"I'll take it," Adam said, smiling before walking to the shelf. Then, he tried the coat, placing it over his soul's billowing mist. "How do I look?" He asked, turning towards Julius with a proud smile.
"G-good," the boy stuttered after seeing his big brother's expression, thinking, 'You look terrible.' His base form was much better, in his opinion, and the coat only blocked the swirling mist, causing him to look less mysterious. Yet, he didn't want to break the rare moments of fun of his big brother.
"With the transaction out of the way, I'll focus on analysing your replica before they dissipate. Come back later to retrieve the soul orb," said Durgrim before running to the backroom impatiently.
"What do we do now?" Julius asked with glowing eyes, excited to discover new things.
"I don't know. Any recommendations?" Adam shrugged, asking the soul reaper.
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