3.37% To change your destiny and mine. (BL) / Chapter 1: 'Destiny awaits you.': He whose soul is lost.

章節 1: 'Destiny awaits you.': He whose soul is lost.

It is said that a prophecy is a foretelling or prediction of future events, some call it a blessing, while others call it a warning. Many people also believe that prophecies are just one's destiny that has been written in the stars, a celestial script meant to guide the people who live in the mortal realm. 

But what happens when a prophecy that was supposed to help avoid destruction of an empire, actually leads the empire and its people to doom? 

The empire of Celestria.

Nestled beneath the vast expanse of the celestial heavens, the Celestrian empire sprawls across the land like a colossus, its borders stretching far and wide, swallowing landscapes diverse and captivating.

The empire had been built over a thousand years ago, and from its creation until the present era, it had never had a genuine threat.

Until...the 'prophecy.'

For many years, the priests of Celestria had received countless prophecies, those of which helped the empire thrive to its current glory. It has gone to the point that the empire had another name outside of its domain. 

Celestria, the empire that is loved by the Gods. 

The blessed land. 

So on and so forth...

All previous emperors and the current one had no apprehensions when the time came that another prophecy was given.

So, no one could've expected the tragedy that will befall the mighty Celestrian empire. 

During the annual Founding Celebration of the empire, the four kings that governed the four lands in Celestria gathered to celebrate with their emperor to mark another successful year, as they were about to toast, a priest barges in to deliver a letter from the bishop.

A letter that contains a new prophecy received from the heavens. Overjoyed, the emperor did not hesitate to open the letter and read it as he stood in front of his peers, expecting that it would, once again, be good news. 

Unfortunately, it was not what he had been expecting. 

'In shadows deep and daylight's gleam,

A prophecy foretells a destined dream.

Two born on the eve of year's last breath,

One blessed by light, one touched by death.

Light and dark, entwined they stand,

Woven fate, as kingdoms expand.

Through magic's dance and secrets untold,

Their destinies entwined, a tale to unfold.'

The prophecy states that two children will be born, one blessed by the God of light, the other cursed with darkness. This shakes the emperor and the kings, he demands the church to explain what this means for the empire, but the priest could only respond with:

"We shall only know once the prophesied children are born."

The emperor, or anyone for that matter, could not understand what that meant. How did the church expect them to wait when a prophecy so ominous exists? And with how many women give birth each day, how will they be able to tell which ones are the children stated in the prophecy? 

No one had the answers. No one could answer. 

The emperor of Celestria waited and waited, he ordered all the doctors and all his kings to monitor each baby that is born everyday. If a youngling seemed off, the church and the emperor would be notified immediately but alas, no suspicious birth had been recorded for months. 

At that point, the prophecy, in the eyes of those who knew about it, thought that it might've been a mistake. It could've been a mistake. 

It wasn't a mistake. 

December 31, Year 210. A strange phenomenon happened in the Celestrian empire. It was a day where no births were recorded, not a single one. 

Well, not until the eve before the month's restart, and another year would have begun. Two queens who had been pregnant gave birth on the same day, at exactly the same time. It was then that the priests who had been present, and even the emperor knew what that meant. 

The only two recorded births on that day were the babies mentioned in the prophecy. 

The first baby was born by the queen of Eversly, one of the four Kingdoms in the Celestrian empire. With hair as white as snow, and blue eyes as bright as the morning sky. Everyone already knew that he was the child blessed by the God of light. 

When the bishop learned of this, the baby was already considered a saint, a miracle, and a hero. Overjoyed, the king and queen of Eversly immediately thought of a name fit for their beautiful son. 

Caelum, which meant "heaven" or "sky"

A name that evokes a sense of grandeur and celestial importance.

In contrast to the celebration in the Kingdom of Eversly, a tragic event befell the second queen who had given birth. 

The queen of Wycliffe had died as soon as her son was born. The priest assigned to oversee the second baby's nativity was horrified as he laid his eyes on the baby that was surely cursed with darkness. 

With hair as black as the night sky, and eyes bright yellow, resembling the moon. The baby rested quietly in the arms of his deceased mother as the king of Wycliffe wept beside them. 

The youngling, though born healthy with no defects, and with a face that could only be described as innocent, was looked at with contempt. To everyone's surprise, the only person who had not gazed maliciously at the evil spawn was his father, the king of Wycliffe. The priest who was beside him attempted to encourage him to dispose of the child. 

That 'it' was the cause of his wife's death. 

The king wiped his tear-stained face as he took the baby away from his mother's chest and held him gently into his arms. The king had announced that he did not believe that his child was evil, nor was it even mentioned in the prophecy that the child cursed with darkness would commit any evil acts. 

It was only stated in the prophecy that they will be born, there was nothing about the dangers of the child. 

So, despite the priest's interjection, the Wycliffe king says with determination that his son was good. He had also told the emperor, who was present with the use of magical arrays, that he believed his child should be given the chance to live as there is no certainty that he will cause anyone harm. 

The emperor, though hesitant, agreed and asked for the child's name. The Wycliffe king smiles proudly as if he had been given a new purpose in life and said.

"This child's name shall be Eirian Wycliffe, his name represents the words bright and radiant, to which I'm sure he will be."



Zak, a 21-year-old college student, screams frustratedly to himself as he stares at a specific chapter of the book he was reading for the third time. "This prologue was so well-written! I had such high hopes for it...until..."

He sat up from his bed rather abruptly with a huff. "Until this shitty ending!" He yells angrily, pointing at the final page that was slightly crumpled.

Zak was a fan of fantasy novels, specifically the ones that involve a tragic protagonist that is given a happy ending. Zak particularly loved happy endings. 

When he was browsing for new novels to read in his favorite book shop, he had come across a single book that, for some reason, had no author, it looked pretty simple, it didn't even have a book cover.

The title of the book was 'Destiny awaits you.' Zak thought the title was a bit cheesy but he was still drawn to it. 

So, he bought it and took it home, reading it without wasting any more time. Just by the prologue, Zak was already hooked. As someone who had read countless fantasy novels, Zak thought that the plot was pretty unique so he continued it. 

"Everything was going so well! He was finally a mage and a prince that people respected...He was supposed to finally have his happy ending."

The novel was set in a world where magic existed, and the protagonist, Eirian, attended a magical academy where he was scrutinized for being 'cursed.' 

"I was so happy when I found out that Eirian was actually the child blessed with light, and Caelum was actually the one cursed with darkness." Zak mumbled, feeling dejected, still staring at the final page. 

He was trying to think about what he could do. 

Zak wanted to magically change the ending of the book just by staring at it, maybe it'd work, though he knew there was no chance it would, he still tried. 

'Hold on.'

"Maybe there is a chance to change this? Maybe, if I can contact the author, I can ask them to kindly change the ending. That'd work, right? This ending is so unfair anyways." Zak, with all his delusion, smiled happily but it instantly dropped when he realized one small detail. 

"No...I almost forgot. The author didn't credit themselves for the book, and there's no information online either."

When Zak was starting to really like the book, he had attempted to look for the author or even just forums about the novel itself but he found nothing. It's as if the book didn't exist elsewhere. He didn't mind it at first since he really liked the book, all he wanted at the time was to talk to others about it. 

It didn't bother him until now that he really needed to talk to someone.

'Think, Zak, think. What else can I do?' Zak racked his brain for ideas. If there was no information online, then maybe there could be information elsewhere. Right?


Now, where could he possibly find any information? The answer was already obvious and the imaginary lightbulb that lit up on top of Zak's head directed him to the one place he didn't know why he hadn't considered before: The bookstore. 

It could've been the bookstore owner's original work, or someone the owner knew could be the author. 

"Yes! I'm so smart. I should go right now before they close up. It's Sunday tomorrow so if I don't go now, I'll have to wait until Monday before they open again and..." Zak determinately pumps his fist, hyping himself. "I don't want to wait a long time before I could find out why and how Eirian died after he killed Caelum."

"And why did it just end there? It's as if the whole novel just stopped the moment Eirian just suddenly dies! It's ridiculous."

He just had to know.

With that, Zak jumps out of the bed with the novel in his hand. He was about to wear his jacket but first decided to close the book first. 

But as soon as the book closes...



Zak's chest tightened, a vice grip of agony squeezing around his heart as if the very organ was being crushed in a relentless grip. Sharp, stabbing pains radiates down his left arm, the pain intensifying with each beat. His breaths came in ragged gasps, as if an invisible weight pressed against his lungs.



'What's...happening to me?'

Zak couldn't speak, his vision blurred, the world around him becoming a hazy, distorted landscape. The colors seemed to bleed together, and the edges of reality blurred into a surreal abstraction. The room spun, a dizzying whirlpool that threatened to pull him under.

'It hurts. My chest hurts.'



As beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead, Zak clutched at his chest, desperate for relief. His body trembled, limbs growing weaker with each passing moment. The pain, an unrelenting storm, seemed to echo in his ears, drowning out the world around him.



'Make it stop. Please. Make it stop.'

The room tilted, and Zak's legs gave way beneath him. He collapsed to the floor, his vision now reduced to dim shadows dancing in the encroaching darkness. The pain persisted, a cruel symphony that resonated through every fiber of his being.

"Live. Stay alive. Please don't die."

He could hear a soft, desperate whisper so close to his ear, it almost seemed like someone was actually next to him.




'Who are you?'

That was Zak's final thought until he heard his heart stop and silence fills the room.




It was odd. Very odd. 

Zak was in pain only moments ago, it felt as though he was dying. Well, he was sure he was actually dying, he heard his own heartbeat stop. 

And it was still not beating anymore but...Why did he still have his conscience? He was still, somewhat, alive. 

But how?

'I can't feel anything.'

He still had the ability to think, so he most likely wasn't dead yet. That was the only thing he knew about his situation. Now, his main question was if he's gonna stay alive or if this is a few moments before his actual death. 

After a few moments of utter silence, Zak hears something both unexpected and relieving. 



It was his heart. It was beating again. 

Zak internally sighed in relief. 'So, I'm not dead yet. Thank God.' It seems he survived death, which was still odd considering everything happened so quickly. 

'I should get myself checked once I manage to open my eyes...Speaking of, I should try getting up.'

Though Zak could feel his heart beating inside his chest, he couldn't feel anything else. So, he tried to move his eyes.

As he struggled to coax his eyes open, a sense of frustration welled inside him. 'Come on, come on. I can do this.' He thought to himself over and over. 

Following many ineffective attempts to open his eyes, Zak began to feel his senses gradually coming back. He observed progress; he could see the faint hints of awareness, the curtain of unconsciousness slowly lifting.

Just as his eyelids were about to open, he felt as though something was suffocating him. It was as if the air inside him disappeared and was replaced by a freezing sensation on his skin, and something invisible was pulling at the very core of him.

'Shit,' he swore, giving in to yet another throb of agonizing pain.

Zak had the same impulse to scream in the middle of the agony that he had experienced previously. 

Summoning every ounce of his strength, he attempted to vocalize his distress. His eyes snapped open, and his body convulsed as he gasped for air. Vision blurred, he winced at the assault of a bright light.

"Oh my God... Finally," Zak exhaled raggedly, his words trailing off.

As Zak's vision gradually cleared, he felt like his eyes were about to bulge out from their sockets when he saw the sight in front of him.

"W-What...What the hell?"

He was in a room that did not fit into the little space of his flat. The room was large, with intricately patterned high ceilings.

Richly embroidered tapestries, featuring fantastical animals and scenery, tumbled down the walls. The furniture exuded luxury and good taste since it was beautifully detailed. 'This is not my apartment.'

Zak turns his attention to the bed he woke up on with both a horrified expression and a look in awe.

The bed was a grand canopy, draped in rich fabrics, dominating the room's center. Its posts were intricately carved with scenes of celestial beings, and the bedding seemed to shimmer in the ambient light.

The floor beneath Zak's feet was covered in plush carpets, their intricate designs reflecting a level of craftsmanship that bespoke regality.

This was definitely not his room. 

Now the question remains, where was he and how did he end up at that place?

Zak threw his legs over the edge of the bed, preparing to rise up, but something seemed wrong, and he couldn't help but feel confused. There was something strange and disorienting about the weight of his hair falling down his back.

"What the..." It seems that he has been repeating the same words ever since he woke up but he couldn't help it.

Reaching up instinctively, his fingers found smooth, silky strands that defied the short, brown hair he'd known his whole life. The vivid color, an unexpected shade of pink, caused his eyes to expand in disbelief.

Zak looked about him, registering the strange attire adorning his body. The material felt strange on his skin, and even his hands appeared changed when he looked down at them.

'These clothes...'

It was as if he had stepped into another person's body.

"This...is not my body?"

Waking up in a different room, in a body that was unfamiliar to him. His current situation was familiar, and it dawned on him almost immediately.

"Impossible. It can't be...Right? It can't." He mumbled to himself. He scanned around the room looking for something specific and when his eyes landed on it, he didn't waste any time. 

Zak ran up to a large mirror next to the bed. The shock came over him like a massive wave as he gazed into the reflecting surface. His guesses had been right on.

Zak saw a female in the mirror who had a subtle grace. She had long, fluffy pink hair that fell to her shoulders, framing a face that was somewhat flushed. Matching delicate pink, the eyes exuded a particular purity that defied conventional gender roles.

Unquestionably feminine characteristics, they made Zak wonder what kind of person he was living as.

"I guess...I'm a girl now?" Zak said, staring at his reflection in the mirror. The feminine shape was suggested by the thin construction and the elegant curves. Still, he had some concerns as he started to investigate this new body. 

It was because his voice did not sound like it belonged to a female.

Zak cautiously turned his attention within, searching for the bodily signs that would either confirm or dispel his doubt. A quiet realization that transcended the surface emerged from a moment of reflection as he felt something familiar.

"No," he concluded, the realization grounding itself within his consciousness. "Definitely a boy."

The delicate features and the pink aesthetic may have obscured the truth momentarily, but the internal confirmation anchored Zak's understanding of the body he now inhabited.

"I guess I've really...."

Shakily, he placed a hand on the cold glass of the mirror, his free hand touched his face. 

"I've possessed someone--" His words were abruptly cut off by the sound of soft knocking on his door. He jumps slightly, surprised by the sudden sound. 

He didn't do anything though. He was still in shock, and he didn't know what to do, or who he was at the moment. 

'What should I do?' He was panicking. It didn't help that whoever was knocking didn't go away, and instead, knocked again making him flinch. 'I don't even know whose body I'm in.'

He was about to speak, to ask who it was but the person spoke first. 

"Your imperial highness? Are you awake? It's me...Adham."

'Imperial highness...?' He thought, his mouth gaping a bit in surprise. 'I could tell this person was rich by the room and the clothes, but I didn't think they'd be royalty.'

The question now was who exactly was he? Was he in a different universe or was he still in the same timeline and universe where he was originally from. Did he transmigrate into a book? If so, which one? 

There were so many possible answers, and he thanked the stars that he had a phase where he was obsessed with reincarnation or transmigration stories because it was easier to accept, and he thought it was better than just dying.

But first, he had to figure out who he was. 

Luckily, when he didn't answer, it didn't take the person or Adham, to speak again, and with the answers to Zak's question. "Prince Azrael, are you awake?"

"Azrael?" He repeated, his eyes slowly widening. The name was familiar, he recognized it almost immediately. 

It was impossible not to know that name, considering it was a name that was mentioned inside his favorite novel. 

A character mentioned only twice. 

Azrael glances at his reflection once more, his face expressionless as many thoughts plagued his mind but only one stood out. 

"I've transmigrated into 'Destiny Awaits You'...And as a minor character that dies in the second chapter."


KazTheWriter KazTheWriter

Hi! This is my very first BL novel. I might be biting off more than I can chew because I decided to go for a fantasy genre.

My chapters aren't beta'd, so feel free to give me your thoughts for each chapter. I'm hoping to really develop this story as I have high hopes for it.

Thank you!

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