26.43% Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian / Chapter 60: Chapter 60: “The Potter Heir”

章節 60: Chapter 60: “The Potter Heir”

The day following Harry's birthday dawned bright and full of promise. After completing his usual morning workout routine, Harry prepared for a significant day ahead. Today, he was finally set to claim the Potter Heir ring and select his personal wand, a milestone in any young wizard's life. Unfortunately, the previous day's birthday celebrations had extended into the night, leaving these important tasks for today.

In the early hours, Harry, accompanied by his godfather, Sirius Black, set off to Diagon Alley. They traveled via the Floo Network from Black Castle to the Leaky Cauldron. From there, they proceeded to Diagon Alley through the back entrance, a path Harry had trodden many years ago.

Emerging into Diagon Alley, Harry was struck by how familiar everything seemed. The cobblestone streets, the bustling shops—it was all as he remembered. Though some storefronts and proprietors had changed, the essence of the Alley remained unchanged.

Ignoring the throngs of people, they directed their steps towards Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Harry had opted for a disguise, still cautious about attracting undue attention, despite the assurances of Sirius and Arcturus. There was no harm in staying a little low-key before he was completely sure the Potters could do nothing about him.

Upon reaching Gringotts, they bypassed the usual teller lines, heading straight for the vault managers' section. They requested a goblin clerk to escort them to Barchoke's office, a request that was promptly granted.

Navigating the maze-like corridors of Gringotts, they arrived at Barchoke's office. The clerk briefly entered to announce their arrival and, receiving confirmation, signaled Harry to enter. Sirius, however, had to wait outside; the meeting with Barchoke was a matter Harry had to attend to on his own.

Walking into Barchoke's office, Harry couldn't shake off a hint of nervousness. This moment was crucial; he was here to undergo the test for the Potter Heir ring. Despite his usual confidence, the weight of what was at stake made him anxious. Failure wasn't just a personal setback; it would mean letting down those who had supported him against Dumbledore and his parents' manipulations.

Sirius, sensing Harry's unease, offered a reassuring nudge. "Don't worry, pup. You've got this. The Potter Heir ring will be honored to have you as its next bearer. Just go in there with your head held high," he encouraged with a supportive smile.

Bolstered by Sirius's words, Harry entered the office, his determination renewed.

Inside, Barchoke's office remained unchanged, a testament to the goblin's preference for consistency. Barchoke himself, seated behind his desk, looked as imposing as ever, though his greeting carried a warmth Harry hadn't anticipated.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, welcome. You've certainly grown since our last encounter, and I must say, you seem to be flourishing," Barchoke observed, his expression softening into what could pass for a goblin's smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Barchoke. It seems time has only added to your wisdom and stature," Harry replied, matching Barchoke's cordiality.

Barchoke's slight smile widened a fraction more at the compliment. "Flattery will get you everywhere, young Mr. Potter. Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?" he inquired, his tone shifting back to a more formal cadence.

Harry took a deep breath, steadying himself for the moment he had been preparing for. "I'm here to claim my right as the Potter Heir. Today, I wish to undergo the test for the Potter Heir ring," he stated clearly, his voice carrying the resolve and readiness he felt inside.

Barchoke nodded, his expression turning serious. "Very well, Mr. Potter. If you're ready, we shall proceed with the ceremony. The Potter Heir ring awaits its rightful claimant, and today, we shall see if that claimant is indeed you."

Barchoke, with a practiced hand, carefully presented Harry with a ring box that held two distinctive rings. These were no ordinary pieces of jewelry; they were symbols of legacy and lineage, previously belonging to Harry's grandfather and his father, James Potter. Harry watched with a mixture of reverence and anticipation as Barchoke passed him the smaller of the two, a gold ring adorned with ruby gemstones and the emblematic Potter Family Crest at its center.

Taking the ring gently between his fingers, Harry examined it closely. The craftsmanship was exquisite, reflecting the noble heritage of the Potter family. With a sense of ceremony, he slid the ring onto his finger, feeling an immediate warm surge as the ring magically adjusted to fit him perfectly. It was as if a wave of magic enveloped him, acknowledging his rightful place within the Potter lineage, before the sensation gently dissipated, leaving behind a comforting warmth.

Barchoke's voice broke the brief silence that had fallen over the room. "The ring has acknowledged you as its rightful heir. The Potter family now officially has its heir," he declared, his tone carrying a mix of formality and subtle warmth.

The realization brought a rush of excitement to Harry, not just for the acknowledgment of his status as Heir Potter, but more so for the triumph over Dumbledore's carefully laid plans. The thought that he had managed to outmaneuver one of the wizarding world's most influential figures filled Harry with a deep sense of satisfaction. It was a small victory, but one that hinted at the many challenges and triumphs that lay ahead.

"This is just the beginning," Harry thought to himself, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "There's much more to come."

Following his successful claim of the Potter Heir ring, Harry expressed his desire to visit his vaults.

Barchoke, maintaining his formal demeanor, informed Harry, "The Potter family vaults remain under lock for now, Heir Potter. You must be acknowledged by the Lord's ring to access them. However, your personal vault is available to you."

Understanding the procedure, Harry nodded, signaling his wish to proceed to his personal vault. At Barchoke's gesture, a goblin clerk swiftly entered the room. With efficiency, Barchoke directed the clerk to escort Harry to his vault, navigating the labyrinthine corridors deep beneath Gringotts.

Upon exiting Barchoke's office, Harry found Sirius waiting for him. A broad grin spread across Sirius's face at the sight of the Heir ring on Harry's finger, his pride unmistakable.

"Didn't I tell you you'd succeed?" Sirius exclaimed, though inwardly he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the significance of this moment for Harry.

Together, they followed the goblin clerk, embarking on the dizzying journey to Harry's vault via the bank's infamous underground cart. The ride, as exhilarating as ever, ended at Harry's vault.

The goblin clerk, with a key provided by Harry, unlocked the vault, revealing its contents. Inside, Harry was greeted by a wealth of gold coins, a testament to the ministry's bounty bestowed upon his grandmother, and various other treasures and artifacts neatly arranged to one side.

Overwhelmed by the sight, Harry resolved to return for a thorough examination of these items, eager to uncover the stories they held.

Satisfied with the visit, Harry indicated to the goblin that they were ready to return to the bank's main hall.

Leaving Gringotts behind, Harry and Sirius made their way to Ollivander's, anticipation building within Harry. The prospect of selecting his wand, a true companion for his magical journey, filled him with a sense of eager anticipation.

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