7.14% Hachiman's Erotic Life | Cote × Oregairu / Chapter 12: Chapter 11

章節 12: Chapter 11

"Wow, I never expected to see those rotten eyes twice in one day."

"That's too bad. It's already Monday so you don't watch it twice a day."

"Don't be so arrogant. Now let me correct you. I didn't expect to see those rotten eyes twice in 24 hours."

It's past 1 a.m., and I'm facing Ryuen in front of a vending machine near my dormitory.

Ryuen is looking at me with his characteristic ferocious smile.

"So? I can pretty much predict what you're going to say, but just say it quickly. Or rather, don't bother calling me in the middle of the night."

"It can't be helped. I was spending time with Shiina until the last minute before the day changed."

That Shiina girl wanted to stay with me in my room until 11:59pm, just before the sun changed, so I spent the time with her.

Shiina had tears in her eyes when we parted ways, but I have no intention of making her look like that again.

"You love her... Huh? We're talking about Hiyori, but like I said at the okonomiyaki restaurant, you won't have anything to do with her from now on."

Ryuen naturally says that, but I have no intention of backing down.

"Let me confirm once again that I have no right to have anything to do with Shiina, and if you want that right, I should become a spy, right?"

Ryuen nods, but has no intention of becoming a spy. I don't want to live a life of being found out and being harassed by malice.

that's why...

"My question is, is there any way to buy the rights other than spying?"

"Ah? What do you mean?"

While Ryuen looks suspicious, I take out my student ID card and talk to Ryuen.

"Could you sell Shiina's right to interact with me and Sakayanagi for private points?"

When I say that, Ryuen is stunned for a moment, but then he starts laughing.

"So, That's how it is! Hahaha! You're really interesting! I thought you might volunteer to be a spy, but I didn't expect you to do something like this!"

Ryuen distorts his ferocious smile and laughs as if it's funny. While looking at Ryuen, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth again.

"I'm sure everything in the school is bought and sold with points. There shouldn't be any problem with me, who is in the school, buying the right to interact with Shiina, who is in the school, against you, who is in the school, with points."

If there's a problem, it's whether Ryuen will sell it. If Ryuen says they won't sell it, that's it.

While I was a little nervous, Ryuen looked at me with sadistic eyes.

"I see. It certainly makes sense in theory. But can you, a D-class, afford it?"

"It depends on the price. So? If you sell it, how much will it cost?"

"...I don't mind if you pay 500,000 points within a week. If you pay 500,000 points, I'll promise you that I won't say anything about Hiyori's friendships from now on."

Ryuen is grinning. Most of them probably think I can't pay.

But it's sweet.

"If I pay you 500,000 yen, I can get involved with Shiina, right?"

When I say that, Ryuen looks at me suspiciously.

"You have a lot of confidence. If you pay 500,000 yen, I won't have any complaints, but do you have that many points?"

"Of course."

While saying this, I manipulate my student ID card and show Ryuen that my point balance is over 800,000 points.

At the same time, Ryuen's eyes widen for a moment.

"I am surprised. I didn't expect you to earn that much at this time of year."

"There are many ways to make money. So? If I pay you 500,000 yen, you won't interfere with Shiina's friendships."

"Fine, Then I'll give you my number and you can transfer the money. Then the deal is done."

"No, I would like to make the payment tomorrow in the staff room in the presence of the teacher. Since I am paying a large amount of money, I would like to conclude a contract without making any verbal promises."

I demand that. Ryuen, on the other hand, nods without getting particularly angry.

"Well, from your point of view, I guess so. Good, then meet at the staff room tomorrow at 7:30."

It seems that he is not dissatisfied with my proposal. It was good, it was good! I was getting excited.

"Thanks for cooperating."

"Ah. But you must be quite in love with Hiyori to pay me without hesitation."

"...It's not like that. The talk is over and I'm leaving now."

After saying that, I turned my back to Ryuen and returned to the dormitory.

I'm not particularly in love with Shiina.

I just wants to eliminate the cause of Shiina's tears.


The Next day...

"Excuse me"

"I'll disturb you."

At 7:30 a.m., Ryuen and I enter the staff room. Ryuen's attitude is not like that of a student, but he doesn't care.

"Oh, what an unusual combination of Hikigaya-kun and Ryuen-kun. What's the point?"

The person who welcomed me was Hoshinomiya Sensei, but I think this person will be fine. This person is the homeroom teacher for Class B, so she has a neutral position.

"Hoshinomiya-sensei. Actually, I would like to sign a contract between me and Ryūen using points. Could you please be present?"

"Have you drawn up a contract?"

"Oh, it's done."

While saying this, Ryuen handed a piece of paper to Hoshinomiya-sensei.


Hikigaya Hachiman (herein after referred to as "Party A") and Kakeru Ryuen (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") conclude the contract as follows.

1. Party A will give Party B 500,000 private points.

When the conditions in 1 are met, Class C students, excluding Party B and Hiyori Shiina (herein after referred to as "Shiina"), are prohibited from interfering with Shiina's personal relationships.

If the conditions of are violated, the first time the violator will pay 50,000 private points to Party A, the second time, Party B and the violator will each pay 100,000 private points to Party A, and from the third time onwards, the violator will be expelled from the school.

D class Hikigaya Hachiman

C class Ryūen Kakeru

The contract has already been drawn up, and once Ryuen and I stamp our seals and hand the contract to Hoshinomiya-sensei, who will be witnessing it, the contract will be finalized.

"Hmmm...Yeah, the contract is in good shape, so if the two of you put their seals on it, the contract will be concluded. Can you both double check that there are no problems with the content?"

I was told to re-check the contract, but...

"No problem"


500,000 private points is expensive, but I don't mind paying it.

"Then both of you please sign the contract."

When asked, we put our seals on the contract. Now, if I pay Ryuen 500,000 private points, I can spend time with Shiina as before.

"Okay. Hikigaya-kun, please pay Ryuen-kun points."

"...I sent the money. Ryuen, did you get it?"

"Yeah, No problem. As promised, Class C will not interfere in Hiyori's friendships."

Ryuen shows me his cell phone, and it shows over 600,000 points, and the history records that I sent the points.

"Then, the contract is complete. I'll give you a copy of the contract."

While saying this, Hoshinomiya-sensei copies the contract and hands it to me and Ryuen.

"Yes, this is it. Ryuen-kun, do your best to prevent your classmates from acting on their own."

"Of course."

After saying that, Ryuen leaves the staff room. I don't care, but his attitude makes him a C class.

"Then excuse me as well. Thank you for being present."

"No, don't worry about it because teachers are often present when we have exchanges using high points.Anyway, if you give Shiina-san that many points, is Shiina the favorite and Sakayanagi-san and Ichinose-san are mistresses? "

"I don't have a favorite or a mistress."

With that, I leave the staff room. I didn't make the move to get Shiina's attention or because I was in love with her.

It was just because I didn't like her crying face.

(Well, I have to go to the classroom early too...)

After letting out a sigh, I headed straight to my classroom.


"Then I'll finish HR. Make sure to take classes seriously."

Hiyori sighs as she sees her homeroom teacher, Kazuma Sakagami, leave the C class. She had a book in his hand, but the contents were not in her head.

What comes to mind is the days she spent with Hachiman and Arisu.

Watching Arisu tease Hachiman was the funniest thing of all, the parfait the three of them ate was the most delicious, and the time they spent together was the happiest of all.

But from today onwards, they won't be able to spend time together. Hiyori realizes that her chest hurts when she thinks about it.

(Sigh...I cried so much after breaking up with Hikigaya-kun yesterday...it seems like I still have some regrets.)

Hiyori couldn't remember how many times she let out a sigh, but suddenly she saw the class boss, Ryuen, standing in front of the teacher's desk.

"It's sudden, but I have a report. First, Hiyori."


While replying, Hiyori looked at Ryuen with tearful eyes, and Ryuen opened his mouth with a blank expression on his face.

"Yesterday I told you not to get involved with Hikigaya and the others, but I'm canceling that. If you want to get involved, do whatever you want."


Hiyori is stunned by those words. That goes for other members too.

"Wait?! Ryuen-san?! Is that really okay?!"

Daichi Ishizaki, a close aide to Ryuen, shouted this, and so did the other classmates. It was a well-known fact that Ryuen was dissatisfied with Hiyori's friendship, so his sudden reversal created an atmosphere of shock in the classroom.

"I was able to make a good contract with Hikigaya. I'll give you the contract, so please read it. It's related to you guys, too."

While saying this, Ryuen hands it to Ishizaki. Ishizaki sees this and his eyes widen.

"500,000?! How did that D-class guy do it at this time of year? I thought they had 0 points!"

"I don't know about that, but he bought the right to be involved with Hiyori for 500,000 yen. That's all."


Hearing those words, Hiyori felt a sense of shock. This is because I understood the contents of the contract from the conversation we just had.

(Private points can be used to buy anything within the school, so Hikigaya-san bought the rights to get involved with me...!)

Thinking that much, Hiyori stood up with all her might and left the classroom using all her physical abilities.

Meanwhile, the classmates are shocked to see Hiyori, who they have never seen before, and Ryuen laughs happily.

"Kukuku...Hiyori's love for him is more than I expected, but let's take this as an opportunity to bring Hikigaya in".


"Then, let's close HR."

Chabashira-sensei said that and quickly left the classroom. The D-class students saw this off and began preparing for their first period of class, with a slightly gloomy atmosphere.

It's only been a few days since May started, but there are still quite a few students who have not yet recovered from the reality they learned on May 1st.

There are people who are depressed because they are treated as inferior goods, people who have no points and are forced to live in poverty, and people who are at risk of being expelled from school due to red marks.

There is still time until the midterm exam, but some people may not have time to do so. Well, that has nothing to do with me.

If you listen to the lecture properly, you can easily avoid getting a red mark.

For now, I'm not yet in the test study period, so I'll go join the chess club after school. Then I'll make up for the 500,000 yen I paid today.

(I only have about 300,000 left, so I'll leave 100,000 and gamble with 200,000.)

My goal is at least over 1 million, and last month I went from 50,000 to 860,000, and this time I want to aim for over 1.5 million.

With that thought in mind, I finished getting ready for class and got up to go to the bathroom before the chime rang.


Suddenly, I heard the sound of the door opening, and then Shiina entered the Class D classroom, and as soon as she saw me, she came running...


She just hugged me with all her might. Wth?!

I couldn't move due to the unexpected action, and my classmates all stared at me in shock.

Shiina opened her mouth while still hugging me while I was dripping with cold sweat at the current situation.

"First of all, I'm sorry. You had to pay 500,000 private points for someone like me..."

While saying this, she tightens her grip on me, and I can feel the slight, yet unmistakable softness of Shiina's breasts against my chest.

At the same time, a commotion arises among the classmates.

"Hey, did you hear that?! She just said 500,000 private points?!"

"Oh, I'm sure she said that."

"He doesn't just have points for being with so many girls, does he?"

"Die Ikemen...!"

"But 500,000... how did he get it?!"

"I don't know. I wonder what he bought for 500,000 yen..."

I can hear such an exchange. To these guys, who aren't paid any points, I'll look like a treasure trove.

There are still points, and there are definitely people who will get them.

But right now, Shiina is my top priority. Shiina looks up at me with tears in the corners of her eyes, so I use my free right arm to take out a handkerchief from my pocket and gently wipe her tears.

"Don't worry about it. That's what I wanted, so there's no need for you to apologize."

Actually, I didn't feel particularly bad about paying 500,000 points to Ryūen. Or rather, the money was originally earned through an unsophisticated means of gambling.

More than that, it's a cheap purchase if you don't have to see Shiina's sad expression. I never say it because it's embarrassing.

"Still, I think it's my fault for causing trouble to Hikigaya-kun.

"Please don't apologize any further.".


I don't want to see Shiina's apologetic expression anymore, so I say that in a semi-strong tone, and Shiina seems to sense the anger in my words and nods slightly.

"Then thank you... Thank you for paying the points for me."

Shiina looks up at me with a rare smile on her face. Shiina doesn't stop even though I was surprised by her charm, which is more than I expected.

"Yesterday, after breaking up with Hikigaya-kun, I felt extremely sad. I didn't want to break up with him, and I wanted to talk to him more, but I couldn't stop crying."

You can tell by looking at the eyes. Her eyes were bright red, so they must have been really swollen from crying.

"But, thanks to Hikigaya-kun, I can continue to spend time with Hikigaya-kun and Sakayanagi-san. That's why..."

Shiina smiled broadly for the first time after separating...

"Thank you so much, Hikigaya-kun. Please continue to be with us."

Saying that, she buries her face in my chest. Well, what should I do about this? Even if you look around, everyone is showing off their jealous nature.

It might be possible there'll really be a riot, if I refused her here.

As a result, I accepted Shiina without letting her go. I put my hand on your back and stroke it gently.

My classmates found out that I had 500,000 points, and my peaceful life would have been completely destroyed by the time I was hugged by Shiina.

However, I had no intention of complaining to Shiina about it. Shiina was definitely the one who made me stand out, but there's a part of me that thinks it can't be helped.

In the end, I ended up being hugged by Shiina until the first period teacher warned her.

Afterwards, some of my classmates started looking at me like hyenas, and I let out a sigh.

"Hey Hikigaya! What do you mean by 500,000 points?! Do you really have that much?!"

After the first class, more than 10 of my classmates, including Ike, approached me. I expected this, but it's really annoying.

"...Then what happened? I'm telling you, I didn't get it through fraud."

"Then tell me how to make money!"

The students who approached me after Ike's words seemed to be saying that and took advantage of it. It's impossible if we don't talk about it.

"It's a gambling match. If you stake your points and join the club, they'll give you a match."

As I said this, I took out the book and started reading.

Don't think, I can't see your smiling face Horikita-san!

This time Yamauchi approached me.

"Which club will you do it in?!"

"I earned my money from the chess club, but apparently you can also join the shogi club, game club, and athletic club."

Well, it seems that the sports club is up to the director of the year. Apparently there are some managers who don't like betting.

"By the way, if you do this, do it at your own risk. There was a time when I lost 200,000 points."

You are free to place bets, but please refrain from complaining to me when you lose.

"Seriously... But you still have points right?! "

"I guess you have points left anyway, so you're asking me to lend them to you, right? I refuse, it's your own fault for spending too much."

"Please! I don't want the wild vegetable set meal anymore! I'll pay you back!"

"I don't know. In fact, in Yamauchi's case, there is a possibility that he will be expelled from school, and there is a possibility that I will not get the points I lent him back, so I would definitely not want that."

Ike and Yamauchi may be expelled after this month's midterm exam. If you get expelled from school, you won't get the points you lent back, so to me, it's like throwing away the points.

"I won't get expelled from school!"

"I can't trust the words of someone who has been making such a fuss since April, and masturbating under his desk." I said that in a low voice.

In addition, I don't think that an idiot who would get a red mark on a review quiz in junior high school would be able to avoid a red mark on a midterm exam.

Then, Ike brings his bag and shows me his game console.

"Then Hikigaya! Buy my game! I'll give you 25,000 points including the game console, software, memory, and charger!"

When I was told that, I looked up the market price online and found that if I bought the item prepared by Ike at a store, it would cost around 30,000 yen.

In other words, it's a used item that's 6,000 points cheaper than a new item.

Well, I was originally planning on buying the game once I saved up the points, so I guess I'll buy it.

Actually, it looks like it's going to be annoying if I don't buy it.

"...I understand. I'll buy it from you, so give me your number."

"Seriously?! Thank you man!"

Ike happily hands over the game console and charger along with a terminal displaying his number, so I operate the terminal and send 25,000 points to Ike's terminal.

"Here. I sent it to you, so go check it out."

"Thanks...! Now I'm free from hell of a set meal of wild vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"

Ike does a fist pump, but before I deposited the points for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he had 0 points, or something close to it. It's too stupid to spend 100,000 yen in a month.

"Please, Hikigaya! I just looked at the points and there's still about 300,000 left. Lend me the points~"

Starting with Yamauchi's words, a lot of people came, even people who had never spoken to me before. I really want to blow these guys away.

While I was internally annoyed, a chime rang. If this happens, everyone will go back to their seats.

If they don't go back, my class points will be lowered...Ah, I can't lower my class points any further.

As I was laughing at the lack of class points in my class, the people who had gathered around my seat went back to their seats, but it seemed like they would come during the next break...

3 hours later...

Keen corn kern corn...

As soon as the chime rings to signal the start of lunch break, I stand up and prepare to escape.

As I expected, a lot of my classmates came during the break so far to collect points, but it would be extremely troublesome if they come during lunchtime.

I then tries to leave the classroom, but before I can, the door opens and Shiina enters.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Shiina?"

If Shiina has anything to do with D-class, it's probably me.

"I came to pick up Hachiman-kun so we could go to the dining room together."


I was taken aback by the unexpected words. It wasn't because I was invited to dinner. Because you called me Hachiman-kun.

"Huh? Did you call me by my name?"

"Yes. I wanted to call you by name, Hachiman-kun."

While saying this, Shiina holds my hand. Even the people who tried to stand up to me were stunned by this unexpected interaction.

Meanwhile, Shiina pulled my hand...

"Let's go, Hachiman-kun. Also, from now on, please call me Hiyori."

She said this with a big smile on her face.

Kiyotaka1620 Kiyotaka1620

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