Now that he had a moment to think calmly, helplessness and profound sadness washed over his heart. For a long year, the Ashford duchy had plotted for Julius' capture, acting like vipers coiled in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to strike... but he could do nothing to help except rely on others.
'Hold on, boy. Shepard will surely find and rescue you.'
Upon thinking about the arcanist, a glimmer of hope illuminated his dark thoughts. Shepard would most likely discover the abduction attempt as long as Julius stalled the two teachers. At least, he believed it. Even if the man's tastes were questionable, he was trustworthy and a force they could count on when danger lurked. He knew it... He hoped...
A deep furrow creased his brow a second later as a memory surfaced, draining the color from his face. 'He missed us when we escaped from Belloria...'
Thank you for the two Golden tickets, Red_Ja!