23.21% The Enlightened One (Senju!SI) / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

章節 13: Chapter 13


"So, let me get this straight…You three took the bells from Kakashi and he failed you?"

The three children nodding rapidly, fresh cuts, scrapes, bruises, and some blood told tales of the intensity of the 'test' they had just taken part in.

If you could even call that a 'test.' He had been watching very clearly through that crystal ball of his and saw everything that transpired. While true that Kakashi wasn't trying to kill them, he also wasn't pulling his punches much.

He took a drag from his pipe and closed his eyes. Kakashi had been a jonin sensei prospect since he was 22, six years, and yet he's failed every student Hiruzen had tried to push off onto the man. He had hoped he would actually step up in the face of his sensei's student, but it appears he was wrong.

So he'd have to put his foot down here.

"Worry not. I will speak to Kakashi personally and he will take you all as his genin squad. Meet up at Training Ground Three tomorrow at 6 AM for your first mission. I'll have one in hand and ready for you by then."

The Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki's faces brightened considerably as they all bowed to him.

"""Thank you, Gramps/Lord Hokage""" Then they hopped their way out of the room. Engaging in their idle childish banter. Kids will be kids, might as well let them enjoy it while it lasts.

He eased back into his chair, taking another drag. "Kakashi."

The jonin man jumped from the ceiling and landed in front of him.

"Yes, Lord Hokage?"

"Don't 'Yes Lord Hokage' me. Why did you fail them?" Hiruzen was many things at the moment, but being in the mood for games was not one of them.

"With all due respect, Lord Hokage, I do not believe I would be suitable for the task of mentoring those children."

That got him to raise an eyebrow. "You, the man who failed every student because they weren't worthy of your time, are turning down genin who have to potential to surpass you in a few years?"

Kakashi remained silent for a few moments before nodding. "What I mean by that, Lord Hokage, is that they have surpassed my expectations of what a genin is. In truth I'm surprised you haven't outright promoted them to chunin. While not quite the level of Minato-sensei, or Itachi Uchiha at their age, they are still extraordinary talents. Each one of them individually could take on a chunin and come out on top, of that I am certain. I believe it would be better for the Lord Jiraiya or Lady Tsunade to take them as students instead."

Hiruzen took another drag of his pipe. As lazy as Kakashi is, he is an extraordinary shinobi, one of his best. He expected the man to have a good reason for what he did, and a good reason is exactly what he provided.

Even if he was most likely just gassing them up so he can stay lazy.

"You are correct in your analysis Kakashi, I had considered promoting the three of them and young heiress Hinata Hyuga to the rank of chunin, but decided against it. They are all destined for great things, and they can still be great while going through the ordinary process of life. Pushing them to move too fast is where mistakes are made."

His mind flashed back to the young prodigies of Itachi and Shisui. So great, so young, but burdened by their duties, one of them dead, and one of them a missing nin who had to bear the sin of kin killer.

He didn't want to push these children up the scales, not yet. He'd let them enjoy the peace of being a genin before getting plunged into the hardships of chunin and jonin life.

Kakashi's eye flashed a hint of realization as he bowed his head from view. "I understand, Lord Hokage, but the fact still stands, Lord Jiraiya, or Lady Tsunade would make better teachers than I."

"That is true." Hiruzen admitted easily. "Jiraiya, while more hyperactive, always off on his 'research,' is a phenomenal teacher. The same can be said about Tsunade who's clear and precise teaching skills won us the Second Great Shinobi War. However, Jiraiya is off on a mission at my request, and Tsunade is on leave until further notice. She has done more than enough for the village to earn the time I've given her."

Kakashi didn't raise his head, but the old man could tell that the jonin didn't accept that answer. Hiruzen sighed, a long tired old man's sigh, and leaned further back into his seat.

"You know, I considered taking them as students myself."

Kakashi perked up at that, single eye widening in shock.

"Satsuki Uchiha, Hinata Hyuga, Naruko Uzumaki, and Lei Senju. I had considered training them to be shinobi of unrivaled power. Alone they would be able to lay waste to an entire village, together, the elemental nations. I can see that potential in them, as I once saw that potential in you."

Kakashi winced at his words. Something that brought a disappointed frown to the Hokage's face.

"Kakashi Hatake. Graduated the academy at five. Became a chunin at six. Promoted to jonin at nine. A child of such great potential you blew the likes of my three students, and the Fourth Hokage out of the water completely. Developed an S rank ninjutsu at the age of eleven, and became a war hero at the age of twelve."

The jonin shivered slightly at the last thing the old man said. Hiruzen's eyes softened just a tad.

"I won't go through the same talk we've had for years. However, I will tell you that it's time to move on. As of today, you are the jonin sensei of Team 7. No excuses, and I expect you to train them to the heights I have expected of them or die trying, am I clear?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Kakashi answered immediately. His word was law and Kakashi knew that all too well.

"Good. Now tell me, what are your thoughts on their individual performances during the test, and where do you think they could improve?" The old man leaned forward, eyeing Kakashi with interest. He already had plenty of answers and planned on telling them later, but right now he would see what Kakashi thought.

"Naruko Uzumaki played a good role as their primary attacker. Her usage of the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu was near perfect. To summon even five clones is impressive, but she summoned over one hundred clones, twice. Her control over her chakra is incredible, for what she is…Beyond that she lacks the ability to truly think for herself. Acting off of her teammates orders. If said orders ever came to fail, she'd be a sitting duck. Also, she lacks the combination ability. She had used jutsu with her clones once during the fight, had she caught me in a worse place and used a powerful jutsu, she could have single handedly ended the test. Yet she didn't, instead saving her already massive chakra reserves for who knows what."

"And how would you propose she go about fixing that?"

"By reading up on shinobi tactics and gaining some book smarts. What's a genius without a brain?" Kakashi answered easily. The old man nodded in approval. He had a few things to add, but that would do for now. He would tell Naruko all about her mistakes in the future over a bowl at Ichiraku's.

"Next, Satsuki Uchiha. She played a great ranged support role, launching jutsu from a distance when I would let my guard down. However she was hindered by Naruko's fighting style. If she could use an A rank lightning jutsu, I'm sure she could use plenty of lower rank lightning jutsu. Meaning she chose not to since she would damage Naruko's clones in the process. The best way for her to improve upon that would be to get more precise lightning jutsu, or to join Naruko in close range while occasionally providing medium range support." The jonin frowned through his mask.

Another nod from the Hokage. Satsuki didn't have much of a chance to show off during the test. If she had her sharingan she would have been a much bigger help and could have used lightning jutsu without affecting Naruko's clones, but as she was now, she lacked the ability to do such a thing.

"Finally, Lei Senju. He played the close ranged fighter and medium range support roles perfectly while actively ensuring Naruko would have a much easier time against me. His abilities as a leader were what really ensured the team's success. He had me pinned thrice, and if not for my quick thinking the first time, and Naruko's carelessness the second, he would have ended the test much earlier. His Wood Release and Tenzo's are like night and day. Tenzo's wood release being like the moon reflecting the sun's light upon the earth, and Lei's wood release being like the burning sun, producing its own light and multiplying itself."

"He did make several mistakes, and most mistakes made by the others could be seen as his fault. First of all they all yell their jutsu."

Hiruzen chuckled a bit as he recalled the kids shouting their jutsu at the top of their lungs like their lives depended on it.

"As fast as I am, there are times where I wouldn't have been able to react had they just not said anything, specifically when he used the Underground Roots Technique, and the Four Pillar Prison Technique. Such jutsu were not ones I had expected and they definitely would have left me trapped with no way out." Kakashi snorted.

"It was an amusing show, I'll admit, I assume you have more to add?"

Kakashi frowned again. "They burned my book."

That made the smile on the Hokage's face disappear as he recalled the burning of Icha Icha Paradise.

"Yes, truly a loss, such phenomenal art should never be burned, under no circumstance. Lei knows that and I'm sure he will accept whatever punishment you will give him."

That seemed to cheer Kakashi up enough. "Good, continuing on, while Lei did play both roles well, should have prioritized close ranged combat. His usage of wood clones is something that must compare to Lord First. Even when I damaged the clones, I could feel their chakra leaving their bodies, not because they needed to stop, but because he chose not to use the chakra they had to heal them. Such a powerful kekkei only burdened by the amount of chakra you have would be excellently used in fighting at close range for as long as possible. Had he taken off the seals and had forty or so clones launch themselves at me, I do not think I could have won without using my sharingan, which alone screams good tales about his ability."

Hiruzen hummed. He rose from his seat going over to his cabinet and pulled out some sake. "Would you like a cup, Kakashi?"

"No thank you, Lord Hokage."

The old man chuckled as he poured himself a cup of the alcoholic drink and sat down.

"If you keep being such a bore, you'll never settle down with a woman." Hiruzen downed the cup in a single gup before looking at the unamused face of the jonin.

"Too far I suppose." Hiruzen pushed the cup away, growing more serious. "I'm glad you were able to decipher their skills and weaknesses throughout the bell test, though I expected nothing less from you, Kakashi. Now I have one more question."

Kakashi straightened up, raising a questioning eyebrow at his leader.

"How does Lei compare to Renji Miyamoto?"

Kakashi placed a hand on his chin in thought. "If his file is to be believed he is Renji-sensei's son, correct?" Kakashi asked, earning a nod from his Hokage. "Well, he has the potential to surpass that man, although Renji-sensei was no pushover. If they fought now, Lei as he is wouldn't stand a chance. They fight similarly enough, both acting as close range specialists while providing mid range support on occasion. However his old man was an athletic freak of nature, one that would rival Guy in power, and taking in his skill with the gates as well, I doubt even I would have been able to beat the man, much less his genin son."

Hiruzen frowned at that. He had expected the answer more or less, but what he wanted was not a comparison of power but a comparison of character.

"I'm well aware of that Kakashi, what I meant was personality wise, their drive, their goals, how do they compare?"

Kakashi looked to the side wall at a picture of Minato for a few moments. "They both aspire for the same thing. Although by different means. While Renji-sensei wanted to attain true peace by Minato-sensei's side, Lei wants peace all while sitting in that seat of yours."

That did make Hiruzen's eyes widen. He hadn't been watching them when they had their little talk with Kakashi on the roof. He hadn't known Lei wanted to be Hokage.

The old Hokage looked down in thought. If Lei wanted to be Hokage, that would make things much easier from here on out. Perhaps his vision of the future can be made true through the child?

"That's rather interesting, I was unaware, Kakashi. Thank you. I told your squad to report to Training Ground Three at 6 AM. I expect you to be there by 5:50 AM. If you're not, there will be consequences, this routine will continue everyday except on their day off, am I clear?" The old man asked with a serious glare.

"Crystal, Lord Hokage."

"Good, dismissed."

The jonin vanished out of the room and Hiruzen let out a long tired sigh.

The boy wants to be Hokage huh…then perhaps it's time to put his plans in motion.


"Fuck that guy."

"You said that Lord Hokage is handling it ne, so cheer up?" Hinata hummed, brushing my hair out of my eyes and carefully caressing my face.

I looked up at the face of my girlfriend who was currently giving me the mother of all lap pillows. I wanted to continue whining, but as her soft hands worked over my face and hair, any response I had died in my throat.

I would slaughter thousands if it meant I could make it back to rest my head on her thighs once more.

"He's still an asshole." Satsuki added helpfully from another chair. We were currently all in my house's common area. We had come here to let off some steam after talking to Gramps, and Hinata arrived shortly after. Apparently she had passed her test, and more than that.

She beat Kurenai…alone.

From what I recall of Kurenai, she wasn't overwhelmingly strong, and was actually a freshly promoted jonin.

But for Hinata to actually win was completely unexpected.

From what Hinata had told us, Kurenai was a genjutsu specialist, one who mainly prioritized hiding her presence and attacking with ranged ninja tools.

That's when I realized why Hinata beat her.

Attacking Hinata with anything besides a fucking nuke was like asking to lose.

Though Hinata went on to explain how she easily saw through and dispelled any genjutsu Kurenai placed on her and using rotation to block the kunai and shuriken she launched her way. Once she had closed the distance and landed a few strikes, closing off her chakra points within her arms, the fight was over. Without the ability to cast jutsu, Hinata had rendered Kurenai completely defenseless.

Thus her victory.

While impressive she won, I was greatly disappointed in the skill of Kurenai, but I suppose someone like Hinata who can close the distance, or some Uchiha that could see through her genjutsu like Itachi would be her worst opponents.

Though Hinata didn't completely overwhelm her, she said she was rather tired after the fight…or maybe she did and she's just being humble.

Who knows? Her and her team, and we probably won't know unless we ask any of them.

As I looked up at the Hyuga who's heart I held a firm place in, I couldn't help but compare myself to her in regards to our strength, speed, and skill. I knew for a fact I was faster and stronger than her, and had a wider range of jutsu at my disposal, but she is definitely more skillful and precise than I am. If we fought strictly taijutsu, I'd lose no question. However an all out fight between us and I'd take the cake with low-mid difficulty.

If Hinata could beat Kurenai, all of us could, which got me thinking. Where do we rank in the village? Obviously we're genin, but even more obvious is that rank doesn't define skill and power level. We're easily beyond the chunin threshold if that little test with Kakashi told me anything. Even if Kakashi wasn't trying to kill us, we beat him even when he took out his sharingan. Hell if I really wanted too, I could have killed him. He was trapped with nowhere to go, and no way to weave hand seals while my wood dragon absorbed his chakra and fed on his blood.

I know we couldn't have beaten him individually, but Hinata beat Kurenai alone.

Which would place us anywhere between low chunin-low jonin individually.

That…was honestly way better than I had hoped to be around this time. If we kept improving like this, threats like the Akatsuki, specifically Pain, Obito, and Madara didn't scare me much anymore.

All I needed to do was surpass Hashirama in three-four years…

Okay maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself.

"Did you hear me, Lei?" Hinata whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

I raised an eyebrow as I focused my vision on her. Specifically on her soft pink lips before catching myself and looking into her eyes.

"No, sorry. What did you say?"

She gave me an amused smile for a few moments before I heard the voice of Naruko.

"What?! I totally did my part!"

"You don't get it! I told you to stay out of my way when we fight together, but you just went and launched yourself at that bastard without thinking about me!" Satsuki growled back.

"It's not my fault you went and learned all the big flashy lightning jutsu instead of something small that would work well with me!"

"I do not fight to the beat of your drum you idiot! Maybe if all that brain power didn't go to those cow tits of yours, you'd get that through your thick skull!"

I looked at Hinata as the two girls continued arguing, watching as she giggled lightly.

"I asked if you wanted to put an end to that, or should I?"

I frowned, pressing my head down harder against her creamy thighs.

Her giggling continued as she took my actions as my answer. "Alright, I'll take care of it."

She clapped thrice, earning the two girls attention. "Girls, I believe we had come to an agreement, one that allowed for us to behave and treat one another fairly. Do you both have plans on breaking that agreement and losing all it entails?"

I watched as both Naruko and Satsuki instantly switched tunes.

"No, that's not necessary!" Naruko all but screamed out. "We were just reviewing our mistakes during the fight, it won't happen again." Her voice that had started at a near scream slowly fell to the level of a whisper.

"Today has been frustrating, we didn't have any lasting malice towards each other, right Naruko?" Satsuki added, earning a nod from the blonde.

"Good, I'm happy to hear that." Hinata clapped once more with her very terrifying smile. "Now then, we have all day to ourselves, what would you all like to do?"

"Train." I answered instantly. The girls looking at me like I lost my fucking mind.

"Have you lost your mind?" Satsuki asked incredulously.

Ah, there it is.

"Um, I don't think so, maybe Kakashi kicked me too hard? Though I feel fine…" I hummed in thought.

Hinata bonked me lightly on my forehead. "Stop being a jerk."

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, Hinata, my love, you should know me well by now." I watched as a blush spread through her face quickly. In the short time we've been together I've learned that any slightly romantic words were like kryptonite to the white eyed girl. She could be absolutely livid with me and I could tell her I love her and all that rage would disappear, replaced by absolute affection. Her loving eyes told all the tales I needed.

"I am the biggest of jerks, the largest of assholes, and the hugest of greedy bastards. Being a jerk fuels me, being an asshole amuses me, and being a greedy bastard allows me to sleep at night." I chuckled. Whether I was being a hundred percent truthful or not, I'd leave that up to them to decide.

"Yet I know for a fact you are none of those things." Hinata hummed, the red tint still painting her cheeks as she continued to caress my face, albeit a bit more lovingly.

"Eh, I think I'm pretty greedy at the very least." I admitted, with a thoughtful frown. "The thought of letting anyone have what's mine angers me to no end."

"Is that really greedy?" Hinata asked. "I believe what you just described was a good trait for any man to have. To protect what one has with all their might."

Well when you put it like that…

"Perhaps you're right."

"Get a room, you two." Naruko booed. Both of us sent the blonde a cheeky smile which only riled up the girl more much to our amusement.

"Don't worry Naruko, I'm sure you'll find love one day, perhaps once you let what's on your mind flow free, you two may find the man you've been waiting for."

Naruko paused at that, her eyes falling on me for a few seconds before she rubbed the back of her head with a burning blush. "Maybe…maybe one day."

These girls really aren't discreet at all.

I looked up to Hinata to see her giving me a knowing smile.

Ah, I guess she wasn't trying to be.

"Anyways, I wasn't kidding about wanting to train." I yawned as I lifted my head from Hinata's lap. My body instantly screamed at me in bloody curses for such a heinous action. "So I'm gonna go do that, anyone want to join me?"

"No thanks, you go on ahead and get that training it, plus we girls need to have another little talk. Maybe we'll head over to Satsuki's for the night." Hinata giggled mysteriously.

To Satsuki's place for a whole night? I eyed the three girls for a couple of moments before shrugging.

"Official girl business I assume? I know when to excuse myself, and right now my brain is screaming at me to get the hell out of here, so I'll leave you three to it." I chuckled nervously.

"Smart boy." Hinata giggled, getting up and patting me on the cheek a few times before wrapping her arms around me tightly. "I feel like we haven't been able to spend much time together, you're going to have to make that up to me." She said matter of factly.

"Yeah, I was actually thinking the same thing." I lied. I had been so busy with all that's been going on that such a thing never crossed my mind. "Why don't we go somewhere after our missions tomorrow?"

"It's a date." She agreed with a bright smile, placing her hands on my chest and leaning up to give me a quick peck on the cheek. "See you then."

I watched as the three girls walked towards the door and left the house. A small sigh escaping my lips and a giddy smile adorning my lips. Never in both of my lives had I been on a real date. Which is crazy to think about, it took two lives for me to go on one, but not two for me to lose my virginity.

There's something horribly wrong with me isn't there?

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