13.54% I Became a Wizard with a Quest Book! / Chapter 26: Ch 26: Battlemaid

章節 26: Ch 26: Battlemaid

Back in the study, Lord Khaleji calmly stared at the inexplainable creature and questioned, "About what I asked you to do, have you done it?"

The humanoid shadow nodded and said, "I have brought her to the mansion. She is ready to serve him."

"She doesn't mind?" he asked.

"Yeah, she doesn't. If I must say, she has a very impressive personality. She lacks hypocrisy and is true to her beliefs." It said.

"A person like that is indeed quite a unique find in this era," he said. 

After a while, Lord Khaleji, in a contemplative tone, said, "It's not a dream, right?"

The humanoid shadow replied, "It isn't. We both checked it and found the exact same result. Now we are both masters in the art of soul so we can't be wrong about what we investigated since it's related to the subject of souls. It's indeed him."

"How would you define what he experienced?"

Lord Khaleji asked the humanoid shadow this question after tapping his finger on the armchair a few times.

The humanoid shadow stood with its arms crossed, its face resting on its right hand, lost in deep thought. After a while, it spoke, "In my incomparably long life, I have witnessed many unbelievable things. I have befriended reincarnators, who are reborn into new lives with memories of their past lives. I have also encountered transmigrators, whose souls are transported into the bodies of individuals in entirely different realities. Even time travelers and dimension hoppers, which you are most familiar with, are not unfamiliar to me. But your nephew's case is unique among them all. His soul bears the sign of being nourished by another world, and he has returned to his origin after going missing for 12 years. It is the first time I have seen a case like this. I have no words to aptly describe it, but if I must use a term, I would call him a 'Returnee.'"

"Returnee? That sounds good," Lord Khaleji agreed with its suggestion with a nod.

Continuing, he added, "On your way out, store this knowledge in our secretive database for future generations of the Khaleji family. It might prove crucial for the heads of our house to understand and deal with such phenomena in the future."

The secretive database of the Khaleji family was a repository containing the world's secrets and profoundly deep knowledge about various odd and strange phenomena.

It also held information about the unforeseen enemies of the human race and Serphendale, among many other things. 

This database was not known to the general public, and its contents were kept hidden from those outside the innermost circle of the Khaleji family. 

This secret was so well hidden that even Thalida wasn't aware of it.

The most unique aspect of this database was that it didn't exist in the physical plane. At any time, only the head of the House of Khaleji had access to this database. Without the head's explicit permission, no one else could gain entry to this trove of knowledge. 

It was a safeguarded tradition that when a new head was appointed, the right to access the database, along with the authority to grant others the right of entry, was secretively passed down from the previous head to the new one. This ensured that the sensitive and powerful information contained within remained closely guarded, accessible only to those deemed responsible and wise enough to handle it, meaning Valerius's secret was safe with them. It won't be known to the public ever from their side.

"I understand," the humanoid shadow said before adding, "He appears to be in the dark. What should we do about it?"

"Nothing," Lord Khaleji spoke in a voice that brooked no room for arguments. "As they say, 'Wisdom, that boundless thing, is as dreadful as it's wonderful. Too much of it, and you're poisoned. Too little, and you're the fool.' As Valerius is at the moment, knowing too much will only harm him. His best chance of survival lay in remaining ignorant. So we must keep him in the dark, no matter how hurtful it might sound."

Lord Khaleji's perspective was easily understandable. It was better to keep the boy in the dark than to reveal the truth to him as there was a certain burden that came with knowing the truth, one Valerius was undoubtedly wholly incapable of shouldering at his current stage. 

Unless he grew strong enough, telling him these things would certainly clear up a lot of misunderstanding and improve their relationship, but at the same time, it would do him more harm than good and might even put his life at risk.

"Coincidentally, I had the same thought," said the humanoid shadow as it liked how they were of the same mind about this sensitive matter.

They were both fine with keeping Valerius in the dark for his own sake.

"Is that all you called me here for?" the humanoid shadow asked.

"There's one more thing," Lord Khaleji said hurriedly to stop it from going away. He quickly wrote a letter on the spot, sealed it in an envelope, stamped it with the family seal, and handed it to the humanoid figure. "Deliver this to Leo B. Law for the sake of your master's only prodigy."

"Isn't Leo B. Law the guy who was assigned to lead the expedition to the newly discovered subworld just recently by the association?" the humanoid shadow asked.

"Looks like the news has reached you," Lord Khaleji said with a hint of a smile in his eyes, "He is indeed that terrifying guy."

Suddenly, the humanoid shadow stared at Lord Khaleji in disbelief. "Wait, you want the boy to take part in an expedition so soon? He's only 16."

Lord Khaleji said, "It's much safer there than in the main world. Once he's there, even if the truth about him being a 'Returnee' is somehow revealed and he becomes a target of 'their' interest, he won't face an insurmountable challenge. Besides, when I was his age, I had participated in 3 different expeditions and returned alive. Since he's part Khaleji, I believe he can do it too." 

"I still think it's not right, but I will get it done," the humanoid shadow said before its body dissolved into nothing after it accepted the envelope that was to be delivered to Leo. The shadows it was made up of returned to their origin and the study returned to its original calm.


With a gasp, Valerius woke up in his bed.

His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest and his breathing was heavy. His body was drenched in cold sweat. The memories of being slaughtered alive was still fresh in his mind, leaving him terrified like a cornered rabbit.

Moreover, he not only felt sore all over but also extremely exhausted and hungry. These were most likely the side effects of dying in the mysterious experience, he guessed.

Outside his room, a maid who had been standing there for a while became concerned. She had knocked thrice, asking for his permission to enter but received no answer from him. Thanks to her senses, which were far superior to those of the average Serphian, she noticed Valerius's accelerated heartbeat and heard his pitiful gasp. Confused and worried, she disregarded formalities and barged into the room after breaking the locked door open before asking in a voice laced with concern, "Young master, are you alright?"

The maid who entered had an adorable appearance, with her blonde hair cut at shoulder length and golden eyes that radiated warmth, and cherry-red lips. She had a gentle and delicate face and was also quite well-endowed, with just the right amount of curves in all the right areas. All in all, there was a youthful allure about her that was hard to ignore.

Valerius didn't find her familiar. The mansion was staffed with all kinds of servants, and he hadn't met all of them, so her identity was a mystery to him. However, he felt grateful to her as her presence helped calm him down.

After catching his breath, he responded to the maid's question, "I... I am fine. I just had a terrible dream. That's all." 

Hearing his words, concern deepened in the maid's eyes. 

Internally, she wondered if it was a dream weaver at play here. 'If that's really the case, don't let me find out who you are or you'll face a fate worse than death.'

Outwardly, she asked, "Can you tell me about it? What happened in your dream?

Valerius recounted his experience in the Primordial Pagoda to her.

As for why he did that, he had his reasons.

Different people perceive the same event differently. He needed someone else's perspective about what he experienced on the 0th floor to fill in the gaps, see the picture clearly, and figure out how to defeat that teddy. Her fresh take on the story might offer him the crucial insight he lacked.

"That sounds like an incredibly vivid and unsettling dream, Young Master. But it was just a dream, you're safe now," after listening to his tale, the maid said in an empathetic voice as she gently hugged him and patted his back soothingly in an attempt to comfort him. 

'She is definitely new to this mansion. Otherwise, why would she treat me so kindly?' he thought. 

He coughed dryly, and she broke the hug before giving him a refreshing smile, not at all embarrassed by what she did.

Valerius looked at her and asked, "What do you make of my dream?"

The gloved hand was hidden under his sheet. The rune of swiftness was hidden in his body. The book of spells was hidden inside his clothes. She had no idea that what he was making out to be a dream was something he had actually experienced. 

The clueless maid replied, "It's just a bad dream, Young Master. Sometimes our minds create these vivid scenarios when we're stressed, and it must've been quite a stressful day for you I presume. It's best not to dwell on it."

"Well, there's no shortage of odd happenings in this world. What if you encountered such a situation in real life? How will you deal with it?" Valerius questioned.

She seriously considered his question, her finger tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Well," after a while, she finally said, "I can't think of any way to defeat an enemy that can assassinate you out of the blue. Maybe the way to defeat the teddy is in the paintings you saw in the hall. But who knows, dreams can be so abstract."

"The paintings... yes, the paintings might hold a clue," Valerius muttered under his breath.

"Anyway, is there a reason why you came here?" Valerius asked her.

The maid nodded, looking cuter than ever, and replied, "My purpose for coming here was to introduce myself to you. I am Anna D. Charlotte, and I will be serving as your battlemaid from now on."

Valerius was taken aback by what he heard.

"A battlemaid? But that's a privilege reserved for wizards of the main family of House Khaleji. I belong to the main family, yes, but I am no wizard. How come I have been assigned one?" 

"It's the intention of the family head," she explained plainly.

Lord Khaleji, his adopted father, was really doing him a favor by assigning him a battlemaid. Besides, he was in no position to decline this favor. 

Thus, he decided to gladly accept it.

"I have no problem with accepting you as my battlemaid, but are you really fine with serving someone like me?" he said, "Just for your information, I am not exactly the most favored in the main family." 

Anna replied confidently, "What's wrong with serving you? You bested the most bulky man in the ceremony with your frail physique and did what had been considered impossible for the past 100 years. It's my honor to serve you." 

The D. Charlotte house was a notable household under the umbrella of the House Khaleji. It had a unique and significant responsibility. 

As a vassal family to one of the great wizard families, their primary duty was to train servants and battle maidens specifically for service in the main family.

Now battle maidens from the House of Khaleji held a higher status compared to regular servants. Thus, this esteemed role was often reserved for direct descendants within the vassal families.

Traditionally, these descendants were rigorously trained from a young age, preparing them for the honor and duty of serving the young masters and misses of the main family. However, in this particular generation, the roles designated for the direct descendants of the main family's young masters and misses had already been filled. This situation left Anna, who had been meticulously trained to become a battle maiden, feeling as though her life's purpose and her rigorous training might have been in vain.

Yet, as fate would have it, her concerns were unfounded.

The unpredictable nature of life and the mysterious workings of fate intervened, offering her an unexpected opportunity. She was assigned to serve Valerius, a member of the main family. 

This turn of events filled her with a sense of gratitude and relief.

She was glad that her training and preparation would not go to waste. Instead, she could live out her purpose and fulfill the role she had been preparing for all her life. 

For Anna, this was more than just a duty; it was the realization of her destiny and a chance to honor her family's legacy within the grand House of Khaleji.

So she really meant what she said.

"As for your status in the house, I believe it's only a matter of time before you elevate it to the same level as the other young masters, or even surpass them."

Valerius looked at her with a deadpan expression and internally said, 

"Lady, I plan to leave this family at the first opportunity I get. You want me to stick around and fight for power? Heh, your dreams might just end up remaining dreams. But I like what you said. So I will reward you with a head pat."

He reached out and gently patted her head. Her hair was as soft and silky as he had anticipated. 

Receiving an unexpected pat on the head, Anna felt a surge of surprise mixed with delight. She had always liked head pats, and there was a special reason behind it. Whenever she impressed her father by defeating a monster or ten, he would pat her head as a sign of approval and affection. As a result, receiving head pats not only reminded her of those fond memories but also made her feel appreciated and valued. That was exactly what she was feeling right now.

Valerius's stomach grumbled loudly, destroying the beauty of the moment.

Anna quickly said, "I'll get you something to eat right away, Young Master."

Valerius, feeling the pangs of hunger more acutely now, replied, "That would be great, Anna. I haven't had a bite to eat since last night."

Anna nodded understandingly at Valerius's words and swiftly exited the room to go and get a meal prepared for him in the kitchen.

Once he was certain she had gone away, he entered the mysterious space to "unequip" himself. He was able to stay there for only a brief moment before he was struck by dizziness and kicked out. It looks like when he was low on stamina, entering the mysterious space for a prolonged period of time wasn't possible. 

Within a short time, Anna returned, carrying a tray laden with delicious-looking food.

On it was a huge serving of a perfectly grilled steak, seasoned to perfection, accompanied by slices of warm, buttery garlic bread. The inviting aroma of the grilled meat combined with the garlicky scent of the bread wafting from the tray was mouthwatering, especially to Valerius, who hadn't eaten in quite a while.

Anna carefully placed the tray down in front of Valerius, who eyed the food like a starving wolf.

"Thank you, Anna. This looks fantastic," he said.

Anna smiled at his compliment. "Please enjoy, Young Master. I hope it's to your liking."

Valerius wasted no time starting his meal, savoring each bite of the flavorful steak that was seasoned to perfection and the crispy, garlicky bread.

As he finished the meal, a notification popped up in his vision. Anna didn't react to it in any way, signifying only he could see it.

"You've consumed a very healthy and nourishing meal. Your stamina has recovered."

Looking at his status screen, he saw that his stamina bar was indeed now full. Moreover, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, as if he had shed the exhaustion that had weighed him down like a deadbeat father just moments ago.

He smiled. Even eating has such a profound effect. He had really become a game-like character. 

"Whoever cooked this steak and garlic bread in such a short time really has the hands of a master chef. I am amazed," he remarked.

"It was me, Young Master. Thank you for the praise," Anna said with a modest smile. Her words carried a hint of pride and satisfaction in her culinary skills.

Valerius said, "I'm curious about you, Anna. Would you mind if I asked you some personal questions?"

Anna's cheeks turned a shade of pink upon hearing his words. She wondered if the personal questions he intended to ask would be about her preferences in men or something even more intimate.

Trying to mask her flustered state, she replied, "Go ahead, Young Master. I don't mind."

Valerius, oblivious to her misunderstanding, asked, "What's your rank and profession?"

Realizing the nature of Valerius's question was purely professional, Anna felt a mix of relief and mild disappointment. After her misunderstanding cleared up, she quickly regained her composure before answering his query.

"I am a low-level wizard, and I specialize in a few professions. I'm an appraiser, a magic chef, and also an inquisitor."

Two of the three professions mentioned were minor ones. Only one was a major one.

The minor ones were of an appraiser and a magic chef.

The former, in general, possessed the ability to unravel the mysteries of items and artifacts of enigmatic origins and unknown capabilities, determine their worth, and understand their potential uses. Their role was particularly crucial in society as the main world and the sub-worlds surrounding it were teeming with unidentified objects.

The latter combined culinary skills with magical ingredients to create meals that provided more than just sustenance – they offered healing, stamina restoration, and other beneficial effects. In simpler words, the profession of a magic chef involved making dishes with special effects. This explained why the meal Anna had prepared for Valerius had so effectively restored his stamina.

Lastly, inquisitors were professionals who dedicated themselves to studying the world and making sense of its mysteries, phenomena, and the various arcane and magical elements within it.

To a transmigrator like Valerius, the term 'Inquisitor of Truth' was essentially a fancier way of describing a role similar to that of a scientist or a researcher.

"Great. I need an appraiser to help me appraise some items. Would you be willing to help?" Valerius asked her.

"Of course, Young Master. I don't mind at all," Anna replied, ready to assist him with whatever he needed.

Valerius then took out the red and blue crystals from his pockets and asked her to appraise them.

Anna examined them closely. Her eyes glowed with a seven-colored light. Under the light of her eyes, the hidden nature of the items became clear to her.

The very next moment, her eyebrows raised in surprise as if she had encountered something truly extraordinary.

"These three crystals are truly spectacular, unlike anything I've seen before. It's like they've come from another world." She looked up at her master and asked, "How did you get your hands on these?"

Valerius knew he wouldn't be able to hide the extraordinary nature of these items from an appraser but he had already prepared an excuse. 

"It's complicated. Let's just say an eccentric guy gave them to me after losing a bet. So, have you found out what they do?" Valerius asked.

"The red crystal can be taken orally to improve one's constitution," Anna explained. "While the blue crystal can help increase the soul power capacity of spirit warriors by widening their spirit veins. However, I can sense a lot of energy inside it. Consuming it directly might be dangerous, potentially leading to the explosion of the body. Thus, a different method should be applied when handling it."

"What kind of method?" Valerius asked.

"I have no idea what it could be. I'll need to conduct tests to discover it," she replied thoughtfully.

"And how long will it take if you begin conducting tests right away?" Valerius asked.

"I can't say for sure, but I'll try my best to get it done as quickly as possible," Anna assured him.

Valerius nodded before assigning her a task.

"Find out how to put it to good use. That'll be my first real mission for you."

"I won't disappoint you, master," Anna responded confidently.

"Good luck," Valerius said, and Anna left with the blue crystal to begin her tests.

After Anna left, Valerius asked the mansion's servants to fix the door that the young lady had inadvertently destroyed in her haste to check on him. He didn't hold her accountable for that, understanding she acted out of concern for his wellbeing, and there was no benefit in punishing a person wholeheartedly working for him.

"Young master, it's done. We have repaired the door."

"Okay, you can leave."

Using wizardry, the servants quickly repaired the door within ten minutes. Valerius expressed his gratitude and then sent them on their way. After they left, he securely locked the door and entered the mysterious space.

Once inside, he headed straight to the treasury and closed the door behind him. He picked up the book of spells that he had stored there previously and recited the second spell.

A mirror appeared in the center of the treasury as a result of his recitation. However, this time, it didn't lead to the grotto but instead to the endless field outside the treasury. This confirmed that the second spell in the book wasn't location-limited and could be used in any enclosed space to create a magical way out.

'The last thing I need to confirm is its usability in the real world.'

Valerius returned to the real world and tested the spell in his bathroom. The mirror appeared again. On the other side of the mirror, his room was reflected, confirming that the book of spells worked in the real world too.

This realization led Valerius to conclude that if the second spell was usable, then the first spell should be too. However, given that he had no control over the first spell and the potential dangers it posed, he knew he couldn't use it lightly.

'It is a powerful tool, but one... that requires careful consideration before use. I won't use it unless I am in a sticky situation.'

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