94.2% Naruto: Strength Through Teaching / Chapter 244: Chapter 244: Battle with Jinchuriki

章節 244: Chapter 244: Battle with Jinchuriki

"I thought they would just run away, but it seems you still haven't recognized your own strength," Roshi said, arms crossed in surprise.

Having seen the power of their Tailed Beast Bomb, they dared to return and continue the fight.

"I'll show you the true power of the Toad Sage right away!" Jiraiya laughed loudly. Suddenly, two small cloaked toads appeared beside him, their presence unknown until now.

"Sages, I'm counting on you. These opponents are not ordinary," Jiraiya continued.

Facing two Jinchuriki capable of using the Tailed Beast Bomb, Jiraiya didn't underestimate them. Immediately after Minato used the Flying Thunder God to teleport away, Jiraiya prepared his Sage Mode, summoning the two Sages from Mount Myoboku before Minato returned.

His Sage Mode training isn't perfect and requires the assistance of the two Sages. However, because he has the two Sages assisting him, his Sage Mode can last longer compared to someone using it alone.

"Aren't these Tailed Beasts? And there are two of them. They're indeed very formidable opponents," Sage Fukasaku exclaimed in surprise at the powerful Tailed Beast Chakra emanating from Roshi and Han.

Having lived for eight hundred years, it was the first time he faced such a situation—dealing with two Tailed Beasts simultaneously.

"Little Jiraiya, this summoning of yours couldn't have come at a worse time. I was just thinking about what dish to prepare for tonight," Sage Shima complained.

"Now is not the time to worry about such things. We need to focus on the enemy. These are two Jinchuriki; I can sense the terrifying Chakra within their bodies," Sage Fukasaku said solemnly.

"What do you mean 'such things'? Do you think being a housewife is easy?" Sage Shima felt slighted.

"After the battle, I'll introduce you to a culinary expert. But for now, let's concentrate on the fight," Jiraiya couldn't help but feel overwhelmed as the two toads bickered right beside him—literally in his ear.

"Playing mysterious tricks," Roshi's Chakra surged as he formed hand seals to use Ninjutsu.

"Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Jutsu!"

A large number of flaming lava balls spewed forth from Roshi's mouth. The lava balls weren't particularly large, just slightly taller than an adult, but there were may of them, falling like a meteor shower.

"It's time for Sage Art! Sage Art: Goemon!"

Jiraiya laughed loudly, standing firm without dodging, using Senjutsu to confront Roshi head-on.

He condensed Chakra in his throat and transformed it into Chakra oil, spitting it towards the lava balls.

At the moment Jiraiya spat out the Chakra oil, Sage Shima exhaled Senjutsu flames. The flames heated up the Chakra oil, and at the same time, Sage Fukasaku used Senjutsu Wind Release to fan the flames, making the fire burn hotter and increasing the range of the scalding hot oil.

Boom! Boom!

The intensely scalding hot oil exploded upon contact with the lava, splashing and scattering everywhere. The lava balls fell one by one, with some damage to the scalding hot oil and flames, but it continued to surge towards Roshi and Han.

Mutsuki had a pensive expression on his face. The enhancement from Sage Mode was indeed considerable, but Jiraiya alone using Senjutsu Fire Release couldn't achieve such power.

It had to be said that having a good Summon Beast could significantly increase combat effectiveness. Mutsuki felt that if Jiraiya couldn't summon the toads from Mount Myoboku, his overall strength would decrease by a third.

Mutsuki did intend to train Kuro a bit more, hoping to elevate Kuro from being just a mode of transportation to being useful in battle as well. However, after several attempts, he found it wasn't very effective. Summon Beasts seemed to value innate talent more than humans.


Roshi and Han burst with Chakra and quickly retreated.

"What Ninjutsu! Its power is even greater than my Lava Release," Roshi's expression was very surprised. He hadn't expected Jiraiya's strength to suddenly increase by so much.

Remember, he was using Lava Release enhanced with Tailed Beast Chakra.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Minato swiftly retrieved four Flying Thunder God Kunai from his ninja tool pouch and threw two at each of Roshi and Han, but they easily blocked them.

"Haha, next I'll show you more Sage Art," Jiraiya dashed swiftly towards Roshi. Enhanced by Sage Mode, his Taijutsu abilities were greatly strengthened.

Roshi intended to engage in Taijutsu with Jiraiya but overestimated his own abilities. Faced with Jiraiya in Sage Mode, he struggled to defend himself. With two toads also causing interference, he was clearly outmatched.


A heavy impact echoed as Jiraiya delivered a punch imbued with Senjutsu Chakra, sending Roshi sliding dozens of meters across the ground until he came to a stop, leaving behind a deep gash in the earth.

Meanwhile, Han, who had been entangled with Mutsuki and others, immediately erupted with Tailed Beast Chakra. White steam continuously emitted from his body, greatly enhancing his physical strength.

Although Han didn't naturally possess Boil Release, he could utilize the Five Tails' Chakra. Having a Tailed Beast within him made his use of Boil Release Chakra no different from having the innate ability.

Unlike other Boil Release ninjas, Han had developed Boil Release into a Ninjutsu that supported Taijutsu, cleverly using Boil Release Chakra to augment his own strength.

The slightly chubby black-skinned ninja was originally engaged in close combat using Lightning Release NinTaijutsu against Han. However, once Han boosted his strength with Boil Release, the ninja instantly became outmatched and was sent flying after the direct confrontation.

"Dekai!" The black-haired Konoha ninja couldn't help but shout in concern seeing his teammate blasted away.

Seizing the opportunity, Han immediately concentrated Chakra on his feet to increase his speed and charged towards the black-haired Konoha ninja.

Mutsuki noticed Minato's position and signaled him with eye contact while forming seals.

Seeing Mutsuki's seals and understanding instantly, Minato deliberately waited until the last moment when Han was about to reach them before appearing beside his teammate using Flying Thunder God to teleport him away.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu!"

Mutsuki aimed directly at the spot where Minato and his teammate had been standing, unleashing Fire Release. Numerous small fireballs shot out from Mutsuki's mouth, swiftly hurtling towards Minato and his teammate.

At the moment Han charged forward, Minato and the teammate disappeared, but Mutsuki's Phoenix Sage Fire was already closing in. Over thirty small fireballs struck Han's body in an instant.


A series of intense explosions rang out, engulfing Han in a fierce blaze. The stirred-up dust and thick smoke obscured his figure.

"Bro, your Fire Release is fierce enough. No wonder Gari lost to you," Dekai exclaimed as he climbed up, just in time to see Mutsuki's Fire Release overwhelming Han. He couldn't help but praise with a smile.

"Even as a Jinchuriki, directly enduring this level of Fire Release should..."

Before Dekai could finish, the ash-colored smoke dissipated, replaced by white steam continuously emitting. Han, cloaked in dark red Chakra and adorned with red armor, appeared before everyone. The red armor now bore traces of black scorch marks.

"You're good. If I had been just a bit slower, I might have been seriously injured by you," Han's previously calm expression disappeared, replaced by seriousness and gravity.

In the moment of crisis just now, he swiftly used a massive amount of Tailed Beast Chakra to create a Tailed Beast Cloak, shielding himself from the attack.

Originally, he didn't regard any Konoha ninja besides Jiraiya highly, believing that aside from Jiraiya, the others were not worth mentioning in terms of strength.

However, Han's mindset had now changed. He refrained from judging the others, but he acknowledged that those two blond-haired ninjas did have some skill. If they teamed up, they could pose quite a challenge for him.

"Then you better be careful next, I still have stronger Fire Release techniques I haven't used," Mutsuki said with a cheerful smile.

"Your Fire Release won't matter anymore. Next, you'll see the true power of the Tailed Beast," Han said confidently. Dark red Chakra surged more intensely around him, and behind him appeared five thick, long dark red tails.

In his semi-Tailed Beast transformation state, Han possessed terrifying strength even without using Boil Release. A single strike could create massive fissures in the ground.

However, with Minato's Flying Thunder God assisting them and the presence of elite Jonin among them, Han couldn't simply overpower them through brute force alone.

On the other side, Roshi, who remained defiant after being educated in Taijutsu by Jiraiya, immediately activated his Lava Release Chakra Mode. His entire body was covered in scorching hot lava, greatly enhancing both his defense and attack capabilities.

This is Roshi's Chakra Mode, developed by combining his Lava Release with the Four-Tails' unique Chakra. The continuously burning lava not only greatly enhances his Taijutsu power but also shields him from Genjutsu attacks.

"Is his whole body turned into lava? Looks like I can't continue using Taijutsu," Jiraiya observed Roshi's newly added layer of lava armor and abandoned his Taijutsu assault.

Although Sage Mode enhanced his body, directly clashing with lava using his body would be extremely unwise.

"Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon!"

Jiraiya launched a probing attack. This technique was his fastest Ninjutsu in terms of release speed and had a wide range.

"Lava Release: Granite!"

Roshi used Nature Transformation to reinforce his defense, ignoring Jiraiya's attack and letting the hardened white hair needles continuously pierce towards him.

Enhanced by Senjutsu Chakra, the hair thrown by Jiraiya was harder than actual Senbon, but still couldn't penetrate the defense of the lava armor, quickly melting upon contact with the lava.

"Old man, how about using Genjutsu? It's dangerous to let this guy get close," Sage Shima suggested.

She and Fukasaku mastered a powerful Sage Art Genjutsu, unique to Mount Myoboku.

Before Sage Fukasaku could respond, Jiraiya shook his head while dodging, saying, "Genjutsu is difficult to use effectively on Jinchuriki with Tailed Beasts inside them."

He knew how potent the Toad Confrontation Chant Genjutsu was, but it wasn't suitable for their current opponent.

Firstly, Toad Confrontation Chant required time to take effect, during which they would essentially be singing continuously, making them vulnerable and unable to assist Jiraiya.

As the on-site battle intensified, Mutsuki noticed Jiraiya's situation and came up with an idea, speaking up:

"Minato, I can still use my Water Release. It should be able to delay the Four-Tails Jinchuriki's attacks slightly. Let's find an opportunity to switch Jiraiya-sama over here and ambush the Five-Tails Jinchuriki."

Minato's fighting instincts were very strong, and he instantly understood Mutsuki's idea, nodding in agreement.

Mutsuki dispatched a Shadow Clone, which carried a Flying Thunder God Kunai and dashed towards Jiraiya.

Han noticed the Shadow Clone's movement but disregarded it, eagerly anticipating Mutsuki's main body to arrive so he could swiftly eliminate the remaining three and then assist Roshi.

Having identified the challenge posed by Minato and Mutsuki, Han now focused on attacking Minato's two teammates, both of whom he had already injured.

In Sage Mode, Jiraiya possessed powerful sensory abilities. He sensed Mutsuki's Shadow Clone approaching but was unaware of their specific tactics.

"Jiraiya-sama, I can temporarily hold off this Jinchuriki. You go deal with the other one," the Shadow Clone swiftly and succinctly communicated.

In the next moment, Minato used Flying Thunder God to teleport Mutsuki's main body over.

Jiraiya, drawing upon his extensive experience, immediately realized that they intended to catch the Five-Tails Jinchuriki off guard by switching positions using Flying Thunder God. He began forming hand seals, preparing to utilize Senjutsu.

The situation was critical. Minato didn't say a word, immediately using Flying Thunder God to bring Jiraiya back to his teammates who were under attack by the Five-Tails Jinchuriki.

"Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet!"

The moment Jiraiya landed, he unleashed a powerful Senjutsu fire attack towards the charging Han.

The immense fireball collided directly with Han, dealing significant damage.

Without wasting time, Jiraiya rushed forward and unleashed a burst of chakra, delivering a heavy punch to the injured Han.


A dull impact echoed as Han was sent flying backwards over ten meters, blood uncontrollably trickling from his mouth.

"Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!"

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

Facing the incoming Roshi, first the Shadow Clone unleashed a torrent of water, followed by Mutsuki's main body using hand seals to conjure an enormously powerful Water Dragon Bullet, propelled by the massive surge of water.

The Water Dragon Bullet's tremendous force continued to press Roshi backwards, simultaneously diminishing the lava's fiery intensity on his body.

"Where did this Water Release expert come from, perfectly countering my strength." Roshi frowned deeply. The Water Dragon Bullet, spanning over twenty meters long and several meters high, clearly wasn't something an ordinary person could conjure, especially not away from lakes or oceans.

He detested Water Release ninjas the most. His only means to counter them was the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Although he felt that he could eventually defeat Mutsuki with some effort, Roshi was more concerned about the injured Han. Thus, he entered a semi-Jinchuriki state to support Han.

To drive away Jiraiya and the others, Roshi began gathering a small-scale Tailed Beast Bomb.

Seeing this, Minato and Jiraiya immediately distanced themselves and regrouped with Mutsuki.

"Han, are you okay?" Roshi cautiously watched Jiraiya and asked Han.

"It's not life-threatening, but I won't be able to fight at full strength for the next while," Han replied as he got up.

The Tailed Beast Chakra provided him with strong recovery abilities, but Jiraiya's Senjutsu was formidable, making it difficult for him to fully recover in the short term.

"We'll use the Tailed Beast Bomb together and retreat. These guys are tough to handle, continuing this fight will only lead to mutual destruction," Roshi said.

He believed he could defeat either Mutsuki or Jiraiya in a one-on-one battle, but facing Jiraiya with Mutsuki's support made it difficult.

Adding Minato, who appeared unpredictably, made it even more challenging.

"Let's retreat then," agreed Han, nodding.

After all, the Hidden Rock's forces had already been defeated, so there was no point in staying.

Then, they both used the Tailed Beast Bomb. Minato, seeing this, used the Flying Thunder God to teleport everyone to a safe location once again.

A terrifying explosion of white light followed, its immense power perceptible even from afar.

"This is quite thrilling, second time around," Dekai couldn't help but remark.

"Fighting against Jinchuriki is really intense," his black-haired teammate said, patting the sweat-soaked clothes on his back.

"Jiraiya sensei, are we going back to continue fighting?" Minato asked.

"Let's return to the camp. It's too difficult to deal with two Jinchuriki together," Jiraiya shook his head and said.

Han was heavily injured, and Jiraiya had also expended a lot of Chakra, so he had no intention of pursuing further.

"Although we didn't completely defeat them, undoubtedly, this time Konoha has achieved a complete victory!" Jiraiya laughed heartily after releasing the Summoning Jutsu and Sage Mode.

As two of the Great Ninja Villages, Hidden Rock had deployed two Jinchuriki, but Konoha managed to win without deploying any Jinchuriki, putting them in a clear lead.

"Everyone performed exceptionally well this time, especially Minato and Mutsuki," Jiraiya looked at Mutsuki with great admiration.

Jiraiya knew Minato's excellence well, having mentored him personally. However, Mutsuki had indeed surprised him.

He noticed that Mutsuki's foundation in Ninjutsu was extremely solid. Although he didn't use many advanced Ninjutsu, each Ninjutsu he used was very proficient and possessed considerable power.

If there were output data for this battle, Mutsuki's output value would certainly rank second. Of course, if we were to choose the most crucial support, Jiraiya would still pick Minato because without the Flying Thunder God, he wouldn't have been able to withstand two Tailed Beast Bombs.

"I didn't expect Mutsuki, besides having unparalleled culinary skills in the ninja world, to also excel in Ninjutsu. Compared to before, you're more like Sarutobi-sensei's disciple than me" Jiraiya said, stroking his chin.

During the battle, Mutsuki used Ninjutsu from three different attributes in total, all appearing quite proficient, and he was able to combine them to unleash greater power.

"It's mainly Minato's Space-Time Ninjutsu that's impressive," Mutsuki smiled, attributing the credit to Minato.

Actually, that's what he thought in his heart.

In Mutsuki's eyes, this battle was primarily about Jiraiya, who could single-handedly suppress a Jinchuriki, followed by the invaluable support from Minato, and then himself in third place.

Through this battle, Mutsuki also roughly grasped the strength of an ordinary Jinchuriki: capable in combat, but not easy to kill.

Because Mutsuki exerted himself to the fullest extent, even more so than an ordinary person entering Sage Mode, his Chakra would quickly be depleted by more than half.

"My Space-Time Ninjutsu may be strong, but someone still needs to create opportunities. If it weren't for your powerful Water Release, Mutsuki, we wouldn't have achieved such results," Minato smiled, acknowledging Mutsuki's contribution.

"Haha, you two are really something. Minato, if you keep this up, I'll start suspecting you're deceiving me. Actually, you two are like real brothers," Jiraiya chuckled, watching the two praise each other, placing his hands on Mutsuki's and Minato's shoulders.

"Alright, you're both incredible, both major contributors," Jiraiya announced the outcome, then led everyone back to the rear camp.


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