18.6% [VRMMO] Dead One / Chapter 48: Chapter 49 – Exploring Unknown Area.

章節 48: Chapter 49 – Exploring Unknown Area.

[Royal Castle of the Adernul Kingdom.]

"The situation in the Emerald city is completely out of the control sir. The scouts we send to check the situation in the city said that the place is a total mess." – said a male noble with blond hair while reading something from a sheets of paper.

"Not only that the all three main figures of the city disappeared, but the guard captain Jih that took control over the city and tried to calm the situation, was killed. Apparently, many guards protecting the city were killed by the factions that belonged to the Marcel the Golden Merchant as well as Hjin Sun. The two factions are completely out of the control and are causing havoc everywhere, because of them, many people died not only on their sides, but also a civilians got catched in crossfire as well as the guards that were trying to calm the situation down."

"Many guards decided to leave the city and because of that, the person that was temporarily in charge, the city guard capitan named Jih was forced to work nonstop every day without having spent some days even speaking."

"Apparently, because of the lack of the guards, he was forced to go on the regular patrol around the city, but while on one of these patrols, he ended up running into a group of people belonging to one of the factions."

"Because of the sever lack of rest and sleep, the man couldn't put up the fight and ended up being killed by the random thugs." 

"After his death, the rest of the guards lost completely their will to protect the city and left."

"Right now, the city is in the complete state of chaos and if nothing is done, the entire city may end up being destroyed." – said the blond noble.


"What about the merchants and nobles?" – asked the man sitting on the throne.

"…A-about that… Most of the merchants decided to flee the Emerald city and completely cut off their trade with it while the remaining merchants decided to joined the Marcel faction." – said the blond noble.

"As for the nobles, some run off as well, but most of them stayed and joined Hjin Sun faction."

"Right now, the merchants and the nobles are at the odds with each other while trying to get rid off each other."

"Hm…. Okay. Kill them all. Kill all the merchants and the nobles that are in the Emerald city. Use any means you have or planted evidence, just get rid of them all." – said the man on the throne.

The man on the throne was an obese adult male with dark brown hair that was a wearing a golden crown with many different jewels inbauted on to it.

[Arnold Adernul – The King Of The Adernul Kingdom]


"But sir! If we do that, there will be- "

"Hey, are you questioning me? Just do as you are told. Do you have any idea how much resources were poured into making that place a city? I rather lose all of these idiots than lose an entire city because of them." – said the Arnold Adernul, not letting the blond haired noble finish his sentence.

"Kill all of them as well as their families. Make example out of them all. Oh, and if by any chance the 3 main missing figures of that city were to be found alive or something, kill them as well. They made too much trouble."

"Also, do something about those two factions, use force or whatever the means necessary, just make them disband or disappear. After all this is over, just look for some noble that can take over the position of the mayor or something." – said the king.

(But if we go with that method, there were will be a ton of backlash! Not only from the nobles but also from merchants! For crying out loud! Again, he think that using the brute force will resolve everything.) – though the blond haired noble.

(The previous king was a scumbag, but he at least manage to restrain himself from doing something stupid, but his son that took over after his death is a complete maniac!)

(Some people say that his Arnold Adernul young brother was originally supposed to a crown prince, but the young prince was found dead after consuming poisoned wine. People say that Arnold was the one who poisoned his brother, but no evidence was found that supported that claim.)

(On top of that, the previous king was found dead in his bed. Apparently, the cause of dead was hearth attack, however the king never had any heart problems or anything and yet a sudden heart attack out of nowhere? People once again though that it was a doing of the Arnold, but yet again, there was no evidence.)

(Some people that though that was his doing were hanged by the new king.)

(Honestly, I can't trust him at all.)

(After all the stupid crap he pulled while being a prince ranging from killing some commoners with an excuse that they were assassins, to a burning entire village to the ground and slaughtering everybody in it.)

(He isn't doing anything like that anymore, but he somethings pulls something similar or if not a worse. For example, the order he just gave to kill all nobles and merchets of the Emerald city as well as their families!)

(That bastard is straight up screwed up in head!)

(Honestly, I want to say a lot about his actions, but I would probably ended up on guillotine with my family.)

(And to make the matters worse, he is currently focused on making the kingdom army stronger by recruiting more soldiers as well as other stuff.)

(Is that fat bastard wants to go to the war or something? Either way, this can't be good.)

(Honestly, I want to run away with my family, but if we were to get catched by him, me and my family would end up being hanged for "Treason" or something.)

"By the way, the report said something about 2 masked individuals that burseted into the building owned by Hjin Sun before kidnapping him. Any idea who they were?" – asked the King.

"N-no sir. The right hand man of the Hjin Sun said that the two intruders manage to get away because he got poisoned and the tamed monsters blocked his path while trying to chase after them." – said the blond noble.

"Apparently, the two intruders were a tamer and a poison user."

"Tamer and a poison user? Weird combination." – said the king.

"Well, considering that the 3 main figures of the Emerald city disappeared, alongside the temporarily mayor of the city who was the daughter of Joushua Emerald, is there a chance that the disappearance of all these 4 people were doing of an unknown party?" – said the bald headed noble.

"There is a good chance this is true, but we don't have any information who would do that. We only know about the two unknown people that kidnaped Hjin Sun and beside that, we have zero informations." – said the blond noble.

"Then, try to find out who the heck these two were and bring them alive. If there was really an unknown party involved in this, then I want to find out who did that and then have all of them killed brutally for the mess they caused." – said the king.

 [Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest. The Purple Hyena guild were traveling somewhere.]

The day finally came where we explore the areas outside the adventure guild radar.

We decided to head north where the highest difficulty area with level 160 monsters recommended by the adventure guild was located.

After getting there, we decided to quickly fight the boss monster in that area. We were planning to move through that area anyway, so we took a quest about dealing with that boss monster of that place for some money.

[Tree Demolishing Boar – Level 160] – [Field Boss]

The party were facing off against a boss monster in the forest.

The giant boar charged straight at the party, sending any undead servants on its way flying, however the boar slowly began slowing down until it stopped moving complete.

The reason for this was a group of undead monsters that consisted of burning bone constructs as well as flesh constructs.

While the burning constructs were trying to hold the giant boar in place, the entire party began launching the attacks at the boar, dealing a lot of damage to it nonstop.

The giant boar tried shaking off the undead constructs that were holding it in the place, before it could even do that, a giant skeleton hand appeared that helped in holding the boar in the place as well as the skeleton servants that were send flying surrounded the boar and stabbed it with their spears.

The boss monster was completely helpless couldn't do anything and, in the end, it ended up getting killed one sidedly.

[You have slain: Tree Devouring Boar – Level 160.]

[Level up! You became level 157!]

"Well, that was easy." – said Shri.

"Yeb. I honestly, I was expecting your skeleton servants to die from that attack." – said Oron.

"Well, I kind of build my skeleton servants around the defense, but I wasn't expecting them to get send flying like this." – said ClownFrog.

(Our current party strength is quite high. GreyHunt and Oron have high damage output while Shri can command her tamed monsters extremely well and even coordinate a solid combo attacks between her tamed monsters and herself with them.) – though ClownFrog.

(Each one of them grow not only in power but also in skills. I'm kind of glad that they are my guild members honestly.)

"Anyway, this is the location with the highest level monsters that adventurer guild recommended, however like we discussed before, we are keep going south and leave this place. Now, we will be entering a territory with unknown difficulty." 

"Unlike before when we got the info from the adventure guild about the monsters and other stuff, this time we can only relay on ourselves. There is no telling what we will encounter, we may even be forced to run away if we run into something that even we all together could not handle. So, keep your guard up all the time no matter what. Got it?"

The party members nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well then, let's go."

Purple Hyena guild headed even further south and after a sometime passed, they finally manage to leaving the area surveillanced by the adventure guild.



"I thought we would be running into a monsters or something already, since we are right next to the monster territory we just left, but nothing?" – said Oron.

"Yea. It is kind of weird. Why the fuck there is no monsters? We only just left the area under adventure guild surveillanced and yet as soon as we left, there are no monsters?" – said GreyHunt.

"Monsters can be often found outside their territory and that is not uncommon at all, but we are not running into anything? This is quite weird no matter how you look at it and also somewhat worrying at the same time."

 "What? Do you think there is something like big bad monsters that scares other monsters from approaching or something?" – asked Shri.



"What?" – asked Shri.

"Well… Monsters in this world have intelligent and instincts and all, so them doing something like that should be a possible." – said GreyHunt.

"Did… You just jinxed it?" – asked Oron.


"What?! Of course not!"


"I think?" – said Shri.

"Besides, do you really think we would run into something like area boss as soon as we- "

Before Shri could finish speaking, GreyHunt quickly rushed towards her and grabbed her shoulder, stopping her from moving instantly.


"HEY! What the hell man?!" – aske Shri.

"Look under your feet." – said GreyHunt.


Shri looked down and saw that right in front of her there was a cliff.

If GreyHunt didn't stopped her, she would end up walking off the cliff and falling down.

"Oh, thanks?!" – said Shri while quickly backing away from the cliff.

"Okay. So there no monsters here not because of the dangerous monster but a god dammed cliff!" – said GreyHunt.

"I guess so, but anyway, look down below. Do you see that?" – said Oron.


The party looked down and saw a ginormous swamp covering the entire area below them.

"Huh. A swamp. And a pretty big one at that." – said ClownFrog.

"Should we try to get down there?" – asked Oron.

"I guess so? But is there any path we can take? The cliff we are on is quite high up." – said ClownFrog.

The tried looking around, trying to spot any spot that they can use to travel down.

"I don't see any paths or anything. I can see the forest stretching left and going downwards bit by bit. Should we make a detour?" – asked Oron.

"Nah., I have better idea. [Tame Summon]!"

Shri summoned all 3 bite ant capitans as well as the bite ant princess.

"We can just use these guys. The ants are able to walk on the walls and stuff, so I think we should be able to get down faster by using them." – said Shri.

"Oh, good idea. What do you think?" – asked Oron.

"Hm…. Nope. Bad idea." – said GreyHunt.

"What!? Why?!" – asked shocked Shri.

"Do you have anything like saddles or anything that we can use? Won't we fall down while raiding them?" – said GreyHunt.

"On top of that, what if we run into something like flying monsters or monsters that can attack from long range? How would be fight or defend ourselves? If we get hit or something we fall down and pretty much there is a good chance we would die falling from this heigh. I agree with GreyHunt, this is a very bad idea." – said ClownFrog.

"Oh common!" – said Shri. 

"Don't complain so much. Let's go." – said ClownFrog.

We had no choice but to walk on foot and because of the terrains, we needed to walk around even before we found the spot we could use to desynced down. 

After spending a long time walking, we finally manage to arrive at the bottom of the cliff and arrive at the swamp.

"For fuck's sake. Why the hell it took us so long to get to the bottom!" – said Shri.

"Well, at least there weren't any monsters bothering us on the way, so we technically got here relatively fast." – said Oron.

"Oh, shut up!" – replied Shri.

"Anyway, what- "

Before Shri could say anything, a several monsters that were hiding behind a trees emerged.

[Swamp Man – Level 152] x 8

 "Oh. Already a fight as soon as we set foot here?" – said Oron.

"Yea. But they are only level 152. It shouldn't take long to get rid of them." – said Shri.

"[Whip Javelin]!"

Shri launched her whip straight at one of the humanoid swamp monster and hitting it, knocking it down as the result.

However, after taking the hit from the Shri whip, the swamp man that got knocked down just got up.


"Okay? That was supposed to one shot kill it and it was supposed to pierce through its body as well." – said Shri.

"Tough bastards."

The swamp creatures' hands began acting weird before moments ball made out of the mud and rocks came out of the monsters' arms.

The swamp monsters began throwing a projectiles right at the party, however before the monsters could do that, ClownFrog summed his skeleton servants and used them to block the attacks using their shield.

"Kill those bastards already!" – said ClownFrog.

"Roger!" – replied Oron and GreyHunt.

Oron and GreyHunt began firing at the swamp monsters while using ClownFrog skeleton servants as their meat shields.


(Weird? Some of my skeleton servant HP is already dropping a little? But they are only blocking as of right now with their shields.) – though ClownFrog while inspecting his skeleton servant's status.

After a while, the entire party manage to get rid of all swamp monsters that were attacking them.

"Well, that was a nice greeting as soon as we got here." – said GreyHunt.



"What is it boss?' – asked GreyHunt.

"Well, these guys were able to deal some damage to my skeletons servants, even though I made them focus on the defense."


"I don't get it." – said GreyHunt.

"Well, the thing is that the amount the damage they took was quite big. Not like half of the HP gone or 1/4 gone or anything, but still, they took quiet amount of damage while only defending?"

"On top of that, I also noticed something that catched my attention. Look at the info log and see how much EXP we got from killing them" 

"The EXP we got from killing them is quite big. I guess this is because this guys were stronger than the level 150 monsters we fought before?"

[EXP gain from killing enemies.]

[The amount of EXP a person or a monster gets depends on two things.]

[The first is the target level. This part is quite self-explanatory. High level = Lot Of EXP.]

[The second is the power of the target.]

[Simple put. Let's say there are 3 monsters with exactly same, let's say level 10. A weak monster, mice. A monster with average power like kobold. A powerful monster.]

[A weak level 10 monster mice would give 1 EXP.]

[An average power level 10 monster kobold would give 2 EXP.]

[A powerful level 10 monster minotaur would give 3 EXP.]

[The amount of the received EXP points depends on these two factors combined.]

[This rule apply both to the monsters and NPCs.]

"Hm… Then I guess this is good news that. If these guy are stronger than the monsters we hunted before, then the EXP gain we gain would be much bigger." – said GreyHunt.

"And if this area have some monsters with level 160 and above, then we won't have to bother finding another hunting spot. I guess coming here wasn't that bad of an idea."

"Well, we still have to find if there are really any level 160 and above monsters here, so we should first try to look around and see if there are really any monsters that work for us." – said Shri.

"I agree, we should first take a look around." – said Oron.

"On top of that, if ClownFrog theory is correct about the area boss and the dungeon, then there is a chance we could encounter one of these while exploring. There could be also something like a hidden dungeon like that dungeon created by that minotaur chieftain, so we should try to pay close attention to anything that is standing out." 

We decided to explore the ginormous swamp we just entered.

From above, we could tell this place was big, but after entering it, we realized it was way bigger than we though.

Not only that place was big, but also there was a lot of monsters swarming this place. We encounter sometimes monster with level 150, but we also encounter monsters with level 165 while trying to enter into the deeper parts of the swamp.

While exploring this place, we mostly run into these guys.

[Wild Swamp Elemental]

[Swamp Man]

[Man Eating Swamp Plant]

[Giant Swamp Mosquito]

These monsters were definitely stronger compare to the monsters around the capital city, but we still managed. We sometimes did had a little struggle since there was a shit tons of them, but none of that us died or anything.

On top of that, 3 of these monsters here have resistance to a fire element attacks. I mean I understand the wild swamp elemental, since it is made out of swamp water and all, but the swamp man and man eating swamp plant? The one is covered in vines and other plants while the other one is a straight up a plant! 

We fought many plant monsters or a monsters straight up made out of the wood and they were weak to fire, but these guys instead had resistance against fire?!

Well, I mean me and Oron had a different elemental attacks for our disposal besides the fire element, but still, it did confused us a little. I guess that some monsters that may belong to a same category, doesn't mean that they share weakness or something?

Either way, we continue exploring the swamp.

The swamp terrains was bit annoying to maneuver through, so we couldn't travel around so fast. We spend few hours already in that forest, but I don't think we even explored 1/3 of that place yet. However, because of the horde of the monsters in this place as well as the amount of the EXP each one of these gives, we were able to level up twice.

We did encounter a boss monster called swamp man giant. It did possessed a multiple AOE attacks and it had quiet amount of HP and even it even had a group of swamp man supporting it. We did had a little bit of struggle with that boss fight, but we did manage to beat it without suffering heavy loses or taking too much damage. Thanks to our new equipment, not only we are much stronger but our defense is also much higher so even when we got hit one or twice, we didn't lose too much HP.

Anyway, after beating that boss, we finally entered a different part of a swamp. We could that it was different because the whole atmosphere was grim and the brown trees were replaced by a weird black trees.


"Hm… This place kind of reminds of that undead forest we were in, you know, the one where that giant zombie undead (Area Boss) was located." – said Shri.

"I was about to same thing. Do you think that we will encounter something like undeads here?" – asked Oron.

"Well, we can't be sure. I mean, when I started playing, I started in a graveyard town and the entire forest around it looked like it was haunted or something, but I never encounter any undead monsters there. The ratman necromancer doesn't kind of count since I found him in a dungeon." – said ClownFrog.


"Wait. A graveyard town with a spooky forest didn't had any undead monsters roaming around??? What the hell is that?" – said Shri.

"Yea. What the hell? I mean, "Graveyard Town" and it surrounded with a forest that looked as if it was haunted, but there was no undeads at all?" – said Oron.

"What was the most common type of monsters you fought there?"

"Well, I think most of the time fought a beast type monsters?" – replied ClownFrog.

"The heck?" – said GreyHunt.


"Okay. This is quite weird? Why the fuck they didn't put any undead monsters there?" 

"Don't know. Don't care. I mean, if they did, I would have been screwed, since I can't use undeads corpses to make my own undeads." – said ClownFrog.

"Yea, I get it, but…. Never mind." – said GreyHunt.

While the party were traveling in the new part of the swamp, a group of skeleton lizardmans monsters suddenly emerged from the water, as if they were waiting for their prey to appear.

[Thusia Tribe Skeleton Lizardman - Warrior – Level 169]

"Wild ClownFrog appeared?!" – said Shri.

"Hey!" – said ClownFrog.

"Anyway, we should- "

Before ClownFrog could finish speaking, a ball of poison flew straight at him, however before it hit him, ClownFrog used his skeleton servant as shield.


[Thusia Tribe Skeleton Lizardman - Poison Mage – Level 170]

(I guess this guys don't want to mess around?) – though ClownFrog.

"Huh. A mage monster? Hey, did we ever fought a mage monster before?" – asked ClownFrog.

"Well, we did fought that tree made witch that used spells, but beside her, I don't think so? I think this is a first time we fight a regular mage monster." – said Oron.

"Huh. Well, let's see what they got then." -said ClownFrog.

The undead lizardmans warriors began rushing straight at the party. Unlike the regular undead that the party encounter before, these skeleton lizardmans were quite fast.

ClownFrog quickly made all the skeletons servants he made to confront the undead lizardmans.

As soon as the skeleton servants were ready to confront the enemy, the undead lizardmans suddenly leaped straight at them and began attacking them.

The fight between the skeleton servants and the undead lizardman began rather faster.

At first it may looked like the fight was even, but the skeleton servants were slowly pushed back by undead lizardmans barrage of the attacks.


(They are pushing back my skeleton servants?!) – though ClownFrog.

The undead lizardman were attacking relentlessness the skeleton servants while also dodging the spear attacks that were launched at them.

(On top of that they are dodging attacks?! The undead monsters we encounter back then, did not try to dodge attacks or anything! They just run straight at us!)

"Guys watch out! These guys maybe dangerous!" – shouted ClownFrog.


(This guy is saying these guys are dangerous? If he is the one saying that, then-)

While thinking, multiple poison magic projectile were fired straight at the GreyHunt.


"[Quick Step]!"

GreyHunt used his skill to temporarily increase his movement speed in order to dodge the incoming attacks.

"Wow! That catched me off surprise." – said GreyHunt.

"Okay, I think maybe this guys will be a proper challenge for us."

While the skeleton servants were being assaulted by undead lizardmans, Shri ant monsters as well as ClownFrog undead constructs launched attacks against enemy undeads warriors.

However, surprisingly even after the most powerful monsters of the Purple Hyena guild joined in the fight, the undead lizardman warriors continue fighting even after getting outnumbered.

However, while the fight between the party monsters and the undead monsters was taking place, the lizardman mages did not stood idly by, they changed their target from the Oron and GreyHunt to the undead constructs and Shri monster and began launching their attacking at them.

However, as soon as they changed their targets, Oron and GreyHunt saw opening and launched their attacks at the mages, but out of nowhere a pillar of water suddenly emerged and blocked the duo attacks.


Among the lizardman mages, there were a pair of lizardman mages wearing a jewelries and a hood.

[Thusia Tribe Skeleton Lizardman – Swamp Mage – Level 172]

Suddenly, the two pillars of water began changing forms and then became a two elementals.

[Swamp Elemental – Level 172]

"Swamp elementals?!" – said GreyHunt.

(No wait. Their name is different and not only that, but their appearance is different as well. The wild swamp elemental had a body made out of dark water while this one has green water? Not only that, but these guys levels are much higher as well!) – though Oron while looking at the swamp monsters.

The swamp elementals launched their attacks alongside the swamp mages straight at the Oron and GreyHunt, forcing them to quickly run towards the nearest trees and hid behind them in order to use them as their cover.

"Shit! What the hell is up with these guys?! I though the wild undead monsters were supposed to be middles or something!" – said GreyHunt.


"Wait! That is! There may be a necromancer nearby or something that gives them commands!" – shouted ClownFrog.


"GreyHunt! Go and look around to see if there is really a necromancer nearby! I will handle them!" – shouted Oron.

"Got it!"

GreyHunt quickly runed off while still being shot at by the swamp mages and swamp elementals, however by using the nearby trees for the cover, the GreyHunt manage to escape unscratched the area.

"Well, I don't care if there is a necromancer or not, since we have to get rid of them anyway, so I think I should get bit more serious."

ClownFrog snapped his finger and the several undeads that were still standing behind him, began walking towards the enemy.

[High Skeleton Servant]

[Blood Hound]

[Blood Dead]


[Skeleton Mage]

[Create: High Skeleton Servant] – [Cost: 60]

[Active] – [Cost: Depends on the created creature] – [Cooldown: Non] – [Category: Create Creature / Necromancy] 

[Use the corpse of the dead being killed by you to summon an undead creature: High Skeleton, a humanoid skeleton monster.]

[The summon creature level will depend on the corpse that was used as well as user current [Necromastery Stat]. The level of the created monster cannot be higher than the user.]

[The targeted corpse requires to have a minimal amount of mass for the skill to activated. Multiple smaller corpse can be used together for filling out the necessary mass.]

[The number of the high skeletons servants that the user can is based on this skill level. At level 1 you can only control 1 high skeleton servant, while at skill level 10 you can control 15 high skeleton servants.]

[Increase the max amount of the lesser skeleton servants and the skeleton servants that you can create from skill [Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant] and [Create: Skeleton Servant].]

[Lesser skeleton servant limit increase: 2 per this skill level (Current Bonus: 2).]

[Skeleton servant limit increase: 1 per this skill level (Current Bonus: 1).]

[Create: Blood Dead] – [Cost: 50 points]

[Active] – [Cost: Depends on the created creature.] – [Cooldown: Non] – [Category: Create Creature / Blood / Necromancy]

[Use a corpse of the creature as the sacrifice to create a creature made out of the blood, the Blood Dead.]

[Blood Dead possess [Blood Theft] skill that grants them a lifesteal effect, meaning whenever they deal damage, they heal. Blood dead skill [Blood Theft] is level 3 unlike the lesser blood dead [Blood Theft] level 1.]

[Number of the Blood Dead you can control: 2/2]

[The max number of the blood dead you can control increases by 2 whenever this skill level up.]

[This skill also increase the max amount of lesser blood dead from the skill [Create: Lesser Blood Dead] by X times the current skill level (Bonus 10 at the skill level 10.).]

[Create: Blood Hound] – [Cost: 50 points]

[Active] – [Cost: Depends on the created creature] – [Cooldown: Non] – [Category: Create Creature / Necromancy / Blood]

[Use a corpse of a dead creature or a sacrifice a blood dead to create undead monster made out of blood known as blood hound.]

[Blood hound is an undead monster that can possess high agility and also possess skill [Blood Theft] level 3 and skill [Bleeding Bite] level 1 that makes the target lose 0.01% of their HP for 5 seconds after getting bitten.]

[The amount of blood hounds you can control is X times this skill level with 10 max at the skill level 10.]

[This skill also increase the max amount of lesser blood dead from the skill [Create: Lesser Blood Dead] by X times the current skill level (Bonus 10 at the skill level 10.).]

[Create: Ghoul] – [Cost: 100]

[Active] – [Cost: Depends on the created creature] – [Cooldown: Non] – [Category: Create Creature / Necromancy] 

[Use the corpse or sacrifice a zombie to create a humanoid flesh eating monster, ghoul.]

[Ghouls possess a high agility, endurance and attack power as well as the skill [Flesh Hunger] level 1 that restore ghouls HP based on the damage deal by the ghoul basic attacks.]

[The number of ghouls you can create is 1. Whenever this skill level increases, the number of ghouls you can control increases. At skill level 10, the number of ghouls you can control will be 10]

[This skill also increases the number of the zombies you can create from the [Create: Zombie] skill. At skill level 1 you can create 1 more zombie while at skill level 10, you can create 5 more zombies.]

[Create: Skeleton Mage] – [Cost: 110]

[Active] – [Cost: Depends on the created creature] – [Cooldown: Non] – [Category: Create Creature / Necromancy] 

[Use the corpse or sacrifice a skeleton to create a humanoid spellcasting undead monster, skeleton mage.]

[Skeleton mage is a spellcasting undead monster that can attack enemies with long range attacks that deals necrotic magic damage as well as possess a skill called [Concentrated Necro Shot].]

[The number of skeleton mages you can create is 1. Whenever this skill level increases, the number of skeleton mages you can control increases. At skill level 10, the number of skeleton mages you can control will be 10]

[This skill also increases the number of the lesser skeletons you can create from the [Create: Lesser Skeleton] skill. At skill level 1 you can create 1 more lesser skeleton while at skill level 10, you can create 10 more lesser skeleton.]

[This skill also increases the number of the skeletons you can create from the [Create: Skeleton] skill. At skill level 1 you can create 1 more skeleton while at skill level 10, you can create 5 more skeleton.]


The new ClownFrog undead joined in the fight, but they did not went for the lizardman warriors, but instead headed straight at the undead mages.

The enemy mages instantly noticed the incoming enemies and changed their target once again and focused firing their attacks at the incoming enemies.

However, the two swamp elementals did not left the Oron unchecked and rushed at him, but when one of them was about to attack him, Oron quickly jumped away and fired from his crossbow and as soon as the crossbow bolt made a contact with an elemental, an explosion occurred.


[Fire Mage] – [Standart Fire Magic] ->

[Crossbow User] - [Mid Rank Crossbow User] ->

[Magic Crossbow User] - [Mid Rank Magic Crossbow User] ->

[Class Combination Result]


[Frie Crossbow User] – [Rare Class]

(Thanks to those titles we got recently, I manage to get few new skills from the crossbow user and the magic crossbow user, allowing me to finally rank up my [Low Rank Magic Crossbow User], but I wasn't expecting that a new class would get unlocked in the end.) – though Oron.

(However I got to say, it got some interesting fire power!)

After killing of the elementals with an explosive attack, the other elemental continue attacking the Oron.

"[Crossbow Attack]!"

Oron suddenly used his crossbow like a club and whacked the elemental before jumping away.

"[Crossbow: Instant Reload] [Mana Crossbow] [Mana Bolt]!"

Oron used a skill to instantly reload his weapon and then used a second and third skill to empower his next attack before shooting at the elemental monsters and killing the summoned monster.

One of the swamp mages noticed that the swamp elementals were killed and tried attacking Oron, but-

"[Whip Blade]!"

Out of nowhere Shri whip suddenly flew at the mages and decapitated both swamp mages.

"Hi!" – said Shri.

While the undead mages were focused on the ClownFrog undead monsters, Shri manage to quickly close the distance between her and the mages unnoticed.

Suddenly the undead mages found themselves in pitch, however they were not only ones in trouble.

All of the undead lizardman warriors were all killed and moments later, all of the undead mages would get killed by Oron and Shri.

[Level up!]

"Huh. These guys gave quiet amount of EXP as well." – said Oron.

Moment later after all the enemy undead were killed, GreyHunt returned back to the party.

"I run around the area, but I couldn't find any necromancer or anything like that." – said GreyHunt.

"No necromancer? So, these undeads were just straight up just undead with some intelligent then?" – said ClownFrog.

"Huh. I've got to say, this place is quite interesting. We are encountering things that normally did not happened before while hunting. Is it because of this place? Or is it because these monsters are much stronger compare to the monsters we hunted before?"

"Maybe. Either way, the stronger the enemy, the more EXP we will get. This place is perfect for us. Just imagine how much we can level up in here!" – said Shri.

"True. The monsters here are stronger, but not that strong to be any real danger to us. They kind of took us by the surprise and all, since normally undead monsters just run straight at you and don't bother dodging or coordinate attacks, but now that we know that these guys do that, they shouldn't posse much threat to us since we know their tricks and won't be taken by surprise again."

"I agree. The next time we fight them, the fight shouldn't last- "

Before Oron could finish his sentence, a sudden sound of an explosion in the area near them could be heard going off, catching the party completely off guard.


"What was that?!" – asked Shri.

"An explosion obviously! But why the heck something exploded sudden?" – GreyHunt.

"…Wait…. Is there other players besides us here?!" – said ClownFrog.


"Quickly! We have to check it out! NOW!" – said ClownFrog.

The entire party began running straight towards the source of the explosion.





[Level 160] 


[Basic Stats]

[HP: 5480/5480] [MP: 11350/11350] [SP: 2230/2230]

[Health: 528(+20)] [Mana: 550 (+585)] [Stamina: 198(+20)]

[STR: 169(+20)] [AGI: 169(+20)] [INT: 535(+365)] [VIT: 404(+20)]

(Elixir Of The Lesser Intelligent Potion x3 = +6 to Intelligent stat)

[Extra Stats]

[Undead Mastery: 1004{+2660} (+888)]

[Unspend Stat Points: 0]

[Advance Necromancy]-[LVL4] [Undead Record]-[LVL4] 

[Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant] – [Level 10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Upgrade]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Weapon – Shield]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Weapon – Spear]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Armor]-[LVL10] [Bone Darts]-[LVL10] [Necro Shot]- [LVL 10] [Create: Lesser Skeleton]-[LVL10] 

[Create: Skeleton Servant]-[LVL10] [Create: Zombie] –[LVL10] [Create: Skeleton]- [LVL 10] [Skeleton Servant – Upgrade]-[LVL10] [Bone Arrow]-[LVL10] [Necro Bomb]-[LVL10] [Dead Reinforcement]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Standard Weapon – Spear]-[LVL8] [Skeleton Servant – Standard Weapon – Great Shield]-[LVL8] [Skeleton Servant – Standard Heavy Armor]-[LVL8] 

[Create: Bone Construct]-[LVL2] [Create: Flesh Construct]-[LVL2] [Create: High Skeleton Servant]-[LVL2] [Summon: Skeleton Servant]-[LVL1] [Bone Arrow Barrage]-[LVL1] [Necro Eruption]-[LVL1] [Create: Skeleton Mage]-[LVL1] [Create: Ghoul]-[LVL1] [Skeleton Servant – Power Up!]-[LVL1]

[Burning Necromancer]

[Standard Burning Necromancy]-[LVL5] 

[Undead Evolution: Lesser Fire Fusion]-[LVL10] [Burning Skull]-[LVL10] [Burning Ribcage]-[LVL10] 

[Summon: Burning Head]-[LVL5] [Undead Evolution: Fire Fusion]-[LVL5] [Burned Hand]-[LVL4] [Necrotic Flame]-[LVL4] 

[Blood Necromancer]

[Standart Blood Necromancy]-[LVL2]

[Create: Lesser Blood Dead]-[LVL10] [Blood Bone Arrow]-[LVL9] [Necrotic Blood]-[LVL9] 28 

[Create: Blood Dead]-[LVL1] [Create: Blood Hound]-[LVL1] 

[Unspend Skill Points: 211] 



[Necromancer Over Necromancer] [Amaran Helper] [Chaos Maker – Tier 1]


[The One Who Sabotaged The City Of Trade] [The One Who Helped The Crushing Hooves Tribe]


[Standart Necromancy] -> [Advance Necromancy]

[Provide 500 necro mastery points X times this skill level.]

[Requirement amount of points (Skills combined level) required to level up this class skill: 20

[Undead Book] -> [Undead Record]

[Provide 100 undead record slots X times this current skill level that can record any of your undeads. The number of slots used depends on the strength of the undead, meaning undead can take more than 1 spot.]

[Basic Blood Necromancy] -> [Standart Blood Necromancy]

[Provide 130 necro mastery points X times this skill level.]

[New skills]

[Summon: Skeleton Servant] – [Cost: 120 Points.]


[Allow the user to create a skeleton servants as well as its different variants without a need of a body, but the MP cost of the skeleton servant will be 200% higher.]

[Penalty MP reduction: -10% X time this current skill level (At level 1, the skeleton servant cost will be only increased by 190%, at the skill level 10, the skeleton servant creation without use of the corpse will be 100% increase.).]

[Bone Arrow Barrage] – [Cost: 50 Points.]

[Active] – [Cost: 240 mana] – [Cooldown: 5 minute] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy]

[Create a 3 bone arrows that can be fired any time you want, you can fire one by one or fire all of them at the same time.]

[At the skill level 5, the amount of bone arrows become 4 and at level 10 the number of arrows becomes 5.]

[The bone arrows created from this skill deals damaged based on the skill [Bone Arrow], however the bone arrows created from the [Bone Arrow Barrage] have its damage reduced.]

[Each Bone Arrow damage reduction: 80%]

[Penalty reduction based on this skill level: -2% (At level 1, each bone arrow will deal only 22% damage of the original bone arrow. At skill level 10, each bone arrow will deal 40% of the original bone arrow damage.).]

[Necro Eruption] – [Cost: 50 Points.]

[Active] – [Cost: 1000 mana] – [Cooldown: 30 minute] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy]

[Create an eruption of a necrotic energy on the solid surface that explodes with 5 seconds delay after being placed.]

[The eruption is large AOE spell that deals necrotic magic damage.]

[Damage: 300% Intelligent stat 20% X times current skill level.]

[The explosion doesn't' deal damage to you or undeads under your direct control.]

[Skeleton Servant – Power Up!] – [Cost: 80 Points.]


[Increase the base stat of the skeleton servants under your control, as well as their different versions, but also increase the skeleton servants' base cost.]

[The stat increase and the base cost increases depends on the skeleton servant variant:

-Lesser Skeleton Servant: + 2 Necro Mastery Cost, + 20 to all stats.

-Skeleton Servant: + 4 Necro Mastery Cost, + 50 to all stats.

-High Skeleton Servant: + 6 Necro Mastery Cost, + 80 to all stats.]

[Each skeleton servants' variant will receive bonus stat point increase based on this skill level. +2 to all stats X the current skill level (Current bonus: +2]

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    寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C48
    • 寫作品質
    • 更新的穩定性
    • 故事發展
    • 人物形象設計
    • 世界背景

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