as we carefully check the identities of the Colombo couple, John Bode will soon be able to discover why we are targeting Colombo."

Indeed, the Sauron family has lost its crown. In democratic Intis, it is definitely no match for the secret order that even the Eternal Sun Church cannot drive out. But after all, they still control part of the army and the Eighth Bureau of the Intis intelligence agency. Quan, it's okay to investigate a less important Feneport noble...

Seeing that the light from the lantern in his hand was gradually reflected, Klein arranged the extraordinary items he was wearing and thought thoughtfully.

"How much independence can the part of the army and the Eighth Bureau members that support the Sauron family maintain?"


"They can't maintain much, they don't have the ability to maintain a complete message chain." Rosago suddenly realized.

Using the light from the lantern in Klein's hand, he looked at the signboard with most of its colors and text exposed, and then examined the crooked directional signs nearby for a while.

"There's wireless telegraphy available here."

Cut off Hu in advance, before John Bode, pass the matter of the Colombo couple to the eighth bureau, and let the members of the secret order inside hinder the investigation of the supporters of the Sauron family?

The idea is very clear... But there is no need to be so anxious. John Bode's position is not high, and it is impossible to bring a telegraph machine on board... Strangely, there is already a wireless telegraph in this world. Who invented it? ?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Klein nodded slightly and approved of Rosago's judgment.

He glanced at the signboard above his head and found that the door of the bar was covered with various reward orders, and he saw many "old acquaintances" on them.

"I'll wait for you here."

"Eggron Corosong?"

A not-so-tall figure stood against the light, dragging a long shadow on the stone floor, extending until it covered the face of the prisoner in the cell.

Just over a week has passed, but Aigron, who is clearly only in his early thirties, already looks like he is approaching fifty, and his whole person has become much more decadent and older.

There were many bloodstains left by sharp objects on his body. There was a pale golden color in his eyes that was difficult to cover up. The originally round pupils were vaguely moving closer to the diamond shape, and it looked like they might be further sharpened at any time.

Without waiting for a response, the members of MI9 outside the cell seemed to have lightning brewing in their eyes, and they boldly opened the cell door to let out the light that was blocked by them.

A beam of sunlight that was neither strong nor weak, filtered through the small window, pierced Aigron's eyes, forcing him to raise his hands to cover his eyes.

"Your review is over."

The words of the MI9 member were like a switch, suddenly activating Aigron, who had little interest in the outside world.

His eyes were no longer dim and distracted, and he said with hope.

"Is His Highness about to be buried?"

The previous assassination case of Sherlock Moriarty had no results. In the name of investigating the truth, MI9 and the royal family had been delaying the prince's funeral. Even the entire Red Rose Manor retained the words when the "natural disaster" passed by. The dilapidated scene has neither been bulldozed nor renovated, but has been kept intact by high security guards.


The major who captured Aiglon responded lightly, and couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the look of the person nestling at his feet.

"Your suspicion has been eliminated, but considering your Beyonder status and being a Sequence Five, you cannot be as free as you used to be under the prince's curtain."

"You now have two choices, become a member of MI9 and continue to serve the country, or be like those wild Extraordinaries controlled by the church, report status regularly, and cannot leave Backlund at will without approval. "

"So can I go back to the workhouse?"

Aigron was not interested in the two choices MI9 gave him. In his opinion, both were ways to monitor him, and there was not much difference.

He cares more about the "legacy" left by Prince Edsac.

Those innovations that are consistent with his political ambitions and truly help those in need cannot go to the Kingdom of God with the death of the prince and become a dream that can only be seen in the holy scriptures.


Listening to Aigron's question, the major took a while to understand what he was asking.

"His Majesty the King attaches great importance to the reform experiments left by Prince Edsac during his lifetime, and has already made additional arrangements."

"The government is negotiating with the three major churches. They are considering transferring some of the poor relief institutions in their hands. The poorhouse you used to manage will be unified with the new batch from the church under the new management department. Business."

The major's voice was like thunder, exploding over Aigron's head, and when it was about to hit him, it suddenly withdrew again.

"His Majesty happened to see your story when he was browsing the files. If you want, you can continue to run the almshouse."

"Mr. Crosone." The young major suddenly lowered his body and leaned close to Aigron's ear. He said in an incoherent manner, "There is no conflict between continuing to manage the workhouse and joining MI9."

No conflict, no conflict... The major's words of sympathy and concern for Aigron to assess the situation became the key to open another layer of psychological magic box in the ears of this "dream walker" who had just suffered an innocent disaster. .

Sherlock Moriarty assassinates the prince?

That mysterious detective may not be weak, and he is indeed Lundborg's spy, but where does he have the reason to assassinate the prince? Does he really have that strength?

In just twenty minutes, the entire Red Rose Manor was almost razed to the ground. The witch's plague surrounded Backlund from the east and west sides. Eternal Night and Storm almost pointed their fingers in the faces of the two righteous gods...

Aiglon has never been so lucky, grateful for his service experience in the Southern Continent.

Those rebellious and blasphemous Trunsoest people are not completely worthless. At least they let themselves know that the gods also have specific images and have their own ideas!

God descended... A word that was both strange and familiar rang out in Aigron's mind. He was so frightened that he almost banged his head against the wall to repent of the blasphemous thoughts he continued to believe in.

The death of the prince could not be due to the assassination of some little person... Restraining the twitching of the corners of his mouth and the trembling of his limbs, the pale Aigron nodded slowly under the eyes of the young major.

He agreed to work for MI9.

Boom, boom, boom.

A knock on the door interrupted the owner of the house.

"Who!" Hamilton almost shouted.

If the guy standing at the door can't give himself a reasonable explanation, skin him and send him to the fish!

"it's me."

To Hamilton's surprise, the sound at the door clearly belonged to a woman.


Before he could react to which person this graceful and arrogant voice belonged to, a figure in a dark green high-waisted corset dress appeared out of thin air beside his bed.

The lady with her blond hair tied up high was cold and a little disdainful. She glanced at Hamilton who was leaning on the woman and let out a sneer.

He looks quite similar to his nickname..."White Shark", ha...

"You...who are you?"

Although he didn't know the identity of the person in front of him, "White Shark" Hamilton, who often came into contact with the governor of Damier Port, still felt the lady's natural contempt for the lower class that belonged to the upper class, so he subconsciously changed his name. .

He hurriedly pushed the woman under him to the side, covered his lower body with the quilt, and pulled over the clothes and pants thrown on the bedside.

"You don't need to know my name."

Minerva Artois frowned and her eyes were fixed on the stunned mistress for a moment. As her mistress lost consciousness and fell, she also took out a roll of banknotes from the purse she carried.

"I need to send a telegram."

The telegram... is not from Loen, nor from those cultists on the sea, but from Intis?

"White Shark" Hamilton knew that he was the only one in Sequence 9 who was unable to defy the will of this noble lady. Besides, he was originally in this business. He was caught between several forces and acted as a node for the exchange of information. It was his "job" ", there is no reason to refuse.

Putting on a flattering smile, the fat on Hamilton's face trembled as he rubbed his palms.

Under Minerva's surveillance, Hamilton first checked his mistress to ensure that the woman was completely unconscious, and then, with steps like a penguin, he got out of bed and walked toward the safe.

He did not open the safe, but UU Reading www.uukanshu.net pried open the floor in front, and by twisting the device, a hidden secret door divided into six grids was opened on the wall.

He pointed to the three grids below where complex black machinery was stuffed.

"See which one you need."

His eyes followed Minerva who was about to take action, wanting to see which radio station this lady would choose.

Different radio stations correspond to different recipients, and there may be more than one force sending him radio stations.


There was another familiar sneer mixed with contempt, and before Hamilton had time to see the lady in love's next move, his eyes suddenly blurred.

When I could see things clearly again and my vision recovered, the three radio stations were still placed in the distance as if they had never been touched, and the lady had already walked to the door.

With a snap, the green color disappeared.

The frightened "White Shark" Hamilton quickly wiped the sweat from his face and was about to go back to bed, but stopped again.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to have forgotten something.

"White Shark" looked to the horizon and found that the fog outside the window had dispersed a little, and the sun was hanging diagonally in the sky, roughly in the direction of nine or ten o'clock.

He gradually opened his mouth, suddenly horrified, and rushed to the clock in the room to take a closer look.

The minute hand crossed the number twelve, and the hour hand slipped from the plane and was falling towards the lower right corner of the dial.

Hamilton clearly remembered that when he first entered the room, the hour hand was still at seven...

It rained all day and I felt like I was getting moldy.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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