15.64% Danmachi: the Great Devourer / Chapter 20: C20: Full-time supporter, Drip, Hostess of Fertility

章節 20: C20: Full-time supporter, Drip, Hostess of Fertility

C20: Full-time supporter, Drip, Hostess of Fertility

Stay warm everyone. It's chimlly today

Word count = 3098 on 1/14/2024

The duo of Axel and Daisy turn in their cores and some of the lower class drops as Daisy asks for the orc hides so that she could make custom armor in the future which Axel accepted as they already made quite a bit of money, a few hundred thousands of Vali to which Axel says,

"I still need to pay off my medical bills so this time around we will split it 65 to 35 but later we can do 50-50"

"What nya? Are you sure nya? That's a lot of money nya, and i'm already getting the hides which could net a proper hundred thousand by themselves nya." She had already been taught by the 'seniors' in her familia about how supporters work even if they are lazy bums which is why she didn't think she would get more than 10% and worse supporters get even less since she didn't really do much and had to be constantly reassured by Axel.

"Well, you need the money to get better gear and protection which will allow you to support me better. Your crossbow is cheap but effective, if you got a better one then you could help me more which makes it worthy as an equal instead of just being a supporter." Axel explains and tears rise up in Daisy's eyes as she hugs him and he comforts her for a few more minutes even though they are still in public and getting a bit of attention. Axel wipes away her tears and guides her back home where he tells her that unless something happens they will do the same thing in two days so that they both have a chance to do their shopping due to it being quite late now.

Axel gives Raikou a kiss as her classes have already finished and he shares how much he made before saying that he will pay off the debt tomorrow and then go shopping. Raikou gives her blessing for this but tells him to keep a look out for the SM craftsmen signature that they found last time as Raikou has an idea over who it is but isn't fully sure. The individual she has in mind doesnt attend the immortal conferences so she couldn't check on him then.

Axel nods in understanding as he liked the gauntlet pair he got last time around and even if he has the parasitic body, having some normal armor would protect him better and he wouldn't have to spare his concentration to protect himself from all attacks, at most it would be supportive if the normal armor fails. And it's not like he is being tied down by armor, his stats ensure that he barely feels the weight unless it's made out of tougher materials.

After being a bit handsy with Raikou the two went to sleep. Axel again met with Daisy as she hoped to get his recommendations for what type of gear she should get that would compliment him. Axel shakes his head as he says, "That's not how that works. You are supposed to get things that would compliment what you want to do or how you want to fight. Didn't you have a rapier? You can get back into that once you regain your confidence a bit more and you can return to adventure by yourself again. Just because you are a supporter now doesnt mean you have to be one forever." Axel tries to encourage her to always stay open to the prospect of becoming independent again but Daisy seems to pay his words no mind as she drags him to the tower of babel, or more specifically the shopping zone part of it which is not too crowded this early in the morning.

Minding Raikou's words, Axel returns to the original blacksmithy store that held the gauntlets he bought last time. It's a special store that is reserved for lower quality goods or for newbies of the craft who are trying to get some recognition. Axel finds another glove and bracer set like last time with the same initials as last time. He explores a bit more and finds some greaves that appear to be the same craftsmanship which after checking, has the initials branded on them. So with no more pieces of equipment found, he could only find a random leather armor for his chest as just because he doesnt feel the weight, doesnt mean that heavy steel armor isn't restricting for him.

Axel also helps Daisy find an appropriate leather armor set, a replacement rapier and find a better hand crossbow that was quite expensive but Axel helped her to pay it off in exchange for getting slightly less when they next group up. This was Daisy's suggestion but Axel didn't really mind since he has all he needs right now

They pay for their items but the shopkeeper notices the signature on his armor pieces and delivers a note to him saying, "The craftsmen wanted to meet the person who bought his equipment last time around, It wasn't my shift so I don't really know if it was you or not but you can have this anyways"

Axel takes the note and quickly reads it and it lists a location and time of meeting which is supposed to be in 3 days. Axel thanks the shopkeep and the duo head out after using the changing rooms to switch into their gear. Axel's current set is a matching silver set of gauntlets and greaves while a slightly black silver painted leather armor. The color has no meaning except to match the rest of his armor while Daisy is equipped in a full set of brown leather armor that luckily was considerate of her cat ears. The duo leave the shopping zone and return to their homes. Axel stores away his new gear as he tries to meditate a bit as he wants to more effectively communicate with the goddess Freya through whatever bond he has with her like he did when he first had sex with Raikou.

He tries this for an hour before he gets a sort of staticy whisper telling him, "Bar…Hostess of fertility …. Syr… Pay…visit." The sultry voice of Freya flows into his mind. He can only assume that his meditation works but is not strong enough or actually requires more intense emotions for communication with freya. He will have to ask her later when he meets her at this bar or whatever it is. It's quite a frisky name for a bar if he had to give his opinion but with freya being a goddess of love and war then it's also quite appropriate.

As such, after taking some money that Freya had given his familia as there are less restrictions on it now that he actually has his own money too. Saying he is going to a restaurant to Raikou, and that he will bring back some food for her, he leaves. Raikou narrows her eyes as she can tell the hidden lust within Axel's eyes and can tell that he is partially aroused over something but she has a class to teach and can only punish her child later.

After asking a few adventurers, he is told about the premier adventurer bar, the hostess of fertility. An establishment that is primarily staffed by females with the owner being a 'dwarf' Mama Mia (Mia Grand). A tall bulky woman who Axel feels could crush a minotaur's head in her hands is working the bar, delivering food and drinks to the counter while others deliver those things to the other tables further away.

Axel sees an assortment of pretty ladies in a knockoff maid outfit that is more professional than sexual. Green with a white apron over it, Mama Mia wears a similar one but blue instead of green. Axel can see that with it transitioning to night, a bunch of people who look like civilians are leaving after paying while adventurers shuffle in until it's crowded but they handle the reception smoothly. Axel himself is awestruck by the workmanship of the employees before a cat girl approaches him.

The brown haired cat girl waves in front of his face which snaps Axel out of his reverie. "Welcome nya, is this your first time here nya?"

Axel nods and the girl practically drags him inside and to a single seat table. "My name is Anya and I shall be taking care of you today"

"Your name is A?" Axel asks in confusion

"No nya, my name is Anya" She tries to change the pronunciation but it still sounds the same in the end. Their introduction makes a few people nearby laugh.

"Are you sure your name is Anya and not just A but with cat parents they would have also said nya like you and the doctor that delivered you also misunderstood and it just stuck around?" he says but is covered in thick killing intent when he mentions her parents before she storms off. Axel is able to hold his own against the killing intent as he was exposed to a weaker version by the black market gang he fought off and the fear from the juggernaut is stronger than whatever Anya's killing intent could force upon him.

"Ryuu Nya, take over that client please nya. I don't like him anymore nya" Anya continues to storm off and deal with other customers. Ryuu Lion, the blond elf beauty takes over and walks up to Axel.

"Id appreciate it if you could apologize to her, mr customer."

"Ah sorry, I was just trying to make a joke, I didn't realize I said something that was offensive to her. She is the second cat girl I've ever met so i'm a bit unfamiliar with their customs." Axel tries to explain but the elf maid shakes her head, "Don't apologize to me, but to Anya. otherwise Mia might beat you up"

"Eh?" He says and leans a bit over to look behind Ryuu and finds an annoyed 'dwarf' woman who is cracking her knuckles with a malicious grin and now whatever bravery Axel had from facing the juggernaut is gone as he speeds over to do the Dogeza to Anya while yelling out "IM SORRY".

The sudden action gains the rambunctious laughter of the adventurers who pray that the "brawler" is not beaten down into a cripple while Anya is also surprised and shoos him off after accepting his apology. Axel returns to his seat when Mia Grand calls out to him.

"Oi brat, you may be scott free but know that you are paying extra as compensation. If you don't like that then I'm willing to hit you a bit. Let you visit Dian Cecht for the second time, 'Brawler' ". Mama Mia calls out his title in a threatening tone as if it means nothing to her and that she would show him what a true brawl would be. Axel can only be panicky and nod like a pigeon pecking at rice as he accepts his punishment.

"Mou, Mama Mia, please don't bully the guest I worked hard to invite here" A gray haired, gray eyed lady with a white ribbon in her hair comes out from the kitchen with a plate of dishes in hand that she expertly delivers to a nearby table that Axel notices houses a familiar white haired boy. (slightly changing it from canon so he isn't at the bar this time around but he still has his back to the rest of the restaurant).

"Syr…." the elf maid next to Axel whispers and Axel overhears as he analyzes the girl, afterall he is the one who knows the best that it was Freya that invited him here but he remembers that name being mentioned. He curiously observes her while the elf tries to take his order but he hears none of it. Anyone who is still observing would think Axel is infatuated with Syr. In annoyance on behalf of the elf, Mia Grand once again switches his server so that Ryuu and Syr would be switched as Mia cant rob..cough…get paid for her food if he never ordered anything. Ryuu thus took over for the white haired boy who is face first in delicious pasta.

"Dear customer, please don't stare too hard, you might get poked in the eye." Axel finally recovers his mind from his own thoughts as he looks up at Syr, "um. Do you have a menu or something?" He asks and Syr only points to the backboard behind Mia but then Syr begins to list out a few signature meals such as Minotaur Steak, Infant dragon ribs, Pasta with orc meatballs and a few other exotic sounding names that Axel fully believes doesnt actually contain those things. It's likely just a naming convention. Axel settles for the steak and Syr goes back to give the order to the hidden Hostess of Fertility member, May the cat girl chef.

Axel soon gets a plate of steak and some potatoes with utensils. Strangely, he finds a note under the plate which says, "Lady freya said to stick around until my shift ends before being able to meet. You will have to order a bunch if you wish to keep your seat for the next 2 hours" Axel crumbles up the note as he digs into the meal which is incredibly delicious. He almost grows angry at himself for thinking that it's better than even his goddesses' homemade meals. He channels this anger in devouring the meal though he gets an odd glance from Mia Grand and he feels the need to clarify for some strange reason.

"My goddesses food is better" he yells out while pointing his fork at Mia…there is silence in the bar before Mia bursts into laughter at his words. "So you're saying punk that you can still take more on behalf of your goddess."

"Hai, bring it, ribs next"

"Ok, you heard that Syr, bring the growing boy some ribs" Mia says with a mock smile that experienced visitors recognize as a teasing smile for a big payout by a fool.

Axel begins to devour plate after plate until he visibly bulges up into a ball. Attendees and Mia think that he has reached his limit but he begins to mutter a chant, "I am the endless, Rapture of Power and Possessor of All that Belongs to Others." His body visibly shrinks once more back to normal though nobody except a select few notice that he has grown an inch taller as a result.

Axel breathes out some smoke before a deep voice resounds, "Again, soup" His words cause a cheer to arise while the white haired neighbor finishes his own food and gets a receipt, he looks like he is about to die from shock before he hands over the payment and leaves. But before he does, he offers a prayer to Axel as seeing him devour so much food would surely cost a lot and he offers a prayer to him as he remembers once more that Axel had offended the owner before and has to pay extra. With a heavy shiver he finally leaves. Meanwhile the Loki familia that had entered a half an hour earlier watched in amusement over the food show as they drank. Bete Loga is especially amused by the situation more so than the need to regale the audience with tales of Tomato-boy as he can do that at any time.

The two hours pass quickly enough as Syr finally ends her shift, she has been able to explain that she might have 'charmed' Axel which is why he showed up and that she wishes to bring him away to her room to explain herself while ensuring that he stays a customer. Mia accepts the explanation and tells her to give him the bill which she counted with a massive grin on her face. She even had the happiness to announce that May would be getting a bonus today. The hidden kitchen cat looks as if she was shocked with lightning and tears coating her eyes as she had been overworking herself to properly cook everything as Axel's consumption speed had increased over time to the point of being able to devour entire plates of food in seconds. "Never come back" she innocently murmurs and passes out, causing the others to take over for her but it slows down now as most adventurers order party platters of food instead of individually or are stuck drinking.

Syr tries to drag Axel away but she finds that behind the heavy mist that covers his area, a mountain of a man has replaced Axel as he has grown by several inches over the course of the meal and he is just reaching an even 6 feet tall but it's his muscles that have bulked up the most as his skill had absorbed all the nutrients from his meals as it broke it down to develop his body far beyond any growth spurt ever could. His bulk makes it impossible for him to be dragged away by Syr, especially since she has no falna (wiki proclaimed).

Axel approaches the bar while his clothes hug his robust body with a tear in his pants due to the same reason. Everyone can essentially see him turn from a bulked up body builder into a frail old man as he sees the receipt but he still shakily grabs his money pouch to pay for it. Axel tries to assure himself mentally that this money was from Freya and not his own hard worked Vali and that is the only mental protection for his fragile mindset.

A hand lands on Axel's shoulder which causes a minor creak and he looks up from his dread to see the face of the Demon Queen herself with a grin on her face. "Do come back again, dear customer"

Axel follows Syr to her room under the partial gaze of the audience who are confused over what's happening that one of the many beauties of the Hostess of Fertility dragging away a customer to a private room. Speculation arises if paying a certain amount unlocks the 'glorious heaven' that only the maids of the Hostess can provide. Mia then yells at the others that if they aren't drinking or eating then they can get out and all speculation flies out the window due to their fear.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C20
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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