40% A Tale of Transcendence - To Crown the New World! / Chapter 6: The goddess who loves the black sun and the one who hesitates about throwing away his mortality

章節 6: The goddess who loves the black sun and the one who hesitates about throwing away his mortality

Narrator POV:


That was the name of the tower that stood in the center of Orario and the lid of the dungeon below, it was almost certain to be the first thing any visitor would see upon arriving in Orario.

Babel was a guild property, used to guard and take care of the dungeon. The tower had a staggering total of 50 floors in question, which caused its impressive height.

The first 20 floors of it after the main guild building were filled with various businesses or facilities of various Families such as the blacksmiths of Hephaestus for example.

Above that were the homes of the most prominent gods of Orario, at the top of all of them was the residence of a certain silver-haired goddess.

In that same room was Helun (Or Horn), a young woman with grey hair, looking at the goddess in question with a complicated look. The goddess Freya was, reasonably, a beauty without equal. After all, in addition to being a goddess of war, magic, love and fertility.

Freya was a goddess of beauty, one with a charm unmatched even in the heavens. A long and shiny silver hair that fell down the white skin of her back.

Eyes the same color as her hair, ones that shone with an enigmatic and brilliant light at times, along with an equally perfect body, it was no wonder she was hailed as the number one beauty in all of heaven.

However, right now none of the supreme grace and dignity that the goddess normally displayed publicly could be found. Quite the opposite actually.

Helun looked at the goddess who lay down on her bed, looking at something through the divine mirror as she shook her legs up and down. Sometimes, a giggle would come out of her mouth.

"Come on~Helun, you don't have to look at me like that." Freya momentarily looked away from the divine mirror to the little girl who came after feeling the flood of feelings earlier.

The happiness of the goddess in question was clear in her silver eyes if not already by the soft and cheerful vibe around her. Looking away again, Freya looked at the cause.

A young man who was currently being reprimanded by little Hestia. From what she was hearing, it was because of a rather dangerous skill that he had.

"Hmmm~ I want to see what all of his skills are." Freya narrowed her eyes in joy when she heard Hestia through the mirror warning her about another different skill.

Vanadis Odr.

Even though she already knew it, Freya still couldn't help but smile happily upon hearing that. Exactly one hour and 10 minutes and 35 seconds ago she saw him for the first time.

A young man wrapped in a cloak who passed through the guards of the Orario wall before beginning to walk to the guild. In the moment the goddess laid her eyes on his form...

It was love at first sight. A deep and obsessive love. Time seemed to have stopped when suddenly the accelerated beats of her heart sounded deafeningly in her ears.

'The person that you are looking at is your fated partner.'

Her divine intuition repeated it loudly to her but Freya didn't need to hear it more than once to feel the connection that formed between them, the red string of fate that united them.

An even greater surprise filled her when she instinctively used her ability to see souls on him. On the surface, he looked like that shooting star from a few days ago, no, he probably was. A silver star that brought hope and prosperity.

At least, that was what she had seen before she could see beyond that facade thanks to her connection with the young man. Then Freya saw "that" for the first time in her life.

A black sun. A cosmic disaster. A titan that could eat stars. A calamity. Like a god, like a monster, like a human, like a star. Something transcendent, something...free.

A being that was born at the top of the food chain, standing at the final edge of the universe, where chaos and order could perfectly mix as something stable, unique, and unmatched.

The looms of fate were destroyed as soon as they tried to uselessly envelop him, only to become food for him. Luck simply served as a seasoning for that.

Even those insects that called themselves great gods like Zeus and the bastard of Odin were belittled by the majesty and immensity of the quality of that soul.

That was the horror that was hidden beneath that star. That was the embryo of the apex predator that was still in his infancy. That kind of being filled Freya's silver eyes.

Seeing that being, Freya not only realized that he came from outside the world, but that she had also been chosen by him. And instead of being horrified as others would do...

"You are so beautiful, my fated one~" Freya stretched her arms out in the air as if to embrace him even though he was far from her. Just seeing him filled her with happiness and limitless plenitude.

Although those foolish gods would find it strange, Freya fell in love again with that being who seemed freer than anyone else. Just as she could understand why her Odr finally appeared.

Because she was chosen just like that ignorant and brutish goddess of the moon. She did not feel that her bond with him was a lie, it was undeniable that he absorbed that fate and became her partner. He who was of eternal nature just like her.

"Fufu, I can hardly wait for him to get up here and claim me." Freya looked at the young man chatting with the little goddess. She hadn't bothered trying to recruit him, he was free to do whatever he wanted, because she knew he would come to take her away.

Sooner or later he would feel the same as her and would undoubtedly become strong enough to come for her. It was not in that being's nature to let go or lose what was his.

"Although... I will have to clarify to him the truth about my reputation." Freya frowned in disgust as she remembered that she was currently surrounded by a reputation for promiscuity.

To protect herself, who was locked like a canary in a cage even in the heavens, Freya had ironically used that charm that did not let her find true love.

Using her power, she could twist the personalities, and memories and even turn into slaves the fools and ignorant who tried something with her.

Thus obtaining benefits by making altering their memories, hell, they didn't even see her real body in those altered memories.

"It would be worrying if my position in his heart fell because of that..." Freya contemplated putting a hand on her chin in an adorable and inappropriate gesture for her more "sad" self.

"Freya-sama, since it is inconvenient to meet him in his current form, why not use "that" form for it?" Helun advised seeing the strangely nervous state of her beautiful goddess.

Freya looked at her with shining eyes while nodding her head at the suggestion. "You're right Helun, I almost forgot, as long as I avoid the detection of those pesky children, it won't be a problem to meet him and learn everything about him along the way."

"A good suggestion deserves a reward, how about carrying his son in my place since I can't, Helun." Freya looked at the little mortal's red face with amusement.

Helun, or Syr as was originally named the girl she rescued from the cold streets of the slum on the verge of death, she who shared memories and feelings with the goddess through a special Magic of hers.

"I wouldn't dare think of such blasphemy, Freya-sama" Helun knelt, her normally stoic expression flushed as she took a few glances of the young man in the divine mirror.

But Freya knew that wasn't the truth if she were to go by how Helun clenched her teeth when Mikhael spoke or was near to little Hestia or any other woman.

Unlike her, who could be reassured by feeling the connection of fate with him, one that seemed to lessen her negative feelings, Helun only had that heavy love...

Leaving aside the future between the three of them and more people, Freya turned her gaze to the mirror again. Something that Mikhael seemed to notice as he twitched the corners of his kissable mouth.

(Mikhael~Mikhael~Mikhael. I can't wait for our first meeting, the first look, the first conversation, the first everything~.) Freya's eyes held a love and desire that had already passed the initial threshold of obsession.

Unlike a certain foolish moon goddess who received an Orion out of nowhere, one she didn't even want. Freya had been waiting for him for thousands of years, holding back all feelings of frustration as she searched for him. Now, he had arrived...

"Helun, I give you complete freedom to relate with him as Syr, we can both enjoy this, but you are absolutely forbidden to do anything that would lower his favorability to us."

And she absolutely welcomed him with open arms~


[Quest list:

•Main quest•

-The Beginning of Everything:Join a Familia. (Completed)

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-The First Step:Level up for the first time.

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-Super Rookie:Level up to level 3 within 3 months.

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-At Last in the Stage:Level up to level 5 within 4 months.

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-Hero's Birth:Save the World and Orario from Enyo.

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-Hero of the Goddesses:Save the world from the Divine Flame and Epimetheus.

«Reward:One superior gacha ticket»

-Hero of the End:Hunt and kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon.

«Reward:A special wish. Ft: World's Will».]

After learning what there were other fates he absorbed, such as hunting dragons or being the fated partner of a goddess who he would sooner or later kidnap from that tower along with perhaps some cute stoic assistant.

Mikhael seriously observed the quests that had just finally been decided by the system. It was a lot of unexpected information as well as being fucking surprising.

The first few quests were normal to a certain extent but what the hell happened after "the birth of the hero"? It seemed like saving the world was something trivial.

But what immediately caught Mikhael's attention was the reward of the final main quest. (A special wish, huh?...)

Temporarily putting aside making lunch, Mikhael began to think deeply. First, this was going to be fucking difficult. He knew what all the quests were about.

The easiest of the last missions was that of the crazy fucker Enyo, who planned to destroy Orario with a great magic conjured by half a dozen of corrupted demi-spirits.

All because the delusional bastard wanted to return the world to the time before the dungeon was sealed, thus plunging the world into madness and despair.

While that would be the normal goal of any average, cliche villain, this bastard was even sicker because he did it for his fetish of seeing people's despair.

His "Orgies" as he called it, were the point at which mortals go mad from despair and let themselves be carried away sickly without morals in their final moments.

(Getting that scum back to heaven is a priority for now, no, it would be better to find a way to kill him.) Mikhael thought about whether he could get something from the Gacha or use "that arrow".

He was not a good person by any means, you didn't become the leader of one of the largest organizations in the Underworld by being a "good person".

But damn, even he had his principles. Beyond that, he had a clear conflict of interest with Enyo, Mikhael wanted Orario nice and clean but the god wanted to blow it to pieces.

That was absolutely unacceptable without a doubt. There were too many beauties in Orario for them to die just like that, it would be a huge shame if such an event happened.

Not to mention the next missions, one was to deal with the divine flame corrupted by the malevolence of the lower world as well as a corrupt ancient hero with mental problems.

Mikhael was not going to take the easy way out of sacrificing Hestia so she would purify the divine flame and have to permanently leave the lower world and go to heaven.

(That goddess is already my Familia and I hate when someone touches what's mine.) So, there was no other way but to clash with the ancient hero, push him aside, and purify that flame by himself.

Finally, the one-eyed black dragon, is the last and most dangerous quest given to Orario by the world. Who destroyed the two great families Hera and Zeus years ago.

(Even a level 9 looked like a child in front of that, it's going to be a pain in the future.) Mikhael massaged his temples as he continued cooking with another hand. (But thank god I have that skill made to fight against dragons.)

As for the side quests, Mikhael didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw them. What the hell was it to complete the collection of the virgin goddesses, defeat the Freya Familia, and claim their goddess, or steal that cute elf from Dionysus/Enyo?

Was this system fucking serious? Did she want him to form a harem? Because if it was, he was totally in it and would even work hard at it. In short, his future looked bleak right now, at least for now he couldn't find a way to do some things.

[This great system only reflects achievements according to the personal standard of the host, it's not this great system's fault that the little user is a hopeless pervert.]

(Yeah, yeah, as if you weren't a little voyeur.) Mikhael nodded in disdain at the system that jumped in embarrassment like a cat that had its tail stepped on. (I know you well enough.)

[...How the hell did you find out about that, Mikhael?!]

Amid her panic, "the system" had forgotten even her way of speaking and persona as a system, he found it honestly hilarious and adorable. So much so that he started laughing.

"Hahahahaha" Mikhael grabbed his stomach as he laughed out loud, attracting Hestia's attention, who looked at him strangely. "Ha... uff... it's nothing, I just remembered something funny."

After waving his hand and apologizing to Hestia, who still looked at him strangely but nodded before returning to the room, Mikhael turned his gaze to the side.

(You are really cute, Dear miss system, you know that, don't you?)

It was really funny to see how smoke seemed to come out of something invisible that he could barely sense, but enough to notice her mood.

[...This great system doesn't plan to talk to you for a whole day as punishment... no, for half a day... well... maybe, an hour... after careful consideration, 10 minutes is enough, yeah.]

Mikhael nodded, smiling smugly at the system's final reconsideration. "Alright, I thank the merciful and compassionate system for her mercy on me."

Putting aside the jokes, Mikhael opened the system's holographic screen as he finished cooking. Tapping the screen, he opened the gacha to use that one ticket.

He was expecting something interesting, as the system had already told him that superior tickets had a minimum quality of B as a possible reward in the system's gacha.


[Reward obtained:

-Invisible black matter (Imperfect): A matter/particle that does not exist in the original design of the universe, an energy produced by the human heart with infinite possibilities and the power to defy the fixed rules of the universe.

(WARNING: This could cause you to lose your humanity.)

«World: Ajin: Semi-human»///«Rank: SSS»]


A sudden silence filled the small kitchen in the church basement. Both the system and Mikhael were shocked by what had come out of the gacha. Mikhael knew what this was.

Ajin was the name of certain physically immortal beings who could only die when their lifespans ran out and they died of old age. Their other name was semi-humans.

What allowed the Ajin to not die from "wars, accidents, illnesses or suicides" was the IBM, (Invisible black matter), a special energy created by strong human emotions moments before dying.

The IBM particles inside the Ajin were what caused that exceptional regeneration where they could return to the most optimal state of the body with each "reset" brought about by "dying."

That, like the astral particles of Izayoi Sakamaki, the protagonist of the world of Kurma:mondaiji, was a perpetual motion machine as long as it was perfected.

[The great system put that there because you will need it someday surely, but honestly, the great system did not expect the little host to take it out right now so soon...]

(Although I really want to have something similar to a Stand of jojo's like the black ghosts are... for now let's leave this in the inventory.) Mikhael finally came to his senses and focused on finishing cooking before bringing lunch to Hestia.

It was tempting, very tempting. While it was only a physical immortality, one that did not protect his soul or mind, as well as one with weaknesses such as being trapped, sedated, drugged, sealed, bewitched, cursed, or any other possible means like those.

Just that, because Mikhael didn't care about being decapitated and having to worry about whether the head that regenerated was him or not, since he knew of the clear existence of the soul.

But the IBM represented an immense advantage for his journey even more so when if he could perfect it, then he would be able to obtain a perpetual motion machine like that hedonist's one.

However, even while eating with Hestia, whose face lit up as she began to quickly eat everything prepared by him, Mikhael seriously hesitated to use that.

Not because of some nonsense like it would be boring, it couldn't be boring with all the shit that awaited him in this world and others. Just as he would still be able to feel pain and have to worry about hiding his immortality so as not to be hunted while he was still weak.

He also had to mention the incredible synergy of his sacrificial skill and overload of his body with the IBM, he just had to commit suicide to become as good as new again.

But for simple and plain questions that he asked himself.

(Will I be able to retain my humanity if I use that matter? Will I be able to control myself and not be carried away by immortality? Will I be a monster or not by then?)

That's why he left the IBM in his inventory waiting for him for now.

If he were to eventually be cornered one day, Mikhael wouldn't mind giving his enemy a massive middle finger by throwing away his humanity to instead give to that someone an enemy that wouldn't die.

Or maybe he would change his mind before then, he didn't know right now.

ZaelKliz ZaelKliz

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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