The King's severed head rolled on the icy ground, smearing dark blood as it turned into nothing but a piece of discarded trash.
Tillian released a loud exhale, his body releasing all the tension it stored as he fought his enemies. Standing tall and free, he tilted his head backward, closed his eyes, and felt the cold sporadic snowflakes touch his burning skin, the pleasant sensation of their contact soothing his very soul.
The battlefield fell silent as if in respect to the one who finally put an end to this war. Euris was gone, his tyranny reduced to nothing. The dragons circled above, their presence a symbol of the newfound peace.
There was no need to fight anymore. As if released from the heavy shackles of manipulation and control, every single knight of the king's army fell onto their knees, surrendering their lives to the new ruler.
The final chapter of the novel will be released tomorrow, May 25th to celebrate my birthday. See you guys there!