83.33% One Piece Lemons / Chapter 15: Interesting Interrogation (Hina)

章節 15: Interesting Interrogation (Hina)

'Why is this happening to me? I'm literally just a random traveller that wanted to do business in Alabasta?' Y/N thought as he was caught between a mushroom-chin, glasses wearing music hippie freak and a buff pink-haired man wearing a marine cap. "I'm just—"

"Don't try to fool Lady Hina, me and my best friend!" the buff one called out, making Y/N sigh at their idiocy, especially when they had a bromance hug; Y/N was wishing he was blind from time to time, and this was one of those times.

The mushroom chinned freak brought out a pendulum. "Look into this pendulum, and when I say, 'One, Two, Jango,' you will fall asleep," Jango explained as he began his hypnosis but Y/N simply closed his eyes.

"That's cheating!" the other one said.

"I'm innocent, so I'm not gonna follow the Jango's guy's hippie hypnosis, so just let me out already! I'm missing out on all the good things in Alabasta! You marines suck!" Y/N called out. 'Okay, maybe not such a good idea to say that when one of them has a knuckle duster,' Y/N thought, regretting his oral outburst.

"Hina wants to know what's going on!" Hina called out as she marched into the room. In an instant, the two marines were already kneeling by her side and presenting a bouquet of flowers from out of nowhere, making Y/N's head spin from side to side to try and process what just happened as well as how.

"Lady Hina! I hope you like these flowers, please go out with me!" the two fresh marines called out to their superior.

Her response was to brush it aside to pieces with a single swipe. "I refuse!" she simply called out to them, which left them head struck and bent back at the rejection but they seemed even more fired up. "Focus on getting the information, Jango, Fullbody!" Hina ordered.

The two marines went back to their aggressive monkey like behaviour as they only offered threats and Y/N showed no interest, which only further solidified their annoyance as they took his boredom as a threat and their already belligerent behaviour was becoming preposterous and puerile.

"Hina has had enough! Both of you leave, Hina will do this herself!" Hina shouted as the two smiled at their superior and left the room, while mockingly wishing Y/N good luck; he cursed them mentally when they left.

Y/N let out a groan of relief. "I don't understand why you speak in third person but I hope you're not as annoying as the two of them. I'm innocent; I really have nothing that you could extract from me, so can we just end this?" Y/N said.

Hina tossed her cigarette to the side as her hands blurred and Y/N's arms were glued to the wall; his eyes noted the black barricades against his wrist, curving into the wall and cementing his place there. "Hina knows how asinine they can be but they do have some strength. More importantly, coincidence or not, you might know something, so, as a Captain of the marines, I will make it my duty to find anything I can," Hina told him.

Y/N sighed. "Just what are you going to do? I'm not talking because I have nothing to talk about," Y/N retorted, giving off a glare.

Hina's smile turned a bit too confident or happy. Y/N didn't know how to describe it earlier but Y/N, who had his fair share of analysis skills, could tell that this woman was the usual stoic type. So seeing her face morph into a more happy smile creeped him out more than it should have. 'Maybe I would prefer the two idiots from before,' Y/N thought.

Confusion warped Y/N's face when Hina's hands unzipped his trousers and took them off, flinging them to the side. The innocent individual was helpless as Hina just took it off and finally removed his boxers, leaving his fat flaccid cock out. "Hina is amazed," she muttered, which also made Y/N tilt his head to how the woman could be sexy yet look so innocent, as if she wasn't ready to become a knob goblin.

"Um, I don't think this is—"

Hina shut him up as Hina licked the front of the cock, her mouth already drooling as she reared her head back and looked towards Y/N with lust in her eyes. "Hina is amazed at how big it is," she commented, making Y/N's cock stretch out, her eyes glittering in interest at the individual's miraculous meat.

Y/N held in his pleasure but it was hard to. He was a virgin, so suddenly getting sexually stimulated was an odd experience. 'Her tongue is really working wonders, it's like she's got experience or something!' Y/N thought as he continued to watch Hina's hair flow behind her rapidly as the marine woman went to extreme work to ensure she covered his cock; wildly, Hina looked to be ignoring her duty and fulfilling her desire as her hands made sure to grip the base of the shaft and keep it from swinging all over the place due to how aggressive her oral skills was, pulling her tongue against his cock until it stretched back and constantly rolling her brush against it over and over, making sure that it was sparkling and saliva coated.

Y/N's face was red by the experience as he breathed in and out several times, trying to come back from the unusual sensation as his chest moved forward and retracted. Heavily panting, Y/N looked to find his dick had soared in both length and width as the greed grew on the grin of Hina. 'I already know what she's going to do!' Y/N thought.

Her tongue swirled around his engorged erection, fully coating and appreciating the meat. Jokingly, she stopped, as if she was giving thanks to the meal, and then Hina's head dropped and sucked on his cock, moaning as she did. Her head wasn't needy but it sure was enthusiastic as Hina was easily suffocating the shaft with how wide and wet her mouth was.

Y/N's fingers were tingling and his body was heating further as he looked down to see the sexy brown eyes, slanted by desire, as Hina's orbs were dedicated to the dick that she was delighting on. Loud slurping noises didn't do the lust in her eyes justice as the busty marine made sure to do everything in her power to enjoy every single time Y/N's dick grew, either in width or height, or if his hips bucked and sent the cock back into her water mouth. The lust also clear in her mouth as it moved with the incentive to capture and suck until a husk was left.

'It's so big and swollen that I don't even need to hold it up; the thickness of it is a penis pillar in itself,' Hina thought in amazement as she didn't give up for a moment with her blowjob. If anything, Hina was even more determined than before. Y/N's face was already enough evidence for that, but even more signs of how excited and horny Hina was the fact that her ass kept on bouncing up and down and was clearly visible to Y/N, his eyes separating and focusing on the rear jumping up and down while Hina was only going deeper underground.

Y/N was feeling peculiar from the blowjob. 'Why? I don't know why but my body feels so exhausted and like it's on fire! I-I want to be able to move! I want to enjoy this!' Y/N thought as he suffered in silence as Y/N begged his body to arouse from its sexual slumber and activate. Instead, his body refused to comply and he was left writhing in pleasure as HIna continued to eagerly take his penis into her mouth, without care of the future pains because it was growing, and doing it fast.

Hina's throat caught as the cock once again bulked up inside her; Hina's pharynx felt like it was about to go through heaven and hell, and she was right on both accounts as Hina's head was bobbing as hard as she could but there was still struggle in her mouth as Hina's eyes widened when she felt the captured's cock not only continue growing but the fact that, as she examined the cock, her eyes laid in awe at the glowing lightning on the sides as Hina also had her eyes caught and glued to his titanic testicles, an unconscious lick of her lips when she gazed at them. 'I like what I can see.'

Y/N blushed when Hina treated him to the hot sight of her unloading his massive meat out of her mouth. Sensually, Hina pulled on his cock like it was a rope, the meat heavy and thick like an anchor, as her lips parted lewdly and her drool was covering it, making it glitter. He wasn't sure what it was exactly but the way Hina moved, pressed all his buttons and turned the libido locks on his body off as Y/N was feeling that he was surrounded in a lava pool of lust, desire raging out of him as Hina looked in surprise when she saw Y/N spasm out and writhe around in the bindings that held him.

"Please! I need it! I really need it! Get me out of these chains and let me just fuck you!" Y/N called out, his face dripping with sweat as Y/N's erection even squirmed and jolted, as if the shaft had become sentient and was trying to get Hina to nod in agreement and understand him.

Hina looked at the individual she was supposed to be interrogating with interest and surprise. 'I didn't expect him to be this aggressive. Maybe I should let him out, but this could all be a trap?' Hina thought in deep concentration while Y/N continued panting like a wild dog and begging for a way to vent the desires flooding his body. Hina put her hand up to stop Y/N from going too wild, his face bobbed and spilling his sweat onto the floor. "Hina is trying to focus! Please don't distract Hina!" she ordered Y/N, making him hang his head low as Y/N could only despair in degeneracy but never fully compete in it.

Sighing, Hina placed both her hands on the bindings as the black rings began to shrink and then fade out. Y/N smiled as he rubbed his sore wrists. "Thank you!" Y/N told her before immediately kissing her, surprising Hina as she was dealing with all his pent up feelings within the kiss; his tongue was already going haywire and firing off everywhere, trying to scour her inner caverns as Hina was also feeling Y/N's erected length pressing against her. Suddenly, the marine clothes she was wearing felt hot and tight on her body.

"Hina wants your cock!" Hina called out to Y/N as she pressed him back against the wall and licked his neck, sucking on it. Her course changed as she discarded his upper body clothes and continued licking down and down. Her prize once again in her view as this time Hina gripped his balls at the same time. She gave them a gentle smooch, Y/N blushing and his erection growing at the horny gesture as Hina opened up her mouth once again and took his cock in for round two, smiling all the way.

Y/N's first instinct was to get Hina to get his cock deeper into her throat. 'I'll let her do her best to take it all down before I go rushing. That'd be best,' he thought as Y/N, with great pleasure he'd add, decided to allow Hina to take him at her own pace while the energy surging in his body and the freedom to fuck better made Y/N lay back in satisfaction and pleasure as Hina's every move would be met with the reward of more of his cock. This left Y/N a winner as he could only marvel in lust and amazement at Hina's head game.

Hina had one hand on his cock, stroking the thick fat package while her hands also worked on removing her clothes apart. She shifted recklessly, ignoring the fact that Hina ended up coughing up on his cock when she ended up moving too forward on it. 'It doesn't matter, I can still suck him off!' Hina thought, glaring at Y/N and making him not act too hastily to remove his cock from her mouth as Hina refused to back down from her situation and focused on the reward that lay ahead for all her hard work.

Y/N groaned as his eyes stared down at Hina working hard on him. 'I'm not sure what it is but looking down upon a Captain ranked marine is really sexy, especially with how lewd Hina is acting. She's somehow making me more horny!' Y/N thought in awe as his body jolted even more when he looked to find that not only was Hina choking and chomping down his dick like a cock champ but the fact that, and Y/N's untrained body was slow to pick up on it, Hina was even groping his basketballs, fingers soaking down into the meat and enjoying the firm but squishy feeling.

Hina's head smacked down against Y/N's pelvis as the male's face was flushed and furious, his hands controlling Hina's hair as he moaned with each second that his muscles contracted and relaxed. The passion and the way he continued to force Hina into his skull fuck was like he was rowing away from Sea Kings; Y/N found energy in his body that he never knew he had and all of it was being put to use in fucking Hina as hard as he desired.

Y/N's urethra had never filled up quicker as his head blasted back, this level of orgasm like nothing he had ever felt in his life. For a moment, all the times he had made off with amazing deals during his journey felt meaningless in the face of the fulfilment that flooded Y/N's body as he roared loudly while Hina was left silenced as the only thing that came out of her throat was the intensity at which it was exercising as Hina, still suck in place and deep on Y/N's super shaft, was moaning and her eyes rolled back as Hina found herself dealing with the threat of asphyxiation.

If that didn't make it any harder for Hina, Y/N wasn't just plugging her mouth like crazy. He did her one better and was actually filling it up with his cum. A lot of that, as a matter of fact. His cock was blasting off like crazy inside her, his testicles seemingly moving and shifting to the side as Y/N was crazily hogging Hina's head to his crotch as Y/N was smiling brightly at her. Naturally, Hina was unable to see this affection as you would expect from a woman that had her head completely plunged and sunken on a supreme shaft.

'I have to keep on going but it's getting so hard! And that's just not his cock, which is still somehow able to ejaculate so much! It hasn't softened a bit!' Hina thought. This wasn't supposed to happen. That thought was swirling around in Hina's mind at the time of her current predicament as she never expected to deal with a cock like this. She was just going to get some sexual relief as well as do her job, but instead she was being treated like a common whore and suffering against someone who may have been an innocent person who came at the wrong time. And he was still cumming.

Enough was enough for Hina as the bubbling of cum was rising up to the surface in her mouth; her throat already bulged and more than full of it, as white wave rose up from the top of her mouth and it started off as dribbling fangs coming out from the side of her mouth until the dick shooting in her mouth was rumbling like all hell and Hina's eyes widened as staving it off was completely useless and Hina reared her head away from Y/N's monster cock. "Don't cum on me!" Hina called out, her voice a bit hoarse from all the skull fucks and cum she was receiving.

A cum spring blasted out from the super wide slit as Y/N was panting from the sight but it was pretty hot as it indiscriminately and wildly blew up all over the place. Grinning, Y/N made a small tilt towards his dick and Hina almost let out a scream before her mouth was once again filled up and silenced as Y/N's cum sprinted down her throat, making her fingers twitch at the side as Hina was questioning how that came to be. "That's what you get for blaming me," Y/N said in a whisper tone at Hina.

Y/N panted with a smile and looked towards Hina, who was... 'I can't tell what her reaction is fully like because of all that cum on her face but I'll wager she's not all too happy with me,' Y/N thought, rubbing his head and giving a nervous smile at the intense glare he was receiving. While it was less intimidating due to the fact that it was pretty hard to treat Hina seriously with the state of her face, it didn't make the effect lose too much of its power. "Um, I'm sorry. It happened by accident; I couldn't control it," Y/N lied with a smile on his face. 'I don't have the guts to tell her I did it on purpose.

Hina sighed through her facial mask as she pushed her hands through the clumps of cum into her hand and slurped them; no point in leaving the cum to waste by cleaning it up, plus the taste was oddly nice. "I did not expect you to cum so much. You really are trouble; I can't imagine a regular traveller being able to do this," Hina pointed out as she leaned into Y/N, a lustful smile on his face as he wondered what Hina was going to do next only to have a confused face and reply in the same way when he felt a familiar black ring tying him to the wall, restricting him... again.

'This is what I get for doing that on purpose,' Y/N thought.

Hina stood up as she strutted to Y/N, turning her back to him and giving him a good view of her clenched ass hole and her wet slit, dripping down like rain drops. Hina lustfully sat down but stopped mid air as her slit just barely opened up to allow Y/N's entrance. "I'm riding you, so don't you dare make the first initiative until I tell you so!" Hina threatened, with Y/N fully complying this time and nodding.

An additional pair of black circles struck down on his leg, keeping them pinned in a painful and awkward position. "Hey! I was obeying! You marines are supposed to be about justice!" Y/N called out, panting.

Hina gave a cute pout as she continued to rub her body in circles against his dick, preparing herself for the whole length. "Relax, Hina. Hina can do this!" Hina told herself, reverting back to her old figure of speech as she took a few moments of intense concentration and composure to steel herself for what might be one of the most pleasurable but painful moments.

Not even all the way in and Hina already removed the cuffs off of Y/N's legs as her head hung to the side weakly, her breasts up and down wildly as she tried to reign the cock inside her without help but found that the master of the meat was needed to make the magic fully bloom. "Let's just say that this might be a job for two people! Try and keep up to Hina!" the marine told Y/N as she rode him back and forth, trying her previous hip gyrating abilities from earlier.

It wasn't as hard as the cock hitting her pussy but the ordeal was still intense enough for Hina as she continued to work through the pain hitting her core and moved on from it with fucking fervour, a smile on her lips as the pain would eventually dwindle down into pleasure and Hina's hips were picking up more speed by the second.

Y/N groaned as he moved his hips as much as possible but having his arms pinned back in such an uncomfortable position was really limiting his powers. Try as he might Y/N could tell that the lack of power was there and the finishing fuck could have been so much stronger. 'This really sucks! If only she'd just loosen my hands... again.'

Hina's tongue was out and her hair was wild like fire as she gripped Y/N's arms and bounced harder and faster on his cock, moaning loudly and dripping as she fully lodged the long lewd length into her pussy. Her hips stopped moving as Hina took a moment to rest and get used to our deep the dick was inside her. "Let's go again!" Hina enthusiastically said.

Y/N's dick slapped and continuously rocketed and pierced into Hina, her smile clear and her groaning loud as Hina slammed her ass against his legs, the dick making her moan loud as her body morphed and squeezed against it, a corrupted gleeful smile on her face as Hina's hands, while in an awkward position from trying to hold Y/N, were tight like the cuffs around it as Hina continued to slid her dick against it but it felt like things were falling just short off of that grand smash into her pussy that Hina was aware Y/N had the potential for.

"Hina! I really need you to remove these bindings from my arms! The positioning is awkward for me and you! Besides, who else is going to be able to fuck you good and hard if they are handicapped, Hina!" Y/N told her, hoping that his analysis skills of Hina would allow him to be able to get away with it.

Thankfully, everything paid off as Y/N felt freedom in his hands once again. Promising Hina that she wouldn't regret it, Y/N made damn sure to pay well on his deal as Hina was almost flying up into the ceiling every time Y/N fucked into her. The only thing that kept her secured to the ground like gravity was that Y/N was clutching her hard by the waist, which probably turned Hina on and delighted her given her body was sensitive to it.

Y/N groaned and hugged Hina tighter as the speed at which he was thrusting at made his balls slap against the ground and rebound back against Hina's doughy ass cheeks as Y/N lusted inside Hina the whole time; the feeling of his dick being squished against her womb walls made Y/N go even faster as the sensation of arriving to an end goal made Y/N lift him and Hina up at the same time as his thrusts were even greater than before. "There! Right there, Hina! I can feel something! I'm gonna get to it!" Y/N warned her.

Hina was half sure what he was talking about but the rest of her mind was in horny Hina mode as Hina's only current interest was in Y/N's dick. Her walls tightened as hard as possible but they only managed to irritate the meat and provoke its advance more as a sudden knocking on her core made Hina already gush pre-maturely on the dick as she furiously humped against the dick, trying to get Y/N all the way in.

Amidst everything, time seemed to slow down as the moment the dick destroyed the dam and Y/N roared with all his might when finally punching through her cervix, Hina moaned loudly. It was the final straw on the strained shaft as Y/N came with a groan inside Hina. The swollen seminal vesicle inside him had never reacted and beat with such intensity as Hina herself was able to experience the ejaculation in full, something that made her go blind and blank with pleasure as Y/N continued to grip her body and work it down on his massive cock, not giving in for a second and Y/N's dick was diligent with every single second that he was pumping Hina's baby maker with his baby batter.

Removing his cock at once, Y/N's dick was still slick with her wetness and some of the out poured cum from Hina's pussy as her body could not contain everything. Exhaustion caught up to him as he slumped down, panting. Like before, the sensations of Hina's lips on his cock didn't hit him until he looked down. "Don't tell me we're starting this whole operation again," Y/N said with a chuckle.

"Just enjoy what I give you!" Hina said with a smirk as she licked up against the sides of his dick again and gently nibbled on the cum laying on it, her body hot as her pussy was still transferring as much as cum as possible inside her, so tasting it on the tip of her tongue was a delightful feeling that Hina craved.

Soreness hit Hina when she opened her mouth again but it didn't matter too much to her as Hina ignored that fact and her maw opened up and she sucked down on his cock again, bobbing her head more gently than before. That said, Hina's throat appeared to have evolved as the progress on the pillar was outstanding, especially with how big Y/N's erection was.

Y/N stared down Hina's chest as he watched her massive chest rock up and down from Hina's excited blowjob. Hina matched her eyesight to Y/N to see what he was looking at, something Y/N noticed. "I can't really move too well but I think you know what I want?" Y/N told Hina, who nodded eagerly.

Hina's chest was warming the wide willy as Hina giggled and continued to work on it. Moans came from Y/N as he enjoyed the work Hina was putting out, unable to contribute as his body was still untrained. It was impressive that Y/N was able to go at it long enough with Hina but the best he could manage was weak movements of his hips. However, thanks to the power of his penis, the effect was greatly magnified.

Y/N gasped in delight at Hina's sucking skills as well as the boob blanket of her paizuri as the two sexual elements together blended seamlessly to make the stud a moaning mess. He breath caught in his throat as Y/N tried to say the words but the infernal feeling returned once again as Y/N only bellowed in response and that unspeakable language was translated in what he did next.

'Here it comes! I love it!' Hina thought lewdly as she allowed the white works to spread all over the room and cover up her mouth. Unlike before, Hina was now able to slurp the cum but that didn't mean that she was perfect as Hina had to let some go and fly off everywhere, staining the floor, her and his discarded clothes.

The purururu sound echoed throughout the brief silence of the room as the cum-covered Hina reached for it. "Yes, I'm— Hina speaking," she commented.

"Good news, Captain Hina! We managed to capture one of the Straw Hats and have retrieved a vast deal of information!" the voice from the telepathic snail notified Hina.

Hina looked at the exhausted Y/N. Y/N only smirked at her. "I told you I was telling the truth."

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