7.73% Hachiman's Erotic Life | Cote × Oregairu / Chapter 13: Chapter 12

章節 13: Chapter 12

"Did you come tog...oh, you're such good friends that you're holding hands."

When I took my usual seat in the dining room, Sakayanagi saw me and Shiina holding hands and greeted me with a big smile.

To be honest, I want to punch you right now.

"I can't believe we're such good friends..."

Shiina, on the other hand, blushes and shakes her head. It's the first time I've seen Shiina's behavior and I'm taken aback.

Sakayanagi was also stunned, as if she had just seen something unexpected.

"Um... Shiina. If you react like that,


"Please call me Hiyori. I want Hachiman-kun to call me by my name."

Shina says this while puffing out her cheeks slightly. What is this cute little animal?

"...What happened?"

Sakayanagi also seems curious about this. Well, it's a sudden change in Shiina...


With that in mind, Shiina begins to explain the contract I signed with Ryuen today.

"Did something like that happen?"

"Yes. So, in the morning after HR, I apologized and thanked Hachiman-kun, but after that, I started wanting to call him by his name, and I wanted to be called by my name..."

"I see. By the way, Hikigaya-kun, if you run out of points, please feel free to let me know, okay?"

"It's okay. I still have more than 300,000 yen, so I just need to earn more."

Actually, I'm going to join the chess club after school today.

"In that case, that's fine. Hikigaya-kun, please call Shiina-san by her name, okay?"

This girl Sakayanagi gives me a really nice smile. I can read this girl's aim. She probably wants to see me Shiina call Shiina by her name and be embarrassed.

"Hachiman-kun... please."

Shiina, on the other hand, looks at me with a look of anticipation. She is hard to reject because unlike Sakayanagi she has a pure color.

I'm wondering how to respond...


Shiina's expression changed from one of expectation to one of anxiety, and she looked up at me. Looking at her like that made her feel guilty.



Overwhelmed by guilt, I calls Hiyori by name. It's the first time I called a girl by her name, so I get nervous.

"Thank you, Hachiman-kun."

On the other hand, Shii… Hiyori smiles happily. My heart flutters when I see Hiyori like that.

"Good for you, Shiina-san. Anyway, the way Hikigaya-kun is so nervous...hehe."

And Sakayanagi laughs a little when she sees how nervous I am. I get irritated when I see Sakayanagi like that.

"Leave me alone and let's eat lunch instead."

While saying this, I led the two of them to the ticket vending machine and ordered food.

There are only 300,000 points left. If you want to move up to class A as an individual, you'll need 20 million points, but that's still a long way off.

After ordering food, we sat down at appropriate seats...

"I feel strangely stared at today..."

I'm famous because of unwanted rumors, and whenever I eat at a restaurant, I get a lot of attention, but today I feel stronger than usual.

"It's probably because Katsuragi-kun and the others are here."

Sakayanagi said that and glanced to the side, and when I looked, I saw several boys looking at me as if they were judging me.

"So? Judging from the atmosphere, is that bald person Katsuragi?"



"Hachiman-kun, that's a very appropriate answer."

"Rumor has it that he's the 2nd best in Class A, along with Sakayanagi, but no matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like he's on par with Sakayanagi."

To be honest, his rank is probably several points lower than Sakayanagi. Isn't the reason it's rumored that he's on par with Sakayanagi the only reason he's in conflict with Sakayanagi?

"Yeah. However, it's a fairly large faction, so it's quite troublesome. It will take some time to gain control."

Sakayanagi is smiling, but...

"Are you planning something naughty again?"

Are you thinking about how to destroy the poor guy? Moreover, although she says it's troublesome, she doesn't say it's impossible, so there's a high possibility that she already has a chance of winning.

"That's rude. I don't know the details of how the school works yet, so I don't have any plans to do anything. What I'm thinking about right now is teasing Hikigaya-kun."

"Stop it, you idiot. Don't ever think about that."

To me, that means She's thinking about the most terrifying thing.

"Ah, that's right. This weekend is the last day off before the test week, so why don't we three go out and have some fun?"

"There's no need for that"

"The only place I stop by is a cafe on my way home from school, so I'd like to expand my range of travel."

Why does she ignore me every time?

"Yeah. I'm also interested in movies, and it's not bad to see the ocean around the school."

Hiyori's also being corrupted.

No matter what I say, Sakayanagi is making plans for the weekend with Hiyori. Actually, it's a matter of decision for me to go.

...Well, no matter what I say, I end up going and having some fun.


After several hours...


"Damn! I lost again! You, thief!"

"I'm not a thief, but thank you."

In order to compensate for the 500,000 points I paid to Ryuen, and to make even more money, I joined the chess club and gambled.

And just now, I have beaten my senior by 3 years and 150,000 points have been transferred to my device. I've got over 1 million points in total in the current match, so things are going well.

"But Hikigaya. You're seriously strong. Since you came aboard in April, why are you in Class D?"

"Maybe it's because I don't cooperate. Actually, there's only one classmate's address."

There are only three people listed in my phone's phonebook: Sakayanagi, Hiyori, and my classmate Kushida.

Additionally, Kushida's address was half-forced by Kushida herself, so I think it's really only Sakayanagi and Hiyori.

"Huh? Even though you're on a three-way trip, you only have one classmate's address? What kind of school life are you having?"

My second-year senior asked me this question, half taken aback, but I think she leads a relatively normal life.

I mean...

"Um, is the three-timing joke spreading even among upperclassmen?"

"It's spreading. It's rumored that Hikigaya Hachiman, a first-year D class student, is trying to make the girls from ABC class fall in love with him and close the gap between the classes."

What's that crazy rumor?! Isn't this rumor even more dangerous than the rumors that have been circulating for a year?

"That's completely a hoax, isn't it?"

In fact, I haven't even exchanged contact information with Ichinose yet, and I don't think we're dating or anything.

As expected, the hugging incident seems to be quite a big one.

"I guess so. But in a sense, you're as famous as the student council president Horikita."

I learned an unpleasant truth. I really want to cry...

"Well, there's no use making a fuss now. Besides, I'm next. How about a bet of...200,000?"

"Let's ride. Just like last month, I'll take it."

"Tell me! I'll pay back last month's debt."

Even as we exchanged words like that, I rearranged the pieces.

2 hours later...


I leave the club room building with my terminal in hand and a smile on my face. On the screen of the terminal in hand ...

1675328 ppt

That's how it's displayed. My goal is at least 1 million, preferably over 1.5 million, so this is the best possible result.

I'm probably the first year student with the most private points, followed by Ryūen, who received 500,000 points from me today.

(However, I would like to have more points. There are still many unknowns about the S system, so if you are prepared, you won't have to worry.)

However, it is quite difficult. It's profitable to gamble against the guys in the chess club, but they don't have an infinite number of points, so you can only do it once a month. In fact, my seniors said, "See you next month'' when they parted ways.

If that happens, there will be fewer ways to earn money. I might be able to get points if I sell D-class information to Ryūen, but it would be troublesome if they found out.

So, is it best to gamble in other club activities as well? I can play shogi to a certain extent, and if I try hard enough, I might be able to score points against the shogi club.

...No, no. In the case of chess, you can strive to the death because you have someone like Sakayanagi to surpass, but in the case of shogi, there is no one to aim for, and there is a high possibility that your ability will not improve.

(In that case, I should definitely look for the part-time jobs that are being talked about...wait. They might ask me to give them bonus points at the mid-term or end of the term.)

Previously, during swimming in physical education, the teacher had offered to give 5,000 points to the student who came in first place.

In other words, private points can be moved with the teacher's permission.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to take advantage of this and ask Mr. Chabashira, "Give me a bonus if I finish in the top 10 or top 5 in each subject or general subject.''

Of course, general subjects are not on my mind, and if I am aiming for a liberal arts subject. It's not impossible to get a higher grade in humanities subjects.

The problem is whether Mr. Chabashira will give the OK, but it's not a bad idea in terms of motivating the students, so it's probably okay.

If that's the case, I'll probably get around 30,000 yen.

For now, let's save money and save up steadily. There are quite a few dropouts from this school, so there's no harm in accumulating points.

Maybe you can buy the right to cancel your expulsion.

While I was thinking about it, my terminal started ringing and I looked at it to see an email from Hiyori.

"Hachiman-kun. Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, could you please come to my room for a while? The room number is 1206 and the door is unlocked. I won't force you, but I'd be happy if you came.''

I have received such an email.

"I guess it's the girls' room..."

The dormitory of this school is the boys' dormitory from the 1st floor to the 10th floor, and the girls' dormitory is above there. Of course, there's no rule that says boys can't go into the girls' dormitory, but I don't want to go there because it will definitely attract attention.

However, judging from Hiyori's email, Hiyori would be sad if I didn't come. I'm sure she won't complain because she's so kind, but I definitely feel a pit in my stomach with guilt.

So, after sighing, I replied that I understood and started walking to the dormitory.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the dormitory, and instead of using the elevator, I took the stairs and headed for Hiyori's 12th floor.

Stairs are generally used by people living on the second and third floors when they can't wait for the elevator, and are not very popular, so it is difficult for people to find them.

I'm lazy to take the stairs to the 12th floor, but if I take the elevator and run into another girl at the exit of the 12th floor, it'll be troublesome.

When I arrived at the 12th floor, I secretly opened the door and saw a girl walking by, so I waited until she disappeared.

Then, as soon as she disappears from view, I tiptoe down the hallway. It's like being the protagonist of a stealth game.

When I opened the door to room 1206, which was said to be Hiyori's room, it was indeed unlocked, so I went inside.

And as you go deeper...

"Ah, welcome, Hachiman-kun. It's almost ready, so please wait a little while."

Hiyori, wearing an apron, was cooking in the kitchen.

Honestly, it hit me hard.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I don't know if it will suit your taste, Hachiman-kun, but I would be happy if you tried it."

When I was sitting near the table in Hiyori's room, Hiyori, wearing an apron, placed food on the table. What I saw was pure Japanese food, including rice, miso soup, salt-grilled salmon, and fried eggs.

When the food for two is placed on the table, Hiyori takes off her apron and places it on the bed, but is shocked by the way she takes off her apron.

"Then let's eat. Itadakimasu."

"I'll enjoy having this"

Hiyori greets me, so I return the greeting and start eating...

"It's really delicious..."

I couldn't help but whisper that. It has a taste of a homely atmosphere that you can't get in the school cafeteria.

Well, in my case, I wasn't born into a wealthy family, so I don't know what it's like to be truly homely.

"I'm glad if you think it's delicious, Hachiman-kun."

"Ah, ah. But why did you make me food?"

"That's because I want to repay the favor to Hachiman-kun."

Is there a reason for that?

"Hiyori. As I said before, that was what I wanted, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Even if Hachiman-kun says that, I still worry about it. If Hachiman-kun were in my position, would you not worry about it at all?"

"...…That's impossible"

1 point is the same as 1 yen for outsiders, which means that I paid 500,000 yen to Ryūen so that I can continue to be involved with Hiyori.

As Hiyori says, if I were in Hiyori's position, I would suffer from guilt. I don't care if it's 1,000 or 10,000, but if it's 500,000...

"Also, given your personality, Hachiman-kun, I don't think he would accept it even if I prepared 500,000 points."

"Well, I probably will refuse."

"Therefore, I will repay the favor by taking care of Hachiman-kun from now on."

"No, but-

"It's what I want, so don't worry about it, Hachiman-kun.''

...I understand."

I answered exactly what I thought. If this happens, it will be impossible to refuse Hiyori.

"Thank you. From now on, I'll be cooking meals for Hachiman-kun and cleaning his room and bathroom. And..."

Hiyori says that and starts fidgeting. I have a really bad feeling about it...

"If Hachiman-kun wants it...I'll be your partner in bed as well, what do you think?"

"Bufo! Geho! Goho!"

I can't help but laugh at Hiyori's blunt remark. This girl said something outrageous!

"Hey, stop joking. Instead, I'll let you eat."

I tried to escape and resumed eating, but perhaps because the heat on my face still remained, I couldn't taste the food at all.

"(...I'm not kidding)"

1 hour later...

"Then Hiyori, I'm heading home. Thanks for the food."

Even though I had some embarrassing things to do along the way, I somehow persevered, and after eating, I decided to have some after-dinner coffee and take some time off.

"Yes. From tomorrow, I will take care of Hachiman-kun."

Hiyori sees me off with a smile. After that, I told her many times that she didn't have to force her to take care of me, but Hiyori wouldn't budge, so I gave up.

"Ah...then I'll do this."

While saying this, I take out the dormitory duplicate key from my keychain from my pocket and hand it to Hiyori.

"Is this okay?"

Hiyori asks, opening her eyes slightly.

"Yeah. If you don't have it, you won't be able to take care of me. I don't think you would steal anything even if you went into my room."

There are four keys, including the one I use, but I just thought it would be okay to give one of them to Hiyori.

"Thank you. Then me too..."

While saying this, Hiyori takes out a keychain from her pocket and hands me the key. It says 1206, so it's definitely the key to Hiyori's room.

"No, I can't take a girl's ke-, '

"I'm giving it to you because I want it.

'You're surprisingly stubborn."

When I try to refuse, Hiyori forces me to take the key. She probably won't accept it even if I try to give it back, so I sigh and put the key to Hiyori's room on my keychain.

"Then I'll take it. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Please come and visit me anytime."

I exchanged greetings with Hiyori and left the dorm room. Once I was sure no one was there, I immediately headed down the stairs and went down to the floor where my room was, then returned to my room with a nonchalant look on my face.

Then, while lying on the bed, I operated the terminal and accessed the bulletin board on the school's internet to look up another profit story.

Then try writing.

652: Anonymous

If you ask your teacher for a bonus, if you get a good score during a regular examination, do you think he will give you a bonus?

653: Anonymous

>>> 652

By homeroom teacher

654: Anonymous


I'm a 3-B, but if I get in the top 5 in general subjects every time I take a test, I'll get bonus points.

655: Anonymous


How much can I get?

656: Anonymous

I'm a 2-C, but I don't have a bonus system because studying is a given.

657: Anonymous

2-A, but there is a bonus. 10,000 points will be awarded to the third place in the overall grade, 30,000 points to the second place, and 50,000 points to the first place.



654, but 5th place is 10,000, 4th is 20,000, and 1st is 50,000.

659: Anonymous

No. 1 is everywhere 50,000?

660: Anonymous

Or rather, I think 652 is in the first year based on your comment, but what class?

661: An anonymous

Teacher like Hoshinomiya Sensei might give you a bonus, but Mashima Sensei is serious and studying is a given, so I don't think he will.

662: Anonymous meritocracy


Possible. Sakagami-sensei might refuse because he seems like a bad person. Mr. Chabashira...I don't know. She's a scary one.

663: Anonymous

In the end, it depends on the teacher.

664: Anonymous

or rather, there's no way a D class can get good results.

665: Anonymous

This year's 1-D are idiots who reduced their class points to 0 in one month, right?

666: Anonymous

O class points in 1 month lol

667: Anonymous


Not really. There is a student in 1-D named Hikigaya Hachiman who is quite intelligent.

668: Anonymous

>>> 667

Is Hikigaya Hachiman the same three-timing bastard?



Rumor has it that he is also targeting Chabashira-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei.

670: Anonymous

Isn't that a complete bummer!

That was the limit. I run away from the bulletin board and place the terminal on the table. Why did this happen... It would be okay if they gave in and took three steps, but why are there suspicions about the teacher?

(Anyway, it seems like bonus points are up to the teacher.)

If you know that, there's no problem. I'll ask the teacher tomorrow. If you have a chance to make money, you have to make sure you don't miss it.

With that thought in mind, I lay down on the bed, took out the key chain from my pocket, and was about to place it next to my pillow when I saw the key that Hiyori had given me.

(I never expected a girl to give me the key...before I knew it, she had already given me the key, so maybe we trust each other?)

Normally, it would be impossible to hand over the key to your room to someone else, especially someone of the opposite sex.

Despite this, I gave one of the duplicate keys to Hiyori, and Hiyori also gave me a duplicate key. If that's the case, it wouldn't be strange for me to be trusted.

(However, let's not go into more detail than necessary)

If you go any further than necessary or do something stupid like you did in middle school, you'll end up just like you did in middle school.

...No, I've already paid 500,000 points to Ryuen, so I'm going further than necessary.

Otherwise, my relationship with Hiyori would be over.

(Wow, I have a lot to think about regarding my future school life.)

I'm starting to feel a little confused. At times like this, all I can do is sleep. I'll sleep and refresh my head before thinking again.


Next morning...

"Good morning, Hachiman-kun. Please wait a little longer. Also, I apologize for using the ingredients without permission."

When I woke up, Hiyori was in the kitchen making breakfast. When I wake up in the morning, a girl in an apron is making breakfast for me...it's the perfect situation.

It's like they're a married couple...I don't care. Hiyori is doing this to return the favor, so there's no way she has romantic feelings for me.

After shaking my head so that I don't have any unnecessary thoughts, I go to the changing room, change my clothes, and fix my hair.

When I returned from the changing room, Hiyori put a plate of toast, sausage, and fried eggs on the table, and handed me a bento box.

"I don't know if this will suit your taste, Hachiman-kun, but I'd like you to eat it during your lunch break."

While saying this, I received a bento box, but this isn't a dream, right?

"Then breakfast is ready, so please eat it."

At Hiyori's urging, I sat down and ate it, but for some reason I felt it tasted better than the toast I usually make myself.

Considering that I can continue to be involved with Hiyori and have Hiyori take care of me even more, paying 500,000 points to Ryūen may have been a good idea.

15 minutes later...

"Okay, I'm done preparing to go, so let's go."

"There are less than five minutes until the meeting time with Sakayanagi-san."

While having this conversation, I left my room and took the elevator to the first floor, where Sakayanagi was already at the entrance.

"Good morning. Both of you...puu."

Then Sakayanagi bursts out laughing. Was there anything that made you laugh?

While Hiyori has a question mark on her face, Sakayanagi leans her face into Hiyori's ear and speaks to her.

"(Yesterday I told you about taking care of Hikigaya-kun, but I didn't know you'll really do it, Shiina-san).''

"(Um...was that really bold?)"

"(No, no. He's very cute like this. Next time please be in your underwear...)"

I have a feeling that something is terribly wrong. What are these girls talking about?

"Let's go now."

I suggest that even though I feel a little weird about it. Sakayanagi is physically weak, so it takes her a long time to go to school, and it's not good for her to talk too much. Or she might be late and get her CP deducted.

"That's right. Let's go then."

"Yeah, hehe"

As she said this, Sakayanagi was laughing as usual and holding my right hand, while Hiyori didn't hold my hand, but instead hugged me in her arms.

Although I was nervous about this, I started walking and headed to school. I get a lot of attention when I do this, but I've gotten used to it, so it's not a problem.

As I was walking, ignoring everyone's gaze and talking lamely as usual, I arrived at the school. I change into indoor shoes in the shoe rack, go up the stairs, and arrive at the floor where the 1st grade classroom is located.

"Then I'll stay here."

"See you during lunch break."

Sakayanagi and Hiyori said that and went into their classrooms, so I went into my classroom as well.

Then, as I was about to take my seat, for some reason I attracted attention and Ike and Yamauchi approached me.

"Hey, what's the matter, Hikigaya?"

"Why do you have a hickey on your cheek?!"


I was surprised by the unexpected comment, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw a pink hickey on my right cheek.

Hey, I thought Hiyori put this on!

"Bastard, you're so cunning that you not only have points, but also a girlfriend!"

"Please bless me too!"

The two of them approached me with bloody tears in their eyes, so I left the classroom in a sprint.

After that, I came back just in time for HR, and once HR was over, I did a full sprint again and came back just in time for the first hour to start.

This continued until lunchtime, and when I asked Hiyori about it during lunchtime, she normally answered in the affirmative.

I tried to say something about that, but I couldn't because she seemed apologetic.

I still don't have a problem with that, but when Sakayanagi suggested kissing her too, I seriously thought about pushing her over the edge.

Kiyotaka1620 Kiyotaka1620

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